NDT Basics Guide
NDT Basics Guide
NDT Basics Guide
1) The best inspection combination for painted Aluminum part for al! diseontinuities
a) RT-PT
b) MT-RT
s2 UT-PT
'* 2)W11litgi).S is4etrimenta! ( Creating f1uro earbons) damaging the ozone layer?
a) Helium.
b) Nitrous oxide.
/0.. Refrigerant 12
@) Carbon dioxide. 1-
.*) Kaiser effeet is a property of aeoustic emission that?
,;,Jj /ri)) A ferro\lssteeip~rt iScase l1lifdênecÎ. What method will determine best the case
r C'«epth?
J!2 MT.
t!22) ET.
e) UT.
d) RT.
a) Months.
b) Years.
d) Days ..
. (j; 9) Accordipg to SNT!ttI1A what is the NDT experience required for a candidate if
:'f(" he has a Business Administration Bachelor's degree 7
a) Same as BS in Engineering
® Same as high school
c) Same as 2 years technical school.
d) Same as BA in biology
10) Which of the following methods always requires a specimen with known flaws
a) MT.
b) RT..
Il) What is used to proteet Aluminum against sea, air & physieal damage?
a) Painting.
b) Clading.
)?{ Heat treating
12) Iflinear indications are observed in the weI d, what would you do?
a) Reject
b) Inform the Level III.
@ Evaluate against acccptance standards.
d) Break open the sample
What discontinuity can be detected visually over other NDT methodswhen
~ one side (top) can be inspected ?
ta)) Undercllt
't;) Underbead cracking.
c) Insufficient penetration.
d) Slag inclusion.
~ 15) Plate stock is accessible from either side with contact Ultrasonic normal probe
inspection. This will best detec!.
a) Transverse perpendicular defects to plate surface.
@Laminations paru II el to surface.
c) Inclusions
d) Scabs.
. .l
6 Durillg immersiOl\tl!tras()njc testing ( H20, oil ) the amount of sound ret1ected .t'"
\j' om steel front surface is . "t; jr ~
. ' \6 a) Greater than amount emitted by the transducer
s/ j b) Less than amount transmitted into the specimen. ~
,~/I i '#
?I\..}. .
; (C))Oreatcr than amount rcflccted Jl-OI11 bac!<. wall of the specimen 'b
~ (I)Less than amount ret1ected from back wall of the specimen
17) A Contaminated lake or sea water contained in 304 Stainless Steel pipe for six
months. Inspection detects fine crack like discontinuities. These are probably eaused
a. Micro biological organisms
® Trans-granular Stress corrosion.
e. Eteh attaek
d. Oalvanic action
18) Emulsifer checks arc required for
a) Viscosity
b) Water contamination
A Surface tension
~2y)enctranl contamination
>fi- 21) What best describes a local dimensional change other than absolute ?
@ Dia] guage.
b) Micrometer.
c) Vernier.
d) Surface roughness.
22) Surface roughness is determined by 'Stastistical ' high & low areas as
6» lZi\1S , Root Mean Square deviation
li') Deviations in microns Peak to Peak.
c) Percentage deviation from drawing dimensions.
d) Optical reflection coefficients.
*' tÇ;\ Àsper SNT/TC!lA, outside agency leve! III delegates qualification examinations
. Va QA Manager. Grading of multi choice was delegated to a shop Forman. Who
cannot sign the certification? .
(â)) Shop Forman. ~ \\IV'
b) Q.A. Manager.
c) Outside Level III.
d) Company Vice President.
31) What component is used in two of the specifie leak tests mentioned in CP-189
Differentiai pressure Gauge
b. Oxygen supplies.
c. Natal solutions.
d. Ultrasonic sensors ..
rJ):::. ~ Be;i( w,:y to separatc 300 & 400 series steel?
G fa) IJectro magnet
'tî. Conduclivity.
c. Hardness test.
d. Etch examination ( Micro ).
33) As per SNTITCIlA for specifie testes what is allowed to be taken into the test?
a. Engineering calculator.
b. Specifications/Codes.
0"':)Neccssary data allowcd by the administrator
c( Pencils & Rules only.
~ @What is the most economical & best way to inspect a large tank with a
complex design used for liquid storage for a through leak. Access to both sides
a. Vacuum box at 15 psig
(§) Penetrant
c. Pn;ssure change measurement Test
d. Another leak test
~ Stress / Strain.
y. Extensiof' / Original Length.
c. Load / Elongation
d. Hardness factors.
39) Eddy current can not determine changes in
a. Hardness
b. Conductivity.
~ Wclding.
(( ReslstlVlty.
a. Electronic Instrumentation
b. Machining.
c. Welding.
@) Electrostatic painting
~ Eddy CUITent can determine ?
a. Hardness change in Aluminum alloys
b. Temperature in Aluminum alloys.
~. Stress loading in Aluminum alloys.
@ All of the above
42) Petroleum storage tank is tllled for 15 years & a crack like indications in the
HAZ of welds is observed? Under magnification origins looks like 'wonn holes'.
These are probably caused by
a. Micro biological organisms.
<ElFlydrogen imbrilllement
c. Galvanic action
d. Intercrystalline cOITo"ion.
~Where notched test piece is used for impact test. The test is called
Glmpact Test l ~
Y. Çharpy Test
c. Hardness Test
2 1<5"'-'1:) ..Y>'
45) Whal property must steel still retain for additional working if previously
~) Ductility.
c. Good temper.
d. Brittleness.
'* @) Éa,Sist method for determining case hardening of a steel part for the depth of the
case hardening ?
(a:) Eddy current.
~ Magnetic Particle
c. Penetrant
d. Brinell Test.
51) As per SNT/TC lA, an employee joins a company on I S( January 1993 and
works as a ccrtiiicd NDT Level II until 3/31/93. The employee !caves employmcnt
on 7/31/93 ') The technician joins a new employer on 1/1/94. By what date must
this person be requalified to the same level without loosing his eligibility ?
w.. 3/31/94.
~' '1 !"_) 1,~I
a. /94
c. 7/31/94.
d. 12/31/94.
w ~. .8est s\:te~tiQl1 of current & particles for a subsurface defect with magnetic
l '.~~tÙcle InspectIOn IS
a) HWDC Wet
D.C. Wet
c) HWDC Dry
) DC Dry
54) W9f!1: is a refractometer used for?
~Hydrophylic emulsifier concentration
b) Calculate the refracted mode conversion ..
c) Measuring the distillation temperature of penetrant oils.
d) Specifie gravity of developer solutions.
57) Within the limit of elasticity which one of the following is applicable?
a) Yiclding occures
b) Work hardcning takcs place
c) Load per unit area is proportional to change in Iength loriginallength
A Stress is proportional to strain
\:V Both C and D
;• ~ Fin~t smooth. surface is obtained in which casting process? :;--.
a) Invcstment casting ; ) CV' v..J
\.1\6\\.\ ~ ~~t
Die casting --- ~ ...
c) Sand casting l ,'-,J..<_=-------
d) Centrifuga! easting. ~
59) Which we!ding process produces Ieast heat affected zone?
a) Submerged arc we!ding
b) Shielded metal arc welding
@ Electron bcam we!ding
d) Thennit welding.
60) The term "diffusion bonding" is most applicable to
~ Wei ding ofnon metal by ultrasonic method
~ Aluminum and baron
c) Mdals to non metals
d) Cladding of metal steel to white metal
61) Beyond the limit of elastîcîty for a ductile material the
a) The ultîmate stress increases
b) Work hardening takes place
~ Strain increases considerably for small change in stress
'(ill Both 13 and C are COITect ,:y
Jr.o .
e) None of the above is correct. >f-~ J-
a6)l Ept\ process is suitable for ~~\. v=-
~U a) To machine the rough cast surface t 1.
S;l To remove stringers and seam from a rolled stock bar ~
!(8) To prepare notch with tàir degree of accuracy . _~ .
d) None of the above. s-wt\ \vc,\ç fi, \'.\e>"c.
67) Which one of the following statements is true with respect to thermosetting
plastic and thermo plastic
a) Thermosetting plastic can be re produced
b) Thermoplastic become charred and not recyc1able
c) Thermosetting plastic are not recyclable
j,l, Thermo plastic are reproducible
@ Both C and D are correct.
68) \YjticÎl ot'tne statem;ent given below is false:
a) The rate of corrosion increases in the presence of oxygen
b) The rate of corrosion increases in the presence of acids
~, Corrosion rate increases with temperature
\Q)) Corrosion rate increases with vibration
69) The purpose of S-N curve is
a) To find the yield stress
b) Impact resistance load
r@ To estimate the life for fatigue failure
d) None of the above.
70) Very close to the weld and in the heat affected zone which kind of residuaî
stress is~esent
a Compressive stress
) Tensile stress
c) Yield stress
d) Hoop stress.
t.., ~ ~ """"<J' 1
~ \~\'û~:{\-\~\ ~\
73) Regarding Flame hardcning following is truc?
a) It is a case hardening process rcquiring no change of composition of
surface of material
b) Case produccd by sufficiently high intmsity bumers/ oxy acetylene
toarch to raise a small depth above critical temperature.
c) Immediately following heating water quenched to fast cool producing
d) Surface may be reheated to improve toughness
@ Ali of the above.
74) Crevice corrosion is an example of.
a) Weld area.
® Heat affected Zone
c) In the parent metal
d) Hardness values will be more or Jess uniform in parent metaJ, HAZ &
weJd metaJ..
a) Thermography
b) Electron radiography
c) Neutron radiography
@ Eddy current
78) Hydro carbons in a materiaJ is to be detected. Which one of the fe~Jowing is the
most suitabJe NDT method?
a) Thermography
l;2 Electron radiography
@J Neutron radiography
d) Eddy current
79) Thickness measurcment of a non met al is to be cstimated which is coated on a
conducting matcrial. Which one of the following is the most suitable mcthod?
a) 'T'hcrmography
b) Holography
@ Eddy currcnl tcsting
d) None of the above,
80, Gas packet in a thick lead plate is to be deteeted, The most suitable method to
deteet is:
a. Stereography
b. Electron radiography
®Neutron radiography,
d. Laminography
81. Radiography of a radioactive material is to be taken whieh one of the following
method/technique is most suitable?
a. Conventional radiography with fast film
d)Neutron radiography with transfer technique
c. Neutron radiography with direct technique
d. Stereo radiography technique.
82) Case hardened material is tested with eddy current testing. The conductivity
will be?
a. Higher
c. Same.
d. Higher in proportion to hardness.
84) Which of the welding processes does not need filler material
a. GMAW.
~ EBW.
c. Oxy acetylene Welding.
d. Electro slag welding
e. 'b' & 'd' ® Jck1 ~~1LJ~
85) EDM is used for? ~ 8~j;I,C0 •
a. Calibration block.
b. Crystal of UT. ® ~'1AW ~ ~ ~""
(2) Artificial clefect
'cr: Numerical control Machines. 1J ~~JJ~ ~~
ff;rJ For a rod rotating undcr bending stress, which of the following failure is likely
G) Fatigue
c, Compression.
d. Shear.
87) Neutron radiography screens are
Whieh film is used in Neutron radiography ?
~). lnduslrial X-Ray film
~1 Gadolinium, Indium or Dysprosium film
c) Special films differcnt in composition fi·om lndustrial radiography films.
d) ob' & Oc'
Who is minium qualified person who can interpret & evaluate the test rcsults?
GD Level 1
b. Level II
c. Level III
d. Trainee
e. Lost wax casting.
~95) teve\Tcan?
. CV Specific calibration,speeific NDT & specifie evaluation as per written
b. Set up & calibrate equipment, interpret & evaluate as per codes,
c. Cannot conduct, interpret or evaluate the test results.
d. Familiar with only scope & limitations ofprocess .
a. Customer.
(9 Company seeking qualification.
d. NDT Technician.
98) During Infrared test thermal conductivity if an inside wall of a building is wet
from condensation, how will an IR test be affected ?
~fJJ Indirect magnctization method is ?
li. Prod
c. Head shot."
d. Wet fluorescent
102) During radiography the appearance of the we1d is not found to be uniform. The
welding process could be
a) PAW
\!ij GMAW
Q Cold.'foUiri,gofplaJe during mill rolling, along the rolling direction ductility
~ Increase
~ ~lA~-
Cl, i.
b) Decrease .. ", 1
c) Be unaffected.
d) None of the above ..
"'v~ ~, For circular magnctization what factors are considered ?
irll- U:1) L1D
b) Diameter
c) Number ofturns
d) Length
1O~UT resolution is
a) Near surface detection.
) Ability to detect fine defects.
c) High if the frequency is low
d) 'a' & 'c'
108) In UT same area FBH at different depth with straight beam inspection are used
(pReference line.
b. Vertical Linearity.
c. Resolution.
d. Horizontallinearity.
109) Stress applied when directly proportiona! to increase or decrease in length are
11 ~ Creep is ?
QYDifformation al clcvatcd lcmpcraturc & constant load bclow yield point
b. Difformation at e!evated temperature & constant load above yield point
c. Difformation at ambicnt temperature & constant Joad below yield point
d. Difformation at ambient temperature & constant Joad above yie!d point
e. Elastic difformation at elevated temperature & constant load
112) I-low will you check brazedjoint ?
a. UT.
(S) PT.
c. MT.
d. ET.
113) Round Shaft subjected to fatigue is bent in corrosive atmosphere has sudden
difference in thickness could be due to 7
a. Fatigue crack.
c. Stress COiTosion cracking
d. Erosion.
~In Ultrasonic testing the velocity in long bar will change due to
~ CP Mode conversion
b. Impedence change al interface.
c. Refraction.
d. Velocity will always remain constant.
~J Leak testing & AB are different from ail other NDT methods by using which
$:' ~fthe following instruments?
a) Probe or sensor
@Ditferential pressure gaugc
c) meter
118) Aluminum is uscd fœ fabrication. Local decrease in hardness will have what
effect on conductivity ?
b) Decrcase.
c) Remain constant
d) First increase & then deerease.
Kaiser e tTeet is
a) Emission at Joad, smaller than prcviousJy appJied
Lmissiun al load" greatcr than prcviously applicc_l._ _ .. ~
Emission at constant loads held
d) 'a' & 'c'both
Aluminum protection from corrosion is by ?
a. Phospating
e. Carburizing.
d. N itriding.
Cold work is done below
a. Austenitization
@ Recrystillization
e. Critical temperature.
d. Yield point.
@~t~f~I~SS Steel
d) Carbon steel
129) A complex Porous casting needs to be checked for cracks along the radius.
Which of the following penetrant methods is suitable ?
~, Post emulsifier lipophylic
CS}lWater washable
c) Solvent removable
d) Post Emulsifer hydrophylic
)/ç' @9 tpv:~tti~~~~tj~~ril~r~e
Has tolerance of 1116"
@Requircs no further machining.
d) Pressure is applied while casting
134) Direct current used by prods is
a. T Weld
b. V Groove weld.
d. Fillet weld.
141) A candidate has spent 20% in RI for 3 months & remaining time is spent in
PTHow much lime he can claim in rt
\V HIC .
c. Weld decay
d. Stress corrosion cracking
~c9 the minimum r~qJJirement for doing NDT job without supervision is
a. Level l
e[)LeveI II.
c. Designatcd Level III.
d. Level l or Level II
151) Radiographie film shows very light images. Which of the following welding
pro cesses are likely cause ?
(.9Y Plasma
e) Ultrasonie Welding
a. Subject contrast
.2..., Film contrast.
(s)Radiographic Contrast.
d. Defination.
HalOgen Diode
~) Mass Spcetrometer Leak Detection ( MSLD)
c Uitrasonic
d) Hal ide Toareh
155) WhiC. h casting uses vibra.tin g water cooled copper tubing ? r:.?~ ~ if
~Invcstmcnt castmg ~/
(l'J}:olltinliOUS casting. V~ ,,/
c) Die casting
d) CentrifugaI casting.
® "'~
156) Preferrential cooling in casting can be achicved using ?
a. Chaplets
@ Chills
c. Core.
d. None of the above.
157) Excessive restraint in V preparation butt weld can give
r.~ Distortion
c. Difformation & yielding.
d. Lack of penetration.
159) In Acoustic emission testing purpose of couplant is ?
Transmit acoustic waves fi'om metal to probe as they cannot travel
through air.
b. To lubrieate & minimize probe wear
c. To amply signal.
d. To increase impedence ofprobe
162) Edge etIect is
a. Distortion of magnetic field a the probe approaches edge giving false
b. Can mask edge cracks.
~ Can be iovercome by maintaining constant edge to coi! didtance.
~~All of the abovc.
'-J~ ~fii?h
ojtne following is suitable to test by eddy current testing ??JJ~
aJ Heat tl'eatment in AISI 4010 Al allov. ~/
"'6.Detection of inclusions in 4" thick steel bar
c. Detection of discontinuities throughout a thick job.
d. Detection ofthickness ofPolystyrene coating on Polyresin meterial
165) Which of the following emulsifiers can have problems with water
l5) Hydrophylic
c) Both above
d) None ofthe above
fJ166) What is the required experience for Level III if the candidate has Bachelor of
G:Y12 months
b) 2 years
c) 4 years
d) No experience required
167) Dose rate is 600 mRJHr at 1 meter l'rom a 1 Ci source of 1r-192.
What is the intensity al 100 meters from a lOCi source
).Q 6 mRhr
Q;)l (). 6 ml~ 111'.
c) 0.06 mR / hr
d) None of the above
168) What is the best method to inspect an A1uminum aircraft wing for cracks
emanating from fastner ho1es ?
a) RT
J1,( UT with 45° & 60° probes
~T with pen cake probe.
d) LT with Helium
-fiJ/rQ IfY!+ll
ff ~ction,
are inspecting 1" thick plate with 5" prod spacing for magnetic particle
what would be the required amperage ?
a) 80 amps/ inch
00 amps
) 200 amp tums
172) For archivaI preservation, radiographs can be arc: afTc:cted by
A. Over fixing
B. Over development
f[) Undc:r washing
'1S. Over washing
" fi;.! In cleaning process vapor degreasing is not permitted to which of the following
A. Steel after heat treatment
SS materials
Aluminum alloy
178) A man received a dose of 1 rad to alpha particJe. His equivalent dose is
A. 200 micro Sv
rB'.)200 milli Sv
200 milli Rem
D. 20 Sv
182) Pitting is one type of
;".ri ~
- 'ÇOw-
d j.>-eY