Shofia Lina Nafisah K2218071
Shofia Lina Nafisah K2218071
Shofia Lina Nafisah K2218071
Water is the source of life for all organisms that exist on earth. There is even a quote,
"where there is water, and there must be life". There is always a need for much mineral
water; nowadays, many companies produce bottled mineral water with all brands such as
Aqua, Aquaria, Ades, Cleo, and many more. Bottled mineral water produced by these
companies is also not arbitrary. The water comes from areas that contain lots of clean water
and has been clinically tested and has sterilized from harmful germs through sophisticated
equipment. Not surprisingly, bottled mineral water is not a bit of demand because it is
considered very practical. Even small, medium, large, and gallon bottles are also available.
From the many mineral water brands on the market, Aqua is the most attached brand to
consumers' minds. Aqua is the first mineral water brand in Indonesia. Aqua has succeeded
in making its brand for always remembered by consumers because Aqua comes from
selected water sources with all the purity and natural mineral content that is maintained.
Aqua is a mineral water producing company currently owned by the multinational company
Danone. Established in 1973 and as the first pioneer in bottled water companies, the first
factory was established in Bekasi by PT. Golden Mississippi, then in 1984, a second factory
was established in Panddan, East Java. In 2003 Aqua expanded its production activities again
to Klaten. AQUA company that stands in Klaten, precisely on the Cokro Delangu street,
Wangen, Polanharjo district, has a positive impact on the community and the surrounding
environment. The writer agrees with the existence of a company that stands in an area,
because it will have a positive impact on the community around the company; (1)
infrastructure has increased, (2) employment has opened, (3) education in society has
increased due to their rising incomes.
The first is infrastructure has increased. Aqua, as the first bottled water production
company, always tries to do CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), that can provide benefits
to its surroundings. CSR is a kind of corporate social responsibility by contributing to
sustainable development by providing economic, social, and environmental benefits for all
stakeholders. PT. Tirta Investama for CSR, since 2013, has touched all villages in Polanharjo
Subdistrict, Equalization of labor has done, has repaired road damage due to transportation
of Aqua products, and has carried out a continuous improvement of irrigation canals. Over
time, in 1993, Aqua launched an initiative related to the Aqua Care program. The initiative
was carried out as one of Aqua's contributions to the environment, specifically by reducing
the risk of packaging in each Aqua's production. Every year, Aqua uses more than seven
million packages of various sizes. Various methods were used to reduce the use of plastic,
such as no longer using plastic seals and reusing gallons of more than 30%. Also, all
packaging boxes use recycled materials. In 2017, Aqua was working with distributors and
Non-Governmental Organizations (LSM), collecting plastic back on the market, and then
processing it into the polyester. The results exported to China and Thailand. To improve and
protect the aquatic ecosystem, Aqua carries out various sustainable programs in the
watershed, including upstream, middle, and downstream. Upstream, Aqua, with the
surrounding community, are actively planting trees and bio pores to renew water
absorption into the soil.
The second is the employment has opened. The economic impact of the existence of
the Aqua company for the surrounding community is the creation of jobs. The existence of
the company in Klaten is inseparable from the participation of the surrounding community.
There are two kinds of jobs created, namely direct and indirect. Direct employment is the
creation of new jobs that are directly related to the business process of Klaten's PAMDK
(Bottled Drinking Water Company). The activities include direct processes within the
company, including production, management, marketing, loading and unloading personnel,
providers of transportation modes for product distribution, and other activities. Observation
results indicate that around 40% of residents work directly at the Klaten PAMDK, which
consists of 25% are managers, staff, permanent employees of the company, and around
20% are casual company employees (Anonymous, 2013). Indirect impacts covering Aqua
Klaten's business activities have an impact on opening up new jobs to meet the needs of the
company's employees. The emergence of indirect employment is a secondary effect of the
industry activities. Indirect jobs include food stalls, large and small grocery stores, providing
housing or boarding for employees, local transportation services, and workshops.
The third is education in society has increased due to their rising incomes. Gradually,
Aqua's sustainability initiatives are developing towards community development. The
primary focus was on strengthening the economic independence of the communities
surrounding the Aqua factory. The existence of bottled water companies in Klaten Regency
will affect the economic impact on the lives of the communities around the company. The
company has improved the lives of people around the company. The existence of the
company has increased revenue quickly so that it can catch up to other people's income
levels that are already better. As a result of the rapid increase in income, family
consumption increases and encourages investment in children's education. Children's
education investment is significant because it is an effort to increase human resources. The
next generation who is educated and qualified will determine the nation's development.
In conclusion, the existence of the Aqua company in Klaten has given a positive
impact to the community. The community feels better infrastructure development in the
area around the company. Then various economic programs in the form of creating
opportunities and employment for the surrounding community will undoubtedly increase
the income and standard of living of the people in the directly affected areas. As a result of
increasing income more quickly, directly or indirectly has increased consumption and
triggered investments in the form of children's education. In general, the existence of the
company has provided economic benefits for the surrounding community. Nevertheless, it
still needs to be remembered that water resources are the basic needs of the community to
life and other economic activities. The company is responsible for preserving it so that it
does not harm the community in the future.