Desifratacion (Sec 20) Gpsa Engineering Data Book
Desifratacion (Sec 20) Gpsa Engineering Data Book
Desifratacion (Sec 20) Gpsa Engineering Data Book
Natural gas and associated condensate are often produced Dehydration is the process used to remove water from natu-
from the reservoir saturated (in equilibrium) with water. In ral gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs), and is required to:
addition, the gas and condensate often contain CO2 and H2S • prevent formation of hydrates and condensation of free
which might require removal. This is frequently accomplished water in processing and transportation facilities,
with aqueous solutions such as amines, potassium carbonate,
etc. which saturate the gas or condensate with water. Liquid • meet a water content specification, and
hydrocarbons may also contain water downstream of product • prevent corrosion
treaters or upon removal from underground storage.
FIG. 20-1
Techniques for dehydrating natural gas, associated gas con- Cg = 0.98 (Fig. 20-4)
densate and NGLs include:
W = (0.98)(220) = 216 lb/MMscf
• Absorption using liquid desiccants,
• Adsorption using solid desiccants, For a gas in equilibrium with a 3% brine,
• Dehydration with CaCl2, Cs = 0.93 (Fig. 20-4)
• Dehydration by refrigeration,
W = (0.93)(220) = 205 lb/MMscf
• Dehydration by membrane permeation,
• Dehydration by gas stripping, and Water Content of High CO2/H2S Gases
• Dehydration by distillation Both H2S and CO2 contain more water at saturation than
methane or sweet natural gas mixtures. The relative amounts
vary considerably with temperature and pressure. Fig. 20-67
WATER CONTENT OF GASES AND LIQUIDS and 20-76 display saturated water content of pure CO2 and
H2S, respectively, at various temperatures and pressures. Fig.
Water Solubility in Liquid Hydrocarbons 20-8 shows the saturated water contents of pure CH4, CO2 and
Fig. 20-2 shows the solubilities of water in sweet liquid hy- selected mixtures vs. pressure at 100°F. Fig. 20-95 exhibits the
drocarbons. It is based on experimental data developed in GPA saturated water content of pure CH4, CO2 and a 95% CO2 – 5%
RR 169.49 In sour hydrocarbon liquids, water solubility can be CH4 mixture vs. pressure at 100°F. Several significant obser-
substantially higher. vations can be made from these figures and other available
GPA RR-621 provides water solubility data for selected hy-
1. Saturated water content of pure CO2 and H2S can be sig-
drocarbons in both sweet and sour systems. Equations-of-
nificantly higher than that of sweet natural gas, particu-
State (EOS) may be used to estimate water solubilities in
larly at pressures above about 700 psia at ambient tem-
hydrocarbon systems. GPA RR-422 provides a comparison of
experimental versus calculated values using a modified So-
ave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) EOS. Results from EOS methods 2. Corrections for H2S and CO2 should be applied when the
should be used with caution and verified with experimental gas mixture contains more than 5% H2S and/or CO2 at
data when possible. pressures above 700 psia. These corrections become in-
creasingly significant at higher concentrations and
Fig. 20-3 gives hydrocarbon solubilities in water, which in higher pressures.
general are considerably less than water in hydrocarbons. This
3. The addition of small amounts of CH4 or N2 to CO2 or H2S
figure is based on experimental data developed in GPA RR
can dramatically reduce the saturated water content
169.49 Some experimental data is available in GPA RR-62.
compared to the pure acid gas.
Yaws, et. al.3 provide a general correlation which may be used
to estimate the solubility of over 200 hydrocarbons in water. Acid gas water content is a very complex subject. The data
and methods presented here should not be used for final de-
Water Content of Natural Gases sign. Fig. 20-6, 20-7, 20-8 and 20-9 are all based on experimen-
The saturated water content of a gas depends on pressure, tal data. A cursory study of these figures reveals the
temperature, and composition. The effect of composition in- complexities involved. An accurate determination of water
creases with pressure and is particularly important if the gas content requires a careful study of the existing literature and
contains CO2 and/or H2S. For lean, sweet natural gases con- available experimental data. In most cases additional experi-
taining over 70% methane and small amounts of heavy hydro- mental data is the best way to verify predicted values. Even
carbons, generalized pressure-temperature correlations are the most sophisticated EOS techniques may give results of
suitable for many applications. Fig. 20-44 is an example of one questionable reliability.
such correlation which has been widely used for many years Below 40% acid gas components, one method of estimating
in the design of “sweet” natural gas dehydrators. It was first the water content uses Eq 20-1 and Fig. 20-4, 20-10, and 20-
published in 1958 and was based on experimental data avail- 11.8
able at that time. The gas gravity correlation should never be
W = yHC WHC + yCO2 WCO2 + yH2SWH2S Eq 20-1
used to account for the presence of H2S and CO2 and may not
always be adequate for certain hydrocarbon effects, especially Note that Fig. 20-10 and 20-11 provide values for what is
for the prediction of water content at pressures above 1500 termed the “effective” water content of CO2 and H2S in natural
psia. The hydrate formation line is approximate and should gas mixtures for use only in Eq 20-1. These are not pure CO2
not be used to predict hydrate formation conditions. and H2S water contents.
Fig. 20-5 extends Fig. 20-4 from 300 to 400°F. This is based Another method for estimation of the saturated water con-
on data in the high-temperature region published by Olds et. tent of acid gas mixtures up to 10,000 psia uses Fig. 20-12,
al.50 20-13, and 20-14.9 With gases containing CO2, the CO2 must
be converted to an “equivalent” H2S concentration. For pur-
The following examples are provided to illustrate the use of
poses of this method, it is assumed the CO2 will contribute 75%
Figs. 20-4 and 20-5:
as much water to the gas mixture, on a molar basis, as H2S.
Example 20-1 — Determine the saturated water content for a
sweet lean hydrocarbon gas at 150°F and 1,000 psia. Water contents for pressures in between the values in the
figures (for example at pressure Pbbl between pressures Pbbl1
From Fig. 20-4 or Fig. 20-5 and Pbbl2) can be determined by plotting on log-log paper or by
logarithmic interpolation using the following equation:
W = 220 lb/MMsc f
log (Wbbl) = log (Wbbl1) + (log(Wbbl2/Wbbl1)) •
For a 26 molecular weight gas, (log (Pbbl/Pbbl1)) / (log(Pbbl2/Pbbl1) Eq 20-2
A third method is Fig. 20-15.51 The CO2 is converted to W = (0.80)(167) + (0.20)(240)
equivalent H2S as for the second method, but the factor is
70% instead of 75%. = 182 lb/MMsc f
FIG. 20-2
Solubility of Water in Liquid Hydrocarbons
Method Three Fig. 20-16 compares the three methods presented for satu-
rated water content determination of high CO2/H2S gas mix-
First the composition must be converted for use with Fig. tures with some of the available experimental data. The last
20-15. four data points shown in Fig. 20-16 indicate the dangers in-
yH2S (pseudo) = 0.70 (yCO2 ) = 0.70(0.20) = 0.14 volved with extrapolation to higher CO2 or H2S contents. In
one case, the estimated water content agrees within 11% of
the experimental value. In another case, the experimental
Enter the left side of Fig. 20-15 at 160°F and move to the value is over 6 times the estimated water content.
% H2S Equivalent line (14%). Proceed vertically upward
to the Pressure, psia line (2000 psia), and move horizon- Water Content in the Hydrate Region
tally to the left to Water Content Ratio scale (ratio of
1.16). Fig. 20-4 is based on the assumption that the condensed water
phase is a liquid. However, at temperatures below the hydrate
W = (1.16)(167) = 194 lb/MMscf temperature of the gas, the “condensed” phase will be a solid
FIG. 20-3
Solubility of Hydrocarbons in Water
FIG. 20-4
Water Content of Hydrocarbon Gas
FIG. 20-5
Water Content of Hydrocarbon Gas
FIG. 20-6 FIG. 20-8
Water Content of CO2 Experimental Values for Water Content of Acid Gases
FIG. 20-10
Effective Water Content of H2S in Natural Gas Mixtures vs. Temperature at Various Pressures
FIG. 20-11
Effective Water Content of CO2 in Natural Gas Mixtures vs. Temperature at Various Pressures
FIG. 20-12 FIG. 20-13
Calculated Water Content of Acid Gas Mixtures Calculated Water Content of Acid Gas Mixtures
to 2000 psia to 6000 psia
(hydrate). The water content of a gas in equilibrium with a moval. Where experimental data is unavailable, utilization of
hydrate will be lower than equilibrium with a metastable liq- a sound thermodynamic-based correlation can provide an es-
uid. This is acknowledged in the “Warning” in Fig. 20-4. timate of water content in equilibrium with hydrates.
Hydrate formation is a time dependent process. The rate at Water Content Measurement
which hydrate crystals form depends upon several factors in-
Specifications for water content measurement are given in GPA
cluding gas composition, presence of crystal nucleation sites
Publication 2140. These include the Valve Freeze Method, the Bu-
in the liquid phase, degree of agitation, etc. During this tran-
reau of Mines Dew Point Tester, and the Cobalt Bromide Method.
sient “hydrate formation period” the liquid water present is
Cobalt bromide color change occurs at about 25-30 ppmw.
termed “metastable liquid”. Metastable water is liquid water
which, at equilibrium, will exist as a hydrate. There are several commercial instruments available for
11 10 12 monitoring water content based on other principles. Measur-
GPA RR-45 , 50 and 80 present experimental data show-
ing water contents of less than 20 ppmw or making dewpoint
ing equilibrium water contents of gases above hydrates. Data determinations at less than –40°F can be very difficult.
from RR-50 is presented in Fig. 20-17. For comparative pur-
poses, the metastable water content of a sweet gas from Fig.
20-4 is also shown. Water content of gases in the hydrate re- HYDRATES IN NATURAL GAS SYSTEMS
gion is a strong function of composition. Fig. 20-17 should not
be extrapolated to other compositions. A hydrate is a physical combination of water and other small
molecules to produce a solid which has an “ice-like” appear-
When designing dehydration systems (particularly TEG
ance but possesses a different structure than ice. Their forma-
systems) to meet extremely low water dewpoint specifications,
tion in gas and/or NGL systems can plug pipelines, equipment,
it is necessary to determine the water content of the gas in
and instruments, restricting or interrupting flow.
equilibrium with a hydrate using a correlation like that pre-
sented in Fig. 20-17. If a metastable correlation is used, one There are three recognized crystalline structures for such
will overestimate the saturated water content of the gas at the hydrates. In both, water molecules build the lattice and hydro-
dewpoint specification. This, in turn, may result in a dehydra- carbons, nitrogen, CO2 and H2S occupy the cavities. Smaller
tion design which is unable to meet the required water re- molecules (CH4, C2H6, CO2, H2S) stabilize a body-centered cu-
FIG. 20-14 0.6 sp. gr. gas (composition is shown in Fig. 20-22) has a hy-
drate formation temperature which is 12-13°F higher than
Calculated Water Content of Acid Gas Mixtures pure methane.
to 10,000 psia
The presence of H2S in natural gas mixtures results in a
substantially warmer hydrate formation temperature at a
given pressure. CO2, in general, has a much smaller impact
and often reduces the hydrate formation temperature at fixed
pressure for a hydrocarbon gas mixture.
The conditions which affect hydrate formation are:
Primary Considerations
• Gas or liquid must be at or below its water dew point or
saturation condition (NOTE: liquid water does not have
to be present for hydrates to form)
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Composition
Secondary Considerations
• Mixing
• Kinetics
• Physical site for crystal formation and agglomeration
such as a pipe elbow, orifice, thermowell, or line scale
• Salinity
In general, hydrate formation will occur as pressure in-
creases and/or temperature decreases to the formation condi-
bic called Structure I. Larger molecules (C3H8, i-C4H10, n- The conditions at which hydrates can form are strongly af-
C4H10) form a diamond-lattice called Structure II. fected by gas composition. Compositions used for the construc-
tion of Fig. 20-19 through Fig. 20-21 are given in Fig. 20-22.
Normal paraffin molecules larger than n-C4H10 do not form The gases are saturated with water.
Structure I and II hydrates as they are too large to stabilize Example 20-3 — Find the pressure at which hydrate forms for
the lattice. However, some isoparaffins and cycloalkanes a gas with the following composition. T = 50°F.
larger than pentane are known to form Structure H hy-
drates.13 Mole lb per lb-mol
Component Mole Wt
Gas composition determines structure type. Mixed gases Fraction of Mixture
will typically form Structure II. Limiting hydrate numbers (ra- C1 0.784 16.043 12.58
tio of water molecules to molecules of included gaseous com- C2 0.060 30.070 1.80
ponent) are calculated using the size of the gas molecules and C3 0.036 44.097 1.59
the size of the cavities in H2O lattice. iC4 0.005 58.124 0.29
From a practical viewpoint, the structure type does not af- nC4 0.019 58.124 1.10
fect the appearance, properties, or problems caused by the hy- N2 0.094 28.013 2.63
drate. It does, however, have a significant effect on the CO2 0.002 44.010 0.09
pressure and temperature at which hydrates form. Structure
Total 1.000 20.08
II hydrates are more stable than Structure I. This is why gases
containing C3H8 and i-C4H10 will form hydrates at higher tem-
Mole wt. of gas mixture = 20.08
peratures than similar gas mixtures which do not contain
these components. The effect of C3H8 and i-C4H10 on hydrate MWgas 20.08
formation conditions can be seen in Fig. 20-19. At 1000 psia, a γ = = = 0.693
MWair 28.964
FIG. 20-15
Calculated Water Content of Acid Gas Mixtures
From Fig. 20-19 at 50°F Example 20-5 — How far may a 0.6 gravity gas at 2,000 psia and
100°F be expanded without hydrate formation?
P = 320 psia for 0.7 gravity gas
On Fig. 20-20 find the intersection of 2,000 initial pressure line
Example 20-4 — The gas in Example 20-3 is to be expanded from with the 100°F initial temperature curve. Read on the x-axis the
1,500 psia to 500 psia. What is the minimum initial temperature permissible final pressure of 1100 psia.
that will permit the expansion without hydrate formation? Example 20-6 — How far may a 0.6 gravity gas at 2,000 psia and
140°F be expanded without hydrate formation?
The 1,500 psia initial pressure line and the 500 psia final pres-
sure line intersect just above the 110°F curve on Fig. 20-21. Ap- On Fig. 20-20, the 140°F initial temperature curve does not in-
proximately 112°F is the minimum initial temperature. tersect the 2,000 psia initial pressure line. Therefore, the gas may
FIG. 20-16
Comparison of Experimental vs. Calculated Water Contents for Acid Gases
FIG. 20-17
Water Content of 5.31% C3/94.69% C1 Gas in Equilibrium with Hydrate
be expanded to atmospheric pressure without hydrate forma- Nitrogen is assumed to be a non-hydrate former and is also
tion. assigned a K-value of infinity.
Conditions predicted by Fig. 20-19 through 20-21 may be sig- The Kvs values are used in a “dewpoint” equation to deter-
nificantly in error for compositions other than those used to derive mine the hydrate temperature or pressure. The calculation is
the charts. For more accurate determination of hydrate formation iterative and convergence is achieved when the following ob-
conditions, the following procedures should be followed. In addi- jective function (Eq 20-4) is satisfied.
tion, Fig. 20-20 and 20-21 do not account for liquid water and liquid i=n
hydrocarbons present or formed during the expansion. These can
have a significant effect on the outlet temperature from the pres- ∑ (yi / Kvs ) = 1.0 Eq 20-4
sure reduction device. i=1
Hydrate Prediction Based on Composition Prudence should be exercised when some higher molecular
for Sweet Gases weight isoparaffins and certain cycloalkanes are present as
Several correlations have proven useful for predicting hy- they can form Structure H hydrates.
drate formation of sweet gases and gases containing minimal Example 20-7 — Calculate the pressure for hydrate
amounts of CO2 and/or H2S. The most reliable ones require a formation at 50°F for a gas with the following composition.
gas analysis. The Katz method14,15 utilizes vapor solid equilib-
Mole at 300 psi at 400 psi
rium constants defined by the Eq 20-3. Component Fraction
y in Gas Kvs y/Kvs Kvs y/Kvs
Kvs = Eq 20-3
xs Methane 0.784 2.04 0.384 1.75 0.448
Ethane 0.060 0.79 0.076 0.50 0.120
WARNING: Not good for pure components – only mixtures.
Propane 0.036 0.113 0.319 0.072 0.500
The applicable K-value correlations for the hydrate forming
Isobutane 0.005 0.046 0.109 0.027 0.185
molecules (methane, ethane, propane, isobutane16, normal bu-
tane17, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide) are shown in Fig. n-Butane 0.019 0.21 0.090 0.21 0.090
20-23 to 20-29. Normal butane cannot form a hydrate by itself Nitrogen 0.094 * 0.000 * 0.000
but can contribute to hydrate formation in a mixture. Carbon dioxide 0.002 3.0 0.001 1.9 0.001
For calculation purposes, all molecules too large to form hy- Total 1.000 0.979 1.344
drates have a K-value of infinity. These include all normal par- * Infinity Interpolating linearly, Σy/Kvs = 1.0 at 305 psia
affin hydrocarbon molecules larger than normal butane.
FIG. 20-19
FIG. 20-18
Pressure-Temperature Curves for
Conditions for Hydrate Formation for Light Gases Predicting Hydrate Formation
The experimentally observed hydrate-formation pressure at data. Plot the results on Fig. 20-30. Sample calculations
50°F was 325 psia. for 200 and 300 psia are provided below. This calculation
has been repeated for 400, 500, 800 and 1000 psia to de-
Example 20-8 — The gas with the composition below is at
velop Fig. 20-30.
3500 psia and 150°F. What will be the hydrate conditions when
this gas is expanded? 200 psia 300 psia
T = 40°F y
Component Mole Fraction Kvs y/Kvs Kvs y/Kvs
C1 0.9267 C1 0.9267 2.25 0.4119 1.75 0.5295
C2 0.0529 C2 0.0529 0.50 0.1058 0.205 0.2580
C3 0.0138 C3 0.0138 0.055 0.2509 0.030 0.4600
iC4 0.0018 iC4 0.0018 0.0225 0.0800 0.0105 0.1714
nC4 0.0034 nC4 0.0034
nC5 0.0014 C5 0.0014
Total 1.0000 Total 1.0000 0.8486 1.4189
Σy/Kvs = 1.0 @ 227 psia
Solution Steps:
1. Make several adiabatic flash calculations at different 3. The intersection of the lines in Fig. 20-30 will be the point
pressures and plot on a pressure versus temperature at which hydrates start to form. In this example, the re-
graph. (See Fig. 20-30) sult is 500 psia and 52°F.
Initial Initial Final Final Note: Fig. 20-20 would predict permissable expansion only to
Pressure, Temperature, Pressure, Temperature, a pressure around 700 psia.
psia °F psia °F
The Katz correlation is not recommended above 1000-1500
3500 150 300 38
psia, depending on composition. Prediction of hydrate forma-
3500 150 400 45 tion conditions at higher pressures requires the use of other
3500 150 500 52 methods. Sloan, present an alternate set of Kvs values
3500 150 600 58 which, in general, are valid to 4000 psia. McLeod & Campbell19
3500 150 700 64
present experimental hydrate data for natural gas mixtures
up to 10,000 psia as well as a correlation for estimating high Example 20-9 — Estimate the hydrate formation tempera-
pressure hydrate formation conditions.Blanc & Tournier-Las- ture at 610 psia of a gas with the following analysis using Fig.
serve20 provide experimental hydrate data to 14,500 psia 20-31.
and compare prediction correlations with experimental Component mol %
N2 0.30
Hydrate Predictions for High CO2/H2S CO2 6.66
Content Gases H2S 4.18
C1 84.27
The Katz method of predicting hydrate formation tempera- C2 3.15
ture gives reasonable results for sweet paraffin hydrocarbon C3 0.67
gases. The Katz method should not be used for gases contain-
ing significant quantities of CO2 and/or H2S despite the fact iC4 0.20
that Kvs values are available for these components. Hydrate nC4 0.19
formation conditions for high CO2 /H2S gases can vary signifi- C5+ 0.40
cantly from those composed only of hydrocarbons. The addition
of H2S to a sweet natural gas mixture will generally increase MW = 19.75 γ = 0.682
the hydrate formation temperature at a fixed pressure.21 Solution Steps:
A method by Baille & Wichert for predicting the tempera- 1. Enter left side of Fig. 20-31 at 600 psia and proceed to
ture of high H2S content gases is shown in Fig. 20-3122. This the H2S concentration line (4.18 mol%)
is based on the principle of adjusting the propane hydrate 2. Proceed down vertically to the specific gravity of the gas
conditions to account for the presence of H2S as illustrated (γ = 0.682)
in the following example. 3. Follow the diagonal guide line to the temperature at the
bottom of the graph (T = 63.5°F).
FIG. 20-22
4. Apply the C3 correction using the insert at the upper left.
Gas Compositions Used for Fig. 20-19 through 20-21 Enter the left hand side at the H2S concentration and
proceed to the C3 concentration line (0.67%). Proceed
Mole Fraction down vertically to the system pressure and read the cor-
C1 0.9267 0.8605 0.7350 rection on the left hand scale (–2.7°F)
C2 0.0529 0.0606 0.1340 Note: The C3 temperature correction is negative when on the
C3 0.0138 0.0339 0.0690 left hand side of the graph and positive on the right hand side.
iC4 0.0018 0.0084 0.0080 TH = 63.5 − 2.7 = 60.8°F
nC4 0.0034 0.0136 0.0240 Fig. 20-31 was developed based on calculated hydrate con-
nC5 0.0014 0.0230 0.0300 ditions using the Peng-Robinson EOS. It has proven quite ac-
Sp. Gr. 0.603 0.692 0.796 curate when compared to the limited amount of experimental
FIG. 20-23
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for Methane
data available. It should only be extrapolated beyond the ex- Sweet Gas (0.6 sp. gr. gas from Fig. 20-22)
perimental data base with caution. Sweet Gas containing 10% CO2
Sour Gas containing 10% H2S
Fig. 20-3223 presents experimental hydrate formation Sour Gas containing 10% CO2 and 10% H2S
data for three mixtures of methane, propane and hydrogen
sulfide. Results of selected hydrate prediction methods are Note that H2S significantly increases the hydrate tempera-
ture of a sweet natural gas. In this example, at 1000 psia, the
also shown.
addition of H2S (10 mol%) to a sweet gas mixture increases the
The addition of CO2 to pure methane will slightly increase hydrate temperature by 15°F. On the other hand, CO2 has a
the hydrate temperature at a fixed pressure.24 However, the minor effect on the hydrate formation temperature and
addition of CO2 to a “typical” sweet natural gas mixture will often slightly decreases the hydrate temperature for both the
lower the hydrate formation temperature at a fixed pressure. “sweet” and “sour” gases in this case.
Fig. 20-33 is provided to portray these compositional effects. EOS-based computer programs are probably the most con-
The hydrate curves for four gas compositions are shown. These sistent method of predicting hydrate formation temperatures
were generated using a commercial hydrate program employ- today. Accuracy when compared to experimental data is usu-
ing the Peng-Robinson EOS. The four gas compositions are: ally ± 2°F. This is generally adequate for design.
FIG. 20-24
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for Ethane
FIG. 20-25
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for Propane
FIG. 20-26 FIG. 20-28
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for Iso-Butane Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for Carbon Dioxide
Hydrate Inhibition FIG. 20-30
Solution Sketch for Example 20-8
The formation of hydrates can be prevented by dehydrating
the gas or liquid to eliminate the formation of a condensed
water (liquid or solid) phase. In some cases, however, dehydra-
tion may not be practical or economically feasible. In these
cases, chemical inhibition can be an effective method of pre-
venting hydrate formation. Chemical inhibition utilizes injec-
tion of thermodynamic inhibitors or low dosage hydrate
inhibitors (LDHIs). Thermodynamic inhibitors are the tradi-
tional inhibitors (i.e., one of the glycols or methanol), which
lower the temperature of hydrate formation. LDHIs are either
kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) or antiagglomerants (AAs).
They do not lower the temperature of hydrate formation, but
do diminish its effect. KHIs lower the rate of hydrate forma-
tion, which inhibits its development for a defined duration.
AAs allow the formation of hydrate crystals but restrict them
to sub-millimeter size.
FIG. 20-31
Hydrate Chart for Gases Containing H2S
point depression is plotted against the weight percent metha- 3. Calculate mass rate of inhibitor in water phase from Eq.
nol in Fig. 20-59. 20-8 (assume 100% methanol is injected)
Maddox et al.27 presents a method of estimating the required X R • m H2O (0.275) (4350)
inhibitor concentration for both methanol and EG. The method mI = = = 1650 lb/day
XL − XR (1 − 0.275)
is iterative but converges easily after a few iterations.
4. Estimate vaporization losses from Fig. 20-65.
Figs. 20-60 thru 20-64 provide a comparison of various in-
hibitor correlations with experimental data.28,29,30 Experimen- lb/MMscf
@ 40°F and 900 psia, losses = 1.05
tal data at very high inhibitor concentrations is limited. wt% MeOH
Once the required inhibitor concentration has been cal- daily losses = (1.05)(100)(27.5) = 2890 lb/day
culated, the mass of inhibitor required in the water phase 5. Estimate losses to hydrocarbon liquid phase from Fig.
may be calculated from Eq 20-8 20-66.
XR • m H2O @ 40°F and 27.5 wt% MeOH, xMeOH ≈ 0.2 mol%
mI = Eq 20-8
XL − XR •
lb mols of condensate per day–
The amount of inhibitor to be injected not only must be sufficient ⎛ 100 MMscf ⎞ ⎛ 10 bbl ⎞ ⎛ (350)(0.78) lb ⎞ ⎛ 1 lb • mol ⎞
to prevent freezing of the inhibitor water phase, but also must be ⎜ day ⎟ ⎜ MMscf ⎟ ⎜ bbl
⎟⎜ ⎟
sufficient to provide for the equilibrium vapor phase content of the ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 140 lb ⎠
inhibitor and the solubility of the inhibitor in any liquid hydrocarbon. = 1950 lb−mols/day
The vapor pressure of methanol is high enough that significant
lb • mols methanol = (1950)(0.002)
quantities will vaporize. Methanol vaporization losses may be esti-
mated from Fig. 20-65.31 Fig. 20-65 is extrapolated above 700 psia. = 3.9 lb • mols/day
Recent studies indicate Fig. 20-65 may underestimate vapor phase
methanol losses at higher pressures. Glycol vaporization losses are lb methanol = (3.9)(32) = 125 lb/day
generally very small and are typically ignored in calculations. Total methanol injection rate = 1650 + 2890 + 125
Inhibitor losses to the hydrocarbon liquid phase are more = 4665 lb/day
difficult to predict. Solubility is a strong function of both the
water phase and hydrocarbon phase compositions. Fig. 20-66 Methanol left in the gas phase can be recovered by conden-
presents experimental data32,33,34 showing solubility of sation with the remaining water in downstream chilling proc-
methanol in a paraffinic hydrocarbon liquid as a function of esses. Likewise, the methanol in the condensate phase can be
temperature and methanol concentration. Methanol solubility recovered by water by downstream water washing.
in naphthenic hydrocarbons is slightly less than paraffinic, 80 wt% EG
but solubility in aromatic hydrocarbons may be four to six 1. Calculate required inhibitor concentration from Eq 20-6.
times higher than in parafins.
d = 25°F MW = 62 KH = 2335
Solubility of EG in the liquid hydrocarbon phase is ex- Solving for X I, X I = 0.40
tremely small.29 A solubility of 0.3 lb per 1000 gal. (U.S.) of
2. Calculate mass rate of inhibitor in water phase from Eq.
NGL is often used for design purposes. However, entrainment
and other physical losses may result in total losses signifi-
cantly higher than this. • (0.40)(4350)
mI = = 4350 lb / day
Example 20-10—100 MMscf/d of natural gas leaves an off- (0.8 − 0.40)
shore platform at 100°F and 1200 psia. The gas comes onshore
Vaporization and liquid hydrocarbon losses are negligible.
at 40°F and 900 psia. The hydrate temperature of the gas is
65°F. Associated condensate production is 10 Bbl/MMscf. The Inhibitor losses represent a significant operating cost and can
condensate has an API gravity of 50 and a MW of 140. Calcu- cause problems in downstream process units. Efficient inhibi-
late the amount of methanol and 80 wt% EG inhibitor required tor separation should be provided.
to prevent hydrate formation in the pipeline.
Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors (LDHIs) — LDHIs
Solution Steps: can provide significant benefits compared to thermodynamic
inhibitors including:
• Significantly lower inhibitor concentrations and there-
1. Calculate the amount of water condensed per day fore dosage rates. Concentrations rante from 0.1 to 1.0
from Fig. 20-4, Win = 53.0 lb / MMscf weight percent polymer in the free water phase, whereas
Wout = ______________
9.5 lb / MMscf alcohols can be as high as 50%
• Lower inhibitor loss caused by evaporation, particularly
ΔW = 43.5 lb / MMscf
compared to methanol
Water condensed = (100)(53 – 9.5) = 4350 lb/day • Reduced capital expenses through decreased chemial
2. Calculate required methanol inhibitor concentration storage and injection rate requirements; and no need for
from Eq 20-5 and 20-7 (with Fig. 20-59). regeneration because the chemicals are not currently re-
d = 25°F MW = 32 covered. These are especially appropriate for offshore
where weight and space are critical to costs
Solving for XI,
• Reduced operating expenses in many cases through de-
XI = 0.255, Eq 20-5 creased chemical consumption and delivery frequency
XI = 0.275, Eq. 20-7 (use this value in subse- • Increased production rates, where inhibitor injection ca-
quent calculations) pacity or flowline capacity is limited
FIG. 20-32
Experimental vs. Predicted Hydrate Conditions for Gases Containing C1, C3, and H2S
FIG. 20-33
Hydrate Formation Conditions for Sweet Gas Showing Effects of CO2 and H2S
FIG. 20-34 FIG. 20-36
Density of Aqueous Methanol Solutions at Heat of Vaporization of Methanol
Various Temperatures Versus Temperature
Figures 20-38 through 20-49 are reproduced from Gas Conditioning Fact Book, 1962, and Figures 20-50 through 20-55
are reproduced from the Dow monoethylene, diethylene, and triethylene glycol guides, 2003, with permission from
“The Dow Chemical Company” and subject to all warranty disclaimers therein.
FIG. 20-38 FIG. 20-40
Densities of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions Densities of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions
FIG. 20-42 FIG. 20-44
Viscosities of Aqueous Diethylene Glycol Solutions Heat Capacities of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions
FIG. 20-46 FIG. 20-48
Heat Capacities of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions Thermal Conductivity of Diethylene Glycol–Water Mixtures
FIG. 20-50 FIG. 20-52
Vapor Pressures of Ethylene Glycol at Various Vapor Pressures of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions
Temperatures at Various Temperatures
FIG. 20-54 FIG. 20-55
Dew Points of Aqueous Diethylene Glycol Solutions at Dew Points of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions at
Various Contact Temperatures Various Contact Temperatures
• Lower toxicity
• At water salinity levels greater than approximately 17%
Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors — KHIs were designed to NaCL, the polymer may come out of solution, thereby
inhibit hydrate formation in flowlines, pipelines, and down- reducing KHI effectiveness.
hole equipment operating within hydrate-forming conditions • A solution of KHI in water does not provide protection
such as subsea and cold-weather environments. Their unique from freezing or icing conditions, neither in the line being
chemical structure significantly reduces the rate of nucleation treated nor in the KHI storage tank. If ambient tempera-
and hydrate growth during conditions thermodynamically fa- tures are expected to fall below freezing, the KHI storage
vorable for hydrate formation, without altering the thermody- volume must be freeze-protected through the use of in-
namic hydrate formation conditions (i.e., temperature and sulation on the container and piping or addition of anti-
pressure). This mechanism differs from methanol or glycol, freeze (typically ethylene glycol) to the KHI solution.
which depress the thermodynamic hydrate formation tem- • A solution of KHI cannot be used for melting ice or hy-
perature so that a flowline operates outside hydrate-forming drate plugs. It is recommended to have other strategies,
conditions. such as a small quantity of ethylene glycol or methanol
for remediation purposes in the event of a blockage.
KHIs Compared to Methanol or Glycols— KHIs • The KHI delivery system must be capable of providing
inhibit hydrate formation at a concentration range of 0.1–1.0 sufficient dosage to achieve a hold time greater than the
weight percent polymer in the free water phase. At the maxi- water residence time in the piping. Factors to consider
mum recommended dosage, the current inhibition capabilities include:
are 28°F of subcooling in a gas system and 20°F in an oil sys- — The design basis duration of hydrate forming con-
tem with efforts continuing to expand the region of effective- ditions for an unplanned shut-in.
ness. For relative comparison, methanol or glycol typically
— The potential for water to pool in low sections of
may be required at concentrations ranging 20 to 50 weight
piping (e.g., turn-down hydraulics, flowline profile,
percent respectively in the water phase. pigging frequency, flowline interconnects that are
KHI Screening Considerations — Although KHIs not used continuously) and dead legs.
are applicable under most producing conditions, certain con- — The seasonal duration of the cold point tempera-
ditions must be considered when evaluating a potential appli- ture below hydrate temperature, if applicable.
cation, which include water salinity, freezing conditions, hold • If the gas is undersaturated with respect to water, the
time (i.e., period of effectiveness), water saturation, and high- water in the KHI solution will evaporate and leave a high
temperature processes. viscosity fluid. This can be addressed by using a more
FIG. 20-56
Physical Properties of Selected Glycols and Methanol
* Glycols decompose at temperatures below their atmospheric boiling point. Approximate decomposition temperatures are:
dilute KHI solution, or by changing the KHI carrier fluid and de-mulsification (i.e., separation), pipeline hydraulics,
to ethylene glycol. water cuts, material compatibility, water treating, and down-
• The KHI and water from the KHI solution will form stream impacts.
separate phases if the inhibited fluid is above the lower
• Some AAs have a maximum salinity criterion that is nor-
critical solution temperature (LCST) of the KHI solution.
mally not exceeded with produced water.
• The KHI polymer suffers degradation effects at tempera-
tures above 480°F. • Since AAs are based on dispersing (i.d., emulsifying) po-
lar hydrate crystals in a nonpolar oil or condensate phase
Antiagglomerant Inhibitors — Antiagglomerants (i.e., continuous phase), they may sometimes require a
were developed out of the necessity to extend the range of sub- de-emulsifier for oil and water separation. Further, the
cooling for LDHIs beyond that of KHIs, and AAs can achieve addition of a heater upstream or heat coil inside a sepa-
subcooling of greater than 40°F. Unlike KHIs, which delay the rator may be required to melt the hydrate crystals.
formation of hydrates, AAs allow their formation at normal
rates, but as small nonagglomerating hydrate crystals that are • Since AAs form crystals that are then dispersed in the
dispersed into an oil or condensate preventing the formation liquid hydrocarbon phase, careful consideration of the
and accumulation of large hydrate crystals. Thus, AAs are potential impact on viscosity should be considered in-
suitable only in the presence of liquid hydrocarbon. The cluding steady state flow, shut-in flow and restart condi-
mechanism of dispersion is emulsification with the AAs acting tions.
as emulsification agents.
• An additional consideration for AAs is that the water
AAs Compared to Methanol or Glycols — The com- cuts (i.e., percent water in the liquids) should be less than
parisons of AAs are similar for KHIs except AAs achieve 50%. Higher water cuts can invert the emulsion (i.e.,
greater subcooling. change the continuous liquid phase from liquid hydrocar-
bon to water) and make the AA ineffective.
AA Screening Considerations — Although AAs are
applicable under most producing conditions, certain condi- • AAs can impact the performance of some metallurgy and
tions must be considered when evaluating a potential applica- elastomers, so impacts on existing hardware should be
tion. These conditions include water salinity, emulsification reviewed.
• AAs typically partition (i.e., disperse) to the liquid hydro- FIG. 20-57
carbon phase, but low residuals can remain in the pro-
duced water, which can impact toxicity test results. Typical Glycol Injection System
• Residual AA concentration in the hydrocarbon liquid
phase could possibly impact downstream processes and
should be considered in the context of overall contribu-
tion to a total feed-stream.
insensitive to pressure and Fig. 20-68 may be used up to 1500 tray, inlet gas distribution below the bottom tray, and rich gly-
psia with little error. col surge volume at the bottom of the column. Bubble cap trays
have historically been used in glycol contactors due to the low
Fig. 20-68 combines the results published by Parrish, et al.35 liquid rates versus gas flow, but structured packing is widely
covering TEG purity up to 99.99 weight percent and those re- used. Generally, structured packing allows a significantly
ported by Bucklin and Won in 198752 covering TEG purity up smaller contactor diameter and a slightly smaller contactor
to 99.999 weight percent. Several equilibrium correla- height. In 1991, ARCO published a report on its testing and
tions36,37,38,39,40,52 have been presented since 1950. Previous application of structured packing to TEG dehydration.53
editions of the GPSA data book presented an equilibrium cor-
relation based on the work of Worley38. In general, the corre- Contactor diameter is set by the gas velocity. Sizing is iden-
lations of Worley,38 Rosman39 and Parrish35 agree reasonably tical to that outlined for separators in Section 7. Recom-
well and are adequate for most TEG system designs. All are mended values for K-factors and C-factors are shown in Fig.
limited by the ability to measure accurately the equilibrium 20-75.
concentration of water in the vapor phase above TEG solu- Structured packing vendors frequently quote an Fs value for
tions. The Parrish et al. and Won correlation has been included sizing glycol contactors, where Fs is defined in Eq 20-9.
in this edition because equilibrium water concentrations in
the vapor phase were determined at infinite dilution (essen- Fs = v √
⎯⎯⎯ρ⎯v Eq 20-9
tially 100% TEG). The other correlations use extrapolations of Values of Fs = 2.5 to 3.0 will generally provide a good esti-
data at lower concentrations to estimate equilibrium in the mate of contactor diameter for structured packing.
infinite dilution region.
Please note that the equilibrium water dewpoints on the FIG. 20-59
ordinate of Fig. 20-68 are based on the assumption the con-
Hydrate Temperature Depression
densed water phase is a metastable liquid. At low dewpoints
the true condensed phase will be a hydrate. The equilibrium vs. Methanol Concentration
dewpoint temperature above a hydrate is higher than that
above a metastable liquid. Therefore, Fig. 20-68 predicts dew-
points which are colder than those which can actually be
achieved. The difference is a function of temperature, pressure
and gas composition but can be as much as 15-20°F (see Fig.
20-17). When dehydrating to very low dewpoints, such as those
required upstream of a refrigeration process, the TEG concen-
tration must be sufficient to dry the gas to the hydrate dew-
Once the lean TEG concentration has been established, the
TEG circulation rate and number of trays (height of packing)
must be determined. Most economical designs employ circula-
tion rates of about 2-5 gal. TEG/lb H2O absorbed. The relation-
ship between circulation rate and number of equilibrium
stages employs the absorption calculation techniques set out
in Chapter 19. This has been done for TEG systems with the
results presented in Figs. 20-69 through 20-74. FIG. 20-60
The graphs in these figures apply only if the feed gas is water Hydrate Inhibition with Ethylene Glycol:
saturated. They are based on feed-gas and therefore contactor Hammerschmidt vs. Experimental Data28
temperatures of 80°F, but are essentially independent of tem-
perature. Although the K values in the absorption factors (i.e.,
L/VK) do increase with temperature, the required TEG rates
also increase, and this tends to compensate for the increasing
K values and keep the absorption factors fairly constant.
Conversion from equilibrium stages to actual trays can be
made assuming an overall tray efficiency of 25-30%. For ran-
dom and structured packing, Height of Packing Equivalent to
a Theoretical Plate (HETP) varies with TEG circulation rate,
gas rate, gas density, and packing characteristics but a value
of about 60 inches is usually adequate for planning purposes.
When the gas density exceeds about 6 lb/ft3 (generally at very
high pressures), the above conversions may not provide suffi-
cient packing height and number of trays. Also when the con-
tactor temperature is less than about 60°F, the increased
viscosity of the TEG can reduce mass transfer efficiency,
and temperatures in this range should be avoided.
Typical tray spacing in TEG contactors is 24 inches. There-
fore, the total height of the contactor column will be based on
the number of trays or packing required plus an additional
6-10 ft to allow space for vapor disengagement above the top
Example 20-11—30 MMscf/d of a 0.65 sp gr natural gas enters Win − Wout 90 − 7
a TEG contactor at 600 psia and 100°F. Outlet water content = = 0.922
Win 90
specification is 7 lb H2O/MMscf and the TEG circulation rate
is 3 gal TEG/lb H2O. Estimate the contactor diameter and From Fig. 20-70 (N = 1.5) at 3 gallon TEG/lb H2O and
number of bubble cap trays or height of structured packing 99.0 wt% TEG
required to meet this requirement. Assume z = 0.92. (Win – Wout)/Win = 0.885
Solutions Steps: From Fig. 20-71 (N = 2.0) at 3 gallon TEG/lb H2O and
99.0 wt% TEG
1. Estimate required TEG concentration from Fig. 20-68
H2O Dewpoint = 24°F, which from Fig. 20-4 is equiva- (Win – Wout)/W in = 0.925
lent to a water content of 7 lb H2O/MMscf @ 600 psia) use N = 2.0
Assume a 10°F approach to equilibrium 2 theoretical stages ≅ 8 bubble cap trays @ 24 inch tray
@ T = 100°F, lean TEG concentration ≈ 98.8 wt% spacing
FIG. 20-64
Hydrate Inhibition with Methanol:
Maddox et al.27 vs. Experimental Data28
FIG. 20-62
Hydrate Inhibition with Methanol:
Nielsen & Bucklin vs. Experimental Data28
2 theoretical stages ≅ 10 ft of structured packing TEG, and significant amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons may
be absorbed in the TEG at contactor conditions. This may pre-
3. Size the contactor sent an environmental or safety hazard when they are dis-
charged from the top of the regenerator.
Bubble caps, 24 inch tray spacing:
From Section 7 Vapor-liquid equilibrium constants (K-values) for benzene,
0.5 toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene in TEG solutions are pre-
G = C [ρv(ρL − ρv)] sented in RR-131.43 This data indicates that at typical contac-
tor conditions approximately 10-30% of the aromatics in the
= 576 [2.0(69.9 − 2.0)]0.5 = 6712 lb / ft2• hr
gas stream may be absorbed in the TEG solution. Based on the
. ⎛ 30 000 000 scf ⎞ ⎛ 1 lb • mo l⎞ data in RR-131 at 1000 psia, 100°F and a TEG circulation rate
m = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 379.5 scf ⎟ of 3 gal TEG/lb H2O absorbed, the approximate percentage
⎝ d ⎠⎝ ⎠ absorption of aromatics from the gas into the rich TEG are
⎛ (0.65)(28.97) lb ⎞ ⎛ 1 d ⎞ calculated as:
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 62 000 lb hr
⎝ lb • mol ⎠ ⎝ 24 hr ⎠ Benzene 10%
. Toluene 14%
m 62 000
A = = = 9.2 ft2 Ethylbenzene 19%
G 6712
O-xylene 28%
0.5 0.5
⎛4 A ⎞ ⎛ (4)(9.2) ⎞ Aromatic absorption increases with increasing pressure and
D = ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ = 3.4 ft decreasing temperature. Aromatic absorption is directly re-
⎝ π ⎠ ⎝ 3.14 ⎠
lated to TEG circulation rate. Higher circulation rates result
in increased absorption. Aromatic absorption is essentially in-
For Structured packing: dependent of the number of contacts in the absorber so one
0.5 method of minimizing aromatic absorption is to use taller con-
⎛ CBubble cap ⎞ tactors and minimize TEG circulation rates.
D = ⎜ ⎟ (DBubble cap)
⎝ CStructured packing ⎠ Most of the aromatic components will be stripped from the
0.5 TEG solution in the regenerator.
⎛ 576 ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟ (3.4) = 2.4 ft
⎝ 1200 ⎠ Flash tank sizing should be sufficient to degas the glycol
TEG will typically absorb about 1 scf of sweet natural gas solution and skim entrained liquid hydrocarbons, if necessary.
per gallon of glycol at 1000 psia and 100°F. Solubilities will be A minimum retention time of 3-5 minutes is required for de-
considerably higher if the gas contains significant amounts of gassing. If liquid hydrocarbons are to be removed as well, re-
CO2 and H2S. tention times of 20-30 minutes may be required for adequate
separation. Flash tank pressures are typically less than 75
The solubilities of pure H2S and CO2 in pure TEG are given psia.
in Fig. 20-76. These charts apply to pure TEG or to the lean
TEG, which is essentially pure. For the rich-TEG solution leav- Regenerator sizing requires establishing the reboiler duty
ing the bottom of a contactor, it is approximately correct to and, when high TEG concentrations are required, providing
apply them to the TEG portion. sufficient stripping gas.
Heavier paraffin hydrocarbons are essentially insoluble in
TEG. Aromatic hydrocarbons, however, are very soluble in FIG. 20-66
Solubility of Methanol in Paraffinic Hydrocarbons32, 33,34
FIG. 20-65 vs. Temperature at Various Methanol Concentrations
Ratio of Methanol Vapor Composition to
Methanol Liquid Composition
FIG. 20-67 A quick estimate of reboiler duty can be made using Eq 20-10.
Example Process Flow Diagram for Q = (1500) (Lg) Eq 20-10
Glycol Dehydration Unit Eq 20-10 is approximate and usually gives values which are
higher than the actual duty. A more rigorous determination of
reboiler duty is shown in Example 20-12.
Example 20-12 — Determine reboiler duty for conditions in
the previous example. Assume the rich TEG temperature en-
tering the regenerator is 300°F and the reboiler temperature
is 400°F.
Glycol Reboiler Duty: Basis 1 gal. TEG
Sensible Heat:
Qs = m Cp Δt
(9.3 lb) ⎛ 0.665 Btu ⎞
= (400°F − 300°F)
gal. ⎜⎝ lb • °F ⎟⎠
= 618 Btu /gal.
Vaporization of Absorbed H2O:
Qv = (ΔHvap) (ΔW )
There are several principles and processes for obtaining
higher TEG purity than 98.6 wt%, which is the TEG purity
obtained by reboiling at 400°F and atmospheric pressure. All
methods are based on the principle of reducing the effective
partial pressure of H2O in the vapor space of the glycol reboiler,
and hence obtaining a higher glycol concentration at the same
The most common method for enhancement of the glycol
concentration has been by use of stripping gas or by means of
vacuum in the reboiler.
Other patented or proprietary processes in use to enhance
the glycol purity and thereby achieve a more stringent water
dew point depression are as described below based on infor-
mation from the licensors.
The processes are illustrated on Fig. 20-77.
DRIZO achieves glycol enrichment by means of its own in- Under conventional dehydration conditions, 40 to 60% of
ternally generated stripping medium, a mixture of paraffinic methanol in the feed gas to a glycol dehydrator will be ab-
and aromatic (BTEX) hydrocarbons of a C5+ boiling range, sorbed by the TEG44. This will add additional heat duty on the
which are absorbed by the glycol. The heavy hydrocarbons and reboiler and additional vapor load on the regenerator. High
water are condensed from the regenerator overhead while the methanol injection rates and slug carryover can cause flood-
non-condensables discharge to atmosphere essentially free of
BTEX. The condensed hydrocarbons (with BTEX) are sepa-
rated from the water, are vaporized and superheated, and flow Glycol losses can be defined as mechanical carryover from
to the lean-glycol stripping column to serve as the stripping the contactor (normally 0.10 gallon/MMscf for standard mist
medium, which results in TEG purities higher than 99.99 eliminator) plus vaporization from the contactor and regen-
weight percent. As the liquid hydrocarbons build up, they are erator and spillage. Glycol losses, exclusive of spillage, range
drawn off as an NGL product. Various options to further en-
from 0.05 gallon/MMscf for high pressure low-temperature
hance the lean TEG purity are available, such as drying the
hydrocarbon liquid solvent with solid desiccant, which gases to as much as 0.30 gal/MMscf for low pressure, high
achieves TEG purities as high as 99.999 weight percent. It is temperature gases. Excessive losses usually result from foam-
claimed that this high TEG purity level permits water dew- ing in the absorber and/or regenerator. Anti-foam agents are
point depressions in the range of 250°F. sometimes used.
FIG. 20-69
Water Removal vs. TEG Circulation Rate at Various FIG. 20-71
TEG Concentrations (N = 1.0) Water Removal vs. TEG Circulation Rate at Various
TEG Concentrations (N = 2.0)
TEG vaporization losses at the contactor are minimal unless if oxygen is in the gas to be dehydrated. Thermal decomposi-
the gas temperature exceeds about 120°F. These losses are tion of TEG can become a problem if TEG is heated to tem-
more significant at lower pressures. Tetraethylene glycol peratures above 400°F.
(TREG) has been used in some cases to minimize losses in high
A low pH accelerates decomposition of glycols. Bases such
temperature, low pressure systems. Vaporization losses at the
regenerator typically result from excessive stripping gas rates as triethanolamine, borax, or sodium mercaptobenzothiazole
may be added to maintain pH, but they should be added spar-
and/or inadequate reflux.
Glycol losses in CO2 dehydration systems can be signifi-
cantly higher than in natural gas systems particularly at pres-
sures above about 900 psia. This is due to the solubility of TEG SOLID DESICCANT DEHYDRATION
in dense phase CO2. Glycerol45 is much less soluble and has
been used successfully as a desiccant in some CO2 dehydration There are several solid desiccants which possess the physi-
systems. cal characteristic to adsorb water from natural gas. These des-
iccants generally are used in dehydration systems consisting
Glycol becomes corrosive with prolonged exposure to oxy- of two or more towers and associated regeneration equipment.
gen. A dry gas blanket on the glycol surge tank will help elimi- See Fig. 20-80 for a simple two-tower system. One tower is
nate oxygen absorption. Special precautions should be taken onstream adsorbing water from the gas while the other tower
is being regenerated and cooled. Hot gas is used to drive off
FIG. 20-72 the adsorbed water from the desiccant, after which the tower
is cooled with an unheated gas stream. The towers are
Water Removal vs. TEG Circulation Rate at Various switched before the on-stream tower becomes water saturated.
TEG Concentrations (N = 2.5) In this configuration, part of the dried gas is used for regen-
eration and cooling, and is recycled to the inlet separator.
Other streams may be used if they are dry enough, such as
part of the residue gas.
Solid desiccant units generally cost more to buy and operate
than glycol units. Therefore, their use is typically limited to
applications such as high H2S content gases, very low water
dewpoint requirements, simultaneous control of water and hy-
drocarbon dewpoints, and special cases such as oxygen con-
taining gases, etc. In processes where cryogenic temperatures
are encountered, solid desiccant dehydration usually is pre-
ferred over conventional methanol injection to prevent hy-
drate and ice formation. Solid desiccants are also often used
for the drying and sweetening of NGL liquids.
Desiccants in common commercial use fall into one of three
Gels – alumina or silica gels manufactured and condi-
tioned to have an affinity for water.
Alumina – a manufactured or natural occurring form of
FIG. 20-73 aluminum oxide that is activated by heating.
Molecular Sieves – manufactured or naturally occurring
Water Removal vs. TEG Circulation Rate at Various aluminosilicates exhibiting a degree of selectivity based
TEG Concentrations (N = 3.0) on crystalline structure in their adsorption of natural gas
Silica Gel is a generic name for a gel manufactured from
sulfuric acid and sodium silicate. It is essentially pure silicon
dioxide, SiO2. It is used for gas and liquid dehydration and
hydrocarbon (iC5+) recovery from natural gas. When used for
hydrocarbon removal, the units are often called HRUs (Hydro-
carbon Recovery Units) or SCUs (Short Cycle Units). When
used for dehydration, silica gel will give outlet dewpoints of
approximately –60°F.
Alumina is a hydrated form of alumina oxide (Al2O3). It is
used for gas and liquid dehydration and will give outlet dew-
points of about –90°F. Less heat is required to regenerate alu-
mina and silica gel than for molecular sieve, and the
regeneration temperature is lower. Molecular sieves give
lower outlet water dewpoints.
Molecular sieves are a class of aluminosilicates. They pro-
duce the lowest water dewpoints, and can be used to simulta-
neously sweeten and dry gases and liquids. Their equilibrium
water capacity is much less dependent on adsorption tempera- point temperature. Although the chart is based on an air-water
ture and relative humidity. They are usually more expensive. system, it also can be used for natural gas.
Molecular sieve dehydrators are commonly used ahead of The continuous process requires two (or more) vessels with
NGL recovery plants designed to recover ethane. These plants one on-line removing water while the other is being regener-
operate at very cold temperatures and require very dry feed ated. Generally a bed is designed to be on-line in adsorption
gas to prevent formation of hydrates. Dehydration to a –150°F for 8 to 24 hours. When the bed is taken off-line, the water is
dewpoint is possible with molecular sieves. Water dewpoints removed by heating to 375°F-600°F, depending on the desic-
less than –150°F can be accomplished with special design and cant used and the performance specification (i.e., 375°F for
strict operating parameters. silica gel and up to 600°F for molecular sieve, with alumina
Fig. 20-81 presents the important properties of commercial gel and activated alumina falling in between). The regenera-
solid desiccants. Fig. 20-8246 shows static equilibrium capacity tion gas used to heat the bed is usually a slipstream of dry
vs. relative humidity for various new desiccants. This is for process gas. The regeneration gas is returned to the process
comparison only. Adsorption capacity depends on other pa- after it has been cooled and the free water removed. Any heat
rameters besides relative humidity, and design values should source can be used including waste heat from engines and tur-
be obtained from desiccant suppliers. Figure 20-83 shows bines. This is an important design consideration since heat is
water-adsorption isotherms for 4A molecular sieve in contact often a major operating cost.
with air. This gives the relationship of static-equilibrium
Gas flow during adsorption is typically downflow. This al-
water capacity to the operating temperature and gas dew-
lows higher gas velocities (thus smaller diameter towers) since
bed fluidization is avoided. Regeneration gas flow is upflow
during the heating period. In this way, any residual water left
FIG. 20-74 on the desiccant will be at the top of the bed and will not affect
the effluent dewpoint when adsorption is resumed. In addi-
Water Removal vs. TEG Circulation Rate at Various tion, upflow heating helps to strip any contaminants from the
TEG Concentrations (N = 4.0) top of the bed extending desiccant life. Regeneration gas flow
during the cooling period may be upflow if the gas is com-
pletely free of water, which saves two switching valves per
tower. If the cooling gas contains water, cooling flow should be
downflow to avoid preloading of the desiccant at the bottom of
the bed with water.
The first step is to determine the bed diameter, which de-
pends on the superficial velocity. Too large a diameter will re-
quire a high regeneration gas rate to prevent channeling. Too
small a diameter will cause too high a pressure drop and dam-
age the sieve. The pressure drop is determined by a modified
Ergun47 equation, which relates pressure drop to superficial
velocity as follows:
= B μV + CρV 2 Eq 20-11
Bubble Cap Trays Fig. 20-87 was derived from Eq 20-11 by assuming a gas
20 inch spacing 0.14 504 composition and temperature and setting the maximum al-
24 inch spacing 0.16 576 lowable ΔP/L equal to 0.33 psi/ft. The design pressure drop
through the bed should be about 5 psi. A design pressure drop
30 inch spacing 0.17 612 higher than 8 psi is not recommended as the desiccant is frag-
Packing ile and can be crushed by the total bed weight and pressure
Structured 0.3 to 0.4* 1080-1440* drop forces. Remember to check the pressure drop after the
Random bed height has been determined. Once the allowable superfi-
cial velocity is estimated, calculate the bed minimum diameter
1 inch Pall rings 0.13 to 0.18 468-648 (i.e., Dminimum), and select the nearest standard diameter (i.e.
2 inch Pall rings 0.19 to 0.26 684-936 Dselected):
* Depending on packing density and vendor 0.5
⎛ 4q ⎞
Dminimum = ⎜ ⎟ Eq 20-12
⎝ π Vmax ⎠
m During the adsorption period, the bed can be thought of as
q = Eq 20-13
60ρ operating with three zones. The top zone is called the satura-
tion or equilibrium zone. The desiccant in this zone is in equi-
Obtain the corresponding superficial velocity, Vadjusted as fol- librium with the wet inlet gas. The middle or mass transfer
lows: zone (MTZ) is where the water content of the gas is reduced
2 from its inlet concentration to < 1 ppm. The bottom zone is
⎛ Dminimum ⎞
Vadjusted = Vmax ⎜ ⎟ Eq 20-14 unused desiccant and is often called the active zone. If the bed
⎝ Dselected ⎠ operates too long in adsorption, the mass transfer zone begins
An alternative and more exact method to using Fig. 20-11 is to move out the bottom of the bed causing a “breakthrough.”
to calculate the maximum superficial velocity by solving Eq At breakthrough, the water content of the outlet gas begins to
20-11 algebraically, which gives Eq 20-15 below. The second increase and will eventually reach feed gas water content
term inside the square root of Eq 20-15 may be deleted since when the MTZ is completely displaced.
its value is insignificant compared to the first term, which Both water capacity and the rate at which solid desiccants
gives Eq 20-16 adsorb water decline as the material ages. The object of the
Vmax = {(ΔP/L)max/(Cρ) + [(B/C)(μ/ρ)/2]2}1/2 design is to install enough desiccant such that after three to
– [(B/C)(μ/ρ)/2] Eq 20-15 five years, the mass transfer zone will be at the bottom of the
bed at the end of the adsorption period.
Vmax = {(ΔP/L)max/(Cρ)} – [(B/C)(μ/ρ)/2] Eq 20-16
In the saturation zone, molecular sieve is expected to hold
The value of (ΔP/L)max in these equations depends on the approximately 13 pounds of water per 100 pounds of sieve.
sieve type, size, and shape, but a typical value for design is New sieve will have an equilibrium capacity near 20%; 13%
0.33 psi/ft. represents the approximate capacity of a 3-5 year old sieve.
This capacity needs to be adjusted when the gas is not water
The next step is to choose an adsorption period and calculate saturated or the temperature is above 75°F. See Fig. 20-84 and
the mass of desiccant required. Eight to twelve hour adsorp- 20-85 to find the correction factors for molecular sieve. To de-
tion periods are common. Periods of greater than 12 hours may termine the mass of desiccant required in the saturation zone,
be justified especially if the feed gas is not water saturated. calculate the amount of water to be removed during the cycle
Long adsorption periods mean less regenerations and longer and divide by the effective capacity.
sieve life, but larger beds and additional capital investment.
SS = Eq 20-17
FIG. 20-76 (0.13)(CSS)(CT)
Solubility of H2S and CO2 in Triethylene Glycol (Ss)(4)
LS = Eq 20-18
vs. Temperature and Partial Pressure π (D )(bulk density)
FIG. 20-77
Simplified Process Flow Diagrams of Enhanced TEG Regeneration Systems
A second method uses Eq 20-17, but replaces the saturation case). This is about 50°F below the temperature of the hot
capacity of 13% with an “effective desiccant capacity” which regeneration gas entering the tower.
includes the MTZ effect, temperature, and relative humidity
corrections. When using this method, an effective capacity of The weight of the vessel steel is estimated from the equa-
8-10% is typically assumed. This method is adequate for most tions below. Eq 20-25 is the ASME Section VIII equation in
planning and feasibility calculations. terms of the vessel inside diameter. It is based on a maximum
tensile stress of 18,800 psi (i.e., the ASME 2001 maximum
To estimate the total cylindrical length of a tower, add 3 feet allowable tensile stress for SA516 Grade 70 steel at 650°F and
to the bed height, which provides the space for an inlet dis- a welded-joint efficiency of 1.0). This is 19,400 psi at 600°F.
tributor and for bed support and hold-down balls under and The design pressure, Pdesign, is usually set at 110% of the maxi-
on top of the sieve bed. mum operating pressure. The value of 0.125 in Eq 20-26 is the
corrosion allowance in inches. The term 0.75Dbed is to account
Regeneration Calculations for the weight of the tower heads. The value of "3" provides the
space for the inlet distributor and support and hold-down
The first step is to calculate the total heat required to desorb
the water and heat the desiccant and vessel. A 10% heat loss
is assumed. t(inches) = (12DbedPdesign) /
⎛ Btu⎞ ((2x18,800 = 37,600) – 1.2Pdesign) Eq 20-25
Qw = ⎜1800 (lbs of water on bed)
lb ⎟⎠
Eq 20-21
⎝ Weight of steel (lb) = 155(t + 0.125)
⎛ 0.24 Btu ⎞ (LS + LMTZ + 0.75Dbed + 3)Dbed Eq 20-26
Q si = (lb of sieve) ⎜ ⎟ (Tr g − Ti) Eq 20-22
⎝ lb °F ⎠ For determination of the regeneration gas rate, calculate the
total regeneration load from Eq 20-27.
⎛ 0.12 Btu ⎞
Q st = (lb of steel)⎜ ⎟ (Trg − Ti) Eq 20-23 Q tr = (2.5)(Qw + Q si + Qst + Q hl) Eq 20-27
⎝ lb °F ⎠
Q hl = (heat loss) = (Qw + Q si + Q st)(0.10) Eq 20-24 The 2.5 factor corrects for the change in temperature differ-
ence (in – out) across the bed with time during the regenera-
The temperature, Trg, is the temperature to which the bed tion period. It assumes that 40% of the heat in the gas
and vessel must be heated based on the vessel being externally transfers to the bed, vessel steel, and heat loss to atmosphere;
insulated (i.e., no internal insulation which is usually the and the balance leaves with the hot gas.
FIG. 20-78 FIG. 20-79
Effect of Stripping Gas on TEG Concentration Glycol Regeneration Processes
FIG. 20-80
Example Solid Desiccant Dehydrator Twin Tower System
The superficial velocity of the regeneration gas is calculated Example 20-13: 100 MMscfd of natural gas with a molecular
from Eq 20-30 for which q is calculated from Eq 20-13 weight of 18 is to be processed for ethane recovery in a turbo-
expander plant. It is water saturated at 600 psia and 100°F
V = 4q / (πD2) Eq 20-30
and must be dried to –150°F dew point. Determine the water
The calculated superficial velocity can not be less than the content of the gas, and the amount of water that must be re-
value that corresponds with a minimum bed pressure drop of moved; and do a preliminary design of a molecular-sieve de-
0.01 psi/ft. This can be determined from Fig. 20-88, which was hydration system consisting of two towers with down-flow
derived from Eq 20-11 by assuming a gas composition and dehydration in one tower and up-flow regeneration in the
temperature and setting ΔP/L equal to 0.01 psi / ft. If the cal- other. Use 4A molecular sieve of 1/8" beads (i.e., 4x8 mesh).
. velocity is less than this, the regeneration gas rate, The regeneration gas is part of the plant’s residue gas, which
mrg, must be increased by multiplying it by the ratio Vmin / V, is at 600 psia and 100°F and has a molecular weight of 17. The
and the period of regeneration should be decreased by multi- bed must be heated to 500°F for regeneration.
plying it times the ratio V / Vmin. A method more exact than Solution Steps
Fig. 20-16 for calculating the minimum superficial velocity is
to use Eq 20-16, but to consider it in terms of (ΔP/L)min and 1. Determine the bed diameter and the corresponding ΔP/L
Vmin instead of (ΔP/L)max and Vmax. and V. First determine the maximum superficial velocity
from Eq 20-16. Let the maximum ΔP/L be 0.33 psi/ft.
General Comments z = 0.93 from Fig. 23-5 for 17.4 mole weight which is con-
The regeneration cycle frequently includes depressur- servative
ing/repressuring to match the regeneration gas pressure ρ = (18 mole weight) (600 psia) / (10.73(560 °R)(0.93 z))
and/or to maximize the regeneration gas volume to meet the = 1.93 lb/ft3 (Eq 23-2)
velocity criterion. In these applications, the rate of depressur- μ = 0.015 centipoise (Fig. 23-23)
ing or repressuring should not exceed 50 psi/minute. Some ap-
plications, termed pressure swing adsorption, regenerate the Vmax = {(0.33 psi/ft) / (0.000089) / (1.93) lb/ft3)}1/2
bed only with depressurization and sweeping the bed with gas – [(0.056 / 0.000089) (0.015 centipoise/1.93 lb/ft3)/2]
just above atmospheric pressure. = 41.4 ft/min (Eq 20-16)
m = (100 • 106 scf/day) / ((24 hr/day)(379.43 scf/lb mole))
Moisture analyzers for very low water contents require care
(18 lb/lb mole) = 198,000 lb/hr of wet gas
to prevent damage to the probes. When inserted into the beds,
sample probes and temperature probes must be installed to q = (198,000 lb/hr)/((60 min/hr)(1.93 lb/ft3))
reach the center of the gas phase. = 1710 ft3/min of wet gas (Eq 20-13)
Solid desiccant towers are insulated externally or possibly Dminimum = [(4(1710 ft3/min))/
internally. Internal refractory requires careful installation (π • 41.4 ft/min)]1/2 = 7.25 ft (Eq 20-12)
and curing, usually before the desiccant is installed. It saves Round off upward to 7.5 ft diameter, for which V and ΔP/L
energy but the greatest benefit is it can dramatically reduce are adjusted as follows:
the required heating and cooling times. This is often an impor- Vadjusted = (41.4)(7.25/7.5)2 = 38.7 ft/min (Eq 20-14)
tant benefit for systems where regeneration times are limited.
The primary disadvantage is the potential for wet gas bypass- (ΔP/L)adjusted = 0.33(38.7/41.4)2 = 0.29 psi/ft (Eq 20-20)
ing the desiccant through cracks and defects in the insulation 2. Estimate the amount of water to be removed from the
during the adsorption cycle. feed per cycle for each bed. Base this on a 24-hour cycle
FIG 20-81
Typical Desiccant Properties
Bulk Approx. Minimum
Desiccant Shape Density, Particle Size Moisture Content of
lb/ft3 Effluent Gas
(lb •°F)
Alumina Alcoa F200 Beads 48 7x14 Tyler mesh 0.24 –90°F dew point
1/8" / 3/16" / 1/4"
Activated Alumina UOP A-201 Beads 46 3-6 mesh or 5-8 mesh 0.22 5-10 ppmv
Mole Sieve Grace – Davison 4A Beads 42-45 4-8 mesh or 8-12 0.23 0.1 ppmv (–150°F)
Molecular Sieve UOP 4A-DG Extrudate 40-44 1/8" or 1/16" 0.24 0.1 ppmv
Mole Sieve Zeochem 4A Beads 45-46 4-8 mesh or 8-12 0.24 0.1 ppmv
Silica Gel Sorbead® – R Beads 49 5x8 mesh 0.25 –60°F dew point
Silica Gel Sorbead® – H Beads 45 5x8 mesh 0.25 –60°F dew point
Silica Gel Sorbead – WS Beads 45 5x8 mesh 0.25 –60°F dew point
FIG. 20-82 consisting of 12 hours adsorbing and 12 hours regener-
ating (heating, cooling, standby, and valve switching).
Static Equilibrium Capacity vs. Relative Humidity for From Fig. 20-4, the water content at 600 psia and 100°F
Selected Solid Desiccants46 is 88 pounds per million standard cubic feet (MMscf). The
water content at a dew point of –150°F is essentially zero,
so the water removed is the following:
w = (88-0 lb/MMscf)(100 MMscf/day) / (24 hr/day)
= 367 lb/hr of water removed
Wr = (367 lb/hr) (12 hr) = 4404 lb water removed per
12-hour drying period or 24-hour cycle per bed
3. Determine the amount of sieve required and the bed
height based on a sieve bulk density of 45 lb/ft3. Since the
feed gas is water saturated, the relative humidity is
100%, so CSS is 1.0 from Fig. 20-84. From Fig. 20-85, CT
is 0.93 at 100°F. Applying the equations:
SS = (4404) / ((0.13)(1.0)(0.93)) = 36,427 lb of
sieve for each bed (Eq 20-17)
LS = (36,427)(4)/((3.1416) (7.5)2 (45)) = 18.3 ft
bed height (Eq 20-18)
LMTZ = (38.7/35)0.3 (1.7) = 1.8 ft for
mass-transfer zone (Eq 20-19)
LS + LMTZ = 18.3 + 1.8 = 20.1 ft of sieve for each bed
The total sieve = (20.1/18.3)(36,427)
= 40,010 lb for each bed
4. Check the bed design and pressure drop which is the
ΔP/L calculated in Step 1 times the total bed height cal-
culated in Step 3:
(0.29 psi/ft)(20.1 ft) = 5.8 psi which meets the
criteron of not exceeding 5–8 psi/ft
FIG. 20-83
UOP™ ™ Adsorbents
4A-DG MOLSIV™ Pellets — Water Adsorption Isotherms
FIG. 20-8 5. Calculate the total heat required to desorb the water
based on heating the bed and vessel to 500°F. First cal-
culate the weight of steel from Eq 20-25 and 20-26. Let
the design pressure, Pdesign, be 110% of the operating
Pdesign = (600)(1.1) = 660 psig
t = (12)(7.5)(660) / (37,600 – (1.2)(660))
= 1.614 inches (Eq 20-25)
Weight of steel = (155) (1.614 + 0.125) (18.3 + 1.8
+ (0.75) (7.5) + 3) (7.5) = 58,070 pounds (Eq 20-26)
Qst = (58,070 lb) (0.12 Btu/lb/°F)
(500°F – 100°F) = 2,787,000 Btu (Eq 20-23)
Qw = (1800 Btu/lb (4404 lb water)
= 7,927,000 Btu (Eq 20-21)
Qsi = (40,010 lb) (0.24 Btu/lb/°F)
(500°F – 100°F) = 3,841,000 Btu (Eq 20-22)
Qhl = (2,787,000 + 7,927,000 + 3,841,000)
(0.10) = 1,455,000 Btu (Eq 20-24)
Qtr = (2.5) (2,787,000 + 7,927,000 + 3,841,000
+ 1,455,000) = 40,025,000 Btu (Eq 20-27)
FIG. 20-85 6. Calculate the flow rate of regeneration gas using Eq 20-
28. Let the heating time be 60% of the total regeneration
Mole Sieve Capacity Correction for Temperature period, and calculate the gas heat capacity, Cp, from Eq
(60%) (12 hr) = 7.2 hours heating
Cp (@ 600 psia from Fig. 24-12) = ((545 – 250)
(Btu/lb))/((550 – 100) (°F)) = 0.66 Btu/lb/°F (Eq 20-29)
FIG. 20-87
Allowable Velocity for Mole Sieve Dehydrator
FIG. 20-86
Inlet and Outlet Temperatures During Typical Solid
Desiccant Bed Regeneration Period
mrg = (40,025,000 Btu)/((0.66 Btu/lb/°F) q = (18,717 lb/hr) / ((60 min/hr) (0.94 lb/ft3))
(550 – 100) (°F) (7.2 hr)) = 18,717 lb/hr (Eq 20-28) = 331.9 ft3/min of hot regeneration gas (Eq 20-13)
7. Check that the ΔP/L ≥ 0.01 psi/ft at 550°F. Rearranging Eq 20-12:
V = 4q/πD2 = ((4)(331.9)/((3.414)(7.5)2) = 6.91 ft/min
ρ = ((17 mole weight)(≈600 psi) /((10.73)
(460 + 550)) = 0.94 lb/ft3 μ = 0.023 cP (Fig. 23-23)
ΔP/L = (0.056) (0.023) (6.91) + (0.000089)
FIG. 20-88 (0.94) (6.91)2 = 0.013 psi/ft (Eq 20-11)
Minimum Regeneration Velocity for Mole Sieve Dehydrator This is safely above the minimum value of 0.01 psi/ft
needed to prevent channeling.
8. The design results are summarized as follows:
Number of vessels: two
Vessel design pressure and temperature:
660 psig and 600°F
Vessel dimensions: 90 inches (7.5 feet) ID by
23.1 feet tan to tan
Weight of molecular sieve: 2x40,010 lb
Regeneration gas rate: 18,717 lb/hr (10.026 MMscfd)
Regeneration gas temperature: 550°F
Cycle time: 24 hours, 12 hours adsorption,
12 hours regeneration
FIG. 20-90
Example IFPEX-1 Dehydration Process Flow Diagram
FIG. 20-89
Typical CaCl2 Dehydrator
Heating time: 7.2 hours Dehydration by Refrigeration
This example is based on regeneration with a gas that is The dehydration of natural gas can also be achieved by re-
separate from the main stream that has been dehydrated. If frigeration and/or cryogenic processing down to – 150°F in the
a slip-stream of dehydrated gas is used as illustrated on Fig. presence of methanol hydrate and freeze protection. The con-
20-80, the amount of regeneration gas must be assumed and densed water and methanol streams decanted in the cold proc-
added to the inlet gas. In this case several trials must be per- ess can be regenerated by conventional distillation or by a
formed until the amount calculated for regeneration is equal patented process called IFPEX-1®.
to the amount added to the plant feed. As illustrated by the
above example, a good initial assumption is 10% of the plant In the latter process illustrated in schematic form in Figure
feed. 20-9048 a slip stream of water saturated feed gas strips essen-
tially all the methanol in the cold decanted methanol water
Bottom bed support typically includes three to five layers of stream originating in the cold process at feed gas conditions
inert ceramic balls in graduated sizes (smallest on top). On top to recirculate the methanol to the cold process. The water
of the bed, a hold-down screen is provided, again covered with stream leaving the stripper contains generally less than 100
a layer of ceramic balls. In some cases, a layer of less expensive ppm wt of methanol. No heat is required for the process and
desiccant can be installed on the top of the bed to catch con-
no atmospheric venting takes place.
taminants such as free water, glycol, hydrocarbons, amines,
etc. This may extend the bed life. Good inlet separation of en- Dehydration By Membrane Permeation
trained contaminants is absolutely essential for long desiccant
life. Membranes can be used to separate gas stream components
in natural gas such as water, CO2 and hydrocarbons according to
Since solid desiccants can produce dust, 1μm filters are fre- their permeabilities. Each gas component entering the separator
quently installed at the outlet of the dehydration unit to pro- has a characteristic permeation rate that is a function of its abil-
tect downstream equipment. ity to dissolve in and diffuse through the membrane.
Operating performance should be monitored periodically to The driving force for separation of a gas component in a
adjust adsorption cycle length so that adequate dehydration mixture is the difference between its partial pressure across
is obtained. Performance tests are scheduled on a routine ba- the membrane. As pressurized feed gas flows into the metal
sis, ranging from monthly during early operations to six shell of the separator, the fast gas component, such as water
months or longer. The size of the unit and frequency of regen- and CO2, permeate through the membrane. This permeate is
eration cycles also affect the timing of performance tests. collected at a reduced pressure, while the non-permeate
stream, i.e., the dry natural gas, leaves the separator at a
Calcium Chloride slightly lower pressure than the feed.
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) can be used as a consumable des-
The amount of methane and other natural gas components
iccant to dehydrate natural gas. Solid anhydrous CaCl2
in the permeate stream is dependent on pressure drop and the
combines with water to form various CaCl2 hydrates
surface area of the membranes. However, 5–10% of the feed
(CaCl2 • XH2O). As water absorption continues, CaCl2 is con-
stream is a realistic figure. Dehydration by membrane per-
verted to successively higher states of hydration – eventually
meation is therefore normally only considered for plants that
forming a CaCl2 brine solution.
can make use of low pressure natural gas fuel.
3/8 in. to 3/4 in. CaCl2 pellets are installed in a fixed bed much
like a dry desiccant tower. Gas flow is upflow. The more efficient
designs utilize 3-4 trays below the solid bed to pre-contact the gas LIQUID DEHYDRATION
with the brine solution. This removes a portion of the water from
the gas before contact with the solid CaCl2 and increases unit
capacity. One such unit is shown in Fig. 20-89. Many liquid streams must be dehydrated to allow further
processing or meet requirements of a handling chain to a
The solid CaCl2 near the bottom of the fixed bed will typi- direct consumer. Commercial propane must be dry before
cally be CaCl2 • 4H2O or CaCl2 • 6H2O and the CaCl2 at the top entering the fuel market to prevent freezing problems as
of the fixed bed will be anhydrous CaCl2 or CaCl2 • H20. In this the liquid vaporizes at temperatures below the hydrate
way the gas contacts successively drier CaCl2 as it flows point, or even below the freezing point of any free water that
upwards and in theory leaves the fixed bed in equilibrium with may be present.
the CaCl2 at the top of the bed.
The amount of water that can be in solution with light hy-
Outlet water contents of 1 lb/MMscf have been achieved drocarbon liquid is very small, even at the saturation point.
with CaCl2 dehydrators. Typical CaCl2 capacity is 0.3 lb CaCl2 Effective drying to very low levels of moisture is usually re-
per lb H20. Superficial bed velocities are 20-30 ft/min and quired. The solubility of water in liquid hydrocarbons is pre-
length to diameter ratio for the bed should be at least 3 to 4:1. sented in Fig. 20-2. The desired maximum moisture level for
commercial propane is approximately 10 ppmw. However, liq-
CaCl2 dehydrators may offer a viable alternative to glycol uids exposed to cryogenic temperatures require virtually all
units on low rate, remote dry gas wells. The CaCl2 must be the moisture be removed.
changed out periodically. In low capacity – high rate units this
may be as often as every 2-3 weeks. Brine disposal raises en- The water content in light hydrocarbon liquids can be deter-
vironmental issues. In addition, under certain conditions the mined by using recommended methods in GPA Publication
CaCl2 pellets can bond together to form a solid bridge in the 2140 (Cobalt Bromide or Freeze Valve methods), or electronic
fixed bed portion of the tower. This results in gas channeling instruments designed to indicate the moisture content di-
and poor unit performance. rectly.
Gas Stripping Stage 1—First bed-heating stage
One simple method of dehydrating liquid hydrocarbons is Stage 2—Desorption stage
counter current stripping with a dry gas. This method is cur-
rently used to dry condensate produced offshore prior to export Stage 3—Second bed-heating stage
from the production platform. The contactor is usually trayed.
Stripping gas rates depend on the condensate rate, the amount Stage 4—Bed-cooling stage
of entrained water in the condensate, stripper temperature For a period of time after the heat source is introduced into
and pressure. a desiccant bed being dehydrated, the bed must be heated to
Advantages of this process are simplicity and low capital a temperature where the water will start to be desorbed (Stage
cost. Disadvantages include the requirement for a dry natural 1). As the water is desorbed (Stage 2), the bed temperature will
gas stream, and the coincidental stripping of some of the vola- usually rise only a few degrees because the regeneration gas
tile hydrocarbons from the condensate. The stripping gas may heat is utilized to provide the heat of vaporization of the water
be recycled to the gas dehydration unit or it can be used as fuel being removed. The completion of the water desorption stage
gas. is characterized by a rapid increase in bed temperature meas-
ured as the outlet temperature. At this point the heating may
Solid Desiccant Dehydration be discontinued while bed heating will continue from residual
Several solid desiccant processes are available to dry liquid heat in the heating cycle (Stage 3). As the unheated regenera-
hydrocarbons. tion gas stream continues to pass through the bed, the bed will
be cooled (Stage 4).
Liquid velocity is usually 3-5 ft/minute through solid desic-
cant beds with a minimum travel of at least 5 feet to ensure At near ambient pressures, regeneration of silica gel and
good distribution. Direction of flow can be upflow or downflow alumina can be accomplished at 300°F. Molecular sieve re-
in the adsorption cycle. quires 500-550°F to maintain the low dewpoint potential, and
the higher temperatures may increase desiccant life by pro-
Special care must be taken in designing the bed supports in viding more complete removal of adsorbed hydrocarbons.
the liquid dehydrator vessels to prevent desiccant loss, desic-
cant damage, and to ensure proper distribution. Layers of ce- Capacity and performance data for new solid desiccants are
ramic balls are installed in decreasing size from the support usually presented based on a static test. Under operating con-
screen. The support ball sizes may vary with the type and size ditions (dynamic) the performance data may be significantly
of solid desiccant used but the layers of support balls should different. Typically the effective capacity at operating condi-
never be graduated in size more than twice the diameter of tions is about one-half of the capacity at equilibrium (static)
the balls being supported. conditions for most solid desiccants. This operating charac-
teristic must be considered when designing a dehydration sys-
The regeneration of solid desiccant beds is very similar to
tem and can be influenced by careful design and good control
gas dehydrators with the following exceptions:
of operating parameters such as temperatures, contaminant
• Liquid draining and filling time must be allowed. levels, regeneration cycles, and desiccant selection. Solid des-
• Pressuring and depressuring must be done carefully to iccant manufacturers should be consulted for the most current
avoid bed movement. product information and design criteria.
• Adequate bed cooling is required before liquid re-entry
to minimize flashing. Molecular Sieve
It is important to prevent movement of the bed particles to Molecular sieve is not normally used for liquid dehydration
prevent attrition that would require premature replacement. because the required level of water removal is usually moder-
Also, desiccant dust particles can cause downstream plugging, ate and the cost of molecular sieve is considerably more than
equipment damage, and excessive filter maintenance. Liquid other types of suitable desiccants, such as activated alumina.
and vapor velocities must be controlled carefully and flashing However, in extreme cases where the moisture content of the
of liquids or accelerated blow-down rates that would “lift” or liquid must be kept at an unusually low concentration, mo-
“float” all or portions of the bed should be avoided. lecular sieve should be considered.
Desiccant bed life can be extended by doing several or all of Molecular sieve may be used for removing other undesirable
the following activities: compounds, such as H2 S, COS, mercaptans, etc., from liquid
• Prevent the desiccant particles from moving. streams. Dehydration may be a secondary benefit of using this
type of treating method.
• Keep contaminants out of the dehydrating portion of the
bed by upstream conditioning or by providing a sacrifi- Refer to the discussion of molecular sieve for gas dehydra-
cial layer of less expensive desiccant to act as a catcher tion elsewhere in this Section for more information.
of any compounds such as amine, glycol or oil.
• Prevent overheating the bed to reduce the formation of Activated Alumina
carbon during the regeneration cycle.
There are several types of alumina available for use as a
• Analyze the heating/cooling regeneration temperature solid desiccant. Alumina is widely used for drying liquid prod-
cycles to minimize the time the bed is at elevated tem- uct streams following gas processing, treating, or fractiona-
peratures. This will also minimize energy requirements. tion. Most alumina desiccants will produce a dewpoint below
A typical heating/cooling regeneration temperature cycle –100°F if applied properly. Alumina tends to adsorb heavy hy-
plot is shown in Fig. 20-87, with a description of the stage drocarbons which are difficult to remove during regeneration.
activities. There are typically four (4) distinct stages in a nor- Alumina is alkaline and is subject to reaction with mineral
mal cycle: acids which are found in some well treating fluids.
The design of a solid desiccant liquid dehydration system is 10. Song, K.Y. and Kobayashi, R.; RR-50, “Measurement and Inter-
similar to a gas dehydration system. An effective desiccant pretation of the Water Content of a Methane – 5.31 mol% Propane
capacity of 4-5% is typically used in liquid dehydrator design. Mixture in the Gaseous State in Equilibrium with Hydrate”, Gas
Processors Association, January 1982.
Calcium Chloride
11. Aoyagi,; RR-45, “I. The Water Content and Correlation of
Calcium chloride is used as a consumable desiccant. Solid the Water Content of Methane in Equilibrium with Hydrates. II.
calcium chloride combines with water to form a brine solution. The Water Content of a High Carbon Dioxide Simulated Prudhoe
From one to two pounds of water can be absorbed by a pound Bay Gas in Equilibrium with Hydrates”, Gas Processors Associa-
of calcium chloride. Large liquid CaCl2 dehydrators are usu- tion, December 1980.
ally operated in a series that can be reversed with a moisture
monitor located between the beds. In that way when the lead 12. Song, K.Y. and Kobayashi, R.; RR-80, “The Water Content of CO2
sacrificial bed is exhausted, no wet product is produced. The – Rich Fluids in Equilibrium with Liquid, Water, or Hydrate”,
exhausted CaCl2 bed is then recharged and the vessels re- Gas Processors Association, May 1984.
versed in service. 13. Mehta, A.P. and Sloan, E.D. “Structure H Hydrates: The State-
of-the-Art.” Proceedings 75th GPA Annual Convention, Denver,
The bed size can be estimated using a superficial velocity of
CO, 1996.
3-5 ft/min and an L/D of 2.5 to 4:1.
14. Katz, D.L., “Prediction of Conditions for Hydrate Formation in
Calcium chloride dehydration has become less popular be- Natural Gases”, Trans. AIME Vol. 160, 1945, p. 140.
cause of the environmental problem of disposing of the pro-
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