Cloud Computing Important Questions & Answers

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Q1. What is cloud computing? Explain its architecture.

Advantages and
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing.
The provisioning of services in a timely on-demand manner and allow
scaling up and down of resources is called as cloud computing.
Cloud architecture is defined from the perspectives of cloud consumers, cloud
providers and cloud brokers.
Cloud computing implies access to remote computing services offered by third
parties via a TCP/IP connection to the public internet.
It is a style of computing in which resources are provided “as a service” over
the internet to users who needs not have
knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure that
supports them.
A cloud service has 3 different characteristics
● Sold on demand
● Elastic behavior
• Fully managed by the provider.
For example, “Google Apps” provides common business application online that
are accessed from a web browser, while the software & data are stored on the
internet servers.
Basically, cloud computing is the use of hardware and software to deliver a
service over a network.
Cloud Computing Architecture:
Cloud: a massive network of servers on individual PC’s interconnected in a
GRID. These computers run in parallel and combine all their resources to
generate supercomputing like power.
Cloud Consumer: Is a person or organization that processes and utilizes cloud
services, Such as Amazon EC2 Individual users connect to the cloud from their
own personal computers over the internet. the cloud appears to them as a single
application device or document i.e. hardware components are invisible the
architecture seems simple, although it does require some intelligent
management to connect all task computers together and assign task processing
to multiple users.
Cloud Provider: Is the person who maintains computing h/w and s/w and
supplies cloud services to other. E.g. Amazon
Cloud Broker: Is a person that manages usages, performance and delivery of
cloud services and negotiates relationship between cloud providers and cloud

The user uses the fronted interface to select a task or service.
The user’s request is then passed to the system management which finds correct
resources and calls appropriate provisioning services.
These services launch the appropriate web application and either crate or open
the requested documents.
The system monitoring functions then track the usage of the cloud so that
resources are distributed to proper users.
Components of Cloud Computing: Client: A cloud client consists of computer
hardware and/or software that relies on cloudcomputing for application
delivery, or that is specifically designed for delivery ofcloud services and that,
in either case, is essentially useless without it.
CloudNetwork: Cloud networking (and Cloud based networking)is a term
describing the access of networking resources from a centralized third-party
provider using Wide Area Networking (WAN) or Internet-based access
technologies. In cloud networking, thenetwork can beshared as well as the
Cloud API: A Cloud Application Programming Interface (Cloud API) is a type
of API that enables the development of applications and services used for the
provisioning ofcloud hardware, software, and platforms.
The use of the cloud provides a number of opportunities:
a. It enables services to be used without any understanding of their
b. Data and services are stored remotely but accessible from “anywhere”.
Lower computer costs:
a. You do not need a high-powered and high-priced computer to run cloud
computing's web-based applications.
b. Since applications run in the cloud, not on the desktop PC, your desktop PC
does not need the
Reduced software costs:
a. Instead of purchasing expensive software applications, you can get most of
what you need for free
Instant software updates:
a. Another advantage to cloud computing is that you are no longer faced with
choosing between obsolete software and high upgrade costs.
Unlimited storage capacity:
a. Cloud computing offers virtually limitless storage.
Increased data reliability:
a. Unlike desktop computing, in which if a hard disk crashes and destroy all
your valuable data, a computer crashing in the cloud should not affect the
storage of your data.
In parallel there has been backlash against cloud computing:
• Use of cloud computing means dependence on others and that could possibly
limit flexibility and innovation:
a. The others are likely become the bigger Internet companies like Google and
IBM, who may monopolise the market.
b. Some argue that this use of supercomputers is a return to the time of
mainframe computing that the PC was a reaction against.
• Security could prove to be a big issue:
a. It is still unclear how safe out-sourced data is and when using these services
ownership of data is not always clear.
• There are also issues relating to policy and access:
a. If your data is stored abroad whose policy do you adhere to?
b. What happens if the remote server goes down?
c. How will you then access files?
d. There have been cases of users being locked out of accounts and losing
access to data.
• Requires a constant Internet connection:
a. Cloud computing is impossible if you cannot connect to the Internet.
b. Since you use the Internet to connect to both your applications and
documents, if you do not have an Internet connection you cannot access
anything, even your own documents.
• Stored data can be lost:
a. Theoretically, data stored in the cloud is safe, replicated across multiple
b. But on the off chance that your data goes missing, you have no physical or
local backup.
Q.2 State various Cloud Types
Public Cloud:
Public clouds are made available to the general public by a service
provider who hosts the cloud infrastructure.
Generally, public cloud providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft and Google
own and operate the infrastructure and offer access over the Internet. With this
model, customers have no visibility or control over where the infrastructure is
Public Cloud customers benefit from economies of scale, because infrastructure
costs are spread across all users, allowing each individual client to operate on a
low-cost, “pay-as-you-go” model.

Another advantage of public cloud infrastructure is that they are typically larger
in scale than an in-house enterprise cloud, which provides clients with seamless,
on-demand scalability. These clouds offer the greatest level of efficiency in
shared resources; however, they are also more vulnerable than private clouds.
A public cloud is the obvious choice when:
• Your standardized workload for applications is used by lots of people, such as
• You need to test and develop application code.
• You need incremental capacity (the ability to add compute resources for peak
• You are doing collaboration projects.

Private Cloud:
Private cloud is cloud infrastructure dedicated to a particular organization.
Private clouds allow businesses to host applications in the cloud, while
addressing concerns regarding data security and control, which is often lacking
in a public cloud environment.
It is not shared with other organizations, whether managed internally or by a
third-party, and it can be hosted internally or externally.
When is a Private Cloud for you?
• You have more server capacity than your organization can use
• Your data center must become more efficient
• You want to provide private cloud services

Hybrid Cloud:
Hybrid Clouds are a composition of two or more clouds (private, community or
public) that remain unique entities but are bound together offering the
advantages of multiple deployment models.
In a hybrid cloud, you can leverage third party cloud providers in either a full or
partial manner; increasing the flexibility of computing. Augmenting a
traditional private cloud with the resources of a public cloud can be used to
manage any unexpected surges in workload.
Hybrid cloud architecture requires both on-premise resources and off-site server
based cloud infrastructure. By spreading things out over a hybrid cloud, you
keep each aspect of your business in the most efficient environment possible.
The downside is that you have to keep track of multiple cloud security
platforms and ensure that all aspects of your business can communicate with
each other.

Here are a couple of situations where a hybrid environment is best:

 Your company wants to use a SaaS application but is concerned about
 Your company offers services that are tailored for different vertical
markets. You can use a public cloud to interact with the clients but keep
their data secured within a private cloud.
 You can provide public cloud to your customers while using a private
cloud for internal IT.

Q.3 List key features of Cloud Computing. How Cloud Space helps a
common man?
Following are five main characteristics that cloud computing offers
businesses today.
On-demand capabilities
A business will secure cloud-hosting services through a cloud host
provider which could be your usual software vendor. You can add or
delete users and change storage networks and software as needed.
Typically, you are billed with a monthly subscription or a pay-for-what-
you-use scenario. Terms of subscriptions and payments will vary with
each software provider.
Broad network access
Your team can access business management solutions using their
smartphones, tablets, laptops, and office computers. They can use these
devices wherever they are located with a simple online access point.
Broad network access includes private clouds that operate within a
company’s firewall, public clouds, or a hybrid deployment.

Resource pooling:
The cloud enables your employees to enter and use data within the
business management software hosted in the cloud at the same time, from
any location, and at any time. This is an attractive feature for multiple
business offices and field service or sales teams that are usually outside
the office.

Rapid elasticity
If anything, the cloud is flexible and scalable to suit your
immediate business needs. You can quickly and easily add or remove
users, software features, and other resources.

Measured service
Going back to the affordable nature of the cloud, you only pay for
what you use. You and your cloud provider can measure storage levels,
processing, bandwidth, and the number of user accounts and you are
billed appropriately.

Cloud Computing has a number of advantages from a user’s point of view

i.e. for the common man:
• Lower cost: Being an online service, Cloud Computing provides access
to applications using a browser while applications are stored on
distributed servers.
• Free access: Access of applications from any location makes users
• More storage area: As Cloud Computing is distributed process, it
maintains a storage den. It provides more storage than personal storage.
• Flexibility: Cloud Computing provides a tension-free environment by
upgrading, managing, installing software on its own. It provides a
download free zone.
• Mobility: The user can connect to the Cloud from any location.
• Ease of sharing: This is key component of Cloud Computing. The
information, resources and hardware sharing for instant delivery.
• Data safety: The files/data are safe unless the hard drive get stolen.
• Availability: There are several copies which can be owned as per user
• Synchronization: Different experts from different issues, projects and
• Rapid elasticity: migrating from one platform to another.

Q.4 Explain utility computing. With reference to it, write the obstacles to
and opportunities for growth of cloud computing

Utility computing:
Utility computing is a service provisioning model in which a service provider
makes computing resources and infrastructure management available to the
customer as needed, and charges them for specific rather than a flat rate.
It is the process of providing computing services through service through an on-
demand. Pay-per-use billing method.
Utility computing is a computing business model in which the provider owns,
operates and manages the computing infrastructure and resources, and the
subscriber accesses it as and when required.
Sun was the first to offer utility computing and Hewlett Packard followed a year

Obstacles and opportunities for growth of cloud computing.

Sr No. Obstacle Opportunity

1. Availability of Use multiple cloud providers. Use elasticity to prevent distributed

Sr No. Obstacle Opportunity

service denial of service attacks.

2. Data lock-in Standardize APIs, use compatible software to enable surge


3. Data confidentiality Deploy encryption, VLANs, Firewalls, geographical data storage

and auditability

4. Performance Improved VM support, flash memory


5. Scalable storage Invent a scalable store

6. Bugs in large Invent a debugger the relies on distributed VM's

7. Software licensing Pay-for-use licenses. Bulk-use scales

8. Reputation Offer reputation - guarding services like those for email

Q.5. Design private cloud for the college; keeping in mind everything as a services.
(Hint *aas with example of college environment)
The private cloud or an internal cloud is a proprietary cloud computing platform that is
implemented within the corporate’s firewall, under the control of the IT department
Private clouds are more secure as compared to public clouds but the organization
implementing the private cloud is responsible for running and managing IT resources instead
of passing that responsibility on to a third party cloud provider.

Representation of private cloud for college

SPI is an acronym for the most common cloud computing service models, Software as a
Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service.
Infrastructure- as- a – Service (IaaS): It is a way of delivering Cloud Computing
infrastructure – servers, storage, and network, operating systems – as an on demand service.
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): PaaS is analogous to SaaS except that, rather than being
software delivered over the Web, it is a platform for the creation of software, delivered over
the Web.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): It is a software distribution model in which applications are
hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network,
typically the Internet.
The following table illustrates the framework for actual function of the above three basic
services i.e. Infrastructure as a Service, Software as a Service and Platform as a Service.
Cloud computing technology promises to provide security for all the desired problems faced
by a college authority.
Once any of the computer system connected with the internet gets started then it will direct
the whole institute to the cloud.
Both students and teachers have to login with separate ID’s.
Features provided:
• Monitoring attendance of teachers and students is possible. 
• Live and recorded both types of lectures can be seen by students. 
• Exams can be conducted on cloud. 
• Results can be declared on cloud 
• Students from different departments can collaborate. 
• Parents will be able to monitor student’s performance 
• Students records and mark sheets can be stored on cloud 
• Elasticity of service 
• Quality of service. 
• Availability of service 
• Reduction of cost 
• Focus in education only 
• User friendly 
• Free from boundaries of location 
• Proper management of data
Q.6 Explain Cloud Computing API.
Cloud APIs are application programming interfaces (APIs) used to build
applications in the cloud computing market.
Cloud APIs allow software to request data and computations from one or more
services through a direct or indirect interface. Cloud APIs most commonly
expose their features via REST and/or SOAP.
Vendor specific and cross-platform interfaces are available for specific
functions. Cross-platform interfaces have the advantage of allowing
applications to access services from multiple providers without rewriting, but
may have less functionality or other limitations vs. vendor-specific solutions.
Cloud APIs are segmented into infrastructure, service and application
clusters. Applications typically combine these APIs as needed.
Infrastructure APIs modify the resources available to operate the application.
Functions include provisioning (creating, re-creating, moving, or deleting
components - such as virtual machines) and configuration (assigning or
changing attributes of the architecture such as security and network settings).
These components and their common use is referred to as infrastructure as a
service (IaaS).
Service APIs provide an interface into a specific capability provided by a
service explicitly created to enable that capability.
Database, messaging, web portals, mapping, e-commerce and storage are all
examples of service APIs. These services are commonly referred to as platform
as a service (PaaS).
Application APIs provide methods to interface and extend applications on the
web. Application APIs connect to applications such as CRM, ERP, and social
media and help desk. These applications are delivered as software as a service
A cloud API interacts with a cloud infrastructure to allocate computing, storage,
and network resources for requested cloud applications or services.
Cloud APIs vary according to the provided service or solution, as follows:
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Infrastructure APIs provision raw
computing and storage. 
• Software as a Service (SaaS): Software or application APIs provision
connectivity and interaction with a software suite. 
• Platform as a Service (PaaS): Platform APIs provide back-end architecture for
building intensive and feature rich applications.
Q.7 Compare the following. Cloud Computing and Grid Computing.

Parameters Grid Computing Cloud Computing

Scalability Scalable Scalable
Related SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS SaaS, IaaS, PaaS
Used For Highly intensive High CPU usage, High store
computational requirements and bandwidth
Application Needs software to divide and No longer has to be at a
Requirement farm out into pieces of a computer to use the
program as one large system applications.
image to several thousands of
computers, major
disadvantages with Grid
Computing is, if one piece of
software on node fails, other
pieces of the software on the
other nodes may fail.
Expense To Build and manage a Grid Reduce the capital expenses,
you may incur huge capital and upfront costs and operating
operational expenses. expenses.
Goal Collaborative sharing of Use of service (Eliminating the
resources. details)
Workflow In on physical Node In EC2 instance (Amazon
Management EC2+S2)
Level of Low High
Degree of Normal High
Multitasking Yes Yes
Transparency Low High
Time to run Not real time Real time services
Request Few but large allocation Lots but small allocation
Virtualization Not a commodity Vital
Portal Access Via DNS System Using IP address
Transmission Suffered from internet delays Was significantly fast
Security Low High (Virtualization)
Infrastructure Low level commands High level services
Operating System Any standard OS A hypervisor on which
multiple OS run
Ownership Single Multiple
Interconnection Mostly internet with latency Dedicated high-end and low
Network and low bandwidth latency and high bandwidth
Service SLA based SLA based
User Decentralized and also virtual Centralized or can be delegated
Management Organization based to third party
Resource Distributed Centralized / Distributed
Interoperability Open grid forum standards Web Services (SOAP and
Failure Limited Strong

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