Sustainability: Amelia Manuti and Maria Luisa Giancaspro
Sustainability: Amelia Manuti and Maria Luisa Giancaspro
Sustainability: Amelia Manuti and Maria Luisa Giancaspro
People Make the Difference: An Explorative Study on
the Relationship between Organizational Practices,
Employees’ Resources, and Organizational Behavior
Enhancing the Psychology of Sustainability and
Sustainable Development
Amelia Manuti * and Maria Luisa Giancaspro
Department of Education, Psychology, Communication-University of Bari, 70121 Bari, Italy;
* Correspondence:
Received: 3 December 2018; Accepted: 26 February 2019; Published: 12 March 2019
Abstract: The most recent developments in the field of sustainability science and the emergence of a
psychology of sustainability and sustainable development have contributed to collect evidences about
the fact that modern organizations need healthy and motivated employees to survive and to prosper
within this fast-moving scenario. In this vein, a confirmation to these evidences came from the
abundant research on HEalthy and Resilient Organizations (HERO), showing that when organizations
make systematic, planned, and proactive efforts to improve employees’ subjective resources then
organizational processes and outcomes benefit in turn. Moving forward from these premises, the
present study aimed to explore these assumptions within the context of small and medium enterprises
(SMEs), investigating the relationships among the organizational practices, employees’ subjective
resources, and organizational behaviors. Two hundred and thirty-six participants working in SMEs
located in the south of Italy took part. They were invited to fill in a questionnaire investigating
their perception of organizational resources and practices (autonomy, leadership, communication,
organizational mindfulness, and commitment to resilience), of their individual resources (work
engagement and psychological capital), and finally, of some organizational outcomes (extra-role
behavior). Results showed that psychological capital was a significant mediator of the relationship
between employees’ perception of the organizational resources and practices and extra-role behaviors.
Concrete implications of these conclusions in terms of human resource management (HRM) are
discussed together with limitations of the study and future developments.
1. Introduction
The rapid cultural, social, and economic changes that have recently invested the labor market, as
well as the challenges brought about by global competition, are pushing organizations to rethink their
strategies, processes, and practices, and to consider human capital as the main intangible asset that
could concretely make a difference.
These evidences have been further remarked on in the psychology of sustainability and sustainable
development that is an emerging transdisciplinary research area in the field of sustainability science
aiming at integrating psychology within the analysis of sustainable development processes [1–3]. In
this perspective, the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development focuses attention on the
conditions that might enhance workers’ well-being and quality of life maintaining that the paradigm of
sustainability could be extended from the ecological and socio-economic domain to the psycho–social
context of working, thus, contributing to creating conditions that might promote individual as well as
organizational development [1–5]. As a result, the enhancement of human resources, the management
of talents, and the development of human potential are becoming good practices for the management
of people inside the organizations as well as precious strategies to secure organizational survival in a
turbulent market [6–8].
The main underlying assumption guiding this stream of research and consequently, good human
resource management (HRM) practice in this field is that sustainability, far from being simply a
matter of environmental conditions and/or of organizational processes, is strictly linked to the
consideration of the unique and distinctive value that each human resource means for organizations.
Therefore, “healthy people make healthy organizations” [9–12]: If organizations choose to invest in
human resource management practices that are aimed at establishing and cultivating a positive P/O
(Person/Organization) fit based on mutual trust and acknowledgement, then this effort will probably
result in a competitive advantage for them, as those employees who are more engaged and satisfied
with their job will be more likely to be more productive and efficient [13–16].
The core of the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development approach is quite
attuned with another quite recent stream of research within psychology, namely Positive Organizational
Behavior (POB). This perspective studies the subjective and contextual features that enable individuals
and communities to thrive, presenting a real competitive advantage for organizations [12,17].
Accordingly, this positive approach allows psychology to meet management and business, thus,
concretely helping organizations to create sustainable performance [18]. In an attempt to further
enlarge the paradigm, this management-driven view has been enriched by a more employee-centered
view of organizational performance, arguing that the mission of POB must also focus on goals, such as
employee happiness and health [19], suggesting the development of a positive business value model
of employee well-being, where a win–win situation for both the organization and its employees can be
drawn [20].
In this vein, this approach focuses on peak performance in organizations, examining the
conditions under which employees thrive and feel good at work, thus, working more and better.
Accordingly, empirical research in the field of Positive Organizational Behavior [11] is giving a precious
contribution to HR practice by studying “what is positive, flourishing, and life-giving in organizations.
Positive refers to the elevating processes and outcomes in organizations. Organizational refers to the
interpersonal and structural dynamics activated in and through organizations, specifically considering
the context in which positive phenomena occur” (p. 731 [21]).
Within the wider framework of POB, Healthy and Resilient Organizations (HERO) constitute a
key element. HERO are those organizations that, espousing this people-based view of management,
engage actively and systematically to improve employees’, teams’, and organizational processes and
outcomes, enhancing sustainable development [22,23]. HERO are also “resilient” because they know
how to manage change, how to adjust to challenging and unpredictable situations, how to maintain
desirable outcomes [18,24–32].
HERO organizations can be distinguished from more traditional, and we may say “toxic”
organizations, because of three specific features.
First, because they constantly strive to implement “healthy organizational resources and
practices”, aimed at improving the work environment at the task (e.g., autonomy), interpersonal
(e.g., transformational leadership styles), and organizational (e.g., Human Resources—HR—practices)
levels, especially during times of turbulence and change [15,33–35]. Second, because, given their
“healthy” approach to HRM, they have “healthy employees/teams” (e.g., trust, work engagement),
who show high levels of psychosocial well-being. Finally, because of the positive interaction between
the previous features, they show “healthy organizational outcomes” (e.g., high performance, corporate
social responsibility, reputation).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1499 3 of 17
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17
Therefore, in view of these reflections, the authors have developed a model according to which
“healthy” practices
“healthy” practices and “healthy”
“healthy” employees’ can have an influence on "healthy" organizational
outcomes (Figure 1). Consequently, to work on people, to make them the pivot of the organizational
system will be a significant advantage for organizations striving to improve their performance and
competitive through
wishing to stay sustainable and competitive through time.
Healthy Employees
Healthy resources and
Positive Emotions
Task resources
Interpersonal resources
Work engagement
Healthy Practices
Figure 1. The HERO Model—HEalthy and Resilient Organizations (adapted from 23).
Figure 1. The HERO Model—HEalthy and Resilient Organizations (adapted from 23).
Inspired by these evidences, the present study aimed to explore the relationship between healthy
HRMInspired by healthy
practices, these evidences,
employees, the present
and healthy studyorganizational
aimed to explore the relationship
outcomes in a sample between healthy
of small and
medium practices, healthy
enterprises’ (SMEs)employees,
workersand in thehealthy
of Italy. outcomes in a sample of small and
mediumThe enterprises’
choice of this (SMEs) workers
particular in thewas
context south of Italy.
guided by the evidence that the local labor market
where Thethechoice
studyof this particular
comprised mainly context
by SMEs. was guided
In view by of the
this,evidence that the in
results obtained local
where the study comprised mainly by SMEs. In view of this, results
contribute to the further investigation of HRM within this context. Moreover, the choice was basedobtained in the study could
contribute to the further investigation of HRM within this context. Moreover,
the recognition of some distinctive traits within this kind of enterprise that could fit with the model the choice was based
on the recognition
proposed. According of some
to thedistinctive
SMEswithin this kind
are aware of theofimportance
enterprise that could fit with
of considering thehuman
their model
proposed. According to the literature, SMEs are aware of the importance of
resources as a top priority for developing and sustaining a competitive advantage [36]. In view of theirconsidering their human
specific workas aorganization,
top priority whichfor developing
is relatively and sustaining
labor intensive a competitive
in comparison advantage [37]. In viewand
with big enterprises, of
of theirwork
smallorganization, which is
size, each individual relatively
employee labor intensive
represents in comparison
a substantial with big
part of the workforce.
enterprises, and because of their small size, each
Therefore, within SMEs, Human Resource Management is highly relevant.individual employee represents a substantial part
of theGiven
workforce. Therefore,the
these premises, within
assumed Humanthat Resource
SMEs could Management
be conceived is highly
as HERO relevant.
Given these premises, the study assumed that SMEs could be conceived
namely featured by three basic dimensions: healthy resources and practices, healthy employees, as HERO organizations,
namely featured by
healthy outcomes. three basic given
Nonetheless, dimensions: healthy
the specific resources
context and practices,
of the research, healthy
the study employees,
healthy outcomes.
the dimensions Nonetheless,
partially followinggiventhe theoriginal
specific model
context[22]of theandresearch,
proposingthe study
some operationalized
integrations to
the dimensions
their assessment. partially following the original model [23] and proposing some integrations to their
As for “healthy resources and practices”, following some traditional motivational approaches,
suchAs as for
Job“healthy resources
Characteristics and practices”,
Theory following some traditional
[37] and Self-Determination Theory motivational
[38], the original approaches,
proposed to assess the job resources that allow employees to achieve work goals, stimulatingmodel
such as Job Characteristics Theory [38] and Self-Determination Theory [39], the original their
personal to assesslearning
the job andresources that allow
development. employees
Moreover, to achieve work
organizations goals,
promote stimulating
these their
job resources
personal growth, learning and development. Moreover, organizations
through healthy organizational practices addressed to increasing them both for employees and for promote these job resources
through healthy organizational
the organization itself. Therefore, practices addressedwere
these resources to increasing them into
distinguished both task
for employees and for
and interpersonal
the organization
resources itself. Therefore,
and organizational these Because
practices. resourcesofwere distinguished
a previous validationintostudy,
task and interpersonal
the HERO model
resources and organizational practices. Because of a previous validation
measured task resources through autonomy and feedback, interpersonal resources through climate, study, the HERO model
measured task resources through autonomy and feedback, interpersonal resources through climate,
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1499 4 of 17
2.1. Participants
The study involved 300 employees, working in a sample of heterogeneous small and medium
enterprises located in Bari, in the south of Italy. Two hundred and thirty-six questionnaires were
returned with a response rate of 78.6%.
Most of the participants involved (mean age 42.38, s.d. = 9.33) were males (89.84%) and only
10.16% females. As for education, 50.43% held a diploma, 31.77% completed middle school, and
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1499 6 of 17
2.1. Participants
The study involved 300 employees, working in a sample of heterogeneous small and medium
enterprises located in Bari, in the south of Italy. Two hundred and thirty-six questionnaires were
returned with a response rate of 78.6%.
Most of the participants involved (mean age 42.38, s.d. = 9.33) were males (89.84%) and only
10.16% females. As for education, 50.43% held a diploma, 31.77% completed middle school, and
17.80% received a degree. With respect to their tasks, 67.07% were workmen, 25% clerks, and a small
percentage of managers (5.93%). As for the working sectors, participants were mainly employed in the
production (69.91%), 15.25% worked in administration, 8.90% in Research and Development, 4.67% in
purchases, and finally, the 1.27% in the commercial area.
2.2. Procedure
A convenience sample was involved through the administration of an online self-reported
questionnaire. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. A cover letter was prepared to describe
research aims and to guaranteed participants confidentiality. All participants were invited to fill in
a form to give informed consent at the beginning of the online administration. The procedure was
conducted according to the Italian data law on data protection (Legislative Decree No. 196/2003).
2.3. Measures
Data were collected using a structured questionnaire composed of a socio-anagraphical section,
aimed at collecting information about gender, age, education, working role, and professional sector,
and a second section, encompassing the measures chosen to assess the variables of the model
described earlier.
All measures consisted of a series of assumptions assessing participants’ agreement with each of
them using a 5-point scale (1 = absolutely disagree) to 5 (completely agree).
Where available, Italian-validated versions of the scales have been adopted. In case of measures
that were translated from the original version, the back-translation technique was used. Two mother
tongue researchers independently translated the scales and then compared their versions by calculating
an agreement index [53].
This scale assesses employees’ perception about the practices that the organization uses to manage
change and to display resilience toward unexpected events (α = 0.82).
Finally, commitment to resilience was assessed through the Commitment to Resilience scale
elaborated by Weick and Sutcliffe [43] and composed of 10 items (es. “In this organization people know
that they can trust each other”). The scale assesses the employees’ perception about the organizational
efficacy to cope with the external challenges and, thus, to develop resilience (α = 0.80).
The present exploratory study aimed to investigate whether work engagement and psychological
capital could mediate each component of organizational resources and practices, employee perception,
autonomy (H1), leadership (H2), communication (H3), commitment to resilience (H4), and
organizational mindfulness (H5), on extra-role behaviors.
Because a single questionnaire was used, common method variance was addressed following the
indications found in the literature [64–68], specifically for protecting item consistency, social desirability,
and reducing evaluation apprehension. Among all statistic methods, Harman’s single factor test was
used in this case. From the result, the Total Variance Explained of the first component accounts for less
than 50% of the all variables in the model, and then the instrument is free from significant common
method bias effects. Moreover, items were inserted randomly into the questionnaire and scales were
graphically separated from each other.
3. Results
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Autonomy (α = 0.74)
2. Communications 0.306 ** (α = 0.82)
3. Leadership 0.337 ** 0.484 ** (α = 0.76)
4. Organizational 3.12
0.375 ** 0.525 ** 0.532 ** (α = 0.82)
Mindfulness (0.75)
5. Organizational 3.10
0.337 ** 0.582 ** 0.303 ** 0.676 ** (α = 0.80)
commitment to resilience (0.66)
6. Psychological Capital 0.501 ** 0.349 ** 0.380 ** 0.379 ** 0.308 ** (α = 0.86)
7. Work engagement 437 ** 383 ** 0.409 ** 0.427 ** 0.378 ** 0.551 ** (α = 0.87)
8. Extra-role Behaviors 4 (0.78) 0.426 ** 0.177 ** 0.123 146 * 241 ** 0.507 ** 0.335 ** (α = 0.79)
* p < 0.001 (2-tailed); ** p < 0.005 (2-tailed).
Table 2. Summary of multiple mediation analyses on autonomy and extra-role behavior (H1)
(5000 bootstraps).
On the other hand, there was no mediation effect of work engagement in the relationship between
autonomy and extra-role behaviors, given the significant effect of autonomy on work engagement
(Figure 3).
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17
Figure 3. Relationships between organizational resources and practices and extra-role behavior with
Figure 3. Relationships between organizational resources and practices and extra-role behavior with
work engagement as a mediator.
work engagement as a mediator.
There was no mediation neither of work engagement nor of psychological capital in the
There was
relationship no mediation
between employees’neither of work
leadership engagement
perceptions nor ofbehaviors
and extra-role psychological capital
(H2) (Table in the
3). These
findings can be related to the sample composition. Accordingly, participants were employees coming3).
between employees’ leadership perceptions and extra-role behaviors (H2) (Table
differentcan be related tocontexts.
organizational the sample composition.
Therefore, beingAccordingly, participants
leadership perception were employees
a context-specific
coming from different organizational contexts. Therefore, being leadership perception a context-
variable, linked to the peculiar features of the supervisor, this heterogeneity might have influenced
specific variable, linked to the peculiar features of the supervisor, this heterogeneity might have
the results.
influenced the results.
Table 3. Summary of multiple mediation analyses on leadership and extra-role behavior (H2)
Table Summary of multiple mediation analyses on leadership and extra-role behavior (H2) (5000
Independent Dependent Effect of IV Effect of M Total
Mediators Direct Effect Indirect Effect
Variable Variable on M on DV Effect
IV M Dependent
DV Effect of IV (b)
(a) Effect of M (c’) Direct (a × b) 95%CI Total
nt Mediators Indirect Effect
Work Variable 0.42 (SEon = M 0.11 (SEon = DV Effect
Variable −0.11 (SE = 0.05 n.s. (−0.018–0.123) 0.12Effect
(SE =
Leadership Engagement Extra-Role 0.06) ** 0.07) n.s.
0.07) n.s. 0.07) n.s.
IV Psychological
M DV 0.25 (SE =(a) 0.76 (SE =(b) (c’) 0.19 (a
** × b) (0.113–0.308)
95%CI (c)
Capital 0.04) ** 0.11) *
Work 0.42 (SE = 0.11 (SE = (−0.018–
* p < 0.001 (2-tailed); ** p <0.07)
0.005 −0.11 (SE 0.05 n.s. 0.12 (SE
Leadershi Engagement 0.06) ** n.s.(2-tailed). 0.123)
Extra-Role = 0.07) = 0.07)
p Psychological 0.25 (SE = 0.76 (SE = (0.113–
n.s. 0.19 ** n.s.
Capital 0.04) ** 0.11) * 0.308)
Finally, there was a complete mediation of psychological capital in the relationship between
communication (H3) (Table 4), organizational mindfulness (H4) (Table 5), organizational
commitment to resilience (H5) (Table 6) and extra-role behaviors (Figure 4).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1499 10 of 17
Finally, there was a complete mediation of psychological capital in the relationship between
communication (H3) (Table 4), organizational mindfulness (H4) (Table 5), organizational commitment
to resilience (H5) (Table 6) and extra-role behaviors (Figure 4).
Table 4. Summary of multiple mediation analyses on communication and extra-role behavior (H3)
(5000 bootstraps).
Table multiple mediation
mediation analyses on
on organizational
behavior (H4) (5000 bootstraps).
behavior (H4) (5000 bootstraps).
Independen Dependent
of IV of EffectEffect
of M of Direct Total
Mediators Direct Effect Indirect Effect
Variable Mediators Variable on M on DV Indirect Effect Effect
t Variable t Variable IV on M M on DV Effect Effect
IV M DV (a) (b) (c’) (a × b) 95%CI (c)
DV 0.41 (SE =
(a) 0.11 (SE =
(b) (c’) (a × b) 95%CI (c)
Work 0.41 − 0.08 (SE = 0.04 n.s. ( − 0.016–0.120) 0.14 (SE =
Mindfulness Engagement Extra-Role 0.06) ** (SE = 0.07)0.11
n.s. (SE = 0.04 (−0.016
0.06) n.s. 0.07) *
Engagement 0.23 (SE = ** 0.75 (SE
0.06) 0.07)= n.s. −0.08 (SE 0.18 ** n.s. (0.096–0.276)
–0.120) 0.14 (SE
Mindfulness Capital Extra-Role 0.04) ** 0.11) **
Psychological 0.23 (SE = 0.75 (SE = = 0.06) n.s. (0.096– = 0.07) *
* p < 0.001 (2-tailed); 0.18 **
Capital 0.04) ** ** p <0.11)
0.005**(2-tailed). 0.276)
Table 6. Summary of multiple mediation analyses on commitment to resilience and extra-role behavior
Table 6. Summary of multiple mediation analyses on commitment to resilience and extra-role
(H5) (5000 bootstraps).
behavior (H5) (5000 bootstraps).
Independent Dependent Effect of IV Effect of M Total
Variable Dependenton M Effect of on DV Effect ofDirect Direct
Effect Indirect Effect Total
MediatorsVariable Indirect Effect Effect
Variable Variable IV on M M on DV Effect Effect
IV M DV (a) (b) (c’) (a × b) 95% CI (c)
IV M DV (a) (b) (c’) (a x b) 95% CI (c)
Work 0.43 (SE = 0.06 (SE =
Commitment Work Extra-Role 0.09 (SE = 0.02 n.s. ( − 0.040–0.103) 0.28 (SE =
Engagement 0.07) **0.43 (SE =0.07) 0.06
n.s. (SE = 0.02 (−0.040
to resilience
Commitment Engagement 0.07) ** 0.07) n.s. 0.07) n.s.
0.09 (SE = n.s. –0.103) 0.28 0.08)
(SE =**
Psychological 0.22 (SE =
Extra-Role 0.71 (SE =
0.16 ** (0.077–0.271)
to resilience Capital
Psychological 0.05) **0.22 (SE = 0.11)0.71
** (SE = 0.07) n.s. (0.077– 0.08) **
0.16 **
Capital 0.05) ** ** p <0.11)
* p < 0.001 (2-tailed); 0.005** (2-tailed). 0.271)
Figure 4. Relationships between organizational resources and practices and extra-role behavior with
Figure 4. Relationships between organizational resources and practices and extra-role behavior with
psychological capital as a mediator.
psychological capital as a mediator.
These results confirmed the precious role played by psychological capital in explaining positive
organizational behaviors. Yet, as shown by many empirical evidences it is a personal resource that
helps individuals achieve goals, buffering job demands and facilitating personal growth [75–82]. In
this vein, research shows that human resource management (HRM) practices focused on training and
development, employee feedback, information exchange and communication, employment security,
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1499 11 of 17
These results confirmed the precious role played by psychological capital in explaining positive
organizational behaviors. Yet, as shown by many empirical evidences it is a personal resource that
helps individuals achieve goals, buffering job demands and facilitating personal growth [74–81]. In
this vein, research shows that human resource management (HRM) practices focused on training and
development, employee feedback, information exchange and communication, employment security,
innovation and learning, and positive coping with unexpected situations is associated with personal
resources, such as self-efficacy, optimism, resilience and hope, improve employees work attitudes and
behaviors, and in role and extra-role performance [82].
Therefore, from a primary prevention perspective addressed to support sustainable
development [5,83–85], to invest in employees’ personal resources is crucial to building organizational
success and competitive advantage [86–91].
Conversely, there was no mediation effect of work engagement on the relationship between
these variables although communication (H3), organizational mindfulness (H4), and commitment to
organizational resilience (H5) were proved to be significant antecedents of work engagement.
These unexpected results seemed to converge on some recent studies showing that resourceful
and flourishing work environments, namely contexts providing different job resources, such as
feedback, social support, skill variety, might contribute to foster employees’ work engagement [92–94],
considering this construct preferably as an output of HRM practices rather than a mediator. Certainly,
further research is needed to make more clarity about the role of such an important resource for human
resources management and for sustainable development as well.
4. Discussion
Within the last few decades, healthy and resilient organizations have become a priority for
academic research as well as for human resource management practices [34]. Despite this undebated
focus, there are few empirical evidences that have investigated organizations from this point of view
of the national context, which is characterized by an economic scenario mainly featured by Small
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), that is organizational systems that are peculiar and distinctive for
dimensions, organizational praxis. and management styles.
Given this consideration, the explorative study presented above aimed to investigate the
relationship between the perception of some HRM practices, employees’ resources, and extra-role
behaviors within a sample of the SMEs workers of the south of Italy.
Results partly confirmed the hypotheses of the study, paving the way for interesting
future developments.
Accordingly, with reference to the role played by individual resources as mediators in the
relationship between “organizational resources and practices” and “organizational outcomes”, two
meaningful aspects need attention: On the one side, the strategic function of psychological capital and
on the other, the non-significant contribution of work engagement.
Yet, psychological capital was shown to be a significant mediator for most of the organizational
resources and practices considered in the model: It partially mediated the relationship between
autonomy and extra-role behaviors and fully mediated the relationship between the perception of
organizational communication, the perception of living a mindful and resilient context and extra-role
behaviors. Conversely, no mediation was found in relation to the perception of the leadership style.
Results followed the direction shown by the literature [9] and confirmed the strategic role
played by psychological capital in the management of people, in the enhancement of sustainable
performances [18] and of sustainable development of people and organizations [1–3]. The conclusion
that seemed to emerge was that “healthy” organizational management practices, such as attention to
communication, trust in collaborators, and a constant engagement toward a continuous improvement,
could determine positive organizational behaviors only if sustained by the enhancement of people
and of their resources, first their psychological capital. Therefore, this resource was proved to be
fundamental in the management of the person/organization relationship, in guiding workers toward
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1499 12 of 17
the acknowledgement of the effort done by the organization to fulfil its mission and to keep their
motivation high toward its objectives [95]. Therefore, employees’ resilience, self-efficacy, optimism,
and hope were proved to be precious resources that the organization should keep and nurture through
focused HRM interventions.
Conversely, results of work engagement went in a different direction. Work engagement was
proved to be a non-significant mediator in the relationship between organizational resources and
practices and extra-role behaviors. Nonetheless, in support of this unexpected result, that disconfirmed
even the empirical evidences coming from the original model [22] and a part of the hypotheses of
the study, some more recent studies [96] underlined how the role of work engagement in relation
to organizational outcomes is still debated and needs to be further investigated since it produced
contradicting results. According to some scholars, work engagement could be considered an antecedent
of positive organizational behaviors [97,98], while for others it could be a desirable outcome of good
HRM practices [45,94].
Yet, although explorative in nature, since bound to a specific and limited organizational context
(that of SMEs), results obtained in the study provide a contribution to this open debate about
the relationship between HRM practices, employees’ resources and employees’ behaviors in the
perspective of sustainable development [3].
Yet, if the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development suggest that well-being is a
key issue for sustainable development and a fundamental requirement for organizational success and
performance [3] then results obtained in the study seem to confirm the role of personal resources, such
as employees’ psychological capital in reinforcing the positive relationship between organizational
practices and outcomes. Accordingly, healthy and resilient organizations are those contexts that being
aware of this evidence engage themselves in the management of their human resources always keeping
in mind the added value of people to their processes and goals.
Finally, further organizational practices and/or individual resources could be inserted in the
model to enrich the interpretation of organizational outcomes, that, as also shown by the present study,
could be particularly dynamic and fluid.
With special reference to some of the possible implications highlighted by the study in terms of
organizational practices, results showed that a working context designed to motivate employees to
master their tasks and to trust their skills could be a determinant to encourage and support in-role and
extra-role behaviors [99]. These assumptions confirm the significant amount of evidences found in the
literature and reviewed in the study testifying the strategic role of HRM practices in determining the
quality of performance and of the P/O relationship [48]. It follows that to adopt a human resource
management style based on a constant engagement toward learning and toward the capitalization
of knowledge is undoubtedly a competitive advantage for organizations if it becomes a strategy
for organizational development. This option could generate positive effects on people and on their
performance, motivating them to display spontaneous extra-role behaviors [100]. Therefore, it is the
combination of the positive assessment that employees make of their organization, as a competent
and resilient context ready to manage the unexpected, together with the awareness about one’s own
personal resources to determine extra-role behaviors, namely involvement and satisfaction [9,59–101].
In terms of strategic management, such awareness again confirms the crucial role that should
be reserved to human capital within organizations, thus, further highlighting the need to foster a
psychological perspective in the study of sustainability [1]. In this light, the HERO organizations are
those that in addition to strategic planning of material and economic resources can catch and interpret
employees’ needs, can enhance skills, and capitalize resources. In a word, these are the organizations
that can best aim at reaching sustainable performance [13] and sustainable development [2,3].
Author Contributions: The authors developed together the research project. A.M. drafted the theoretical section
while M.L.G. worked on the data analysis. The discussion of results and the reviews of the original version were
edited together as well.
Funding: This research received no external funding
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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