(Or) o Offive.: Examination, May
(Or) o Offive.: Examination, May
(Or) o Offive.: Examination, May
Reg. No.
31. a. Explain process capability in detail.
(oR) Sixth Sernester
b. Contol charts for V and o are maintained on the resistance in ohms of a certain rheostat
coil based on a sub group size offive. After 30 subgroups IX = 58395 and Zo = 1,356.
Find the centre lines and 3-sigma control limits for the process.
(For the candidates admitted during the acdenic year 201i - 2014 and 2014 -2015)
32. a. Draw the OC curve and describe its characteristics. (D Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 456 minute.
(oR) (ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.
b. Calculate and draw an OC curve for the following conditions:
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100
Sample size: 100 parts
Acceptance criteria - 4 defects or less
Identifu AQL and LTPD points PART - A (20 x 1= 20 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
l. For an instrument the degree of repeatability or reproducibility in measurements is an
altemative way of expressing its
(A) Precision @) Accuracy
(C) Sensitivity (D) Linearity
12. What does N, P and C mean in N.P.L interferometer 23. Name the various types of errors in gears.
(A) Nikon pulsed layer @) Nuclear plasma laboratory
(C) National physics laboratory (D) Nuclear physics laboratory )l How would you check the flatness of clamping surfaces of base/ table?
13. An interferometer is used to measure a surface of 1.85 mm. Calculate the number of fringes, 25. Define control charts and how many types ofcontrol charts are in use.
when l. - 0.6559 pm.
(A) s614.567 (B) s000.236 List the t5rpes of sequential sampling plans.
(c) 2807.283 (D) s61s.367
27. Define process capability.
14. All of the following controls are based directly on the concept of straighbress, except:
(A) Line profile (B) Roundness PART-C(5x12=60Marks)
(C) Flatness (D) Parallelism Answer ALL Questions
15. Vast majority of frrn0tional gauges are made to check tolerances 28. a. Write the different types of errors in measurement and their causes.
(A) Position (B) Runout
(C) Circularity @) Flatness (oR)
b. Describe the working principle of differential pneumatic comparator and sketch the various
16. What is the aim of tool proofing technique used for total quallty management? probe head for different measurement,
(A) To achieve zero defects (B) To specify time schedules
(C) To specify taxgets (D) None of the above 29. a. Deive an expression for gear tooth measurements using base tangent method and describe
the working of David brown base tangent comparator.
17. Which of the following statements is true?
l. P and nP charts cannot use limit gauges (oR)
2. P charts are difficult to understand b. Explain the construction and working principle of Tomlinson surface meter with neat
3. P charts cannot recognize different digress ofa defectiveness in units sketch.
(A) only I (B) Only 2
(C) Only 3 @) Both I and2 30. a. Sketch and describe the following optical instruments
(D NPL flatress interferometer
18. The distribution of measured data can be studied by using (ii) Michelson interferometer.
(A) X chart @) Rchart
(C) Both X and R chart @) Neither X or R chart (oR)