Control of Hazardous Dust During Tuckpointing: Controls
Control of Hazardous Dust During Tuckpointing: Controls
Control of Hazardous Dust During Tuckpointing: Controls
exposure to dust containing crystal- (Figure 1). The dust may be carried
Summary line silica. throughout the workplace. When
workers use compressed air to clean
Construction workers are ex- As brick buildings get older, the mor-
posed to hazardous dust when their clothes, tools, and equipment,
tar between the bricks starts to fall
grinding or cutting mortar or ce- even more dust is added to the air.
apart and needs to be replaced to pre-
ment from between the bricks of vent water intrusion into the build-
old buildings. The National Insti- ing. Before replacing the mortar, ½ Controls
tute for Occupational Safety and to ¾ inch of the old mortar is re-
Health (NIOSH) found that ex- moved by using a grinder. The grind- NIOSH has identified control mea-
posures could be reduced using er breaks up the mortar and turns it sures to reduce worker exposure to
tool-mounted local exhaust ven- into airborne dust that may contain hazardous dust during tuckpointing.
tilation and work practices. crystalline silica. The crystalline sil- Studies [Heitbrink and Collingwood
ica dust released during tuckpoint- 2005; Collingwood and Heitbrink
ing operations is very hard to control 2007] show how an industrial vacuum
Description of
Workers who use grinders to remove
deteriorated mortar between bricks
(tuckpointing) may be exposed to
crystalline silica at concentrations
up to 100 times the NIOSH rec-
ommended exposure limit (REL) of
50 µg/m3 [Shields 1999]. Breathing
dust that contains silica can lead to
the development of silicosis, a dead-
ly lung disease. In addition, exposure
to crystalline silica has been linked to
lung cancer, kidney disease, reduced
lung function, and other disorders
[NIOSH 2002]. No effective treat-
ment exists for silicosis, but it can
be prevented by controlling workers’ Figure 1. Uncontrolled mortar removal generating hazardous exposure to dust.
A 2-inch diameter hose with a smooth interior and a
length of no more than 15 feet provides adequate air
flow to capture and transport the mortar dust. The air
flow provided by smaller diameter hoses (e.g., 1.5 inch)
was far less than that provided by 2-inch diameter hos-
es. The hose should have as few elbows or turns as pos-
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