ND Lesson Plan Template
ND Lesson Plan Template
ND Lesson Plan Template
Year Level: 6 Time: 9:00-10:00am Date: 25/10/19 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
- YouTube video uploaded - Students who may not be able to use the iPad
- 30 worksheets printed out properly, will share an iPad with one of their
- Anecdotal note grid set out and ready to go group members.
- iPads, charged and ready to be used - Students will be put in groups, so those
students who struggle to find a group will be
put in group like everyone else.
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
Questions to be posed:
- What does a trash rack do?
- Why do you think we will be learning about trash racks and
proceeding to create a model of one?
- What are some of the features that you saw in those
pictures that are important to a functioning trash rack?
- In their small groups, students are going to be using the
class iPads to research trash racks.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be
Design Your Own Trash Rack (Worksheet)
List what parts of a trash rack are important for it to effectively pick up and store rubbish?
For what environmental reason is a trash rack designed for and why do you think we are designing our
own trash rack?
Draw some of the important features that you believe should be included in your design
List the Identify Notes / comments
most what the
important main
features of a function of
functioning a trash
trash rack. rack is.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Group 9
Group 10
“Sustainability can be defined as the ability to maintain healthy environmental, social and
economic systems in balance, indefinitely, on a global and local scale” (James Cook University,
n.d.). In this project students are going to be designing their own model trash rack and this
project directly links in with sustainability as trash racks only use is to collect and store rubbish
in water systems. It provides students with an understanding of how environmental systems
interact and help support human life, it provides students with the knowledge to go out and live
sustainable lives and appreciate how the development goals of suitability are working to create
a better world.
This project links in well with the sustainable development goal 14 “Life on Land” as the rubbish
that is floating around in oceans and waterways is affecting all life underwater and these trash
racks are working towards decreasing the amount of waste in our oceans. It also closely links in
goal 12 “Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns,” as the students will be bringing
in reusable items from home, so this project is making sure there is a sustainable consumption
of product.
This project is not only building towards a sustainable living as the sole purpose is to reduce the
amount of waste in our waterways, but it is also working towards the reduction of consumption
of material, as we are using second hand reusable material to design our models.
Reference list
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). Sustainability. Retrieved from
School Curriculum and Standards Authority. (2014). Western Australian curriculum: Technologies
Water Control Solutions. (n.d.). Trash Screens & Trash Racks. Retrieved from