Examination,: Degree Noyember
Examination,: Degree Noyember
Examination,: Degree Noyember
PART -B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
II. a. Describe the different types of errors in measurement and their causes.
b. Explain in detail CMM with suitable diagrams.
12. a.i. Derive an expression for tooth thickness measurement using base tangent method.
ii. With neat sketch explain the David Brown base tangent comparator.
b.i. Explain with a schematic diagram the construction and working principle of a Tomlinson
surface meter. (12 Marks)
ii. What are the methods used for evaluating the surface finish and measuring surface
roughness? (4 Marks)
13. a. With the help of a neat sketch explain the Twyman Green specialization of Michelson
b. Explain the test for straightness by using sprint level and autocollimeter.
Sample Number: 1 2 43 5 6 7 8 9 l0
T 54 51 54 49 52 47 5l 50 50 52
S.D J.J 2.4 3.8 3.3 3.4 4.6 1.9 2-5 2.5 2.9
b. ln a factory producing spark plug the number of defectives found in the inspection of 15 lots
of 100 each is given below. Draw the control chart for the number of defectives and
comment on the state of control
Sample I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 t2 l3 14 l5
Number of 5 10 t2 8 6 4 6 J 4 5 4 7 9 3 4
Defective (np)
15. a. Explain the OC curve with reference to sampling inspection and the meaning of the term
(i) AoL
(ii) AoQL
(iii) LrPD
(iv) Produserrisk
(v) Customer risk
b.i. Explain double, multiple and sequsntial sampling plans. (12 Marks)
ii. What is the difference between inspection by attributes and inspection by variables?
(4 Markg