MCA (Revised) Terrn-End Practical Examination) Une, 2009
MCA (Revised) Terrn-End Practical Examination) Une, 2009
MCA (Revised) Terrn-End Practical Examination) Une, 2009
Note : Answer thefollowing question. It carries20 marks and the aiaa-uoceis for 5 marks.
L. Write a program using ISP that displays a webpage consisting of your personal 20
information such as Name, Date of Birth, Area of Interest and a paragraph explaining
the significance of Internet technologies.
MCSr-054/31 P.T.O.
PART - 2 z Computer Graphics and Multinredia
Note : Answer thefollowing question. lt caties 20 marks and thc oioa-ooceis for 5 marks.
2. Write a prograrn in C/C++ using Open GL that accepts the area of a Circle as input 20
and draws the corresponding Circle.
Mark necessaryassumptions.
MCSL-054/ S\ 5,000