PME304 - 5 - Sem June 2017 PDF

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Discuss the basic components and their functions in a

water level controller.
B.Tech. (PT) DEGREE EXAMTNATION, JUNE 2017 12. a. Explain the architecture of Intel g0g5 controller.
Fifth Semester
b. What are the fb",#il*idered in the selection of
microconhollers? Explain the use of microcontroller with
Time: Three hours Max. Marks: 100
suitable example.

ALL euestions
Answer 13.a.i. Give the specifications of stepper motor. Explain in detail.
PART-A(10 xZ=20 Marks) ii. Explain the basics of ladder programming in pLC.
l. Define: Mechahonics.
2. What are the elements of closed loop control system? b. Device a circuit, that could be used with a conveyor belt, to
3. What are the major parts of microprocessor system? move a part to a workstation. The presence of the part at
4. What is meant by pseudocode? the station is detected by means of breaking contaci by a
5. What is the function of relay? beam of light ard a photo sensor. There it stops for i00
6, sec, for an operation to be carried out before moving an
What is the use of timer in mechatronics system?
end offthe conveyor. The motor for the belt is started6y a
7. List two factors considered in selection of sensor for a normally open start switch and stopped by a closed switch.
particular application.
8. What are solid state sensors? 14. a.i. Explain the static characteristics oftransduccrs.
9. What is meant by embeddcd system? ii. Describe the functioning of tachogenerator.
10. List the elements that might be present in a control system
ofa pick and place robot. b. Discuss the various types of sensors used for pressure
ll. a. Explain with neat sketch, the basic elements 15, a. With suitable diagram, explain the automatic can parking
and their system.
functions of tlte control system used in a domestic washing
b. Compare the haditional design mad mechatronics design,
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