Compressive Strenght of Cylindrical Specimen: (Using Simple Beam With Third Point Loading)

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CYLINDRICAL SPECIMEN (Using Simple Beam with Third Point Loading) a = L / 3 – 5%L EVALUATION OF CONCRETE STRENGTH

I. APPARATUS: I. APPARATUS: 3. If the fracture occurs in the

1. Compression Testing Machine Flexural Tester (Capacity– tension surface outside of the In evaluating the strength of concrete, it
30,000lbs) is essential that following principal factors or
(Capacity – 250,000 lbs) middle third of the span length variable which are known to influence it are given
2. Capping Fixtures by more than 5% of the span due consideration:
3. Melting Pot II. PROCEDURE: length, discard the result of the
test. 1.Characteistics and Proportion of Ingredients
II. MATERIALS: 1. Measures the average depth of
1. Capping Compound (Melted the test specimen. The strength of concrete is influenced by
Leadite or Sulfur) 2. Adjust the test span of the tester the quality of its ingredients – cement and
such that is it three (3) times the aggregates. Gradation, particle shape and
III. PROCEDURES: average depth of the test surface texture of aggregates are characteristics
specimen. which are particularly important. However, even
3. Place the specimen on the the last quality of ingredients will not produce
1. After removal from curing room, strong concrete if the ingredients are not
cap the specimen as soon as support blocks of the tester. proportioned in accordance with the accepted
practicable with the melted 4. Apply the load rapidly up to methods of designing concrete mixture.
capping compound to distribute approximately 50 % of the
the applied load uniformly during expected load continuously at 2. Maximum Size of Aggregate
the test. the rate between 125 and
2. Determine the diameter of the 175psi. The maximum size of aggregate has a
test specimen to the significant effect on the compressive strength for
III. CALCUALTIONS: a given cement content. If the cement content is
measurement 0.01 in.(0.25 mm) constant, the compressive strength is increased
measured at the right angles to as the maximum size of the aggregate is
each other at about mid-height 1. If the fractures occurs in the increased. Stated differently, it means that less
of the specimen. The average tension surface within the middle cement will be needed to maintain the same
diameter will be used to third of the span length, strength if the maximum size of aggregate is
calculate the cross sectional calculate the modulus of rupture increased.
area of the specimen. as follows:
2 3. Water – Cement Ratio
3. Place the specimen at the table R = PL / b d
of the compression tester Where: The influence of water – cement ratio
directly under the upper bearing R =Modulus of Rupture, psi on strength stated by duff Abrams in 1918
block. P =Maximum Applied Load, lbf marked the most useful advancement in the
4. Apply the load continuously and L =Span Length, in history of concrete. Other factors equal, the lower
without shock at a rate of travel b =Ave. width of specimen, in the water – cement ratio the higher is the strength
of 20 to 50 psi/sec. Until the d =Ave. depth of specimen, in of concrete. If water is added to the mixture after
specimen falls. it has been discharge from the mixer, the strength
5. Record the maximum load is decreased if no additional cement is added.
2. If the fractures occurs in the
carried by the specimen during tension surface outside the
the test. 4. Curing
middle third of the span length,
calculate the modulus of rupture The strength of concrete will
IV. CALCULATION: as follows: continue to develop for a number of years if
water in the mix is not lost through drying. In
Compressive Strength = R = 3Pa / bd
structures which are not moist – cured and
= Maximum Load =P Where:
remain substantially dry after construction,
Cross-sectional Area - A a = distance between the
the strength of concrete will never reach the
line of fracture and the nearest
Note: Neither end of the compressive test specimen s when potential strength as indicated by the 28-
establish shall depart from perpendicularity to the axis be more support on the tension surface of the
days compressive strength of control
than 0.5 (Approximately equivalent to 1/8” in 12”) beam, in.
specimens. Strength development stops at area of concrete in place that is 2. A lot shall be considered as
an early age if concrete is exposed to dry air considered deficient. The 500 linear meters of pavement
with no previous moist curing. EVALUATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF location of cores shall be when two lanes are poured
CONCRETE determine by the Structural concurrently.
5. Moisture content at Time of Test Engineer so that there will be
least impairment of strength of b) Each lot will be divided into five (5)
For specimen tested in the structure. equal segments and one (1) core
compression, a dry specimen will give a There are factors to be considered in 3. Concrete in the area will be obtain from each segment.
higher strength than a companion cylinder the evaluation and acceptance, namely: represented by the cores will be c) The allowable tolerance in
which has been soaked in water immediately considered adequate if the pavement thickness is 25 mm.
prior to testing. It is the opposite in the case A. Strength of concrete – Applicable average strength of the cores is d) If the actual thickness of pavement
of specimens tested in flexure, where moist for both Structural Concrete (Item equal to or at least 85% of fc’, exceeded the required thickness by
or soaked specimens will give higher flexural 405) and Paving Concrete (Item and if no single core is less than more than 5 mm, the credited
thickness equal to required
strength than companion specimens which 311). 75% of, the specified strength thickness plus 5 mm (Credited T =
are dry at the time of test. B. Thickness Determination of fc’. Required T + 5mm).
Concrete – Applicable only to 4. If there is a strength deficiency e) If the actual thickness of pavement
6. Size of Specimen Paving Concrete (Item 311). in the concrete specimen per is less than the required thickness
preceding paragraph one, and it by more than 25 mm, obtain core at
A standard compression test A. STRENGTH OF CONCRETE is not feasible, or not advisable 5.0 meter interval in each direction
specimen is cylindrical with a height twice to obtain cores from the from the affected location until a
the diameter. Smaller specimen will give Pursuant to ministry order No. 12 structure due to the structural core is found in each direction which
higher strength than the bigger specimens. A dated February 27, 1981 and as considerations, payment of the is not deficient in thickness by more
than 25 mm.
12” x 24” specimen will give lower strength adopted in the 1988 DPWH concrete will be made at an f) Compute the average thickness of
than a 6” x 12” specimen obtained from the Standard Specifications for adjusted price due to strength pavement per lot and refer to table
same concrete mix and assuming that all Highways, Bridges, and Airport, deficiency of concrete II.
other pertinent factors are equal. This is due Volume II, the criteria in the specimens as specified in the
to the possible faster strength Gain of the evaluation and acceptance for both following table: II. Adjustment of Payment for Thickness
smaller specimen. However, as the age Structural Concrete and Paving
increases the difference in strength due to Concrete are as follows: CONCRETE STRENGTH When the average thickness of the
difference in size tends to equalize. DEFICIENCY pavement per lot is deficient,
1. The strength level of concrete payment of the lot shall be adjusted
Deficiency in Strength Percent of Contract as follows:
7. Rate of Load Application will be considered satisfactory if
Of Concrete Specimen Price Allowed
the average of all sets of three TABLE II
Less than 5 100 %
The standard rate of loading in consecutive strength test results 5 to less than 10 80 %
compression test is 20 to 50 psi per second. equal or exceed the specified 10 to less than 15 70 % Deficiency in the average Percent of Contract
If the test specimen is loaded at a slower strength fc’, and no individual 15 to less than 20 60 % Thickness per Lot (mm) Price per Lot
20 to less than 25 50 %
rate, the strength is lower than when it strength test result is deficient 25 or more 0% 0–5 100 % payment
loaded at the standard rate; a faster rate of by more than 15% of the 6 – 10 95 % payment
load application will result in higher specified strength fc’. B. THICKNESS SETERMINATION OF 11 – 15 85 % payment
strengths. 2. Concrete deemed to be not CONCRETE 16 – 20 70 % payment
21 – 25 50 % payment
acceptable using the above more than 25 Remove and Replace
criteria may be rejected unless I. Tolerance and Pavement Thickness ( No Payment)
the contractor can provide
evidence, by means of core a) The completed pavement shall be
accepted on a lot basis.
tests, than the quality of
concrete represented by failed 1. A lot shall be considered as
test results is acceptable in – 1000 linear meters of pavement
place. At least three when a single traffic lane is
representative cores shall be poured.
taken from each member or
Total Credited Thickness = 154.5 cm PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE

more than 2 mm
A slump test is measure of consistency in

Ave. Credited Thickness = 19.3 cm

thickness be
AASHTO Designation: T 119 – 94 concrete. It is the difference between the

Deficient in
(ASTM Designation: C 143 – 74) height of the mold and the height of the
vertical axis of the specimen once it is
Remarks: separated from the mold.
In construction work, it is the last barrier or
1. Station limit of thickness that failed to 1. Galvanized mold, No. 16 gage (frustrum of a “Go or No Go” point before the concrete is
meet the allowable tolerance: Sta. 0 + cone with a base diam. Of 8 in. and height of placed, and a lot depends on the results. The

349 to Sta. 0 + 351.25 (L = 2.25 m) 12 in.) common mistakes that should be avoided are:
1.) Poor sampling 2.) Neglecting to ampen the

2. Area that failed to meet the tolerance in 2. Scoop
pavement thickness requirement: W x L 3. Trowel core 3.) Improper rodding 4.) An unstable


= 6.10m x 2.25m = 13.725 sq.m. 4. Tamping Rod (5/8” dia., L = 24 in. with one base, and 5.) Wrong type of rod – and the test

3. Percent of contract price allowed for end bullet pointed at the lower end) results bears little relation to actual concrete
payment of item 311 due to deficient in equality.
thickness: Procedure:

Deficiency in Thickness = Reqd. 1. Dampen the mold and place on a flat moist
Thickness – Ave. Credited Thickness non-absorbent surface
= 20.0 – 19.3 2. Fill the mold with concrete in three layers,

= 0.70 cm (7.0mm) each approximately one-third the volume of

within 6mm to 10 mm the mold. In placing the concrete, move the
(refer to Table) scoop-full around the top edge of the mold as
the concrete slides from it, in order to insure

Therefore, 95 % payment of symmetrical distribution of concrete within the
contract price for item 311 is allowed. mold.
3. Each layer should be rodded with 25 stroke of
a 5/8” diameter rod having a length of 24 in.
and bullet-pointed at the lower end. The
stroke should be distributed in a uniform
manner over the cross section of the mold
and should penetrate into the underlying layer
by ½ inch.
4. After the top layer has been rodded, strike off
the surface of the concrete with a trowel so

that the mold is exactly filled.

5. Remove the mold from the concrete by
raising it carefully in a vertical direction, then
Sta. 0 + 050 RL

+ 250 RL

+ 450 RL
+ 150 LL

+ 345 LL

+ 350 LL

+ 351.25
+ 355 LL

measure immediately the slump by

+ 349

determining the difference between the height

of the mold and the height of the concrete:

Slump = 12” – height of the

concrete after its

6. After the slump measurement is completed,

tap gently the sides of the concrete frustum
with the tamping rod. The behavior of the
concrete under this treatment is a valuable
indication of the cohesiveness, workability,
and placeability of the mix. A well
proportioned workable mix will gradually

slump to lower elevation and return its original

#4 – B

identity, while a poor mix will crumble,




segregate and fall apart.

receptacle completely through the STANDARD METHOD OF TEST FOR 4. Measure the temperature of the water and
STANDARD METHOD OF discharge stream or by completely UNIT WEIGHT AND YIELD OF CONCRETE determine its unit weight, from the following
SAMPLING FRESH CONCRETE diverting the discharge into a sample AASHTO Designation: T 121 – 82 table ( interpolate if necessary)
AASHTO Designation: T 141 – 74 container. (ASTM Designation: C 138 – 77)
(ASTM Designation: C 172 – 71) Unit Weight of Water
b. Sampling from Paving Mixers –
1. SCOPE I. APPARATUS Temperature kg/cu.m.
Sample the concrete after the
This method describes the procedures for contents of the paving mixer have been 1. Balance F C
obtaining representative samples of fresh discharge. Obtain samples from at 2. Tamping Rod – round, straight steel rod, 16
concrete as delivered to the project site and least five different portions of the pile mm in diameter 60 mm in length 60 15.6 999.01
on which tests are to be performed to and then composite into one sample for and rounded tamping end 65 18.3 998.54
determine the compliance with quality test purposes. Avoid contamination 3. Measure – a cylindrical container made from 70 21.1 997.97
requirements of the specifications under with sub-grade materials or prolong metal that is not readily attacked by 75 23.9 997.32
which the concrete is furnished. The methods contact with an absorptive sub-grade. cement paste 80 26.7 996.59
include sampling from stationary, paving and - Watertight and sufficiently rigid to 85 29.4 995.83
truck mixers, and from agitating and non- c. Sampling from Revolving drum / Truck retain its form and calibrated volume
agitating equipment used to transport central Mixers or Agitators – under rough used 5. Calculate the factor for the measure by
mixed concrete. dividing the unit weight of the water by the
Sample the concrete at two or more Minimum Capacity of Measures weight required to fill the measure.
2. SAMPLING regularly spaced intervals during
discharge of the middle portion of the Max. Nominal Size Capacity of III. SAMPLE – Obtain the sample of freshly mixed
The elapsed time between obtaining the first batch. Take the samples within the time Of Coarse Agg., mm Measures, ltr concrete in accordance with the Standard
and the final portions of the composite limit specified for sampling fresh Sampling of Fresh Concrete. (AASHTO
samples shall be as short as possible, but in concrete and composite them into one 25.0 6.0 DESIGNATION: T 141)
no instance shall it exceed 15 minutes. sample for test purposes. In any case 37.5 11.0
do not obtain samples from the first or 50.0 14.0 IV. PROCEDURE
Transport the individual samples to the place last portions of the batch discharge. 75.0 28.0
where fresh concrete test are to be performed Sample by repeatedly passing a 114.0 71.0 1. Consolidation – consolidate by rodding for
or where test specimens are to be molded. receptacle through the entire discharge 152.0 99.0 concrete having a slump greater than 75 mm,
They shall then be combined and re-mixed stream or by completely diverting the by rodding or vibration if the slump is 25 to 75
with a shovel to ensure uniformity. discharge into a sample container. Dimension of Measures mm, and by vibration if the slump is less than
Regulate the rate of the discharge of 25 mm
Start tests for slump or air content, or both, the batch by the rate of revolution of Capacity Inside Inside Thickness Metal Size of 2. Rodding – place the concrete in the measure
(liters) Dia. Height Of Wall Agg.
within 5 minutes after the sampling is the drum and not by the size of the Bottom Max. in three layers of approximately
(mm) (mm) (mm)
completed. gate opening. (mm) (mm) equal volume
- rod the bottom layer throughout its
Start molding test specimens for strength 3 155+/-2 160+/-2 5.0 2.5 12.5 depth but the rod shall not forcibly
within 15 minutes after fabricating the 10 205+/-2 305+/-2 5.0 2.5 25.0 strike the bottom of the measure
composite sample. Keep the elapsed time 15 255+/-2 295+/-2 5.0 3.0 40.0 - distribute the strokes uniformly
between obtaining and using the samples as 30 355+/-2 305+/-2 5.0 3.0 100.0 over the cross section of the
short as possible and protect the sample from measure and for the top two layers,
the sun, wind, and other sources of rapid penetrate about 25 mm into the
evaporation, and from contamination. 4. Strike-Off – flat rectangular plate, 6 mm thick underlying layers
or glass or acrylic plate, 12 mm - after each layer is rodded, tap the
3. PROCEDURE thick. sides of the measure smartly 10 to
-- Length and width at least 50 mm 15 times with the appropriate mallet
Size of Sample – Make the sample to be greater than the diameter of the - add final layer so as to avoid
used for strength tests a minimum of 1 cu.ft. measure. overfilling
5. Mallet – with rubber or rawhide head, 0.57+/- - 25 strokes if the measure used is
a. Sampling from Stationary Mixers, 0.23 kg for 14 liters or smaller 14-liters or smaller in capacity
Except Paving Mixers – measures, 1.02+/-0.23 kg for measures - 50 strokes for 28-liter measure
larger than 14 liters capacity measure. 3. Internal Vibration
Sample the concrete at two or more - Fill and vibrate in two equal layers
regularly spaced intervals during II. CALIBRATION OF MEASURE - Insert vibrator at three different
discharge of the middle portion of the (AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 19-80) points for each layer
batch. Take the samples within the time - In compacting the bottom layer, do
limit of 15 minutes and composite them 1. Weigh empty measure not allow the vibrator to rest on or
into one sample for test purposes. Do 2. Fill the measure with water at room touch the bottom or sides of the
not obtain samples from the very first or temperature measure
last portions of the batch discharge. 3. Determine the net weight of water in the - In compacting the final layer, the
Perform sampling by passing a measure vibrator shall penetrate into the
- The duration of vibration will depend AASHTO Designation: T 126-76 AASHTO Designation: T 23
upon the workability of the concrete (ASTM Designation: C 192-76) (ASTM Designation: C 31)
and effectiveness of the vibrator
- (note: Usually, sufficient vibration No. Of Specimen – 3 or more for each test age or
has been applied as soon as condition A. COMPRESSION TEST SPECIMENS
the surface of the concrete
becomes relatively smooth) PREPARATION OF MATERIALS: 1. Size of Specimens

4. Strike-Off Temperature – 20 to 25 degrees C Diameter = 3 x max. nominal size of

- After the consolidation, strike- aggregate
off the top surface of he Cement – Shall pass through 1.18 mm (No. 16) or Height = 2 x diameter
concrete and finish it smoothly finer sieve
with the flat strike-off plate - All lumps must be rejected 2. Molding
- Fill the mold in 3 layers of
5. Cleaning and Weighing MIXING PROCEDURE: approximately equal volume
- After the strike-off, clean all - Rod each layer with a bullet-shaped
excess concrete from the A. Hand Mixing tamping rod at lower end
exterior of the measure and – mix cement and fine aggregate - The strokes shall be distributed
determine the net mass of the without water (and admixture, if uniformly over the cross-section of the
concrete. any) mold and shall just penetrate into the
- mix coarse aggregate without underlying layer
6. Calculation water - The bottom layer shall be rodded
- add water (and admixture throughout its depth
Unit Weight = (Net Mass of the concrete) X “solution” if used until the concrete - Tap the side of the mold to close the
(Calibration Factor of measure) is homogeneous voids left by they tamping rod
- After the top layer has been rodded,
Yield = (Total Mass of Batch) / (Unit Weight of B. Machine mixing the surface of the concrete shall be
Concrete) struck off with a trowel and cover with
Step 1 – Prior to starting rotation, add coarse a glass or metal plate to prevent
Cement Content aggregate, some of the mixing water, evaporation
= Mass of Cement in the Batch and the solution of admixture, if
Volume of the Batch required.
Step 2 – Start mixer and add fine aggregate,

cement and water while running.

No. of Strokes
per Layer

No. of
If Step 2 is not possible

- Stop mixer
- Add other ingredients

No. of Roddings per Layer / Rod Diameter

- Mix for 3 minutes
- Followed by 3 minutes rest

No. of Layers
- Followed by 2 minutes final

3 equal
No. of Layers Required
Note: Cover open top wile resting.

Rod Diameter
Mm (inc)

10 (3/8)
16 (5/8)
16 (5/8)
16 (5/8)
Discharge concrete to mixing pan and remix
using shovel until uniform in appearance.


Mode of
- cover immediately after molding
- remove from mold not less than 20 nor
more than 48 hours after molding
- storage during the first 48 hours should be

Cylinder Dia.
Mm (inc)

250 (10)
100 (4)
150 (6)
200 (8)

No. of Cylinder

Up to 300 (12)
mm (in.)
Consolidation by Vibrator Consolidation by vibration – Insert the APPROXIMATE SAND AND WATER
 Use 3 insertion of the vibrator at

Approximate Depth / Layer, mm (in)

vibrator at intervals not exceeding 150 mm (6 in) CONTENTS PER CUBIC METER OF

200 (3) or as near as practicable

different points for each layer along the centerline of the long dimension of the CONCRETE
 Allow the vibration to penetrate
specimen. For specimens wider than 150 mm (6
through layer being vibrated, and

Depth of Sample
into layer below, approximately 25 in.), use alternating insertions along two lines.

Half Depth
Allow the shaft of the vibrator to penetrate into the Based on mix having a water – cement

100 (4)
mm (1 inch)

1 for each 14 (2 of Surface

1 for each 7 sq. cm. ( of Surface
bottom layer approximately 25 mm (1 in.) ratio of 0.57 by weight of 22.8 kg per bag of
3. Curing cement ( 22.8 L/bag of cement), 75.0 mm slump
 After molding cover top with wet 3. Curing and natural sand having a fineness modulus of

No. of Strokes per Layer

burlap and store in a cold place - After molding tests specimens, 2.75.
 Remove from mold after 24 immediately cover molds with wet
hours and soak in water more
burlap and store in a cold place For mixes having either proportions, see

than 7 days prior to the time of
test (tests shall be kept in the - Let tests specimens stand undisturbed in adjustment below
field at least three-fourths of the their molds for 24 – 48 hours at 60 –
test period) 80F

Net Water Content

 While in the laboratory the - Immediately after removal, soak


Net Water Content

specimen shall be kept at specimens in water

Angular Course Aggregate

per cu.m.

+ or – 3 %
No. of Layers
laboratory temperature until 24

- 4.7 kg
+ 8.9 kg
- Cure samples 4 to 7 days at the project

3 or more

2 or more
2 equal
to 48 hours before testing

Rod Size and No. of Strokes per Layer

Effect on Values in Table V




General Rules:
1. Take samples from at least Note: Specimens made to determine
when placed concrete is ready for traffic

No. of Layers osdoso

three parts of the load
2. Use only non-absorptive molds should remain in them molds for 44 – 52

Sand % of

3. Fill in three equal layers, rod hours. Then stored as near as possible to


each layer 25 times with the installation they represent and cured

Percent Sand
Adjustment of Above Table for Other Conditions
spherical-nose rod the same.

+ or – 1
+ or ½
Rod diameter, mm (inches)

4. Let cylinder stand undisturbed

from 12 to 24 hours, with tops

Net Water Content


covered at temperature

Mode of Compaction
10 (3/8)
10 (3/8)
16 (5/8)
between 60 and 80 F (20 – 26

per cu.m.
C) 1. Take samples from at least three parts of

Rounded Course Aggregate

the load.

5. Pack cylinders carefully in

Each 0.1 increase or decrease in fineness Modulus of Sand

sawdust and ship to laboratory 2. Use rigid non-absorptive, water - tight


Each 0.055 increase or decrease in Water – Cement ratio

for testing. molds at least 6” x 6” in cross section.
3. Oil molds lightly before filling, fill molds in 3
B. FLEXURE TEST SPECIMENS – inches deep layers and rod each layer

Aggregate by Absolute
once for each 2 of area.

Sand % of Total

Changes in Conditions Stipulated in Table V

1. Size of Sample

Volume cu.m.

Each 25 mm increase or decrease in slump

4. Spade all sides with a trowel, strike off top

Top Surface area of Specimen, (

For Less Workable Concrete as Pavement

Depth = 3 x max. nominal size
of aggregate with a straightedge, and finish with a

Width = depth or may be wider wood float.
by not more 5. Cover test beams immediately with a

165 – 310 (26 – 49)

Than half double layer of wet burlap and let

310 (50) or more

160 (25) or less
Length = 3 x depth + 2 inches specimens stand undisturbed for 24 hours

150 – 200 (6 – 8)

150 – 200 (6 – 8)
or more

Depth, mm (in)
at temperatures between 60 to 80 F.

Over 200 (8)

Over 200 (8)

Aggregate, mm (in.)
Maximum size of

Manufacture sand
2. Molding

37.5 (1 ½)
12.5 (1/2)
19.0 (3/4)
(Table V)

150.0 (6)
 Fill the mold with concrete in layers

25.0 (1)

50.0 (2)
75.0 (3)
of approximately 75 mm (3 inches) in
 Rod each layer 50 times for each
square foot ( or 1 stroke for each 2
square inches)
 After each layer is rodded, the
concrete shall be spaded along the
sides and ends with a mason’s
trowel or other suitable tools
 When the rodding and spading
operations is completed, the top
shall be struck off with a
straightedge and finished with a
wood float
Uses of Each Class of Concrete 14 Paints 2 (S) per 100 cans 1- 4 liter can
Class A: All superstructures and heavily reinforced Of Common Construction Materials
Table 1 substructures. For slabs, beams, girders, 15 Joint Filler 1 - 400mm x 400mm
columns, arch ribs, box culverts, reinforced (Pre-molded) sample
abutments, retaining walls and reinforced SAMPLING REQUIREMENTS FOR 16 Curing 1 - liter
TESTING Compound
17 Concrete 1-set of 3 cylinder 1-set of 3 cylinder (6" x

compressive Strength
of Common

of 150 mm x 300 mm

Specimen at 28 days
Cylinder for 75 cu.m. 12")

Concrete Cylinder
Class B: Footings, pedestals, massive pier shafts, pipe Construction
18 Concrete 1 set of 3 beams for 1 set of 3 beams (6" x

20.7 ( 3,000 )

16.5 ( 2,400 )

37.7 ( 5,000 )

20.7 ( 3,000 )
20.7 (3,000 )
bedding, and gravity walls, unreinforced or

Mpa (Psi)
Beam 75 cu.m. or 1-day 6" x 21")
with only a small amount of reinforcement. pouring
Class C: Thin reinforced section, railings for filler in REQUIREMENTS OF SAMPLE TO BE Core
steel grid floors precast piles and cribbing. SUBMITTED FOR 5 holes / 500 mtrs
TESTING when 2-lanes
Class P: Prestressed concrete structures and poured
20 Asphalt Core

Std,, mm (Alternate)
Designated Size of
Coarse Aggregate
a.) Density 1 core for every 100m or at least one for

Square Opening,
1 Cement 1 - sample per 2,000 10 kgs

( 2 ½” – No. 4)
Seal : Concrete deposited in water. and each full day's operation

( ¾” – No. 4)
( 2” – No. 4 )

( 1” – No. 4 )
( 1” – No. 4)

50 – 4.75

63 – 4.75

19 – 4.75

25 – 4.75

25 – 4.75
2 Asphaltic 1 (S) per 40 tonnes 5 liters
Materials or 200 drums
21 Water
3 Asphalti Mix 1-(S) per 130 tonnes 20 kgs (Complete)
4 Aggregates a.) Chemical 500 Ml
a.)Coarse 70 kgs b.) Sediment 500 Ml
Aggregates load Analysis
b.) Fine 50 kgs 22 Structural 1 (S) per 50 Reduced Section (as
Range in Slump


Steel/Sheet tonnes/50,000 kgs prescribed)

Mm ( inch )

100 – 200
( 4 ) max.
100 max.
5 Soil 1-(S) per 1,500
50 – 100

50 – 100

50 – 100



Aggregates cu.m.
a.) 20 kgs
b.) Routinary 50 kgs
c.) Moisture
Relation 50 kgs
Cement Ratio kg/kg
Maximum Water –

6 Non - 2 pipes Min./0.5 % 2 pipes
Reinforced of No. of Pipes





7 Reinforced 1 (S) per 50 pipes or 1 pipe (1m length)
Concrete 2% No. of pipes
8 Steel Pipe 1 (S) per 600 length 2 pcs of 100 mm long
(Galvanized ) taken from both ends
w/o thread
9 Concrete
Content per cu.m.
Minimum Cement

Kg (bag #)



a. Strength 3 units







b. Moisture 3 units
10 Steel Bar 1 (S) per 10,000 kgs 1 meter
or 10 tonnes
11 Steel Sheet 1 (S) per 1,000 1 sheet
(Galvanized) sheet
12 Wire:

Wire 2 meters

13 Gabion 1m x 2m

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