Dlms-Network V 1.0: Digital Load Measurement System
Dlms-Network V 1.0: Digital Load Measurement System
Dlms-Network V 1.0: Digital Load Measurement System
V 1.0
CONTENTS...................................................................................................................................................................... I
1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 FEATURES..............................................................................................................................................................1
2 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION...................................................................................................................................2
3.1 CONNECTIONS......................................................................................................................................................3
5 CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................................................................7
7 LOGS............................................................................................................................................................................14
DLMS-NetWork is software that provides a visual user interface for monitoring and maintaining and calibrating
multiple DigiCell device.
Plug sensing
- Automatically detects device type and provides calibration and setup regarding the device connected.
- Logs display values to text file in level triggered basis as data logging.
- Data logging may have delay in order to ensure the data is setup after a load change.
- Data to be logged to a database file with device IDs.
- Pentium Family CPU 233MHz or Higher
- 32MB RAM (higher recommended)
- 10MB harddisk space (higher space recommended for data logging)
- 800x600 high color or true color graphics adapter and compatible monitor
- Hardware COM ports
- RS232C/RS485 converters for port
- CD-ROM Drive (required only for installation)
- Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP operating system
1- Close all open applications running and insert the install CD into CD-ROM Drive.
2- The Setup utility will normally run automatically. If it does not run (your CD-ROM may be configured not to run
applications automatically) then click My Computer on desktop, click CD-ROM icon next and run Setup.Exe from
3- Setup will copy the files necessary for installation to the temporary folder automatically and will prompt a warning
about closing the other applications, click OK if there is no application currently running.
4- Setup will prompt for the directory for installation, you may change it by “Change Directory” or you may leave it
as default and continue to installation by clicking the icon button on the left of window.
5- Setup will install all necessary files and registry automatically and prompt when installation finished.
6- Your computer may need to be rebooted after the installation, the prompt will ask to reboot or do it later, rebooting
that time strongly recommended, the software may not work properly if prompted and run without rebooting.
7- The DLMS-NetWork icon will be added to start menu after the installation.
RS485 is a multi-drop communications layer but an RS232/RS485 converter must be devised to connect an RS485 bus
to a communications port of a PC in order to match the electrical signals and direction of communication information
flow. A compatible RS485/RS232 converter can be obtained by the manufacturer.
#1 #5 #33 #45
Attention: RS485/RS232 conversion is a complicated process that includes the data direction control. Many third party
RS232/RS485 converters have a data direction control based on special functions of PC side communication ports or
may have incompatible delays to run with DLMS software. Third party converters may not function properly with
DLMS software except those suggested by the manufacturer.
DLMS-NetWork can communicate with any of the devices on a multi-drop bus by changing the configuration of PC
communication parameters of the software, but not at a time. As a convention of ModBus protocol, all devices on the
same bus must have the same communication parameters.
DLMS-NetWork can communicate with Digicell devices and can also communicate with the other computers on the
network via TCP/IP protocol. There are two seperated communication setups.
• Local Devices
This section defines the local devices that connected to the PCs comm port(s). Before modifying any port or device
settings, please make sure that “Work Offline” box checked.
After making communication offline (“Work offline” mod), make comm port settings.
• Network Devices
Once a device has been detected, the simulated LCD display will indicate the load, status of stability and zero upon
current actual status.
All buttons will be enabled if the program key is enabled by the device. The calibration button (-C-) may remain
disabled with cross over it if the program is disabled by the device.
The device will not go into the online mode if the communication port and parameters selected differ those of the
device. The default communication parameters of DLMS-NetWork software matches factory default communication
parameters of DigiCell devices. The common adjustment will be the communication port selection if communication
parameters of either the software or the device is not modified on purpose.
Please follow the steps below to establish a successful link between PC and the device;
1- Connect the DigiCell device by appropriate cable to the communications port of PC.
2- Power-up the DigiCell
3- Run DLMS-NetWork software
4- Click the following PC communications button to popup the PC communication settings window.
5- Select the communications port that the device is connected to the PC. This option is COM1 by default. You may
need to change it to appropriate port if it is being used by another device.
6- Click Apply and check the panel in background if the communication established successfully, there may be an
error message if any inappropriate port is selected. Try another if you are not sure which port is being used.
7- Click OK when finished. A temporary offline condition will occur within a second and the connection will be
saved automatically after clicking OK button.
Available only when online. Provides the functionality to set the gross value to zero when clicked. User zero
can be operational in certain limits and conditions and may result to a warning message that this operation
cannot be done if the conditions of measurement are not appropriate for this operation. Please see device manuals for
conditions for zero operation.
Available only when online. Toggles tare between Gross and Net/Tare mode. Clicking this button will result
the current captured value as the tare value and the net value is being displayed. Clicking this button when a
tare value is already captured will result the tare to be cleared and gross value displayed until a new tare value captured.
Tare functionality is limited to certain conditions and a warning message may be displayed if tare function cannot be
done at that time. Please see device manuals for conditions for tare operation.
Available only when online and the program key is on. Reads current calibration data from device and pops
up the calibration window. The calibration windows functionality depends on the device type. Refer to the
“Calibration” section of corresponding device type. The program key is a hardware key on the device that is not
accessible without sealing the device off. This button will be disabled by a white cross on it when the program key is in
off position. Please refer the device manuals for the position of the program key.
Available only when online. Reads current setup from device and pops up the setup window. Some
information are protected by the program key and will not be written after the setup. Setting up all available
information will require the program key is in on state. Please refer to Device Setup section for further information.
Enables the user to change the parameters that the personal computer use in communications to a device. The
communication port, baudrate, framing properties and device ModBus number can be selected by the following
window pops up after clicking this button.
The port must be selected as the port that is connected to the device. The values; Protocol, Baudrate, Parity, Data Bits
and Stop Bits must match the device connected. HB Modbus Address is an ID of the device being communicated and
must match the correct address which the device is being identified for either the device on the bus or a single device
connected. The address ranges 1 to 255. OK button saves selected parameters and closes the current window. Apply
does the some without closing the current window. Cancel leaves settings as last Apply or OK clicked.
Enables the user to modify logging options. Please refer to Logging section of this document for details.
Opens an about dialog box and displays software information about DLMS-Virtual Panel. This window also
includes rated values of DigiCell if connected at the time this button clicked.
Calibration process differs in digital input DigiCell devices, such as DigiCell DLT and analog input DigiCell devices,
such as DigiCell DC-xxx, LCA-X or LCA-D. Digicell series with digital input can communicate with multiple analog
input DigiCell devices and the calibration process covers the corner calibration as well as overall calibration. DigiCell
series those use analog inputs calibrated only as overall calibration.
DLMS-NetWork identifies the device automatically and pops up the related calibration window if the
calibration button clicked. This button is enabled only if the program key is ON on the device. Please see the
related device manuals for where the program key is located on the device.
4- The load on the scale must be entered as the reference of current load that will be used in calculations.
5- Clicking “Click here & Set Load” button will result the calculations performed and written back to the device. This
may take a few seconds to done. The green indicator will display the entered load after the write-back.
6- Clicking the Close button will update the calibration history of the device and will close the window if calibration
Attention: Steps in calibration cannot be undone. It is necessary to complete all steps before closing the window in
order not to lead an uncertain state of calibration.
Device setup enables the user to maintain major parameters of DigiCell connected. The parameters ranges from the
read-only device serial number and ROM Version to Display unit, output set points and communication parameters
regarding the device type.
Parameters differ in digital input DigiCell devices, such as DigiCell DLT and analog input DigiCell devices, such as
DigiCell DC-xxx, LCA-X or LCA-D.
Parameter functions will be explained in brief within this manual, please refer to device manuals for detailed functional
descriptions. Some parameters can be updated only if the program key is ON on the device. Please see the related
device manuals for where the program key is located.
DLMS-NetWork identifies the device automatically and pops up the related setup window when the Setup
button clicked.
Decimal Point
DigiCell devices provide measurements
in fixed-point form. The position of
decimal point can be selected by
decimal point selection box.
Display Unit
Display unit is only used for user
interface of built-in device display and
for PC software. The unit has no
computational function. It can be
selected to appropriate unit by the
selection box.
The device uses only one “e” value for all range if Single Interval selected. It displays the Maximum alert message over
the Max value with a tolerance.
On Multi Interval or Multi Range selection, two “e” and “Max” values will be available for selection as “e1,e2 and
Max1,Max2”. Basically e1 is used for measurements below Max1 value and e2 is being used above Max1 value. Max2
value corresponds to the alert value.
The difference between Multi Range and Multi Interval is the behavior of output when Max1 exceeded and fallen
below. The e1 is used below Max1 and e2 used above Max1 in Multi Interval Scale Type, the “e” value that is being
used returns to e1 if the measurement falls below Max1. The Multi Range option provides “e” value not to return to e1
state when measurement falls below Max1 unless measurement is actually zero with a tolerance.
Input parameters are devised for input measurements stability regarding to the input bridge ratio, environmental
conditions and load change characteristics. The filtering mechanism and its parameters plays a major role for input
measurement stability. The input filter of Digicell devices are adaptive for fast load changes. The combined behavior of
Filter Size, Filter Tolerance and Filter Escape Counts parameters are explained as adaptive filter behavior below;
The adaptive filter behavior: The filtering mechanism is based on the average of measurements collected respectively
and accumulated to FIFO method memory. The size of the FIFO (in number of measurements) varies 1 to the Filter
Size specified. Each measurement from the input is compared to the current value that has been filtered and the last
measurement from input enters to the FIFO filter directly if the difference between last measurement and the filter
value is less than the Filter Tolerance value. The measurement is disregarded if it exceeds the difference and counted as
a possibly inappropriate value (i.e. caused by mechanical vibration or electrical noise from the input). The count is reset
after first in-range measurement and the last measurement enters to the FIFO filter. The FIFO completely cleared and
restarts with last measurement acquired if the count of inappropriate values exceeds the Filter Escape Counts value.
The number of values in FIFO filter will grow from 1 measurement to the number of measurements specified by the
Filter Size parameter.
Input Range
Specifies the input Wheatstone bridge
ratio in mV/V. Selection of the proper
range is important since the input of the
device will go into overflow state and
produce an error when the bridge ratio
becomes higher than the selected value
or the measurement will loose accuracy
if selected excessively higher than the
bridges maximum ratio.
Filter Size
Filter size is the number of
measurements that is buffered and used
for calculations during filtering. The
greater the value the more stable
measurements got and measurement
speed reduces. The lower the value the
lower stability got and the device will
respond faster to a change in its input.
Output parameters are devised to control of the device hardware outputs such as relays and analog output.
Relay outputs
Determines setpoints and setpoint
conditions for devices that support
relay outputs. “Above or equal“ or
“Below” options are selectable and can
be based either on net value or gross
value. The units of setpoints are
determined by the common
measurement unit set by Display Unit
from Display Tag.
Analog Output
Determines the measurement/output
ratio of analog output to value
measured. Analog output can be
selected to be based on Net value or
Gross value.
The difference of “From” value an “To” value must be greater than 3mA’s. Values above 25mA and the difference
below 10mA may cause loss of accuracy at output.
Communications parameters are used to specify how the device communicates with the PC.
Please pay attention for following warnings before setting this parameters;
1- Do not confuse PC communication parameters with Communications Parameters. PC communication parameters
that accessed by panel button directly specifies the PC side of operation.
2- Specifying incorrect parameters may result access problems to device.
3- Never change communication parameters if more than one device are operating on the same bus.
Specifies the major ModBus option.
RTU protocol is a binary protocol
that devices detect the message
termination by a specified time delay.
ASCII protocol is a text based data
transfer and the termination
characters are standard Line Feed and
Carriage Return ASCII characters. In
brief RTU is faster than ASCII since
the amount of data flow requires less
bytes to communicate. ASCII method
is supported by Digicell family since
a PC is not essential as a master
device, PLC and third party
equipment can also be used for this
Operates for different purposes regarding RTU or ASCII mode is being used. It specifies the termination duration of
the package when operating in RTU mode. It specifies the cancellation time-out if a premature package met while
operating in ASCII mode.
ModBus Address
The address of the device on the bus. Must be specified properly even if only one device operates on bus of RS232
physical layer used for communication.
Logs are intended to be used not only for recording the measurements to a text file but also the events the user done by
the software.
Logs can be enabled or disabled, each item can be selected to be logged. To maintain with logging controls the
Logging button must be clicked to open the following window.