Persiapan Asi Eksklusif Ibu Hamil Di RB Eva Candi Sidoarjo: Evi Rinata ), Hafmi Putri Syahilda Hamdi )
Persiapan Asi Eksklusif Ibu Hamil Di RB Eva Candi Sidoarjo: Evi Rinata ), Hafmi Putri Syahilda Hamdi )
Persiapan Asi Eksklusif Ibu Hamil Di RB Eva Candi Sidoarjo: Evi Rinata ), Hafmi Putri Syahilda Hamdi )
Preparation of exclusive breastfeeding for pregnant mother is an effort made by pregnant mother to
facilitate breastfeeding exclusively, includes information search, breast care, nutritional preparation
for breastfeeding, and psychological preparation for breastfeeding. Based on introduction study for
pregnant in 3rd trimester, there were 62,5% haven’t prepared exclusive breastfeeding who could
impact to the success of exclusive breastfeeding program. The purpose of this research was to know
the description the preparation of exclusive breastfeeding at Eva’s Maternity Hospital, Candi,
Sidoarjo. The type of research was used descriptive study with survey approach. The data retrieval
was conducted in July to August 2015 primarily using a structured interview guide to thirty pregnant
mothers in 3rd trimester. The collected data were presented in distribution table and analyzed
descriptively without statistical test. The result showed almost a half, there were 46,7% of less
prepare exclusive breastfeeding during pregnancy respondents, 36,7% had done enough
preparation, and only 16,7% had been prepared well. This was because 30 of respondents had not
tried to find information about exclusive breastfeeding, 20% had not done breast-care yet during
pregnancy, 50% had not prepared the nutritions for breastfeeding, and 50% had not prepared
psychologically for breastfeeding. The research was concluded there were still less preparation of
exclusive breastfeeding to pregnant mother. The suggestion for health workers that they have to
improve the preparation of exclusive breastfeeding to pregnant mother so that mothers can prepare
for feeding and increase the success of exclusive breasfeeding program.
Keywords: Preparation exclusive breastfeeding for pregnant mother
Persiapan ASI eksklusif ibu hamil merupakan usaha yang dilakukan ibu hamil untuk memperlancar
pemberian ASI eksklusif, meliputi upaya pencarian informasi ASI eksklusif, perawatan payudara,
persiapan nutrisi untuk menyusui dan persiapan psikologis untuk menyusui. Studi pendahuluan pada
ibu hamil trimester III didapatkan 62,5% belum mempersiapkan ASI eksklusif yang dapat
mempengaruhi keberhasilan ASI eksklusif. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran persiapan
ASI eksklusif ibu hamil di RB Eva Candi – Sidoarjo. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian
deskriptif. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2015 secara primer menggunakan
pedoman wawancara terstruktur kepada 30 ibu hamil trimester III. Data disajikan dalam tabel
distribusi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif tanpa uji statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hampir
setengahnya yaitu 46,7% ibu hamil kurang mempersiapkan ASI eksklusif selama kehamilan, 36,7%
telah melakukan persiapan dengan cukup dan hanya 16,7% yang persiapannya baik. Hal ini
dikarenakan 30% responden belum berupaya mencari informasi ASI eksklusif, 20% belum
melakukan perawatan payudara selama kehamilan, 50% belum mempersiapkan nutrisi untuk
menyusui dan 50% belum mempersiapkan psikologis untuk menyusui. Simpulan penelitian persiapan
ASI eksklusif ibu hamil masih kurang. Saran kepada petugas kesehatan harus meningkatkan asuhan
persiapan ASI eksklusif pada ibu hamil sehingga ibu lebih siap untuk menyusui bayinya serta
meningkatkan keberhasilan ASI eksklusif.
Kata Kunci : Persiapan, ASI eksklusif pada ibu hamil