Task 3 - TEyO

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Task 3 - Electromagnetic waves in guided media

Individual work


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2020 16-01


This document presents the content of task 3 of the UNAD electromagnetic and wave theory
subject, in which a brief introduction to transmission lines, wave propagation in said waves
and their behavior according to their physical structure is presented.
Finally, an exercise is presented in which the intention is to demonstrate the behavior of
transmission lines and their relationship with electrical parameters such as resistance,
inductance and capacitance.

Questions: (write with your own words)

1. What do you understand by transmission line? Mention some types.

Transmission lines are electrical conductors that allow the transmission of
electromagnetic signals, generally found in pairs or two conductor lines to represent a
potential differential.
Types of transmission lines
Unbalanced lines: the transmission is made by several conductors, but the return only
by one of them.
Balanced lines: Two transmission lines, one for emission and the other for return.
Bipolar line:
Parallel plate lines:

Coaxial lines:

2. What is a bounded transmission line?

A limited transmission line is a transmission line that depends on its geometric
arrangement as conditions that vary its resistivity, inductance, capacitance, or
3. Define the following electrical parameters of transmission lines:
a. Input impedance Z¿ .
Considering that the primary parameters of a transmission line are R, L, C and G, the
input impedance of a transition line can be defined as an equivalent electrical network
seen from an energy source connected to the transmission line.
b. Stationary wave ratio VSWR .
The standing voltage wave ratio is as a measure of the level of standing waves in a
feeder. Standing waves represent power that is not accepted by the load and reflected
along the feeder or transmission line.

c. Physical length L and electrical length 𝓁.

The physical length L corresponds to the distance traveled by a disturbance and the
electrical length 𝓁 corresponds to a unit of measurement used in the study of electric
power transmission lines, which expresses the distance to the load as a function of
length waveform determined by the formula.
4. What is the purpose of Smith's Letter in the study of the propagation of waves?
The Smith chart is a graphical tool used to relate a complex reflection coefficient to a
complex impedance. Smith Chart can be used for a variety of purposes including
determining impedance, matching impedance, optimizing noise, stability etc.
In other words, the Smith chart allows graphical solutions to be obtained without the
need for complex argument calculations.

Application exercises:

1. A coaxial line has the following characteristics:

¿=9 CCC=103
Geometric parameters: a=0.2 mm b=20 mm t=( ¿+10 ) μm=19 μm
Conductor properties: (conductivity) σ c =4.3 x 10 Sm/m
Properties of the insulator: σ d=1 x 10 Sm/m ϵ r=2.1 μr =1

Applied signal frequency: f =CCC KHz=103 KHz.

Figure 1: Geometrical parameters in coaxial line.

μ0=1.257 x 10−6 ε=ε r∗ε 0
ε 0=8,854∗10−12 C2 / N m 2

a. Calculate the electrical parameters R L C G.

δ p= =7.56 x 10−5 m=75.6 μm
√ πf σ c μ0
Calculate RAC/RDC which is the relation of resistivity between AC & DC.
R AC a2 (0.2 x 10−3 )2
= = =2.03868
R DC −a −3
−(0.2 x 10 )
[ a
δ p

] 2(7.56 x 10−5)2
[ (0.2 x 10 )
(7.56 x 10 )
(7.56 x10 )
1 1 R AC 1
R= (
x +
π σ C a2 R DC 2 bt )
1 2.03868 1 Ω

) ( (0.2 x 10 )
R= −3 2
+ =0.0387026
Sm ) −3
2 ( 20 x 10 ) ( 19 x 10 ) −6
π 4.3 x 10

2π σd 2 π ( 1 x 10−13) Sm
G= = =1.364 x 10−13
( ba ) ln ( 0.220 xx1010 )
ln −3


1+2 ln
[ ( )]
1.257 x 10−6

1+2 ln
20 x 10−3
0.2 x 10
[ (
=1.021 x 10−6=1.021
m )]
2 πε 2 π (2.1∗8.854 x 10 ) pF
C= = =2.54 x 10−11 =25.4
b 20 x 10−3 m
a() ln
0.2 x 10−3 ( )
b. Using the distributed model, calculate the propagation parameters α , β , γ ∧Z 0 .
γ =± √ ( R+ jwL ) ( G+ jwC )=a+ jβ
jwL= j∗2 π∗103 x 103∗1.021 x 10−6= j0.66
jwC = j∗2 π∗103 x 103∗2.54 x 10−11 = j 1.64 x 10−5
γ =± √ ( 0.0387026+ j0.66 ) ( 1.364 x 10−13+ j 1.64 x 10−5 ) =± √−1.083 x 10−5 +6.35 x 10−7 j
γ =9.6421 x 10−5 +3.2941 x 10−3 j
Np rad
α =9.6421 x 10−5 β=3.2941 x 10−3
km km

R+ jwL 0.0387026+ j 0.66

Z 0=
√ jwC
√ j 1.64 x 10−5
=200 .695−5 . 87936 j
c. Calculate the propagation velocity V p, the wavelength λ and the attenuation
α dB / Km.
ω 2 π∗103 x 10 3 8 km
V p= = =1.96463 x 10
β 3.2941 x 10−3
2π 2π
λ= = =1907.4 km
β 3.2941 x 10−3

α dB / Km=−8.68∗α=−8.68∗9.6421 x 10−5=−8.37 x 10−4

2. A Z o=75 Ω lossless transmission line has a Z L =35− j75 Ω. If it is GGm(9 m) long

and the wavelength is CCC mm(104 mm), Calculate:

Figure 2: Graphic representation of the transmission line.

a. Input impedance Z¿ .

L 9 Z + j Z 0 tan (2 π∗l)
l= = =86.54 Z ¿ =Z 0 l
λ 104 x 10−3
Z 0+ j Z l tan (2 π∗l)

35− j75+ j75 tan(2 π∗86.54)

Z¿ =75 =22.3156−60.4276 j
75+ j 35− j75 tan(2 π∗86.54)

b. Reflection coefficient Γ (magnitude and phase).

Zl−Zo 35− j75−75
Γ= = =0.0691− j0,6347
Zl +Zo 35− j75+75

|Γ|=0,6384 tan−1 ( 0,6346

0.0691 )
=83.78 °

Γ =0,6384 ∠83.78 °
c. VSWR.
V MAX 1+|Γ | 1+0,6384
VSWR= = = =4.5317
V MIN 1−|Γ | 1−0,6384

3. Bearing in mind that Smith's letter is used to determine parameters of the

transmission lines, use the "Smith 4.1" software found in the Practical Learning
Environment to check the results obtained in point 2.

a. Input impedance Z¿ .
b. Reflection coefficient Γ .
c. VSWR.
d. Find an electrical length 𝓁 where the input impedance Z¿ is real.

Conclusion 1: It can be concluded that the design of the conductor-insulator imposes

very different propagation conditions for electromagnetic waves and that in the case
of coaxial lines, a lower resistance is presented, but some electrical parameters such
as inductance and capacitance are increased.

Conclusion 2: Taking into account the importance of knowing some propagation

parameters in transmission lines because it shows loss of energy in the waves, it
should be noted that Smith's letter gives very relevant information and very quickly.


Paz, A. (2013). Electrodynamics and waves. Electromagnetism for electronic

engineering. Chapter 8. pp.311-400

Chen, W. (2005). The Electrical Engineering Handbook. Boston: Academic Press. (pp.

525-537). Recovered from https://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?

Joines, W., Bernhard, J., & Palmer, W. (2012). Microwave Transmission Line Circuits.
Boston: Artech House, (pp. 23-45). Recovered
from https://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?

Anonymous. (2015). Smith's letter. Retrieved from

Anonymous. (2019). What is VSWR: Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. Retrieved from

Dellsperger. F. (2018). Smith-Chart Software and Related Documents. Retrieved from


Gutierrez. W. (2015). Using Smith V3.10. [Video] Retrieved from


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