3-Ph Charger - O M Manual - NIMAC PDF

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Three Phase System

Chapter 1
Basic Elements In The Battery Charger / Rectifier 1
Understanding The Basic Operation 2
Control Printed Circuit Board 3-7
Battery and Charging Operation 8-9
Technical Specifications 10

Chapter 2
Alarms Indicator & What is “Multi Alarm Card” 11-13
How to Adjust the Multi Alarm Card 14
Parallel Operation – Hi-Rate Interlock & Load Sharing control 15
How to Adjust The Regulator Card 16
Battery Current Limit Card 16
Battery Temperature Compensation Card 16

Chapter 3
Unpack The Battery & Charger / Rectifier 17
Safety Precaution Of Handling The Battery 18-19
Determining Where To Install Battery & Charger/ Rectifier 20
Installing The Battery & Charger/Rectifier 21-23
Commissioning And Start Up 24-27

Chapter 4
What To Maintain For The Charger/ Rectifier 28-29
Battery Maintenance 30
Basic Troubleshooting & Customer Support 31-34
Charger/Rectifier NIMAC

Thank you for selecting NIMAC Charger/Rectifier, the high reliability and proven
products to meet your needs.

The Operation Manual contains information about the operations of the NIMAC
Charger /Rectifier .

This manual is designed to help you to:

 Understand the basic operational principle .
 Understand the additional features & alarms incorporated in the charger.
 Connect & install the system.
 Conduct commissioning .
 Conduct maintenance as well as trouble-shooting.

To ensure trouble-free operation ,this manual should always be read in conjunction

with the as-built drawings.

If you have problems with the operation of your battery charger /rectifier, refer to
chapter 4, ”troubleshooting”. If you need additional help, refer to “Customer
support” in chapter 4 for phone numbers to call for help.

An Overview Of Battery Charger / Rectifier
This Charger /Rectifier is designed to supply DC power to sensitive equipment at a constant uninterruptible
voltage, free from the usual utility power line disturbances (noise, fluctuations, momentary power
disruption etc...). The rectifier normally float charges the battery in order to maintain the battery to its full
capacity as well as providing the DC power to the load.Upon an AC failure ,the battery charger system,
due to the reserve energy in the battery, continues to supply DC power to the load.

In This Chapter
The basic elements in the Battery Charger / Rectifier system
Understanding the Basic Operation
Learning the Heart of the Battery Charger/ Rectifier--Control & ISO-driver Board
Battery and Charging Operation
Quick view of the Technical Specification

Basic Elements In The Battery Charger / Rectifier

The basic Battery Charger /Rectifier consists of :
 Input isolation transformer
 Full controlled 6-pulse Thyristor Bridge
 Output DC filter
 Control & ISO-driver Printed Circuit Board
 Of course an Enclosure
 Alarm Unit (optional )
 Battery ( not applicable for Rectifier)

Transformer Thyristor Bridge DC Filter

AC Supply Load

Control Unit
V & I Feedback
Float Charge
Hi-rate Charge
Charger Fail
Common Remote
Alarm Unit
AC Fail
Charger High Voltage
Charger Low Voltage
DC Earth Fault

An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier


Understanding The Basic Operation

The basic battery charger is isolated from the three phase AC supply via an isolation transformer. A full
controlled 6-pulse thyristor bridge modules is used to rectify the AC power to appropriate DC power ,then
this DC voltage is filtered by DC filtering circuit, consists of inductor and electrolytic capacitor.The DC
output voltage is always maintained at a constant level irrespective of supply voltage fluctuations and loads
changes, and the output current is limited to avoid overload, which is controlled by the control printed
circuit board.

Voltage spikes is elimated by Voltage Surge Arrestor which is installed across the primary of the input

In the control printed circuit board is designed in independently adjustable modes of charging
 Float (Trickle) Charge
 Hi-rate (Boost) Charge
 Commissioning Charge
 Current Limit Setting

Under normal operation ,a battery charger is used to Float (Trickle) charge the battery bank as well
assupplying the required DC current to the load. In this mode a very low current demand is required to
maintain the battery bank at full capacity, as long as the total DC output current does not exceed the output
limit of the rectifier, the output DC voltage is regulated at the constant level.

Under abnormal operation,if the load current is higher than the designed rectifier current limiting value, the
battery charger is self protected by shifting to its current limit operation, whereby the voltage will drop and
the battery bank will start to discharge and provide the additional current required by the load.If the battery
charger is at the current limiting mode for more than 36 seconds, the charger will automatically shift to Hi-
Rate (Boost) charge.

The Commissioning Charge is initiated manually (refer to Chapter 3 – Commissioning and Start Up)

AC power failure & restore operation

Upon AC failure, the battery is to deliver the required DC power to the load for duration that the battery
bank is selected to perform. When AC supply is restored, the charger shall automatically switch to a Hi-
Rate(Boost) charge condition. This is to speed up the charging time of the discharged battery bank ,as well
as regaining its full capacity.Upon completion of its charging process, the charger will automatically revert
back to its Float (Trickle) charged mode.As the charging process is fully automatic, manual handling of the
charger is NOT required to maintain continuous DC supply to the load.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 3

DC Output Filter

This important element is designed and incorporated to the NIMAC battery charger. This filtering is
designed is to reduce the ripple current and provided the clean DC output. This filtering increases the life of
the connected battery. Also makes the battery charger possible to operate without the battery connected.
The standard DC filter is made out by the DC inductor and electrolytic capacitor as LC filtering
network,and reduce to output voltage ripple to less than 5% of its nominal DC voltage without battery bank
connected (typically 1% with the battery bank connected).Optionally, a 1% or 0.1% DC filter can be
included in the design,for the telecommunication application,by employing two stage DC filtering network,
which consists of two sets of DC inductor and electrolytic capacitor form as LCLC network. This is
normally employed to reduce noise level as required for sensitive electronic instrumention. The filter is also
designed to meet the ripple requirements of the telecom specification 876 type 3

24V dc = 1 mv ripple psophometrically weighted

48V dc = 2 mv ripple psophometrically weighted

Three Phase Battery Charger/ Rectifier--Control & ISO-Driver Board

What Is Control Printed Circuit Board

The control card can be divided into the following segments

 Power Supply and Voltage Reference
 Slow Start Circuitry
 Zero-crossing detector for Synchronization of thyristor bridge
 Current Amplification and Error Current
 Voltage Feedback and Error Voltage
 Modulator Circuitry
 Thyristor Firing Pulses
 Phase Unbalance Detection Circuitry
 Charger /Rectifier Output Current Limit
 High Voltage Monitoring Circuit

The Control Board provides the following adjustments

 Float(Trickle) Voltage P4
 Hi-Rate (Boost) Voltage P5
 Commissioning Charge P6
 Balancing – Phase 1 P1
 Balancing – Phase 2 P2
 Rectifier Current Limit P7
 Rectifier Mains Undervoltage Shutdown P3
 High DC Voltage Shutdown P8
Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 4

The Three Phase Control Card Schematic Diagram

P/N : EM713-9398-D
Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 5

The Function of The Control Board (IC01)

Control Board Power Supply

The AC voltage of 20V is applied from a tapping on the input transformer to the control card. This voltage
is rectified, filtered then regulated to +15Vdc for the synchronization and timing circuits. A more stabilised
voltage reference , 5Vdc is also produced to be used as reference voltage for voltage comparison. Function
on the card which is operated in the event of AC failure and supplied from the DC voltage through a
DC/DC converter.

A second AC voltage of 20V is applied to the ISO-Driver card. This power is used to supply the rectifier
gates through a pulse transformer.


The slow-start function is used to prevent high current surges during powering up the rectifier.This feature
will reduce the power requirement of the AC source upon restoration of power.The circuit only operate
during the start-up of the rectifier. Typically, the design is chosen to give the slow-start ramp of 10seconds
from start up.

Float & Hi-rate Voltage Adjustment

The Float and Hi-rate voltage reference levels can be adjusted using the following potentiometers on this
Float voltage adjustment = P4
Hi-rate voltage adjustment = P5
Commissioning voltage adjustment = P6

Place the probes of the voltmeter (0.5% accurancy) at the battery terminals.Always make adjustments to
the Float voltage with the charger in Float mode. Allow the current and voltage to stabilize as you make
this adjustment slowly. Similarly, make adjustments to the Hi-rate voltage after you have completed the
float voltage adjustment and with the charger in Hi-rate mode. If the Hi-rate mode is not required, adjust
the potentiometer P2 to the float charge level. Commissioning Charge is activated by connecting Jumper 9
to ON position.

Note :
Adjustment of these two potentiometers is best conducted without battery connected. Refer to
theFactory Test Report for voltage to be adjusted. A 0.5% accurate voltmeter is required for
this procedure.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 6

Current Limit Adjustment

The rectifier output current is protected by the current limit setting potentiometer P7.The preset value is
limited to avoid overload. To make this adjustment, a load in excess of the rectifier current limit
requirement is to be connected at the load side of the equipment.Slowly increase the load until the rectifier
current exceeds the require set point.Then slowly turn the current limit potentiometer until the voltage of the
rectifier begins to drop.

Note : Adjustment of these two potentiometers is best conducted without battery connected.
Refer to the Factory Test Report for current limit value to be adjusted.

Phase Unbalance

When a phase unbalance occurs, the output of the rectifier circuit will contain a 50Hz ripple voltage that is
proportional to the degree of unbalance. (Note : For six pulse systems at 50Hz without a DC filter, the
primary ripple voltage will be + 5% at 150 Hz under normal conditions). The ripple measurement circuit
will trip as a result of this 50Hz ripple and the rectifier output will go to zero after a short delay.
Adjustment of the phase unbalance is made by potentiometer P1 & P2. The standard settings allows for a
maximum unbalance of 20% between the most separate phases.

Automatic Charge Control

The automatic charger control circuitry is used to control automatically triggered the charger to Hi-rate
(Boost) operation mode. The ACC senses when the charger is operating in current limit for more than 36
seconds, the charger will switch from float to Hi-rate charge. The charger will remain in Hi-rate mode until
the timer counts to zero or the float charge pushbutton has been depressed.

The Hi-rate charge timer setting is set with Jumper S4 to S7 on Control Card as below:

4 Hours
Preset Period ON



Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 7

The Function of The ISO-Driver Card (IC02)

The ISO-Driver card is used to galvanically separate and amplify the gate burst current from the control
card. It should be mounted as close to the thyristor bridge as possible. No adjustments are required. There
are six drivers for each thyristor in six pulse bridge configuration. Three resistors R8 to R10 and three
capacitors C2 to C4, connected in parallel, provide power to two pulse transformers each. Since the
switching signal operates at about 9610 Hz, there is no risk of the transformer‟s saturating. The resistors
R8 to R10 make the system short-circuit proof.

High DC Voltage Protection

This feature is incorporated in the control board ,to detect the overvoltage across the DC filter capacitor, in
the event of possible fault with the charger ,such as loss of voltage feedback sensing cable, the rectifier will
try to raise the output voltage to the maximum level, and this is dangerous for the DC filter capacitor. The
control circuitry is to inhibit the rectifier firing circuit to prevent high voltage generation.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 8

Battery And Charging Operation


The battery bank is used to provided the back up power to the load in case of AC power failure.The types
of battery to be installed to the systems can be Nickel Cadmium or Lead Acid. The duration of the battery
bank is being able to back up the load is depends on the battery capacity and its state of charge.

Charging Operation

When the AC power is restored, the charger starts to deliver it‟s maximum output current (limited only by
the battery and charger current limit settings) until the battery voltage has risen to the desired level. The
charger is capable of running at the maximum output current continuously. When the desired voltage is
reached, the charger supplies just enough current to feed the load and keep the battery at this voltage. The
float voltage level is selected according to strict battery specifications, so it is important that before any
change is made to these settings, the battery specifications must be checked first. The capacity of the
battery charger is selected to recharge the battery in the required time and simultaneously providing DC
power to the load without damaging itself. The charger will limit it's maximum output current in order to
protect the power components from damage.

As the battery continues to be charged, the voltage across it rises. A point is reached where further
increases in the voltage would cause excessive gassing of the battery and possible battery damage. For this
reason the charger has a circuit which limits the charging rate at a certain voltage level.

Two charging rate is designed into the system

 Float (trickle) charge
 Hi-Rate (Boost) charge
Both Charge modes are indicated by LED‟s on the front panel.

Float (trickle) charge--the battery will remain at this voltage for the rest of it's life so it is important that
correct float voltage is selected to take account of long term effects on the battery.

Hi-Rate (Boost) charge--to recharge the battery to 100% capacity.

This condition arises when the battery is discharged even though the charger is still operating or battery is
discharged due to AC failure. The Hi-Rate charge is automatically activated. The battery voltage has to be
set to a value above normal “Float “voltage.This “Hi-Rate” charge voltage is set to restore the battery to
it‟s full capacity within a specific time, after which it changes back to its normal "Float" value. The Hi-rate
voltage and Hi-rate time depend on the type of battery and the ambient temperature.The values of these
voltages and charging times are adjustable and are given in the factory test report.

Manual Hi-rate charging is also available on the front panel. If the battery reaches the Hi-rate voltage
within the set time then the charger will revert back to the Float voltage. This is a quick way of checking the
state of the charge of the Battery. The charger can be put back into the Float charge at any time by
depressing the float charge pushbutton.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 9

Battery And Charging Operation

Battery Charging Characteristics

2.4 135%
90 %
2.0 75 %

60 %
0.3 C
30 %
0.2 C
0.1 C 15 %

Chapter 1 An Overview of Battery Charger/ Rectifier 10

Quick View of Technical Specification

General Features:

Constant Voltage Regulation

Constant Current Regulation

AC Input voltage: 3 phase, 3 or 4 wires
380 + 10 % or as specified in the test report
AC input frequency : 50/60 Hz + 6%
Power Factor : Full Load 0.83 lag approx.
1/2 Load 0.93 lag approx.

Nominal DC voltage : 12, 24, 48, 110, 220V or other (refer to test report)
Float voltage stability : + 1% from no load to full load with AC input
voltage variations of + 10% and frequency variations
of + 6%
Output ripple voltage : Max 5% rms of nominal DC voltage.
Typical 1% rms of nominal DC voltage with
battery connected where Ah capacity 5 times higher than
rectifier rated current.
(refer to as-built drawings and test report)
Current limit : Adjustable 20 - 110% of rated current.
Current stability : + 2% at current limit.
Controls : - Mode selector switch: Manual Float, Auto & Manual Boost
- Reset push-button & LED test
Meters : DC voltmeter, DC ammeter, 1.5% accuracy.
Efficiency 110V : 84%

Operating Environment
Audible Noise : 55 dBA @1.5m
Temperature Range : -10oC to +40oC continuous
from +40oC to +50oC, output to be derated.
Humidity : 0 to 95% @ 25 degrees C
Altitude : Up to 1000m above sea level.
Above 1000m output current to be derated.
Protection : - AC and DC surge suppressers.
- Slow start circuit
- DC output fuse (or circuit breaker) protection
Insulation voltage : 2000 V for 1 minute
Insulation resistance : > 10M at 500 VDC
Earth Leakage : Sensitivity 10mA


Working With Additional Features

In some applications it is important to know the status of Battery Charger/Rectifier, therefore the Multi
Alarm Card is designed to monitor the fault for the user to take appropriate action and avoid adverse effects
on the system. An additional feature of dropping diodes control circuits can be incorporated into the charger
system to reduce and regulate the output voltage within the specified limit.

In This Chapter
Learn the alarms showning the status of Battery Charger /Rectifier
What is “Multi Alarm Card”
How to adjust the alarms on the Multi Alarm Card
Typical system configuration - Battery Chargers/ Rectifiers working in parallel – Hi-Rate
interlocking & Load sharing control
- Limit the output voltage by dropping diodes
Understanding extra feature - Battery Current Limit Card
- Battery Temperature Compensation Card

Alarms to show the status of Battery Charger /Rectifier

The following LED Alarms and indications are incorporated in the Battery Charger /Rectifier :-

LED Indicators Status Description

 AC fail On AC incoming supply fail

 Charger low voltage On Charger output voltage is low

 Charger high voltage On Charger output voltage is high

 Charger fail On Charger is not operating

 Earth fault On An leakage current is present at the battery

 Electrolyte level low On Battery electrolyte level is low

 Current Limit On The charger is operating at current limit

 Auto Float On Charger on auto mode float condition

 Manual Float On Charger operating on float dedicated mode

 Auto Boost On Charger operating on auto boost condition

 Manual Boost On Charger operating on manual boost


 Charger ON/Comm. charge On Charger is energised/operating on

commissioning mode
Chapter 2 Working With Additional Features 12

“Multi-Alarm Card”
The “Multi Alarm Card ” is designed to suit the basic requirement to monitoring the
status of battery charger/ rectifier.
The Multi Alarm Card provides the following alarms:

 Low voltage
 Charger failure
 High voltage
 Earth fault

Two other auxillary monitoring functions are provided. They are :

 AC failure
 Low electrolyte

Note : All alarms and indicators are latched to alarms condition, and manually reset by alarms reset
pushbutton. However, automatic reset can also be provided.
Chapter 2 Working With Additional Features 13

The Multi-Alarm Schematic Diagram

Chapter 2 Working With Additional Features 14

How to adjust the alarms on the Multi-Alarm Card

Low Voltage Alarm

Adjust the float voltage (using the main control card) to the low voltage alarm setting required. Adjust the
voltage trimpot R12 until the low voltage LED lights up and the common alarm relay de-energizes. Re-
adjust the float voltage back to the original level.

Charger Failure Alarm

This alarm has two adjustment settings, one for voltage and one for current. Adjust the float voltage (using
the control card) to the charger fail setting. Adjust the trimpot R32 until the charger fail LED is lit. Check
that the alarm relay de-energizes when the alarm is on. Now increase the load until the charger is in current
limit mode. Adjust R37 until the charger fail LED goes off and the alarm relay energizes. Adjust the float
voltage back to the original setting.

High Voltage Alarm

Switch the charger to “Manual Hi-Rate” mode. Adjust the Hi-rate voltage level (using the control card) to
the high voltage alarm setting required. Adjust trimpot R22 until the high voltage alarm LED lights up and
the common alarm relay de-energizes. Reduce the voltage back to the Hi-rate level then press the alarm
reset switch.

Negative Earth Fault

Connect a 1/2 watt resistor (resistor value = Float Voltage / 0.01 Ohms) from the negative of the battery
terminal to the chassis ground. With this resistor value, an earth fault current of 10mA will flow. Adjust
R63 until the earth fault LED lights up and the common alarm relay de-energizes. Remove the resistor
then press the alarm reset switch.

Positive Earth Fault

Connect a 1/2 watt resistor (resistor value = Float Voltage / 0.01 Ohms) from the positive of the battery
terminal to the chassis ground. With this resistor value, an earth fault current of 10mA will flow. Adjust
R63 until the earth fault LED lights up and the common alarm relay de-energizes. Remove the resistor
then press the alarm reset switch.

Common Alarm Relay

The common alarm contact is activated if any of the above alarms become active. The standard system
has no hold function for this relay. Normally-closed or normally-open condition can be selected.
Chapter 2 Working With Additional Features 15

Typical System Configuration

In most industrial applications, it is important for the systems to have a fixed dc output voltage limit at the
load, but still require the battery to be Hi-Rate charged.

The configuration used to limit the voltage at the load side without sacrificing the need to remove the
essential high rate function is :
 Parallel operation of chargers with Hi-Rate interlocking feature

Battery Chargers/ Rectifiers working in parallel

In the parallel operations, the Hi-Rate interlocking feature is designed to allow only one charger to operate
on Hi-Rate charge condition, the output is isolated from the load by contactor, the other charger will remain
in Float charge condition and at the same time feed the load. A load sharing card is used for parallel
charger systems.When both chargers are supplying current to the load, this load sharing card is used to
regulate and balance the current output of each chargers. Depending upon the variability of the load, the
load sharing control card is accurate to approximately 10% of nominal output current.

How to adjust the Load Sharing of the current output of each chargers
Before proceeding with the adjustment, ensure the Float and Hi-rate voltage settings are correct for each
charger. Load sharing balance is achieved using potentiometer P2 on this card. To make any adjustment,
load the two parallel chargers with equal resistive loads and equal AC input voltage. Adjust P2 until the
current output of each charger is approximately equal. Allow the charger output to stabilize each time an
adjustment is made. The maximum allowed variation in AC input voltage is + 1%.
Chapter 2 Working With Additional Features 16

How to adjust the regulator card –To switch contactor ‘On’ or “Off’

The charger output voltage is sensed via a voltage divider in which a potentiometer R8 is used to set the
required trigger voltage. The potentiometer R11 is used to adjust for hysteresis. The voltage-free contact
of RLY 1 is used to switch the external bypass contactor for the dropper diodes. Whenever the charger
output is below the acceptable maximum load voltage, the dropper diodes will be by-passed so that no
energy is lost in the output circuit.


1. Disconnect the battery from the charger and connect a dummy load at the load terminals.
2. Adjust the potentiometers R8 and R11 clockwise until the bypass contactor is energized.
3. Adjust the float voltage (using the control card potentiometer P1) to the maximum load voltage
4. Adjust R8 until the contactor de-energizes. The voltmeter will now show the reading which
includes the voltage drop across the diodes. The output voltage should be within the Min/Max
5. Reduce the float voltage until you reach 1 or 2 volts below the maximum voltage setting.
6. Turn R11 until the contactor de-energizes again. This is the hysteresis adjustment.
7. Adjust the float voltage to a higher level and observe that the contactor de-energizes again and the
load voltage remains within the limits specified by the user.
8. Repeat this procedure for other dropper diode control cards installed in your system.

Battery Current Limit Card

This card is inserted directly into the main control card ,and is used mainly for systems which use lead-acid
battery. The battery current limit card limits the maximum current available to charge the battery and is
independent of the total current limit of the charger. This function is particularly important for systems
which have a large load current relative to the battery current. The output signal from this card is applied
to the modulation circuit on the main control card .The battery current limit is adjusted on this card using
potentiometer P1. Remove the battery bank or open the battery circuit breaker before making this
adjustment. Never make adjustments to the current limit in excess of 110% of the factory set current limit.
If the adjustment of P1 cannot reach the battery current limit setting required, you may need to increase the
charger current limit on the main control card.

Battery Temperature Compensation Card

This card in installed at X5 of the main control card . When sealed lead-acid battery are used, the floating
charge voltage must be temperature compensated. Adjustment of the temperature compensation is done
with potentiometer R1 on this card.


Installation And Operating The System

Before getting to work and take full advantage of starting up the Battery Charger / Rectifier, it is
important for you to read this chapter.

In This Chapter
How to Unpack Battery Charger /Rectifier
Safety Precautions Of Handling The Battery
Determining Where To Install Battery & Charger /Rectifier
Installing The Battery & Charger/ Rectifier
Commissioning And Start Up The System

How to Unpack Battery Charger /Rectifier

The charger and battery are packed for transport by truck, train, ship, or plane. As a piece of electronic
equipment, the charger must be handled with care. Always use a fork-lift to move the equipment and lift
from under its bottom. The charger must be moved in an upright position. There are labels on the packing
which indicate the upright position.
If lifting eye-bolts are fitted, check that the bolts are screwed tightly and do not use them at an angle wider
than 45o.
The lifting capacity of the handling equipment must always be greater than the weight of the equipment.
For the equipment weights refer to the attached packing list.

Before Unpacking
The charger and battery have been packed to withstand the vibrations that normally occur during
transportation, so as a rule, neither the packing nor the charger will have suffered any damage during
transportation. However, an inspection of the packing upon arrival is recommended. If any damage is
noted on both the packing and the charger, or if it is not received in an upright position, the shipper and the
manufacturer should be notified immediately. Before unpacking the charger, take out the delivery note and
keep it to check that the equipment is in accordance with the specifications on the note.

Severely damaged packing or equipment should be left untouched until the shippers and the insurance
company have inspected it.

 Unpack the charger in a clean, dry storage area.
 Remove the screws which keep the lid of the packing in place.
 Open the front sheet at the cabinet door and pull off the other sheets.
 Remove the plastic bag and the polystyrene plates.

If the charger is not going to be used right away, leave the bags with moisture absorbing material
inside the cubicle and put the plastic bag over the charger again.
Store the charger in a dry and clean storage room free from aggressive gases. The temperature in the
storage room must be between -25 and +70 oC. The storage room should be free from rodents and bugs
and well ventilated.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 18

Safety Precautions Of Handling The Battery

Handling the battery should be carried out by QUALIFIED PERSONNEL who is aware of specific






Some explosive gas may be present in the battery cells even during storage or shipment. The battery cells
may also release flammable gas during Hi-rate charging. Therefore:-
 Keep flames away from battery cells and out of the battery room.
 Never smoke near the battery.
 Do not adjust connections while charging or within an hour after charging.
 Discharge any static electricity from your clothing by touching a part connected to
earth before entering the battery room.
 Remove metal parts from your body and clothing which may come into contact with
battery terminals.
 Never disconnect the battery when it is on load or charge.


Ventilate the battery room at all times to prevent the accumulation of explosive gases.


 Use tools with insulated handles.

 Wear full-face shields or goggles.
 Wear rubber gloves, rubber boots, and rubber aprons. Wear long sleeved clothing.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 19

Safety Precautions Of Handling The Battery




If it is necessary to mix electrolyte for the battery cells, follow the safety precautions below:-

1. Nickel-Cadmium Battery:
Never use equipment designed for Lead-Acid battery. Use plastic or steel made
containers to mix the electrolyte. Never use containers made of copper,
aluminum or galvanized iron. Pour water into the mixing vessel before carefully
adding solid electrolyte to avoid splashing and gas emission.


 Ensure battery cells are always in upright position whenever transporting or shifting
from one place to another. Never lift a battery by its terminals.
 Lifting equipment used for carrying the battery must have capacity that exceeds the
weight of the battery.
 Do not place or drop metal objects on the top of the battery cells.
 Never disconnect the battery when it is on load.


Neutralize all shipping caps, used vents etc. with a baking soda solution before disposing them.


 Ensure clean running (tap) water for washing is easily available around the battery
 Wash immediately if electrolyte is splashed on skin or clothing.
 Wash with running water if electrolyte enters eyes and quickly send for medical aid.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 20

Determining Where To Install Battery & Charger /Rectifier

To ensure that you get the best results of operating the Battery & Charger/ Rectifier,
Always use the following guidelines :

 The ambient temperature must be between 0°C and 40°C.

 For temperatures from 40oC to 55oC derate current rating by 1.25% per degree Celsius.
 The relative air humidity must not exceed 95%.
 The ambient air must be free from dust and aggressive gases.
 The floor on which the battery & charger to be installed must be level so that the charger cubicle
and battery racks are not damaged when it is bolted to the floor.
 There must be a free space of at least 500 mm over the top and back of the cubicle.
 The air flow through the charger must not be hindered. An extractor fan and/or an air inlet on the
front door or back provide the internal ventilation of the charger.
 Sufficient clearance for the door(s) to open at least 90o.
 External ventilation of the charger is not required provided the room temperature is kept below the
tolerated maximum working temperature (i.e. 40°C)

Be careful not to obstruct the natural air flow through the cabinet, leaving at least 500 mm clearance at
front, rear, top and at louvers at side This is to ensure compliance with the heat removal required for the
reliable operation of internal power electronic and magnetic devices. It is also to ensure compliance
regarding safe hydrogen dispersion into the ambient air when the rectifier enclosure contains battery cells.
Hydrogen is a gas which may be released by charging battery cells. It is non-corrosive and not harmful if
inhaled, but a high concentration of hydrogen in the air forms an explosive mixture.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 21

Installing The Battery & Charger/ Rectifier

When planning the installation, arrange your cable ladder routing to deliver the cables for easy entry into
the cubicle, allowing sufficient space for bending.

Ensure the following before starting works on installation of the system:-

 All external power supply to the system are isolated.
 All external protective devices (fuses, circuit breakers) are removed.
 All internal circuit-opening devices (switches, circuit breakers) are in the OFF position.

Do not connect any external power cables or load to the system, until completing the installation
procedure in this chapter.


 It is recommended that a tray be placed under the battery rack to catch any electrolyte which
may be spilled from the battery cells.
 Place the heaviest battery tray at the bottom and lightest at the top. Be sure to:
a) Alternate the (+) and (-) poles,
 Use the accessories supplied by the battery manufacturer,
 Tighten all connections to the torque values specified by the battery manufacturer.

The battery set consists of a series of battery cells where the negative (-) polarity of cell number 1
is connected to the negative (-) polarity output of the charger and where the positive (+) polarity
of last cell is connected to the positive (+) polarity output of the charger. The positive (+) polarity
of cell number 1 is connected to the negative (-) polarity of cell number 2, and so on. This is called
a battery string.




The cable sizing must comply with the applicable wiring rules.
The maximum current demand from the charger will normally occur after the battery has been
discharged.It is important to avoid unneccessary loss of regulation due to the voltage drop between
the battery and the DC load.
We recommend that the voltage drop in all DC cables should not exceed 2% of the output voltage,
although in some applications this % of the value is reduced. Include the voltage drop in both the
(+) and (-) cables, and calculate it at the maximum output current.

If the resistance of the cable is unknown it can be approximated with the formula below:

Total length of wire (m)

Resistance =  x 0.02 Ohms
Cross-sectional Area of wire (mm sq)
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 22

Installing The Battery & Charger/ Rectifier

The circuit breaker on the switchboard feeding the rectifier needs careful attention.
Firstly, this circuit breaker needs to be able to support the maximum input current drawn by the
rectifier. Secondly, it must not trip each time the rectifier is turned on, or the AC is restored, due
to input transformer magnetizing current. This peak inrush current can be 10 times the maximum
input current, under worst conditions. It only lasts for a short time, decaying to steady state load
current after approximately 100 milliseconds.
To ascertain the switchboard fuse or circuit breaker trips, multiply the maximum AC input current
by 10 and compare the value against the time curves supplied for your circuit breaker or fuse.
These curves can easily be obtained from the supplier of the particular fuse or circuit breaker.

You may have fuses or circuit breakers on the output of the rectifier. When sizing these circuit
breakers or fuses it is necessary to ensure that the fuse or circuit breaker down stream of the
distribution breaker/fuse opens before the one upstream of it.

To ensure this, two aspects of the fuses and circuit breakers need to be considered.
 The rating of the breakers/fuses, and
 The time response of the breakers/fuses

It must also be remembered that it takes time for this fuse or circuit breaker to trip. When the load
is a switching application, power to the load may only be applied for a very short period, maybe
only milliseconds. In this case, the breaker/fuses can be rated lower than the full load current.
This also means that the cable sizes feeding the breakers/fuses can be smaller. To work out the
rating of the breaker or fuse, use the time response curves obtainable from the supplier.

The recommended cable sizes for installation of the battery & charger are shown on the single line
drawing(s) in chapter 5.
NOTE :All AC and DC cables must be sized to allow for the maximum current capacity as
indicated by the rating of the input fuse or circuit breaker. Pass the battery cables through the
openings in the cabinet provided for this purpose. Always use cable glands to prevent dust and
dangerous vapors from passing through the cable entry to the electronics. The input transformer
has several tapping points to suit your mains voltage. The correct supply voltage is marked on the

The AC input, battery, and output cables should be run separately to minimize mutual interactions
in the event of a fault. It is recommended that the positive and negative wires of DC circuits be run
in the same cable harness to avoid electrical interference with other circuits. The same principle
applies to wiring groups of AC cables.

The alarm and indication cables must be kept separate from power cables. A suitable distance
would be 100-300 mm. Signal cables which cross other cables that could cause electrical
interference must be placed at right angles.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 23

Installing The Battery & Charger/ Rectifier

Starting To Connect External Cables

Do not connect power to the system until instructions are given in “Initial Checks with power on”.

NOTE : Leave all external switches and circuit breakers in the OFF position and remove the battery fuse
before making the following connections:
 Connect the battery cables to the BATT (+) and (-) termination points at the front of the
 Connect the earth cable to the earth terminal bar inside the cubicle.
 Connect the AC power cables to the relevant input terminals in the charger. Observe phase
 Check that the rating of the load protection and disconnect devices are adequate.
 Connect the cables from the load to the charger output terminal block.

Temperature Compensation Probe (Option) Connection

The temperature probe consists of a precision transducer housed in a small isolating plastic module. A two
wire or a three wire transducer could be used (refer to section 4 engineering drawings). These wires should
NOT be connected to any battery terminal.

Attach the isolated temperature probe externally to the front of a cell that is located in the middle of the
Battery set. Clean and lightly roughten the cell surface with emery or sandpaper (in a position below the
"low electrolyte" mark, if possible). Use a two-part epoxy adhesive to ensure permanent fitting.

Warning : Do not leave the probe disconnected or open if the temperature compensation card has been
installed. This could cause random voltage variation at the charger DC output which may activate the over-
voltage/under-voltage detectors and affect the battery life and performance.

Note: Special considerations may be necessary where the battery is located more than 30 meters from the
charger since the temperature compensation cable may not give a true indication of the battery
temperature. Consult our Customer Service Centre ( listed in chapter 4 ) for any
clarification/advise if required.

Earth Leakage Detection (Option) Connection

Check that an Earth potential wire (1.5 mm2) is connected to one of the earth leakage connections on the
control card (refer to chapter 5 engineering drawings). Do not use this option if one of the polarities of the
battery or the DC load is intentionally grounded (Earthed).

Low Electrolyte Probe (Option) Connection

Connect a 1.5 mm2 wire to the low electrolyte terminal block on the control card (refer chapter 5
engineering drawings). Connect the other end of the wire to the electrolytic probe which must be inserted
into the first positive vented battery cell. The probe must touch the electrolyte only when the level is equal
to or above the "Min Level" indicated on the cell container.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 24

Commissioning And Start Up The System

Initial Check With Power ‘OFF’

Refer to the schematic drawings in chapter 5 for the location and numbering of all components.
Ensure the following before turning on the power:
 Check that the charger characteristics (Voltage, Frequency, Power) match those of the main
supply, battery, and load.
 Check that the information on the nameplate and test report are correct.
 Check that the input transformer tap is suitable for your mains voltage. The correct supply
voltage is marked on the transformer.
 Check any foreign objects and loose parts inside the cubicle.
 Check that all connections are firmly secured.
 Check for correct earthing and cabinet ground continuity.
 Check that all fuses and circuit breakers are installed and correctly sized:-
a) AC input circuit breaker is in the OFF position.
b) Battery circuit breaker or battery fuse is in the OFF position.
c) Fan On/Off switch (if installed) is in the OFF position, and
d) All load output breakers and fuses are in the OFF position.
 Using an Ohmmeter, check for short-circuit connections from phase-to-neutral.
 Use the multimeter to check that the DC voltage at the battery input terminals is correct in both
value and polarity.

Commissioning And Start Up The System

Initial Check With Power ‘OFF’


Start Up The Battery Charger/ Rectifier

 Check that the load is ready to be powered up. Switch on the Charger/ Rectifier by turning the
input breaker „ON‟.
 Observe that the voltage shown on the voltmeter shall slowly swing to its float voltage.
 Check that the battery polarity is correct. Close battery isolator (circuit breaker or fuses).
 Press the “LED Test” button on the front panel and observe that all LED‟s are ON.
 Observe the battery voltage reading .If the charger output current is equal to the battery current
limit, the battery is recharging. Therefore, the battery voltage reading will be less than the preset
value and will rise slowly as the battery recharges.
 Observe the charger current display and load current display. Check that they are within the limits
specified on the nameplate and test report.
 Check that the load is ready to be powered up. Switch the load output circuit breaker (or fuse) to
the ON position. This will energize the DC Load.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 25

Commissioning And Start Up The System

Let the charger work for approximately 15 minutes with the normal load connected.
 Check that there are no alarms active.
 Check the AC ripple voltage at the load terminals is within the specified values.
 Inspect the battery as instructed by the battery manufacturer‟s maintenance manual.

Performed Functional Test

During the following functional test the battery must be fully charged and operating at the float
voltage level. If you cannot afford to disconnect the DC load while testing the unit, do not open the
load circuit breaker or battery circuit breaker. Otherwise, switch these two circuit breakers off
now, and connect a dummy load to the load terminals. Then switch the two circuit breakers on

 Current Limit
After the battery voltage has stabilized, increase the DC load until the charger current reaches
the preset current limit and the battery voltage starts to drop.
If the charger mode is in the “Hi-rate” position, the charger will remain on for 8 hours and will
return to float level after the Hi-rate timer has counted down. To reset the Hi-rate timer,
switch the mode back to the float position.

 Hi-rate Charging
With the charger still operating normally, move the charger mode to “Manual Hi-Rate”
position. The current should immediately rise and the voltage should also start to rise. After a
while, depending on the state of charge of the battery, the voltage will stabilize. To reset the
Hi-rate timer, switch the mode to float position.
NOTE: 1. Certain battery (e.g. sealed lead acid and some other models) are not intended to
be submitted to Hi-rate charging. In this case the Hi-rate voltage is set to the
same level as the float voltage.
2. Some DC systems are equipped with a load sensing device or interlocks which
will inhibit the Hi-rate voltage. In this case the interlocks must be disconnected
to verify the Hi-rate voltage.
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 26

Commissioning And Start Up The System

 Alarm Relays and LED’s

Connecting an ohmmeter across the corresponding alarm terminals. Under normal

circumstances the relay is energized and will de-energize (i.e. release) upon a fault.

 High DC Voltage Alarm

If this alarm setting is below the Hi-rate voltage level (refer to test report), it is easy to check
the condition of this alarm circuitry. Simply by activating to the “Manual Hi-Rate”. As the
voltage goes above the alarm value, the high DC voltage alarm output is activated. This
alarm level is specified in the test report.

 Charger Fail Alarm

Disconnecting the gate leads to the SCR‟s on the Thyristor Bridge can activate this alarm.

 Low Battery Voltage Alarm

To bring up this alarm, turn off the charger, and allow the battery to discharge through the
load. After a while (depending on the size and state of charge of the battery), the battery
voltage will drop to a point where the low battery voltage alarm will operate. When this
occurs compare the voltage with that in the test report. If the discharge is going to take too
long, disconnect a number of cells on the battery block. The setting for this alarm is specified
in the test report.

 Earth Leakage Alarm (if fitted, refer to the test report)

To activate this alarm an Earth leakage wire must be fitted. Check that the earth leakage
alarm LED on the front panel is not ON. If it is, push the RESET button. If the LED is still
ON then there is a fault in the battery circuit. If the LED is OFF, connect an impedance (e.g.
100 W, 240V lamp from the negative of the battery to the chassis) and the LED will come
ON. Remove the lamp and push the RESET button. Now connect the lamp from the battery
positive to the chassis and again the LED will come ON. Push the RESET button after
disconnecting the lamp.

 Low Electrolyte Alarm (if fitted, refer to the test report)

To activate this alarm a low electrolyte probe must be fitted. Pull the low electrolyte sensor
out of the most positive cell of the battery (or disconnect it) and the low electrolyte alarm
should turn on.

 Chargers Operating in Parallel (refer to the test report)

For dual (parallel) systems, check that the load is being equally shared between the two
chargers at 30% load and at 100% load. Check the response of the chargers when operating at
current limit. Some parallel system are installed with Hi-rate charge interlocks. Verify that
these interlocks work to prevent either charger going into Hi-rate mode (refer to the test
Chapter 3 Installing And Using The System 27

Commissioning And Start Up The System

How To Shut-Down The System

 Check that the load is ready to be shut-down.

 Switch all load circuit breakers to the OFF position.

NOTE: The DC capacitor bank may take several seconds to discharge.

 Switch the AC input circuit breaker to the OFF position.

 Using a multimeter, check that there is no voltage at the charger output terminal block.
 If it is necessary to complete maintenance on the charger, switch off the battery circuit

How To Take The System Out Of Commission

 Activate the charger in Hi-Rate position and run the charger for 12 hours to ensure the battery
set is fully charged before taking the charger out of commission.
 Open the output load circuit breaker(s) and fuses.
 Open the charger AC input circuit breaker .
 Open the battery circuit breaker (or battery fuses).





To ensure excellent quality of your Battery Charger/ Rectifier, visual examination of the equipment on a
regular basis is essential. We recommend the equipment to be maintenanced at 6-month intervals.

In This Chapter

How to Maintain the Charger/ Rectifier

Performing The Battery Maintenance
Basic Troubleshooting
Customer Support

How to Maintain The Charger/ Rectifier

 The person performing the maintenance should understanding the principles of operation of
the equipment and should be a licensed electrician or be supervised by such a person. For a
routine maintenance agreement please contact NIMAC POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN

As a general rule, the Charger/ Rectifier must always be maintained as follows :

 Check that the air inlets and outlets are not obstructed.
 Remove any dust from the internal components, especially the heat sinks and fan (if fitted),
using a brush and a vacuum cleaner fitted with a rubber tip.
 If necessary, dry the components with compressed air.
 Check for mechanically damaged components, overheated components and signs of corrosion.
 Check electrical connections: Tightness, terminal lugs and connectors in place, and all boards
are firmly secured.
 Check for mechanical tightness and that all components are secure.
 Check that the cooling fans (if fitted) are clean and run freely.

After three years of continuous service, it is recommended to replace the fans.

Chapter 4 Maintenance And Troubleshooting 29

How to Maintenance The Charger/ Rectifier

Charger/ Rectifier Power On Maintenance

The purpose of this operation is to check the battery capacity by discharging it and checking the
measurements against the performance characteristics specified by the battery manufacturer.
This Maintenance test should be conducted at least once every 12 months.

 First of all, evaluate the normal backup time required for the system.
 Check that the normal load is connected to the charger and is in service.
 Press the “Test” button to test all LED‟s.
 Connect a millivoltmeter across the battery shunt.
 Connect a multimeter across the battery.
 Turn off the rectifier using the input circuit breaker . Start a stop-watch.
 Check that the charger output voltage measured across the load terminals is equal to the rated
voltage + 1% as indicated on the nameplate
 When the battery voltage is at 85% of the rated value (Example: 93.5V for a 110V battery)
or at its end voltage, record the following:
a) The millivoltmeter reading across the battery shunt, US
b) The discharge time in seconds, T
c) Battery shunt current rating (Amps), IS
d) Battery shunt voltage (mV), UM
 Use the following formula to determine the average battery current discharge, ID = (IS x
 From the discharge current and time, check that the battery capacity still conforms to the
manufacturer‟s specifications.
 Turn on the rectifier and allow the battery to charge for at least 10 minutes.
 Press the “Reset” button if there are any red alarm LED‟s on. If any of these LED‟s remain
on after the reset button is pressed, refer to the troubleshooting section in this manual for
Chapter 4 Maintenance And Troubleshooting 30

Performing The Battery Maintenance

As a minimum perform the following checks at least once a year :-
 Remove all dust from the battery.
 Clean the top of the battery cells, blowing off minerals or metal dust with compressed air. If
compressed air cannot be used, clean with a nylon brush.
 Remove any trace of corrosion from the cell connections and the cable terminal lugs.
 Isolate the battery from the load and remove the connecting cables. Measure the insulation
resistance from each pole to Earth (the insulation resistance should be greater than 15M). If
not, inspect for leaks and clean with distilled water. Reconnect the cables.
 Ensure that all inter-cell and inter-tray connections are correct and securely tightened.
 Complete any other maintenance procedures recommended by battery manufacturer.

 Nickel –Cadmium Battery Maintenance

Refer to the maintenance manual for specific maintenance procedures.

Temperature corrector for specific gravity:-

Add 0.001 to hydrometer reading for each 1.5oC above 20oC
Subtract 0.001 from hydrometer reading for each 1.5oC below 20oC.

 Use a multimeter to measure the voltages of the battery cells. The difference in voltage in
open battery cells must not exceed + 50 mV per cell. If the difference exceeds this value,
contact the battery manufacturer.
Chapter 4 Maintenance And Troubleshooting 31

Basic Troubleshooting










When using an oscilloscope to measure the charger output voltage, the following precautions
must be taken:
 If the oscilloscope is Grounded, use the probe(s) only on the hot side of the charger output and
not the ground lead.
 If the oscilloscope is Not Grounded, use both probe leads on the hot and neutral sides.
However, be very careful not to touch the oscilloscope and the charger cabinet and/or
 Before replacing any modules, switch the charger completely off. (i.e. AC input and battery).
Wait for at least 2 minutes to let the DC capacitor bank discharge.

This trouble shooting guide covers the causes of disturbance most likely to appear. In our experience,
loose connections are the most common cause of failures.
In cases of malfunction, check the following first :-
 Ensure all internal and external connections are securely tightened.
 Verify all fuses and/or circuit breakers are operational.
 Ensure proper polarity of the DC source. Connections should be positive to positive, negative
to negative, and must be securely tightened.
 Verify that proper input voltage, output voltage, frequency and load current are present as
indicated on the nameplate.
 If a battery set is part of the system, ensure that all inter-cell and inter-tray connections are
correct and securely tightened.

If all the above checks are correct, use the following pages to locate the applicable symptom and
perform the corrective action as indicated.
Chapter 4 Maintenance And Troubleshooting 32

Basic Troubleshooting
Symptom Cause Solution
 AC & DC Circuit breaker  Wrong battery connection  Check battery cell to cell
(or Fuses) trips, when polarity connection is correct.
Charger/ Rectifier is Replace blown fuse or turn
switched ON and battery is ON the breakers.

 Replaced defective
 Thyristor Bridge Fail

 Replace defective capacitors

 DC filter capacitors short-

 No DC output  DC output breaker (or Fuse  Replace the blown fuse or

blown) in OFF position turn ON the breakers.

 Battery voltage exceed the  Normal condition, let the

charger output voltage battery discharge to the
setting setting voltage level as per
test report

 Control card fail  Replace the control card

 Thyristor Bridge Fail  Replace defective


 Wrong output voltage and  Load current exceeded the  The charger is undersized for
Charger output current in Charger output current the load application.
current limit mode Please contact Customer
Support Department.

 Battery cell damaged  Remedy as required

Chapter 4 Maintenance And Troubleshooting 33


This charger may be undersized for the load. If

this state continues contact BERKAT
Does the load current YES INSAF/NIMAC POWER customer service
exceeds the rectifier
output capacity ?


Check for bad battery cells and

replace as required

Number of battery Consult battery brochure

cells and cell types NO and remedy as required
OK ?


Allow charger to raise

Charger in Hi-rate
battery voltage to Hi-
(Boost) mode ?
rate level


Charger in float Check Free-wheeling Diode

voltage mode ? and Dropper Diodes (if


Press “LED Test” button. Is the ripple voltage Check thyristor bridge and
All LED‟s should go on. less than 5% NO DC filter for short circuit
Replace if required.

Refer to voltage
adjustment procedure
Chapter 4 Maintenance And Troubleshooting 34

Basic Troubleshooting
If the cause of a fault cannot be directly determined from the basic
troubleshooting guide,

For Help!
Consult your local NIMAC Customer Support Team for phone

Customer Support Department


No 70, Jalan SC2
Pusat Perindustrian Sungai Chua
43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel : (603) 87339163 / 87370168 / 87365168
Fax : (603) 87373163 / 87346641
E-mail : nimac@streamyx.com /
Website : http://www.nimac.com.my

The Customer Support can offer the following :

 Repairs
 Technical Support
 Supply of Spare Parts
 Preventative Maintenance
 User Training

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