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The document discusses Lockheed Martin's Field Service organization and its role in providing technical support for Hercules aircraft globally.

Field Service Representatives (FSRs) are highly experienced professionals who are factory trained to provide on-site technical assistance and training to customers on airframes and aircraft systems.

Field Service provides anything technical, engineering, or logistical that customers need to ensure success in Hercules operations, including training, maintenance advice, and liaison with engineering resources.

VOL. 25, NO.

4 October - December 1998

Service News


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Service News
Airlift Field Service

ockheed Martin’s Airlift Field Service organization is a key element in the
LOCKHEED MARTIN AERONAUTICAL technical support of the Hercules aircraft. At Lockheed Martin
SYSTEMS SUPPORT COMPANY Aeronautical Systems Support Company, we offer expert global support
Editor for all models and configurations of the Hercules from the C-130B to the latest
Charles E. Wright, II C-130J. To date, we have contributed to the success of Hercules operators in
E-mail: charles.e.wright@lmco.com more than sixty (60) countries worldwide. Our definition of service is simple and
Telephone: 770-431-6544 to the point: Field Service will provide anything of a technical, engineering, or
Facsimile: 770-431-6556 logistical nature that the customer may require to ensure the success of his
Hercules operations.
Vol. 25, No. 4 October - December 1998
A key element of Field Service is the Field Service Representative (FSR).
CONTENTS Each FSR is a highly experienced career professional, factory trained as an on-site
expert in providing technical assistance on the airframe and all functional sys-
2 Focal Point
Airlift Field Service
tems. Specialists are also available for assignment to such areas as avionics and
supply. Each FSR is fully qualified to provide formal classroom and on-the-job
3 Parker Air Turbine Starters training, as required. Effective airlift operations require effective teamwork.
Dennen Bunger, Parker Aerospace FSRs ensure the customer’s access to the full resources of the factory from the
very first day. FSRs are qualified to advise on all phases of maintenance, inspec-
6 Hercules Flap Quadrant tion, and operation of Hercules aircraft.
Assemblies and Position
Switches The FSRs work directly with the Hercules Support Center at the Field
Service home office which is staffed by some of the most experienced Hercules
8 1998 Air Mobility Rodeo personnel in the world. The average Hercules experience of the personnel in the
home office is over thirty (30) years. The home office provides the crucial link to
10 Technical Publications Review
all Lockheed Martin in-plant organizations (engineering, manufacturing, quality
13 Revision Service Program
assurance, supply, materiel, reliability, safety, research, etc.), vendors, and sub-
contractors. This link allows all of the Lockheed Martin resources to be brought
14 Field Service Representative into direct support of Hercules aircraft operations. Direct engineering liaison,
Locations expedited emergency spare parts delivery assistance, and rapid solution to com-
plex technical problems are a few of the many services provided. If you do not
have an FSR assigned to your operation, the Hercules Support Center can be
reached directly at telephone: 770-431-6569, facsimile: 770-431-6556, and E-
mail: hercules.support@lmco.com.

As the official support arm of the Hercules Original Equipment

Manufacturer, Field Service is uniquely qualified to provide the most accurate,
Front Cover: The 302nd AW takes part
authoritative, and cost effective solutions to Hercules operators worldwide. A list
in the shortfield landing competition at
the 1998 Air Mobility Rodeo at McChord
of our Field Service Offices is located on pages fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) of
AFB. this publication. Please keep this list handy and contact one of the FSRs if you
ever need assistance while in their area.

Back Cover: HC-130H from U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City,
LOCKHEED MARTIN AERONAUTICAL NC, at RIAT ‘98. Photograph courtesy of PA3 David Schuerholz.
Service News is published by Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company, a sub-
PRESIDENT sidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation. The information contained in this issue is considered to
J. L. GAFFNEY be accurate and authoritative; it should not be assumed, however, that this material has received
approval from any governmental agency or military service unless specifically noted. This publi-
cation is intended for planning purposes only, and must not be construed as authority for making
changes on aircraft or equipment, or as superseding any established operational or maintenance
AIRLIFT FIELD SERVICE procedures or policies.
Copyright 1998, Lockheed Martin Corporation. Written permission must be obtained from Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems
Support Company before republishing any material in this periodical. Address all communications to Editor, Service News, Lockheed
HERCULES SUPPORT Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company, 2251 Lake Park Drive, Smyrna, GA 30080-7605. Telephone 770-431-6544;
T. J. ZEMBIK Facsimile 770-431-6556. Internet e-mail may be sent to charles.e.wright@lmco.com.

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by Dennen J. Bunger, Air Turbine torque required to produce the acceleration is equal to
Starter Design Engineer, Parker the product of the inertia and the acceleration. That
Aerospace torque, when applied to the starter’s drive coupling,
Parker Air Turbine Starters which is mounted on a helical spline, produces an axial
force (much like the lifting force of a “jack screw”). It

tarting the engines of the Hercules
aircraft is one of the necessary, is that axial force which causes the starter’s drive jaw to
albeit less glamourous, tasks of advance into engagement with the engine mounted jaw
each and every flight. Reliable and which in turn rotates the engine.
trouble-free engine starts require main-
tenance personnel to have a good work- The inertia of the drive coupling and the helix angle
ing understanding of the starter and all on which the coupling is mounted are built-in when the
of the components involved. In this parts are manufactured. The variable in the design that
issue, the Air Turbine Starters used on can be controlled is the acceleration of the device at
the Hercules aircraft will be examined start initiation. Acceleration is dependent upon the rate
along with some of the common pitfalls at which the pressure rises in the starter, which is
various operators have encountered. dependent upon the rate at which the starter control
valve opens. The rate at which the starter control valve
Parker Aerospace manufactures two opens is a function of the manifold pressure to the
Air Turbine Starters for the Hercules starter control valve.
aircraft: the 36E84-18 and the 36E165-
2. The 36E84-18 is a grease lubricated The “Design Window” in which the starter func-
model while the 36E165-2 is an oil tions most reliably can be achieved by pre-setting the
lubricated model. These starters are valve-opening rate to accommodate the manifold pres-
used on all Hercules models prior to the sure at which starts will typically be made. This has
C-130J. A brief description of the sys- been proven by the United States Air National Guard
tem used on the C-130J and its differ- C-130 squadrons who have elected to operate at a man-
ences is given at the end of this article. ifold pressure of 75 - 80 pounds per square inch gauge
The Parker Aerospace starters used on (psig) and a starter control valve opening rate adjusting
the Hercules (prior to the “J”) are screw setting of 3/8 inch. The result has been many
unique in that their drive mechanism years of operation without starter problems. The
automatically engages the engine and “Design Window” can be achieved at other operating
then completely separates the starter manifold pressures, but each different manifold pres-
drive from the engine at the end of the sure will correspond to a different setting on the valve’s
start/motoring cycle. No component of opening rate adjusting screw.
the starter is driven by the engine; there-
fore, relative to the starter’s useful life, Starter Lubrication
only the time to start is cumulative -
engine hours do not count. This impor- The 36E84-18 Air Turbine Starter utilizes Magna
tant aspect of the starter’s design was Lube “G” grease for lubrication. This unit is not ser-
one of the deciding factors when it was viceable in the field; grease can only be added when the
selected for the C-130. These starters starter is apart during overhaul. The major problem
easily accommodate the high engine with this starter has been the large lip seal on the out-
speed and the long mission periods board end. The seal has exhibited a relatively short life,
associated with the Hercules. impeding reliable jaw advance. This, in turn, has typi-
cally resulted in prematurely worn starter jaws.
The separable jaw engaging mecha-
nism works reliably when operated A new seal for the 36E84-18 starter has been thor-
within a specific “Design Window.” oughly tested with great success on in-service aircraft.
Understanding why certain operating The new seal (Parker Part Number 5933139-101) is
conditions are desirable is best accom- approved by both Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Air
plished by understanding how the Force. It can be installed in the field on existing starters
engaging mechanism works. A basic in accordance with Parker Service Bulletin 36E84-80-
law of physics states that when a mass 90. The new seal owes its success and long useful life
of given inertia is accelerated, the to two thin, flexible Teflon sealing elements which

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4 3

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The proper amount of oil is 175 cubic

centimeters (c.c.). MIL-L-23699 engine
oil should be added through a fill port
provided on the side of the starter’s gear
housing until it drips from the port.
Squirt cans with a flexible neck are com-
monly used for this purpose.

Case History Review

Parker has delivered more than 1,500

-Mounting Adapter & V-Band Clamp of the 36E165 starters. Representatives
of Parker have visited with many of the
operators to review installation, opera-
accommodate the oscillatory motion of the starter’s jaw
tion, and maintenance procedures. Unfortunately, defi-
mechanism at start termination without developing any
ciencies resulting in poor starter performance have been
frictional heat.
found. Some procedures relative to starter inlet condi-
tions have caused the starter to operate outside of its
The 36E165-2 Air Turbine Starter for the Hercules
“Design Window”; some have been faulty installation
was designed specifically to be oil lubricated. It
procedures, and others have been faulty maintenance
replaces the earlier grease lubricated 36E84-18 starter,
procedures. Some of the common problems are listed
which was not designed to provide a motoring capabil-
below along with their results.
ity. On the 36E165-2 starter, oil circulates through all
of the components, bearings, and gearing, absorbing the
1. Operating at manifold pressures well below and/or
heat generated at these locations and then giving that
in excess of 75 - 80 psig with the valve rise rate adjust-
heat up to the gear housing and sump as it circulates.
ing screw set at 3/8 inch.
Therefore, the starter may operate safely for
extended periods without overheating. This Turbine & Planetary Gear Stage
feature is useful for activities such as water
washing the engine. The extended opera-
tion is limited, however, because the
starter’s lubrication system is a closed loop
system and does not circulate the oil
through an intercooler.

The amount of oil in the 36E165-2

starter is very important! Too much oil is
just as bad as too little oil. Too much oil
increases the internal hydraulic pumping
losses and drag, which increases the internal
temperature. Both conditions - too much oil
and too little oil - will result in premature
breakdown of the oil, ultimately causing the
oil to lose it’s capacity to properly lubricate
the dynamic elements of the starter.

4 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4

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a. Operating at manifold pressures well
below the start valve’s minimum regulation
level (37 psig) typically yields sluggish
advancement of the engaging mechanism,
missed engagement, worn jaws, and, ulti-
mately, the inability to engage the engine.

b. Operating at high manifold pressure (100

psig and up) can produce high torque at
starter engagement, premature failure of the
starter’s slip clutch, and, ultimately, the
deformation of the locating dowel pins in the
starter’s mounting, possible shearing of the
starter’s drive coupling, and can possibly
cause disconnection of the torque tube to the
engine. Stator - Flow Limiter & Clutch Pack
2. Undetected leaks in the ducting to the starter have This will result in worn starter jaws also. Always allow
had the same results as discussed under “Low Pressure” the start valve light to go off and allow at least thirty
previously. Long engine starts typically result because seconds to pass to permit the starter to coast to rest
starter output performance is directly related to the inlet before initiating another start.
pressure to the starter. Slow starts are also a clue to this
condition. Differences in the C-130J

3. Undetected leaks in the pressure sensing line from Since the C-130J utilizes the twin spool Allison AE
the starter to the start valve. In this situation the start 2100D3 engine, it is started through the engine acces-
valve senses low pressure and opens further than usual, sory section rather than through the propeller gearbox.
producing high pressure at the starter and high output When starting the AE 2100D3, only the engine acces-
torque. The high torque will ultimately have the effect sories, compressor, and gas turbine are rotated as
described previously. Fast starts are a clue to this con- opposed to earlier Hercules models in which the entire
dition. engine and propeller system was turned for starting. On
the starter used on the C-130J, the output shaft and a
4. The gasket, MS/9136-01, required by the mounting portion of the drive shaft assembly continue to rotate
pad specification (AND20002, Type XIIS) has been with the engine after the starting cycle is complete. The
inadvertently omitted. The result is reduced clearance remaining portion of the starter operates through a
between the mating jaws of the starter which may ulti- clutch assembly and does not rotate after the starting
mately lead to prematurely worn starter jaws and non- cycle is complete.
engagement with the engine.
5. Applying lubrication oil to the starter before mount-
ing the starter on the engine. This results in overfilling It is important to recognize the air turbine starter is
of the starter’s gearbox causing sluggish jaw only one element in the Hercules start system.
advance,worn jaws, and eventual non-engagement with Problems with other elements of the system will almost
the engine. certainly manifest themselves in the starter. It is impor-
tant, therefore, to carefully evaluate any problems and
6. Not mounting the starter squarely to the starter to scrutinize the other elements of the system for the
mounting adapter. This has resulted in prematurely real cause of any difficulty experienced. Simply chang-
worn jaws and non-engagement with the engine. ing the starter without correctly diagnosing the problem
Heavy wear on one side of the jaws is a clue to this con- will only lead to continued difficulty. ❑

7. Immediately reinitiating a start after the person’s fin-

ger has inadvertently slipped off the “Start” switch.

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4 5

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Hercules Flap Quadrant Assemblies and
Position Switches
he flap quadrant assembly However, there are some exceptions

T on Hercules aircraft utilizes

position switches that acti-
vate various systems based on flap
to these general guidelines. For
instance, some of the early U.S.
Navy aircraft such as the KC-130F
position and play a vital role in (tanker) were delivered with landing
flight safety. These systems gear warning switches set at 70% +/-
include the landing gear warning 5%.
system, the ground proximity
warning system (GPWS), and the The most reliable method for
rudder boost pressure system. The determining the proper setting for
GPWS switch is set to activate at a the landing gear warning switch is to
flap setting of 40% +/- 5% on all correlate the part number of the flap
Hercules aircraft equipped with the quadrant assembly to a particular
system. The rudder boost pressure setting. The correct flap quadrant
system switch is set to activate at assembly part number for a particu-
15% +/- 5% on all Hercules. lar aircraft can be determined by ref-
erencing the applicable Illustrated
The landing gear warning Parts Catalog (IPC) publication. In
switch, however, may be set to one order to alleviate confusion in this
of three different values. The set- matter, the table below is provided to
ting depends on the flap quadrant help correlate flap quadrant assem-
assembly part number. In general, bly part numbers, primary applica-
the landing gear warning switch is tion, and appropriate setting for the
set to 70% +/- 5% on all baseline landing gear warning switch. It
military C-130 aircraft, at 80% +/- should be noted that the landing gear
5% for KC-130 tankers and air- warning switch may only be adjust-
craft equipped with tanker provi- ed a small amount due to the fact
sions such as the C-130T, and at that different cams are used in dif-
60% +/- 5% on all L-100 commer- ferent flap quadrant assemblies.
cial versions of the Hercules. Therefore, a flap quadrant assembly

Flap Quadrant Assembly Primary Application Landing Gear Warning

Part Number (Prior to C-130J) Switch Setting

3317608-5 Commercial L-100 Aircraft 60% +/- 5%
3317608-1 C-130 Baseline Aircraft 70% +/- 5%
3317608-9 and KC-130F Aircraft

3317608-3 KC-130 Tanker Aircraft 80% +/- 5%

6 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4

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designed for a landing gear warning switch setting of 70% +/- 5% cannot be successfully adjusted to 80%. Instead, the
correct flap quadrant assembly must first be installed. There is one additional note concerning aircraft equipped with
Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) lighting. Non-NVIS quadrants should not be substituted for NVIS quadrants on
NVIS aircraft, but substituting NVIS quadrants for non-NVIS quadrants is acceptable.

When adjusting the setting of the landing gear warning switch, only adjust the switch by bending the adjustment tab
on the actuator part of the switch. Never try to adjust the arm of the switch. Premature failure of the switch actuator
arm can result if it is used for adjustment.

All of the preceding information applies only to Hercules aircraft prior to the new C-130J. The C-130J landing gear
warning system is activated through the mission computer. The landing gear warning system on the baseline aircraft is
set to activate at a flap position of 70% +/- 5%. The landing gear warning system on the tanker versions of the KC-130J
will depend on whether or not refueling pods are installed. The system will activate at 80% +/- 5% when the pods are
installed and at 70% +/- 5% when the pods are not installed.

All technicians should refer to the appropriate technical publications for the most up to date information on part
numbers, settings, and procedures. ❑

The photo to the left shows the under-

side of a typical flap quadrant assembly.
The flap position switch for the GPWS
has been removed so that one of the
cams will be more visible. The cam that
actuates the landing gear warning sys-
tem is mounted in different locations,
depending on the designated warning
threshold (60%, 70%, 80%).

The photo below shows a typical position switch and switch actuator arm.
Note that the arm of this switch actuator has been bent. This is the incorrect
way to adjust this switch. The photo at right shows the same assembly with
the microswitch removed. Note the highlighted area that actuates the
microswitch. This is the tab that is to be used for adjustment of the switch.
This tab may be bent slightly to cause the switch to actuate earlier or later,
as needed.

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4 7

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“The World Cup of Air Mobility”
General Walter Kross, Commander, Air Mobility Command
he best airlift and tanker crews in the world gathered in the beautiful Pacific Northwest at McChord

T Air Force Base, Washington, the week of 21 June to compete in Rodeo ‘98. A total of seventeen
C-130s from around the world participated along with aircraft such as the C-5, C-141, C-9, C-17, KC-
10, and KC-135. Overall, fifty-four U. S. teams and eight international teams competed in the event.

Competition was keen throughout the week. Teams competed in events including airdrop, tanker,
aerial port, maintenance, shortfield landing, security forces, and aeromedical evacuation.
A “team spirit” truly permeated the event as teams stepped up to help others when
needed. For example, one of the teams blew a tire upon arrival at the
event. Another team gladly loaned them a tire so that they could
still compete. Personnel at McChord worked to make
sure the international teams felt welcome by pro-
viding everything from translators to
assistance locating supplies and
hotel reservations.
According to

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Congratulations to the Commander and Crew
3rd Wing, Elmendorf AFB, AK - “Best Air Mobility Wing”

Congratulations to the Commander and Team

Royal Saudi Air Force - “Best International Wing”
Mark Stanley of the United Kingdom team, Rodeo involves a lot of “hard work and hard play.” FltLt.
Stanley, who was participating in his first Rodeo, went on to say that the sponsors from McChord had given
them “absolutely superb, first class service.” In addition to the competing teams, eleven nations sent
teams to observe the competition. The observers plan to return as competitors at future Rodeos.

The new C-130J arrived at McChord on Wednesday evening and was on static display Thursday, 25 June.
During the day, hundreds of personnel took the opportunity to take a first hand look at the latest member
of the Hercules family. Lockheed Martin personnel presented a briefing on the C-130J to a packed room
Thursday afternoon. Thursday evening, the C-130J conducted a very impressive flight demonstration that
included a short field take-off and several low passes.

As with any competition, the goal of all the teams was to win. At an Air Mobility Rodeo, there are many
awards presented to the winners of the various events. The most coveted and sought after award, how-
ever, is the General William G. Moore, Jr. Trophy which is presented to the Best Air Mobility Wing. This
award represents the “Best of the Best.” This year, the bragging rights belong to the 3rd Wing from
Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Not only did the 3rd Wing, who operates C-130E aircraft, win the
Best Air Mobility Wing Award, they also won awards for Best C-130 Wing, Best Airdrop Wing,
Best C-130 Aircrew, and Best Shortfield Landing Crew. A special congratulations is
extended to the Royal Saudi Air Force for their significant achievement in
winning the Best International Wing Award. Lockheed Martin
extends our congratulations to all of the competitors at
Rodeo ‘98 for an excellent competition. Like you,
Lockheed Martin is looking forward to
Rodeo 2000, which will be held at
Pope Air Force Base, NC.

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Technical Publications
by Airlift Field Service Staff AFM 382/E/G and contains information for the L-100,
L-100-20, and L-100-30. The AFM 382 series for com-
mercial aircraft is complemented by an Operating

wealth of information is available to Hercules
operators in the form of technical publications. Manual and a Performance Manual. The Operating
Lockheed Martin goes to great lengths to Manual is numbered OM 382-XX for the L-100, OM
ensure the quality and applicability of all technical pub- 382E-XX for the L-100-20, and OM 382G-XX for the
lications that are distributed to customers. In addition L-100-30. The “XX” in the Operating Manual numbers
to the technical publications produced by Lockheed represent operator unique designations since each OM
Martin, the United States government produces techni- is customized for the operator. The Performance
cal publications for their aircraft. The vast amount of Manual is titled SMP 1118. Within these publications
technical publications available for the Hercules can be are the normal and emergency operating procedures and
confusing, however, there is a manual that ties them all all the preflight, inflight, and postflight checklists for
together. The first publication with which everyone the pilot, copilot, and flight engineer.
associated with the operation of Hercules aircraft
should become familiar is the List Of Applicable Lockheed Martin also publishes flight manuals for
Publications (LOAP). The LOAP is the single source non-U.S. military operators of the C-130 series of air-
that will authoritatively state which publication is craft. Most readers will realize that there are some
applicable for a particular aircraft and operation. A noteworthy differences between the C-130 series and
thorough understanding of the LOAP is vital to the suc- the 382 series, even though both are referred to as
cessful use of technical publications. Although it “Hercules” aircraft. The flight manuals published for
would be impossible to adequately address all of the non-U.S. military C-130 operators are titled FM 382C -
technical publications that are available, this article will ( ). The flight manual is complemented by various
give an overview of the most common technical publi- checklists for particular crew positions and situations.
cations applicable to Hercules aircraft prior to the For example, different documents will contain check-
C-130J currently in use by Hercules operators. lists for pilot, copilot, preflight, inflight, etc. The
Specifically, the following publications will be checklists are titled FM 382C - ( ) - CL - Specific
addressed: Service Manual Publications (SMP), Checklist Number. The flight manuals and checklists
Technical Orders (TO), Time Compliance Technical are customized for each operator with regard to
Orders (TCTO), NAVAIR publications, Service installed equipment, procedures, etc. Each operator is
Bulletins (SB), and Airworthiness Directives (AD). In assigned a unique identification number for these pub-
addition, the process of generating a Service Bulletin lications which is inserted in place of the parentheses in
will be examined as well as the SBs role in TCTOs, the titles listed above. For example, a particular opera-
Navy Technical Directives, and ADs. C-130J technical tor’s flight manual may be titled FM 382C - 25 and the
publications are substantially different and will be checklists titled FM 382C - 25 - CL - Specific Checklist
addressed in a future issue of Service News. Number. The flight manuals and checklists for non-
U.S. military operators are complemented by the
Aircraft Flight Manuals, Operating Manuals, Performance Manual titled SMP 777.
and Performance Manuals
The U.S. government has its own series of flight
manuals, checklists, and performance manuals for the
Lockheed Martin publishes a flight manual for the
aircraft that it operates. The U.S. Air Force series of
commercial versions of the Hercules, which are techni- documents is titled TO 1C-130(Model) - 1 and is used
cally known as Model 382 (L-100), 382E (L-100-20), by the Air Force, Air Force Reserves, and Air National
and 382G (L-100-30). The flight manual is numbered Guard. The U.S. Coast Guard publishes its own flight

10 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4

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manual series (CGTO 1-C130H-1) with the exception produces this manual for the 382E/382G commercial
of the 1-1 performance manual. The U.S. Navy series aircraft series.
of these documents is titled NAVAIR 01 - 75(Model ID)
- 1 and is used by the Navy and Marine Corps. SMP 582: Wiring Diagram Manual. Lockheed
Martin produces this manual which contains the wiring
Lockheed Martin Service Manual diagrams for the 382E/382G commercial aircraft series.
Publications (SMP) and Technical Manuals
(TM) SMP 583: Structural Repair Manual. Lockheed
Martin produces this manual for all non-U.S. govern-
ment operators of Hercules aircraft. This includes both
There are many documents bearing the prefix the 382E/382G commercial series of aircraft and inter-
“SMP,” but only the most commonly used will be dis- nationally operated C-130 aircraft. Each customer also
cussed here. Each of the pertinent documents is listed receives a supplement to the SMP 583 containing any
below with an explanation of its purpose and applica- peculiar items installed on the aircraft plus information
bility. concerning the paint scheme.

SMP 515 - B: Corrosion Prevention and Control SMP XXXX: Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) and
Manual. This publication is applicable to military Other Manuals. Lockheed Martin produces a cus-
C-130 aircraft that are operated by non-U.S military tomized IPC for each non-U.S government Hercules
organizations and all commercial L-100 operators. customer. Since the IPC for each customer is different,
a unique identification number replaces the Xs in the
SMP 515 - C - ( ): Progressive Inspection Program. title shown here. Each customer’s IPC contains only
This publication is tailored to each individual operator the parts that are installed on their aircraft. Other
and identified by a unique number in place of the paren- unique manuals are produced for customers on an “as
theses. For example, an operator’s Progressive needed” and are assigned a unique identification num-
Inspection Program may be titled SMP 515 - C - 25. ber which replaces the Xs in the title.
Lockheed Martin tailors the SMP 515 - C to take into
account the equipment installed on the aircraft, the cus- TM 382C - 2 - (Manual Number): Maintenance
tomer’s unique operating environments (desert, moun- Manual Series. Lockheed Martin produces this series
tains, coastal, etc.) and the customer’s unique mission of manuals for C-130 aircraft sold to non-U.S. govern-
requirements (low level, unimproved airstrips, etc.). ment operators. These maintenance manuals address
After studying the elements listed above, Lockheed C-130B and later aircraft and provide the theory of
Martin engineering constructs a Progressive Inspection operation, checkout procedures, troubleshooting, and
Program for the customer utilizing work cards. These remove and replace instructions for each system on the
work cards outline individual tasks that make up com- aircraft.
plete inspections. When constructing an SMP 515 - C
program, Lockheed Martin uses the experience derived TM 382C - 10: Engine/QEC Build-Up and Group
from over 2,000 aircraft coupled with extensive struc- Assembly Parts List. Lockheed Martin produces this
tural analysis, test articles, and functional system tests. manual for all non-U.S. government operators of the
This assures that the resulting program provides contin- C-130 aircraft.
ued airworthiness of the fleet with minimum mainte-
nance downtime. Progressive Inspection Programs are U.S. Government Publications Equivalent to
used by both domestic and international commercial
SMP & TM Publications
operators and by international government operators.
The SMP - 515 - C program addresses C-130B and later
aircraft in addition to 382E and 382G aircraft. As with the flight manuals, the U.S. government
publishes its own manuals for maintenance operations.
SMP 515 - E: Support Equipment Manual. This The U.S. Air Force publishes the Technical Order series
publication contains all of the support equipment avail- and the U.S. Navy publishes the NAVAIR series. Once
able from Lockheed Martin that is applicable to the again, the U.S. Air Force publications are used by the
Hercules aircraft. This includes test units, work stands, Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, and
etc. U.S. Coast Guard (with supplemental manuals). The
U.S. Navy publications are utilized by the Navy and
SMP 581: Maintenance Manual. Lockheed Martin Marine Corps. A sample comparison between

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SMP 583 1C-130(X*)-3 01-75GA(X*)-3

SMP 515B 1C-130(X*)-23 01-75GA(X*)-23
SMP 515C 1C-130(X*)-6 01-75GA(X*)-6
SMP 58/582/TM 382C-2-Series 1C-130(X*)-2-Series 01-75GA(X*)-2-Series
SMP ZZZZ* 1C-130(X*)-4 01-75GA(X*)-4

*Z Indicates Operator Unique *X Indicates Aircraft Design

Identifier Series (such as B, E, H, etc.)

SMP/TM and TO/NAVAIR publications is shown or a member of Lockheed Martin engineering. After
above. The U.S. Air Force is gradually phasing in a the problem is identified, Lockheed Martin engineering
system known as Organizational Maintenance Manuals determines the solution to the problem. The next step is
(OMMS). The OMMS system contains the following the review process. All pertinent Lockheed Martin
general headings: departments are involved in the review process. The
review process culminates with the circulation of the
-Index Final Draft, which incorporates all of the needed
-General Systems changes. The final document is then published as either
-Fault Reporting a Service Bulletin or an Alert Service Bulletin. If the
-Fault Isolation subject of the Service Bulletin affects current aircraft
-Job Guides production, it may also be published as a Line
Production Change. Courtesy copies are forwarded to
In any case, users of Lockheed Martin, U.S. Air the appropriate users and regulatory agencies such as
Force, or U.S. Navy publications may always refer to the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Federal Aviation
the appropriate List Of Applicable Publications Administration, etc. After Lockheed Martin publishes
(LOAP) for a complete listing of available publications. an SB, other agencies may elect to produce additional
publications for their particular fleet.
SBs, ADs, TCTOs, and TDs
A typical SB for a commercial (L-100 series)
This is another very important group of publica- Hercules looks like the following:
tions and is produced on an “as needed” basis. This
“382” identifies this SB as being applicable to the
group includes the following publications: Service L-100 series of aircraft.
Bulletins (SBs), Airworthiness Directives (ADs), Time “32” identifies the Air Transport Association (ATA)
Compliance Technical Orders (TCTOs), and U.S. Navy 382-32-46 chapter number associated with the subject of the SB
(Landing Gear in this example).
publications generally identified as Technical “46” is simply a numerical identification given to this
Directives (TDs) and more specifically as Airframe SB (i.e. this is the 46th SB issued in this chapter).
Bulletins/Changes (AFB/C), Avionics Changes (AVC),
and Powerplant Bulletins/Changes (PPB/C), etc. Each The corresponding SB applicable to the C-130
of these publications is discussed briefly below. series of aircraft is shown below:

Service Bulletins & Airworthiness Directives: SBs “82” identifies the SB as being applicable to C-130
are issued by Lockheed Martin and may call for either airplanes.
82-860 “860” is the numerical identification of this SB. Note
an inspection, a modification, or both. Inspections may that ATA chapters are not used in C-130 SBs.
be one time or repetitive. If the SB is critical to the
safety of flight, the title will be changed to “Alert SB.”
ADs are issued by the U.S. Federal Aviation
Since there are two general families of Hercules air-
Administration (FAA) for serious conditions associated
planes, the SBs are numbered accordingly.
with the safety of flight. Most, but not all, ADs will be
associated with an SB. ADs are considered mandatory
The SB generation process begins when a problem
for all U.S. operators of the 382E/382G series aircraft.
area is identified by a Lockheed Martin Field Service
Representative, an operator, a Hercules Service Center,

12 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4

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Time Compliance Technical Orders: TCTOs are the this, the affected party will issue a SB, TCTO, or TD.
U.S. Air Force equivalent to SBs. TCTOs, however, are In many cases, though, a given SB has counterparts in
produced solely by the U.S. Air Force and do not nec- both a TCTO and a TD.
essarily correspond to SBs. As with other U.S. Air
Force publications, TCTOs apply to Air Force, Air Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) &
Force Reserve, Air National Guard, and U.S. Coast Line Production Changes (LPCs)
Guard aircraft. TCTOs may call for either an inspec-
tion, a modification, or both. The U.S. Air Force also
Engineering Change Proposals: ECPs are internal
issues Urgent TCTOs and Interim TCTOs. An Urgent
Lockheed Martin documents that detail a problem that
TCTO is equivalent to an Alert Service Bulletin.
has been found in production aircraft or spare parts.
After the problem has been identified and Lockheed
Technical Directives: AFB/C, AVC, PPB/C, etc. are
Martin engineering has designed a solution, the ECP is
the U.S. Navy equivalent to SBs and apply to Navy and
produced. After a thorough review process, the ECP
Marine Corps aircraft. As can be seen from the titles,
may eventually become either a Line Production
the Navy categorizes the Bulletins and Changes accord-
Change, an SB, or both.
ing to major aircraft system to simplify indexing. A
“Bulletin” calls only for an inspection while a
Line Production Change: LPCs are improvements in
“Change” calls for a modification.
design that are incorporated in the aircraft production
line at the plant.
Contrary to what many people expect, the existence
of one of these publications does not guarantee the exis-
tence of the others. For example, the existence of a SB Summary
on a particular subject does not guarantee there will be
a corresponding TCTO or TD. One of the primary rea- As stated at the beginning of the article, there is an
sons for this is the difference in maintenance philoso- abundance of publications available to Hercules opera-
phy (inspection intervals, component overhaul require- tors. When in doubt, always consult the appropriate
ments, structural modifications, etc.) and also that List Of Applicable Publications (LOAP) for the publi-
Lockheed Martin, the Air Force, and the Navy do not cations system in use. Questions concerning the use of
always qualify or use the same suppliers for various any Lockheed Martin produced manual may also be
components. Therefore, a problem may arise that addressed to the Hercules Support Center at telephone:
affects one, but not all of the parties. In a case such as 770-431-6569, facsimile: 770-431-6556, or via E-mail:
hercules.support@lmco.com. ❑

Revision Service Program

Lockheed Martin offers a comprehensive array of Technical Publications Services which may be tailored to each customer’s needs
and budget constraints. As the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the aircraft, Lockheed Martin has a significant interest in
the success of each aircraft. Without current data, the task of maintaining and operating the aircraft becomes increasingly difficult
and costly. Therefore, Lockheed Martin offers a wide range of services to support the customer’s publication program with up-to-date

Publications Review. Organizes existing publications, determines requirements to bring publications up to date, and develops a
plan for current and future needs.

Current Configuration Revision. Updates all manuals with current information about alternate and replacement parts, new or
replacement systems and components, etc., deleting obsolete material and incorporating new data so the publications match the cur-
rent configuration of the aircraft.

Aircraft Modification Revision. Modifies publications as the aircraft are being modified, so the aircrew will have immediate access
to the most current information available. Lockheed Martin works with modification centers worldwide to ensure accurate, efficient
incorporation of all modification data.

Periodic and Other Update Services. Ensures essential information is added to the publications in a timely manner by incorporat-
ing Lockheed Martin safety and operational supplements on a regular schedule with periodic updates. Lockheed Martin also offers
flight manual, replacement/spares, and component/systems updates.

Additionally, the Revision Service Program provides budget options and media choices to fit individual needs. For more information
concerning the Revision Service Program, please contact Mike McCabe at telephone: 770-494-5940, facsimile: 770-494-6925, or E-
mail: mike.mccabe@lmco.com.

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4 13

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Field Service
Representative Locations

ockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Field Service Representatives are located around the world.
The map above shows the locations of the current Field Service Offices. Each office is staffed by
one or more highly experienced career professionals. The following list shows each office and the
appropriate contact person and telephone number. All Field Service Offices, including Hercules, C-5,
C-141, L-1011, P-3, and S-3, are listed. In addition to the Field Service Offices, the Hercules Support
Center, at our main facility in Georgia, is always ready to assist Hercules operators in any way . If you
are ever in need of technical assistance, please contact the nearest Field Service Representative or the
Hercules Support Center at the location listed below:

Hercules Support Center

Attention: T. J. Zembik
2251 Lake Park Drive
Smyrna, GA 30080-7605

Tel: 770-431-6549
Fax: 770-431-6556
E-mail: hercules.support@lmco.com

Alaska Botswana North Island NAS (P-3, S-3)

Anchorage (C-130) Gaborone (C-130) R. A. (Bob) Bartsch
J. W. (John) DeLion E. A. (Ed) Cunningham Tel: 618-435-8910
Tel: 907-245-1854 Tel: 267-320-900
Point Mugu NAWS (C-130)
Australia California R. O. (Bob) Case
Edinburgh (P-3) El Toro (C-130) Tel: 805-488-4979
J. L. (Jack) Miller P. E. (Paul) Johnson
Tel: 61-8-8393-3456 Tel: 714-726-3670 Travis AFB (C-5)
W. H. (Bill) Wolley
Manly (C-130) Moffett Federal Airfield (C-130) Tel: 707-424-5253
F. H. (Fred) Kasell T. G. (Tom) Blackburn
Tel: 61-2-9976-2401 Tel: 650-903-9385

14 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4

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Delaware Korea Romania
Dover AFB (C-5) Pohang (P-3) Bucharest (C-130)
C. W. (Cliff) Spell L. L. (Larry) Seaman E. J. (Eric) Wisner
Tel: 302-677-2372 Tel: 82-562-90-6357 Tel: 40-1-795-2356

England Louisiana Saudi Arabia

Brize Norton (L-1011) New Orleans NAS (C-130) Jeddah (L-1011)
R. R. (Bob) Groom D. L. (Dave) Perry G. T. (Gary) Morgan
Tel: 44-1993-845374 Tel: 504-394-5228 Tel: 966-2-684-2891

Gatwick (L-1011) Maine Sri Lanka

V. M. (Tino) Jimenez Brunswick NAS (C-130) Colombo (L-1011)
Tel: 44-1293-462353 J. E. (Jerry) Greenwood G. L. (Gary) Bozley
Tel: 207-725-0170 Tel: 94-1-252081
Swindon (C-130)
M. I. (Mike) Brooks Maryland Texas
Tel: 44-1249-892-315 Patuxent River NAS (P-3, S-3) Corpus Christi (P-3)
B. F. (Bud) Neubauer D. R. (Don) Tiedt
Ethiopia Tel: 301-866-9348 Tel: 512-937-3623
Addis-Ababa (C-130)
L. C. (Butch) Eberhart Washington National Airfield Fort Worth (C-130)
Tel: 251-1-510064 (C-130) G. N. (George) Gilliam
D. T. (Dale) Benton Tel: 817-731-4217
Florida Tel: 301-967-1562
Cecil Field NAS (S-3) Thailand
M. W. (Mike) Griffith Minnesota U-Tapao (P-3)
Tel: 904-772-8517 Minneapolis (C-130) W. R. (Bill) Scott
J. R. (Jim) Taylor Tel: 66-38-710-232
Jacksonville NAS (P-3, S-3) Tel: 612-713-2723
H. S. (Harry) Mattox Utah
Tel: 904-771-5801 New York Ogden Air Logistics Center
Schenectady (C-130) (C-130)
Georgia R. M. (Mike) Daymont W. B. (Wayne) Levesque
Robins AFB (C-5, C-141) Tel: 518-382-5852 Tel: 801-773-9086
R. C. (Ralph) Bradley
Tel: 912-926-5372 Stewart MCRB (C-130) Washington
A. E. (Alan) Borg Whidbey Island (P-3)
Greece Tel: 914-567-1817 R. B. (Ron) Geyer
Athens (P-3) Tel: 360-257-8995
W. E. (Gene) Taymon North Carolina
Tel: 30-1-55-48-821 ext. 5139 Cherry Point (C-130)
S. (Scheel) Selby
Hawaii Tel: 919-447-2692
Barbers Point NAS (P-3)
T. J. (Tim) Hodges Elizabeth City (C-130)
Tel: 808-681-3444 E. F. (Ed) Brennan
Tel: 919-335-6055
Boise (C-130) Oklahoma
C. S. (Charlie) Dodson Altus AFB (C-5)
Tel: 208-363-0075 D. W. (Dennis) Riehl
Tel: 580-482-8303
Scott AFB (C-5) Pennsylvania
S. C. (Spence) Heywood Philadelphia ASO (P-3, S-3)
Tel: 618-744-0188 G. W. (Wes) Barnett
Tel: 215-697-4363
Okinawa (C-130) Willow Grove NAS (P-3)
R. (Russ) Riggins L. G. (Larry) Morris
Tel: 81-98-899-2990 Tel: 215-443-6149

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V25N4 15

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Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company
Airlift Field Service Department
2251 Lake Park Drive
Smyrna, GA 30080-7605

Congratulations to the
Commanding Officer and Crew
U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, NC

Winners of the
Sky Watch ‘98 Concours d’ Elegance Award
Royal International Air Tattoo
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