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Chapter 9

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its

Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal,
Informal and Lifelong Learning

Srdjan Trajković, Radica Prokić-Cvetković and

Popović Radica Prokić-Cvetković and
Olivera Popović
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


In this chapter, we present the definition, development, and providers of massive open
online courses (MOOC). We also explain the advantages and disadvantages of MOOC.
We also present the structure of participants of MOOC, and also the motivation of par-
ticipants is analyzed. Some basic statistics of realization and success of participants are
also displayed. In one part of this chapter, the authors present case study of MOOC
implementation in formal education in Belgrade Polytechnic (BP) College. For informal
learning, a MOOC for welding is presented. This MOOC is planned to be organized on
faculty of mechanical engineering at Belgrade University. During MOOC, participants
also expanded their knowledge base and in that way they created possibilities for rerun
of MOOC on a higher level. In that way, a participant can attend the same course after
a couple of years and then will upgrade his knowledge. This attribute makes MOOC an
instrument for lifelong learning.

Keywords: MOOC, education, formal education, nonformal education, learning

1. Introduction

In formal education, such as the development of technology and communication systems,

there was no significant transformation in knowledge transfer. Development of technology
in information and communication technologies (ICT) did not change the way of knowledge
transfer. Lecturers still transfer their knowledge by tutoring students face to face. Significant
improvements have been made in the implementation of ICT, but more in a way as educa-

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138 Virtual Learning

tional tools. Even all E-learning systems are based on screen adaptation of lectures and web
or mobile communication.

Such educational access enables significant improvement in speed and quantity of data
exchange, but in educational approach nothing is changed especially in formal learning.

In the last 10 years, the environment (mankind) has become aware that it must be changed
over, including the education system itself. Also other forms of education, formal and
informal, become more important. There is also the need for lifelong learning (lifelong

2. Formal, nonformal and informal education

Education is a process of transferring knowledge from one generation to the next. Earlier, the
knowledge passed down from generation to generation very often on an individual basis.
Development of technology and society indicated the need for specialized knowledge, but it
was no longer possible to organize as individual education in the more developed areas, such as
school. First elementary schools were developed than secondary and finally higher education.

Education, in which the aim is to acquire knowledge and to certify for a system of schools that
usually control the state apparatus, is called formal education.

Nonformal education also includes a conscious vision of education, but outside the formal
education system. So it is adapted to the needs of the target group. Participants who attend
this education are from different age groups, with different prior knowledge and different
experiences. Learners are expected to be active participants in the education process.

Informal education is in fact the broadest form of education that people gain essentially based
on the information in their environment. This process of education includes all the knowl-
edge, skills, and logic that a single entity may acquire through daily communication with the
environment, either with other people, media presentation, everyday experience in dealing,
etc. This form of education is a good example of lifelong learning.

3. Systems of education

Education systems may be different over the conventional school system, through various
specialized courses in different training system. All systems are designed to convey some
knowledge from one person to another or among various persons.
Development of information and communication technologies significantly influences on the
development of various models of knowledge transfer but is still dominated by the classi-
cal method of teaching. ICT has primarily enabled virtualization and adaptation of classes
and found improved understanding of the participants through its application. Also, web
development and communication systems have accelerated, modernized, and facilitated the
transfer of information, but also drastically increased availability of information in the devel-
opment of educational models [10].
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal... 139

One of the models of knowledge transfer and improving the education, primarily in nonfor-
mal systems of education, is massive open online courses (MOOC) phenomenon.
The occurrence of MOOC (massive open online courses—massive courses on the net with an
open access) may indicate the future direction of the education system.
Many thought that MOOC courses will overcome all other learning systems. But is it so?


Massive open online courses (MOOC) belong to the section of distance learning (DL). They
evolved from the classic DL environment under the influence of the movement for free using
learning resources (open educational resources movement – OER). Moreover, MOOC in an
organization is the basic element of knowledge transfer and communication, and it is trans-
ferred by using a DL-platform like Moodle, Blackboard, Iversity, Edmodo, etc [4, 13].

MOOC’s basic idea is that an online course does not have a limited number of participants
and has full free and unlimited participation via the web. MOOC means that in addition to the
completely free use of all the traditional forms of teaching the course, other methods are also
used, such as interactive blogs, sites, and all forms of communication via the web and mobile
telephony. The purpose of this platform is in fact to work with the masses, and the transfer
and dissemination of knowledge to large groups of people who want to gain knowledge in
a certain field. It also ensures that all informal knowledge dealing with a particular topic is
provided along with the development of formal knowledge. This approach is based on the
fact that some kind of "peer to peer" network communication is held, except where the mod-
erators’ (trainers’) course can communicate with each other and thus transmit knowledge and
information about a particular area.

Figure 1. MOOC definition.

140 Virtual Learning

Historically, the first MOOC was activated in 2008 by G. Siemens and S. Downes and named
it "connectivism and Connective Knowledge"—better known under the name CCK08 [5]. The
two trainers held classes for 25 students in Manitoba University and opened an online course,
which was attended by 2200 participants. The theme of the course, which from its name can
be concluded, was to connect people and their general and specialized knowledge through
their collaboration on the web. The exchange of information took place via blogs and through
organized discussions on Moodle and Second Life platform. The very flow of information on
the web could be traced via RSS (Rich Site Summary) queries.

After the appearance of the first MOOCs, rapid development of courses followed that had
common characteristic in the beginning and were free, which caused a lot of interest in this
kind of platform of DL (Figure 1).

5. cMOOC

Nonprofit MOOCs, based on the free exchange of knowledge and active participation of all
stakeholders in the development of knowledge in certain areas, are also known as cMOOC
(where c before the word refers to the term MOOC connectivism or merger or cooperation).
Their main characteristics are that the exchange rate can be initiated by any person, and there
is no one moderator or speaker but all active participants in the exchange of information in
certain areas and thus increase and deepen their knowledge [9, 11]. It should be noted that
there are an unlimited number of players in the MOOC (when in each course the number of
participants was greater than 100,000) and also all forms of literature and materials in the
course are free to use. It can be concluded that due to the availability of material on the web
and the huge number of very complex information to filter all the data, a large number of
participants take advantage of such a platform. Also, here you can come to the conclusion that
the group of MOOC participants in a single moment can focus their interests to some other
field and “give birth” to another MOOC and MOOC is a topic that builds on this knowledge.
Also, because of the free mutual communication of students within, the MOOC recognizes
users with the same interests, similar problems, and even after that the MOOC continues to
communicate with each other and thus continues to work on the development of knowledge
in a MOOC and can start a new MOOC [2, 9].

6. xMOOC

Since 2012, the first MOOC course that was not free appeared. In now days we can see that the
providers of courses are universities and prestigious companies instead of nonprofit groups
and individuals. The characteristics of these MOOCs are different from classical cMOOC plat-
form. First of all, these MOOCs are based on the classic platforms and methods of knowledge
transfer in DL. Usually there is one or a group of moderators. Managers and trainers in this
case have far greater control over the realization of MOOC and execution of tasks within it.
Participants have a relatively small part in the creation of materials for the further develop-
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal... 141

ment of knowledge. The number of students is unlimited, but the access to the material of
the course is limited to only those who have registered as participants. If the student wants a
certificate of completion of the course, he must pay for it and it is often not a small sum. This
MOOC is also called xMOOC. A large number of prestigious universities have developed this
platform for their courses [3, 12, 16, 18]. Partly this was done due to the expansion of knowl-
edge and partly to create interest in potential students for these universities. Also in this case,
a MOOC meet and communication with people from different backgrounds and with differ-
ent interpretations of the problem may lead to the transfer and development of knowledge in
a wide variety of environment.

This course does not belong to the formal aspect of education, regardless of what they have
been usually created for by different educational institutions or firms with access to special-
ized training, and as such can be classified as a nonformal form of education. Even if the
majority of students do not qualify for a certificate, participant’s level of knowledge definitely
grows at the end of completing the course.

The positive direction of development of such informal courses, first of all, is to inform and
educate people in the ways of exercising their rights. Also, some of the countries aim in this
way to improve the qualification of the working population, for example, in India, where
there are a large number of people who are computer illiterate. In India, the courses are
organized by the state and sponsored by strong companies in order to improve this condi-
tion [17].

7. Expansion of MOOC and providers of this platform

The year 2012 can be regarded as the most significant for the development of MOOC plat-
forms. During this year, a group of powerful financiers, in cooperation with known universi-
ties, has placed several well-known platforms for MOOC: before all, that refers to a platform
Coursera by qualified institutions such as the University of Maryland, Wharton School,
University of Virginia, Stanford University, University of Houston System, University of
Tokyo, and University of Edinburgh [18], and then to the platform Udacity, which has been
created by Georgia Institute of Technology, San Jose State University, Google, Salesforce.
com, Facebook, Cloudera, NVidia, Autodesk, and Cadence, and edX platform backed by
MIT, Harvard University, UC Berkeley, Kyoto University, Australian National University,
University of Queensland, IIT Bombay, Dartmouth College, and Universidad Autonoma de
Madrid [16]. These three platforms are the best known and most developed, because large
financial institutions are financing them. These platforms organize a large number of courses
in different fields. Let us just say that Coursera MOOC organizes more than 1000 courses in
cooperation with about 120 partners.

MOOCs organized by these platforms are attended by more than 14 million participants.

Even though these platforms are financed by major financiers, it should be noted that the plat-
form edX is not profitable and it has maintained the principle of free access to all the materials
and all the participants.
142 Virtual Learning

Provider Course type Organizations Country Year of establishment

XuetangX Nonprofitable Tsinghua University China 2014

WizIQ Commercial IIT Delhi, Des Moines Area Community India/USA 2007

Université Nonprofitable Institut Mines-Télécom, Conservatoire France 2013

Numérique National des Arts et Métiers, École normale
France Université supérieure de Cachan, University of
Numérique Paris-Sud

Udemy Commercial Professors from Universidad de Chile, USA 2010

University of Chicago Law School,
George Washington University, and other

Udacity Commercial Georgia Institute of Technology, San Jose USA 2012

State University, Google, Salesforce.com,
Facebook, Cloudera, Nvidia, Autodesk,

Stanford Online Nonprofitable Stanford University USA 2006

Peer to Peer Nonprofitable nije navedeno USA 2009


OpenLearning Commercial University of New South Wales, Taylor's Australia 2012

University, University of Canberra

openHPI launched in September 2012 by the Hasso Germany 2012

Plattner Institute at the University of
Potsdam, Germany

Open2Study Commercial James Cook University, Griffith Australia`` 2013

University, University of Wollongong,
Flinders University, RMIT University,
Central Institute of Technology, Sydney
Institute, University of Western Sydney,
Polytechnic West, Macquarie Graduate
School of Management, Swinburne
University of Technology, University of
Newcastle, Jordan University of Science
and Technology, University of Tasmania,
International College of Management,
Sydney, e3Learning, Enterprise Architects,
Massey University, Macquarie University,
Gowrie Victoria, South China University of
Technology, TAFE SA, Curtin University

One month Commercial School of Visual Arts USA 2013

NPTEL Nonprofitable Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian India 2006

Institute of Science

NovoEd Commercial Stanford University, Wharton, Princeton, USA 2013

Darden, Comcast, Carnegie Foundation,
Universidad Católica de Chile

MOOEC Nonprofitable University of Queensland, Griffith Australia 2013

University, Queensland University of
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal... 143

Provider Course type Organizations Country Year of establishment

Master University Commercial Launched in January 2015 by the Italy 2015
Miramondo Network s.r.l.

Khan Academy Nonprofitable nije navedeno USA 2006

University Commercial Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, EU 2013

University of Florence, University of

FutureLearn Commercial University of Birmingham, University of UK 2012

Edinburgh, University of Reading, Open
University, Monash University, Trinity
College Dublin, Warwick University,
University of Bath, University of

Eliademy based on Commercial Aalto University Executive Education The Finland 2012
the Open Source site is localized to more than 19 languages
MoodleVirtual (including Latin), designed for mobile use.

edX Nonprofitable MIT, Harvard University, UC Berkeley, USA 2012

Kyoto University, Australian National
University, University of Queensland, IIT
Bombay, IIM Bangalore, Dartmouth
College, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Coursera Commercial University of Maryland, Wharton School, USA 2012

University of Virginia, Stanford University,
University of Houston System, University
of Tokyo, University of Edinburgh

Canvas Network Commercial Santa Clara University, University of USA 2008

Utah, Université Lille 1

Academic Earth Nonprofitable UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of USA 2009

Michigan, Oxford University

Table 1. MOOC providers.

One of the most famous nonprofit financial donors to these organizations is Bill Gates.

There are other MOOC platforms, but they do not have such a large number of courses
and participants [15]. Although, there are platforms developed in local conditions aimed at
increasing competence and general literacy of their population.
The principle of freedom of access to MOOC in each case leads to a multinational and multi-
cultural development of communication and knowledge transfer, so that this kind of platform
has a benefit to all participants, and perhaps especially to those whose communities’ topics
related by MOOCs are not developed enough. Fact is also that the individual courses are lis-
tened by thousands of listeners from dozens of countries.
Data show that about 45% of the participants follow the courses in nonmaternal language,
which supports the claim on the internationalization of this type of education.
144 Virtual Learning

Monitored data show that about 45% of the participants follow the courses in non-maternal
language, which supports the claim on the internationalization of this type of education [14].
Depending on the wishes and needs, each student can easily find a platform and MOOC that
he can attend.
Table 1 presents the providers of courses and institutions that participate in them, including
profitability rate and the year when the provider was established.

8. MOOC participants

Who are in fact the participants of such courses, what is their motivation, how do they attend
a course, how many of them give up, and how many of them complete a course? These are
the key questions that have to be answered; also is the MOOC platform the future of the edu-
cation or is it just one of the experiments, transient phase in the creation of future platforms
for DL?
To be a participant of this course someone, first of all, must be computer literate at some level.
Because except work on the computer, participant must be fully aware of the Internet, as well
as some of the IT tools which are used during the MOOC, primarily in communication.

This means that participants of such courses are usually high school students and graduates.
Also, if it is a specialized theme, a large number of participants may be masters and doctoral
students, as well as PhDs in certain fields.
In addition to computer literacy, there is a need for knowledge of the languages of the devel-
oped world, as MOOC by definition does not develop as a local platform. Organizers usually
choose the most common language and it is usually English. Normally, if it is a locally devel-
oped MOOC platform it is organized using the local language.

9. The motivation for attending these courses is different

As can be seen from Figure 2, a good portion of students are choosing the course where they
expect the exchange rate to be more interesting than courses that they have already seen.
Second, course participants elected the reasons to improve their knowledge in the current
and previous education. Their desire is to upgrade their skills. They are based on the level at
which the course is held and depending on the information obtained they do not have a prior-
ity to complete the course [3, 8].
Part of the participants considered that the MOOC will create benefit in their professional
work. These students have the imperative of completing the course and acquiring certificates
for better positioning in the professional environment.
A number of users choose the course according to the organizers; they expect to learn more
from lecturers from prestigious institutions in the field of education [14].
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal... 145

Figure 2. Motivation for participating MOOC.

While some of the participants got enrolled out of curiosity, they implicate that they want to
gain as much information as possible from the course. These attendants are usually people
who normally browse the web and often do not finish the course. In some moment, they sat-
isfy their needs for specific information and after that they leave the course.

In fact, there is not an accurate cross-section of states when a certain part of the student
stops to listen and attend a course. This is reflected primarily in the fact that a score of
6–10% of participants who have completed a course is considered very good, even excellent

Attention must be on the fact that so far the largest number of participants in these courses is from
America (49%), followed by Europe (31%), then in South America, Asia, and Africa (Figure 3).
This data indicates that people from developed areas often choose additional education pri-
marily to better their basic education, and develop their knowledge of technology. In this case,
MOOC is an excellent tool for nonformal and informal education, primarily because it is free.

As far as gender is concerned, more females participate in these courses than males.

Most participants of MOOCs had previous experience with DL systems. This indicates that
DL systems have a positive impact on the development of the desire for further education
through the web.
146 Virtual Learning

Figure 3. Percentage of participants by continent.

10. Why MOOC has an important role in education?

First of all, it is because a large number of participants in MOOC acquire at least basic
information about their topic of interest from these courses. Also, students who have pre-
vious experience in these fields meet their needs for additional information. Participants
do not need to have any kind of certificate or diploma of previously acquired knowledge
[2, 3].

However, the biggest shift is that the students are the future students to the DL systems, and
get used to the way of working of their future colleges and universities.

The large number of participants, for whom these are not core areas, acquires knowledge that
does not have to be certified. They get knowledge that can further increase their level of skills
and functionality of the primary areas. In essence, this mix of different skills in various fields
is the basic contribution to the development of general knowledge.
One of the advantages of MOOC is that it can be organized by anyone who wishes to exchange
and upgrade knowledge in specific areas. The important thing is how fast organizer can
gather students and inform them when the course begins [4].
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal... 147

It is also important that MOOC can be arranged regardless of the time zone and physical
limitations. There are no limits with the MOOC. You can and it is desirable to use all the social
networking and communication tools that are the most developed in the region where you
target the largest number of participants [6].

Contextual content can be shared by all participants of the course.

It is good that knowledge is gained in a less formal setting, so that all the participants can be
much less limited in the communication.

Coincidentally, participants can reach new findings thanks to the exchange of unknown infor-
mation in order to solve given problems.
It is equally important that in this way a participant of MOOC increases his skills in lifelong
learning and increase his opportunities for greater absorption of knowledge.
One of the biggest advantages of MOOC is that its activities do not have to stop after the
completion of the course. Since the MOOC is based essentially on the "peer to peer" network,
a number of participants continue to be in a relationship and create its own network for the
exchange of knowledge in the field where MOOC was organized.

11. MOOC organization

As we have repeatedly said, MOOC can be organized by any individual or group of people in
order to share and develop their knowledge of the environment [4, 6, 7].

However, we should be very careful with the choice, first of all, course topics. It is possible
that the course, especially cMOOC went in another direction, because the original theme loses
Very important, if not crucial, thing in defining and organizing the course is the choice of
tools—software applications, which will be used by the course participants. Organizer should
aspire to, as a base platform for the exchange of data, use the most commonly used appli-
cations in an environment where the course is held. It is also preferred that the course is
supported by multiple communications platforms. We think that the course should not be
maintained only through the web, but also through mobile network, such as android or any
other supported operating system and software.
If possible, we can use as a platform DL systems that are used in our environment.

12. MOOC and VSSS Belgrade Polytechnic

VSSS Belgrade Polytechnic (BP) has been trying in recent years to establish and accredit DL sys-
tem. In one part, it was very successful, but it also had significant problems in implementation.
The first attempt of implementing DL was the use of the Moodle platform. Several sub-
ject teachers dared to put their teaching duties through this platform and to monitor the
148 Virtual Learning

results of implementation. At the beginning, students showed interest in this form of

learning and achieved results very similar to those that have received classical education.
However, the absence of "moderators" and the real practice presented a problem with
this form of education. The platform has proved to be an excellent means for information
exchange, lectures, conducting quizzes, and record the assumed material and activity of
To further develop the technology and software, as well as monitor information from the
environment (informal education), we came up with the idea to create a platform for teaching
in the form of a MOOC.

It is designed in the following approach:

• Communication takes place via e-mails and hangouts application on Google service. BP
uses Google Education system for some time.
• Exchange of written and video materials is carried out through Google Drive. Also, for the
organization of teaching and exchange of materials, Google Classroom is used.
• Video tutorials and online consultations are done via software BigBlueButton. Lectures
are performed repeatedly in small groups and can be downloaded and saved via Google

• For testing we use MOODLE or QuizFaber software.

Figure 4. Basic scheme of communication on course.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal... 149

All students have the opportunity to sign up to follow the course subject. In the future BP
will also enable that all interested parties outside BP can follow the course if they want to. All
materials are and will be available to students, and they can exchange opinions on students’
blog. If they have uncertainties they can schedule an online consultation with the lecturer or

The basic scheme of communication is illustrated in Figure 4.

Problems that occur are primarily of technical and financial nature. Better applications are
relatively expensive and the biggest problem is the upload of video streaming, because the
speed of the ADSL connection is relatively small and often vary, so there is plenty of down-
time. Because of this, the groups are often very small, only five students, which is not ade-
quate for the number of people interested in the lessons of course.

13. MOOC and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, accredited the course for

International Welding Engineers (IWE) according to the program and rules of the International
Institute of Welding (IIW) and according to the document IIW Guideline IAB-252r3-16 [1]. A
candidate completing the IWE training under this program is expected to acquire advanced
knowledge and critical understanding of welding technology application, which demonstrate
the following: technology mastery and required innovation, being able to solve high-level
complex and unpredictable problems, the ability to manage high-level complex technical and
professional activities or projects related to welding applications, and taking responsibility
for decision making in unpredictable work or study context [19].

The course consists of 448 hours, of which 388 hours refers to theoretical training and 60 hours
is intended for practical training. The modular course content is given in Table 2, in the fol-
lowing structure.

Total number of hours is divided into three parts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Part 1 includes
main topics and basis of “welding processes and equipment” (46 hours), “materials and weld
ability” (33 hours), and the computation of forces and tensions and the presentation of weld
(14 hours). Fundamental knowledge of those sections is the basis for the attendance of Parts 2
and 3 of the course. Part 2 is practice and laboratory, while Part 3 refers to welding processes,
behavior of metals subjected to welding, design of welded joints, fabrication, and applied
Participants must have a primary degree in an engineering discipline or its equivalent recog-
nized by the national government and assessed by the ANB. Therefore, it is expected that par-
ticipants have at least a Bachelor degree at university level with a minimum study of 3 years.
The Standard Route of this course is given in Figure 5, and this is the route recommended by
IAB (International Authorization Board) as offering the fastest, most comprehensive manner
in which the syllabus may be covered. The Standard Route also allows a limited amount of
150 Virtual Learning

Modules of theoretical education and fundamental Number of hours

practical skills
1. Welding processes and equipment 95

2. Materials and their behavior during welding 115

3. Construction and design 62

4. Fabrication, applications engineering 116

Sub-total 388

Fundamental practical skills 60

Total 448

Table 2. Structure of IWE course content.

prior learning (Part 1 of each qualification course) to be taken into account, for example dur-
ing university or college courses.

The course is very demanding, expensive, and time-consuming. Bearing in mind that the
majority of participants are employed full-time, one of the main problems, in addition to the
price, is absenteeism.

Since 2001, there is possibility to take the Part 1 of the IWE as a distance learning course.
Students have the chance to choose their individual time to learn. For companies, the use
of a training program for the evenings or at the weekend means less loss of working hours
and saves cost. Further, there are no travel expenses, cost for journeys, or stays overnight as
well as other expenses. An important advantage is that in case the participants already have
certain knowledge concerning the single lesson they may be learned in shorter time or even
can be skipped.

Bearing all this in mind, we came up with the idea to create a MOOC platform for attending
the Part 1 of the IWE, which would be free. Namely, the IIW rules allow the so-called alterna-
tive route of the course. According to that route, students have direct access to Part 2 and that
is primarily intended for those students who during their formal education at masters studies
passed the corresponding exams.

Figure 5. Standard route for IWE [1].

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal... 151

Figure 6. Alternative route with MOOC for Part 1.

In Serbia welding subjects exit only at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, this
option is limited to a very small number of participants. Furthermore, it was observed that
students from other faculties have difficulties in certain areas of the course, mostly covered
with Part 1, because they do not have enough background knowledge, and additional men-
toring is necessary. We believe that MOOC platform would be ideal for such work. Schematic
representation of an alternative route for IWE course with implemented MOOC platform
is shown in Figure 6. Students who have successfully passed the intermediate examination
(Part 1) of the course are allowed to attend Part 2 and Part 3 of the course.

The main advantages of MOOC course for Part 1 are:

--Shortening the duration of a standard course.

--More participants for attending standard course.

--Raising the level of prior knowledge of participants.
--Individual tutorials with the students.

--Massification of the course.

The program can even be used without specific PC knowledge. It does not take long pre-
ceding times to become familiar with the subject. Hardware/software system requirements
--Windows NT/95/98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7.
--Screen resolution 1024× 768 pixel.

--10 bit depth of color.

--CD-ROM Drive.
152 Virtual Learning

Part 1 consists of 93 teaching hours, divided into 23 lessons. For each lesson is given a number
of hours, which indicates the depth to which a topic is dealt with. This will be reflected in the
scope and depth of the examination. Each lesson is supported by text, sound, images, video
films, and interactive animations. By using the media mentioned the contents are given close
to practice with the effect that the motivation to learn remains high.

Participants will receive a detailed schedule of lectures with dates. Since continuously learn-
ing is very important in this type of course, due to the large volume of material, it is planned
that the lessons will not be placed all at once, but according to a specified schedule.

Lectures for a total of 24 teaching hours will be posted on Monday and the candidates will
be able to download them. On Friday, candidates get homework and knowledge test and
have deadline until Sunday to do and return it. Online consultation via Skype will be on
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 18 to 20 hours, since it is assumed that the
majority of participants are employed. On next Monday, the previous lessons are removed
from the site and the following are uploaded. If a candidate did not do his homework, he will
not have access to new lessons and thus there is no possibility of further follow-up classes.
Thus, it is envisaged that, within 4 weeks, all the lessons planned by the program will be
realized. After the completion of the last homework, in the fifth week, the online exercise is
planned, candidates get a general catalog of questions to help them to prepare for the exami-
nation with daily consultations.

We believe that, after all, the candidates will be ready for the intermediate examination, which
will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and that also will be for free, since it is
a condition for the main course. After passing the exam, candidates are included in the stan-
dard route of the course, or to follow Part 2 and Part 3. According to the rules of the guideline,
the complete IWE/IWT course has to be finished within 3 years.

Author details

Srdjan Trajković1*, Radica Prokić-Cvetković2 and Olivera Popović2

*Address all correspondence to: strajkovic@politehnika.edu.rs

1 Belgrade Polytechnic College, Beograd, Serbia

2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Beograd, Serbia


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