RCD Library Work - Quiz
RCD Library Work - Quiz
RCD Library Work - Quiz
Civil Engineering Department
CE 502 – Reinforced Concrete Design
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Section: CE 51FB1
Direction: Answer the following questions on a short bond paper. Put in the references/sources of your answers for each descriptive question.
For the problem-solving questions, write your solutions properly and box your FINAL ANSWER.
(Submission: A scanned copy of your Library Work shall be submitted through email at submissions.engrbrylletimbal@gmail.com not
later than 5pm tomorrow; the hard copy shall be submitted next meeting.)
1. What is a Slab? What are the differences between One-way Slabs and Two-way Slabs? What are the differences between Flat Plates and
Flat Slabs in terms of Column-Supported Slabs?
2. What are the minimum thicknesses of non-prestressed solid one-way slabs? What happens to these thickness values when the yield strength
of steel exceeds 415MPa? What is a temperature reinforcement? What are the steel ratios for slabs with f y that are: a) less than 415MPa;
b) equal to 415MPa; c) greater than 415MPa?
3. According to the NSCP Provisions, what are the conditions in utilizing the coefficients for approximating moment and shears permitted for
the design of one-way slabs in slab design? What is the formula for Mu and Vu in the aforementioned method? Mention parameters governing
slab moment coefficients and shear coefficients for: a) slabs or beams with more than two spans which all spans exceeding 3 meters, and;
b) slabs with two or more spans which all spans not exceeding 3 meters.
4. The section of a solid one-way slab is shown in the
figure. The concrete is a normal density concrete
with a unit weight of 2350kg/m3. The reinforcing steel
has a strength of 276MPa. Determine the following:
a. the minimum thickness of slab S1 in mm
Prepared by Engr. Brylle Jerald P. Timbal | Civil Engineering Department | Technological Institute of the Philippines
b. the minimum thickness of slab S2 in mm
c. the minimum thickness of slab S3 in mm
5. A 3-span continuous solid one-way slab is
shown in the given figure. In addition to its
dead weight, the slab carries a live load of
2.4kPa. Beam DC supports a factored
load of 20kN. Assume unit weight of
concrete to be 24kN/m3, f’c = 21MPa, and
fy = 275MPa. Determine the following:
a. factored bending moment at A
b. factored bending moment at B
c. shear at the exterior face of first interior support (Point C)
d. shear at the interior face of the first interior support (Point D)
e. the reaction at the first interior support (D-C)
f. the maximum factored design moment
g. if the slab has a uniform thickness of 120mm for all the panels, determine the spacing of the 12mm main reinforcements at the
critical moment section of the slabs
h. the spacing of the 10mm diameter temperature reinforcements