Global 315-b1 El-Farr sm18 PDF
Global 315-b1 El-Farr sm18 PDF
Global 315-b1 El-Farr sm18 PDF
Rutgers University
School of Management and Labor Relations
Human Resource Management Department
In 2010 alone, more than 82,000 multinational enterprises with more than 810,000 affiliates operated worldwide. Moreover, in 2013,
the global FDI reached $1.45 Trillion – a 9% growth compared to 2012 (UNCTAD, 2014). The global FDI is projected to continue its
growth for the coming years, reaching $1.6 Trillion, $1.75 Trillion and $1.85 Trillion in 2014, 2015 and 2016 simultaneously (UNCTAD,
2014). Furthermore, in 2012, the collective WTO members’ exports of merchandise and commercial services reached around $21.55
Trillion – around 30% of the World’s GDP (WTO, 2013). As a rough estimation, the total of 60-70% of the international trade takes
place within the same multinational groups (Sheppard, 2012, from
Based on the preceding figures, organizations are internationalizing their operations aggressively – some are even being born as a global
enterprise. This trend has a direct impact on the HR function. HR professionals are expected to plan and manage a nationally and
culturally diverse workforce. Moreover, they are expected to manage migrant workers and international assignees at each geographical
location, in addition to its local employees.
Therefore, this course aims at clarifying global HRM practices. To begin with, the course displays the drivers of business
internationalization and the levels of corporate global integration. Then, the course outlines the structural alternatives for multinational
enterprises and the cultural/national and legal considerations to account for. Afterward, the course addresses strategic international HRM
and the employment cycle within an international context.
2. Course Details
Course Learning Objectives The aim of this course is to provide students with a robust understanding of the international HR
practices and issues. In addition, the course targets building awareness and appreciation of the
international business context and how HR can contribute as a strategic partner to enhance
multinational’s performance and competitive advantage. Students who successfully complete this
course should demonstrate an understanding of:
1. Drivers for internationalization and the choices businesses have to organize their international
2. Various cultural, legal and labor relations contexts
3. The impact of business internationalization on strategic HRM and its various functions,
including HR planning, recruitment& selection, training& development, compensation
management, performance management, safety& health and employee relations.
SMLR Learning Objectives Research Skills – Demonstrate an ability to collect, analyze and synthesize information to
make logical and informed decisions impacting the workplace. Use evidence to evaluate
hypotheses, theories and approaches to workplace issues.
Employ current technologies to access information, to conduct research, and to
communicate findings.
Analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate new
Assess and critique relevant evidence and research findings.
Access high-quality historical, qualitative, and quantitative evidence or research.
Use evidence-based analysis to appraise the validity of various hypotheses, theories, and
approaches to workplace issues.
Understanding Context - Evaluate the context of workplace issues, public policies, and
management decisions.
Analyze the degree to which forms of human difference shape a person’s experience of,
and perspectives on work.
Analyze a contemporary global issue in their field from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
Analyze issues related to business strategies, organizational structures, and work systems.
Analyze issues of social justice related to work across local and global contexts (LSER).
Analyze issues related to the selection, motivation, and development of talent in a global
context (HRM).
Professional Development – Demonstrate an ability to interact with and influence others in a
professional manner, and to effectively present ideas and recommendations.
Develop effective presentation skills appropriate for different settings and audiences
Develop career management skills to navigate one’s career.
Understand cultural differences and how to work in a multicultural environment.
Work productively in teams, in social networks, and on an individual basis.
37:533:315– Global Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department
School of Management and Labor Relations
3. Readings
Tarique, I., Briscoe, D. and Schuler, R. (2016). International Human Resource
Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises. Fifth edition.
London: Routledge
ISBN-13: 978-0415710534
ISBN-10: 0415710537
Additional optional readings and useful links will be added as needed. They will
be available on the course’s Sakai website. , along with other course material.
Please, make sure to check the course website frequently, so you won’t miss any
important material ( You need to use your Rutgers
NetID and password to log in.
Make sure to read all assigned readings before attending classes in order to
optimize your learning experience.
4. Assessment
The assessment criteria abide by the Undergraduate Grades and Records Policy:
ug_current/pg1358.html. Moreover, it is useful to read the New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog in order to know your rights and
obligations at: The following table lists the assessment methods and
their weights:
37:533:315– Global Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department
School of Management and Labor Relations
Method Points
Attendance & Participation 50
Midterm One 100
Midterm Two 100
Final Exam 100
Paper & Presentation 100
Total 450
The following table lists the Grading and Point System assigned by the university:
Just by attending and actively participate in the assigned sessions you earn up to 50 points. Each missed class results in losing significant
points – unless proper justification is provided. Please refer to the attendance policy to familiarize yourself with the recognized grounds
for absences. Attendance will be monitored through attendance sheets only.
Also, students are expected to actively participate in class. In addition to earning points, students will have the opportunity to add their
input, share experiences and learn from others. Points are gained through attendance and providing insightful contributions. Points are
lost for frequent absenteeism, being unprepared and misconduct during class. Therefore, you are expected to be well prepared before
class sessions through reading the required readings and preparing yourself for discussions.
Also, to participate through Poll Everywhere you need to bring your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. If unable to obtain any o f those
devices, please contact me to arrange an alternative method for participation. You need to register with the Poll Everywhere website at
least 24 hours before the third class (please refer to the Polling Instructions below for the registration instructions). You can respond to
the Poll questions through text messages or via the web browser.
Attendance is taken through Attendance Sheets that you have to sign in class, and NOT through
Replying to Poll Questions is NOT considered as a Proof of Attendance, and it is your responsibility to
sign the attendance sheet each session.
There are three noncumulative exams with equal weights (two midterms and one final). The exams consist of multiple-choice and/or
true-false questions. Each exam covers the subjects addressed before its conduction (approximately each covers one-third of the
material). The exam material includes the units’ lectures and the required readings. The exams dates are fixed and noted in the course
schedule. Please note that all exams are closed-book, and you are not allowed to use any form of assistance. If the examination session
was canceled, then the exam will be automatically rescheduled for the next regular session.
Make-up Policy
Again, the dates for each of the three exams are noted on the course schedule. An exam grade of zero (0) will be assigned to any student
who is absent without a legitimate excuse on the date of a regularly scheduled test. Legitimate excuses include illness requiring medical
attention (verified with a note from a doctor), an emergency situation (verified when applicable), or for a reason that is approved by the
instructor. The instructor’s approval should be attained at least two weeks before the exam date. Moreover, other reasons include
inclement weather (only when the Rutgers Information Service, 732-932-INFO, indicates that Rutgers is closed), and others as assigned
by Rutgers Attendance Policy (please refer to the attendance policy section).
37:533:315– Global Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department
School of Management and Labor Relations
An individual make-up exam will be held at a time that is convenient for the instructor. Individual make-up exams could be in the essay,
short answers or multiple-choice questions formats – or any format chosen by the instructor.
C. Extra-credit Assignments
During the semester, you will have the opportunity to submit two assignments in order to improve the grades of the two midterm exams.
Each assignment will contribute to up to 10 points. The two assignments are optional and will be in an essay format. Submission dates
of both assignments will be the end of next week after the examination date. Late submissions are strictly not accepted. Assignments
should be both uploaded on the Sakai website and a hard copy submitted to the Teaching Aids.
D. Paper& Presentation
The course will provide an extensive overview of International HRM. However, when businesses internationalize, the HR professionals
should familiarize themselves with the specific context of the targeted market. Those projects aim to familiarize students with various
national contexts from different regions, thus further broadening the course content. Moreover, the project aims to strengthen your
teamwork, presentation, analytical and written communication skills.
Students will have the opportunity to self-select each other and form teams. More so, each team will have the freedom to choose one
national context from the below-mentioned countries. However, if you fail to find a team or choose a case study by the time limit
assigned to the course schedule, then the instructor will select a team to join on your behalf.
Each group is formed of 6 to 8 students. Each team will be covering one distinctive country, thus no two or more teams will be allowed
to cover the same case study. Therefore, the sooner you decide on the country, the more likely it will be assigned to you. The following
is the list of countries/case studies:
The project consists of a paper and presentation. The paper size should not exceed 3000 words and the presentation’s time is 14 minutes
(+2 minutes for discussion). Both should cover the following:
The deadline for submitting the report is the same day and time assigned to your presentation day. You
need to bring a physical copy of your report and presentation to the class and hand it to the instructor at
the date assigned for the presentation. Late submissions are not accepted. Each group will submit one
Important Notice: Group Projects are subject to peer assessment, and if a student does not contribute
equally to a project compared to other group members, then the student may receive reduced or no
points for the project grade.
37:533:315– Global Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department
School of Management and Labor Relations
5. Polling Instructions
During the sessions, you will be presented with poll questions to answer through the PollEverywhere website. The site allows you to
respond to polls in various methods: (1) text messages through mobile phones and (2) web browser through your
laptops/tablets/smartphones. Therefore, you are permitted to use the aforementioned devices strictly while responding to poles. Using
electronic devices is not allowed otherwise.
The aim of the polls is to confirm your comprehension of the subject and to expose of sample exam questions. Accordingly, you need
to register with PollEverywhere before attending the third session through following the instructions at this link:
Upon accessing the link provided above, you may see the statement “You’re registering as a participant for Rebecca A Tinkham, Rebecca
A’s account”. The HRM department has a group license under which all faculty members might utilize. Rebecca is the undergraduate
staff coordinator for our department, and she is also listed as the administrator on the PollEverywhere departmental license. Please
ignore that it lists her name and continue to follow the instructions as provided.
1. Be sure to complete all the registration steps, including the certification of your cell phone (If you intend to text your responses).
2. If you are already registered with PollEverywhere for a different class in the HR department, please email the Teaching Assistant and
s/he will add you to this specific course.
3. You may check your own responses to confirm submission by logging in to the PollEverywhere website (
and clicking on My Response History. You are encouraged to track your responses in order to address issues as soon as possible.
In addition, the Undergraduate Program has a strict policy concerning any form of cheating (including cheating incidents at exams and
plagiarism). The following is the Undergraduate Program Policy on Cheating:
The goal of this policy is to make sure students in the UG HRM program fully understand that cheating will not be tolerated and there
are serious consequences for first-time cheaters and catastrophic consequences for repeat offenders. This policy applies solely to the
Undergraduate HRM Program.
The faculty members of the undergraduate program condemn any form of cheating. Any student found to have cheated will receive a
zero on the assignment or test on which the cheating occurred. In addition, the student’s final grade will be reduced by an entire letter
grade as shown in the table below.
B+ C+
C+ D
When students cheat, a note will be placed in their files in the HRM Department and such information will be taken into account by the
Admissions Committee for the MHRM Program. Further, on the first offense, students will be required to meet with the HRM
Undergraduate Program Director to discuss the offense and the subsequent penalty.
The second incidence of cheating (whether in the same class or in another HR class) will result in a grade of “F” and a referral to the
appropriate School and University authorities.
In the case of cheating on group work, all members of the group will be held responsible and suffer the consequences noted above.
Students have the responsibility to make sure that any work with their name on it meets the integrity standards of the HRM Department
and the University.
8. Attendance Policy
Attendance at all scheduled classes shall be expected. Failure to attend classes with no authentic excuse will negatively affect your grade
– as attendance and participation are accounted for in the course assessment. Rutgers University Attendance Policy has assigned the
following recognized grounds for absences:
Rutgers University Attendance Policy has assigned the following recognized grounds for absences:
As a general guideline, students have to attain the instructor’s approval before their absence unless it is an emergency. At least two
weeks’ notice is required before any examination date. If the cause of absenteeism is legitimate, then the instructor will work with the
student to make-up required exercises and examinations. The following links further clarify the attendance policy:
Providing an excuse of absence after one week of a medical situation is not accepted.
Providing an excuse of absence after one week of an Emergency is not accepted.
Providing an excuse of absence for any other reasons without prior approval of the Instructor is not
Lectures covering the main course topics: concepts, theories and practices in HRM.
Case studies that contextualize the course topics with real business examples and enhance knowledge-sharing and interaction
among the session attendees – including the instructor. In addition, they aim to refine your analytical and communication skills.
Presenting group work to other classmates, thus enhancing knowledge-sharing and strengthening your presentation skills.
Formal assessments of students’ knowledge attained throughout the course delivery.
Week Date Topic Learning Outcomes Required In-class Outside of class
Readings Activities responsibilities
1 Tuesday Introduction to the Outlining the course syllabus Syllabus Lecture Read Ch.1-3
05/29/2018 course Understanding the course structure and students’ responsibilities and
rights. Ch.1 Group Formation Group Formation
The Internalization of Describe the many drivers of the internationalization of business
HRM Describe the growth and spread of internationalization
Describe the different settings of international human resource
Discuss the development of international human resource management
Thursday Strategic Describe the development of SIHRM and the process of international Ch.2 Lecture Read Ch.4-5
05/31/2018 International HRM strategic management
Describe the evolution of the MNE in terms of various stages of Ch. 3 Case study Group Formation
Design and Structure internationalization and the methods firms use to enter international
of the Multinational markets Group Formation
Enterprise Describe the process for developing MNE strategy and IHRM strategy
and the relationship between the two
Explain the fundamentals of organizational design and Structure and
explain the process of designing an MNE
Describe the basic characteristics associated with different organizational
Explain the implications for IHRM from the different structures
Describe the importance of teams, networking, and the need for learning
in MNEs
2 Tuesday International Mergers Describe the basic nature of international mergers and acquisitions, Ch.4 Lecture Read Ch.6-7
06/05/2018 & Acquisitions, Joint international joint ventures, and international alliances
Ventures and Explain the major IHRM implications from international mergers and Ch.5 Case study Group meeting
Alliances acquisitions, international joint ventures, and international alliances
Define the IHRM professional’s role in implementing effective Study for the exam
International HRM international mergers and acquisitions, international joint ventures, and
and Culture international alliances
Define and explain the concept of culture
Explain the importance of culture in IB
Describe the basic research findings of Hofstede and Trompenaars
Explain the importance of culture to IHRM
Thursday International Describe the three major legal systems and their key differences Ch.6 Lecture Read Ch.8
06/07/2018 Employment Law, Describe international labor law and standards and explain their impacts
Labor Standards and List and describe the goals of the various international trade agreements Ch.7 Case study Group meeting
Ethics Integrate existing employment laws and regulations, ethical standards,
CSR, and corporate governance into IHRM policies and practices Study for the exam
International Describe the nature of union membership around the world
Employee Relations Describe the evolution and make-up of global employee relations
Explain the relationship between unions and MNEs.
37:533:315– Global Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department
School of Management and Labor Relations
International Develop a global mindset, global competencies, and global leadership in Study for the Exam
Compensation, the international organization
Benefits and Taxes Improve the effectiveness of global and virtual teams
Outline the basic objectives of global compensation and benefits (C&B)
Distinguish between global remuneration and international assignment
Identify critical issues in C&B of the global workforce of the MNE
Describe the types of compensation systems available for international
Explain the balance-sheet approach, as well as other approaches, of
designing international assignment C&B packages
Identify the challenges of dealing with various tax structures and
methods affecting the international assignment
5 Tuesday Exam 2 Describe the importance of developing an international performance Ch.12 Examination Read Ch.13-14
06/26/2018 management system
International Explain the characteristics of a successful international performance Lecture Group meeting
Employee management system
Performance Identify and overcome the major challenges to international performance Case Study Write the optional
Management management extra-credit
Describe the role of cultural value dimensions in the design, assignment
implementation, and evaluation of an international performance
management system
Formulate evaluation criteria and practices that meet parent-company
requirements while addressing the host culture's norms and expectations
Identify and overcome the major challenges related to the performance
management of international assignees
Thursday Well-Being of the Explain the importance of global health & Safety Ch.6 Lecture Read Ch.15
06/28/2018 International Identify the role of IHRM in health & Safety
Workforce, and Display the importance of HRIS in supporting evidence-based decisions Case study Group meeting
International HRIS Identify the major challenges in designing and implementing global
HRIS Write the optional
Comparative IHRM: Understand the field of Comparative IHRM extra-credit
Operating in Other Understand different types of regions in the world assignment
Regions and Describe the institutional, economic, and cultural context for IHRM in
Countries different regions Study for the final
Describe important features of IHRM in Europe, North America, Asia exam
Pacific, and Latin America
Explain the current debate over the convergence of IHRM across
countries and regions
6 Tuesday The IHRM Describe the ways the IHRM department can obtain more involvement in Ch.7 Lecture Submit the optional
07/02/2018 Department, the MNE extra-credit
Explain the role and professionalization of the IHRM manager Case study assignment
37:533:315– Global Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department
School of Management and Labor Relations
Professionalism and The complexities and challenges faced by IHRM Flexible session Study for the final
Future Trends The future of the IHRM department and profession exam
Similarly, all students and faculty members of the academic community at the School of Management and
Labor Relations should uphold high standards for personal conduct, ethical behavior, and professional
integrity. In the area of academic integrity, students are expected to refrain from cheating, fabricating
information, plagiarizing, inappropriately denying others access to material, and facilitating others in
academic dishonesty. Please see (pp. 24-28) for
detailed descriptions of each type of action.
Any of the following acts, when committed by a student, is an act of academic dishonesty and decreases
the genuine achievements of other students and scholars. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited
to, any of the following:
Copying work on examinations.
Acting to facilitate copying during an exam.
Sharing answers through technology or in written or verbal form when such interactions are prohibited
37:533:315– Global Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Department
School of Management and Labor Relations
Using prohibited materials, such as books, notes, phones, or calculators during an examination.
Working with another student on an assignment when such collaboration is prohibited.
Stealing or having in one’s possession without permission any materials, or property belonging to or
having been generated by faculty, staff, or another student for the course.
Willfully offering to do another student’s work so they may represent it as their own
Assisting another student in cheating or plagiarizing
Doing another student’s work, excluding collaborative learning assignments or joint assignments
approved by the instructor.
Engaging in any of the above behaviors can result in an F on the examination or project, an F in the course,
denial of access to internships, suspension for one or more semesters, or permanent expulsion from the
School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University.