Development of Semi-Automatic Lathe by Using Intelligent Soft Computing Technique
Development of Semi-Automatic Lathe by Using Intelligent Soft Computing Technique
Development of Semi-Automatic Lathe by Using Intelligent Soft Computing Technique
Abstract: This paper discusses the enhancement of conventional lathe machine to semi-
automated lathe machine by implementing a soft computing method. In the present scenario,
lathe machine plays a vital role in the engineering division of manufacturing industry. While
the manual lathe machines are economical, the accuracy and efficiency are not up to the mark.
On the other hand, CNC machine provide the desired accuracy and efficiency, but requires a
huge capital. In order to over come this situation, a semi-automated approach towards the
conventional lathe machine is developed by employing stepper motors to the horizontal and
vertical drive, that can be controlled by Arduino UNO -microcontroller. Based on the input
parameters of the lathe operation the arduino coding is been generated and transferred to the
UNO board. Thus upgrading from manual to semi-automatic lathe machines can significantly
increase the accuracy and efficiency while, at the same time, keeping a check on investment
cost and consequently provide a much needed escalation to the manufacturing industry.
1. Introduction
Lathe is a machine tool used principally for shaping articles of metal by causing the work piece to be
held and rotated by the chuck while a tool bit is advanced into the work causing the cutting action[1].
The basic lathe that was designed to cut cylindrical metal stock has been developed further to produce
screw threads, tapered work, drilled holes, knurled surfaces, and crankshafts as shown in Figure 1. The
typical lathe provides a variety of rotating speeds and a means to manually and automatically move the
cutting tool into the work piece. Some of the operations done by a lathe machines are tabulated below
in Table 1.
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012053 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012053
Operation Description
Facing To produce a flat surface at the end of the part or for making face grooves.
3. Input Parameters
The specifications of micro-controller(Arduino UNO) & the lathe machine is tabulated in Table 2 &
Table 3.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012053 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012053
Table 2. Arduino UNO- specifications[4] Table 3. Lathe Machine-Parameters
4. Experimental Details
4.1 Principle Of Arduino Lathe :
Embedded System - is one that has hardware with software embedded in it as one of its important
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012053 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012053
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012053 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012053
The tangential component : Ft-it is in the direction of the cutting velocity vector.
Ft = R1.(Fx)1.(dy)1 kgf (1)
The radial component : Fr-is in the direction of the radius of the job.
Fr = R2.(Fx)2.(dy)2 kgf (2)
The axial component : Fa-is in the direction of the longitudinal feed
Fa = R3.(Fx)3.(dy)3 kgf (3)
Therefore the rate of work needed in turning approximately equals to the product of tangential force
component and the cutting velocity.
The horsepower, needed for turning : P = (Ft x Vmax)/4500 hp (4)
The power rating, of the cutting drive : PRC = P / ηC hp (5)
The power rating, of the feed drive : PRF = (Q x F) / f (6)
The feed force, for lathe operations : Q = k.Fa + ( Fc + Fr +Wd ) (7)
Where, ηC is the mechanical efficiency, β is the coefficient of friction between the carriage and the
guide ways, k is a recommended factor, Wd is the weight of the parts being traversed, Fa,Fc and Fv are
the components of the cutting force in the feed, cutting and radial directions respectively.
6. Conclusion
Therefore, the design of Semi-automatic lathe is successfully developed by the Solid Works Software.
Which has the communion of both hardware(Arduino UNO) & software(Arduino IDE) resulting in the
development of semi-automated approach towards the conventional lathe machine. As automation
newly developed Arduino lathe is done by implementing some new features to the standard lathe,
therefore the setup cost is increased, but when compared to the fully automated/CNC machine the
setup cost is much low. The accuracy of the job manufactured in semi-automated lathe is high
relatively, so the repeatability and dimensional stability of the manufactured part is achieved. Since the
production rate is high, the semi-automated lathe machines will be very useful in mass production.
7. References
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