Antox 71 E Plus: Safety Data Sheet

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1 Product identifier

Trade name : Antox 71 E Plus

1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Use of the Sub- : Treatment of metal surfaces.
Recommended restrictions : None known.
on use

1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

Company : Chemetall GmbH
Aarauerstrasse 51
CH-5200 Brugg
Contact person :
Telephone : ++41(0)56 616 90 30
Telefax : ++41(0)56 616 90 40

Contact person product safety

Telephone : +49(0)6971653381
E-mail address :

1.4 Emergency telephone number

Schweiz / Suisse / Switzer- : Schweiz. Toxikologisches Informationszentrum Zürich (STIZ)

land TEL. ++41(0) 44 251 51 51
TEL. 145 (24 H)

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture

Classification (REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008)
Acute toxicity, Category 3 H301: Toxic if swallowed.
Acute toxicity, Category 3 H331: Toxic if inhaled.
Acute toxicity, Category 2 H310: Fatal in contact with skin.
Skin corrosion, Category 1A H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
Classification (67/548/EEC, 1999/45/EC)
toxic R23/24/25: Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin
and if swallowed.
Corrosive R35: Causes severe burns.

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

2.2 Label elements

Labelling (REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008)
Hazard pictograms :

Signal word : Danger

Hazard statements : H301 + H331 Toxic if swallowed or if inhaled

H310 Fatal in contact with skin.
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.

Precautionary statements : Prevention:

P260 Do not breathe dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ va-
pours/ spray.
P262 Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing.
P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/
eye protection/ face protection.
P301 + P330 + P331 IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do
NOT induce vomiting.
P303 + P361 + P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/ Take
off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Rinse skin with water/ shower.
P305 + P351 + P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with wa-
ter for several minutes. Remove contact
lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue
P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER or
doctor/ physician.
P501 Dispose of contents/ container to an ap-
proved waste disposal plant.

Hazardous components which must be listed on the label:

 7697-37-2 Nitric Acid
 7664-39-3 Hydrofluoric Acid

Labelling according to EC Directives (1999/45/EC)

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

Hazard pictograms :

Toxic Corrosive

R-phrase(s) : R23/24/25 Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin

and if swallowed.
R35 Causes severe burns.
R37 Irritating to respiratory system.

S-phrase(s) : S23 Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray.

S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immedi-
ately with plenty of water and seek medical
S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves
and eye/face protection.
S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell,
seek medical advice immediately (show
the label where possible).
S60 This material and its container must be
disposed of as hazardous waste.

Hazardous components which must be listed on the label:

 7697-37-2 Nitric Acid
 7664-39-3 Hydrofluoric Acid

2.3 Other hazards

The information required is contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet.

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.1 Substances
not applicable

3.2 Mixtures
Chemical nature : Aqueous solution
inorganic acids

Hazardous components
Chemical Name CAS-No. Classification Classification Concentration
EC-No. (67/548/EEC) (REGULATION [%]
Registration num- (EC) No
ber 1272/2008)
Nitric Acid 7697-37-2 O; R 8 Ox. Liq. 3; >= 20 - < 25

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

231-714-2 H272
01-2119487297-23 C; R35
Skin Corr. 1A;
Nota B

Magnesium fluoride 7783-40-6 Xi; R36/37/38 Skin Irrit. 2; >= 10 - < 20

231-995-1 H315

Eye Irrit. 2;


Hydrofluoric Acid 7664-39-3 T+; R26/27/28 Acute Tox. 2; >= 5 - < 7

231-634-8 H330
01-2119458860-33 C; R35
Acute Tox. 1;
Nota B
Acute Tox. 2;

Skin Corr. 1A;


For the full text of the R-phrases mentioned in this Section, see Section 16.
For the full text of the H-Statements mentioned in this Section, see Section 16.
For the full text of the Notas mentioned in this Section, see Section 16.

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1 Description of first aid measures

General advice : Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.
First-aid crew: Ensure self-protection.
Move out of dangerous area.

If inhaled : Move to fresh air.

If symptoms persist, call a physician.

In case of skin contact : Wash off immediately with plenty of water for at least 15
Call a physician immediately.
First treatment with calcium gluconate paste.

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

In case of eye contact : Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids,
for at least 15 minutes.
Call a physician immediately.

If swallowed : Rinse mouth with water.

Immediately drink calcium solution (calcium tablets dissolved
in water).
Do NOT induce vomiting.
Call a physician immediately.

4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Symptoms : Erythema

Risks : corrosive effects

Watch victim for several hours because of possible delayed
signs of poisoning.
If swallowed, severe burns in the oral cavity and throat as well
as danger of perforation of the digestive tract and stomach.

4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Treatment : First treatment with calcium gluconate paste.
Immediately drink calcium solution (calcium tablets dissolved
in water).
For specialist advice physicians should contact the Poisons
Information Service.

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1 Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media : Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local cir-
cumstances and the surrounding environment.

Unsuitable extinguishing : High volume water jet

5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Specific hazards during fire- : May form toxic gases on heating or in case of fire.
5.3 Advice for firefighters
Special protective equipment : In the event of fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus.
for firefighters
Further information : Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. This
must not be discharged into drains.
Fire residues and contaminated fire extinguishing water must
be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Use water spray to cool unopened containers.
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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

Personal precautions : Wear personal protective equipment.
Evacuate personnel to safe areas.

6.2 Environmental precautions

Environmental precautions : Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system.
Avoid subsoil penetration.

6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up

Methods for cleaning up : Ensure adequate ventilation.
Soak up with liquid binder (sand, kieselguhr, acid binder, uni-
versal binder).
Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposal.

6.4 Reference to other sections

See chapter 8 and 13

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1 Precautions for safe handling

Advice on safe handling : Provide sufficient air exchange and/or exhaust in work rooms.
Have eye wash bottle or eye rinse ready at the work place.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Do not breathe vapours, aerosols.

Advice on protection against : Normal measures for preventive fire protection.

fire and explosion
7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Requirements for storage : Store in a place accessible by authorized persons only.
areas and containers Store at room temperature in the original container.
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated

Further information on stor- : Avoid contact with metals.

age conditions
Advice on common storage : Incompatible with bases.

Storage temperature : 0 - 40 °C

7.3 Specific end uses

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

Specific use(s) : Treatment of metal surfaces.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection

8.1 Control parameters

Control pa-
Components CAS-No. Value Update Basis
Nitric Acid 7697-37-2 STEL 1 ppm 2006-02-09 2006/15/EC
2.6 mg/m3

Further infor- : Indicative

7697-37-2 STEL 1 ppm 2007-08-01 GB EH40
2.6 mg/m3

Magnesium 7783-40-6 TWA 2.5 mg/m3 2000-06-16 2000/39/EC


Further infor- : Indicative

7783-40-6 TWA 2.5 mg/m3 2007-08-01 GB EH40

Further infor- : 2: Where no specific short-term exposure limit is listed, a figure three times the long-term expo-
mation sure should be used

Hydrofluoric 7664-39-3 TWA 1.8 ppm 2000-06-16 2000/39/EC
Acid 1.5 mg/m3

Further infor- : Indicative

7664-39-3 STEL 3 ppm 2000-06-16 2000/39/EC
2.5 mg/m3

Further infor- : Indicative

7664-39-3 TWA 1.8 ppm Fluo- 2005-04-06 GB EH40
1.5 mg/m3

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

Further infor- :
mation Fluorine
7664-39-3 STEL 3 ppm Fluorine 2005-04-06 GB EH40
2.5 mg/m3

Further infor- :
mation Fluorine

Nitric Acid : End Use: DNEL, Workers
Exposure routes: Inhalation
Potential health effects: Acute local effects
Value: 2.6 mg/m3

End Use: DNEL, Workers

Exposure routes: Inhalation
Potential health effects: Long-term local effects
Value: 1.3 mg/m3

8.2 Exposure controls

Engineering measures
Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas.

Personal protective equipment

Respiratory protection : In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory
Recommended Filter type:

Hand protection : Viton (R)

Protective gloves complying with EN 374.
The exact break through time can be obtained from the pro-
tective glove producer and this has to be observed.
Protective gloves have to be replaced at the first sign of dete-

Eye protection : Tightly fitting safety goggles

Eye protection (EN 166)

Skin and body protection : Chemical resistant protective clothing according to DIN EN
13034 (Type 6)

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

Hygiene measures : Do not breathe vapours, aerosols.

Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.
Avoid contact with the skin and the eyes.
Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs.
Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the

Protective measures : Avoid formation of aerosol.

Always have on hand a first-aid kit, together with proper in-
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped
with an eyewash facility and safety shower.

Environmental exposure controls

General advice : Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system.
Avoid subsoil penetration.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Appearance : paste
Colour : colourless

Odour : stinging

Flash point : not applicable

Ignition temperature : not applicable

Autoignition temperature : not auto-flammable

pH : <2
20 °C

Melting point/range : not determined

Boiling point/boiling range : no data available

Vapour pressure : 23 hPa

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

at 20 °C

Density : 1.25 g/cm3

at 20 °C

Water solubility : completely miscible

Viscosity, dynamic : not determined

9.2 Other information

Explosivity : no explosion risk

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1 Reactivity
Contact with light-metals liberates hydrogen.
10.2 Chemical stability
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions
Hazardous reactions : Gives off hydrogen by reaction with metals.

10.4 Conditions to avoid

Conditions to avoid : To avoid thermal decomposition, do not overheat.

10.5 Incompatible materials

Materials to avoid : Incompatible with bases.

10.6 Hazardous decomposition products

Risk of decomposition. : Hydrogen fluoride

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1 Information on toxicological effects
Acute toxicity
Acute oral toxicity : Acute toxicity estimate: 79.37 mg/kg
Method: Calculation method

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

Acute oral toxicity

Hydrofluoric Acid : Acute toxicity estimate: 5 mg/kg
Method: Converted acute toxicity point estimate

Acute inhalation toxicity : Acute toxicity estimate: 7.94 mg/l

Method: Calculation method

Acute dermal toxicity : Acute toxicity estimate: 79.37 mg/kg

Method: Calculation method

Acute dermal toxicity

Hydrofluoric Acid : Acute toxicity estimate: 5 mg/kg
Method: Converted acute toxicity point estimate

Skin corrosion/irritation
Skin irritation : Causes severe burns.

Serious eye damage/eye irritation

Eye irritation : Causes serious eye damage.

Respiratory or skin sensitization

Sensitisation : no data available

Toxicology Assessment
Acute effects : If swallowed, severe burns in the oral cavity and throat as well
as danger of perforation of the digestive tract and stomach.,
Toxic if swallowed or in contact with skin, Fatal in contact with
skin., May cause respiratory irritation.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

12.1 Toxicity
Ecotoxicology studies for the product are not available.

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

12.2 Persistence and degradability

Biodegradability : no data available

12.3 Bioaccumulative potential

Bioaccumulation : Bioaccumulation is unlikely.

12.4 Mobility in soil

Mobility : no data available

12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment

This mixture does not contain substances considered to be persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic
(PBT)., This mixture does not contain substances considered to be very persistent and very bioac-
cumulating (vPvB).
12.6 Other adverse effects
Additional ecological infor- : Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system.
mation Avoid subsoil penetration.
Even leakage of small amounts in the subsoil can contaminate
drinking water.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1 Waste treatment methods

Product : Dispose of as hazardous waste in compliance with local and
national regulations.

Contaminated packaging : Dispose of as hazardous waste in compliance with local and

national regulations.

Waste Code : Waste codes should be assigned by the user, preferably in

discussion with the waste disposal authorities.

SECTION 14: Transport information

UN number : 2922
UN proper shipping name : CORROSIVE LIQUID, TOXIC, N.O.S. Hydrofluoric Acid, Nitric
Transport hazard class(es) : 8
Packing group : II
Classification Code : CT1
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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

Hazard identification No : 86
Packing instruction (LQ) : LQ22
Limited Quantity (LQ) Inner : 1.00 L
Labels : 8 (6.1)
Tunnel restriction code : (E)
Environmentally hazardous : no

UN number : 2922
Description of the goods : CORROSIVE LIQUID, TOXIC, N.O.S. Hydrofluoric Acid, Ni-
tric Acid
Class : 8
Packing group : II
Labels : 8 (6.1)

Packing instruction (cargo : 855
Environmentally hazardous : no

Packing instruction (passen- : 851
ger aircraft)
Environmentally hazardous : no

UN number : 2922
Description of the goods : CORROSIVE LIQUID, TOXIC, N.O.S. Hydrofluoric Acid, Nitric
Class : 8
Packing group : II
Labels : 8 (6.1)
EmS Number 1 : F-A
EmS Number 2 : S-B
Marine pollutant : no

UN number : 2922
Description of the goods : CORROSIVE LIQUID, TOXIC, N.O.S. Hydrofluoric Acid , Ni-
tric Acid
Transport hazard class(es) : 8
Packing group : II
Classification Code : CT2
Hazard identification No : 86
Labels : 8 (6.1)
Packing instruction (LQ) : LQ22
Environmentally hazardous : no

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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
Candidate List of Substances : This product does not contain substances of very high con-
of Very High Concern for cern (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH), Article 57).

Water contaminating class : WGK 2 water endangering

(Germany) VWVWS A4

Other regulations : The product is classified and labelled in accordance with EC

directives or respective national laws.
Regional or national implementations of GHS may not imple-
ment all hazard classes and categories.

15.2 Chemical Safety Assessment

A Chemical Safety Assessment has been carried out for one or more substance(s) of the mixture.
For the lead substance(s) in the mixture, there is no exposure scenario available.
The necessary safety - related information is stated in the first 16 sections.
For a mixture it is not mandatory to include an exposure scenario in the material safety data sheet.

SECTION 16: Other information

Full text of R-phrases referred to under sections 2 and 3
R8 Contact with combustible material may cause fire.
R23/24/25 Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.
R26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.
R35 Causes severe burns.
R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
R37 Irritating to respiratory system.

Full text of H-Statements referred to under sections 2 and 3.

H272 May intensify fire; oxidiser.
H300 Fatal if swallowed.
H301 Toxic if swallowed.
H301 + H331 Toxic if swallowed or if inhaled
H310 Fatal in contact with skin.
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H315 Causes skin irritation.
H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
H330 Fatal if inhaled.
H331 Toxic if inhaled.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.
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according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

Antox 71 E Plus
Version: 1.2 Revision Date 13.09.2012 Print Date 02.09.2014

Full text of Notas referred to under section 3

Nota B Some substances (acids, bases, etc.) are placed on the market in
aqueous solutions at various concentrations and, therefore, these solu-
tions require different labelling since the hazards vary at different con-
centrations. In Annex I entries with Note B have a general designation
of the following type: nitric acid ....%. In this case the manufacturer or
any other person who markets such a substance in aqueous solution
must state the percentage concentration of the solution on the label.
Example: nitric acid 45 %. Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that
the percentage concentration is calculated on a weight/weight basis.
The use of additional data (e.g. specific gravity, degrees Baumé) or
descriptive phrases (e.g. fuming or glacial) is permissible.

Further information
The information provided is based on our current knowledge and experience and apply to the product
as delivered. Regarding the product properties, these are not guaranteed. The delivery of this safety
datasheet does not free the recipient of the product from his own responsibility to follow the relevant
rules and regulations concerning this product.

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