Welcome Cure - Bye Bye Disease

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Welcome cure.

Bye Bye Disease

• Go for a walk after meals, but not do brisk walking.

• Eat slowly and chew food properly.
• If gas is offensive, limit intake of proteins like- meat, eggs.
• Limit intake of high carbohydrates – rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes etc.
• Avoid pulses and fibrous vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower.
• Avoid cheese, beans, alcohol, soy sauce, carbonated drinks – coke etc.
• Avoid fried and spicy food.
• Add little garlic and asafoetida in your diet – helps in digestion and prevents
gas formation. ( But avoid raw garlic if you are taking Homoeopathic
• Take plenty of fluids.
• Avoid over eating, frequent small meals are advisable.
• Curd and butter milk may help to change the intestinal flora. Make a regular
habit of having curd/ buttermilk after meals.
• If over weight reduce weight
 Boil ajwain+ Jeera (1tsp each) in water for 10 mins and drink twice a day.
• Apan Vayu Mudra(touch the base of the thumb by the index finger and tip
of thumb touches the tip of the middle finger and the ring finger. The little
finger remains straight). Helps in stomach complaints

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