Lab #2: Oscilloscopes and Time Varying Signals Engr. 221-001 October 20, 2010 Dr. Paul Hummel Louisiana Tech University

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Lab #2: Oscilloscopes and Time Varying Signals

Engr. 221-001
October 20, 2010
Dr. Paul Hummel
Louisiana Tech University

Sajan Prakash Shrestha

Group Member: Alana Lum York

Experiment List

 (1) Digital Multimeter (Model #: MProbe 15XP-A)

 (1) Tektronics TDS 210 two channel digital Oscilloscope
 (1) Wavetek Meterman FG2L Function Generator
 (1) Solderless breadboard model no. 309
 (1) Resistor (1.1kΩ ≈ 1.076kΩ)
 (1) Capacitor (unknown value)
Experiment Setup

The purpose of this lab is to estimate the capacitance of capacitor from a time domain
using an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope is an instrument used for viewing and measuring
time varying signals. The function generator was implemented so as to output standard
test signals such as sinusoidal, square and triangular wave graph.
Figure 2: Basic circuit implementation for the experiment
Part A:
I. First of all , the function generator was configured to output a nearly 2V peak to
peak sinusoidal wave with frequency of 1 kHz and 0V DC offset.
II. We used the Channel 1 of the oscilloscope to measure the signal from the function
generator while making sure the oscilloscope probe is configured with the x1
setting and the attenuation calibration on the oscilloscope is set to x1.
III. The time base was adjusted in such way that a few periods of the sinusoidal
waveform was visible on the screen . Also, the Channel 1 volts/ division
adjustment was adjusted until the sinusoidal waveform fills up most of the
oscilloscope screen and made sure that the center of the trace on the screen using
the vertical position control for Channel 1 .
IV. The period of the waveform was measured using the time /division display. The
function generator was adjusted until the 2V peak to peak value was achieved .
V. The sketch of the final waveform graph was copied .

Peak-Peak value =1.88v

Frequency= 1.006kHz

Time period =1/frequency=1/1.006ms=0.994ms

Part B:


I. Again the function generator was configured to 2V peak to peak voltage

square wave form with a frequency of 10 kHz and 0V DC offset.

II. Procedure of Part A(III) was repeated as we have done previously.

III. For this wave form , the Measure function on the oscilloscope was
selected and the displayed values was used to adjust the function
generator to the required frequency and amplitude .

IV. The square graph was obtained and sketched for record .

Peak –Peak value= 2.02V

Frequency= 4.99kHz
Time period =1/ frequency=1/4.99kHz=0.2004ms
Part C:

I. The function generator was configured to 2V peak to peak

triangular wave with a frequency of 5kHz and 0V DC offset.

II. Again the procedure of Part A(III) was repeated and the Measure
function was used with this waveform.

III. The sketch of triangular wave generated was obtained .

Peak-Peak= 2.04V
Time = 1/frequency=1/4.99ms=0.2004ms
Part D:


I. In order to measure the capacitance of unknown capacitor , we used the

following procedure .
II. The circuit was connected as shown in figure 1 of the experimental setup
with the resistor and the capacitor .
III. The function generator was configured to output a square wave with a
2V peak to peak voltage and 1V DC offset. The function generator was
taken as the input voltage in the circuit .
IV. The time it took for the output voltage to increase with the oscilloscope
was measured . Using the rise time and the resistance value , the value of
the capacitor was calculated using the following equation .

τ =R*C

Peak –Peak= 1.94V

Frequency= 5.046kHz
Time =1/ frequency= 1/ 5.046ms= 0.198 ms

Vc (t)=Ae^(-t/ τ ) +B

Vc (inifinity) = B= 1.94V
Vc (0)=B+A=0

Vc(t)= -1.94 e^(-1) + 1.94V= 1.226V

τ =R*C
C= τ /R= {10*10^(-6) s }/1.076*10^3 F
=9.293 *10^(-9) F
=9.293 nF

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