HB160 2006
HB160 2006
HB160 2006
HB 160—2006
Soils testing
HB 160—2006
Soils testing
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© Standards Australia
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written
permission of the publisher.
Published by Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia
ISBN 0 7337 7494 6
HB 160—2006 ii
Since the early 20th century, the testing of soils for engineering purposes has played a very
important role in the construction of the infrastructure of Australia.
Standards Australia issued the first Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes in
1966 as the AS A89 series. These methods were revised in 1977 to take into account
metrication and presented as the AS 1289 A-F series. In the 1990s, the methods were
revised to take into account major changes in the soils testing industry and the series was
reissued as the AS 1289 series. Since that time, continual revision of the test methods has
taken place as technology and the construction industries have changed.
The Standards Australia committee responsible for the Methods of Testing Soils for
Engineering Purposes (CE-009) decided in 1999 that a handbook was required to—
• assist in the education of undergraduate engineers in the use and application of the
• assist geotechnicians seeking qualifications as soil testers; and
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provide background material and useful tips to practicing geotechnicians in over 400
Australian laboratories that perform the test.
Subsequently, Standards Australia appointed a subcommittee of soils practitioners involved
in both geotechnical engineering design, contract management, engineering education and
soils testing to compile the information presented in this Handbook. It is not comprehensive
in that all methods are not fully covered due to limited time and resources; however, the
subcommittee recommended that it be published in its present form to achieve the initial
objectives. It was also considered that, since a limited number of practitioners and experts
had been involved in its preparation, there would be a need for the document to be
discussed, debated and revised in a few years.
This Handbook is intended to be of assistance to users of the 1289 series of tests, Methods
of testing soils for engineering purposes. Users are encouraged to participate in any future
revisions by offering constructive suggestions and criticism.
The terms used in this document are defined in AS 1289.0, Methods of testing soils for
engineering purposes, Part 0: General requirements and list of methods.
tests be performed to provide a measure of assurance that the construction materials and
processes meet the design requirements. The geotechnician will need to ascertain what
tests are to be performed, other specification requirements and the frequency of sampling
and testing prior to commencement of sampling.
Specifiers, designers, specification writers and geotechnicians will also need to be aware of
a number of tests that are covered in AS 1141, Methods for sampling and testing of
aggregates as this Standard may be called up in certain job specifications (see AS 1141.0,
List of methods).
HB 160—2006 iv
6.7 RESILIENT MODULUS.............................................................................................. 98
6.8 CLEGG IMPACT VALUE ........................................................................................... 99
A APPROXIMATE TIME REQUIREMENTS FOR TESTS ........................................... 107
B BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 109
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HB 160—2006
1 HB 160—2006
Australian Handbook
Soils testing
Sampling is one of the most critical aspects of testing of soils and should be carried out by,
or under the supervision of, persons who are experienced in the actual sampling techniques
and have a considerable knowledge of soils and the applications for which the testing is
required. When preparing site condition information, the services of an experienced
engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer will be required. In other cases, where
routine sampling of construction works are involved, experienced geotechnicians will be
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(b) Standard class. A good quality of sample but with some attention paid to keeping
both the equipment fairly simple and the time of operation reasonably short to avoid
excessive costs. This level of sampling would employ well-designed, thin-walled open
and piston samplers, pushed not hammered, into the soil under reasonable close
(c) Special class. Highest possible quality of sampling with less regard to cost (e.g.,
sampling for research projects or for very important or expensive foundation
structures). Techniques used would include special-purpose samplers or careful
hand-cut sampling from trial pits.
the sample from the ground or bore hole. Penetration tests include:
(a) Standard penetration test (SPT) (AS 1289.6.3.1).
(b) 90 kg dynamic cone penetrometer test (DCP) (AS 1289.6.3.2).
(c) Perth sand penetrometer test (PSPT) (AS 1289.6.3.3).
(d) Cone penetrometer test (CPT) (AS 1289.6.5.1).
1.4.2 Field identification procedures
Whilst sampling, a number of field identification tests can be performed to assist in the
description of the soil when logging the information from a bore or excavation. These tests
are currently not included in AS 1289 and relate only to fine-grained soils or the fine fraction
of soils. These and other field identification tests are identified in AS 1726, Appendix A. The
descriptions of the soil detailed in AS 1726 need to be recorded during sampling and the
additional tests described below may be of some assistance.
(a) Dilatancy (reaction to shaking):
(i) Remove particles larger than 0.2 mm and prepare a pat of soil with a volume of
about 10 mL. Add enough water, if necessary, to make the soil soft but not
(ii) Place the pat in the open palm of one hand and shake horizontally, striking the
hand vigorously against the other hand several times. A positive reaction
consists of the appearance of water on the pat that changes to lively
consistency and becomes glossy. When the pat is squeezed between the
fingers, the water and gloss disappear from the surface, the pat stiffens, and
finally it cracks or crumbles. The rapidity of appearance of water during shaking
and of its disappearance assists in identifying the character of fines in the soil.
Very clean sand gives the quickest and most distinct reaction whereas plastic
clay has no reaction. Inorganic silts, such as a typical rock flour, show a
moderately quick reaction.
(ii) After the thread crumbles, lump the pieces together and continue to knead the
soil until the lump crumbles.
The tougher the thread near the plastic limit and the stiffer the lump when it
finally crumbles, the more potent is the colloidal fraction in the soil. Weakness
of the thread at the plastic limit and quick loss of cohesion of the lump below
the liquid limit indicate either inorganic clay of low plasticity or materials such
as kaolin-type clay and organic clay.
Highly organic clays have a very weak and spongy feel at the plastic limit.
The information gathered in this process will enable a plan for direct subsurface
investigation and sampling to be established. Normally this plan includes an exploratory
phase followed by a more detailed phase of sampling and testing.
The required depth of sampling and testing will depend on the type of structure to be built
and the character and sequence of subsurface strata. Factors that influence the depth of
sampling include:
• The depth of stratum of adequate bearing capacity for the imposed loads. The
exploration should penetrate all deposits that are not suitable for foundations (e.g.,
unconsolidated fill, peat, organic silt, and very soft and compressible clay).
• The consolidation properties of soils which may have adequate strength but deform
under load.
• The possibility of holes and cavities under the structures (e.g., limestone deposits).
• The presence of rock or other sufficiently strong material and whether the thickness
of the layer of that material is adequate (i.e., not just boulders).
• The effect of moisture due to seasonal changes in water content.
At least one sample should be taken for each stratum encountered during the excavation or
boring. When design parameters are to be determined, it may be necessary to take five or
more representative samples of a stratum. When critical parameters are to be identified, a
larger number of samples may need to be taken and statistical techniques used to
determine site locations and to analyse the test results obtained from the samples.
1.6.3 Random sampling
Soil normally occurs naturally in strata. Random sample selection techniques may not be
applicable to these circumstances except when a significant number of samples is taken to
determine the properties of a particular stratum for critical parameters.
Random sampling site selection is generally used when statistical based sampling and
testing schemes are specified.
Random sampling techniques generally apply to soils that have been processed to provide
a relatively uniform mixture of soil such as mixing by road-building machinery on site or by
mixing of soils from various strata when building stockpiles of material from borough pits.
Crushed rock that is processed in a quarry is therefore often considered to be a soil, as the
test detailed in AS 1289 usually apply to the use of this type of material.
AS 1289 provides two methods for selection of test or sampling sites using random number
techniques. Each of these methods relies on the fact that prior to the selection of any one
site, each and every site in the related construction area or pit has an equal chance of
being selected.
The first method (Method 1.4.1) enables each site to be selected using the random number
tables provided or by use of a random number generated by a calculator. This method is
generally applicable to obtaining a single sampling or test site without bias to the presence
of particular properties or application process at the site. It is generally used for selection of
loads of soil delivered on site or for sampling from stockpiles.
One disadvantage of this method is that there is a possibility that large volumes of material
may not be selected in the process. Therefore, a second method (Method 1.4.2) is available
which relies on dividing the stockpile, or dividing the constructed area into strata, so that
samples are taken throughout the stockpile or constructed area.
The random number methods may be used for selection of sample sites for other
construction materials such as asphalt, aggregate, bricks, concrete, etc.
examination and testing is limited. When sampling disturbed samples, the amount of
material required may be estimated from the amount of material required for testing as
described in AS 1289.1.1. Generally, additional volumes of material should be sampled in
case additional or repeat testing is required.
When estimating the size of sample to be taken, consideration should be given to the
amount of material that would be excluded from the test. If a plasticity index test is to be
performed on a sample that contains only small quantities of material passing a 0.425 mm
sieve, a larger quantity of soil will be needed than if only a particle size distribution test is to
be performed.
Table 1.8.1 provides a guide to the size of sample required. Care should be taken to ensure
that there is only a single sampling exercise, as soils at each site will be different to that at
another site and operators may not have the opportunity to obtain another sample from
exactly the same site.
TABLE 1.8.1
Mass of sample
Purpose of sample Soil type
required (kg)
(e) Remove two diagonally opposite quarters, being careful to clean the fines from the
(f) Remix the remaining material by taking alternate shovelfuls from each remaining
quarter and placing each one in the centre so that a cone is formed as before. Repeat
the quartering process until the sample is reduced to the desired size. Hand-quartering bulk samples from 10 to 50 kg mass
The recommended procedure is:
(a) Pile the sample on a quartering sheet and mix by alternately lifting each corner of the
sheet and pulling it over the sample toward the diagonally opposite corner causing
the material to be rolled.
(b) Dampen material that tends to segregate.
(c) Flatten and quarter as specified in Clause above. Hand-quartering bulk samples less than 10 kg mass
The recommended procedure is:
(a) Place the sample on a quartering sheet or on a clean sheet of heavy paper. Mix
thoroughly with a trowel and form the material into a conical pile.
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(f) After an adequate time in the rumbler, remove the sample. Add the stones retained
inside the cage to the fine material in the pan by taking off the cage lid and rotating
the cage.
(g) Remove any stones actually caught in the cage sides by manipulating or gently
knocking them back into the cage.
(h) Carefully mix the fine and coarse portions of the sample before obtaining
representative samples for each test. Alternatively, the coarse and fine fractions may
be weighed and tested separately for sieve analysis, the results being combined
arithmetically. The portion of the fine fraction not required for mechanical analysis is
used to provide material for other tests. Preparation by hand-brushing
Where rumbler equipment is not available and the action of sieving is insufficient to clean
the stones, an alternative is to pass the bulk sample through the nest of sieves and then
brush the stones retained on each sieve (using a stiff bristle brush for hard stone and a soft
brush for soft stone).
The recommended procedure is:
(a) Separate the air-dry bulk sample on the 4.75 mm sieve and put aside the portion
passing while the portion retained is passed through a nest of appropriate sized
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(b) Hand-brush the individual stones retained on each sieve and break down by hand any
(c) Retain the coatings loosened from the stones and the aggregations that are broken
down by passing them down through the sieve nest.
(d) Add all material passing the last sieve in the nest to the material that earlier had
passed the 4.75 mm sieve.
(e) Carefully mix the fine and coarse portions of the sample before obtaining
representative samples for each test. Preparation by washing
Preparation by washing is the lengthiest method but, as it is probably the most accurate, it
may be used as a referee method. There is no need to dry the bulk sample before the
process commences.
The recommended procedure is:
(a) Soak the bulk sample for a sufficient time to soften lumps and coatings and then
hand-wash to clean the individual particles and to break and disperse the lumps.
(b) Pour the whole sample through the 4.75 mm sieve, wash the fines through and collect
the wash water. In the case of large samples it will be necessary to wash the sample
in several portions.
(c) Separate out the clean particles retained on the 4.75 mm sieve and oven-dry at
(d) Evaporate the water from the residual material at a temperature not exceeding 50°C,
stirring occasionally during the drying process to prevent the formation of hard lumps.
(e) Carefully mix the fine and coarse portions of the sample before obtaining
representative samples for each test. Preparation by mallet
The foregoing methods of preparation are not expeditious for subgrade materials, which are
usually fine-grained and sometimes contain some larger particles. By the use of a wooden
or rubber mallet, the large clods or aggregations can be broken down to a reasonable size
for splitting and further preparation.
The best results are obtained when the moisture content of the bulk sample at the start of
the preparation process is such that the sample is soft and crumbly. Care should be taken
to see that clay soils are not baked hard. Oven-drying temperatures in excess of 50°C must
not be used.
The recommended procedure is:
(a) Process the partially dry soil with the mallet, breaking down clods and aggregations
until they can be passed through a medium-sized sieve, such as the 13.2 mm. When
dealing with samples containing soft stone, the experience of the operator will dictate
how hard and for how long the mallet is used. If stone is retained on the sieve,
remove the coatings of fines by brushing and add to the sample.
(b) Carefully inspect the cleaned stone to see whether it is ‘foreign’ to the sample (e.g.,
stone from the pavement or seal which has been included by accident), in which case
it is discarded, or it is a naturally occurring part of the sample (e.g., gravel or
mudstone in a subgrade), in which case the process is continued in the usual
manner. With subgrade samples, where the amount of stone present is so small (up
to 5% of the sample) or so large in size compared to the sizes present in the
remainder of the soil that it is judged to have no effect upon the bearing value of the
soil, it may be discarded.
(c) From the material passing the sieve, obtain representative samples for each test.
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(g) Mill the sample for about 10 minutes (some heavy clays require much longer times).
When a mill is not available, a mortar and pestle may be used. Care must be taken
that all aggregations are broken down and surface coatings removed BUT no stone is
ground down.
(h) After removal from the mill, thoroughly sieve the sample in the nest of sieves
comprising a pan, the 425 µm sieve and a guard sieve a little coarser, generally a
1.18 mm.
(i) Take the material passing the 425 µm sieve (i.e., in the pan) for the plasticity tests.
(j) Inspect the material retained on the 425 µm sieve to ensure that no more than a
nominal amount of uncrushed aggregations of clayey particles remain. If a significant
quantity of clayey particles is found still uncrushed, the material retained on the
sieves should be milled again, perhaps in a mortar and pestle. [This is particularly
important when only a small amount of material passing a 425 µm sieve has been
produced and also where the main part of the material passing 425 µm is of markedly
different nature to the aggregations.] After remilling, sieve the material and add the
rest of the material in the pan and mix well with the material obtained earlier. In all
cases the final product passing the 425 µm sieve must be thoroughly mixed. In
difficult cases, wet preparation may be used.
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Soils and aggregates may be stabilised with binders, such as lime, cement and bitumen, to
improve the mechanical properties of the quarried and in situ pavement and earthwork
materials. Small amounts of binders mixed with soils tend to modify the material and an
increasing content of a binder, such as cement, will create a bound material with structural
stiffness. For more information on which binders are used refer to Austroads (1998(a)) and
Austroads (2002).
Stabilised materials may be tested for pavement design or construction compliance. Loose
mixed samples taken from the construction site are compacted and cured in a laboratory.
Similarly, materials extracted from the field (referred to as the parent material) are usually
dried, mixed with a binder and water added to optimise the density of the material.
To minimise the amount of laboratory testing, it is recommended that the reference OMC be
taken as the OMC of the parent material only (i.e., without binder). For heavily bound
materials it is recommended that testing be carried out in the range of 0% to +2% of the
OMC of the parent material, and for lightly bound materials at OMC of the parent material
(refer to Austroads 2002, for the definition of lightly and heavily bound materials). For
modified materials, it is recommended that the range be –1% to 0% of the OMC of the
parent material.
Unconfined compressive strength testing to AS 1141.51 allows both standard and modified
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* Additional tests are currently being documented by Standards Australia and will be released in the future.
This Section covers the tests and procedures set out in the three parts into which the
AS 1289.2 series is divided, as follows:
• Moisture content tests.
• Establishment of a correlation between different moisture content tests.
• Total suction of a soil.
1 Silt
0 10 20 30 40
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3 5 7 9
The theory of the psychometer for measuring soil suction is described in Fredlund and
Rahardjo (1993).
To achieve an accuracy of 10 kPa in measurement of total suction, temperature control
within ±0.001°C is required (Fredlund and Rahardjo). Method 2.2.1 has a less stringent
temperature limit but a lower accuracy of measurement.
The thermocouple junction is a particularly delicate part of the instrument and care must be
taken to prevent damage and to keep the junction clean otherwise erroneous results will
Specimens should be handled with tweezers to prevent contamination with sweat, salt, etc
from the fingers. A cork borer of suitable diameter is a useful sub-sampling tool to produce
an appropriate size disc of soil for placing in the sample chamber.
It is essential to adhere to the details listed in the test method and the manufacturer’s
instructions, including calibration requirements.
NOTE: An alternative method of measurement of suction using the filter paper technique is
presented in RTA (NSW) Test Method T 1 69. However, because the filter papers are in contact
with the soil, the matrix suction is measured, not total suction. When the filter paper is suspended
above a soil specimen, but not in contact, the total suction is measured (Fredlund and Rahardjo).
Soil classification places a soil in a limited number of groups on the basis of the grading
and plasticity of the disturbed sample. These characteristics are independent of the
particular condition in which the soil occurs, and disregards the influence of structure,
including fabric, of the soil, but they can give a guide to how a disturbed soil will behave
when used as a construction material, under various conditions of moisture content.
Any soil can be classified into a number of soil groups on the basis of the grading of the
constituent particles, and the plasticity of the fraction of the material passing the 425 µm
sieve. This may be done on the basis of estimation (field or rapid method) or from
laboratory tests. The classification is carried out on material normally finer than 63 mm.
Coarse material, consisting of cobbles and boulders, is picked out and its proportion, as a
whole, is estimated and recorded.
Classification tests are performed on soil samples to indicate the type of soil and the
engineering category to which it belongs. The other main tests are those that measure
strength, compression, etc., for the purpose of determining the engineering properties of the
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The parameters determined from laboratory classification tests, together with visual
descriptive data of the soil, are used by geotechnical engineers for many purposes, such
• Identification of different soil strata in the process of a site investigation.
• Confirmation of assumptions made from previous experience.
• Criteria for the acceptance of soil for use in construction.
Various systems for describing and classifying soils have been devised, each with its own
special emphasis or application. For the field covered by AS 1289, the Unified Soil
Classification System has the greatest application. Table 3.1 presents a guide to the
description, identification and classification of soils in accordance with this system.
More than 50% of coarse grains SYMBOL SYMBOL
gravelly sands, little or no
Inorganic silts, very fine Give typical name, indicate degree and
More than 50% by dry mass less than 60 mm
clays, sandy clays, silty clays, parenthesis.
lean clays.
For undisturbed soil, add information
Organic silts and organic silty on structure, stratification, consistency
clays of low plasticity. in undisturbed and remoulded states,
Inorganic silts, micaceous or moisture and drainage conditions.
Liquid limit more
Use the gradation curve of material passing 60 mm for classification of fractions according to the criteria given under m ‘Major Divisions’
Predomin enough
Determine approximate percentages of material over 60 mm in size, maximum size, shape, surface texture, hardness of
antly one fines to
bind Fails to comply with
POOR size or GP 0–5 —
More than 50% of the material less than 60 mm is larger than 0.06 mm
coarse above
range of
sizes grains)
material, geological description identify on estimated percentage mass of various fractions.
Fines are
‘Dirty’ None to Below ‘A’
GOOD non-plastic GM 12–50 — —
materials medium line or /p<4
TO (1)
FAIR Fines are Medium to Above ‘A’
of fines) GC 12–50 — —
plastic (1) high line or /p<7
mass less than 60 mm is smaller than
More than 50% of the material by dry
Below ‘A’
0.06 mm
Above ‘A’
High to very high None High CH
Readily identified by colour, odour, spongy feel and generally by fibrous Pt*
* Effervesces with H 2 02
1 The above table follows the original Unified Classification System (USBR Earth Manual) and ASTM D2487 except that it
adopts the particle size limits given in AS 1289 and other standards, viz.:
Gravel .............................................................................................................................................. 2 to 60 mm.
Sand ............................................................................................................................................. 0.06 to 2 mm.
Silt and clay ........................................................................................................................................ <0.06 mm.
The system excludes the boulder and cobble fractions of the soil and classifies only the material less than 60 mm in size.
2 As 60 mm, 2 mm and 0.06 mm sieve sizes are not normally used, the percentages passing these sizes can be obtained
from a particle size distribution curve determined from a laboratory test. Alternatively, the percentages passing may be
estimated in the field.
3 For field identification procedures for fine-grained soil or fractions see AS 1726 Appendix D, Paragraph D6.
4 Identify fines by the method given for fine-grained soils.
5 Borderline classifications occur when the percentage of fines (fraction smaller than 0.06 mm size) is greater than 5% and
less than 12%. Borderline classifications require the use of dual symbols, e.g., SP-SM GX-GC.
Plasticity Index
The change from one phase to the next does not occur at a precise time but takes place as
a transition over a period of time. In AS 1289, tests are defined to establish only two of the
three boundaries, namely the liquid limit (LL) and the plastic limit (PL). The shrinkage limit
(SL), which is the boundary between the solid and semi-solid state, can be measured, but is
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not a test or limit that is generally used for classifying soils for engineering purposes in
The moisture content range of the cohesive soil between its liquid limit (LL) and its plastic
limit (PL) is the measure of the plasticity of the soil. The higher the plasticity, the higher the
plasticity index (PI).
Standards Australia
HB 160—2006
HB 160—2006 26
The cone test can be performed either as a one-point method or a standard four-point
method. The one-point method is based on a statistical analysis of experimental data.
Greater accuracy will be achieved from the four-point method; however, if the amount of
available sample is limited or the accuracy of the determination is not critical, then the
one-point method may be acceptable. It is important when reporting the results from the
one-point method that this be clearly noted. For both methods, the general test procedure
and apparatus is the same. The difference being that for the four-point method four
separate cone tests are performed on the same sample at progressively incremental
moisture increases and the data plotted on a graph of each cone test sample moisture
content versus penetration of the cone. The cone liquid limit (WCL) is taken as the moisture
content corresponding to a cone penetration of 20 mm.
For the one-point method, the sample needs to be prepared to a moisture content such that
a cone penetration between 15 mm to 25 mm is obtained. The moisture content of the
sample tested is then multiplied by a factor depending on the plasticity range into which the
soil falls, i.e., high, medium or low. These factors are predetermined from historical
experimental data and presented in a table in the test method.
3.3.3 Casagrande methods (AS 1289.3.1.1 and AS 1289.3.1.2)
The results obtained using the Casagrande apparatus may differ slightly from those using
the cone penetrometer method but in most cases these differences will not be significant
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and will be less than the normal variations likely to be obtained using the Casagrande
An example of the Casagrande testing apparatus is shown in Figure 3.3.3(A).
The height to which the cup is lifted must be exactly 10 mm above the base. This should be
regularly checked with the spacer gauge and the gap adjusted when necessary.
Figure 3.3.3(A) illustrates the curved grooving tool, which is typically used in more sandy,
silty or low plasticity soil samples where there is a risk of the sample slipping in the bowl, or
of the soil tearing on grooving with the flat tool.
Figure 3.3.3(B) illustrates the apparatus set up with a soil sample after grooving but before
testing; Figure 3.3.3(C) shows the test after the required number of blows to close groove
with a bulge, whereas Figure 3.3.3(D) shows slippage only without a bulge. Note that the
end of the grooving tool is used as a gauge of when the two divided parts of the soil come
into contact along the bottom of the groove for a distance of 10 mm.
Figure 3.3.3(E) illustrates soil as separated by grooving before test and change following
the test.
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As for the cone penetrometer method for the determination of liquid limit, there is both a
four-point and one-point method for the Casagrande procedure. The one-point method
provides a quicker means of determining the liquid limit of a soil, because only one moisture
content measurement is needed; however, the result is likely to be less reliable than either
the four-point Casagrande method or the cone penetrometer method. The one-point method
is useful when only a very limited quantity of soil is available for testing or the determination
is not critical.
It should be noted that when the liquid limit of a soil is determined using the cone
penetrometer, then the plastic index is specifically recorded as the cone plasticity index
Method 3.4.1 nominates a trough length of 250 mm (internal); however, when the quantity
of material under test is limited, shorter moulds may be used but they should be not less
than 100 mm in length. Proficiency tests have shown that the length of the mould can affect
the final test result.
One of the difficulties with this test is that for highly plastic soils curling and cracking of the
test specimen can occur. The degree of curling of a specimen can generally be controlled
by extremely slow drying. Alternatively, when excessive curling is expected, the specimen
may be air-dried for 24 hours and then loaded in three places in such a manner as to
prevent curling but to allow moisture loss.
Figure 3.6 illustrates the linear shrinkage apparatus used in Method 3.4.1.
Method 3.5.2 covers the determination of the soil particle density of the combined coarse,
medium and fine fractions of the soil using a vacuum pycnometer. The size of the required
pycnometer is dependent on the combined soil fractions being used. For soil samples
containing coarse, medium and fine fractions, the minimum pycnometer volume required is
5 L. If a soil contains only medium and fine fractions, the minimum pycnometer volume is
1 L. Both typical density bottles and a large pycnometer are shown in Figure 3.7.2.
Method 3.6.1 covers the quantitative determination by sieving analysis of the particle size
distribution in a soil, down to the 75 µm sieve size (0.075 mm). By using this method, the
total combined silt and clay fraction (i.e., the proportion of soil particles less than 0.075 mm
in size) can be obtained by difference. For particle sizes smaller than 75 µm, the
sedimentation method as described in Method 3.6.3, using a hydrometer, is required. When
insufficient material is available for separate samples for this method to be used in
conjunction with Method 3.6.3, then Methods 3.6.2 and 3.6.3 apply.
These alternative test methods (sieving and sedimentation) are required in order to span
the very wide range of particle sizes that are encountered. The sieving method is used on
the gravel and sand size particles, which can be separated into different size ranges with a
series of sieves of standard aperture openings. For the fine silt and clay fraction sieving is
not possible, so the sedimentation procedure is used instead. The particle size limits for
defining the various fractions are given in Table 3.8.1.
TABLE 3.8.1
Equivalent AS sieve
Fraction Particle size limits
apertures for separation
Boulders >200 mm —
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Cobbles 200 mm to 60 mm —
Coarse gravel 60 mm to 20 mm —
Medium gravel 20 mm to 6 mm —
Fine gravel 6 mm to 2 mm 19 mm to 6.7 mm
6.7 mm to 2.36 mm
Coarse sand 2 mm to 600 µm 63 mm to 19 mm
Medium sand 600 µm to 200 µm 2.36 mm to 600 µm
Fine sand 200 µm to 60 µm 600 µm to 212 µm
212 µm to 75 µm
Coarse silt 60 µm to 20 µm —
Medium silt 20 µm to 6 µm —
Fine silt 6 µm to 2 µm —
Clay <2 µm —
The particle size distribution is one of the most important physical characteristics of a soil; it
is the main basis for classification of a soil. Many geotechnical and geophysical properties
of a soil are related to the particle size distribution.
The particle size distribution provides a description of the soil based on a subdivision in
discrete classes of particle sizes. The size of each class can be determined by sieving
and/or sedimentation.
Sieving is the process whereby the soil is separated in particle size classes by the use of
test sieves. Sedimentation is the process of the settling of the soil particles in a liquid. The
difference in settling rate enables the particle size classes to be separated.
Depending on the purpose for the determination of the particle size distribution,
pretreatment or correction for calcium carbonate, dissolved salts and/or organic matter may
be required.
Modern methods that incorporate detection systems using x-rays, laser beams, density
measurements and particle counters can by used but are not covered under these test
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6 8
2 mm
63 µm
1 = Sample 7
2 = Riffling or quartering
3 = Drying
4 = Weighing
5 = Stirring
6 = Separating
7 = Drying
8 = Dry separation (alternative method)
9 = Sieving
10 = Weighing 10
9 m1
11 = Computation
a = Dispersing agent
b = Clear water
The general procedure for the hydrometer analysis is outlined in Figure 3.8.3(A). It involves
the soil suspension (which includes the fine soil, the dispersant solution, and water to make
up the balance to exactly 1000 mL) being placed in the sedimentation cylinder. The
suspension in the cylinder is then agitated vigorously until full suspension is obtained. The
cylinder is then placed down and a timer started. The hydrometer is then immersed in the
suspension so that it floats freely. Hydrometer readings are then taken at the upper rim of
the meniscus at specific intervals for several minutes. The hydrometer is then removed
slowly and rinsed. It is then returned to the soil suspension only at suitable intervals to
allow for subsequent readings to be taken. Readings are typically continued for a period of
up to about 24 hours. The temperature of the suspension is also recorded at the same time
as each reading to allow for subsequent temperature corrections during the calculations.
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3 3
a 4
c 7
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63 µm
500 mL
500 mL
9 10
1 = Sample
2 = Quartering
3 = Weighing
4 = Drying 1000 mL
5 = Stirring
6 = Separating
7 = Drying
8 = Evaporating and decanting
9 = Sieving
10 = Weighing 11 12
11 = Agitation
12 - Sedimentation
13 = Computation
a = Dispersant
b = Water content
c = Evaporation
The test method relies on Stokes’ Law, which applies to a single sphere falling through a
large body of water. Following the application of a number of corrections, the equivalent
particle diameter corresponding to specific hydrometer readings can be calculated using
Stokes’ Law. From this the fraction of the material smaller than the corresponding
equivalent particle diameter is derived for the soil specimen tested.
The results of the particle size distribution tests are presented on a semi-logarithmic plot,
an example of which is presented in Figure 3.8.3(B). When the results are obtained by
sieving and sedimentation, the results are combined on the one graphical plot. If there is a
discontinuity between the sieving and sedimentation curves, priority is usually given to the
sieving data, because it is generally considered to be more reliable.
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3.10.1 General
Dispersive soils are clayey soils that break up (slake) in contact with water and all or part of
the clay goes into colloidal suspension (disperses), creating cloudiness in the water.
The degree of dispersion is affected by the—
• mineralogy of the clay;
• chemistry of the soil moisture; and
• chemistry of the water that comes in contact with the soil.
The more dispersive a soil, the more likely it is to be subject to rill or gully erosion or
internal erosion of earth dams and similar water-retaining structures.
A crack in an earth dam constructed of dispersive soil can be eroded by the stored water
flowing through it, possibly leading to breaching of the dam.
The following three tests classify the degree of dispersion:
• Emerson class number of a soil (AS 1289.3.8.1).
• Determination of the percent dispersion of a soil (AS 1289.3.8.2).
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Loveday (1974) describes the use of a dispersion score based on the following
subclassification of Class 2 and Class 3:
• Slight dispersion, recognised by a slight milkiness (cloudiness), immediately adjacent
to the aggregate and sometimes by a narrow edging of dispersed clay to part of the
• Moderate dispersion, clearly visible.
• Strong dispersion, considerable milkiness and about half of the original aggregates
dispersed away.
• Complete dispersion, leaving only sand grains in a cloud of clay.
It should be noted that Loveday (1974) extends the time for observation of dispersion to
2 hours and 20 hours, which is considerably longer than the time adopted by the Standard.
3.10.3 Percent dispersion of a soil (AS 1289.3.8.2)
The percent dispersion of a soil test determines the ratio of the soil material less than 5 µ
after limited mechanical dispersion without dispersing agents (a non-standard hydrometer
test), compared with the total soil material less than 5 µ size using the standard hydrometer
test (AS 1289.3.6.3). This test is sometimes referred to as the double hydrometer test. The
higher the ratio, the more dispersive is the soil.
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The test is used to determine the risk to tunnelling or dispersive piping failure; further
details are contained in Crouch (2000). As a broad rule, soils with less than 30% dispersion
have a low risk of failure by tunnelling or piping.
3.10.4 Pinhole dispersion classification (AS 1289.3.8.3)
The pinhole test was developed by Sherrard et al (1976) during investigations of piping
failures of earth dams. The classification has been based on extensive testing and case
histories of dam failures in the USA.
The test classifies soils based on visual assessment of the outflow of water from a 1 mm
diameter hole formed in a specimen of remoulded soil. The water percolated through a soil
specimen that is dispersive will be cloudy and contain colloidal clay in suspension. The
greater the cloudiness, the greater the dispersion. Soils that are not dispersive have a
crystal clear effluent.
The specimen is prepared at about plastic limit and 95% of standard maximum dry density
(see AS 1289.5.1.1) in a cylindrical mould. A 1 mm diameter pinhole is formed through the
axial centre of the specimen. The test is conducted with water flow through the specimen at
heads varying from 50 mm to 1000 mm and over times of 5 minutes or 10 minutes. The
outflow rate is also measured. On completion, the specimen is split open and the hole size
is measured. The classification of the soil is based on the head and time at termination of
the test, the final outflow rate and the ratio of the final to initial hole diameter. The
classification ranges from D1 (highly dispersive) to ND1 (completely erosion resistant). Full
details are contained in the Standard.
The test can be conducted using distilled water or other appropriate water such as the
expected reservoir water.
4.1.1 Overview
In general, detailed knowledge of the chemical composition of soil is not needed in civil
engineering. The presence of certain constituents in soils may be of significant importance,
e.g., organic matter may affect the engineering characteristics of a soil; similarly, the pH
value of a soil may influence the choice of the chemical stabilisation method and affect the
corrosion potential of the construction material used.
The AS 1289.4 series on soil chemical tests is subdivided into four parts:
• Organic content (1289.4.1.1).
• Sulfate content (1289.4.2.1).
• pH value (1289.4.3.1).
• Electrical resistivity (1289.4.4.1).
These soil chemical tests are primarily intended for the determination of the organic content
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and corrosion potential of a soil. It should be noted that good practice in chemical analysis
requires the testing of duplicate specimens, which applies to the above chemical tests.
Chemical tests for the presence of other substances would normally be carried out in a
specialist chemical testing laboratory by a chemist or by a technician who has been
specially trained in chemical testing procedures.
4.1.2 Corrosion
Corrosion can be defined as the deterioration of a metallic structure due to its interaction
with the surrounding environment. This phenomenon occurs through an electrochemical
process. In order for corrosion of an underground metallic structure to occur, the following
conditions must be met:
• A difference in electric potential must exit between two points on the metallic
structure (which can be caused by strains, contact with different soil types,
non-homogeneity in metal, etc.). This potential difference causes the development of
anodes and cathodes at the metal surface.
• A surrounding electrolyte, which is the moisture within the soil structure, must be
present. The moisture may contain dissolved salts from the hydroxides and metal
salts. Availability of oxygen (aeration) is also essential to the corrosion process. The
presence (or absence) of these ions determines the electrical conductivity, or
resistivity, of the electrolyte. The most corrosive soils have the least resistivity.
Under the conditions described above, metal ions will migrate from the anodic locations to
the cathodic locations. It is the loss in metal at the anodic locations that results in the
degradation of the underground metallic structure.
4.1.3 Role of soil in corrosion
Soil chemistry, particularly that of pore water, can have a substantial influence on the
corrosivity of soil. Carbonates, chlorides, sulfates and sulfides have been identified as
being particularly important. Corrosion of metals can take place in neutral or alkaline
conditions if sulfate-reducing bacteria are present (these anaerobic bacteria are
characterised by the presence of sulfides and sulfates in the soil). Aqueous solutions of
chlorides cause corrosion of iron and steel. The presence of chlorides can accelerate the
corrosion process, even in alkaline conditions.
Some soil types are more corrosive than others. The physical and mineralogical
composition of soils, which results from their origin, decomposition and deposition, plant
life, and topography of the land, all influence soil corrosivity potential. Silty, loamy and
clayey soils tend to be more corrosive than granular soils.
Carbon occurs in soils in the following forms of mineral and organic matter:
• Inorganic carbon in carbonate minerals of soils — occurs as various sparingly soluble
alkaline earth compounds such as CaCO 3 (calcite) and CaCO 3 MgCO 3 (dolomite). A
2− 2−
small quantity of inorganic carbon also occurs as CO 2, and HCO 3 and CO3 ions of
more soluble salts.
• Fresh organic residues of plants and animals, and living and dead microorganisms —
could be subject to rather rapid decomposition in soils under favourable conditions.
• Altered organic residues, sometimes termed ‘humus’ — represent the vast bulk of
resistant organic matter, having high adsorptive capacity for water and cations.
• Inert forms of nearly elemental organic carbon, such as charcoal, coal or graphite,
which are present occasionally in appreciable quantities in soils.
The total carbon of soils obviously includes all the above forms. The last three cover
organic carbon of soils.
4.2.2 Methods used to determine organic matter content
Organic carbon can be determined mainly by two types of methods:
• Method based on quantitative combustion procedures with a measurement of the
release of carbon dioxide to estimate carbon quantity. (For the determination of
organic carbon, carbonate is removed from soils prior to combustion to eliminate the
inorganic carbon component.)
• Method based on wet oxidation of the oxidisable matter (related to organic carbon) in
soils using chromic acid under elevated temperature. (Titration is then used to
measure the quantity of reduced chromic acid.)
Method 4.1.1 is based on the second type—a rapid titration procedure originally proposed
by Walkley and Black (1934) and subsequently modified by Walkley (1946). In this
procedure, the oxidisable matter in a soil sample is oxidised by Cr 2O 7 , and the reaction is
facilitated by the heat generated when the concentrated sulfuric acid is mixed with the
potassium dichromate solution. The excess Cr2 O7 is determined by titration with standard
FeSO4 solution, and the quantity of substances oxidised is calculated from the amount of
Cr 2O 7 reduced.
of soils. In Method 4.1.1, the above figure has been included in the equation used for the
calculation of organic matter from organic carbon.
This method, because of its simplicity and convenience, has been used extensively in lieu
of the quantitative combustion methods, which require more-complicated apparatus and a
longer determination time. However, because of the limitations mentioned above, the
results may vary slightly from figures obtained by other methods.
Soil acidity is produced by mineral leaching, decomposition of acidic plants (for example
coniferous tree needles), industrial wastes, acid rain and certain forms of microbiological
activity. Highly acidic soils obviously represent a serious corrosion risk to common
construction materials such as steel, cast iron and those with zinc coatings. Alkaline soils
tend to have high sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium contents. The latter two
elements may form undesirable calcareous deposits on buried structures.
In many soils, the pH encountered will be approximately near neutral (pH 5–8); however,
there may be unusual chemical conditions which would cause pH variations. Most
detrimental are low pH values (<4), which enhance metal attack. This is typical of peat
soils. Soils of high pH (>8) are not particularly aggressive to steel.
Soil pH can be determined on groundwater. If this is not possible, the soil may be made into
suspension and the pH then measured using either indicator papers or pH meters, as
described below.
The concentration specified in Method 4.3.1 (10%) must be used for consistency, as other
concentrations will change results.
4.4.2 Determination of pH using indicator papers
For quick, general determination of a solution’s pH, strips of specially impregnated paper
are often used. The indicator strips change colour when a certain pH level is reached.
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The equipment is relatively expensive, and the electrode response must be calibrated
before each set of tests, and sometimes for each sample. The manufacturer’s directions
should always be consulted for specific calibration instructions. The most correct calibration
procedure is to choose buffer solutions, which bracket the anticipated pH of the sample
(see Note in Clause The pH strips are quite useful in this situation. Procedure
The requirements for the calibration and checks of pH meters are detailed in NATA
Technical Note 21 Laboratory pH meters—Calibration and electrode performance checks.
Details of how to perform these checks are given in Clause Calibration of pH meter
The recommended procedure is:
(a) Wash the electrodes with distilled water.
(b) Set the electrical control as necessary.
(c) Immerse the electrodes and a thermometer in the buffer solution of pH 4.0.
(d) Adjust the buffer controls so that the pH scale reads 4.00. If the temperature of the
solution is not within a range of 15°C to 25°C, correction tables or graphs may be
needed to correct the reading.
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resistivity than dry soils. Fine soils (clay) have lower resistivity than coarse soils. Soils with
high salinity have low resistivity.
From experience, it has been found that soil resistivity may serve as an indicator of the
corrosivity of the soil; therefore, field soil resistivity surveys (typically by using the Wenner
four-pin method) are often conducted to obtain estimates of soil corrosivity. Typical values
of soil resistivity are shown in Table 4.5.1(A); potential corrosivity levels are shown in
Table 4.5.1(B). It must be stressed that soil resistivity may vary widely within very short
distances. Soil resistivity also changes with depth below the ground surface.
TABLE 4.5.1(A)
Soil resistivity
Soil type
Surface soil, loam, etc. 1–50
Clay 2–100
Sand and gravel 50–1,000
Limestone 5–4,000
Shales 5–100
Sandstone 20–2,000
Granite, basalt, etc. 1,000
Decomposed gneiss 50–500
Slate, etc. 10–100
TABLE 4.5.1(B)
Soil resistivity
Soil corrosivity
<5 Very corrosive
5–10 Corrosive
10–20 Moderately corrosive
20–100 Mildly corrosive
>100 Progressively less corrosive
(Reference: Roberge P.R., (1999) Handbook of Corrosion
Engineering, McGraw-Hill)
4.5.3 Precautions
In carrying out laboratory resistivity testing, note the following:
• Each addition of water should be dispersed evenly throughout the sample.
• If a direct current source is used in the test, measurement should be made as quickly
as possible after the current is turned on, to keep polarisation of soil box electrodes
as low as possible. The Standard specifies that readings should be taken 1 minute
after connection.
• The resistivity readings may decrease for several readings before an increase is
• The resistivity for sandy soils is generally higher than for clayey soils. Sandy soils
may contain higher levels of soluble salts and readings may not increase after having
• For sandy soils, the reading used to calculate the resistivity value will be the point at
which total saturation occurs. This happens when water is observed rising to the
surface during compaction of the sample.
Civil engineering works often involve the use of soils as foundations, fill or, in the case of
pavements, structural layers. When used in any of these circumstances it is generally
necessary to compact soil to a dense condition to achieve satisfactory engineering
properties. Compaction at the work site is usually carried out using mechanical rollers,
vibration or impact loading. Control of compaction is necessary to ensure adequate density
is achieved at a reasonable cost. This usually involves laboratory compaction and field
density tests.
Laboratory compaction tests provide the basis for control of the compaction procedures
used on site and provide the following information for soils:
• The relationship between dry density and moisture content for a given compactive
• The moisture content at which the maximum dry density is achieved for a given
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compactive effort.
• The value of the maximum dry density achieved.
Field density tests provide a measure of wet density and moisture content in situ and
enable dry density at the works site to be calculated.
In most situations, the required compaction is specified as a minimum relative compaction
and not as an absolute dry density, i.e., calculation of field compaction in relation to a
laboratory-determined maximum value in terms of density ratio or density index.
Previous Austroads pavement design guides provided detailed procedures for estimating
the design moisture content (DMC) from a comprehensive field and laboratory testing
program. For practical application, however, a compromise must be reached between the
level of precision to be obtained and the cost of obtaining the necessary input data to
determine the DMC. In all cases, the designer should ensure—either on the basis of
knowledge of moisture conditions likely to occur in the locality, or by means of detailed field
investigations—that the test conditions realistically represent service conditions. In many
situations, testing under soaked conditions may be warranted.
Several combinations of design moisture contents and laboratory CBR testing conditions
that may be appropriate are presented in Table 5.1.
Modified maximum
dry density
2.0 moisture
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1.6 Optimum
5 10 15 20 25 30
The methods basically involve application of a specified compactive effort to samples of soil
at prepared moisture contents in moulds of known volume so that the dry density of the
compacted samples can be determined. The standard and modified compactive efforts are
imparted through hand rammer or mechanical compactor. Samples are tested over a range
of moisture contents so that optimum moisture and maximum densities can be estimated
from plots of moisture and dry density. The test for cohesionless soils involves a vibrating
table and surcharge system to impart compaction and enable determination of maximum
These compaction tests are relatively complex and require properly trained operators.
Typically, the man-hours required to complete testing on a single soil sample using any of
the methods will be in the range 3 to 4 hours, spread over at least two days.
Working time is defined as the time from the commencement of mixing the binder until full
compaction has been completed. The concept of working time arose from the introduction
of the construction of deep-lift in situ stabilisation. The deeper stabilised pavement layers
required additional time to achieve compaction, even with heavier vibratory rollers. It was
also identified by engineers that this form of construction would need the use of stabilising
binders that did not hydrate rapidly, such as GP cement, would limit compaction to within
2 hours.
Slow-setting binders were introduced in the early 1990s by the Australian cement industry.
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Products combining cement and fly ash, lime and ground blast furnace slag were blended in
the cement works and spread on the surface in two passes to effectively mix the binder into
the pavement material. Timing of the addition of water into the second pass assisted in
maintaining the duration of hydration such that compaction equipment would not break the
chemical bonds created during the chemical reaction (i.e., hydration of cementitious
When compacting stabilised soils, care needs to be taken to ensure that compaction is
performed within the working time of the stabiliser additive used. Working time varies
according to the binder and pavement material type; typical values for slow-setting binders
range from 8 to 24 hours. Test procedures developed by RTA NSW and VicRoads allows
engineers to derive the working time in the laboratory.
5.4.2 Applicability—Oversized material
Methods 5.1.1 and 5.2.1 are applicable only to those portions of soil passing the 37.5 mm
sieve. Both tests use a 105 mm diameter mould for soils containing no more than 20%
material retained on the 19.0 mm sieve and a 152 mm diameter mould for soils with a
higher percentage retained on this sieve.
Method 5.4.1 may be used to make corrections for soils containing not more than 20% of
material (material retained on the 37.5 mm sieve on a wet basis). The AS 1289 series is not
applicable to cohesive materials containing more than 20% retained on the 37.5 mm sieve;
alternative methods of compaction quality control are required in these circumstances.
Method 5.5.1 is applicable only to cohesionless soils but does cater for materials with
maximum particle size up to 75 mm, oversized material is not therefore normally an issue.
The method is applicable to soils that may contain up to 5% by mass of material passing a
0.075 mm sieve, except that silty sands with non-plastic fines may contain up to 12%
passing the 0.075 mm sieve.
5.4.3 Apparatus
Details of the apparatus required are provided in the Standards, which should be referred to
for full specifications. The first two methods include details for hand-operated rammers but
allow use of mechanical compactors as an alternative.
Mechanical compactors are usually proprietary items manufactured for sale by national or
international companies. They must comply with the essential specifications of the hand
rammers in respect of matters such as drop-height and mass energy input. The use of a
well-constructed and maintained mechanical compactor has a number of advantages over
hand compaction, which requires a well-trained and skilled tester, and involves substantial
physical effort. Hand compaction is tiring and may be subject to considerable operator
variability. A mechanical compactor can eliminates tiredness as a significant factor and
provide greater accuracy of blow placement and drop control. This normally improves
precision and minimises the need for repeat testing; however, mechanical compactors are
complex items of equipment and can malfunction. Their operation should be observed
throughout compaction so that faults such as missed blows or uneven operation can be
corrected at the end of a layer cycle.
5.4.4 Procedures for standard and modified compaction (AS 1289.5.1.1 and
AS 1289.5.2.1)
Standard and modified compaction procedures essentially involve the following key steps:
(a) Sample preparation according to size fractions and division into test portions.
(b) Addition of moisture to the test portions so the range of moisture contents covered
straddles the expected optimum moisture content.
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The plastic limit of fine-grained soils gives a useful approximation of their optimum moisture
content. It is preferable that the highest moisture content specimen does not exceed the
optimum moisture content excessively, as pore pressure can cause marked sample
distortion and variable results. With low plasticity high permeability soils there may also be
loss of water during compaction, while with some materials points wetter than optimum
moisture may not be achieved.
It is extremely important that the moisture of each test portion is evenly distributed
throughout to avoid variable test results. This can be achieved only by thorough mixing, and
curing of each test portion for an adequate period of time in an airtight container. Heavy
plastic bags sealed with an elastic band make a convenient airtight container. The time
required for curing depends on the nature of the soil and its moisture content prior to the
addition of water. This may vary from 2 hours for low-plasticity permeable gravels to more
than a week for heavy clays. It is preferable to cure for longer than essential than to have to
repeat tests. If the soil contains significant coarse particles, it can be advantageous to
screen and wet the fraction retained on a 4.75 mm sieve before remixing with the passing
fraction and the remaining water, to ensure the coarse particles are properly wet prior to
Compaction using a hand rammer or mechanical device is relatively straightforward but
attention must be paid to the uniform distribution of blows around the mould on each layer
to avoid variable test results. Many mechanical compactors use air pressure and a rotating
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turntable. Increasing pressure beyond the specified range does not improve the speed of
operation and is unnecessary. Problems can be caused by soil lodging under the turntable;
thus it is important that the turntable be kept clean. Similarly, the rammer may slip and miss
a blow and require correction before the next layer is placed.
The thickness of layer specified must be adhered to; with clayey samples it will be
necessary to clean the face of the rammer during compaction to avoid build-up of soil,
which will interfere with the energy input. Compacting in dry, high-temperature conditions
can cause samples to dry out during compaction if care is not taken to minimise the time
taken to complete the test.
Similarly, in hot dry conditions, samples for moisture determination after compaction should
be taken quickly, and preferably include the complete specimen. This is particularly
important for well-graded materials such as crushed rock base that have a low optimum
moisture content, where a small loss of moisture mass can result in a relatively large
change in the percent moisture measured.
It is important that the curves of moisture content versus wet density are plotted carefully
and the curve between the points is representative of the points. Methods to assist plotting
curves include:
• Using standard scales on the axes 2 mm per 0.002 t/m for the horizontal scale. This
will assist the operator in assessing an appropriate shape of the curve for each
different type of material.
• Using a computer-plotting program that is based on a non-linear relationship,
preferably a cubic spline curve, which assists in the selection of the peak point.
• Using a plotting method as described in RTA NSW Test method TIII. The 3 points
used should include 2 points on the dry leg and 1 point on the wet leg [possibly the
midpoint of the two points on the wet side of the peak point (i.e., wetter than OMC)].
5.4.5 Procedure for cohesionless material (AS 1289.5.5.1)
Method 5.5.1 differs from the previous two methods, as it involves determination of both a
maximum and minimum dry density. It is applicable only to cohesionless soils that do not
exhibit a clear maximum density or optimum moisture content when tested in accordance
with Method 5.1.1 or 5.2.1.
The equipment used includes radioactive materials that may be hazardous to health unless
proper precautions are taken. Statutory regulations covering the use and transport of
nuclear gauges must be complied with. Operators must be properly trained and all safety
measures strictly adhered to. Construction-site safety usually includes the isolation of the
test site with radiation warning signs and a vehicle-mounted amber flashing strobe light.
The Method 5.8.1 procedure is based on the direct transmission mode of operation using
the count ratio method and consists of the following key steps:
(a) Gauge calibration and operational checks.
(b) Determination of the standard counts for the gauge on the manufacturer’s reference
block in the test area.
(c) Test-site preparation including the formation of a hole to accommodate the gauge
source rod.
(d) Seating of the gauge and insertion of the source rod into the hole prepared.
(e) Determination of the test site counts for density (direct transmission).
(f) Determination of the test site counts for moisture (backscatter).
(g) Calculation of field moisture contents and dry density using the calibration equations
for the particular meter being used.
To minimise error and obtain consistent results from the gauge extra care should be taken
• allow a sufficient warm-up period by switching the gauge on at least 30 minutes prior
to the commencement of testing;
• ensure the base of the gauge and the reference block are clean (brushed) before
placing the gauge on the manufacturer’s reference block;
• ensure the gauge is always placed on the manufacturer’s reference block in the
orientation indicated in the manufacturer’s handbook;
• ensure the gauge and the manufacturer’s reference block are always paired;
• minimise air gap between the test material and the base of the gauge by ensuring site
preparation is carried out in accordance with the Standard;
• minimise the air gap between the sides of the access hole and the test probe by
pulling the gauge forward towards the operator, after the probe has been inserted.
The accuracy of the method depends heavily on correct calibration of the gauge and
operation in accordance with the test method. The calibration procedures are detailed in
Methods 5.8.4 to 5.8.9).
Direct readings of density from the nuclear gauge may be affected in some nuclear gauges
when the difference between the displayed moisture content and the actual field moisture
content are significantly different.
Correct operation of the gauge largely involves avoiding situations that could distort
radiation counts such as other radiation sources, anomalies in background radiation, trench
or structure effects, rocks or oversized material and the presence of neutron moderators or
absorbers other than free water in the layer being measured.
The use of nuclear gauges to determine moisture content is less reliable than their use for
density determination because soils can contain variable percentages of chemically bound
water or other neutron moderators, while shallow water tables can distort results. In
addition, the volume of soil being assessed for moisture may differ from the volume being
assessed for density, and such volumes are not precisely known. When the moisture
content is measured using a gauge, the intercept of the moisture calibration equation needs
to be determined for each material being tested. Method 5.8.1 includes a procedure for this
operation. Moisture determinations by the gauge should be used only for test depths as
recommended in the manufacturer’s instructions. The most accurate operating moisture
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depth is generally between 100 mm and 200 mm. It is recommended that regular
gravimetric moisture contents be taken to ensure confidence in the moisture content
indicated by the gauge. If a maximum dry density value cannot be obtained, then it is not
recommended that a moisture density gauge be used.
It is acceptable and relatively common to use alternative means of measuring in situ
moisture contents. It is important that sampling for moisture content determination by
gravimetric means be carried out on uncontaminated soil taken by excavating a hole with
vertical sides to the depth at which the probe was located during the test. The centre of the
hole should be at the centre of the gauge base.
It should be appreciated that in clay soils, large modern compaction equipment will often
operate more effectively at moisture contents substantially lower than the optimum moisture
content determined in the standard compaction test (AS 1289.5.1.1). Many types of clays
that are placed in this manner may swell significantly and lose strength if they are wetted up
after compaction. In some circumstances, it will also be necessary to specify a range of
moisture content within which the fill is to be placed and compacted. This will be restricted
to potentially reactive soils or moisture-sensitive soils, where their subsequent engineering
performance may be dependent upon their placement moisture.
Where it is required to reduce the potential for swelling, reactive clays should be placed
close to their equilibrium moisture content (not a soil property, but dependent on the soil
and environment). In temperate climates, the equilibrium moisture content is often close to
the optimum moisture content (standard compaction). In arid and semi-arid environments,
the equilibrium moisture content may be considerably drier than in temperate climates.
Material in borrow areas at or about the depth of seasonal influence is often close to the
equilibrium moisture content and therefore the potential for problems may be minimised by
placing material directly from cut to fill.
Where clay soils are being compacted for clay liners for dams or landfill sites, it is
necessary to compact the soil so that both micro-voids and macro-voids are minimised, to
reduce hydraulic conductivity. When compacting clay soils at or near even the relatively
higher optimum moisture content of the standard compactive effort, difficulties are often
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experienced when breaking down soil clods to minimise the macro-pores that ultimately
control soil hydraulic conductivity. The strength of a clay soil depends on its moisture
content and the soil clods can be more easily broken down at high-moisture contents. For
this reason, it is common for compaction criteria for this application to require the
compaction moisture content to be higher than the standard compactive effort optimum
moisture content. Guidelines
The chemical tests of this Section covers soils that contain less than 20% by mass of
particles coarser than 37.5 mm after field compaction. Soils containing more than 20% of
particles coarser than 37.5 mm cannot be tested for density ratio using the procedures in
AS 1289. Clause covers this situation.
Guidelines for minimum density ratio and density index values for different applications of
various projects are given in Table These values are typical but should be varied to
suit the soil type and other requirements of a project. The values are for a specification of
the no-value-to-be-less-than type; they are not applicable where statistical control criteria
are applied. In the latter circumstances, the minimum acceptance criteria will be different
and dependent upon the scheme adopted.
Density Ratio
It is recognised that in some parts of Australia, such as Central Australia and parts of
Western Australia, the use of modified compactive effort is preferred, because in the natural
moisture content it more closely approximates the modified optimum rather than the
standard optimum. This Handbook does not give guidance on minimum density ratio for
modified compaction except in relation to pavements.
Notwithstanding the need for moisture control in some circumstances, it is not necessary to
routinely specify and enforce moisture control in non-critical areas, or in materials where
subsequent engineering performance is unlikely to be adversely affected by placement
moisture. This varies according to the situation.
In the case of fill material, moisture control may often be unnecessary; however, if
specified, the moisture content after compaction will commonly be required to be in the
range 85% to 115% of the optimum moisture content, determined in the standard
compaction test (AS 1289.5.1.1); however, the designer should assess the applicability of
this moisture range for the particular application being considered.
It is more common to specify moisture control in pavements where minimum relative
densities are high and compaction is difficult if the material is not near optimum moisture
content, determined in the modified compaction test. It is also common to require many
unbound pavement materials be dried back after compaction to ensure adequate strength.
It should be appreciated that some materials degrade rapidly during compaction. Care will
be required to avoid over-compaction of such materials, e.g., some weak or weathered
rocks. The engineer may need to consider revision of the relative compaction guidelines of
Table, to take account of the associated changing compaction characteristics. This
will be particularly important where further breakdown occurs during laboratory compaction.
1 Density ratio may be either dry density ratio (see AS 1289.5.4.1) of Hilf density ratio (see
AS 1289.5.7.1) as applicable. These test methods require reporting to the nearest 0.5% and
this is assumed in these values.
2 If further breakdown occurs during laboratory compaction, the resulting moisture density
relationship may not satisfactorily relate to that which existed at the time of field compaction.
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As a consequence, comparison of the field dry density to the laboratory maximum dry density
(MDD) may not adequately reflect the design intent (if MDD reduces with breakdown), or may
unfairly penalise the constructor (if MDD increases with breakdown). Where such variations
are likely, testing should be carried out at the time of design and realistic requirements that
reflect the design intentions should then be specified. It is not appropriate in these
circumstances to sample material for laboratory testing before field compaction. Coarse material
Where ripped rock or coarse material is used for filling, the after-compaction quantity of
material coarser than 37.5 mm may exceed 20%. With such material, the test procedures
for in situ determination of dry density ratio specified in the relevant parts of AS 1289 are
not applicable and special consideration should be given to alternative methods of testing
for compaction. In such circumstances, it is common to adopt a method that includes test
A method specification will usually include required moisture conditioning, a minimum
number of passes of a given sized roller and a maximum layer thickness. Such method
specifications should be decided upon once the nature of the material to be placed is known
and after consideration of the proposed use of the fill.
5.6.2 Compaction control tests General
Compaction control tests combine laboratory compaction tests and field density tests to
provide an effective means of assessing the quality of field compaction.
The Australian Standard methods for compaction control test comprise:
• AS 1289.5.4.1, Soil compaction and density tests—Compaction control tests—Dry
density ratio, moisture variation and moisture ratio.
• AS 1289.5.4.2, Soil compaction and density tests—Compaction control tests—
Assignment of maximum dry density ratio and optimum moisture content values.
• AS 1289.5.6.1, Soil compaction and density tests—Compaction control tests—Density
index method for a cohesionless material.
• AS 1298.5.7.1, Soil compaction and density tests—Compaction control tests—Hilf
density ratio and Hilf moisture variation (rapid method).
The procedures rely on testing in accordance with the laboratory compaction and field
density/moisture tests discussed earlier and are essentially calculation methods.
The selection of the most appropriate laboratory compaction test to be used as a basis for
assessing relative density will depend on the project and factors such as soil type, layer
and the service loading concerned. It is usual to select a laboratory compaction test such
that relative densities achieved using best practice construction techniques are generally
not greater than 100%. Standard density and moisture ratio method (AS 1289.5.4.1)
Method 5.4.1 deals with the calculation and reporting of density ratio, moisture variation
and moisture ratio. These parameters are respectively the ratio (as a percentage) of field
dry density to maximum dry density, the difference between field moisture and optimum
moisture and the ratio (as a percentage) of field moisture to optimum moisture. The
calculations are detailed in the test method and allow use of assigned or determined values
of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. They include a procedure to deal
with up to 20% material retained on the 37.5 mm sieve.
An important practical element of this procedure is sample selection. Except where an
assigned value is allowed, the standard procedure for compaction control requires sampling
at or around the site of every field density test, and that a maximum dry density is to be
determined for each field density determination. Some specifications may require sampling
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from a stockpile or test area, prior to compaction when, it has been established that the
influences of field compaction do not affect the value of the laboratory reference density.
If in one-to-one testing assigned values or statistical procedures are not used the
uncertainty of measurement of the resultant density ratio will increase considerably, and will
affect the final result in relation to the specification. Assigned value method (AS 1289.5.4.2)
Method 5.4.2 provides a means of reducing testing requirements by assigning values to
maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The method is generally applicable
only to very uniform materials such as crushed rock base that has been produced under
controlled conditions.
The method is a statistical one and is based on taking six random samples from a number
of days’ production and determining the maximum dry density and optimum moisture
content of each. The mean of each parameter is calculated and, provided no value exceeds
specified limits, accepted as the assigned value. The assigned values are monitored and
updated by new test results until any individual value falls outside the specified limits. If this
occurs, a new assigned value must be developed.
The reliability of the method depends on active ongoing monitoring of the assigned values
and good process control by the producer. Statistical method (AS 1289.5.4.3)
Method 5.4.3 also provides a means of reducing testing requirements by using standard
deviation limits for maximum dry density and optimum moisture content variations.
Additionally, this method also allows for pre- and post-compaction sampling for determining
maximum dry density and optimum moisture content.
This statistical method allows for the ratio of maximum dry densities to field densities to be
reduced from 1:1 to 1:3, provided all samples fit within the standard deviation limits for both
maximum dry densities and optimum moisture content determinations, as per Table
Values for the standard deviations for both maximum dry densities and optimum moisture
content that fall outside the prescribed limits means automatic reversion to Method 5.4.1
(one-to-one testing).
Component Max. standard deviation (t/m )
Basecourse 0.030
Sub-base 0.045
Pre-compaction sampling can help achieve faster turnaround times for results, where it is
certain that the material does not break down further during the compaction process.
Generally, it is necessary to prove there is no material breakdown.
The reliability of this procedure and its statistical base is very dependent on initial lot
selection and the monitoring of material within the standard deviation limits. Hilf (rapid) method (AS 1289.5.7.1)
Method 5.7.1 is a rapid method of determining compaction control parameters for soils. The
method is based on a correlation between wet density and optimum moisture content based
on experimental data collected by Hilf (1966). This enables a laboratory-determined
relationship between wet density and added moisture content to be used to derive a
moisture variation without the need to determine moisture contents.
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The Hilf rapid method involves sampling the soil concerned at the time of determining the
field wet density and using the wet sample to compact specimens in the usual compaction
moulds. Samples are compacted using standard compactive effort at the field moisture
content, with added or removed water, and the wet densities determined. Converted wet
densities are calculated based on the added percentage of water and plotted against the
moisture increments added. The peak converted wet density is used to calculate the Hilf
density ratio, i.e., the ratio of peak converted wet density to the field wet density. The added
moisture at the peak converted wet density is corrected according to the Hilf correlation and
used to calculate the Hilf moisture variation.
The method is not as accurate as the standard method of compaction control because it is
based on a correlation and is not necessarily applicable to all soils or site conditions. It has
a number of limitations, viz.:
• The test is based on a standard compactive effort and experimental data must be
accumulated for the particular soil concerned if modified compactive effort is used.
• The method may not be accurate for soils that are much wetter or drier than optimum
moisture content because of the omission of proper curing.
• The method is limited to added moisture contents between –4% and +6%.
• The Hilf density ratio is a wet density ratio. Density index method (AS 1289.5.6.1)
Method 5.6.1 is applicable to cohesionless soils where maximum and minimum densities
have been determined in accordance with Method 5.5.1. The density index is derived from
the ratio (as a percentage) of the difference between the maximum laboratory voids and the
field voids, and the difference between the maximum laboratory voids and the minimum
laboratory voids. This is calculated using an equation based on maximum and minimum
laboratory dry densities and field dry density. The method does not allow use of assigned
Wherever possible, consideration should be given to determining maximum dry density
using Method 5.1.1 or 5.2.1 as these methods relate only to cohesionless materials such as
clean sands.
Measurement uncertainty estimates indicate that moisture content and density ratio affect
the test result significantly. Therefore, it is recommended that, if it is necessary to specify
the CBR to determine if suitable fill or new material is being supplied, the value of CBR at
100% density ratio be specified. If the design is at lower density ratio values, the CBR at
100% should be determined at the same time as the design values are determined.
The AS 1289.6 series is divided into three distinct parts:
• AS 1289.6.1.1, CBR—Remoulded specimen.
• AS 1289.6.1.2, CBR—Undisturbed specimen.
• AS 1289.6.1.3, CBR—Field in place method.
6.1.2 Determination from a remoulded specimen (AS 1289.6.1.1) General
The CBR properties of a soil sample are usually measured in the laboratory on a remoulded
specimen. Samples are compacted dynamically using either standard or modified
compactive effort as defined in Methods 5.1.1 and 5.2.1. Vibratory compaction may be
substituted though this must be reported. The test method usually applies to both fine-
grained and medium-grained soils and, in particular, all soils with less than 5% passing the
19 mm sieve (see AS 1289.0 and Clause
In addition to the above, the compaction regime is often specified to comply with a required
measured laboratory moisture ratio or laboratory density ratio. The values of these ratios
can be determined from the MDD/OMC graph calculated in accordance with Methods 5.1.1
and 5.2.1. Initial sample preparation and the seasoning to a particular moisture content is,
therefore, a critical function. Preparation
It is important in the test to ensure that material used in both the initial compaction testing
and the CBR test is of a size passing the 19 mm sieve, and also that no material used in
the CBR test has been previously compacted.
NOTE: In some instances other preparation regimes, such as cyclic compaction and the use of
special additives (e.g., cement, lime) may be a client requirement.
It has been found that test results that do not match field performance can be obtained
when materials that break down readily under field compaction are used. In particular,
siltstone and mudstone soils that contain weakly cemented larger particles, which break
down into silty materials, will have significant lower CBR values after field compaction.
These materials should be broken down by repeated compaction prior to compacting in a
mould for CBR testing.
During the preparation of the sample, both in the mixing, curing and seasoning stages and
their storage, it is important that sealed containers be used. Knowledge of this process and
the times required to fully cure the specimens can be gained from the initial compaction
test. The mass required for the compaction of the CBR specimen to a measured density
can be calculated for the required number of layers. This sample will be subjected to a
variable number of blows to ensure the depth of each layer is even; the number of blows is
recorded and reported. Compaction of test specimens to a specified density
Method 6.1.1 requires that 53 blows per layer be applied to achieve 100% maximum dry
density at optimum moisture content. When compaction to a specified density ratio is
required, the best results are obtained by compacting three specimens using 56, 25 and 10
blows per layer. The soaking and penetration test should then be applied to each specimen.
CBR is then plotted against the moulded dry density and the required CBR is read from the
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The high swell materials referred to in the Austroads Pavement Design Guide are based on
the use of a single surcharge of 4.5 kg. If additional surcharges are used, erroneous
classification of high-swell materials will occur. Penetration piston
When performing the penetration test, it is particularly important to mount the measuring
gauge for displacement measurement in reference to the mould and separate from the load
ring. The displacement gauge can be mounted on a ring attached to a piston, or a clamped
rod attached to the mould or baseplate. The test should be undertaken until a penetration
distance of 7.5 mm has been reached.
6.1.3 Determination in the field (AS 1289.6.1.2 and AS 1289.6.1.3)
The CBR of in situ material, either compacted in the field or in the natural state, can be
determined by either Method 6.1.2 or 6.1.3; however, in practice, penetration testing in
accordance with the simple procedure in Method 6.5.1 or 6.3.2 is commonly used in
surveying the variation in the bearing capacity of soils (see Scala (1956)).
This disadvantage of using the measurement of field CBR tests relates to the possibility of
there being larger stones immediately under the piston during the test either in the field or
in the laboratory.
The direct field test of CBR may give the CBR at field moisture content but it is not possible
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to measure the CBR after soaking unless the test site has been inundated for some time.
As these tests are relatively uncommon, this Handbook does not cover them in detail.
Extension collar
Mould body
6 inches dia
7 inches
(177.8) 4.584 inches 2 lugs
high (116.4) Posts fixed corners
of square baseplate
Spacer disc
Cutting shoe
6.2.3 Procedure
The rod string, with the vane attached at the bottom, is run into the hole and the vane is
pushed 300 mm below the bottom of the bore. The rods are then clamped or hung to
prevent them sinking further and the rotation and torque measuring device that is being
used is attached. The initial dial gauge reading is taken (or reset to zero); the rods are then
rotated at the appropriate rate. The torque reading on the dial gauge will rise to a maximum
and then fall somewhat to a fairly steady figure, with minor fluctuations. The maximum
figure shown on the dial gauge is recorded and also the final steady figure.
Examples of the vane test apparatus for both borehole and penetration type devices are
shown in Figure 6.2.3(A). Details of the vane and rod mounting are shown in
Figure 6.2.3(B).
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Calibration charts accompanying the shear vane should allow the direct reading of shear
strength against torque gauge readings. The peak and residual vane shear strength are
• s v = (peak strength) kPa
• s t = (residual strength) kPa
Research has shown that the stress distribution at the ends of the shear vane is parabolic.
If the parabolic stress distribution is simplified to a triangular mobilization of shear strength
at the ends of the vane, the strength at failure (sv ), can be expressed as—
2 3
s v = T/π(d2h/ + d /8)
T = torque at failure
d = diameter of shear vane
h = height of the shear vane
Bjerrum (1973) has shown that the shear strength of clay assessed from shear vane testing
varies with the plasticity index (PI) of the clay. For that reason he has suggested the
following correction to assess a design shear strength:
C u(design) = λs v
λ = correction factor = 1.7 – 0.54 log (PI)
6.2.4 Hand-held test devices
For hand-held testing, a hand-held torque gauge is used. This connects directly to the vane
or extension rods. These devices are typically available with 33 mm vanes for measuring
shear strength up to about 25 kPa, and 19 mm vanes for measuring shear strength up to
300 kPa. They are also available with up to 6 m of extension rods for down-borehole
applications only.
The equipment is used in conjunction with a drilling rig. Drilling contractors use automatic
tripping drop-hammers as described in the test procedure. In summary, the test can be
used during auger drilling or rotary drilling and provides a numerical result (N value) and a
sample taken with a thick-walled split tube. The sample recovered is not suitable for
laboratory measurement of strength or consolidation properties but is suitable for
classification testing and identification purposes.
The test has its major application in non-cohesive soils (e.g., sands and gravels) but can
also be used in clay and weathered rock as a rough guide to strength.
6.3.2 General procedure
The penetration tool consists of a thick-walled split-spoon sampler (Raymond sampler)
50 mm OD and 35 mm ID. The sampler is attached to the bottom of the drill rods and
lowered to the bottom of the borehole. It is then driven 450 mm into the soil at the bottom of
the borehole with a 63.5 kg hammer falling freely through 760 mm. Only the number of
blows for the last 300 mm of driving is recorded as the standard penetration resistance ‘N’.
It is considered good practice to count the number of blows for every 150 mm of penetration
for the full 450 mm of driving.
After withdrawal from the borehole, the tube is split and the sample is examined. Various
suggestions have been made relating to the adjustment of the measured N values to allow
for the influence of effective overburden pressure and to the adjustment of the measured N
value in fine sand beneath the water table, but these adjustments are generally not
universally adopted or applicable. Where N values are being measured beneath the water
table, great care is needed to minimise errors caused by the disturbance of granular soils
by the inflow of water.
In particularly strong or dense soils, if the blow count exceeds 30 blows for any 150 mm
interval, the test should be stopped and the distance driven for the 30 blows recorded. Note
also that if the penetrometer tool is bouncing with no or very little penetration, the test
should be stopped after 5 blows and the penetrated distance recorded.
An example of a typical split tube sampler assembly is presented in Figure 6.3.2.
TABLE 6.3.3(A)
TABLE 6.3.3(B)
95.76 1/ 2
C OP =
p o′
C OP = correction for overburden pressure
p o′ = effective overburden pressure (kPa) Rod length correction
When sampling is performed with drill rod lengths less than 10 m, a reflected energy wave
reduces the net test energy. To accommodate this, the following correction factors are
recommended for tests performed with such rod lengths: Groundwater
When testing is conducted in fine-grained soils, fine sands or silty sand below the water
table can generate excess pore water pressure (during driving), which cannot dissipate.
The excess pore water pressure will be realised by increased test resistance. This can be
corrected for ‘N’ counts greater than 15 using the following formula:
N′ = 15 + 0.5(N – 15)
6.4.1 Application
DCP and PSP testing is used to assess the resistance of a soil to driving a cone-tipped or
blunt-ended rod. Results may be used to infer shear strength of clayey soil, California
bearing ratio (CBR) of clayey or sandy soil and compaction and relative density of sand.
6.4.2 Occupational health and safety
Improper use of a penetrometer can result in short- or long-term injury. The following safety
measures should be adhered to:
• The equipment is heavy. Always ensure correct lifting techniques are used and,
where possible, carry the components separately, and utilise manual lifting aids or a
second person.
• Prolonged use of a penetrometer may result in hearing damage. Hearing protection
should be worn when operating the apparatus.
• Good posture is important while operating a penetrometer. Maintain a straight back
and bend the knees when lifting and releasing the hammer.
• The most common injury when operating a penetrometer is a broken, crushed or
severely bruised finger caught between the anvil and the falling hammer. KEEP
• When transporting a penetrometer in a vehicle, ensure that all components are
secured and do not move about in the back of the vehicle.
6.4.3 Apparatus DCP
The essential components and dimensions of the DCP testing apparatus are shown in
Figure In summary, the DCP test involves dropping a 9 ±0.1 kg hammer a distance
of 510 ±5 mm in order to drive a 20 mm diameter hardened steel cone ahead of 16 mm
diameter rods graduated in 100 mm intervals. PSP
The PSP apparatus varies from the DCP apparatus as follows:
• The hammer drop is 600 ±5 mm.
• The cone is replaced with a 16 mm diameter blunt tip.
• The rods are graduated in 50 mm or 150 mm intervals.
Figure shows the general arrangement of the PSP.
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If during the test a softer layer is found underlying a harder layer, it is possible that the final
blow in the harder layer will result in considerable penetration into the softer layer. In this
event, the distance penetrated by the final blow should not be considered with the readings
for the hard layer. The approximate depth of the base of the harder layer should be
If the test is conducted in soft or loose material, a small number of blows may result in
considerable penetration. Should this happen, it is possible that the final blow count in the
interval will result in considerable penetration beyond the end of that interval and the blow
count recorded may not be indicative. An alternative in soft ground is to place a vertical
metre rule adjacent to the penetrometer. A reference point is taken on the hammer (usually
a ring is engraved at the base of the hammer for this purpose) and a reading taken on the
ruler to the nearest millimetre. With each blow, the depth of penetration is recorded using
the reference point and the ruler. If when using this method the material becomes stiffer or
more dense and a penetration of less than 20 mm is recorded per blow, then record the
penetration for each eight blows, noting the number of blows and corresponding amount of
Penetrometer testing will often be carried out in conjunction with test pits or boreholes. If
this is the case, conduct the penetrometer test prior to excavation or ensure that the test is
undertaken at least 1 m away from the test pit/borehole to avoid adverse ground-loosening
effects. Penetration resistance is a function of moisture content, material type and density
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or stiffness. Accurate sampling from a borehole or test pit should allow good correlation
with the penetrometer test results.
6.4.5 Reporting
Typically, the results of DCP/PSP testing are presented by plotting penetrometer
information alongside a test pit or borehole log at the same location. Where DCP/PSP tests
are performed well away from the test pits (or no test pitting is carried out), or multiple
penetrometer tests are performed at a test pit location, the DCP/PSP results can be
presented on the field record sheets.
6.4.6 Interpretation DCP
DCP results are often used to estimate the consistency or density of subgrade soil.
Tables and provide a guide to the interpretation of DCP results.
Consistency Blows/100 mm
Very soft to Soft <1
Firm 1–2
Stiff 3–4
Very stiff 5–10
Hard >10
Density Blows/100 mm
Very loose <1
Loose 1–2
Medium dense 2–3
Dense 4–8
Very dense >8
Note that the values in Tables and are a guide only and that these
correlations are depth and moisture dependent.
DCP results are also often used to estimate a CBR value. The listed references may be
useful for this purpose; however, when using the DCP extensively for assessment of CBR,
other testing alternatives should be used to confirm the validity of the CBR/DCP blow count
relationship adopted.
A guide to the conversion of DCP blow counts to CBR values is given in Table
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Results from the PSP are often used in the design of footings or as guide to relative
density. It should be noted that the PSP was developed for use in the sands of the Perth
area, Western Australia. Care should be taken when interpreting results in other material
types. The listed references may be useful in the interpretation of results.
Table provides a guide to the correlation of sand density to PSP results for the
depth interval 150 to 450 mm (from Glick and Clegg, 1965).
Density Blows/300 mm
Very loose ≤2
Loose 2–6
Medium dense 6–8
Dense 8–15
Very dense >15
Note that this correlation will vary where the test extends to greater depth. Care should be
exercised when interpreting density at depths greater than 450 mm.
Where the PSP is used as a guide to relative density (or degree of compaction), the blow
count should be correlated against density by establishing a trial pad where the relative
density and PSP blow count are measured against compactive effort.
6.5.1 Background
A widely used apparatus to determine the shear strength parameters and the stress-strain
behaviour of soils is the triaxial apparatus. The name is a misnomer since two, not three,
stresses can be applied on the soil specimen.
In the triaxial test, a cylindrical sample of soil, usually with a length to diameter ratio of 2, is
subjected to either controlled increases in axial stresses or axial displacements and radial
stresses (see Figure 6.5.1).
FIGURE 6.5.1 SCHEMATIC OF A TRIAXIAL CELL (after Bishop & Henkel, 1962)
Some of the first triaxial tests carried out were reported by Rendulic in 1936 on work that
was carried out under Karl Terzaghi in Vienna. Since that date the triaxial test, in all its
various forms, has become one of the most common tests carried out in soil mechanics.
Disturbed soil can be compacted into triaxial specimens of appropriate dimension. Care
must be taken to ensure that the soil sample has been properly treated to bring it to a target
moisture content. For specimens 100 mm or greater, split moulds are usually used. In
compacting the soil sample there should be not less than three layers. Five or more may be
more appropriate for samples that are difficult to compact. The surface of the intermediate
layers needs to be lightly scarified before adding the next layer to, prevent stratification.
Once compacted, the layers must be handled in the same manner as for undisturbed
6.5.5 Terminology and principles Stress system
In a triaxial test, compressive stresses are applied from three directions (see
Figure Axial stress σ1 is called the major principal stress in a compression test
but will be the minor principal stress in an extension test*. In a compression test, the lateral
stresses σ 2 and σ 3 are the intermediate and minor principal stresses, respectively, which
will become the major principal stresses in an extension test. The two stresses are applied
by pressurising a medium, which is normally water or, in some cases, oil or air, such that
σ 2 = σ3 = confining pressure.
During triaxial testing, the triaxial cell, which is in fact a pressure chamber containing a soil
specimen, is normally placed on a machine that applies axial loading to the specimen via a
loading ram (see Figure 6.5.1). The applied axial stress is called the deviator stress (σ d).
applied axial load
σd =
average cross-sectional area
* Compression test is when the specimen is loaded under increasing axial stress while keeping the lateral
stresses constant; extension test is when the specimen is loaded by decreasing the axial stress while keeping
the lateral stresses constant. Only the compression test is described in this Handbook.
Triaxial testing commonly involves the application of axial load on a specimen at a constant
confining pressure. The compression machine used can be programmed such that the
specimen’s axial deformation rate (e.g., mm/min) is maintained throughout the test until the
specimen fails. Axial load is measured using a load ring (or, more conveniently, using a
load cell). Deformation of the specimen is measured using a dial gauge (or, more
conveniently, using a displacement transducer). The variation of deviator stress (σ d) (i.e.,
axial load divided by cross-sectional area of the specimen) is then plotted against the axial
strain (ε v) (i.e., axial deformation of the specimen divided by the original height of the
specimen). Figure shows a typical plot of σ d vs. ε v .
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The Mohr’s circle (only a semicircle is required) that intercepts the horizontal or σ n axis at
points equal to σ 3 and σ 1 is drawn as shown in Figure The test is repeated at least
two more times, each trial at a different confining pressure. The resulting Mohr’s circles are
drawn on the same set of axes as the first circle. The horizontal and vertical scales used in
drawing Mohr’s circles must be the same. A straight line of best fit is then drawn so that the
curve is tangential to each of the Mohr’s circles. This line represents the Coulomb failure
τ = c + σ tan φ
τ = shear stress
c = cohesion
σ = normal stress
φ = the angle of internal friction
Some graph-plotting software packages that are capable of plotting Mohr’s circles are
available; however, care should be taken to ensure that the software has been programmed
to accommodate the assessments on the correct position of Coulomb’s failure envelope.
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(σ n Tf ) σ n ta
c +
T =
u 0°
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C cu
T d
Cd 0
Note that the above is the assumed deformed shape that can be quite different in reality.
The three major types of failure are illustrated in Figure It is important to make a
sketch of the specimen after failure and measure the angle of the failure plane (θ) and
report this information with the test results.
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Failure occurs readily on stiff to hard specimens at relatively low strain; therefore, the
readings can be taken at 0.5% intervals up to 5% strain and 1% intervals thereafter. On
very moist, highly plastic and soft samples the deviator stress will keep increasing for very
high strains. In such cases, failure should be taken at 20% strain. Strain rates
Bishop & Henkel (1962) noted that a test should be complete in about 10 minutes; Akroyd
(1957) recommends about 2%/minute. AS 1289.6.4.1 cites a range of 0.05 to
10 mm/minute. This wide range cited by the Australian Standard is to accommodate the
various sizes of samples to be tested. Table provides a guide for the strain rate that
should be adopted for various specimen heights.
place over many years, it is important to measure the rate at which the voids ratio changes,
and the final amount of consolidation.
The consolidation test measures the rate and amount of voids change with load on the soil
in a laboratory specimen, the results of which are applied to engineering problems using the
theory of consolidation.
The process of consolidation is best illustrated by reference to the model analogy shown in
Figure 6.6.1, which has been employed by Terzaghi (1943) when demonstrating the
fundamentals of consolidation. This model consists of a cylinder with a closely fitting piston
perforated with a number of small holes resting on a number of compression springs. The
cylinder beneath the piston is filled with water. Consider what occurs when a vertical load is
applied suddenly to the piston. Instantaneously, the entire load is carried by the water.
Owing to the difference between the pressure existing in the water and that in the
atmosphere, water will commence to flow out through the holes in the piston, the rate of
flow depending on the difference of pressure and the size of holes (e.g., a soil of low
permeability would be represented by small holes). As water escapes through the piston, a
reduction in the water pressure will ensue and the load will be transferred gradually to the
springs. Eventually, the pressure difference of the water will reduce to zero, and the entire
load will be carried by the springs, the piston coming to rest in a new equilibrium position. It
will be seen that the speed with which the process takes place will depend on the number
and size of the holes in the piston.
A mathematical theory of consolidation was proposed by Terzaghi many years ago. The
theory is fairly complex and the final differential equation that he obtained for the process of
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The rate at which the volume change takes place, the coefficient of consolidation, is
determined from the measurement of the volume change per unit time. The rate depends
upon the coefficient of permeability and is proportional to the square of the length of path
through which the water has to drain. Since the permeability of clay soils may be
10 −10 m/sec or less, it is necessary to reduce the path length to a minimum consistent with
reproducible results. By allowing the water to escape from both the top and bottom of the
sample (double drainage condition) during test, the path length can be reduced by a half.
Method 6.6.1 covers the measurement of one-dimensional consolidation of a soil, the
pressure voids ratio relationship, and the coefficient of consolidation at various
successively increasing pressures, whilst the soil specimen is laterally confined, subject to
a vertical axial load and allowed to drain.
6.6.2 Apparatus
The apparatus includes an odometer; a sampling ring, with inside surfaces polished to
reduce the skin friction effects; a flange with an aperture the same as the ring and a
consolidation pot consisting of a circular water container in which are placed the
consolidation ring; and porous discs held in place by the flange, as described in
Method 6.6.1.
To measure settlement, a dial gauge with at least 5 mm travel and readable to 0.002 mm,
or LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) of equivalent readability should be used. It
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should be noted that this is an extreme level of accuracy. Toolmaker’s tolerance is typically
to the nearest 0.025 mm. In order for these measurements to be meaningful, much greater
attention must be given to detail than is usually required for other types of soil tests. The
system should be thoroughly checked to ensure it applies pressures to the accuracy cited in
Method 6.6.1.
6.6.3 Procedure
The procedure is as follows:
(a) Extrude an undisturbed or compacted sample into the appropriate size sampling ring,
the inner surface of which has been pre-greased using silicon grease.
(b) Carefully trim the sample until the ring just slides over the soil, the last fraction of soil
being pared away by the cutting edge of the ring as it is slowly and evenly pushed
down over the sample.
(c) Trim off the top of the specimen using a sharp, thin-bladed knife until it is flush and
level with the top of the ring.
(d) After trimming the first side, to keep it intact, slide it onto a glass plate of, say,
100 × 100 mm.
(e) Trim the base of the specimen in the same manner.
It is extremely difficult to cut soil to a smooth flat surface, especially if the material
contains pieces of coarse sand and or fine gravel proud of the surface after trimming
and or it is fissured. These hard particles must be removed in such a manner as to
create as little disturbance to the surrounding soil as possible. To overcome the
resulting pockmarks, it is common practice to carefully patch them with the pared off
material, free of hard particles, and ‘paste over’ the area with a straightedge. If
extreme care is not taken, a significant percentage of the sample could end up
remoulded. Remoulding and ‘pasting over’ can dramatically alter the settling, swelling
and permeability characteristics of material, especially considering the measurements
being taken to the accuracy 2 µ.
(f) Slide the sample and the ring off the glass plate and, determine its mass (from which
the wet density of the soil can be calculated). Moisture content can be determined
from the cuttings in accordance with Method 2.1.1.
(g) Place the specimen in the consolidation cell as per the procedure set out in
Method 6.6.1, and load it appropriately.
If the specimen swells, it can be loaded in the manner described in the Standard or by the
following procedure:
(i) When swelling is observed, keep loading the specimen in such a manner that it
balances the swelling, trying to ensure that the specimen neither swells nor
consolidates. This can be achieved by having a pre-determined mass of dry sand and
a receptacle such that their combined mass is equivalent to a 25 kPa surcharge
(ii) When swelling commences, place the empty vessel on the load arm of the
consolidation unit. As soon as additional swelling is observed, tip sand into it to
prevent swelling. When the sand has been used and swelling is continuing, replace it
with a 25 kPa surcharge mass and repeat the process with the empty vessel and
(iii) When swelling ceases, unload the specimen to the initial load, usually overburden
pressure. Determine the swelling surcharge mass and calculate the swelling
(iv) Report the swelling pressure with the other results obtained from the test.
(v) Allow the specimen to swell for 24 hours, record the degree of swelling then load it
using the originally prescribed pressures.
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When calculating the consolidation, add the degree of swell to the initial height of sample.
It is strongly recommended that all the readings cited in Method 6.6.1 be taken in order to
see how the specimen is behaving even though only mv may be required. It is a requirement
of Method 6.6.1 to ‘Continue the readings at least until the slope of the characteristic linear
secondary position of the thickness vs. log of time plot is apparent’. If dial gauges are used,
great care must be taken to correctly ascertain the correct number of revolutions because
the internal rev counter can sometimes be very difficult to read.
6.6.4 Unloading
Once the loading stages of the test are complete, as a minimum, the specimen should be
unloaded to overburden and the rebound recorded after 24 hours. If the unloading
characteristics are required, Method 6.6.1 states ‘unload by stages using every second
pressure from the load sequence’. Carry out cycles at 24 hour intervals using the same time
intervals as for recording the loading cycles.
At the completion of the test, remove the sample and determine its moisture content as per
Method 2.1.1.
6.6.5 Size of specimen
Method 6.6.1 states that the preferred minimum specimen diameter be 50 mm, the
thickness 15 mm (but not less than 10 times the maximum grain diameter) and the
diameter-to-thickness ratio 3:1. Specimens have been used with success on a uniform
cohesive material of 38 mm; however, smaller specimens should not be used because
research indicates that the wall friction on the specimen can become significant.
6.6.6 Porous stone
A careful check must be kept on the porous discs to ensure that their surfaces have not
become clogged after continued use. If water is not readily flowing through the stone, its
permeability may be restored by grinding the surface back by about 0.1 mm.
6.6.7 Final mass
The final mass determination of the sample is most important when voids ratio values are to
be used, since all these calculations depend upon this figure. In routine work, it is usual to
have it checked by a second person independently from the one carrying out the test. If the
result of the mass determination should be wrong, about one week’s work would be wasted.
point at the beginning of the graph and the 30 second point (whose times are in the ratio of
four to one) is marked off above the 7.5 second point to obtain the corrected zero.
An example of the first five readings is as follows:
cv = coefficient of consolidation (m /year)
H = average thickness of specimen for the load increment (mm)
t 50 = time for 50% primary consolidation (minutes)
cv = coefficient of secondary compression
∆H α = specimen height change in millimetres over one log cycle time
of Method 6.6.1. It is usually found that the graph consists of an approximately straight
portion followed by a curve. It is on the assumption that the 90% consolidation is 1.15 times
the abscissae value of an extension of this so-called straight line that the following
construction is used. To obtain the value of the 90% consolidation, a straight line is drawn
through the initial part of the straight portion and is extended back to zero time, which gives
the corrected point of zero consolidation. A second straight line with abscissae 1.15 times
those of the first is drawn; where the second line intersects the curve is the point of 90%
primary consolidation.
From the square root-time basis—
0.112H m2
cv =
t 90 year
In some cases, the determination of cv can be quite difficult to determine. Plots of data do
not always exhibit the shapes set out in Figures 1 and 2 of Method 6.6.1. It is recommended
that both the graphs of log time and root time basis be plotted the see which shape best fits
the theoretical shape, and comparisons of values obtained from the two methods be
compared when possible. Although researchers have determined that these graphical
methods are the best means by which cv parameters are to be evaluated, they can clearly
have some shortcomings.
6.6.9 Void ratio or percent change in thickness vs. pressure
It is common to graph the voids ratio or percent change in thickness as an ordinate against
the log pressure (p) as abscissae. An example of this plot is presented in Figure 6.6.9(A).
The most important aspect of this graph is to determine if the loads being applied by the
proposed structure are in the normally consolidated (which some texts refer to as the virgin
curve) or over consolidated (which can be referred to as re-compression) pressure range. In
the case of the example below, considerably more settlement is likely to occur when
pressures on this soil exceeds 330 kPa. Figure 6.6.9(B) shows the shape of pressure
release part of the graph and the shape of a graph when recompression cycles are applied
to a specimen.
Recompression cur ve
(over consolidated)
from consolidation test
(nor mally
e0 consolidated)
cur ve
P0 P
PRESSURE (log scale)
Virgin cur ve
∆e 0.85-0.75
0.85 Cc = =
log p 2 /p 1 log 10.5/5.1
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Rebound ∆e
cur ve
0.1 1.0 10.0 tsf
10 100 1000 kPa
log p 1
If, as is usual during a site investigation, it is found that the soil over the site varies, then it
might be necessary to carry out a number of tests on each of the main soil types. In
practice, it is more usual to carry out tests to determine the range of results and, which
might occur together with a determination of the average results, which might be expected
for the predominant soil types; therefore, to obtain an average of the conditions, a number
of tests is usually carried out on the different soil types.
6.6.11 Temperature
There is no requirement for temperature control in Method 6.6.1; however, if there are
significant changes in temperature then these will cause some fluctuations in the
measurements. It is best to carry out the test in a reasonably well-controlled environment.
The theory of consolidation is based upon, amongst other things, the assumption that the
coefficient of permeability is a constant; i.e., that the viscosity and unit weight of water are a
constant. These values are a function of the temperature and if there is a change in the
temperature, then there will be a change in these values. Corrections should be made
where the temperature of the test will be different from that in the soil in the ground. For all
practical purposes, the temperature of the soil in situ may be taken to be 10°C. The correct
value of the coefficient of consolidation may be obtained from the graph in Figure 6.6.11. If
no correction is made, then there may be an error in the percentage of the total settlement
that has taken place compared with that calculated from the laboratory results.
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curves, around gully pits, etc.); from excess moisture; from poor quality gravel; or from
subgrade influence due to too thin a layer (e.g., less than 150 mm of gravel), allowing for
necessary corrective action to take place at the time of construction.
Post-construction, the test may be used as a means to monitor:
• The increase in strength through evaporation of the ‘as completed’ moisture such that
a minimum ‘dry back’ strength is first observed prior to sealing.
• The ongoing soundness, particularly in relation to structural weakness and pavement
‘break up’ occurring as a result of heavy rains, flooding, undetected underground
water resources or water ingress at the shoulders.
Due to the simple and rapid nature of the test method, large areas can be scanned
relatively quickly; for example, it is possible for one person to obtain well over 200 data
points in the field in one day. Variability may be obtained for the evaluation of existing
situations or to check the uniformity during or after compaction.
For assessing variability, Clegg suggested that the mean, standard deviation and the
associated coefficient of variation (100 times the standard deviation divided by the mean,
written as a percentage) be obtained for a number of tests over an area. In terms of a mean
CIV, it is suggested that reporting be to the nearest 1.0; and for the standard deviation, to
the nearest 0.1. A coefficient of variation (cv) of around 4% or better is suggested as
representing an upper bound of job uniformity, while a c v of around 20% is suggested as
representing a highly variable condition, i.e., poor job quality.
The number of tests to perform on an area is usually discretionary and will depend to some
extent on the size and shape of the area and the variability encountered while testing,
though a more sophisticated approach based on statistical concepts may be employed. As
a guide, 5 to 10 random tests per lot is suggested as a starting point, with this number
increased or decreased according to the variability and/or the size and shape of the lot.
6.8.2 Apparatus and theory
The test method for CIV is described in AS 1289.6.9.1 and ASTM D5874. The standard
specification for it in the UK was established by British Gas in the late 1980s/early 1990s
for trench reinstatement testing in conjunction with their method specification.
The apparatus for the Clegg impact test is based on the instrumentation of a 4.5 kg
compaction hammer (or rammer). The instrumentation provides an instantaneous display of
the CIV result with no calculation required by the operator for determining the
strength/stiffness parameter.
Clegg made the observation that while compacting a sample of soil in a compaction mould,
the tonal quality of the impacts under the blows of the compaction hammer change as the
soil becomes stiffer. The initial idea was that if this tonal quality could be captured and
displayed electronically, a strength/stiffness property would result.
Experiments using an oscilloscope connected to an accelerometer fastened to a
compaction hammer were the most encouraging, and led to devising specially designed
electronics to measure and display the peak deceleration of the hammer on impact. This
then led to the output for CIV to be based on the universal dimensionless absolute value
ratio of the peak magnitude of the hammer deceleration during impact to the acceleration
due to gravity, expressed in the same units. In the past, this has been labelled as g but is
now becoming known as G max to distinguish it from the symbol for gravity and to indicate
that it is the peak deceleration of a free-falling mass upon impact with the surface.
Regarding the selection of the peak deceleration as the basis for CIV, Clegg (1978) stated
that ‘Many observations on a wide range of soils and conditions have shown that the
acceleration versus time relationship may be assumed sinusoidal. By integration of the area
under this curve, velocity-time is obtained and integration again produces penetration-time.
The force may also be obtained from the acceleration and hence a force-penetration
relationship may be established.’ The use of the peak deceleration therefore appeared to—
and has proved to provide a suitable and sufficient basis for a parameter for testing the
strength/stiffness of soils and soil-like materials; and the use of the peak deceleration kept
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the test method and electronics simple, especially in the days before the availability of
super-miniature, high-speed micro chips and related technology and software.
The CIV test might be thought of as more of a strength test when testing soft materials or
conditions where there is a high amount of penetration/plastic deformation under the impact
of the hammer, and as more of a stiffness test when there is little or no discernible
deformation with the response being more elastic in nature. Clegg (1980) stated that ‘The
basic principle of the Impact Test is that the peak deceleration of the compaction hammer
when it is brought to rest is directly related to the resistance offered at contact resulting
from the stiffness and shearing resistance of the material. This resistance may be seen as
deriving largely from particle interaction leading towards densification or resulting in shear
deformation.’ For simplicity, the term ‘strength’ alone is often used in place of
While different weights of hammers were experimented with (and have entered production
for various applications such as testing of sand, turf and lightly sealed flexible pavements),
the 4.54 kg (10 lb) hammer (steel with hardened steel striking end) with a 50 mm hammer
diameter and a 457 mm (18 inch) drop height was found to be well suited as a general
purpose arrangement. Its output in terms of ‘tens of G max ’ provides a convenient 0–100
scale that offers sufficient output resolution and sensitivity for testing the full range of soils
and soft-rocks typically encountered in earthworks and flexible pavement construction, be
they subgrade, sub-base or basecourse material. The output parameter of CIV is also
referred to as impact value (IV). As a result of standardisation, the mass is now given as
4.55 ±0.05 kg with the drop-height as 455 ±5 mm.
For the sake of convenience and clarity, it is suggested that ‘tens of Gmax ’ be termed ‘Cmax ’
(with the ‘C’ standing for Clegg) regarding measurement of the peak deceleration of a free-
falling mass upon impact. The terms G max and C max relate purely to the peak deceleration
regardless of the construction or design of the apparatus, the drop-height or the blow count;
whereas the term ‘CIV’ is specifically meant to relate to the output as defined in the
Australian Standards and ASTM Standards for the 4.5 kg Clegg hammer. Both of these
Standards call for the CIV to be selected from the highest blow result of four successive
blows made on the same exact test spot.
Clegg (1978) stated that ‘The readings at successive blows almost invariably show increase
with blows ... Early in the development of the device the blows were continued until more or
less constant or where the increase per blow was steady and down to one division. It has
since been observed the fourth blow may be used without detrimental effect. This
considerably simplifies the procedure since it only requires a re-set at the beginning, drop
four times and take a reading which will be the maximum of the first four blows’ (where it is
that a ‘peak/hold’ logic circuit, as produced in Australia for the Clegg impact soil tester
since its advent, is used in the readout).
Clegg (1980) goes on to say: ‘The fact that the Impact Value increases with successive
blows appears to be inconvenient but in some respects it is essential to the technique.
Should the surface be so strong that there is virtually elastic rebound from the first blow it is
more difficult to observe stiffness differences. The desirable mechanism appears to be that
a wad of compacted material is projected into the body of the material. The recommended
practice is to use the 4th blow reading. The first one or two blows flatten and compact. Too
many blows pulverise and loosen the immediate surface or may continue to densify the
material. Early in the use of the device rubber pads were used on the ground surface but
later abandoned as an unnecessary encumbrance and a modest number of successive
blows are used instead.’
Whenever the hammer construction and dimensions are altered, and/or if the drop height or
selection of the value from other than the designated blow count is altered, the output, i.e.,
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the peak deceleration on impact is, generally speaking, altered. Therefore, when testing for
CIV, the construction and design of the hammer and electronics, along with the drop-height
and method of testing, should meet the specifications, tolerances and procedures as found
in the existing Standards for CIV or else be clearly reported and understood regarding any
variance from the method or apparatus given in the existing Standards. Where ‘CIV’ is
specified or expected, the apparatus and method should be in accordance with
Method 6.9.1 or ASTM D5874.
The peak force, in Newtons, as related to the output in terms of Cmax of the free-falling
hammer is according to the following equation:
N peak = hammer mass (kg) × G max (Cmax × 10) × g (9.80665 m/sec/sec)
For example, an output of 30 C max is equivalent to 13.39 kNpeak where the hammer mass is
4.55 kg.
The energy per unit area may be represented by the formula—
( )
0.5 m v i2 / (A )
m = mass, in kilograms
vi = impact velocity, in metres per second
A = surface area, in millimetres squared
The velocity at impact can either be measured or else calculated using the equation
vi = (2gh) . With the hammer diameter for the standard Clegg hammer being 50 mm, the
mass as 4.55 kg, the drop-height as 0.455 m and the velocity at impact as 2.99 m/sec as
derived from the above formula, the energy per unit area is equal to 10.34 kN/m .
In part, to support the theory that CIV relates to soil stiffness, research for comparing CIV to
the well-recognised CBR test was initiated by Clegg. In 1986, he presented a revised
equation for a correlation between CBR and CIV (for non-soaked, no surcharge conditions
and using the 4.5 kg Clegg impact soil tester from a 0.45 m drop-height with the highest
value blow of four successive blows used for the CIV). The revised equation of 1986 is
similar to the initial correlation he reported in 1980, which was CBR(%) = 0.07 ((IV) ). The
revised equation confirmed the previous general relationship but with a slight correction at
the lower end of the scale. The revised equation is CBR(%) = (0.24 (CIV) +1) with
‘r’ = 0.957 (highly significant), or alternatively CBR(%) = 0.06 ((CIV) ) + 0.52 (CIV) +1. For
example, the CIV for a field CBR of 100% using the second equation above correlates to a
CIV of 38.
Regarding the relationship between a CBR value and CIV, Clegg (1986) stated: ‘These
revised equations appear appropriate for general use. However, since CBR is particularly
subject to high variability, even within one organisation, one soil type, etc., correlations
from individual sources may vary from the general equation. To avoid a change of
standards it is appropriate therefore that each organisation consider establishing its own
relationship for specific materials and conditions, particularly where there is strong reliance
on CBR for design purposes. It should be noted that these data are for both samples at
essentially the same density and moisture content and prepared in the same manner.
Attempts have been made to correlate unsoaked CIVs with soaked CBRs but with little
success. Also the question of the effect of surcharge may need to be considered.’
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The term ‘soil reactivity’ as used herein refers to the pronounced swelling-and-shrinking
characteristics of some cohesive soils. It is defined as the rate of strain of the soil sample
with change in soil suction.
AS 2870 defines a reactive site as a site consisting of a clay soil that swells on wetting and
shrinks on drying by an amount that can damage buildings on light strip footings or
unstiffened slabs.
The estimation of the movement of the surface of a reactive site caused by moisture
changes is discussed in AS 2870 Supplement 1 (Clause C2.2.3). The estimation is based
on a soil suction model, which requires the change in soil suction profile and an instability
index of the soil. AS 2870 recommends three tests in the AS 1289 series which can be used
in the estimation of the instability index of a reactive soil, viz.:
• Method 7.1.1, Determination of the shrinkage index of a soil—Shrink swell index
• Method 7.1.2, Determination of the shrinkage index of a soil—Loaded shrinkage index
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Swell on saturationD H
(distilled water added) e
25 kPa
Water content w
Shrink on dr yD L
apparatus D L
L = 100 mm
Water content
50 mm
Shrinkage limit
Water content w
Suction (pF)
Water content w
3.3.3 3.1.2 2 3
3.4 3.2.1 2 3–5
3.5 3.3.1 2 3–5
— 3.3.2 2 3–5
3.6 3.4.1 2 3–5
3.7 3.5.1 2 2
3.7 3.5.2 2 2
— 3.6.1 2 3
— 3.6.2 5 3
3.8.3 3.6.3 4 3
3.9 3.7.1 1 1
3.10.2 3.8.1 1.5 1–3
3.10.3 3.8.2 4 3
3.10.4 3.8.3 1 2
3.3.2 3.9.1 2 3
3.3.2 3.9.2 — —
4.2 4.1.1 — —
4.3 4.2.1 — —
4.4.3 4.3.1 — —
4.5.2 4.4.1 1.5 1–3
5.4.4 5.1.1 1 3
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5.5.3 5.8.1 0.5 1
— 5.8.4 48 7
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6.1.3 6.1.3 1 1
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Accessed by SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 07 Oct 2015 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed)
HB 160—2006
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HB 160—2006
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HB 160—2006
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