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Bright and Fun Weekly Learning Planner

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4th Grade Planner-Writing Work Shop


Mini-Lesson: Mini-Lesson: Mini-Lesson: Mini-Lesson: Publishing Party!
For the first day of this week, we Today we will work on adding 
Today we will work on adding Today, we will work on editing Today, we will be having a
are going to work on drafting and imagery to a piece of writing: powerful and descriptive and revising our current draft we publishing party! To start the
brainstorming: We will read the mentor text, characters in a story: have been working on all week: lesson, we will discuss as a whole-
We will be working on creating Jazz ABC by Wynton Marsalies. As a whole-group,  we will go Students will be introduced to group how to make final copies of
a personal narrative about a As a whole-group, I will model through the difference Rainbow Editing. As a whole- our work by typing our stories on
day we conquered a fear. how to add imagery to a few between powerful and group, we will practice doing a computer. We will discuss what
We will start the lesson by example sentences. descriptive characters and Rainbow Editing with a is expected from each student
Students will have practice non-descriptive/powerful personal piece I had written. when we use technology.
reading the mentor text,
with partners adding imagery characters. Students will work with writing
Thunder Cake by Patricia
to a few example sentences. I will model and demonstrate partners to use Rainbow After students have had time to
Pallaco. an example of adding a Editing on example sentences. type up their work, we will print
After we read the mentor text, descriptive character to my out their final work. Students will
we will practice brainstorming own draft. then have a chance to share their
as a whole group. I will then
Independent Work; Independent Work final published work sitting in the
model how to draft a piece of Independent Work: classroom Author's Chair. We will
During independent writing time,
writing  with a think-aloud. During independent  work time, During independent writing celebrate each students' work and
students will work on Rainbow
Independent Work: students will work on adding work, students will work on give positive feedback to each
Editing their own piece of writing.
imagery to the draft they started adding descriptive characters to student.  
Students will work on Students will also work with their
working on yesterday.  their story, or adding more
brainstorming and drafting their writing partner to Rainbow Edit
description to their current
own writing using the draft each others' work.
characters on the draft they are
template given.
working on.

During independent work time, I will pull Accommodations/Modifications:

I will differentiate learning during small-groups. Students
small-groups for conferences with students. who are not comfortable typing will be able to write their
I will group students based on common final piece. Students who finish early will have the chance
areas they struggle with in writing. to assist their writing partner, and/or will apply the mini-
lesson to a different draft in their writing folder.

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