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In campus location finder using mobile

application services
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1883, 020022 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5002040
Published Online: 14 September 2017

Low Weng Fai, and Lukman Audah


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1883, 020022 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5002040 1883, 020022

© 2017 Author(s).
In Campus Location Finder Using Mobile Application

Low Weng Fai a) and Lukman Audahb)

Wireless and Radio Science Centre (WARAS)

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia.

b)Corresponding author: hanif@uthm.edu.my


Abstract. Navigation services become very common in this era, the application include Google Map, Waze and etc.
Although navigation application contains the main routing service in open area but not all of the buildings are recorded in
the database. In this project, an application is made for the indoor and outdoor navigation in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia (UTHM). It is used to help outsider and new incoming students by navigating them from their current location to
destination using mobile application name “U Finder”. Thunkable website has been used to build the application for outdoor
and indoor navigation. Outdoor navigation is linked to the Google Map and indoor navigation is using the QR code for
positioning and routing picture for navigation. The outdoor navigation can route user to the main faculties in UTHM and
indoor navigation is only done for the G1 building in UTHM.


The university campus consists many buildings and rooms with many differences in term of name and usage.
Besides that, to move from one building to another building will take some time because campus was not small like a
primary school or a secondary school. An ordinary map does not seem to be helpful since it does not indicate user
location. It may take time to known the user’s current place. Searching destination inside a building is challenging as
the hallways inside a building are almost similar. Ask other people around the area may get the direction but it will be
very tricky when the way to the destination consist many turnings point. Another challenge was need to remember all
the directory correctly [1].
From a campus map, it just indicates the name of building in campus. It does not have the detail lecture room,
laboratory, etc. to make the new comer more convenience to find the destination. The application will use the build in
GPS on the mobile phone to track the user current location in the UHTM. Application also contain search list for user
to search the destination they want to go.
Since the GPS is not suitable to navigate at indoor, another method and some tools are needed for the indoor
navigation. The QR code will be placed in front of the door of each room so user can notice clearly and scan it to
know their position inside the building. User needs to choose the desired room destination that already set in the data
base. Indoor navigation will start from the place QR code been scan to user desire destination. It was a manual
navigation that use picture to show the path to the destination. In this project, a mobile application has been developed.
The aim of the application is to navigate user to the destination on outdoor and indoor. For case study purpose, the
system was customized to the application in UTHM, mainly for the students and visitors.

Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: From Theory to Applications

AIP Conf. Proc. 1883, 020022-1–020022-10; doi: 10.1063/1.5002040
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1563-8/$30.00


In this section, the previous related works on indoor and outdoor navigation methods are briefly discussed for
comparison with our proposed method. The methods that can be used for the indoor and outdoor navigation are shown
in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Method for indoor and outdoor navigation
Outdoor Indoor
Conventional maps yes yes
Global positioning system yes no
Augmented Reality yes yes
Wifi positioning system yes yes
Vision-based localization system no yes
Map display contains some space or object and other elements in a certain area. Normal conventional map is a
map that printed on a paper. According to K. Salischev, map contain 3 basic components. The basic components are
the content, mathematical base and legend of the map. The content shows the information of some natural and object
in the map. The mathematical base shows the coordinate of a specific of object or etc. Besides that, distance of a block
also specifies in the map. The third component which is the legend of map usually show more specific information of
object in the map [3].
Global positioning system is a positioning method using the satellite as transmitter and GPS as the receiver. There
are 24 satellites circling the earth and the system function by using at least 4 satellites. The satellite transmits signal
to the receiver, time travel between transmitter and receiver also will be recorded to determine the position in three-
dimension east, north and altitude. Besides that, 2 types of data are needed by the GPS receiver which are the almanac
and ephemeris. These 2 types of data ensure that the transmitter and receiver are connected to get the accurate
positioning result [7].
Augmented reality is a method that applies live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose
elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. This system
requires the GPRS which obtains information about a particular geographical location which can be overlaid with tags
etc. Images, videos etc. can be superimposed onto this location. In the navigation system, the system will show a
virtual path that indicated at real world environment [4].
Vision base localization system is method for indoor navigation system. It uses QR code, bar code and other picture
as marking for the location. Using scanner scan the marker can access the data based set by the developer where it
will show the location of user in indoor. User may select the place need to go and it will start from the marker. The
advantage is it simple does not require many hardware to establish connection between transmitter and receiver. The
disadvantage is that it does not have real time navigation [1].
Wi-Fi positioning system is a type of method that can identify the location of the user in certain location. It can
use for outdoor positioning and indoor positioning and location estimation performed by WiFi is based on the
following facts.
1. All Wi-Fi AP have a unique identification (ID) called Basic Services Set Identification (e.g. Medium Access
Control (MAC) address)
2. Each Wi-Fi access point (AP) broadcasts its Basic Services Set Identification periodically.
3. Any Wi-Fi client can receive broadcasted Basic Services Set Identification from the Wi-Fi APs.
User location can be estimated by using Wi-fi AP location or using Data Slot Set Identification. There are several
methods to estimate location and all commonly classed into 3 type that are proximity, triangulation, and scene analysis
Two pass project methods are chosen for the proposed indoor and outdoor navigation which are the global
positioning system and vision base localization system. Global positioning system, is as method that position using
satellite as transmitter and GPS receiver. The earliest function of GPS system only can navigate user to destination
that user key in. As the GPS has been upgraded, new features are added such as the bookmark, time to travel to
destination, etc.

According to the research paper by Krina Patel et al., they have created an application name UTour that navigate
to tour create by the user. The application was build using android studio and it use Google map API to connect the
application to Google map. The application is similar like Google map, using GPS build in the mobile phone to detect
the location of user and when user search desire tour will show the routing to destination [5].
According to research paper by Claudia Barberis et al., they have tested the difference interfaces of the application
such as 2D map and 3D map. For the navigation system, routes in a building are internally represented as a graph
approximating the floor plans, where nodes are the turning points and edges are the path segments.
The route between two points is computed with a shortest path algorithm. However, from a user-cognitive point
of view, this could not be the best option for large open areas, like those typically present in malls. The indication
obtained from users is that when such spaces are transit area, they simply look for the shortest path between entry and
exit “doors”. Routing algorithms was modified to change the application more suitable to use in specific location [2].


The proposed project involves the software and website for application development. This project’s design can be
divided into 3 categories which are the processing of soft copy of the floor plan of building, design for outdoor
navigation and design of indoor navigation. The software and website use include Thunkable website, Google drive
website and software Adobe Photoshop CC2015.


Thunkable is a website that allows user to create mobile application for android mobile phone. The website allows
user to create basic android mobile application depending on the services provide by the website.
Services and block function that are provided in the website in making application can be divided to few parts such
as the interface of the application, sensor in the phone, social media of phone, storage services, visualization services,
connectivity services etc. The basic interface block let the user to create the function such as adding static text, adding
picture, push button etc. There are several sensor blocks provide in Thunkable are location sensor, near field
communication (NFC) sensor, etc. The sensor used on this project is the barcode scanner but it needs another specific
barcode scanner application to function. For the storage service, tiny db, tiny web db and other services is provided.
Since the picture store in the application may cause the size of application become large, the processed picture store
in Google drive. Visualization service provided in Thunkable are the Google map, which can let user to add pin in the
map and have most function like Google map. It has a disadvantage that it only for visualization, routing service still
need to access the Google map services. Connectivity block helps user to access website inside their design
application. The website can be accessed on the application or it can be displayed by link to internet application inside
a smart phone.
Besides that, Thunkable is a drag and drop platform for building native, mobile apps. User does not need to type
any coding to create a mobile application. User just need basic knowledge of coding flow and how the block in
Thunkable works.

Adobe Photoshop CC2015

Adobe Photoshop CC2015 is the software use to edit routing picture for indoor navigation. Before start to edit,
floor plan of G1 building was get from facilities management. The hardcopy was scan and save as picture for further
process. Figure 1 shows the picture before process and partial process.

FIGURE 1. Floor plan at G1 building

After partial editing using the software, the navigation route to the destination room needs further editing process
in the routing layer. After adding routing layer, other indicator also need to be added to the picture to make sure user
understand how the picture navigate user to their desire location. Figure 2 shows the picture after finish all editing
process for both ground floor and first floor.

FIGURE 2. Example of edited routing picture

Google Drive

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Launched on April 24, 2012,
Google Drive allows users to store files in the cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files. In addition to a
website, Google Drive offers apps with offline capabilities for Windows and macOS computers, and Android and iOS
smartphones and tablets. Google Drive encompasses Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, an office suite that permits
collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. Files created and edited
through the office suite are saved in Google Drive.
Google Drive offers users 15 Gigabytes of free storage, with 100 Gigabytes, 1 Terabyte, 10 Terabytes, 20
Terabytes, and 30 Terabytes offered through optional paid plans. Files uploaded can be up to 5 Terabytes in size.
Users can change privacy settings for individual files and folders, including enabling sharing with other users or
making content public.
In this project, all the indoor navigation picture was store in Google drive. This is because the Thunkable is not
able to zoom image set inside the application. This make user inconvenience since the picture too small. All the
pictures are stored in the google drive was set as public so that other users can access the picture too. Figure 3 shows
the example of routing picture stored in the google drive.

FIGURE 3. Routing picture stored in Google Drive

Flow of Application

The main flow chart of the application shown in Figure 4. The detail flow charts of part “A” and “B” are shown
in Figure 5. The application starts with the main page that allows user to choose either indoor or outdoor navigation.
If user choose outdoor, user needs to click the positioning button for further process. If user know the name of building,
choose the desire building and press the button given on the page. If user only know the name of room or lecturer,
user needs to insert text in the search box and press the name in the list. Then user needs to adjust the Google map by
zooming out until the blue pin and user position can be seen. Then, press the blue pin for navigation. User can refresh
the page for wrong selection or if the user is confused with the desired blue pin due to the many blue pins on the
Google map. User also can go back to the main screen using back button in the application after finish routing.

If user choose indoor, application will change from main page to indoor navigation page. User needs to find QR
code and press scan button for further process. User can use back button in application to go back to main screen. User
can click current location to check for positioning. User then can search or scroll thought list box for the desired

FIGURE 4. Flow chart of mobile application, contain “A” and “B”

(a) (b)
FIGURE 5. (a) Outdoor flow chart, is “A” part in mobile application (b) Indoor flow chart, is “B” part in mobile application


In this section, the outdoor and indoor navigation will be discussed on how it works in more detail using pictures.
Some limitation also will be included so that user needs to follow the steps very careful in order to get outdoor and
indoor navigation to operate properly.

Flow of Application (Outdoor)

When user open the application, user needs to press the “Outdoor” button shown in the 1st step of Figure 6. It will
take user to the page in second step. Before user presses the positioning button on google map, user needs to make
sure the GPS on phone is turned on. User also can use the guide set on the top of the page for outdoor navigation.
After pressing the positioning button, it is now come to the 3rd step.

1) Main Page 2) Outdoor Page 3) User Position

4) Pin Location 5) Route

FIGURE 6. The overall flow of the outdoor navigation system in the mobile application

After the blue dot appears on the Google maps, user can proceed to insert the destination. If user only know the
name of lecture room or name of lecturer, user can use the search box to find related name on it and press it if it is the
desired destination. If user know the name of the building, user can use the scroll function set on the lowest button
area starting from “FKAAS” button to find the desire building. The part above “FKAAS” button is static, unable to

Searching in search box and then pressing the button will create a blue pin in Google map. Due to the lack of
function direct jump to pin point in map, user needs to zoom out to see the blue pin. The pin can be pressed if user
want to navigate to blue pin point shown in the 4th step. The navigation will bring user to Google map when user use
the routing function as shown in the 5th step.
If user pins too much on the Google map and not able to identify which of the pin is for the desired destination,
user can press refresh button. The refresh button has function of reopen same page as shown in 2nd step. User needs
to redo from 2nd step to 5th step for new outdoor navigation. If user satisfy with outdoor navigation and want to
continue indoor navigation. User can click back button so it can move from 2nd step to 1st step. All the step of outdoor
navigation shown in Figure 6. From Figure 6, the navigation from user location to “FKAAS” location has been tested.

Flow of Application (Indoor)

When user opens the application, it will show the page on the1st step as shown in Figure 7. User needs to press
indoor button for indoor navigation. After the button is pressed it will change the page to scan page. In this page, there
are 2 button scan and back button. If user want to get back to main page can press back button inside the application.
1) Main Page 2) Scan Page 3) Scan QR Code

4) Indoor Page 5) User Position 6) Route

FIGURE 7. The overall flow of the indoor navigation system in the mobile application

If user want to scan QR code, please make sure that user phone install “barcode scanner” application in google
play store. If user phone does not have that application, an error notification will pop up and user cannot scan and
proceed to the further process of indoor navigation. User phone with scanner application will link to 3rd step where
user can move the screen to scan the QR code.
After scan, the application will move on to the next page for indoor navigation. In this page the wing and name of
room will indicate below screen name “A”. Below the indicator text is guide on how to read the map. It is very
important because navigation picture does not provide guide on how to read it.
In this stage, user can press current location button if the indicator text does not provide enough information. User
also can search the room or lecturer room by type the name of room or lecturer name. The search box will filter and
give nearest result. Press the element in the list, it will pop up webpage and link it too google drive. It will show
picture, user need to find the red dot on the picture. The red dot indicates the position of user. The green line indicates
the road to the destination. Instruction of routing also include on the picture. Blue color “R” indicate the destination
of user need to reach. Figure 8 shows the example of indoor navigation picture.

FIGURE 8. Indoor navigation picture


An application has been developed with the name of “U Finder” using Thunkable website. Besides that, the
Photoshop software has been used to make photo for indoor navigation. All the pictures are stored in Google drive to
make smaller application size.
In this project, user just need to install 2 applications in order to navigate in UTHM. Main faculty building can be
set for outdoor navigation. Outdoor navigation service is based on the Google map service using the latitude and
longitude of the main faculty which have added inside the application for user to run the outdoor navigation. The
marker can be set on the map because some faculty information does not build inside Google map database. Besides
that, the proposed application is more convenience to the user who is familiar with the Google map services.
The indoor navigation only applies in FKEE-G1 building. Most of the room in G1 have been given a QR code so
user can scan to know the position and search for the destination. The navigation only show pictures which is similar
to the conventional map, but it can be accessed using phone and it shows the route to the destination.

This project only consists of a mobile application and no hardware was used. User needs a phone installed with
this application and bar code scanner application. GPS system in phone needs to be enable for outdoor navigation and
the Internet service needs to be enable when using indoor navigation service.
This indoor/outdoor navigation application has successfully done by using the Thunkable website, other software
etc. Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the application in the future is improve the application by make
indoor navigation for all building consist at UTHM. Besides that also can replace QR code indoor navigation with real
time navigation using difference navigation method such as use Wifi method etc. furthermore, application can be
improve using android studio to create application since the Thunkable website have many limitation.


The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Education Malaysia under Research Acculturation Grant Scheme
(RAGS) and the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia for the generous financial support.


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