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Rate Contract and empanelment of firms for Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plants for
the Design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and Commissioning including 5 years
comprehensive warranty maintenance of 1 kWp to 25 kWp under the Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar
Power Plants of MNRE Phase-II and the Solar Power Policy of the State of Uttar Pradesh in various
places in the State of Uttar Pradesh.

e-tender No.- 01/UPNEDA/SPV/GCRT/2019-20

Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA)

(Deptt. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt. of U.P.)
VibhutiKhand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, U. P.
Tel.No. 91-0522-2720652, TeleFax: 0522-2720779, 2720829
Website:www.upneda.org.in e-mail: compneda@rediffmail.com

The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in the E-Tender document
set up under the Electricity Act 2003;

"B.I.S" shall mean specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS);

“Bids” shall mean the Technical Bid and the Financial Bid submitted by the Bidder
electronically atthe prescribed web portal, in response to the e-bid document, in accordance with
the terms and conditions hereof;

“Bid Deadline” shall mean the last date and time for submission of Bid in response to the e-
biddocument, and as may have been extended in accordance with the e-bid document;

“Bidding Company” shall refer to such single company that has submitted the Bid in
accordancewith the provisions of the e-tender document;

“Bid Validity” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 3.6

“Bid Capacity” shall means capacity offered by the bidder in his Bidunder invitation.
“CEA” shall mean Central Electricity Authority.
“Commissioning” means Successful operation of the Project / Works bythe Contractor, for the
purpose of carrying out Performance Test(s) as defined in tender document.
“Capacity Utilization Factor” (CUF) shall mean the ratio of actualenergy generated by SPV
project over the year to the equivalent energy output at its rated capacity over the yearly period.
CUF = actual annual energy generated from the plant in kWh / (installed plant capacity in kW
* 365 * 24).
“Consents, Clearances and Permits” shall mean all authorizations, licenses,
approvals,registrations, permits, waivers, privileges, acknowledgements, agreements, or
concessions required to be obtained from or provided by any concerned authority for the
purpose of installation of the generation plant or captive consumption of such generation;

“Earnest Money Deposit” shall mean the unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee of
anamount as mentioned in this document, to be submitted along with the Bid by the Bidder as
prescribed in this tender document;

“Electricity” means the electrical energy in kilowatt hours;

“Electricity Act 2003” shall mean the Electricity Act, 2003 and any rules, amendments,
regulation,notifications, guidelines or policies issued there under from time to time;

“Financial Bid” shall mean the e-Bid, containing the Bidder‟s QuotedCapital Costfor in the
Part -B of the e-bid document;

"IEC" shall mean specifications of International Electro-technicalCommission;

"kWp" shall mean kilo-Watt Peak;

"kWh" shall mean kilo-Watt-hour;

"MNRE" shall mean Ministry of New and Renewable Energy,Government of India;

“Minimum Bid Capacity” shall mean for established firm which is the minimum capacity for
which the Bidder can submit its Bid. Bidder(s) quoting less the minimum bid capacity shall be
out-rightly rejected;
"O&M" shall mean Operation & Maintenance of Rooftop Solar PV systemfor 5 years;
“Owner of the project” shall mean anyone who has ownership(including lease ownership also)
of the roof and is the legal owner of all equipment‟s of the project.

“Plant” shall mean rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation plants implemented on the

“PV” shall mean photovoltaic;

“Eligibility Conditions”shall mean the qualification requirements set forth in Clause 1.1

“Quoted Capital Cost” shall mean the capital cost requirement, in Wp, quoted by the Bidder
inaccordance with the prescribed Format B and shall be construed to have considered the capital
cost for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants including its Operation and Maintenance for five (5) years. The
quoted capital cost shall also include development of necessary evacuation infrastructure and its
Operation and Maintenance;
“Rs. or ₹” shall mean Indian rupees;
“UPERC” means the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission constituted under
Section82of the Electricity Act 2003 for the State of Uttar Pradesh;
“UP Electricity Grid Code” or “Grid Code” or “UPEGC” shall mean the document notified
by theUPERC describing the responsibilities for planning and operation of the power system in
Uttar Pradesh in 2007 and as amended from time to time;
“Performance Ratio” (PR) means
“Performance Ratio” (PR) means the ratio of plant output versus installed plant capacity at any
instance with respect to the radiation measured. PR= (Measured output in kW / Installed Plant
capacity in kW * (1000 W/m2/Measured radiation intensity in W/m2).
“Security Deposit/Performance Guarantee” shall mean the bank guarantee to be provided
from a Selected Bidder to the UPNEDA in accordance with the prescribed Format in this bid
“Successful Bidder(s) /Contractor/Project Developers(s)” shall meanthe Bidder(s) selected
by UPNEDDA pursuant to this TENDER for Implementation of Grid Connected Roof Top
Solar PV System as per the terms of the thisdocument, and to whom an Allocation Letter has
been issued;
“Wp” shall mean Watt Peak.
“1KWp for the purpose of conversion in Wp shall be considered as1000Wp
e-tender Notice
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, (UPNEDA)
(Deptt. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt. of U.P.)
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
TeleFax: 0522-2720779, 2720829
Website:www.upneda.org.in E-Mail: compneda@rediffmail.com
UPNEDA invites Online Bids from Prospective Bidders through e-tendering for Rate discovery and
empanelment of firms for Grid Connected net metering Rooftop Solar Power Plants for the Design,
manufacture, supply, erection, testing and Commissioning including 5 years comprehensive warranty
maintenance of 1 kWp to 25 kWp under the Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar Power Plants of MNRE and
the Solar Power Policy of the State of Uttar Pradesh in various places in the State of Uttar Pradesh.
Sl No Name of Work Capacity Tender fees
1 Rate Contract and empanelment of firms for Grid The tentative 25000.00
Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plants for the Design, capacity is 60 + 18%
manufacture, supply, erection, testing and Commissioning MW subject to GST
including 5 years comprehensive warranty maintenance of MNRE allocation =29500.00
1 kWp to 25 kWp under the Grid Interactive Rooftop for the current
Solar Power Plants of MNRE and the Solar Power Policy year. The final
of the State of Uttar Pradesh in various places in the State capacity shall be
of Uttar Pradesh. as per MNRE
The tender document is available at e-Procurement website http://etender.up.nic.in. Interested bidders may
view, download the e-Bid document, seek clarification and submit their e-Bid online up to the date and
time mentioned in the table below:
(a) Pre-Bid meeting 24.9.2019 up to 11.30 AM

(b) e-Bid submission end date & Time 8.10.2019 up to 6.30 PM

(c) Online technical e-Bid opening date & time 9.10.2019 at 11.30 AM

( d) Online financial e-Bid opening date & time 15.10.2019 at 3.30 PM

(Only of technically qualified bidders)

(e) Venue of pre bid, opening of technical & UPNEDA Head Office, Vibhuti Khand,
financial e-Bid Gomti Nagar,Lucknow-226010
The bidders need to submit the proof/cost of e-Bid document fees and EMD as stated in the table A through
Demand Draft as bid documents fees and bank guarantee as EMD in favour of Director Uttar Pradesh New and
Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA), payable at LUCKNOW. The scanned copy of the Demand Draft
and Bank guarantee must be enclosed along with the e -Bids. The original Demand Draft and bank guarantee along with
the hard copy of the first Part of the tender document with enclosures duly signed by bidders must reach the office of
UPNEDA at Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow before opening date and time of technical e -Bid failing which,
tender shall not be considered. Numbers of the system mentioned as above, may increase or decrease. Director, Uttar
Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, (UPNEDA) reserves the right to reject any or all tenders
without assigning any reason thereof. The decision of Director UPNEDA will be final and binding.

3.Covering Letter:

FROM:- (Full name and address of the Bidder)


The Director,
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy
Development Agency (UPNEDA)
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- U. P.

Subject: - Offer in response to e-tender specification No: 01/UPNEDA/SPV/GCRT/2019-20

We hereby submit our offer in full compliance with terms & conditions of the above e-
tender. A copy of the e-tender (except financial bid), duly signed on each page along with all
enclosure is also submitted as a proof of our acceptance of all specifications as well as terms/
We confirm that, we have the capability for supplying, installation, testing and
commissioning of Grid connected Rooftop Solar PV Power Plant with power evacuation
system-including meters and other necessary infrastructures including 5 years Operation,
Comprehensive warranty & maintenance of Solar Grid connected Rooftop PV Power Plants
including power evacuation system of more than ……. KWp capacity in 11 months. Based on
eligibility and capacity to carry out work within the specified time of this bid, we are quoting as
per following:
Categories Capacity in KW
(1 to 10 KWp)
PART-B (11-25KW )


Accordingly we are depositing the EMD of RS----------------- in the form of DD/FD/BG

valid for-----months or
Exempted as MSE of Uttar Pradesh based for which certificate from DIC/NSIC is enclosed at
The e-tender is to be uploaded in two separate files named Part-A for technical bid & Part-B
for Financial Bid only.
(Signature of Bidder)
With Seal
4 Check list of Annexure
(The following information/documents are to be annexed and flagged by the Bidders along with
the BID)
S.N Annexure No. Particulars Yes/No, Flag No.
Annexure-I (a) Details of Tender document fees (Demand Draft no,
date, amount and bank name)
1 Annexure-I (b) Details of Earnest money (bank guarantee no. and
date, (valid for four months)
Annexure-II a A Registered manufacturing Company/Firm/
Corporation duly incorporated under the relevant
laws of its jurisdiction.
Annexure-II b An experience of Design, Supply, Installation,
Testing, Commissioning of solar photovoltaic
power generating plants rooftop power plants, grid
connected and including operation & maintenance
grid interactive power plant (on an individual) as a
2 developer of the plant or as an EPC Provider
Annexure-II c cumulative experience of executing >= 100KWp Grid
connected SPV Power Plants & /Off-Grid SPV
Power Plant in India (A copy of the work order
and certificate for commissioning of solar
photovoltaic power generating plants ground mounted
and/or rooftop power plants, grid connected and/or off-
grid to be mandatorily enclosed)
Annexure-III Following Test Certificates & Reports for components
specified in technical bid
1. SPV Modules
III (a) a) IEC 61215 edition II/ IS 14286 for Crystalline
III (b) b) IEC 61730 Part 1 & 2
III (c) c) STC Performance Report –I V curve .
III (d) IEC test report must be valid till March 2020 and STC
3 performance certificate must be issued after 1 April
2. PCU cum Inverters
III (a) MPPT and Protections-IEC 61683 /IS 61683 &
IEC 60068-2 (1,2,14,30)/ equivalent BIS
Standard, IEC 62116-2008 and UL 1741 for
anti-islanding protection grid interconnectivity and
IEC 62109-1 & 2 for electrical safety and parallel
operations. The test certificate should be issued
after 1 April 2016
Annexure-V Overall Average Annual Turnover of the
Company/Firm/Corporation in the last three financial
5 years i.e 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 (A
summarized sheet of turnover of last three Financial
Years certified by registered CA)
Annexure-VI A copy of valid GST registration certificate.
Annexure-VII A summarized sheet of cumulative experience in
7 PV Systems /power plants certified by registered
CA in format 4
Annexure-VIII Authorization letter of the Bidder, for the person
8 representing his firm, that he is authorized to
discussed with specification mention of this e-
Annexure-IX Others
XIII(i).Affidavit from Firm has not been debarred
or Blacklisted by any Government
department or undertaking
XIII(ii) Minimum Generation details.
XIII (iii). -------------------
* Please flag the annexure and write flag number in the box. Note:- Bids received without
supporting documents for the various requirements mentioned in the tender document may be
(Signature of Bidder)
With Seal
5 Particulars of e-tender
1 e-tender no. 01/UPNEDA/GCRT/2019-20
2 Particulars of the work Design Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plant and power evacuation system –
including meters and other necessary infrastructures
including 5 years Operation, Comprehensive Warranty
and Maintenance of Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plants and power evacuation system
in various Districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh
3 Period of Agreement Rate contract for 12 months,

5 Period of validity of rates for 3 months from opening of financial bid

8 Place of opening of e-tender UPNEDA, Head Office,
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
1. Bidders are advised to study the tender Document carefully. Submission of e-Bid against
this tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the
procedures, terms and conditions of the tender Document with full understanding of its
2. The e-Bid prepared in accordance with the procedures enumerated in ITB Clause 15 of
Section-I should be submitted through e-Procurement website http://etender.up.nic.in.
3. The e-Bids will be electronically opened in the presence of bidder‟s representatives, who
choose to attend at the venue, date and time mentioned in the above table. An authority letter
of bidder‟s representative will be required to be produced.
4. In the event of date specified for e-Bids opening being declared a holiday for UPNEDA‟s
office then the due date for opening of e-Bids shall be the following working day at the
appointed time and place.
5. All the required documents including Price Schedule/BOQ should be uploaded by the e-
Bidder electronically in the PDF/XLS format. The required electronic documents for each
document label of Technical (Fee details, Qualification details, e-Bid Form and Technical
Specification details) schedules/packets can be clubbed together to make single different files
for each label. All the enclosures should be scanned and uploaded with bid.
6. The companies/firms who are registered at e-Procurement portal for e-tendering with
U.P. Electronics Corporation Ltd. (UPLC), 10, Ashok Marg, Lucknow (UP) would only be
eligible for participating in this e-tender. All companies/firms who have not registered
themselves with UPLC for e-tendering till date can get their registration done. The
companies/firms may contact the UPLC officials on phone numbers 0522-2286809, 0522-
2288750 (O) 0522-4130303 (Extn: 303, 304 & 307), for their Registration/Digital Signature
Certificate related queries.
(Signature of Bidder)With Seal
1 Name of Bidder

2 Postal Address

3 Mobile no.

4 Telephone, Telex, Fax No

5 E-mail

6 Web site

7 Name, designation and Mobile Phone No. of

the representative of the Bidder to whom all
references shall be made
8 Name and address of the Indian/foreign
Collaboration if any
9 Have anything/extra other than price of items
(as mentioned in price Schedule) been
written in the price schedule.
10 Have the Bidder to pay arrears of income tax.
f yes up to what amount?
11 Have the Bidder ever been debarred By any
Govt. Deptt./ Undertaking for undertaking
any work?
12 Monthly supply capacity (attach supporting
13 Details of offer (please mention number of
pages and number of Drawings in the hard
14 Reference of any other information attached
by the tenderer (please Mention no. of pages
& no. of drawings)

(Signature of Bidder)
With Seal
(Regarding e-tender 01/UPNEDA/GCRT/2019-20

We______________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as

the Bidder) being desirous of e-tendering for the work under the above mentioned e-tender and
having fully understood the nature of the work and having carefully noted all the terms and
conditions, specifications etc. as mentioned in the e-tender document,
1. The Bidder is fully aware of all the requirements of the e-tender document and agrees with
all provisions of the e-tender document.
2. The Bidder is capable of executing and completing the work as required in the e-tender.

3. The Bidder accepts all risks and responsibilities directly or indirectly connected with the
performance of the e-tender.
4. The Bidder has no collusion with other Bidders, any employee of UPNEDA or with any
other person or firm in the preparation of the bid.
5. The Bidder has not been influenced by any statement or promises of UPNEDA or any of its
employees, but only by the e-tender document.

6. The Bidder is financially solvent and sound to execute the work.

7. The Bidder is sufficiently experienced and competent to perform the contract to the
satisfaction of UPNEDA.
8. The information and the statements submitted with the e-tender are true.
9. The Bidder is familiar with all general and special laws, acts, ordinances, rules and
regulations of the Municipal, District, State and Central Government that may affect the
work, its performance or personnel employed therein.
10. The Bidder has not been debarred from similar type of work by UPNEDA and or
Government undertaking/ Department.
11. This offer shall remain valid for acceptance for 3 Months from the date of opening of
financial bid of e-tender.
12. The Bidder gives the assurance to execute the e-tendered work as per specifications terms
and conditions.
13. The Bidder confirms the capability to Supply, Install, Testing and Commissioning including
5 years Operation ,Comprehensive Warranty and Maintenance of Grid Interactive Rooftop
Solar PV Power Plantsand power evacuation system – including meters and other necessary
infrastructures of actual KWp--------------------- in various Districts in the State of Uttar
Pradesh in 11 months of Grid Interactive Solar Rooftop PV Power /Plants and power
evacuation system – including meters and other necessary infrastructures .

(Signature of Bidder)
with SEAL
The e-tender procedure and contract terms are prescribed in the e-tender Documents. In
addition to the e-tender Notice the Bidding documents include.
Part - 1
1 e-tender Notice
2 Covering Letter
3 Checklist of Annexures
4 Particulars of e-tender
5 General Particulars of Bidder
6 Declaration by Bidder
Part – 2 : Instruction to Bidders
Section -1 Contents of e-tender document
Section-2 Bidder to inform fully
Section -3 Eligibility condition
Section-4 Preparation of e-tender
Section-5 Submission of e-tender
Section -6 e-tender opening and evaluation
Section-7 Procedure for Finalisation of Bid

Part – 3 : General Condition of Contract

Part – 4 : Scope of Work & Technical specifications
Part – 5 : Details of Warranty
Part – 6 : Technical Bid

Financial Bid
The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications as mentioned
in the e-tender document. Failure to furnish all information required by the e-tender documents
or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Tender documentin every respect will
be at the Bidder's risk and is likely to result in out-right rejection of the e-tender .
It shall be imperative on each bidder to fully inform him of all local conditions and
factors, which may have any effect on the execution of the works covered under these
documents and specifications. UPNEDA shall not entertain any request for clarifications
from the Bidder, regarding such local conditions.
I. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the e-tender Documents may contact
UPNEDA in writing through mail or by Fax at the UPNEDA's mailing address indicated
in this tender by 25.9.2019 up to 5.00 PM.
II. All are requested to remain updated with the website. No separate reply/ intimation will
be given elsewhere. Verbal clarifications and information's given by the UPNEDA or its
employees or its representatives shall not be in any way entertained
III. The UPNEDA is not under any obligation to entertain or respond to suggestions made or
to incorporate modifications sought for.
At any time prior to the submission of the e-tender the UPNEDA may for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder,
modify the e-tender documents by amendments. Such document shall be made available
on websites: http://neda.up.nic.in.and http://etender.up.nic.in. All are requested to remain
updated with the website. No separate reply/ intimation will be given elsewhere.
1.5 The Bidder shall make independent enquiry and satisfy itself with respect to all the
required information, inputs, conditions, including site conditions and circumstances and
factors that may have any effect on its Bid. Once the Bidder has submitted the Bids, the
Bidder shall be deemed to have examined the laws and regulations in force in India, the
grid conditions, and prepare the Financial Bid and other sections taking into account all
such relevant conditions and also the risks, contingencies and other circumstances which
may influence or affect the implementation of power plants. Accordingly, the Bidder
acknowledges that, on being selected as the Selected Bidder, it shall not be relieved from
any of its obligations foreseen under this Document nor shall be entitled to any extension
of time for commissioning of the plants or financial compensation for any reason
1.6 The Bidders should particularly acquaint themselves with the technical requirements of
integratingthe power plant with the distribution system of the respective distribution
licensee of the State, the regulations specified by Central Electricity Authority, grid
operation as specified in the, the Uttar Pradesh Grid Code and the Uttar Pradesh
Distribution Code.
1.7 In their own interest, the Bidders are requested to familiarize themselves with the
Electricity Act, 2003, scheme announced by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for
promotion of grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants, Regulatory
Framework specified by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, Rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Policy, 2017 announced by Uttar Pradesh Government,
building bye laws prevalent in Uttar Pradesh and any other local laws affecting the
implementation of grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants and all other
related acts, laws, rules and regulations prevalent in India, as amended from time to time.
The UPNEDA shall not entertain any request for clarifications from the Bidders
regarding the same. Non-awareness of these laws or such information shall not be a
reason for the Bidder to request for extension in the Bid Deadline. The Bidder undertakes
and agrees that, before submission of its Bid; all such factors as generally stated above,
have been fully investigated and considered while submitting the Bid.
1.8 The Bidder shall familiarize itself with the procedures and time frames required to obtain
all the Consents, Clearances and Permits required for the supply of power to the Procurer.
The Bidder shall arrange all the Consents, Clearances and Permits required for setting up
of the generation facilities for Primary Beneficiary. It should also arrange for the grid
interconnection of the plant as well as commissioning certificate from respective
Government department.
MNRE has accorded sanction for installation of grid-connected solar roof top power plants in
Uttar Pradesh under “Grid connected rooftop solar programme, Phase-2” of MNRE. The
generated solar power may be utilized for captive application and the surplus power may be fed
to the grid as per the grid connectivity specified in UPERC guidelines on Net metering.
UPNEDA calls for Rate contract Tender for the implementation of about 60MW Grid Connected
Rooftop Solar PV power plant under the CAPEX models. The all successful bidder(s)
participated inthis tenderand willing to execute the work at approved L1 rate will be empanelled
to work in Uttar Pradesh.
Availability of CFA

Type of residential sector CFA (as percentage of benchmark cost or

cost discovered through competitive process
whichever is lower )
Residential sector (maximum up to 3 kW 40 % of benchmark cost**
capacity )
Residential sector (above 3 kW capacity 40 % up to 3 KW**
and up to 10 kW capacity)* Plus 20% for RTS system above 3 kW and
up to 10 kW. Beyond 10 KW no CFA
*The residential sector users may install RTS plant of even higher capacity as provisioned by
respective State electricity regulations; however, the CFA will be limited up to 10 kWp capacity of RTS
** CFA shall be on benchmark cost of MNRE or lowest of the costs discovered in the tender,
whichever is lower

UPNEDA hereby invites interested bidders to participate in the bidding process for
installation of “Grid connected solar rooftop power plants of 60MWunder capex net metring
mode in Uttar Pradesh. The capacity is tentative depends on MNRE allocations of current years,
the final capacity will be as per MNRE allocation for the State.
Mode of Execution of Programme:
The selected contractor shall identify beneficiaries to Design, supply, install, and
commission solar roof top systems and provide mandatory maintenance services for 5 years. To
ensure effective operation and maintenance of the system during 5 years of comprehensive
warranty and maintenance of systems the bidder should set up their repair and maintenance
centers as per requirement.
Vendors for supply and installation of the RTS shall establish a service centre in each
District. In case if it is not economically viable for an individual vendor then Group of vendors
can establish service Centre in each District. Their contact details will be made available on the
website. iv. These service centres have to provide services to the RTS owners within the
timelines specified in the contract, free of cost for first five years (Warranty period) of
commissioning of the RTS. Non-performing/Under-performing PV Panels will be replaced free
of cost in the warranty period. Non-compliance of the service standards by the vendor will make
it ineligible for future work orders by the Government and may be blacklisted
The Programme shall be carried out as given hereunder:-
(i) The bidders shall be allowed to install the systems conforming to the specifications
mentioned in this tender document and MNRE guide lines after allocation of work by
(ii) For this UPNEDA/UPPCL shall allocate capacity/targets to each selected manufacturers.
iii) The work covers Site selection, design, supply, installation, commissioning and
comprehensive maintenance for FIVE years.
Document  The bidding process under this Rooftop scheme is for approximately 60 MWp
Description or as allocated by MNRE for current year target under net metring CAPEX
 The size of project shall be in the range from 1-10Kw Part I and 11-25 KW
Part II.
Broad Scope  Site selection, Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Supply, Storage, Civil
work, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of the grid connected
rooftop solar PV project including comprehensive Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) of the project for a period of 5 years after
commissioning of project.
 Total timeline for Commissioning of project after receiving work order from
beneficiary is 4 Months only and total timeline for allocated capacity is 11
month. The allocated capacity shall be reviewed every 4 month and based on
performance the allocation may be changed.
Tender Fee Rs.29,500/-
(Rs. Twenty nine thousand and five hundred only) includes GST.
The tender fee is to be furnished through Demand Draft (DD) drawn in
favor of “Director UPNEDA”, payable at Lucknow.
Only Uttar Pradesh State based micro and small scale industries registered under
District industries centre or NSIC shall be eligible for exemption in tender fees.
For getting exemption the certificate issued from District industries centre or
NSIC is mandatory, other kind of certificate will not be considered. The MSME
of other states has to deposit the tender fees and Performance BG.
Ernest Money Based on the Bid capacity proposed by the bidder in the bid
Performance Based on the capacity allocation/acceptance of the bidder.
Security (PBG)

Capacity Distribution and Eligibility Conditions for Bidders

Tentative allocation of 60 MW (shall be corrected ,based on final allocation to the state of Uttar
Pradesh by MNRE)

Part CAPACITY RANGE Approximate Quantity

I.PART-A 1KW – 40 MW
10 KW

II. PART-B 11KW -25KW 20 MW

The above allocations of capacity are tentative and can be interchanged depending upon the
number of bidders qualified in that categories and project demands in various categories. The
decisions of UPNEDA in this regard shall be final and binding to all.
In case a Successful Bidder is facing genuine difficulty in execution of project as per
letter of allocation. UPNEDA will allow transfer of allocated capacity in full or part to the other
successful bidders. Apart from this UPNEDA may review the progress in order complete the
work within stipulated period if required the capacity allocation may change.
Firm Type General eligibility Technical Eligibility Financial Eligibility EMD
Category B A Registered Manufacturing 1.The bidder should have The bidder has (Rs. 5 Lakhs) X
(For capacity 1 KW Company/Firm/ minimum three years‟ financial Bid Capacity
to 25 KW) Corporation/LLP in India of experience of successful capability to take quoted in MWp on
SPV Cells / Modules installation of solar power up the proposed prorate basis.
(Conforming to relevant plant projects including grid work to be (Only Uttar
National / International interactive. supported by Pradesh State
Standards) 2.The bidder should have Audited balance based micro and
OR cumulative experience of sheet for three small scale
A PV System Integrator having executing > = 100 KWp Grid years from 2016- industries
experience in installation, connected SPV Power 17, 2017-18and registered under
commissioning with 5 years Plants & /Off-Grid SPV 2018-19 balance District industries
comprehensive maintenance Power Plant in India . sheet along with center or NSIC
services for solar power plant in (The details of projects CA certificate shall be eligible for
MNRE supported Schemes / executed should be listed. A should be exemption in EMD
Programs/ SNA/PSU. certificate issued by the attached) and and performance
SNA/Govt. Organisation there should be BG. For getting
/SECI/Third part inspector minimum average exemption the
empaneled with turnover of 2.00 certificate issued
MNRE/SNA‟s towards the Crore in last from District
satisfactory installation, three years.) (This industries center or
commissioning and must be the NSIC is
functioning of the power individual mandatory, other
plants to be furnished by the Company‟s kind of certificate
bidder.) turnover and not will not be
that of any group considered. The
of Companies). MSME of other
states has to
deposit the EMD
and Performance
BG. Other state
MSME/ new firm
bidder should
deposit the EMD
Category A The Bidder should be a It is advisable to have one of the No financial turnover (Rs. 2.50 Lakhs) X
(For capacity 1 body incorporated in India Employees of bidder‟s Firm limit is mandatory Bid Capacity
KW to 10 KW) and registered with concern should be professional having for start-up/new quoted in MWp on
government authority under the minimum ITI/ Suryamitra firms. prorate basis.
law for doing business of Solar certificate / Diploma/ BE / (Only Uttar
Power. holder in Qualification. Pradesh State
based new
MSME/Shall be
eligible for
exemption in
EMD and
performance BG.
Other has to
deposit the EMD
and PBG. Other
state MSME/ new
firm bidder
should deposit the

Note: The firm not eligible for Category B can apply in category A .
Wherever, information has been sought in specified formats, the Bidder shall refrain from
referring to brochures /pamphlets. Non-adherence to formats and / or submission of incomplete
information may be a ground for declaring the Bid as non-responsive. Each format has to be duly
signed and stamped by the authorized signatory of the Bidder then scanned and uploaded in the
Techno-Commercial Bid Part.
EMD (To be submitted in original form offline only. Scan copy shall also be uploaded.)
The Bidder shall furnish Interest free Earnest Money in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) /
Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Director, UPNEDA”, payable at Lucknow. The validity of
Earnest Money shall be for a period of 4 Month.
The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 30 days from the finalization of
financial bid. EMD(s) of Successful bidder shall be released after the receipt of PBG in the
format prescribed by UPNEDA and after the receipt of confirmation of their PBG‟s from their
respective banker.
The Micro and small firm established and registered in Uttar Pradesh are exempted for
submitting the EMD. Others firm mandatorily submit the EMD.
The Earnest Money shall be in Indian Rupees and shall:
The EMD shall be forfeited without prejudice to the Bidder being liable for any further
consequential loss or damage incurred to UPNEDA under following circumstances:
a. Hundred percent (100%) of Earnest Money amount of the proposed capacity, if a
Bidder withdraws/revokes or cancels or unilaterally varies his bid in any manner
during the period of Bid Validity specified in this document.
b. Hundred percent (100%) of Earnest Money amount of the proposed capacity, if the
Successful Bidder fails to unconditionally accept the Allocation letter within 7 days
from the date of its issue.
c. Hundred percent (100%) of Earnest Money amount of the proposed capacity, if the
Successful Bidder fails to furnish the “Performance Security”.

In case of Micro and small firm getting benefits of exemptions, if they will not turn-up
for agreement or work or fail to execute the allocated work, will be blacklisted. Blacklisting
may inter-alia include the following: - a. The Vendor/Firm will not be eligible to participate in
tenders for Government supported projects. b. In case, the concerned Director(s) of the
firm/company joins another existing or starts/ joins a new firm/company, the company will
automatically be blacklisted.
Within 15 days from the date of issue of Allocation letter, Successful Bidder shall furnish the
Performance Security for the allocated capacity only.
The formula applicable to calculate the PBG amount will be:
PBG amount = (Rs. 25 Lakh) X Allocated Capacity in MWp. For all categories
The Performance Security shall be in Indian Rupees and shall be in one of the forms:
A demand draft, or a bank guarantee. The bank guarantee may be issued by a nationalized bank or
scheduled bank of RBI in favour of Director, UPNEDA, Lucknow.
The PBG shall be forfeited as follows without prejudice to the Bidder being liable for any
further consequential loss or damage incurred to UPNEDA/UPPCL.
If the Successful Bidder is not able to commission the projects PBG amount on pro-rata
basis to the capacity not commissioned or cost incurred on the completion of the project by
the successful Bidder will be deducted. However, Hundred percent (100%) PBG amount
furnished for the Sanctioned Capacity, if the Successful Bidder fails to Commission the
Projects(s) which are allocated shall be forfeited..
The Performance Security shall be valid for a minimum period of 66 Months from the
date of issue of allocation letter (s) and shall be renewed/ extended till the completion of 5 years
of O&M period. The Performance security shall be released after 5 years from the date of
commissioning with the compliance of entire obligations in the contract.
In case of Micro and small firm getting benefits of exemptions, if they will not
complete the allocated work will be blacklisted. Blacklisting may inter-alia include the
following: - a. The Vendor/Firm will not be eligible to participate in tenders for Government
supported projects. b. In case, the concerned Director(s) of the firm/company joins another
existing or starts/ joins a new firm/company, the company will automatically be blacklisted.

The bidder shall be responsible for Operation and Maintenance of the Roof top Solar PV
system for a period of 5 years.
In case of Micro and small firm exempted for submitting the PBG, 5% of the total cost
each systems shall be deducted from the subsidy amount payable to them, this 5% will be
released @ of 1% each year after submitting the performance certificate from the users.
Non-compliance of the service standards by the vendor will make it ineligible for future
work orders by the Government and may be blacklisted. The Blacklisting may inter-alia include
the following: - a. The Vendor/Firm will not be eligible to participate in tenders for Government
supported projects. b. In case, the concerned Director(s) of the firm/company joins another
existing or starts/ joins a new firm/company, the company will automatically be blacklisted

This is a ZERO Deviation Bidding Process. Bidder is to ensure compliance of all

provisions of the Tender documentand submit their Bid accordingly. Tenders with any deviation
to the bid conditions shall be liable for rejection.
3.1.1 The e-tender prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to
the bid exchanged by the Bidder and UPNEDA shall be written in the English provided
that any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another language so
long as accompanied by an English translation of its pertinent passages in which case, for
purpose of interpretation units of measurement shall be MKS system.
3.2.1 The e-tender prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components
(a) Covering letter as provided in e-tender document.
(b) General particulars of bidder, as provided in e-tender document.
(c) Declaration by The Bidder, as provided in e-tender document
(d) Details for Past Experience meeting Qualification Requirement in the prescribed Format
4 With Documentary evidence establishing that the bidder is eligible to Tender and is
qualified to perform the contract if its tender is accepted.
(e) Check list of Annexure as provided in e-tender document
(f) Minimum Guaranteed Generation in the prescribed Format 5
(g) A blank copy of the in e-tender document signed on each page, as a confirmation by the
Bidder to accept all technical specifications / commercial conditions along with all
necessary enclosures.
(h) Authorization letter of the Bidder, for the person representing his Company/Firm/
Corporation, that he is authorized to discuss and with specific mention of this e-tender
3.3.1. The Bidder shall indicate prices on the appropriate financial bid schedule.
3.3.2. Bidder may quote /apply for all categories or single as per eligibility in Financial Bid
The price quoted should include all taxes what so ever as applicable. A Bidder shall be
entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, etc. All taxes payable as per
Government income tax & GST norms will be payable by the Bidder. TDS of income
Tax and GST as applicable will be deducted from the payment of the Bidder as per the
prevalent laws and rules of Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh in this
regard for the work order issued by UPNEDA/UPPCL.
3.4.1 Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees (INR) only
3.5.1 The successful Bidders, who execute the agreement with UPNEDA for the work, shall
have to furnish a security amount as calculated of the contract LOI in the form of Bank
Guarantee valid for a period of 66 months from the date of execution of agreement. The
bank guarantee may be issued by a nationalized bank or State Bank of India or its
subsidiary bank. Bank Guarantee shall be in favour of "Director, UPNEDA". The
aforesaid Bank Guarantee shall be furnished prior to the execution of agreement in
format enclosed.
3.6.1 Validity of the offer should be 3 months from the date of opening of the financial bid of
the e-tenders. Without this validity the e-tenders will be rejected.
3.6.2 In exceptional circumstances; the UPNEDA will solicit the Bidder‟s consent to an
extension of the period of validity. The request and the response there of, shall be made
in writing. The contract performance security provided under clause 3.5.1 above shall
also be suitably extended.
3.7 BID SECURITY (Earnest Money)
3.7.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, bid security of --------) of calculated value i.e.
Rs. ----------------- ) in the form of Bank guarantee issued by a nationalized bank, or State
Bank of India and its subsidiary banks or RBI scheduled Bank. The bank guarantee shall
be valid for a period of 4 (Four) months from the opening of technical bid.Format
enclosed .
3.7.2 Any bid not secured with the tender fee and earnest money will be rejected by the
UPNEDA as non-responsive.
3.7.3 No Interest shall be payable on the amount of earnest money.The same will be released
after the e-tenders have been decided, to those Bidders who fail to get the contract.
3.7.4 The e-tender security (earnest money) may be forfeited:
a) If a Tenderer withdraws its e-tender during the period of e-tender validity specified by the
Bidder in the e-tender.
b) If the successful Bidder fails to sign the contract within stipulated period.
3.7.5 EMD of successful bidder shall only be released after signing of agreement and
submission of Security bank guarantee.
3.8.1 The bid must contain the name, residence and places of business of the persons making
the e-tender and must be signed and sealed by the Bidder with his usual signature. The
name and designations of all persons signing should be typed or printed below the
3.8.2 e-tender by corporation/ company must be signed with the legal name of the corporation/
company/firm by the „President‟, Managing director or by the „Secretary‟ or other
designation or a person duly authorized
3.8.3 The original copy of the e-tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by the Bidder or a person duly authorized to bid and bidder to the contract. The
letter of authorization shall be submitted along with power-of-attorney. All the pages of
the bid shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the e-tender.
3.8.4 The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to
correct errors made by the Bidder in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the
person or persons signing the e-tender.
(Signature of Bidder)
with SEAL
4.1 uploading of e-tener the bid shall be uploaded online as per guide lines of U.P.
Electronics Corporation Limted (UPLC), 10 Ashok Marg, Lucknow (U.P.)
4.1.1 The tender must be complete in all technical and commercial respect and should contain
requisite certificate, drawings, informative literature etc. as required in the specification.
4.1.2 First part (PART-A) should contain technical specification, brochure literature etc. All
parts of tender documents except financial bid should be uploaded as per e-procurement
mode in due date and time. Scanned copy of Requisite earnest money in the form of Bank
Guarantee should be enclosed.
4.1.3 The Bidder should submit price bid in Second part. Second part (PART-B) should
contain financial bid only should be uploaded as per e-procurement mode in due date and
time. Anything in regard of financial condition, payment terms, rebate etc. mentioned in
financial bid may make the tender invalid. Therefore, it is in the interest of the Bidder not
to write anything extra in part-II except price.
4.1.4 The original copy of uploaded document i.e. First part (Part-1) is to be submitted by Post
/courier/by hand to UPNEDA HQ before opening of Technical bid.
4.2 EXPENSES OF AGREEMENT:A formal agreement for a period of 01 (one) year shall
beentered into between UPNEDA and the contractor/ bidder for the proper fulfillment of
the contract. The expenses of completing and stamping of the agreement shall be paid by
the successful bidder.
4.3 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS:Bids must be uploaded by the tenderer in
thedate; time and address specified in the e-tender notice/ tender documents.

(Signature of Bidder)
with SEAL

5.1 OPENING OF e-tender

The procedure of opening of the e-tender shall be as under:
5.1.1 First part (PART-A) uploaded having e-tender specification no. and super scribed as
“Technical bid” shall be opened at the time and date mentioned in the e-tender noticeby
UPNEDA‟s representatives in the presence of Bidders, who choose to be present.
5.1.2 Second part (PART-B) containing Financial Bid shall be opened (after obtaining
clarifications and establishing technical suitability of the offer) as per schedule. Second
part of only those Bidders shall be opened whose first part (PART-A) shall be found
commercially clear and technically suitable.
5.2.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids the UPNEDA may at its
discretion ask the bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing.
5.3 UPNEDA reserves the right to interpret the Bid submitted by the Bidder in accordance
with the provisions of this document and make its own judgment regarding the
interpretation of the same. In this regard UPNEDA shall have no liability towards any
Bidder and no Bidder shall have any recourse to UPNEDA with respect to the selection
process. UPNEDA shall evaluate the Bids using the evaluation process specified in this
document or as amended, at its sole discretion. UPNEDA‟s decision in this regard shall
be final and binding on the Bidders.

Signature of Bidder
with seal
The Procedure for Finalization of BID would be as follows:
6.1 Finalization of BID:
a) First the Technical bids shall be opened and evaluated.
b) Then the price bid of technically qualified bidders shall be opened.
6.2 Finalization of Empanelment:
a) The lowest rate (i.e. L-1) for each Part received (and in turn approved by the
competent authority) would be the “Approved Rate”.
b) “Approved Lowest Rate” for each part would be offered to other bidders whose rates
are within 20% of L1 (i.e. to L-2, L3 and so on) to work on lowest approved rates..
c) L1 i.e. Lowest Rate Bidder for each category and firm wise category will be allocated
up to 20% of the such part quantity bid quantity or as per his capacity given in the
bid, whichever is lower.
d) No firm will be awarded more than 20% of for each part. In case in any part the
number of firm will be less than 6 in such case the bidder whose rate is within 25%
shall be allowed to give their consent to work at L1.
e) In start-up/new entrepreneur category A the maximum allocation to one firm will be
initially 50 KW. After successful commission they may be allotted additional
capacity based on the availability of capacity for completion.
f) Maximum 25 % (Out of 25% of target for MSME, 4% is reserved for SC/ST; 5% for
BC/Minority/ Handicapped and 3% for female entrepreneur). of the total quantity
targeted shall be allocated amongst the micro and small industries qualified
firm/firms at the lowest approved rate subject to their consent at to work on
lowest rate and their capacity. If MSE category bidder will be L1 then L1will
be awarded 20% of 25% of MSE allocation. The remaining of 25% of MSE
quantity shall be awarded among others qualified MSME firms.
g) The bidder other than MSE will be awarded in remaining of 75% of total target
quantity. The lowest bidder other than MSE firms qualified shall be awarded
20% of 75% or as per its capacity given in the bid, whichever is lower and
remaining shall be awarded in other bidders subject to their consent to work
on lowest L1 rate.
h) All successful bidder(s) can get work order directly from Residential sectors sector as
per their allocation.
i) Training of the user will be arranged by the contractor/ bidder.
6.3 If required UPNEDA reserves the right to negotiate with (lowest) L-1 bidder before
finalization of the tender.
6.4 UPNEDA reserves the right to accept any bid and to reject any or all bids.
List of successful Bidder(s) for contract shall be displayed on UPNEDA's website and
shall be intimated in writing to the contractor.
Before execution of the work, a contract agreement for execution of the work shall be
signed by the Bidder with UPNEDA within 15 days of communication from UPNEDA.
In case agreement is not executed within the stipulated time, the earnest money will be
forfeited. The firm who is exempted from summitting EMD will be black listed if they
will not turnup for agreement.
The authority reserves the right of awarding the work in a phased manner. UPNEDA may
increase or decrease the quantity mentioned in the tender at the time of award of contract.
The Successful Bidder shall not assign or make over the empanelment, the benefit or
burden thereof to any other person or persons or body corporate for the execution of the
contract or any part thereof without the prior written consent of UPNEDA. UPNEDA
reserves its right to cancel the empanelment either in part or full, if this condition is
After execution of the Agreement and Performance Security Deposit, the name of
successful bidder(s) will be displayed in website of UPNEDA and a letter of
empanelment will be sent to the qualified tenderer.
All the SPV Rooftop systems installed will be inspected by the representative of
UPNEDA/third party monitor within 15 days of receipt of Installation & Commissioning
report by beneficiaries. The eligible subsidy will be released only for the systems
installed in compliance to the technical specification of MNRE /UPNEDA
/UPPCL/DISCOMs. During the Inspection, if the system installed is found faulty (or) not
in compliance to the technical specification, the cost for re-inspection by UPNEDA/third
party after rectification /replacement shall be borne by the bidder.
In case the systems are not as per standards, non-functional on account of poor
quality of installation, or non-compliance of AMC, the implementing agency/Ministry
reserves the right to blacklist the vendor. Blacklisting may inter-alia include the
following: - a. The Vendor/Firm will not be eligible to participate in tenders for
Government supported projects. b. In case, the concerned Director(s) of the
firm/company joins another existing or starts/ joins a new firm/company, the company
will automatically be blacklisted.
Signature of Bidder
with seal
1.2. “UPNEDA‟ shall mean The Director of UPNEDA or his representative and shall
alsoinclude its successors in interest and assignees. The “Contractor” shall mean
(successfulbidder) i.e. the person whose e-tender has been accepted by UPNEDA and
shall includehis legal representatives and successors in interest.
1.3 The agreement shall be rate contract on basis valid for 12 month. The work shall be
completed within ---- months from the date of this agreement.. In case the contractor/
bidder fails to execute the said work within stipulated time, “UPNEDA”will be at liberty
to get the work executed from the other bidder/open market without calling any tender/e-
tender and without any notice to the contractor/ bidder, at the risk and cost of
thecontractor/ bidder. Any additional cost incurred by “UPNEDA” shall be recovered
from thecontractor/ bidder. If the cost of executing the work as aforesaid shall exceed the
balancedue to the contractor/ bidder, and the contractor/ bidder fails to make good the
additionalcost, “UPNEDA” may recover it from the contractor/ bidders‟ pending claims
against anywork in “UPNEDA” or in any lawful manner.
1.4 That on the request of the contractor/ bidder and also in the interest of the organization
the“UPNEDA” is authorized to extend the validity of the agreement, subject to that the
requestof the contractor/ bidder is received before the expiry of the agreement period, or
anyextended period granted to the contractor/ bidder. Maximum period of extension shall
be 2months on the same terms and conditions as contained in this agreement.
1.5 The agreement shall be deemed to be extended till the date of completion of last work
orderincluding 5 years comprehensive O&M subject to the completion period as provided
in the clause 1.3.
1.6 IN the interest of the work and the programme, agreement executed between
thecontractor/bidder and the “UPNEDA” may be extended to a mutually agreed period, if
theneed so arises. It shall be sole responsibility of the contractor/ bidder to get verified
thequality & quantity of the supplied material at the site of delivery.
2.1 If the contractor/ bidder fails to perform the services within the time periods specified in
the contract (In case of delay for any reason other than due to Force Majeure conditions
or any extension thereof granted to him by UPNEDA/Beneficiaries) the
“UPNEDA/UPPCL/Beneficiaries” shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the
contract deduct from the contract price as liquidated damage, a sum equivalent to 1.0% of
the price of the unperformed services for each week (For the purposes as calculation of
delay, part of week shall be treated as week) of delay until actual performance up to a
maximum deduction of 10% of the delayed services. Once the maximum is
reached,UPNEDA may asses the progress of work and take decision where the work
order is to be cancelled, forfeit the performance security and debar/blacklist the firm or to
continue with time extension with further penalty. The “UPNEDA” may consider
termination of the contract. In the case of violation of contract, UPNEDA may confiscate
pending payments/ dues of the contractor/ bidder assigning specific reasons and shall also
have the power to debar/ blacklist the contractor/bidder in similar circumstances.
UPNEDA may also invoke performance/security bank guarantee of 10%.
3 The contractor/ bidder shall have to comply with all the rules, regulations, laws and by-
laws for the time being in force and the instructions if any, of the organization, in
whosepremises the work has to be done. “UPNEDA” shall have no liability in this regard.
4.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses contained in this deed; the contractor/
biddershall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages,
terminationfor default, if he is unable to fulfill his obligation under this deed due to event
of forcemajeure circumstances.
4.2 For purpose of this clause, "Force majeure" means an event beyond the control of the
contractor/ bidder and not involving the contractor/ bidder's fault or negligence and not
foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of Government
eithern its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions and fright embargoes
4.3 However, If a force majeure situation arises, the contractor/ bidder shall immediately
notifythe “UPNEDA” in writing. The decision of the competent authority of UPNEDA in
aboveconditions shall be final.
5 The High court of Judicature at Allahabad and Courts subordinate thereto, at
Lucknow,shall alone have jurisdictions to the exclusion of all other courts.
6 The contractor/ bidder shall not, without the consent in writing of “UPNEDA”,
transfer,assign or sublet the work under the contract or any substantial part thereof to any
7 “UPNEDA” shall have at all reasonable time access to the works being carried out by
thecontractor/ bidder under the contract. All the work shall be carried out by the
contractor/bidder to the satisfaction of “UPNEDA”.
8 If any question, dispute or difference what so ever shall arises between “UPNEDA” and
thecontractor/ bidder, in the connection with the agreement except as to matters, the
decisions for which have been specifically provided, either party may forthwith give to
theother notice in writing of existence of such question, dispute or difference and the
sameshall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Principal Secretary/Secretary of the
UttarPradesh or a person nominated by him not below the rank of Secretary. This
referenceshall be governed by the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, and the
rules madethere under. The award in such arbitration shall be final and binding on both
the parties.Work under the agreement shall be continuing during the arbitration
proceedings unlessthe “UPNEDA” or the arbitrator directs otherwise
9 (For work order placed by UPNEDA)
“UPNEDA” may at any time by notice in writing to the contractor/ bidder either stops the
work all together or reduces or cut it down. If the work is stopped all together, the
contractor/bidder will only be paid for work done and expenses distinctly incurred by him
as onpreparation or the execution of the work up to the date on which such notice is
received byhim. Such expenses shall be assessed by “UPNEDA”, whose decision shall be
final andbidding on the contractor/ bidder. If the work is cut down the contractor/ bidder
will not bepaid any compensation what soever for the loss or profit which he might have
made if hehad been allowed to complete all the work included in the contract.
10.3.1 The “UPNEDA”, his duly authorized representative shall have at all reasonable
timesaccess to the contractor/bidders premises or works and shall have the power at all
reasonable time to inspect and examine the materials and workmanship of the works
during its manufacture.
11.1 The Contractor/ Bidder shall be solely responsible for commencement to completion of
thework. It shall be responsible for any loss or damage happens at the work place or
during the erection of the plant, not already approved by the UPNEDA, and shall, at its
own cost, arrange for repair or compensation.
11.2 The Contractor/ Bidder shall warranty that the equipment used in installing the plant are
new and unused.
11.3 The Contractor/ Bidder shall provide warranty, of the complete power plant towards any
defect in design of the plant, equipment used including spare parts for a period of five (5)
years from the date of Commissioning of the plant.The Warranty period shall be 25 Years
for the PV modules.
11.4 Any defect noticed in the power plant during the period of five (5) years from the date of
Commissioning of the power plant shall be rectified/replaced by the Contractor/ Bidder
on its own motion or on due intimation by the UPNEDA or by the owner of the plant, as
the case may be, free of charges.
11.5 The replacement of the defective component at the cost of Contractor/ Bidder shall be
made with similar and/or equivalent make. The replaced component shall not, in any
situation, reduce the performance of the plant.
11.6 The Contractor/ Bidder shall commence the replacement/rectification of the defect within
seven (7) days from the date of identification of such defect and shall rectify the defect
within mutually agreed time, failure in doing so shall enable the UPNEDA to rectify the
defect at the expense of Contractor/ Bidder.
11.7 The Contractor/ Bidder shall provide warranty certificate along with the Commissioning
report to the Beneficiaries/UPNEDA
11.8 Since the maintenance of the system may also be taken up by the contractor/ bidder after
expiry of 05 years of warranty period if the end user/”UPNEDA” so desires, the
contractor/bidder shall take up annual maintenance of the installed system.
11.9 The contractor/ bidder shall maintain the system under annual maintenance contract with
the end user.
11.10 The contractor/ bidder shall furnish to the Primary Beneficiary at the instruction manuals
at the time of submission of commissioning certificate for the plant at each site. The
manual so prepared shall include the all diagrams and instructions to operate and
maintain the whole plant.
11.11 Individual copies of the approval of the Electrical Inspectorate or concerned officer of the
respective distribution licensee for interconnection of each plant with the distribution
system (for the system above 10KW).
11.12 Hand-Over Agreement: The Contractor/ biddershall hand-over the respective plant to the
user after its successful commissioning in excellent condition. At the time of handing
over all the performance tests of the major equipment shall be demonstrated to the user
and UPNEDA to ensure Generation from the solar photovoltaic power plant. While
handing over the plant the Contractor/ biddershall also hand over all technical documents,
literature, instruction manuals, lists of spare part & tools & tackles.
12. The contractor/ bidder shall not display the photographs of the work and not takeadvantage
through publicity of the work without written permission of “UPNEDA”.
The Contractor/ bidder shall indemnify the “UPNEDA” against all third party claims
ofInfringement of patent, royalty's trademark or industrial design rights arising from use
to thegoods or any part thereof.
14..1 Contractor/ bidders, wherever applicable, shall after proper painting, pack and crate all
the equipment in such manner as to protect them from deterioration and damage during
railand road transportation to the site and storage at the site till time of installation.
Contractor/bidder shall be held responsible for all damage due to improper packing.
14.2 The contractor/ bidder shall inform the “UPNEDA” of the date of each shipment from
hisworks, and the expected date of arrival at the site for the information of the
“UPNEDA”project offices at least 7 days in advance.
All demurrage, wharfage and other expenses incurred due to delayed clearance of the
material or any other reason shall be to the account of the contractor/ bidder.
The goods supplied under the contract shall be fully insured against loss or damage
incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage during transportation
shall be included in the bid price.
The contractor/ bidder is required under the contract to deliver the goods to the site.
Transportation, storage, safety and security of the supplied material, issuance of road
permit etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor/bidder.
“UPNEDA” may at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the
contractor/bidder without compensation to the contractor/ bidder, if it becomes bankrupt
or otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any
right of action orremedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the “UPNEDA”.
The “UPNEDA”, may by written notice sent to the contractor/ bidder, terminate the
contract,in whole or in part at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination
shall specifythat termination is for the purchaser‟s convenience in the interest of
The contractor/ bidder shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the
purchaser‟scountry i.e. India. The station of “UPNEDA” Headquarter shall have
exclusive jurisdiction inall matters arising under this contract.
21.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the contract shall be sent in
writingor by telegram or telex/ cable or Email and confirmed in writing to the address
specified forthat purpose in the special condition of contract.
21.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice‟s effective date, whichever is
The price quoted should include all taxes, duties and Insurance expenditure, all tax etc. if
any. A contractor/ bidder shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees,
etc. All taxes payable as per Governmentincome tax & service tax norms will be payable
by the contractor/ bidder. If any new tax/duty is levied during the contract period the
same will be borne by the contractor exclusively. TDS will be deducted from the
payment of the contractor/ bidder as per theprevalent laws and rules of Government of
India and Government of the Uttar Pradesh inthis regard.
23.1 I-V curve of the each module technical details such as Voc, Isc, FF, cell efficiency and
Pmaxetc. shall be supplied along-with each consignment and copy should be handed over
to Beneficiaries/UPNEDA for uploading it web portal.
23.2 The Contractor/ bidder in consultation with concerned Project Officer of “UPNEDA”will
conduct training programme for users, focusing on main features, operation and
maintenance of the systems.
23.3 The Contractor/ bidder shall continue to provide spare parts after the expiry of warranty
period at the users cost. If the contractor/ bidder fail to continue to supply spare parts and
services to users “UPNEDA” shall take appropriate action against the Contractor/ bidder.
23.4 It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor/ bidder to get verified the quality &
quantity of the supplied material at the site of delivery.
24.1 On completion of work, the contractor/ bidder shall submit all the documents related to
the execution of contract and implementation of rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants
 Detailed project report including layout and drawings of the plant for the capacity
more than 50KW.
 All the consent, clearance and approvals
 Testing Certificate of solar module, PCU and battery from MNRE authorized test
 Plant charging/ Commissioning certificate
 Agreement / memorandum signed with distribution licensee for Interconnection with
the distribution system
 Photograph of site before installation and after installation

1. Payment of the project cost, excluding the MNRE and State Subsidy, shall be paid by the
beneficiaries directly to the empanelled firm. The MNRE and State Subsidy, shall be
DISCOMS/UPPCL to the empanelled Firms on completion of the project, verification
by SNA‟s / third party inspector empanelled by SNA‟s and receipt/availability of the
CFA/State Subsidy .
2. Copies of invoices after joint inspection shall also be uploaded to UPNEDA/SPIN solar
rooftop web portal along with Inspection Report, photographs and required documents as
per the check list.
3. The eligible Central Financial Assistance (CFA) of MNRE/state government shall be
claimed as per MNRE/ UP govt guidelines through online web portal and by submitting
original hard copy of bill. DISCOMS/UPPCL OR NODAL AGENCY AS
AUTHORISED BY DISCOMS/UPPCL shall release the eligible CFA to Firm based on
sanctioned received by MNRE/Government of U P and availability of funds.


UPNEDA may monitor the performance of the grid connected SPV Power Plants online
above 10 kW PV capacity, The successful bidder shall be require do meet minimum
guaranteed generation with Performance Ratio (PR) at the time of commissioning and
related Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) as per the DNI level for the location during the
O&M period. PR should be shown minimum of 75% at the time of inspection for initial
commissioning acceptance to qualify for release of subsidy. Minimum CUF of 15%
should be maintained for a period of 5years for release of performance related security
deposit. For CUF less than 15%, the penalty can be imposed for the loss of energy
generation @ maximum tariff paid by the consumer for that year subject to force majeure
conditions. The PR will be measured at Inverter output level during peak radiation
conditions. This can be monitor remote monitoring facilities provided with the system;
firm should provide the login and pass word to both UPNEDA/Beneficiaries.
 Project(s) shall be got inspected by the bidder from the list of empanelled experts/
DISCOMS/UPPCL as per the checklist requirement of for release of subsidy, All the
expenses for third party expert inspection in this regard shall be borne be the Bidder
only. The empaneled third party inspector/UPNEDA shall be displayed on UPNEDA
rooftop web portal.
 UPNEDA reserves the right to do sample inspection checks for the projects
commissioned by the Bidder.
 In case the systems are not as per standards, nonfunctional on account of poor
quality of installation, or non-compliance of AMC, the implementing
agency/Ministry reserves the right to blacklist the vendor. Blacklisting may inter-
alia include the following: - a. The Vendor/Firm will not be eligible to participate
in tenders for Government supported projects. b. In case, the concerned Director(s)
of the firm/company joins another existing or starts/ joins a new firm/company, the
company will automatically be blacklisted.

(Signature of Bidder)
with seal


a. Scope of work covers Design, Supply, Installation, Commissioning and five years
comprehensive warranty Maintenance and Operation of Grid Connected SPV Rooftop
Plant under Net Metering as per the technical specification given in this bid.
b. Wiring up to Distribution Board from the SPV Rooftop system will be in the scope of the
successful bidder(s)..
c. Performance testing of the complete system.
d. The contractor will collect firm work order from the purchasers. The Invoice, technical
details of module, PCU, etc. and its test report, testing and commissioning report of plant,
Statement of Expenditure, Joint Inspection Report, Net Metering Work Completion &
Synchronization reports, installed system photographs, and bill of material has to be
submitted to beneficiaries for uploading it UPNEDA/SPIN rooftop website for release of
CFA of MNRE/State subsidy.
e. A leaflet containing the details of operation and the service centers shall be provided to
each purchaser.
f. The contractor shall do necessary coordination with concerned agencies like DISCOM
for procuring necessary approvals on behalf of the Purchasers. However the cost of
approvals and bi-directional meter, CT/PT shall be borne by the Purchaser only.


The proposed projects shall be commissioned as per the technical specifications
given below. Any shortcomings will lead to cancelation of subsidy as decided by
UPNEDA. UPNEDA‟s decision will be final and binding on the bidder.
A Grid Tied Solar Rooftop Photo Voltaic (SPV) power plant consists of SPV array,
Module Mounting Structure, Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) consisting of Maximum
Power Point Tracker (MPPT), Inverter, and Controls & Protections, interconnect cables,
Junction boxes, Distribution boxes and switches. PV Array is mounted on a suitable
structure. Grid tied SPV system is with or without battery and should be designed with
necessary features. Components and parts used in the SPV power plants including the PV
modules, metallic structures, cables, junction box, switches, PCUs etc., should conform to
the BIS or IEC or international specifications, wherever such specifications are available
and applicable. Solar PV rooftop system shall consist of following major

 Grid interactive Power Conditioning Unit with Remote Monitoring System

 Mounting structures
 Junction Boxes.
 Earthling and lightening protections.
 IR/UV protected PVC Cables, pipes and accessories
4.3 The solar photovoltaic technology (including all forms of photo voltaic) based RTS
projects for generation of electricity will be deployed under the Programme. Project
proponents to adhere to the national/ international standards specified by MNRE from
time to time. For subsidized projects (i.e. for residential projects) only indigenously
manufactured PV panels (both cells and modules) should be used.

4.4 Grid interactive SPV power plants, inverters, meters, cables, mounting structures and
other balance of systems etc. should have the minimal technical requirements and quality
control standards as prescribed by MNRE from time to time. The mechanical structures,
electrical works including power conditioners/inverters/charge controllers/maximum
power point tracker units/distribution boards/digital meters/switch gear/net-meters/storage
batteries, etc. and over all workmanship of the RTS plants/ systems must be warranted
against any manufacturing/ design/ installation defects for a minimum period of 5 years.
Fulfilment of the warranty obligations of the complete Solar system shall rest with System
integrator who in turn may claim the same from the component manufacturers.


Solar PV modules should be of the any solar Photovoltaic Technology, manufactured in
India. Detailed specifications of the solar PV modules are given below
Must have test certificate as per MNRE guide lines and specified in
this tender
Origin Manufactured in India both cell and module
Efficiency module >= 15%
Fill factor >= 70%
warranty Panel output (Wp) capacity to be >=90% at the end of 12 years and >=80%
of at the end of 25 years.
Module frame Non-corrosive and electrically compatible with the mounting structure
Termination box Thermo-plastic, IP 65, UV resistant
Blocking diodes Schottky type
Module minimum The nominal power of a single PV module shall not be less than 200Wp.
rated power
Identification tag for Shall be provided inside the module and must be able to withstand
each solar module environmental conditions and last the lifetime of the solar module.
Identification tag data a) Name of the manufacturer with logo
Month and year of manufacture
Model No ( Should consists of the voltage and rate wattage)
b) Module serial number
c) Made in India
Power output rating To be given for standard test conditions (STC). I- V curve of the each
module shall be submitted.
Compliance with IEC 61215 / IS 14286
standards and codes IEC 61730 Part 1 and 2
Salt Mist Corrosion As per IEC 61701
The bidder shall carefully design & accommodate requisite numbers of the modules to
achieve the rated power in his project proposal submitted to Purchaser. UPNEDA/Owner shall
allow only minor changes at the time of execution.
The rated output power of any supplied module shall have tolerance of +/- 3%.
The peak-power point voltage and the peak-power point current of any supplied module
and/or any module string (series connected modules) shall not vary by more than 2 (two) per
cent from the respective arithmetic means for all modules and/or for all module strings, as the
case may be.
Test reports/ certificate from IEC/NABL accredited laboratory to be mandatorily enclosed
for relevant IEC/equivalent BIS Standards.
The solar module must be from ALMM list approved by MNRE from effective date of implementation
as per MNRE order no 283/54/2018-Grid solar dated 3rd Jan 2019 or its latest amendments At present it will be
effective from 31st March 2020. Hence before March 2020 the module should be as per MNRE Guide lines and

a) Material Warranty:
i. Material Warranty is defined as: The manufacturer should warrant the Solar Module(s) to
be free from the defects and/or failures specified below for a period not less than twenty
five (25) years from the date of sale to the original customer.
ii. Defects and/or failures due to manufacturing
iii. Defects and/or failures due to quality of materials
Non conformity to specifications due to faulty manufacturing and/or inspection
processes. If the solar Module(s) fails to conform to this warranty, the manufacturer will
replace the solar module(s), at the Owners sole option.
4.5 Solar PV Mounting Structure
The PV modules shall be mounted on fixed metallic structures having adequate strength
and as per requirement of site to withstand the load of the modules and high wind velocities.
The mounting structure steel shall be as per latest IS 2062: 1992 and galvanization of the
mounting structure shall be in compliance of latest IS 4759.
4.6 Detailed specifications for the mounting structure are given below:
Wind velocity withstanding 150 km / hour
capacity The designs have been certified by a recognized Lab/
Institution/certified engineers in this regard and submit wind loading
calculation sheet to users if they desire so. Suitable fastening
arrangement such as grouting and calming should be provided to
secure the installation against the specific wind speed.

Structure material Pre galvanized sheet steel with a minimum galvanization thickness
of 80 microns and the structural patterns shall be made before

Bolts, nuts, panel mounting Stainless steel SS 304

clamps, fasteners
(with spring washers)
Mounting arrangement for Mounting directly on the sheet metal, ensuring stability and wind
metal sheet roofs withstanding capacity or penetrating the sheet metal and fixing to the
sub-structure, ensuring that the roof remains water proof and ensuring
stability and wind withstanding capacity.

Mounting arrangement for The elevated structure has to be securely anchored to the supporting
elevated structures surface. Concrete foundations of appropriate weight and depth for
elevated structures mounted directly on the ground; Bolted with anchor
bolts of appropriate strength for elevated structures mounted on RCC
Mounting arrangement for With removable concrete ballast made of pre-fabricated PCC (1:2:4),
ground installations M15; assuring enough ground clearance to prevent damage of the
module through water, animals and other environmental factors.
Mounting arrangement for With removable concrete ballast made of pre-fabricated PCC (1:2:4),
RCC-flat roofs Installation M15. The structures shall be designed for simple mechanical on-site
installation. There shall be no requirement of welding or complex
machinery at the installation site.
Minimum distance between 0.5m
roof edge and mounting
Access for panel cleaning and All solar panels must be accessible from the top for cleaning and from
maintenance the bottom for access to the module- junction box.
Panel tilt angle North – south orientation with a fixed tilt angle of 27-30
degrees(depending on location), south facing. However to accommodate
more capacity the angle inclination may be reduced until the plant meets
the specified performance ratio requirements.

Regarding civil structures the bidder need to take care of the load bearing capacity of the roof and
need arrange suitable structures based on the quality of roof.
The total load of the structure (when installed with PV modules) on the terrace should be less than
60 kg/m2. The array structure shall be grounded properly using maintenance free earthing kit
suitable for mounting over building terrace
4.7 Solar Array Fuse
The cables from the array strings to the solar grid inverters shall be provided with DC fuse
protection. Fuses shall have a voltage rating and current rating as required. The fuse shall
have DIN rail mountable fuse holders and shall be housed in thermoplastic IP 65
enclosures with transparent covers.
4.8 Solar Grid Inverter
As SPV array produce direct current electricity, it is necessary to convert this direct current
into alternating current and adjust the voltage levels to match the grid voltage. Conversion
shall be achieved using an electronic Inverter and the associated control and protection
devices. All these components of the system are termed the “Power Conditioning Unit
(PCU)”. In addition, the PCU shall also house MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker).
Inverter output should be compatible with the grid frequency. Typical technical features of
the inverter shall be as follows:

1 Total output power (AC To match solar PV plant capacity while achieving
optimum system efficiency
2 Input DC voltage range As required for the solar grid inverter DC input
3 Maximum power point Shall be incorporated
4 Number of independent 1 or more
MPPT inputs
5 Operation AC voltage  For up to 5kWp - Single phase 230V
 For above 5kWp upto 50KW/63KVA –Three
415V four wire Above 50 KW-11KV or as per
availability of the main grid supply
6 Operating Frequency range 47.5 – 52.5 Hz
7 Nominal frequency 50 Hz
8 Power factor of the inverter >0.98 at nominal power
9 Total harmonic distortion Less than 3%
10 Built-in Protection AC high / low voltage; AC high /low frequency
11 Anti-islanding protection As per VDE 0126-1-1 / IEC 60255.5/
IEC 60255.27 / IEC 62116
12 Operating ambient -1 oC to +55 oC
temperature range
13 Humidity 0 – 95% Rh
14 Inverter efficiency >=95%
15 Inverter weighted efficiency >=94%
16 Protection degree IP 65 for outdoor mounting, IP 54 for indoor mounting
17 Communication interface RS 485 / RS 232 / RJ45
18 Safety compliance IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2
19 Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2 (1, 2, 14, 30)
20 EfficiencyMeasurement IS/IEC 61683
21 Cooling Convection
22 Display type LCD for data display. LCD /LED for status display
23 Display parameters to include Output power(W), cumulative energy (Wh),
DC voltage (V), DC current (A),
AC voltage (V), AC frequency (Hz),
AC current (A), cumulative hours of operation (h).

The combined wattage of all inverters should not be less than rated capacity of power plant under
Maximum power point tracker shall be integrated in the PCU/inverter to maximize energy drawn
from the array. While designing the PCU for UTTAR PARADESH grid comparability the
boundary conditions specified in the UPERC/Secretary/RSPV Regulations/2015/2150 Dated:
20/03/2015 can be taken care. The details can be downloaded from UPERC web site.
PCU/inverter shall be capable of complete automatic operation including wake-up,
synchronization & shutdown. The output of power factor of PCU inverter is suitable for all
voltage ranges or sink of reactive power, inverter should have internal protection arrangement
against any sustainable fault in feeder line and against the lightning on feeder. Built-in meter and
data logger to monitor plant performance shall be provided.
The PCU/ inverters should be tested from the MNRE approved test centres /NABL
/BIS /IEC accredited testing- calibration laboratories.


In the event of a power failure on the electric grid, it is required that any independent
power-producing inverters attached to the grid turn off in a short period of time. This prevents
the DC-to-AC inverters from continuing to feed power into small sections of the grid, known as
“islands.” Powered islands present a risk to workers who may expect the area to be unpowered,
and they may also damage grid-tied equipment. The Rooftop PV system shall be equipped with
islanding protection. In addition to disconnection from the grid (due to islanding protection)
disconnection due to under and over voltage conditions shall also be provided.
A manual disconnect 4pole isolation switch beside automatic disconnection to grid would
have to be provided at utility end to isolate the grid connection by the utility personnel to carry
out any maintenance. This switch shall be locked by the utility personnel
The AC output of the solar grid inverter shall be connected to the building‟s electrical
system after the Discom service connection meter and main switch on the load side. The solar
grid inverter output shall be connected to a dedicated module in the Main Distribution Board
(MDB) of the building. It shall not be connected to a nearby load.
Utilities may have voltage levels other than above; DISCOMS may be consulted before
finalization of the voltage level and specification be made accordingly. For large PV system
(Above 100 kW) for commercial installation having large load, the solar power can be generated
at low voltage levels and stepped up to 11 kV level through the step up transformer. The
transformers and associated switchgear would require to be provided by the SPV bidders.
(for the plant 10 KW and above )
Data Logging Provision for plant control and monitoring, time and date stamped system data
logs for analysis with the high quality, suitable PC, Metering and Instrumentation for display of
systems parameters and status indication to be provided. Solar Irradiance: An integrating
Pyranometer / Solar cell based irradiation sensor (along with calibration certificate) provided,
with the sensor mounted in the plane of the array. Readout integrated with data logging system.
Temperature: Temperature probes for recording the Solar panel temperature and/or ambient
temperature to be provided complete with readouts integrated with the data logging system The
following parameters are accessible via the operating interface display in real time separately for
solar power plant:
 AC Voltage.
 AC Output current.
 Output Power
 Power factor.
 DC Input Voltage.
 DC Input Current.
 Time Active.
 Time disabled.
 Time Idle.
 Power produced
Protective function limits (Viz-AC Over voltage, AC Under voltage, Over frequency, Under
frequency ground fault, PV starting voltage, PV stopping voltage.
All major parameters available on the digital bus and logging facility for energy auditing through
the internal microprocessor and read on the digital front panel at any time) and logging facility
(the current values, previous values for up to a month and the average values) should be made
available for energy auditing through the internal microprocessor and should be read on the digital
front panel. PV array energy production: Digital Energy Meters to log the actual value of AC/ DC
voltage, Current & Energy generated by the PV system provided. Energy meter along with CT/PT
should be of 0.5 accuracy class. Computerized DC String/Array monitoring and AC output
monitoring shall be provided as part of the inverter and/or string/array combiner box or separately.
String and array DC Voltage, Current and Power, Inverter AC output voltage and current (All 3
phases and lines), AC power (Active, Reactive and Apparent), Power Factor and AC energy (All
3 phases and cumulative) and frequency shall be monitored. Computerized AC energy monitoring
shall be in addition to the digital AC energy meter. The data shall be recorded in a common work
sheet chronologically date wise. The data file shall be MS Excel compatible. The data shall be
represented in both tabular and graphical form. All instantaneous data shall be shown on the
computer screen. Software shall be provided for USB download and analysis of DC and AC
parametric data for individual plant. Provision for Internet monitoring and download of data shall
be also incorporated.
Remote Server and Software for centralized Internet monitoring system shall be also provided
for download and analysis of cumulative data of all the plants and the data of the solar radiation
and temperature monitoring system. Ambient / Solar PV module back surface temperature shall
be also monitored on continuous basis. Simultaneous monitoring of DC and AC electrical voltage,
current, power, energy and other data of the plant for correlation with solar and environment data
shall be provided. Remote Monitoring and data acquisition through Remote Monitoring System
software at the owner/ UPNEDA Lucknow with latest software/hardware configuration and
service connectivity for online / real time data monitoring/control complete to be supplied and
operation and maintenance/control to be ensured by the supplier. Provision for interfacing these
data on UPNEDA server and portal in future shall be kept.


Dry/oil type relevant kVA, 11kV/415V, 50 Hz Step up along with all protections,
switchgears, Vacuum circuit breakers, cables etc. along with required civil work. The
bidirectional electronic energy meter (0.5 S class) shall be installed for the measurement of
import/Export of energy. The bidder must take approval/NOC from the Concerned DISCOM for
the connectivity, technical feasibility, and synchronization of SPV plant with distribution network
and submit the same to UPNEDA before commissioning of SPV plant.
Reverse power relay shall be provided by bidder (if necessary), as per the local DISCOM
Regarding the generated power consumption, priority need to give for internal consumption
first and thereafter any excess power can be exported to grid..
The system should be provided with all necessary protections like earthing, Lightning, and grid
islanding as follows:
The SPV power plants shall be provided with lightning & overvoltage protection. The main aim
in this protection shall be to reduce the over voltage to a tolerable value before it reaches the PV
or other sub system components. The source of over voltage can be lightning, atmosphere
disturbances etc The entire space occupying the SPV array shall be suitably protected against
Lightning by deploying required number of Lightning Arrestors. Lightning protection should be
provided as per IEC 62305 /IS 2309 standard. The protection against induced high-voltages shall
be provided by the use of metal oxide varistors (MOVs) and suitable earthing such that induced
transients find an alternate route to earth.
Surge protection shall be provided on both the DC and the AC side of the solar system. The DC
surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be installed in the DC distribution box adjacent to the solar
grid inverter.
The AC SPDs shall be installed in the AC distribution box adjacent to the solar grid inverter. The
SPDs earthing terminal shall be connected to earth through the above mentioned dedicated
earthing system. The SPDs shall be of type 2 as per IEC 60364-5-53
(i) Each array structure of the PV yard should be grounded/ earthed properly as per IS:3043-
1987. In addition the lighting arrester/masts should also be earthed inside the array field.
Earth Resistance shall be tested in presence of the representative of Discom /UPNEDA as
and when required after earthing by calibrated earth tester. PCU, ACDB and DCDB should
also be earthed properly.
(j) Earth resistance shall not be more than 5 ohms. It shall be ensured that all the earthing points
are bonded together to make them at the same potential.

Cables of appropriate size to be used in the system shall have the following characteristics:
a) Shall meet IEC 60227/IS 694, IEC 60502/IS1554 standards Temp. Range: –10oC to +80oC.
Voltage rating 660/1000V
b) For the DC cabling, Solar cables with multi stranded copper conductors XLPE or XLPO
insulated and sheathed with the voltage rating of 1000 V DC or higher UV stabilised single
core flexible copper cables shall be used. Multi-core cables shall not be used.
c) For the AC cabling, PVC or XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed single or multi-core flexible
copper cables shall be used. Outdoor AC cables shall have a UV-stabilised outer sheath
d) The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar PV modules to the solar grid
inverter shall not exceed 1.0%.
e) The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar grid inverter to the building
distribution board shall not exceed 2.0%
f) The DC cables from the SPV module array shall run through a UV-stabilised PVC conduit
pipe of adequate diameter with a minimumwall thickness of 1.5mm or through a High
Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) conduit. The conduits shall not run across the path way of
theterrace. Flexible corrugated PVC conduits shall not be used.
g) Cables and wires used for the interconnection of solar PV modules shall be provided with
solar PV connectors (MC4) and couplers.
h) All cables and conduit pipes shall be clamped to the rooftop, walls and ceilings with
thermo-plastic clamps at intervals not exceeding 50 cm. The minimum DC cable size shall
be 4.0 mm2copper. The minimum AC cable size shall be 4.0 mm2 copper for up to 10kWp
and 16.0mm2 for above 10kWp / required standard size. In three phase systems, the size of
the neutral wire shall be equal to the size of the phase wires. The following colour coding
shall be used for cable wires:
i) DC positive: red (the outer PVC sheath can be black with a red line marking)
j) DC negative: black
k) AC single phase: Phase: red; neutral: black
l) A
C three phase: Phases: red, yellow, blue; neutral: black Earth wires: green
m) Cables and conduits that have to pass through walls or ceilings shall be taken through
a PVC pipe sleeve.
n) Cable conductors shall be terminated with tinned copper end-ferrules to prevent fraying
and breaking of individual wire strands. The termination of the DC and AC cables at
the Solar Grid Inverter shall be done as per instructions of the manufacturer, which in
most cases will include the use of special connectors.
o) Cable lugs and end –ferrules for all cable conductor and wire terminations shall be
crimped with crimping pliers and end-ferrule pliers
p) All cable ties shall be UV resistant.
q) The Cable should be so selected that it should be compatible up to the life of the solar
PV panels i.e. 25years
r) The ratings given are approximate. Bidder to indicate size and length as per system design
requirement. All the cables required for the plant provided by the bidder. Any change in
cabling sizes if desired by the bidder/approved after citing appropriate reasons. All
cable schedules/layout drawings approved prior to installation.


After completion of installation & commissioning of the power plant, necessary tools &
tackles are to be provided free of cost by the bidder for maintenance purpose.
Danger boards should be provided as and where necessary as per IE Act. /IE rules as
amended up to date. Three signage shall be provided one each at battery –cum- control room,
solar array area and main entry from administrative block. Text of the signage may be finalized in
consultation with UPNEDA/ owner.
The firefighting system for the proposed power plant for fire protection shall be consisting
of: Portable fire extinguishers in the control room for fire caused by electrical short circuits Sand
buckets in the control room The installation of Fire Extinguishers should confirm to TAC
regulations and BIS standards. The fire extinguishers shall be provided in the control room
housing PCUs as well as on the Roof or site where the PV arrays have been installed.
Two sets of Engineering, electrical drawings and Installation and O&M manuals are to be


The bidder should carry out Shadow Analysis at the site and accordingly design strings & arrays
layout considering optimal usage of space, material and labor.


The Solar PV system on the rooftop of the selected buildings will be installed for meeting
the annual energy requirements depending upon the area of rooftop available and the remaining
energy requirement of the office buildings will be met by drawing power from grid at commercial
tariff of DISCOMs.
The bidder shall take entire responsibility for electrical safety of the installation(s)
including connectivity with the grid and follow all the safety rules & regulations applicable as per
Electricity Act, 2003 and CEA guidelines etc.
4.26 DC Combiner Box
A DC Combiner Box shall be used to combine the DC cables of the solar module arrays
with DC fuse protection for the outgoing DC cable(s) to the DC Distribution Box.
4.27 DC Distribution Box
A DC distribution box shall be mounted close to the solar grid inverter. The DC
distribution box shall be of the thermo-plastic IP65 DIN-rail mounting type and shall comprise the
following components and cable terminations:
Incoming positive and negative DC cables from the DC Combiner Box;
DC circuit breaker, 2 pole (the cables from the DC Combiner Box will be connected to this
circuit breaker on the incoming side);
DC surge protection device (SPD), class 2 as per IEC 60364-5-53;
Outgoing positive and negative DC cables to the solar grid inverter.
As an alternative to the DC circuit breaker a DC isolator may be used inside the DC Distribution
Box or in a separate external thermoplastic IP 65 enclosure adjacent to the DC Distribution Box.
If a DC isolator is used instead of a DC circuit breaker, a DC fuse shall be installed inside the DC
Distribution Box to protect the DC cable that runs from the DC Distribution Box to the Solar Grid
4.28 AC Distribution Box
An AC distribution box shall be mounted close to the solar grid inverter. The AC
distribution box shall be of the thermo plastic IP65 DIN rail mounting type and shall comprise the
following components and cable terminations:
Incoming 3-core / 5-core (single-phase/three-phase) cable from the solar grid inverter
AC circuit breaker, 2-pole / 4-pole AC surge protection device (SPD), class 2 as per IEC
4.29 Metering
The existing service connection meter needs to be replaced with a bidirectional (import
kWh and export kWh) service connection meter for the purpose of net-metering for eligible
categories. Installation of the net meter will be carried out by Discom. Beneficiary will submit
application to Discom to enable the connectivity of Solar rooftops with Grid and to avail net
metering benefits. The beneficiaries can also purchase the Net meter from market and get it install
by the DISCOM.
4.30 Documentation
The Installer shall supply the following documentation:
i. System description with working principles.
ii. System single line diagram.
iii. Solar PV array lay-out.
iv. Routing diagram of cables and wires.
v. Data sheets and user manuals of the solar PV panels and the solar grid inverter.
vi. A system operation and maintenance manual.
vii. Name, address, mobile number and email address of the service centre to be
contacted in case of failure or complaint.
viii. Warranty cards.
ix. Maintenance registers.

4.31 Test Certificates and Reports to be Furnished

Test Certificates / Reports from IECQ / NABL accredited laboratory for relevant IEC /
equivalent BIS standard for quoted components shall be furnished. Type Test Certificates /
reports shall be provided for the solar modules and solar grid tied inverters up to 20kW to
provide evidence of compliance with standards. For solar gridtied inverters above 20kW, self-
certification by the manufacturer of the said inverter is acceptable.

4.32 General Instructions

A Water and power supply for the construction shall be the responsibility of the
B Security, safety, watch, and ward of all materials at sites shall be the responsibility of the
C Liaison with the concerned distribution licensees, Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable
Energy Development Agency, Roof Owner (concerned Beneficiary), the Chief Electrical
Inspector and any other statutory authorities as applicable for all the Project approvals
D Expenses for any other works, supply of material, and providing services required for the
successful commissioning and operation of the plant, but not specifically mentioned in
this document.
E Safety management to be strictly complied with by the Contractor/Bidder throughout
implementation activity.
F First-aid medical facilities at the Site during construction to be provided by the
Contractor/ Bidder(s)
G All local labour, employment, and other issues shall be handled independently by the
Contractor/ Bidder(s)
H The entire responsibility and risk relating towards the workforce working at the Site, and
compliance of different statutory regulations like Workman Compensation Act,
Employees‟ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Factory Act 1948, Contract
LabourRegulation, and Abolition Act 1970, Shop and Establishment Act 1948, and other
Statutory regulatory bodies shall solely lie with the Contractor/ Bidder(s).
I I. The Contractor/ Bidder(s) shall also be solely responsible for payment of wages,
provident fund, bonus, retrenchment compensation leave, etc. applicable as per various
statutory regulations to their entire workforce,

4.33 The following Statutory Clearances shall be obtained by the/Bidder(s) wherever

a) Drawings approvals from Beneficiary.
b) Electrical Safety approval for system more than 10 KW (Chief Electrical Inspector)
a) All equipment, accessories, materials, civil construction & erection works should comply
with statutory requirements, BIS and required and highlighted IEC standards
4.34.1. The Contractor/ Bidder(s)should not misuse the area and/or assign responsibility for the
safety of machinery within the premises.
4.35 Term
4.35.1The term for operation and maintenance of the plant may be extended for another five
years on mutually agreed terms and conditions and charges.
4.36 Electricity Generation

The Contractor/Biddershall be solely responsible for the performance of the plant(s) and
shall make all necessary efforts to maximize the electricity generation of the plant.

4.37 Metering and associated facilities

The metering of electricity shall be carried out as per the regulations stipulated by Uttar
Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission and/or Central Electricity Authority.
4.38 Failure to rectify the problem
a). If the Contractor/ Bidder(s)fails to rectify the plant downtime within seven (7) days from
the date of identification of such defect, unless the extension in time is mutually discuss
and agreed between the bidder and the respective Beneficiary.
b) If the Contractor/Bidder(s)fails to rectify the problem, the respective Beneficiary
shall/may rectify the problem at the expense of the Contractor/ Bidder(s), in such case on
genuine complaint, UPNEDA will take appropriate action including forfeiture of PBG
and blacklisting/debarring of the firm.
4.39 Completion of Term
 On completion of the term of Operation and Maintenance the Contractor/ Bidder(s) shall
apply to the respective Beneficiary for the issue of power plant performance certificate.
Such document is required for release of PBG of the firm.
 Make of Module, and PCU in technical bid will be indicative, bidder can use its
equivalent as per MNRE test report/guidelines and submits its details test report before
4.40 Standards and Limits
Following specifications shall be applicable for the activities related to meters and grid
Standards and Limits


Service Relevant regulation/order by Uttar
conditions Pradesh Electricity Regulatory
Commission Compliance
Overall Grid Central Electricity Authority (Grid Compliance
Standards Standard) regulations 2010
Equipment BIS / IEEE / IEC Compliance
Meters Central Electricity Authority(Installation Compliance
and Operation of Meters) Regulation
2013 & relevant regulations by Uttar
Pradesh Electricity Regulatory
Safety and Central Electricity Authority(Measures Compliance
Supply of Safety and ElectricitySupply)
Regulation 2010
Harmonic IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Harmonic current injections from a
Current Standards for Connectivity of the generating station shall not exceed the
Distributed Generation Resources) limits specified in IEEE 519
Regulations 2013
Synchroniza IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Photovoltaic system must be equipped
tion Standards for Connectivity of the with a grid frequency synchronization
Distributed Generation Resources) device. Every time the generating
Regulations 2013 station is synchronized to the electricity
system. It shall not cause voltage
fluctuation greater than +/- 5% at point
of connection.
Voltage IEEE 519 and CEA(Technical Standards The voltage-operating window should
for Connectivity of the Distributed minimize nuisance tripping and should
Generation Resources) Regulations 2013 be under operating range of 80%
to110% of the nominal connected
voltage. Beyond a clearing time of 2
second, the photovoltaic system must
isolate itself from the grid.
Flicker IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Operation of Photovoltaic system
Standards for Connectivity of the should not cause voltage flicker in
Distributed Generation Regulations 2013 excess of the limits stated in IEC
Resources) 61000 standards or other equivalent
Indian standards, if any.
Frequency IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical When the Distribution system
Standards for Connectivity of the frequency deviates outside the
Distributed Generation Resources). specified conditions(50.5 Hz on
Regulations 2013 upper side and 47.5 Hz on lower
side), There should be over and under
frequency trip functions with a
clearing time of 0.2 seconds
DC injection IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Photovoltaic system should not inject
Standards for Connectivity of the DC power more than0.5% of full
Distributed Generation Resources). rated output at the interconnection
Regulations 2013 point under any operating conditions
Power IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical While the output of the inverter is
Factor Standards for Connectivity of the greater than 50%, a lagging power
Distributed Generation Resources). factor of greater than 0.9 should
Regulations 2013 operate
Islanding IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical The photovoltaic system in the event
and Standards for Connectivity of the of fault, voltage or frequency
Disconnectio Distributed Generation Resources). variations must island / disconnect
n Regulations 2013 itself within IEC standard on
stipulated period

Overload IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical The inverter should have the
and Standards for Connectivity of the facility to automatically switch off in
Overheat Distributed Generation Resources). case of overload or overheating and
Regulations 2013 should restart when normal conditions
are restored
Paralleling IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Paralleling device of photovoltaic
Device Standards for Connectivity of the system shall be capable of
Distributed Generation Resources). withstanding 220% of the normal
Regulations 2013 voltage at the interconnection point.
Notes for Bidder:
1. The installation should not be protruding outside the building and there should not be
overhang type structure on any terrace.
2. Location and area for inverter and other interconnection equipment should be located in
suitable and secure place and this should be approved by the respective Beneficiary.
3. Installation diagram and wiring from array to proposed location of inverter and
interconnection should be clearly presented by the Empaneled Bidder before work starts
on the site if desired by the beneficiaries. These should be approved by owner of the
respective building.
4. Any installations on the terrace should be planned and executed in such a way that water
proofing will not be disturbed and harmed. In case any area water proofing is affected it
will be Bidders's responsibility to correct it and put it right.


The Tenderer should ensure that all components and systems used under this Scheme
shall strictly adhere to the Technical Specifications and Guidelines issued by MNRE, and
as amended from time to time.



Quality certification and standards for grid-connected rooftop solar PV systems are
essential for the successful mass-scale implementation of this technology. It is also
imperative to put in place an efficient and rigorous monitoring mechanism, adherence to
these standards. Hence, all components of grid-connected rooftop solar PV system/ plant
must conform to the relevant standards and certifications given below:

Solar PV Modules/ Panels

Design Qualification and Type Approval
IEC 61215/ IS 14286 for
Terrestrial Photovoltaic
IEC 61701 Salt Mist Corrosion Testing of Photovoltaic
IEC 61853- Part 1/ IS 16170: Part 1 Photovoltaic (PV) e performance
testing and energy rating –: Irradiance and
temperature performance measurements,
and power rating
Photovoltai Modul
IEC 62716 c (PV) es –
Ammonia (NH3) Corrosion
(As per the site condition like dairies,
(PV Mod
IEC 61730-1,2 Photovoltaic ) ule Safety
Qualification – Part 1: Requirements
Construction 2: Requirements
, Part for
Solar PV Inverters
IEC 62109-1, IEC Safety of power converters for use in
photovoltaic power systems
62109-2 –
Part 1: General requirements, and Safety
power converters for use in
power systems
Part 2: Particular requirements for
Safety compliance (Protection degree IP
for outdoor mounting, IP 54 for indoor
Photovoltaic Systems – Power
IEC/IS 61683 conditioners:
Procedure for Measuring Efficiency
(as applicable) (10%,
25%, 50%, 75% & 90-100%
Utility-interconnected Photovoltaic
IEC 62116/ UL 1741/ IEEE 1547 Inverters -
(as applicable) Test Procedure of Islanding Prevention
Measuring relays and protection
IEC 60255-27 equipment –
Part 27: Product safety requirements
IEC 60068-2 / IEC 62093 Environmental Testing of PV System –
Power Conditioners and
(as applicable) Inverters

General safety requirements for
IS/IEC 60947 (Part 1, 2 & 3), EN connectors,
switches, circuit breakers
50521 (AC/DC):
Low-voltage Switchgear and
a) Control-
1. The PV modules will be warranted for a minimum period of 25 years from the date
of supply. (Output wattage should not be less than 90% at the end of 12 years and
80% at the end of 25 years).
2. The mechanical structures, electrical components including evacuation infrastructure
and overall workmanship of the Solar PV Rooftop power plant system must be
warranted for a minimum of 5years from the date of commissioning and handing
over of the system.
3. The Comprehensive Maintenance (within warranty period) may be executed by
thefirm themselves or through the service center of the firm in theconcerned
4. The contractor/ bidder shall be responsible to replace free of cost
(includingtransportation and insurance expenses) to the purchaser whole or any part
ofsupply which under normal and proper use become dysfunctional within 7 daysof
issue of any such complaint by the purchaser.
5. The service personnel of the Successful Bidder will make routine quarterly
maintenance visits. The maintenance shall include thorough testing & replacementof
any damaged parts Apart from the any complaint registered/ service calls received /
faults notified in the report generated by the IVRS should be attended to and the
system should be repaired/ restored/ replaced within 3 days.
6. Normal and preventive maintenance of the SPV Rooftop Power Plant systems will
also be the duties of the deputed personnel during quarterly maintenance visits.
7. During operation and maintenance period of the SPV Rooftop Power Plant systems,
if there is any loss or damage of any component due to miss management/miss
handling or due to anyother reasons pertaining to the deputed personnel, what-so-
ever, the supplier shall beresponsible for immediate replacement/rectification. The
damaged component may berepaired or replaced by new component.
8. Vendors for supply and installation of the RTS shall establish a service centre in
each District. The vendor shall put contact details of service centre ( at any
suitable place ) at every project place. In case if it is not economically viable for
an individual vendor then Group of vendors can establish service Centre in each
District. Their contact details will be made available on the website. iv. These
service centers have to provide services to the RTS owners within the timelines
specified in the contract, free of cost for first five years (Warranty period) of
commissioning of the RTS. Non-performing/Under-performing PV Panels will be
replaced free of cost in the warranty period. Non-compliance of the service
standards by the vendor will make it ineligible for future work orders by the
Government and may be blacklisted.
e-tender No: 01/UPNEDA/Grid Connected/Rooftop/2016
Technical BID
Description To be furnished by the Contractor/Bidder
A Solar PV Module
Type of Module:
Manufacturer of cell
Manufacturer of Module
Max power at STC Pmax (W)
Voltage at Max power Vmp(V)
Current at Max power Imp(A)
Open circuit voltage Voc (V)
Short circuit current Isc (A)
Module efficiency
Cell efficiency
Fill factor
B Solar Power Conditioning Unit
Manufacturer :
Type String type/central
Operating voltage (DC)
Operating voltage AC (pure sine wave)
Details of Indicators provided

(Signature of Bidder)
with seal
PART B (Financial Bid)
e-tender NO. 01/UPNEDA/SPV/GCRT/2019

Name of the Firm: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plant and power evacuation system and other necessary infrastructures
including 5 years Comprehensive Warranty and Maintenance of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plants and Power Evacuation system in various Districts in the State of
Uttar Pradesh as per technical specifications, Terms and Conditions of the tender document :-

Sl. Description Cost of SPV Power plant per

kWp including CMC for 5
years (Rs)
1 PART A :1KW Upto 10 kWp
PART B: 11kWp to 25 kWp.
1. Certified that rates quoted above are as per the requirement, specification terms &
condition mentioned in the e-tender document.
2. The rates are inclusive of all taxes & duties, storage, transportation up to site, insurance
etc., and any other job required to properly execute the work.

3. MNRE has issued the current year bench mark price for solar rooftop systems, hence the
price quoted should not be more than the bench mark price.

(Signature of Bidder)
With seal
To be uploaded in Part B.
Other document / condition, terms if enclosed will liable to be rejection of bid.
(To be submitted separately for each State and for each Model viz CAPEX)
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to place of
Ref.____________ Bank Guarantee No._____________
In consideration of the -----[Insert name of the Bidder] (hereinafter referred to as 'Bidder')
submitting the response to Tender document inter alia for selection of the Project for the capacity
of ……….. MW [Insert Capacity] in response to the Tender document No. ____________dated
____ issued by UPNEDA(hereinafter referred to as UPNEDA) and UPNEDAconsidering such
response to the Tender document of………[insert the name of the
Bidder]asperthetermsoftheBid document,the__________[insert name & address of bank] hereby
agrees unequivocally, irrevocably and unconditionally to pay to UPNEDA at [InsertName of the
Place from the address of UPNEDA] forthwithon demand in writing from UPNEDAor any
Officer authorized by it in this behalf, any amount upto and not exceeding Rupees
_______________________ [Insert amount not less than that derived on the basis of Rs. __
Lakhs per MW ofcumulative capacity only, on behalf ofM/s. _______________________ [Insert
name of the Bidder] .
This guarantee shall be validand binding on this Bank upto and
including___________[insert date of validity in accordance with Bid document] and shall not be
terminable by notice or any change in the constitution of the Bank or the term of contract or by
any other reasons whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by
any extension of time or variations or alternations made, given, or agreed with or without our
knowledge or consent, by or between parties to the respective agreement.
Our liability under this Guarantee
isrestrictedtoRs.___________________________(Rs._____________________ only).
Our Guarantee shall remain in force until _____________ [insert date of validity in accordance
with Bid document]. UPNEDA shall be entitled to invoke this Guarantee till_____ [Insert date
which is 30 days after the date in the preceding sentence].
The Guarantor Bank hereby agrees and acknowledges that the UPNEDA shall have a
right to invoke this BANK GUARANTEE in part or in full, as it may deem fit.
The Guarantor Bank hereby expressly agrees that it shall not require any proof in addition
to the written demand by UPNEDA, made in any format, raised at the above mentioned address
of the Guarantor Bank, in order to make the said payment to UPNEDA.
The Guarantor Bank shall make payment hereunder on first demand without restriction or
conditions and notwithstanding any objection by ------------- [Insert nameof the Bidder] and/or
any other person. The Guarantor Bank shall not require UPNEDA to justify the invocation of this
BANK GUARANTEE, nor shall the Guarantor Bank have any recourse against UPNEDA in
respect of any payment made hereunder.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and
the courts at Lucknow shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in such
form and with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as against the
Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger,
amalgamation, restructuring or any other change in the constitution of the Guarantor Bank.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank and
accordingly UPNEDA shall not be obliged before enforcing this BANK GUARANTEE to take
any action in any court or arbitral proceedings against the Bidder, to make any claim against or
any demand on the Bidder or to give any notice to the Bidder or to enforce any security held by
UPNEDA or to exercise, levy or enforce any distress, diligence or other process against the
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is
restricted to Rs. ___________ (Rs. ________________________ only) and it shall remain in
force until ___________ [Date to be inserted on the basis of this Bid document] with an
additional claim period of thirty (30) days thereafter. We are liableto pay the guaranteed amount
or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only if UPNEDA serves upon us a written claim
or demand.
Signature ________________________
Power of Attorney No._______________
Email ID__________________________
For_______________________________ [Insert Name of the Bank]__
Banker's Stamp and Full Address.
Dated this ____ day of ____, 20__

UPNEDA Account details for the purpose of BG

UPNEDA Account no for B G purpose: 2185286335
IFSC: CBIN0283946
Branch: NCEDA, Gomati Nagar, Lucknow
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to place of
In consideration of the ----- [Insert name of the Bidder] (hereinafter referred to as selected
Successful Bidder(SB)) submitting the response to Tender documentinter alia for selection of the
Project for the capacity of ……….. MW under Roof Top scheme in response to the Tender
document No________ dated………… issued by UPNEDA(hereinafter referred to as
UPNEDA) and UPNEDA considering such response to the Tender document of ………[insert
the name of the Successful Bidder] (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof include its executers, administrators, successors and assignees) and selecting the
Solar Power Project of the Solar Power Developer and issuing Letter of allocation No -------------
to------------(insert the name of the Successful Bidder(SB)) as per terms of Tender documentand
the same having been accepted by the selected SB or a Project Company, M/s ------------- {a
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) formed for this purpose}, if applicable ]. As per the terms of the
Bid document, the _______________ [insert name & address of bank] hereby agrees
unequivocally, irrevocably and unconditionally to pay to UPNEDA at_______________ [Insert
Name of the Place from the address of the UPNEDA] forthwith on demand in writing from
UPNEDA or any Officer authorised by it in this behalf, any amount upto and not exceeding
Rupees------ [Total Value] only, on behalf of M/s __________ [Insert name of the selected
Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project Company]
This guarantee shall be valid and binding on this Bank up to and including……….[insert
date of validity in accordance with Bid document].and shall not be terminable by notice or any
change in the constitution of the Bank or the term of contract or by any other reasons whatsoever
and our liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or
variations or alternations made, given, or agreed with or without our knowledge or consent, by or
between parties to the respective agreement.
(Rs.___________ only).
Our Guarantee shall remain in force until…………….UPNEDA shall be entitled to
invoke thisGuarantee till ……….
The Guarantor Bank hereby agrees and acknowledges that UPNEDA shall have a right to
invoke this BANK GUARANTEE in part or in full, as it may deem fit.
The Guarantor Bank hereby expressly agrees that it shall not require any proof in addition
to the written demand by UPNEDA, made in any format, raised at the above mentioned address
of the Guarantor Bank, in order to make the said payment to UPNEDA.
The Guarantor Bank shall make payment hereunder on first demand without restriction or
conditions and notwithstanding any objection by ------------[Insert name of the Successful
Bidder(SB)/ Project Company as applicable] and/or any other person. The Guarantor Bank shall
not require UPNEDA to justify the invocation of this BANK GUARANTEE, nor shall the
Guarantor Bank have any recourse against UPNEDAin respect of any payment made hereunder.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and
the courts at Lucknow shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in
such form and with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as
against the Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger,
amalgamation, restructuring or any other change in the constitution of the Guarantor Bank.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank and
accordingly UPNEDA shall not be obliged before enforcing this BANK GUARANTEE to take
any action in any court or arbitral proceedings against the Successful Bidder(SB) / Project
Company , to make any claim against or any demand on the Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project
Company or to give any notice to the Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project Company or to enforce any
security held by UPNEDA or to exercise, levy or enforce any distress, diligence or other process
against the Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project Company .
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is
restricted to Rs. ___________ (Rs. ________________________ only) and it shall remain in
force until …………….. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any
part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only if UPNEDA serves upon us a written claim or
Signature ____________________
Power of Attorney No._______________
Email ID____________________
For ______[Insert Name of the Bank]__
Banker's Stamp and Full Address.
Dated this ____ day of ____, 20__
1. …………………………………….
Name and Address
The Stamp Paper should be in the name of the Executing Bank and of appropriate value.
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to place
of execution.)
Power of Attorney to be provided by the Bidding Company in favour of its representative
as evidence of authorized signatory’s authority.
Know all men by these presents, We …………………………………………………….
(name and address of the registered office of the Bidding Company as applicable) do hereby
constitute, appoint and authorize Mr./Ms. …………………………….. (name & residential
address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position
of……………………………………… as our true and lawful attorney, to do in our name and on
our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to
submission of our Bid for implementation of grid connected Roof top solar PV scheme in
selected States in India in response to the BID DOCUMENT. No………………………………
dated ………….. issued by UPNEDA(UPNEDA), New Lucknow including signing and
submission of the Bid and all other documents related to the Bid, including but not limited to
undertakings, letters, certificates, acceptances, clarifications, guarantees or any other document
which the UPNEDA may require us to submit. The aforesaid Attorney is further authorized for
making representations to the UPNEDA, New Lucknow and providing information / responses
to UPNEDA, New Lucknow representing us in all matters before UPNEDA, New Lucknow and
generally dealing with UPNEDA, New Lucknow in all matters in connection with this Bid till
the completion of the bidding process as per the terms of the above mentioned BID
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney pursuant to this
Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall be
binding on us and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.
All the terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms under the
Signed by the within named
……………………………………………….. (Insert the name of theexecutantcompany)
through the hand of Mr. …………………………………………………
duly authorized by the Board(vide Board resolution No______) to issue such Power of
Dated this ………………………………… day of …………………
Signature of Attorney
(Name, designation and address of the Attorney)
(Signature of the executant)
(Name, designation and address of the executant)

Signature and stamp of Notary of the place of execution

Common seal of ……………………… has been affixed in my/our presence
Pursuant toBoard ofDirector’sResolutiondated…………….(Boardof
Director’s Resolution is also enclosed)
i) …………………………………………………………..

Designation ………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………….

Designation ………………………………………
The mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and the same
should be under common seal of the executant affixed in accordance with the applicable
procedure. Further, the person whose signatures are to be provided on the power of attorney shall
be duly authorized by the executant(s) in this regard.
Format 4
SCHEDULE OF EXPERIENCE (Supply & Installation)
(Please attach certificates in support from the concerned nodal agency /Govt.
Organization/ MNRE authorized Agency /Project owner for work executed in case of
private owner the joint commissioning report along with officer of Nodal agency/govt

Copy of work
S. Details of SPV Year Deptt./Agency Cost of order
No. systems /Beneficiary works in
installed for which size of { Amt in
during work carried Work in Lakhs.}
2016-17, 2017-18,
2018-19 out kW
and till date of
submission of




Certified by CA

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