Heidegger Roxana Popa
Heidegger Roxana Popa
Heidegger Roxana Popa
History Of Ideas
Historicity of Being
- Being is usually regarded as the thinnest of abstracions, the most general feature of
everything that is. A distinction may be drawn between That-being and What-being.
Being might be the being of something in particular , and then it might be its essence (
That-Being) or its essence ( What-Being or Fundamental Nature)
- History or rather historicity is Heidegger’s main theme in this chapter. So, this second
task projected in the Introduction was to provide the rudiments of a destruction of the
history of ontology in terms of the problem-area of temporality. Also, this 2nd part was
intended to have 3 divisions dealing with: Kant’s doctrine of schematism and time;
Descartes’ ‘ cogito sum’ and his debt to medieval ontology; Aristotle’s account of time.
- German has 2 words for history, GESCHICHTE & HISTORIE. Heiddeger assigns
Geschichte to events, history & Historie to the study of the events( historiology, the
- Heidegger believes that history is too important to be left to historians: to consider history
( GESCHICHTE) only as the ‘ object of a science’ is on a par with viewing the world
around us only through the eyes of the natural & social sciences. He raises the Kantian
question: How is Historie possible? The answer lies in the historicity of all DASEIN even
of those who do not study it. Dasein is historical, that is, ‘ open in its having-beenness on
the basis of temporality’ and this clears the way for Historie to thematize the PAST.
- Historie is authentic if the historian approaches the theme in accordance with ‘ authentic
historicity and the corresponding disclosure of what has been there, repetition’ .
REPETITION ‘ understands Dasein that has been there in its authentic possibility
which has been’ . The ‘ history that has been there’ is then disclosed in such a way that
the force of the possible intrudes into the factical existence of the historian. It thus
concerns primarily the historian’s future, not the present: the historian’s disclosure grows
out of the future.
- H’ s own history of philosophy exemplifies this idea of Historie. He asks about Being.
The question is not historical, nor has he yet answered it, he hopes to answer it in the
future. To answer it, he needs to see how past philosophers aked&answered this question.
He needs to consider what they said not as a sheer fact but as a possibility, in several
senses: a possibility that is not available in the philosophical discourse of the present; one
possibility selected from a range of possible alternatives open to them; a possibility that
they were striving towards but did not succeed in achieving or expressing in their actual
words; or a possibility that we may endorse in the present.
- H himself is a thinker of histoy, rather than a historian or a philosopher of history . He
does not explain history historiologically or reckon it up into a definite picture for
purposes of edification: he restores history itself to the uniqueness of its inexplicability