On Control and Balancing of Rigid Bipolar MMC-HVDC Links Enabling Subsystem-Independent Power Transfer

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On Control and Balancing of

Rigid Bipolar MMC-HVdc Links

Enabling Subsystem-Independent Power Transfer
C. Hirsching, M. Goertz, M. Suriyah, T. Leibfried S. Wenig, S. Beckler
Institute of Electric Energy Systems and High-Voltage Technology (IEH) TransnetBW GmbH
Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT) Stuttgart, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany s.wenig@transnetbw.de

Abstract—High voltage direct current transmission schemes dc side current loop instead of two exists in rigid bipolar
equipped with modular multilevel converter technology are con- configuration during normal operation. Therefore, the amount
sidered in several realized and planned bulk power transmission of dc side degrees of freedom is reduced, which causes
projects. Especially in the case of dc cable links with high
system lengths, the rigid bipolar configuration presents a suitable challenges in control design. Currently, some interconnector
compromise between power rating, cost-efficiency and converter projects are in construction and planning stage [4]-[6] and
redundancy. Caused by the absence of a metallic return path, are designed to operate with balanced voltage levels in both
system degrees of freedom are reduced in contrast to the bipolar bipolar subsystems [4]. Control and balancing aspects for this
configuration with dedicated metallic return. Therefore, the dc operation mode have been provided in previous research [7].
currents in positive and negative bipolar subsystem are not
independent. This leads to new challenges and motivates the Regarding the ac grid connection of an HVdc link in rigid
development of advanced control and balancing concepts for rigid bipolar configuration it could be of operational interest that
bipolar schemes. This paper focuses on balanced and unbalanced ac busbars of positive and negative converter are connected
ac grid operating conditions with subsystem-independent active to different points of common coupling (PCC). Within this
power set points in an ac split-busbar scenario, which has not context the transmission of different active power levels in
yet been covered in literature. In order to validate the presented
methodology, case studies are performed in electromagnetic each bipolar subsystem, as depicted in Fig. 1, reveals a new
transient software. operation mode in rigid bipolar schemes. This contribution
discloses the challenges of rigid bipolar HVdc systems op-
Index Terms—converter control design, EMT, MMC-HVdc,
rigid bipolar configuration. erating with different active power set points in each bipolar
subsystem and provides a control and balancing scheme to
I. I NTRODUCTION realize operation in this mode.
In recent years, high voltage direct current transmission The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
links equipped with state-of-the-art modular multilevel con- tion II introduces MMC control basics as well as an improved
verter (MMC-HVdc) technology became an important techni- power and energy balancing concept to guarantee stable oper-
cal resource in order to cover bulk power transmission require- ation in an ac split-busbar scenario with different active power
ments [1], [2]. HVdc projects realized and planned with cable levels. Moreover, the applicability of the introduced operation
transmission increased in the last years [3] and are recently mode for utilization of different submodule types, namely half-
also taken into consideration for onshore interconnectors due
to a higher social acceptance in contrast to overhead-line
Terminal T1 Terminal T2
realizations. C1p
Regarding HVdc cable systems with high system lengths, a MMC C1p idc,p 700 km cable MMC C2p
busbar C1p busbar C2p
bipolar configuration without dedicated metallic return (DMR) PCC C1p uC1p
cable, also known as rigid bipolar configuration, combines C2p
economic advantages, high transmission capacity as well as pC1p
PCC neutral bus pPCC
converter redundancy in terms of reconfiguration capability
to an asymmetric monopole during converter maintenance or MMC C1n idc,p bipolar subsystems MMC C2n
busbar C1n busbar C2n
converter-internal faults. A bipolar configuration with earth PCC C1n uC1n uC2n
dc dc PCC C2n
return as well saves additional cable costs, but is not taken into
pC1n pC2n
account in most parts of the world due to ecological reasons. PCC
The rigid bipolar configuration is depicted in Fig. 1. In
contrast to the bipolar configuration with DMR only one Fig. 1. Rigid bipolar HVdc transmission scheme

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
bridge and full-bridge-type submodules, is elaborated and an full-bridge
adaptive dc voltage control scheme to guarantee requested submodule iCxp
p,1 iCxp
dc,p uTx
power set points is provided. In section III the introduced Larm
methodology is validated for a balanced case study as well SM

as an ac contingency in electromagnetic transients (EMT) SM SM SM

software, whereas section IV concludes the paper. PCC Cxp iCxp


In Fig. 2, a MMC terminal in rigid bipolar configuration Cxp
uPCC,y uCxp SM SM SM
is depicted. Each terminal Tx, xǫ{1,2} consists of a positive SM
n,1 SM SM

and a negative converter Cxs, sǫ{p,n}. The busbar between SM SM SM

both converters is defined as the neutral bus, where several Larm

dc grounding conditions appear feasible (depicted as box G in iCxp
neutral bus
Fig. 2) [8]. Within this contribution, a single-point grounded
rigid bipolar transmission scheme is investigated (see Fig. 1). PCC Cxn G
iCxn uTx
The grounding resistance at the dc voltage-controlled termi- dc,p m,0

nal T2 is considered as 1 Ω, whereas the neutral bus of the dc uCxn

current-controlled terminal T1 is connected to a neutral bus MMC Cxn
surge arrester. MMCs are modelled utilizing type-4 detailed iCxn
dc,n uTx
equivalent models according to the classification in [9]. Sub-
modules are primarily considered as full-bridge-type to enable
Fig. 2. Three phase equivalent circuit of a single MMC terminal in rigid
flexible adaption of the converter dc voltage [2]. As explained bipolar configuration
later, this is a key element for subsystem-independent active
power transmission.
design the reader is further referred to [10]. Now, focusing on
A. MMC control basics dc side control design, transformation of (5) into stationary
By means of mesh analysis similar to [1], [7], [10] and reference frame reveals the zero component system dynamics
[11], the following equations are derived from Fig. 2 for each in (6) for each of the four converters Cxs within the rigid
phase yǫ{1, 2, 3} at the positive converter Cxp. bipolar transmission scheme:
d Cxp Cxp d Cxs uCxs
conv,y + Larm · i + uCxp Tx
p,y − udc − um,0 = 0 (1) uCxs iphm,0 + dc .
dt p,y Σ,0 = −Larm · (6)
dt 2
d Cxp It should be noticed that the converters dc current corre-
conv,y − Larm ·
i − uCxp Tx
n,y − um,0 = 0 (2) sponds to iCxs Cxs
dt n,y dc,p ∝ 3 · iphm,0 in steady-state. Generally, dc side
The phase module current iphm,y is introduced in (3) for quantities are adjusted by uCxs Σ,0 . Therefore, (6) obviously
each phase. highlights one dc side degree of freedom per converter in
bipolar configuration with DMR or rather four dc side degrees
iCxp Cxp
p,y + in,y of freedom per dc link. The main difference between rigid
phm,y = (3)
2 bipolar configuration and bipolar configuration with DMR is
Now, calculating [(2)+(1)]/2 and [(2)-(1)]/2 results in system the absence of the metallic return path. The dc voltages in
equations (4) and (5), respectively. Here, arm delta volt- each of two bipolar subsystems may differ in both types of
age u∆,y and arm sum voltage uΣ,y are defined. Super- bipolar configuration. However, in rigid bipolar configuration
script Cxp is neglected in the following as system equations the relations iCxp Cxn Cxp Cxn
dc,p = idc,p as well as iphm,0 = iphm,0 exist as
are valid for all four MMCs within the rigid bipolar transmis- long as the neutral bus arrester is in non-conducting state.
sion scheme. Summarizing two controllable dc voltage levels, but only one
un,y − up,y Larm d controllable dc current in contrast to the bipolar configuration
u∆,y = = iconv,y + uconv,y + uoffset (4) with DMR, highlights that dc side degrees of freedom are
2 2 dt
reduced from four to three in rigid bipolar configuration. These
up,y + un,y d udc are adjustable by the four control values uΣ,0 Cxs,∗
. It becomes
uΣ,y = = −Larm iphm,y + (5)
2 dt 2 apparent that dc side quantities in positive and negative bipolar
Whereas (4) represents the ac side system dynamics of an subsystem can not be controlled independently within rigid
MMC, (5) reflects internal and dc side dynamics. Decompo- bipolar configuration. In [7], an averaged control approach was
sition of each converter into its decoupled ac and dc side chosen for terminal-wide dc current and dc voltage control.
quantities allows for independent control design of ac and dc The third dc side degree of freedom was disregarded in control
side. The offset uoffset in (4) includes udc /2 as well as neutral design to avoid communication requirements between both
bus voltage uTx m,0 . Regarding more detailed ac side control terminals.

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
control blocks for udc /QPCC -controlled terminal T2
energy balancing at T2 (see II-C)
Σ,0 iC2s,bal,ac
- conv,d

AC current - iC2s,ref
pPCC reference value limiter
determination ac current control [10]

control blocks for PPCC /QPCC -controlled terminal T1 dc voltage control at T2 (see II-B1)
loss estimation at T1 (see II-E)
uCxp,set uCxp,ref
C1p,set uCxp,set e−sT
dc -
pPCC dc - - - Σ,0
enable loss uC2p
e−sT estimation iT2
C1n,set - -
pPCC uCxn,set uCxn,ref
- inverter/ uCxn,set
dc dc - - - uC2n,∗
pPCC rectifier -
enable loss uC2n
estimation uC2n 0.5
communication delay T1 =⇒ T2 dc

terminal-wide coordinated current limitation

related to maximum power transfer (see II-F)

power and energy balancing at T1 (see II-C)

dc current control at T1 (see II-B2)
average active power control
uΣ1,ref uT1 uC1p,∗
dc p,0 0.5
- Σ,0
pPCC e−sT pΣ1,ref iT1,ref
PCC DC current
0.5 limiter e−sT
- reference value
pPCC e−sT pΣ1,bal determination
PCC iT1 uT1
n,0 0.5 - uC1n,∗

PCC AC current iC1s,ref
PCC reference value limiter
determination - ac current control [10]

dynamic energy balancing

Σ,0 iC1s,bal,ac
- ∆eC1s

several s several 100 ms several 10 ms several ms

decreasing controller time constants

Fig. 3. Control and balancing scheme for transmission of different active power levels in each bipolar subsystem in rigid bipolar configuration. Main control
blocks are shown for PPCC /QPCC -controlled terminal T1 as well as udc /QPCC -controlled terminal T2. Solid boxes represent terminal-wide realized controls
and dashed boxes show MMC-internal control blocks.

As ac side controls are decoupled from dc side controls, left to right starting from highest to lowest time constant as
converters in the positive and negative subsystem could be indicated at the bottom. All control blocks are explained in
connected to different PCCs, due to spatial restrictions or detail within the following sections.
systemic requirements. This is defined as an ac split-busbar
B. Dc side controls for subsystem-independent power transfer
scenario. Within this scenario, as depicted in Fig. 1, the
transmission of different active power levels pPCC 6= pCxn In an ac split-busbar scenario with different active power
in each bipolar subsystem might be of operational interest. levels in each bipolar subsystem, the averaged dc side control
This operating case requires the development of an advanced approach introduced in [7] is not applicable. Therefore, an
control and balancing scheme, which is introduced in this adapted dc side control structure is introduced for this oper-
contribution. The main control blocks in order to determine ation mode. Reminiscing the fact that positive and negative
the four dc side control values uΣ,0 at terminals T1 and T2 bipolar subsystem represent one dc current circuit, one of
are depicted in Fig. 3. The control blocks are arranged from the three dc side degrees of freedom is related to the dc
current control loop. The remaining two degrees of freedom

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
are utilized to set different dc pole-to-ground voltage levels • balancing via the dc side (pdc ) by adaption of the dc
related to the requested active power level in each bipolar current reference value by a balancing component ibal,dcphm,0
subsystem. Therefore, communication between both terminals depending on the MMCs total energy requirements. In
is required. order to guarantee the requested power at the PCC, this
1) Dc voltage control: Within this contribution, terminal T2 option was chosen for the dc current-controlled terminal.
is dc voltage-controlled. The light green colored box in Fig. 3 • balancing via the ac side (pac ) by adaption of the ac
presents a cascaded control structure for dc voltage control. current direct component by a balancing component ibal,ac
In this section, converters in positive and negative subsystem at the dc voltage-controlled terminal.
Cxs,set In a rigid bipolar terminal, ac side dynamics of both con-
receive independent dc voltage set points udc as reference
Cxs,ref verters operate independently. Therefore, balancing of energy
values udc . These are proportional to the active power level
requested for the respective bipolar subsystem at terminal T1 requirements towards the ac side as described is still applicable
and demand for communication between both terminals, even for the dc voltage-controlled terminal T2 (see brown colored
though loss estimation block / blue colored box in Fig. 3 is box in Fig. 3).
deactivated. Within the inner control loop, different voltage Now, focusing on the dc current-controlled terminal, the
levels in each bipolar subsystem are then realized by feeding following considerations have to be taken into account: mod-
forward of the respective dc voltage uCxs dc . Here, the terminal
ulation methods and switching operations of power electronic
phase module current zero component iTx phm,0 is introduced,
devices are performed individually in both converters. Con-
which corresponds to the phase module current component sequently, the instantaneous value of the energy requirements
flowing through positive and negative converter. In general, at positive and negative converter may differ. Since both con-
terminal-wide defined variables (superscript T) are obtained verters are series-connected to one dc current circuit, balancing
by averaging the signals of positive and negative converter of the respective energy demand via a subsystem-independent
under consideration of a communication dead time of 40 µs. dc current balancing component is not feasible. On the other
2) Dc current control: In [7], an averaging control approach hand, balancing of the total energy demand per converter via
was introduced at the dc current-controlled terminal T1. When the ac side would lead to a stationary deviation between the
considering different active power levels, different dc pole- transferred power pC1sPCC and the requested power pPCC at the
to-ground voltages are set by terminal T2 in each bipolar PCC. In [7], total energy balancing was therefore proposed
subsystem. Application of the averaged control approach, to be realized at two different time scales: i) slow timescale:
which includes feeding forward of the average dc voltage, compensation of the average steady-state losses p̄Σ,0 via the dc
would lead to a voltage shift |uT1 side by adaption of the terminal phase module current iT1 phm,0 ,
m,0 | > 0 kV of the floating
neutral bus at terminal T1. Therefore, the averaging control ii) fast timescale: compensation of instantaneous converter-
internal energy differences ∆eCxs ˜
approach is adapted as depicted in Fig. 3 (dark green col- Σ,0 ≈ ėΣ,0 via the ac side
ored box). The dc current iT1 independently for each converter by adaption of the active ac
phm,0 is controlled terminal-wide
depending on the average subsystem power demand, which is current iC1s
conv,d .
determined within the outer control loops (red colored control Here, the power and energy balancing concept introduced
block in Fig. 3). But, control values uC1s,∗ in [7] is adapted for subsystem-independent power transfer as
Σ,0 are then obtained
independently by feeding forward of the respective dc pole-to- depicted in Fig. 3 (see black-edged box with red and orange
ground-voltage uC1s colored control blocks). Signals denoted with superscript Σ
s,0 for positive and negative converter. Thus,
potential uT1 are obtained by averaging the respective signal of positive
m,0 of the floating neutral bus at terminal T1 remains
approximately at 0 kV. and negative converter under consideration of a signal delay
of 40 µs. In contrast to signals with denotation T, these
C. Power and energy balancing scheme for subsystem- signals are artificial and without any physical meaning in a
independent active power transfer scenario with subsystem-independent active power transfer. By
means of the averaged subsystem losses, a power balancing
As described by (7), the average arm energy change ėΣ,0 component pΣ1,bal
PCC is determined to obtain the averaged power
is decomposable into components transferred from the dc reference of the terminal pΣ1,ref
PCC . This results in an adaption of
side (pdc ) to the ac side (pac ) under consideration of internal the dc current to compensate the steady-state terminal losses
losses (ploss ) [11]. Moreover, the average arm energy change via the dc side (see Fig. 3, red colored box). The amount of
is characterized by a steady-state component ė¯Σ,0 as well as power to compensate steady-state terminal losses is distributed
a dynamic energy component ė˜Σ,0 . to positive and negative converter depending on the respective
converter dc voltage uC1s dc . However, dc voltage levels udc
ėΣ,0 = (pdc + ploss − pac ) ≈ ė¯Σ,0 +ė˜Σ,0 (7) at terminal T1 are not proportional to the active power level
6 |{z} within the respective bipolar subsystem when transmission
losses are disregarded. Therefore, the steady-state losses of
Within a bipolar HVdc scheme with DMR, balancing of total the converter with reduced active power level are under-
energy requirements within the MMCs is realized in two ways compensated while losses of the other converter are over-
according to [10] assuming ė¯Σ,0 ≫ ė˜Σ,0 : compensated. However, deviation of transmitted and requested

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
power at the PCC is lower than in case of total energy TABLE I
balancing via the ac side. Remedy may serve an adaptive dc E STIMATION OF MINIMUM DC VOLTAGE , MAXIMUM ARM CURRENT AND
voltage control as proposed in section II-E. A 525 K V RIGID BIPOLAR HB-MMC HV DC SCHEME .
Since the ac side outer control loops depend on the power
ur,conv udc,min pdiff,max |ip↓
s,y,max | |ip↑
s,y,max |
reference value of the particular converter pCxs,ref
PCC , this is 160 kV 261 kV ≈ 50 % 2.4 kA 3.5 kA
determined individually for each converter during operation
220 kV 359 kV ≈ 30 % 2.2 kA 2.8 kA
with subsystem-independent active power transmission. In
320 kV 523 kV ≈0% 2.1 kA
order to obtain pC1s,ref
PCC at converter C1s, the requested active
power set point pPCC is feed-forwarded to the terminal-
wide determined balancing component pΣ1,bal
PCC . Compensation Now, the consideration of operational safety margins reveals
of volatile energy deficits as well as remaining stationary
that reduction of active power transmission within one bipolar
losses is realized individually for both converters via the ac
subsystem is feasible to a limited extent with HB-MMCs.
side (see Fig. 3, orange box).
Table I provides an estimation of the minimum feasible dc
D. Limitation of subsystem-independent active power transfer voltage udc,min depending on the valve-side rated ac voltage.
for utilization of half-bridge submodules In addition, the maximum possible power difference pdiff,max
between positive and negative bipolar subsystem is estimated
Within this section, applicability of the introduced method- for a 525 kV HVdc system. Moreover, the arm current stresses
ology to transfer different active power levels in each bipolar |ip↓ p↑
s,y,max | and |is,y,max | are estimated for corresponding reduced
subsystem is elaborated for the utilization of full-bridge-type active power transmission (p ↓) and nominal power transmis-
as well as half-bridge submodules. sion (p ↑), respectively (rated active and reactive power per
The characteristic of a full-bridge-type submodule to pro- MMC: Pr = 1050 MW, Qr = +400 MVAr). It should be noted
vide negative submodule voltages enables the implementation that these exemplary calculations do not consider any safety
of dc fault ride through (FRT) sequences and establishes its margins nor third harmonic voltage injection.
fault current interruption capability. Another advantage of this In summary, the extent of pdiff,max within a HB-MMC is
characteristic is that a decrease of the valve-side ac voltage mainly a design aspect of converter ac voltage and ampacity
is not required when reducing the dc voltage level for lower of power electronic devices (red marked current ratings in
power transmission. Therefore, submodule current limits are Table I are not covered by state-of-the-art MMC submodules).
not attained at typical system design and transferred power Application of tap changers at the converter transformers could
per subsystem is theoretically adjustable in a flexible manner. increase the usable ac voltage band and consequently the
However, protection criteria e.g. for over-voltage or under- utilisation factor of HB-MMC topologies. Moreover, hybrid
voltage detection have to be adapted for this operation mode. MMCs equipped with half-bridge as well as full-bridge-type
In MMCs equipped with half-bridge (HB) submodules (HB- submodules may present a feasible compromise to combine
MMC), reduction of transferred power from nominal power is greater active power transmission flexibility, dc fault current
limited by the fact that HB submodules are not able to provide interruption as well as dc fault-ride through capability, reason-
negative output voltages. The valve-side ac voltage uconv,y is able power electronic losses and overall cost-effectiveness.
decomposable into an oscillating part with a peak voltage Ûconv
as well as a dc offset with an absolute value of approximately E. Adaptive dc voltage control for subsystem-independent
udc /2. Within a HB-MMC the dc voltage udc has to be rated active power transfer
higher than the maximum absolute value of the valve-side
As elaborated in section II-C, a stationary deviation ∆pC1s
ac voltage Ûconv + udc /2. This corresponds to the relation PCC
between requested and delivered power arises at the PCCs of
2Ûconv < udc , therefore, the minimum dc voltage equals 2Ûconv
the PPCC /QPCC -controlled terminal when realizing different
in a bipolar HVdc system with HB-MMCs. Moreover, the
active power levels in each bipolar subsystem. Compensation
current stress within the submodules increases with reduced
of terminal losses at fixed dc voltage levels leads to a positive
valve-side rated ac voltage ur,conv when transmitting nominal
deviation +∆pC1sPCC at the PCC of greater active power transfer
power. The arm current is,y is decomposable into a dc com-
and a negative deviation −∆pC1s PCC at the other one. This
ponent of approximately iphm,0 and an oscillating part with
behavior is traced back to transmission losses, which present a
peak current Iˆconv /2. The dc component is approximated by
significant proportion of subsystem losses in HVdc links with
the active power level Pconv and corresponding dc voltage
high system lengths [13]. Earlier, this kind of losses were not
level of the MMC. The oscillating part depends on apparent
regarded when setting the dc voltage levels per subsystem.
power Sconv of the MMC and the valve-side rated ac voltage.
Here, a methodology is developed to estimate the transmission
When disregarding internal current loops, the maximum arm
losses and compensate the respective power deviation ∆pC1s PCC
current |is,y,max | is approximated by (8). For more detailed
by an appropriate adaption of the reference dc voltage per
design aspects the reader is further referred to [1] and [12].

Iˆconv Pconv 2Sconv The proposed transmission loss estimation scheme is de-
|is,y,max | ≈ iphm,0 + = + √ (8) picted in Fig. 3 (see blue colored box). Here, udc Cxs,set
2 3udc 2 3ur,conv

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
defined as the dc voltage operating point, which is determined TABLE II
proportional to the active power level in the respective bipolar D ESIGN PARAMETER SET FOR A 525 K V HV DC LINK IN RIGID BIPOLAR
subsystem. In section II-C this signal was set equal to the
respective reference dc voltage uCxs,ref
dc . Now, transmission Parameters Value
losses as well as the respective active power level are con- rated dc voltage (pole to ground) udc,r ± 525 kV
sidered in order to determine adequate dc voltage levels. By rated ac voltage (valve- / grid-side) 320 kV / 400 kV
rated MMC apparent power Sconv,r 1300 MVA
means of an overlaid control scheme with a sufficiently high
time constant compared to averaged active power control, a rated power dc link 2.1 GW
voltage component is determined to adapt the reference dc nominal dc current idc,nom 2.1 kA
voltage within each bipolar subsystem (a communication delay nominal ac current iCxs
conv,nom 2.1 kA
of 3.5 ms between both terminals is taken into account). This arm / transformer short circuit inductor 50 mH / 80 mH
results in a slightly reduced dc voltage level uCxs,ref
dc within the average submodule stack voltage 675 kV (270 · 2.5 kV)
subsystem of higher active power transfer and a corresponding submodule capacitor 8.5 mF
increased dc voltage level within the other subsystem. The
extent of voltage adaption should be tightly limited.
Due to the adaption of dc voltage levels, the power and PARAMETER SET FOR A 525 K V HV DC LINK IN RIGID BIPOLAR
energy balancing methodology proposed earlier operates in the CONFIGURATION IN AN AC SPLIT- BUSBAR SCENARIO WITH
desired manner. Steady-state terminal losses are compensated
completely via the dc side and the amount of terminal bal- Parameters Value
ancing power pΣ1,bal
PCC is distributed appropriately to positive power operating points (C1p / C1n) 1050 MW / 350 MW
and negative converter according to their adapted dc voltage dc voltage set points (Cxp / Cxn) 525 kV / 175 kV
levels. Therefore, the power deviation ∆pC1s PCC vanishes at both reactive power levels (Cxs) +400 MVAr
PCCs. Instantaneous energy differences, which are caused by SCL / SCR / frequency ac grid 45 GVA / 10 / 50 Hz
differing energy requirements in both converters, are balanced neutral bus arrester protective level 150 kV
via the ac side, but are orders of magnitudes smaller than in
the case without line loss estimation.
F. Control design and limiter coordination component of approximately iconv 2 as well as a dc component
iphm,0 = i3dc . Related to the converter specification stated in
It is indicated in Fig. 3 that control blocks are arranged
Table II the limit of the valve side ac current peak value is set
with decreasing time constants from left to right. The inner
to ±3 kA, taking into account an existing balancing component
ac current controller (see Fig. 3, yellow boxes) is designed by
margin required during steady-state operation. In order to rely
modulus optimum method. Controller plant characteristics are
on the previously defined current limits of the submodules,
derivable from Table II. Tx,ref
limitation of iphm,0 is set to ±1 kA. Energy balancing current
The inner dc current controllers (see Fig. 3, inner controller components are limited independently from power flow related
of light green box as well as dark green box) are designed
ones (see orange and brown boxes in Fig. 3). During FRT
by utilization of structured feedback gains. Regarding more sequences fulfillment of energy balancing requirements repre-
detailed dc side control design the reader is further referred
sent a major challenge due to severe operation point changes.
to [11]. Resulting controller outputs of dc current controllers For such an event, zero remaining active power transmission
are the control values uΣ,0 . Limitation of inner dc current (iphm,0 ≈ 0) and simultaneous reactive current injection with
controllers is set to ± 2 · κ1 , whereas κ1 is set to 1.1. respect to chosen limits is regarded. Therefore, the limitation
It is important to ensure that cascaded controllers are C1s,bal,ac
of iconv,d should be in the range of ±1.8 kA to remain within
designed to operate decoupled from each other. Therefore, the the earlier mentioned system boundaries under consideration
outer controllers are designed by application of the symmet- of a small margin.
rical optimum method. In order to minimize overall system
losses, the line loss estimation block (see blue colored box in
Fig. 3) should be tightly limited. Here, controller limits are
terminal T1 terminal T2
implemented by ±udc,r · κ2 , whereas κ2 is set to 0.025. The 700 km
f-3ph PCC C1p PCC C2p
output of the power controller is not limited (see red colored cable system
boxes in Fig. 3), but reference values for the inner controllers 50 km
are limited by a terminal-wide coordination scheme (see grey
boxes in Fig. 3). grid
Current limits have to be coordinated based on the ampacity
of power electronic devices taking into account all decoupled
current components. Regarding state-of-the-art submodules an
arm current peak value limit of 2.5 kA is chosen. As elaborated Fig. 4. Rigid bipolar HVdc link in an ac split-busbar scenario with fault
in section II-D, the arm current is decomposable into an ac location f-3ph in the vicinity of PCC C1p

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
voltage u in kV (a) (b) (c)

voltage u in kV

voltage u in kV
500 300 300
250 uT1
p,0 150 150
uT1 u+1,C1p u+1,C1n
0 m,0
1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2

(d) (e) (f)

3 3
current i in kA

current i in kA

current i in kA
1.5 1.5 0.5
0 0 0
-1.5 -1.5 -0.5
-3 -3
1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
time t in s time t in s time t in s
Fig. 5. Response of a rigid bipolar link with subsystem-independent power transfer to an AC three-phase-to-ground fault in the vicinity of PCC C1p: (a) dc
voltages at T1, (b) dq-voltages at PCC C1p, (c) dq-voltages at PCC C1n, (d) dc currents at T1, (e) dq-currents at PCC C1p, (f) dq-currents at PCC C1n.

III. C ASE STUDY current components to realize FRT measures in positive and
The introduced methodology to transfer different active negative converter. Therefore, an ac contingency in one sub-
power levels in each bipolar subsystem is now validated within system leads to an active power reduction in both subsystems.
an EMT simulation environment according to the scenario Power reduction on the dc side is achieved by means of
depicted in Fig. 4. Tables II and III list the HVdc link design simultaneous dynamic limitation of both dc current and ac
parameters. Here, MMCs are equipped with full-bridge-type current direct component. In order to comply with the instan-
submodules and an active power level of pC1n,set = 350 MW taneous total energy balancing requirements in each converter,
PCC C1s,bal,ac
is set as operation point of the negative converter at T1. The injection of balancing ac current components iconv,d remain
active power level of the positive converter is set to nominal enabled during contingencies.
power pC1p,set
PCC = 1050 MW. The corresponding dc voltage set Fig. 5 shows the response of a rigid bipolar HVdc link
points are uC1p,set
dc = 525 kV and uC1n,set
dc = 175 kV for positive according to operating points stated in Table III to a f-3ph
and negative subsystem, respectively. in the vicinity of PCC C1p. Ac current controls according
Within a split-busbar scenario, a three-phase-to-ground fault to [10] are realized in rotating reference frame (dq-frame).
(f-3ph) in the vicinity of PCC C1p is investigated in order to Therefore, ac quantities are shown in dq-frame as well. The
perform FRT sequences. According to related standards [14], fault occurs at t=1.5 s, considering a fault impedance of 1 mΩ,
HVdc systems have to provide additional reactive power and is cleared at t=1.75 s. Prior to the failure occurrence,
during ac contingencies in order to counteract the occurring the HVdc system is in steady-state. Due to the implemented
ac voltage depression. Reactive current injection is realized in transmission loss estimation control block according to Fig. 3
positive sequence (superscript +1) for f-3ph according to the (blue colored box), the dc voltage levels are adapted to
control dynamics stated within [10] for bipolar HVdc systems. uCxp,ref
dc = 518.3 kV and uCxn,ref
dc = 181.7 kV for positive and
In order to adhere to the current limits i+1,Cxs,max
PCC of the negative subsystem, respectively (see Fig. 5(a)). This adaption
ac current components, the transmission of active power is enables the transmission of requested active power levels in
reduced during ac contingencies by limiting the ac current each bipolar subsystem.
direct component i+1,C1p
PCC,d related to the increase of reactive After fault occurrence the ac voltage u+1,C1p
PCC,d at PCC C1p
ac current injection i+1,FRT
PCC,q . In rigid bipolar configuration the drops (see Fig. 5(b)), which entails the injection of a dynamic
reduction of active power transfer in one bipolar subsystem reactive ac current component i+1,C1p,FRT
PCC,q in positive sequence
inevitably has to coincide with an active power reduction in at PCC C1p (see Fig. 5(e)). Reactive ac current injection
the other subsystem, as converters of positive and negative at C1p is limited by the overall ac current limit described
subsystem are series-connected to the same dc current circuit. by (9). Reasoned by a terminal-wide current limitation scheme,
This is realized by a terminal-wide coordinated dynamic cur- the active power transfer is reduced in both subsystems (see
rent limitation scheme according to (9), which is highlighted Fig. 5(d)-(f)). Nevertheless, unintentional acdc interactions do
in grey boxes within Fig. 3. not occur. As ac quantities of positive and negative converter
 2  2 operate independently, PCC C1n is not affected by this event
|iPCC |≥ i+1,Cxs
PCC,d + i +1,Cxs
PCC,q + i +1,Tx,FRT
PCC,q (9) (see Fig. 5(c)) except for active power reduction. Moreover,
injection of reactive current i+1,C1n
PCC,q at PCC C1n remains at
Here, iPCC,q is a terminal-wide determined variable. It its operation point according to Table III (see Fig. 5(f)).
represents the maximum absolute value from both reactive During contingencies the transmission loss estimation block is

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
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21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020

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