Effects of Carbon-to-Zeolite Ratio On Layered Bed H PSA For Coke Oven Gas
Effects of Carbon-to-Zeolite Ratio On Layered Bed H PSA For Coke Oven Gas
Effects of Carbon-to-Zeolite Ratio On Layered Bed H PSA For Coke Oven Gas
Increasing demand for hydrogen, particularly in a Single-adsorbent H 2 PSA for binary or ternary mixtures
petroleum refinery and in the petrochemical process, has with only major impurities have been employed in many pre-
provided a strong economic motivation to develop a process vious works ŽDoong and Yang, 1986; Kumar, 1994; Kim et
for recovering hydrogen from refinery fuel gases, coke oven al., 1995; Yang et al., 1997a,b.. However, a practical necessity
gases ŽCOG., other similar sources, and from more tradi- to obtain a high purity product from a multicomponent feed
tional sources such as off-gas ŽRuthven et al., 1994; Yang, in commercialized H 2 PSA processes has prompted a simul-
1987.. In many industrial processes using hydrogen, a high- taneous use of various kinds of adsorbents because different
purity hydrogen product of at least 99.99% is required and adsorbents show different selectivity depending on the adsor-
higher than 99.999% is often required as well. Since hydro- bate. Therefore, an important characteristic of the H 2 PSA
gen is adsorbed much less strongly than almost any other process is that many different adsorbents are used either in
components, a well-designed pressure swing system can meet multiple-layered beds, where each bed is composed of differ-
this challenge. Indeed, this is one application for which pres- ent adsorbents, or in two groups of adsorption beds with dif-
sure swing adsorption ŽPSA. has a clear advantage over al- ferent adsorbents. In the typical H 2 PSA with layered beds,
most all other possible approaches, for many these purity lev- the activated carbon layer at the bottom of the bed separates
els are unattainable. a bulk stream as a separator and the zeolite layer purifies the
raffinate stream from the activated carbon separator. Also,
the backfill step or product pressurization step in the com-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to C.-H. Lee. mercial H 2 PSA has widely been used to increase product
Current address of J. Yang: Sunkyong Engineering and Construction Ltd., Seoul,
South Korea. purity ŽLiow and Kenney, 1990; Chou and Huang, 1994..
Mathematical Modeling The Ergun’s equation shown below was applied to the
A nonisothermal dynamic model including a component pressure drop across the bed ŽLu et al., 1993; Yang et al.,
balance, overall mass balance, energy balance and momen- 1998.
tum balance was used to simulate a PSA process with the
following assumptions: Ži. the flow pattern in the bed can be dP
y s a mn q brn < n < Ž 5a .
described by an axial dispersion plug-flow model; Žii. the in- dz
traparticle mass-transfer and adsorption equilibrium can be 2
described by a linear driving force ŽLDF. model and Lang- 150 Ž 1y e . Ž 1y e .
as , bs1.75 Ž 5b .
muir-Freundlich ŽL-F. model, respectively; Žiii. the solid and 4 R 2p e3 2 Rpe 3
gas phases reach thermal equilibrium instantaneously; Živ. ra-
dial concentration and temperature gradients in the adsorp-
where n is superficial velocity Žmrs..
tion bed are negligible; Žv. axial conduction in the wall can be
The sorption rate into an adsorbent pellet was described
neglected; Žvi. the gas phase behaves as an ideal gas mixture.
by the following LDF model, with a single lumped mass-
Using an axially dispersed plug flow and an ideal gas law,
transfer parameter v Žsy1 . ŽRuthven et al., 1994.
the material balance for the bulk phase in the adsorption col-
umn was given by
q i
s v i Ž qUi yqi . Ž6.
yi yi t
y DL q qu
z2 t z
The well-known Danckwerts boundary conditions were ap-
RT 1y e qi n qj plied to the steps which have influent streams. The boundary
P e
ž t
y yi Ý
js 1 t / s0 Ž1. conditions used in the PSA simulation were in the following
y DL ž / s u Ž yi < zs0y y yi < zs0q . ; The effective axial thermal conductivity K L was used by
z zs 0 the following empirical correlation ŽYagi et al., 1960; Kunii
yi and Smith, 1960; Suzuki, 1990. instead of the axial thermal
ž /
z zs L
s0 Ž 7a . dispersion coefficient ŽYang et al., 1997b.
activated carbon bed process, the temperature variation in Ascross-sectional area, m2
the product end was similar to that of the zeolite bed process BsLangmuir-Freundlich isotherm parameter, atmy1
mainly due to the adsorption of nitrogen. As a result, the C ps heat capacity, Jrkg ? K
layered bed process with this carbon-to-zeolite ratio could hsheat-transfer coefficient, Jrm2 ? s ? K
give better product purity than any other process at that op- k gs thermal conductivity of fluid, Jrm ? s ? K
k ss thermal conductivity of particle, Jrm ? s ? K
erating condition. This was because the product end of this nsLangmuir-Freundlich isotherm parameter
layered bed was contaminated less by the N2 wavefront than Ps pressure, atm
that of other processes. This result for the highest purity PrsPrandtl number, Ž C p . g mrk g
agreed well with the experimental carbon ratio obtained from qm s Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm parameter, molrkg
qs volume-averaged adsorbed phase concentration, molrkg
the effects of operating variables.
qUs equilibrium adsorbed phase concentration, molrkg
Qsaverage isosteric heat of adsorption, Jrmol
Conclusions Rsradius, m
ResReynolds number, r g n Ž2 R p .rm
The effects of carbon-to-zeolite ratio on the seven-step ScsSchumidt number, mr grDm
two-bed PSA processes using activated carbon and zeolite 5A ts time, s
were studied to produce high purity H 2 product from COG. t ssstoichiometric breakthrough time, s
Tssolid phase and gas phase temperature, K
To develop the model, the layered bed was assumed to con- Tatm sambient temperature, K
sist of two independent beds with a single adsorbent in each. usinterstitial velocity, mrs
The predicted results by a mathematical model including ys mole fraction in gas phase
mass, energy, and momentum balances agreed well with the zsaxial position in an adsorption bed, m
astotal void fraction
experimental results. es interparticle void fraction
While the product purity of a layered bed process was not ms viscosity, mrkg ? s
between the limits of two single adsorbent bed processes due rsdensity, m3rkg