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1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)

2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

SUMMARY TUNU 4 implemented to capture our best

Petroleum Summary
Since 2005, the improvement
To maintain the production level
process was implemented in Tunu to
and to postpone the reservoir decline, a
tackle the production decline. The
new approach had to be developed in the
concept of Industrialization was
way the well construction was anticipated.
introduced since and continuously
The objective was to maintain as long as
improved from year to year. The success
possible the production ‘’plateau’’ and to
of Tunu industrialization had been the
achieve it, an increased number of well
result of formulation and implementation
brought to production was felt to be a
of robust drilling strategy covering three
potential solution: the well construction
main areas in the well delivery process,
“industrialization” concept was introduced.
i.e. management, engineering, and
Then, the overall well delivery process
was scrutinized: management methods,
well engineering, drilling and completion Before having a dedicated Shallow
operations were reviewed to define the development, in 2002 and 2014, Pilot
necessary actions in order to lead us to the Light Work Over (LWO) to produce
Shallow reservoirs was conducted in
exisiting Tunu Main Zone (TMZ) wells
that encountered as well Shallow
reservoirs. The results were encouraging,
hence, in 2006 another LWO campaign
was performed. This perforation was a
huge success achieving 6 times cumulative
production of 2004’s perforation which
highly boost the confidence to produce
shallow zone. Given the good results of
‘’industrialization’’ of our well
pilot LWO, dedicated Shallow wells
construction activity.
drilling was launched. Targeting proven
The ‘’industrialization’’ concept shallow gas reservoirs found in TMZ
aims at standardizing our processes to wells, or the so called “TWIN” wells, 6
optimize the operational results without
increasing the allocated resources:
deliver more wells in the most efficient
and cost effective manner. A continuous
optimization is required to improve and
standardized procedures have to be
1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)
2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

pilot wells were drilled and completed Then in 2009, the first dedicated
with Gravel Pack. Plan of Development (PoD) was launched,
named as PoD-1, covering drilling and
connection of 17 shallow wells where most
of the wells were twin of the existing TMZ
wells. The next PoD-2 was started in 2011
with 85 wells for 3 years of drilling
campaign. PoD-2 was marked as the mass
use of seismic for well definition as the
CT3D Seismic had been delivered and
gave an excellent result. Three years later,
PoD-3 was sanctioned and carrying 90
wells for 3.5 years of drilling campaign. In
2015, North West 3D Seismic (NWT3D
Seismic) was delivered and started to
introduce new gas accumulation in the
north part of the field. Generally speaking,
there are nearly 200 shallow wells were
drilled during the past 10 years with high
success ratio in finding the targets. (Fig.
4). Through time, TSZ continued to
develop and many completion types
combination have been used such as
Ceramic Screen (CS), Geoform, and
SCON were used as a solution to produce
marginal reservoirs or inaccessible
reservoirs by using Gravel Pack
completion. Up to today, TSZ wells
currently contribute to 40% of Tunu’s total
1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)
2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

production with more than 500 Bcf of

cumulative production. (Fig. 5)

Geology Summary

TUNU is a gas condensate field

situated in the swamp environment at the
edge of the Mahakam Delta, on the eastern
coast of Borneo Island - Indonesia.
Discovered in 1977, 22 exploration wells
and 44 delineation wells were drilled with
36 of them being successfully converted as
producer wells. Hydrocarbons are
accumulated in multi-layer reservoirs
deposited within a deltaic environment
.The field is divided into two main
producing intervals which are Tunu
Shallow Zone (TSZ) and Tunu Main Zone
(TMZ). Since the field start up in 1990, it
has delivered 9 Tcf of gas production
where production are mostly contributed
from TMZ reservoirs. Through time, TMZ
is more and more depleted; hence
development of TSZ is the new focus.

Tunu Shallow Zone

Shallow Zone
(TSZ), initially
1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)
2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

considered as drilling hazard. near-wellbore sand reservoir. The

Development objectives are widespread treatment is conveyed through coiled
and scattered gas bearing sand all over the tubing with isolation packer to ensure flow
field. These gas accumulations are found conformance through perforation and
in channel reservoir, but very limited and eliminating circulation path to the tubing.
individual accumulation .The reservoir The resin mixture will then be squeezed
property in channel is extremely good into reservoir matrix, and followed by over
(sorting and grain size). The porosity is flush to regain reservoir's permeability.
around 30% and net pay thickness is up to This mixture will be internally catalyzed
20 m when it is stacked reservoir. with the reservoir temperature.

Tunu Shallow Seismic Interpretation More than 50 reservoirs in Tunu

Methodology have been produced using sand
consolidation, unlocking significant
TSZ development relies heavily on reserves. Sand Consolidation well is
the use of seismic with at least 4 major considered as critical sand risk well.
sequences in TSZ's seismic methodology. Therefore, sand monitoring using portable
They consist of indentifying gas sand sand detection instrument is performed in
reservoir on seismic, defining the reservoir
geometry (area), calculating static volume
or initial reserve, and designing well
trajectory. In general, gas is easy to be
discriminated since it has very low
Acoustic Impedance (AI) compared to
shale and water bearing sands except for
coal which has low AI as well.
weekly basis. Manageable sand production
Tunu Shallow Zone Well Architecture
on treated wells indicates successful sand-
and Sand Control Selection
control performance. In average, 180 days
Sand consolidation is an in-situ production time is needed to achieve the
sand control technique through epoxy resin economic value.

The pursuit of well cost reduction

has come to well architecture
simplification. Main advantage of Sand
Consolidation completion is no
requirement of large downhole equipment.
approach is
mixture (resin and hardener) injection to
to adapt
1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)
2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

from the already established Light network pressure so that strong wells can
Architecture. Shallow Light Architecture be unchoked to saturate the flow line.
(SLA) is initially designed to drill TMZ
wells with optimum cost.
Geophysical Summary
Supported by the satisfactory
Geophysical method in Tunu Field
performances, SLA wells become a very
promisingarchitecture for marginal Tunu field is one of famous field
reserves of future Tunu Shallow that produce gas. Tunu field is located on
Development ensuring sustainable drilling Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia.
operations in Tunu field. the well
This field divided into two part, first part is
productivity shows the effectiveness and
Tunu Shallow Zone (TSZ) and second part
reliability of sand consolidation to
is Tunu Main Zone (TMZ).The production
maintain acceptable sand control
of gas in Tunu field use geophysical
method. Especially seismic method. Use of
Tunu's surface network was seismic method can describe the area that
initially designed to develop TMZ potentially can produce the gas.
reservoirs. Initial network condition played
at high rate and high pressure. With time,
reservoir pressure keeps declining and The step of seismic method consist of :
TMZ production gas rate keeps decreasing 1. Make structural model & Attributes
followed by switching of production mode Extraction
from High Pressure (HP) to Medium
Pressure (MP), finally to Low Pressure 2. Defining Geobodies
(LP) Mode. 3. Make “gas vs coal dicrimination “ chart
Selective switching from Low Pressure 4. Determine Potential Geobodies
to Medium Pressure mode
5. Integrating surface constraint & Drilling
Many TSZ reservoir targets Envelope
accumulate in nearby area which is
produced using same flow line which has
production limitation at LP mode. To cope
with high productivity and strong aquifer
support for shallow reservoirs, network
debottlenecking is needed. Main objective
of having network debottlenecking is to
increase flow line capacity at higher
1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)
2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

an automatic 3D cut-off methodology to

accelerate the process .
Step 1 : Make structural model &
Attributes Extraction Step 3 : Make “gas vs coal dicrimination “
The geomodel construction started
with structural horizons layering which is Each anomaly is then classified as
called isoproportional layer. The field gas or coal category through detailed
structural framework is considered as assessment of their AVA response, which
simple layer cake, where detail correlation would be time consuming if done
on geological markers was used to tie the manually. In order to tackle this drawback,
structural framework. The horizontal cell a quantification of amplitude behavior is
geometry is adapted to the size of the done by generating and comparing the
seismic bin (to preserve the seismic
ratio between Far angle stack amplitude
resolution) and the average cell height is and Very Far angle stack amplitude for a
adapted to the isoproportional layer given anomaly. This approach has a
thickness to capture the variation of relatively similar concept to the gather
seismic amplitude, vertically. analysis. Lithology classification is
Step 2 : Defining Geobodies defined empirically by detailed analysis of
the threshold ratio (VFar/Far amplitude
In this step, the main idea is “cut
ratio). In this case approximately 600
off” value. Cut off value is marker that
sample taken. So, the geology bodies
show the probability to find gas outside is
divided in to three part, there are low ratio
low. This method is only valid when
geobodies are categorized as “Coal”, high
applied in seismic with constant amplitude
ratio geobodies are categorized as “Gas”,
distribution. In the Tunu Shallow case, the
and intermediate ratio geobodies are
amplitude variation appears in all seismic
categorized as “Gas possible”.
surveys. There are local contrasts of
amplitude and gradation of seismic energy
from one side to another. Consequently the
cut-off should be varied with the seismic
quality, laterally and vertically. Applying
single cut-off into this kind of seismic
would have delivered irrational anomaly
shape and reduce or boost up the area of
the considered gas reservoir anomaly.
Therefore independent cutoffs are required
to accurately distinguish all seismic
anomalies. It was then decided to develop
1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)
2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

Step 4 : Determine Potential Geobodies Couclusion

In development, Tunu Field uses
After the “gas” and “gas possible”
various methods to develop and maintain
are separated from “coal”, next step is its production. One of the steps used to
make sure the resource of reservoir. optimize production is Industrialization by
Reservoir area can be directly measured adding wells to Tunu Main Zone (TNZ)
from the size of the geobodies, while net and Tunu Shallow Zone (TSZ). But before
pay is calculated as a function of the addition of wells is carried out, a
amplitude. Petrophysical parameters thorough analysis is needed to be able to
(porosity and saturation), gas formation ensure the data obtained, the steps taken to
ensure that the data is accurate is to
volume factor and recovery factor are
conduct various analyzes such as
derived from empirical laws calibrated on
petroleum analysis, geological analysis,
existing data. By having all parameters for and the last one is goephysical analysis.
the calculation, the resources of TSZ can
be estimated simultaneously from all In 2002 and 2014, Pilot Light
Work Over (LWO) with the purpose to
potential geobodies. The stacked resources
producing shallow reservoirs. The results
are being used to highlight the most
from the LWO pilots are very encouraging
interesting location with the highest because they make production increase.
resource accumulation in TSZ LWO pilots are marked with the name
Twins well. Up to today, Tunu Shallow
Zone (TSZ) wells currently contribute to
40% of Tunu’s total production with more
than 500 Bcf. Through time, TSZ
continued to develop and many completion
types combination have been used such as
Ceramic Screen (CS), Geoform, and
SCON were used as a solution to produce
marginal reservoirs.
More than 50 reservoirs in Tunu
Step 5 : Integrating surface constraint & have been produced using sand
Drilling Envelope consolidation, using this sand
consolidation can make production costs
The geobody inventory allows the cheaper.
integration of subsurface targets, well To cope with high productivity and
trajectory initiation, and surface facilities strong aquifer support for shallow
constraints, which is essential to maximize reservoirs, network debottlenecking is
the well’s economic needed. Main objective of having network
debottlenecking is to increase flow line
capacity at higher network pressure so that
1.La Ode M.Azurachmad (101318025)
2.M.Faqih Indradji (101318031)
3.Harari Netanya Theon (101318042)
4.Syailendra Maha Fijar S.P. (101318054)

strong wells can be unchoked to saturate

the flow line.

Basa, R. C., Prabowo, D., Sugiharto, D.,
Brahmantio, R., 2017, From Hazard
To Full Scale Development: Seismic
Interpretation Method To Unlock
Shallow Gas Potentials In Tunu Field.
Mahakam : Proceedings of
Indonesian Petroleum Association,
41st Annual Convention & Exhibition.

Rengifo, R., Yoga, T., Cibaj, I., 2012, Tunu

Shallow Gas Combine Traps, from
Drilling Hazard to Massive Successful.
Development: Proceedings of
Indonesian Petroleum Association,
36th Annual Convention.

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