10 Jump Rope Ab Finishers PDF
10 Jump Rope Ab Finishers PDF
10 Jump Rope Ab Finishers PDF
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE using the jump rope with metabolic finishers. But
what happens when you combine the fat-burning power of jump roping and the best ab
I’ve combined the best ab exercises and jump rope intervals for the best finishers you can
plug in after ANY workout.
You’ll sweat, have fun, and shrink your waistline. Have fun!
Finish Strong,
Mike Whitfield, CTT
Author, Workout Finishers
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise
The recommendations in this and any other document are not medical guidelines
but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to
starting this or any other program or if you have any medical condition or injury
that can possibly worsen with physical activity. This program is designed for
healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The information in this document is
meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise
pose some inherent risks. Mike Whitfield, or anyone associated with Crank
Training, LLC advises readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know
their limits. Before partaking in the exercises in this or any other program, be
sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your
level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary
programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or
treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.
Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Don’t
perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a
certified fitness trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always
ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Don’t perform any exercise
without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to any exercise including
but not limited to interval training. See your physician before starting any exercise
or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your
physician before starting any exercise program, including but not limited to Crank
Training / WorkoutFinishers.com. If you experience any lightheadedness,
dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and
consult a physician immediately. You must have a complete physical
examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood
pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old.
Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered
dietician. If your physician recommends that you don’t use this or any other
program, please
follow your doctor’s orders.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Train SAFE!
• Don't do any exercises that you aren't sure how to do. Always get personal
instruction from a certified trainer or ask for a substitute exercise.
• Do this finishers workout program for four weeks, then switch to another
finishers workout program
• If you need extra recovery within the workout or between workouts, don't
hesitate to take it. In other words, don’t keep going if you’re feeling dizzy!
• Just because something looks easy on paper doesn’t mean you dismiss it.
On the other end – if something looks too difficult, then be safe and use an
easier exercise and adjust recovery and rest periods.
• If you want to start this or any other program but think you have an injury, get
medical attention FIRST and have a professional therapist rehabilitate your
injury before starting any exercise program.
And for the “timed” sets, I strongly encourage you to buy a gymboss interval
timer. For one thing, they are awesome. Also, they are inexpensive for what you
get. Check them out at www.gymboss.com. Or you can use an interval timer
application on your smartphone.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Make it Easier
Make it Easier
To make this finisher easier, simply reduce the amount of supersets (3 for
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Make it Easier
To make this finisher easier, reduce the circuits down to 2-3.
Make it Easier
To make this finisher easier, perform less rounds (for example, 4 times instead of
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Make it Easier
(You can also start with 6 reps rather than 8)
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
1A) Jump Rope (75) (reps is each time the rope goes over the head)
1B) Underhand Grip Inverted Row (15)
1C) Ab Wheel Rollout (20)
1D) Jump Rope (75)
1E) Spiderman Push-ups (15 ea)
1F) Prisoner Alternating Cross-Over Lunge (12 ea)
1G) Jump Rope (75)
Make it Easier
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Make it Easier
Make it Easier
You can also reduce the number of supersets
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Make it Easier
To make this finisher easier, simply reduce the time and reps. For example, you
could do 40 instead of 50.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Part 1
Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 20 secs between supersets. After
the third superset, proceed to part 2
Part 2
Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute after each circuit
Make it Easier
Part 1
Part 2
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 1-5
Kettlebell Snatch
• Hold a kettlebell or dumbell in one hand with your feet shoulder width apart.
• Squat and swing the weight between your legs. Keep your chest up and low back flat.
• Explode up thrusting your hips forward, as though you were jumping.
• Swing the dumbell to shoulder height. Brace your abs and control the descent.
• Make sure to watch the video for this one.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 1-5
KB/DB Swings
• Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold a single Kettlebell or
dumbbell in both hands in front of your body at arm’s length.
• Push your hips back and swing the Kettlebell or dumbbell between your legs.
• Drive back up to the start position and swing the Kettlebell or dumbbell up to chest
height. Move at a quick pace.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 1-5
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 1-5
Spiderman Climb
• Brace your abs. Start in the top of the pushup position.
• Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up
outside of your shoulder and touch your foot to the ground.
• Keep your abs braced and slowly return your leg to the start position.
• Alternate sides until you complete all of the required repetitions.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 1-5
Mountain Climbers
• Brace your abs. Start in the top of the push-up position.
• Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up
to your chest. Do not let your hips sag or rotate.
• Keep your abs braced and slowly return your leg to the start position.
• Alternate sides until you complete all of the required repetitions.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 1-5
• Lie on your stomach on a mat.
• Raise your body in a straight line and rest your bodyweight on your elbows and toes
so that your body hovers over the mat.
• Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold (brace) your abs tight. Contract them
as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally.
• Hold this position for the recommended amount of time.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
Inverted Row
• Set a bar at hip height in the smith machine or squat rack.
• Lie underneath the bar and grab it with an underhand grip an inch or two wider than
shoulder-width apart. Row yourself up the top position with your upper back and lats.
• Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes (knees) to shoulders.
• Slowly return to the start position.
Ab Wheel Rollout
• Kneel on a mat with your hands on the ab wheel.
• Keep your body in a straight line, brace your abs, and keep your low back tensed.
• Slowly roll out as far as is comfortable.
• Keep your abs braced, and contract them maximally to come back up to the start.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
Spiderman Pushup
• Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes (knees) to shoulders.
• Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
• Slowly lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground.
• As you lower yourself, slowly bring your right knee up to your right elbow.
• Keep your foot off the ground as you do so.
• Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position, and
return your leg to the start position. Alternate sides until you complete all repetitions.
• Keep your body in a straight line at all times and try not to twist your hips.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
• Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes/knees to shoulders.
• Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
• Slowly lower yourself down until you are an inch off the ground.
• Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position.
• Keep your body in a straight line at all times.
Incline Pushups
• Place your hands on a bench or smith bar with your hands just wider than shoulder-
width apart.
• Slowly lower your body down to the bench or bar – taking about 2 seconds to do this.
• After you hit the bottom of the movement, push with your arms & chest to get your
body back up to the start position.
• If it is too hard, do wall pushups. Be careful…don’t lower your body too quickly.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
Kneeling Push-up
• Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes/knees to shoulders.
• Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
• Slowly lower yourself down until you are an inch off the ground.
• Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position.
• Keep your body in a straight line at all times.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
• Drop down onto your hands and feet, then thrust your feet back so you are in a push-
up position. Thrust your feet back in and then stand up.
• You can add a vertical jump at the end as well.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
Bear Crawl
• Do not do this if you have back problems
• Start on all fours
• Move forward with your hands and feet
• Then move backwards
Squat Thrusts
• Start in the pushup position with your abs braced
• Bring your feet in towards your chest in an explosive fashion
• Return to the starting position by “kicking” your feet back out
Jump Rope Ab Finishers
Finishers 6-10
• This is a powerful stretch for your hamstrings, so go slow, and don’t round your back.
• Start in a modified push-up position, with your hands out in front of your shoulders.
• Keep your legs straight and walk your legs towards your hands.
• Go until you get a stretch, but don’t round your lower back.
• Once you get a stretch, walk your hands out until you are in a modified pushup.
Jump Rope Ab Finishers