Oracle® Service Contracts: User Guide Release 12
Oracle® Service Contracts: User Guide Release 12
Oracle® Service Contracts: User Guide Release 12
User Guide
Release 12
Part No. B25717-02
June 2007
Oracle Service Contracts User Guide, Release 12
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1 Creating Contracts
Overview of Oracle Service Contracts...................................................................................... 1-1
Elements of a Service Contract.................................................................................................. 1-2
Managing the Service Contract Life Cycle .............................................................................. 1-4
Creating a Contract.................................................................................................................... 1-4
Copying Information Between Contracts................................................................................. 1-8
Searching for a Contract or Template..................................................................................... 1-11
Creating a Template from a Contract...................................................................................... 1-13
Using Billing Streams to Handle Irregular Billing Periods................................................... 2-15
Creating a Billing Schedule from a Billing Profile................................................................ 2-18
Specifying How Billed Amounts Appear on Invoices .......................................................... 2-19
Suspending Billing for a Contract.......................................................................................... 2-20
Holding Credits Until the Next Billing Cycle........................................................................ 2-20
Entering Tax Exemptions........................................................................................................ 2-21
Specifying a Payment Method................................................................................................ 2-23
Specifying Payment by Credit Card or Commitment Number .............................................2-23
Requiring a Purchase Order.................................................................................................... 2-24
Specifying a Purchase Order Number for Invoices................................................................2-25
Specifying a Receivables Transaction Type for Payment...................................................... 2-25
Assigning Sales Credits.......................................................................................................... 2-26
Requiring and Specifying a Purchase Order for Service Charges......................................... 2-27
Specifying How a Contract Will Be Renewed........................................................................ 2-28
Defining Grace Periods........................................................................................................... 2-30
Specifying and Starting the Contract Approval Workflow................................................... 2-30
Organizing Contracts by Assigning Them to Contract Groups............................................. 2-30
Specify a Different Quality Assurance Check List................................................................ 2-31
Entering an Estimate of Contract Revenue............................................................................. 2-31
Specifying Contract Terms...................................................................................................... 2-32
Granting Additional Access Privileges .................................................................................. 2-33
Entering an Additional Description or Comment.................................................................. 2-34
Setting Up Defaults for Contract Renewal............................................................................. 2-34
Overview of Default Levels.................................................................................................... 2-34
Entering Contract Defaults..................................................................................................... 2-36
Setting Up System Profiles for Renewal Defaults................................................................. 2-43
Speeding Up Contract Line Entry Using Default Values.......................................................2-44
Covering Customer Products.................................................................................................. 3-21
Browsing Oracle Installed Base to Identify Item Instances for Coverage............................. 3-24
Entering a Customer Product into Oracle Installed Base....................................................... 3-26
Covering Parties...................................................................................................................... 3-27
Covering Customer Accounts................................................................................................. 3-28
Covering Party Sites................................................................................................................ 3-30
Browsing Through Party Sites ............................................................................................... 3-30
Covering Systems.................................................................................................................... 3-32
Browsing Through Oracle Installed Base Systems ................................................................3-32
Covering Inventory Items....................................................................................................... 3-34
Viewing Details About a Covered Product............................................................................ 3-34
Maintaining Pricing Attributes for Covered Products........................................................... 3-35
Specifying How the Service Prints on an Invoice.................................................................. 3-35
Omitting a Line or Subline from the Invoice......................................................................... 3-36
Specifying the Invoice Text.....................................................................................................3-37
Specifying a Billing Schedule................................................................................................. 3-38
Pricing What a Service Covers................................................................................................ 3-39
Adjusting the Price of a Service for a Covered Product or an Item....................................... 3-41
Repricing a Service by Changing the Price List..................................................................... 3-41
Manually Adjusting the Price................................................................................................. 3-42
Changing the Basis for Pricing a Service................................................................................ 3-43
Pricing Service for a Party, Customer Account, Site, or System............................................ 3-44
Specifying a Payment Method for a Contract Line................................................................ 3-45
Specifying Payment by Credit Card or Commitment Number..............................................3-45
Requiring a Purchase Order.................................................................................................... 3-46
Specifying a Purchase Order Number.................................................................................... 3-46
Modifying Coverage Provided by a Service........................................................................... 3-47
Scheduling Preventive Maintenance Activities..................................................................... 3-48
Scheduling Multiple Activities at the Same Time................................................................. 3-50
Scheduling Individual Activities............................................................................................ 3-51
Scheduling Activities at Regular Intervals Using Schedule Streams.................................... 3-52
Viewing Maintenance Program and Activity Details............................................................ 3-54
Updating Scheduled Service Dates for a Maintenance Program........................................... 3-55
Ending Service Lines on a Day Specified by the Customer................................................... 3-56
About Cotermination.............................................................................................................. 3-56
Applying the Cotermination Date to a Service...................................................................... 3-57
Specifying Tax Status.............................................................................................................. 3-57
Applying Changes from a Service Line to the Covered Sublines..........................................3-58
Assigning Sales Credits for a Contract Line........................................................................... 3-59
Updating Service..................................................................................................................... 3-59
Applying Default Values to Existing Contract Lines............................................................. 3-60
4 Entering Usage Lines
Overview of Entering Usage Lines........................................................................................... 4-1
Charging a Customer for Usage................................................................................................ 4-2
Entering a Usage Line................................................................................................................ 4-3
Specifying How the Customer Is Charged............................................................................... 4-6
Charging Based on a Fixed Quantity of Usage Regardless of the Actual Usage..................... 4-7
Charging a Flat Fee Regardless of the Actual Usage................................................................ 4-9
Charging for Reported or Estimated Usage Per Period.......................................................... 4-11
Charging Based on Reported Usage........................................................................................4-17
Entering a Counter.................................................................................................................. 4-21
Entering the Starting Counter Reading.................................................................................. 4-22
Creating Special Price Breaks................................................................................................. 4-23
Point and Range Price Breaks................................................................................................. 4-26
Deleting Special Price Breaks................................................................................................. 4-27
Prorating Price Breaks to Apply to Multiple Periods............................................................. 4-28
How Price Breaks Are Prorated............................................................................................... 4-29
Specifying a Billing Schedule for a Usage Line..................................................................... 4-31
Recording Usage by Updating a Counter Reading.................................................................4-32
Viewing Contracts by Sales Order in Oracle Installed Base..................................................6-17
Modifying the Dates That a Warranty Is Effective.................................................................6-18
Changing Only the That Dates a Warranty is Effective......................................................... 6-19
Changing Both the Warranty Dates and Installed Date......................................................... 6-19
Setting Up New Contract Defaults for Oracle Order Management.......................................6-20
Understanding the Impact of Contingencies on Revenue Recognition ................................6-22
7 Adjusting Prices
Overview of Adjusting Prices................................................................................................... 7-1
Entering Price Adjustments...................................................................................................... 7-3
Getting Help in Picking Adjustments...................................................................................... 7-6
Viewing Total Adjustment Amounts....................................................................................... 7-7
Viewing Adjustments for the Whole Contract......................................................................... 7-7
Viewing the Total Adjustments for an Individual Line or Subline........................................ 7-7
Reverting to the Original Price List Price................................................................................. 7-8
Cascading Service Price ............................................................................................................ 7-9
9 Approving Contracts
Approving Contracts................................................................................................................. 9-1
Submitting Contracts for Approval.......................................................................................... 9-2
Tracking Contracts During the Approval................................................................................. 9-3
Approving Contracts................................................................................................................. 9-4
Signing Contracts...................................................................................................................... 9-6
10 Billing
Overview of Billing................................................................................................................. 10-1
Understanding Billing Levels................................................................................................. 10-4
Creating Billing Profiles......................................................................................................... 10-7
Billing Customers Based on Usage......................................................................................... 10-9
Billing Using Credit Cards or Commitments....................................................................... 10-10
Specifying Multiple General Ledger Accounts for Contract Revenue Streams.................. 10-10
Executing Billing Through Concurrent Programs................................................................ 10-12
Running the Service Contracts Main Billing Program......................................................... 10-13
Running the AutoInvoice Import Program.......................................................................... 10-14
Running the Service Contracts Fetch Receivables Info for Billing Program.......................10-14
Running the Service Contracts Usage Averaging Program..................................................10-15
Running the Service Contracts Usage Settlement Program................................................. 10-15
Viewing Invoice Details........................................................................................................ 10-16
Viewing Invoice History....................................................................................................... 10-17
Reviewing Invoice Transactions in Oracle Receivables...................................................... 10-18
Understanding Bill Presentment Architecture..................................................................... 10-21
Using Variable Accounting and Partial Periods Revenue Recognition...............................10-21
Opening a Contract............................................................................................................... 13-13
Sending an E-Mail to a Customer from the Administrator Workbench.............................. 13-13
Printing Quotes and Contracts.............................................................................................. 13-14
Identifying Follow-Up Actions............................................................................................. 13-14
Using Shortcuts in the Administrator Workbench...............................................................13-15
17 Extending and Renewing Contracts
About Contract Extensions and Renewals.............................................................................. 17-2
Extending a Contract Without Repricing................................................................................ 17-4
Repricing an Extended Contract............................................................................................. 17-5
Extending a Contract Line....................................................................................................... 17-6
How Billing Schedules Are Updated for Extended Contracts............................................... 17-9
Understanding Contract Renewals....................................................................................... 17-11
Managing Manual Renewals................................................................................................ 17-19
Managing Online Renewals................................................................................................. 17-20
Managing Evergreen Renewals.............................................................................................17-22
Understanding Sales Credits During Contract Renewals.................................................... 17-22
Explaining the Pricing of Renewed Contracts...................................................................... 17-24
Specifying How the Renewed Contract Will Be Priced....................................................... 17-26
Renewing Contracts Manually............................................................................................. 17-27
Managing the Event-Driven Renewal Process..................................................................... 17-28
Allowing a Grace Period for Renewals.................................................................................17-28
About Grace Periods............................................................................................................. 17-29
Specifying a Grace Period for the Current Contract ............................................................17-30
Specifying a Grace Period for the Renewed Contract ......................................................... 17-30
Understanding Billing Schedules on Renewed Contracts................................................... 17-31
Consolidating Multiple Contracts for Renewal................................................................... 17-31
Sending Quote Letters by E-mail.......................................................................................... 17-36
Understanding Line Level Cancellation and Termination Reasons ................................... 17-37
Canceling a Contract Line..................................................................................................... 17-40
Canceling a Contract Subline................................................................................................17-42
19 Using Notes
Using Notes............................................................................................................................. 19-1
How Notes Are Used in Oracle Service Contracts..................................................................19-2
Adding Service Contract Notes............................................................................................... 19-3
Adding Service Coverage Notes to a Standard Coverage...................................................... 19-6
Adding Service Coverage Notes to a Service Coverage (Instantiated Coverage).................. 19-8
Viewing Notes....................................................................................................................... 19-10
20 Terminating Contracts
Overview of Terminating Contracts....................................................................................... 20-1
About Terminating Contracts................................................................................................. 20-1
How Termination Works........................................................................................................ 20-2
Terminating a Contract........................................................................................................... 20-3
Restrictions for Terminating a Contract................................................................................. 20-5
Terminating a Contract Line................................................................................................... 20-5
Terminating a Contract Subline..............................................................................................20-8
Terminating Multiple Contracts at the Same Time..............................................................20-10
Viewing the True Value of a Contract.................................................................................. 20-12
Understanding Termination and Credit Generation with Partial Periods.......................... 20-13
Defining Standard Coverage.................................................................................................. 23-7
Setting Up a Subscription Template..................................................................................... 23-14
Copying Standard Coverage into a New Coverage.............................................................. 23-16
Modifying Standard Coverage for Existing Contracts......................................................... 23-16
Modifying Standard Coverage for New Contracts............................................................... 23-17
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12 of the Oracle Service Contracts User Guide.
See Related Information Sources on page xvi for more Oracle Applications product
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1 Creating Contracts
2 Entering Defaults for Contracts
3 Entering Service Lines
4 Entering Usage Lines
5 Entering Subscription Lines
6 Ordering Service in Oracle Order Management
7 Adjusting Prices
8 Running Quality Assurance Results and Troubleshooting
9 Approving Contracts
10 Billing
11 Managing Contract Negotiation
12 Managing Your Work
13 Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation
14 Viewing Contract Details in HTML
15 Using the Customer Acceptance Portal
16 Managing the Contract Life Cycle
17 Extending and Renewing Contracts
18 Creating and Enabling Templates for E-Mails to Customers
19 Using Notes
20 Terminating Contracts
21 Running Reports and Programs
22 Creating Contract Items in Oracle Inventory
23 Setting Up Standard Coverage and Subscription Templates
Oracle Installed Base User Guide
Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Oracle Order Management User's Guide
Oracle Receivables User Guide
Oracle TeleService User Guide
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Creating Contracts
The header is where you enter a brief description and specify the contract duration. You
can default values from the header of a contract down to the lines and, if applicable, to
sublines as well.
The header level is composed of the fields at the top of the Service Contracts Authoring
form as well as the Summary tab. The Summary tab also includes several secondary
tabs. The following list briefly describes these pages:
• Parties: Enter information about the customer, including the bill to and ship to
information for the contract.
• Pricing/Billing: Assign a price list and various accounting rules for pricing and
billing contracts. In most cases, Oracle Service Contracts retrieves the contractual
prices of services or usage from Oracle Advanced Pricing, however, pricing is done
manually in some situations.
• Renewals: Define the renewal rules that are applied during manual or automatic
renewal of the contract.
Lines list the individual service, usage, and subscription items that are included in the
contract. A single contract can have multiple lines.
Each line inherits certain information from the contract header such as effectivity dates,
bill to and ship to information, and billing rules and schedules. These can be changed as
appropriate to allow the contract to conform to the customer requirements. A contract
line may be related to one or more sublines.
Three line types are available:
• Usage lines: Charge customers for usage. For example, a photo copier company
might wish to charge for the number of copies that are made within a period.
See Entering Usage Lines, page 4-3 for more information about usage lines.
• Subscription lines: Cover subscriptions for both tangible and intangible items.
Tangible items include magazines, collateral, or any other physical item that can be
shipped through Oracle Order Management. Intangible items can be collateral sent
through e-mail.
See Entering Subscription Lines, page 5-5 for more information about subscription
• Effectivities
• Pricing/Products
• Exemption/Payment Options
• Counters
• Events
Note: The fields within each secondary tab are unique to the line
type that you select.
For details on entering lines, refer to the specific line type topics.
• Entering a Service Line (General Procedure), page 3-3
• Usage lines:Sublines for usage lines specify the counters where the usage is tracked.
See Entering a Counter, page 4-21.
Creating a Contract
You can create a contract manually. In addition, a contract can be created automatically
through Oracle Order Management or by creating a product that has a warranty in
Oracle Installed Base. See About Ordering Service in Oracle Order Management, page
You can author service contracts in multiple operating units without changing
responsibility. You must select an operating unit for each contract.
To create a contract:
1. Log in under the Service Contracts Manager or Service Contracts User
Note: The Operating Unit LOV shows operating units that are
available to the security profile that is specified in MO: Security
Profile. If a default operating unit is specified in MO: Default
Operating Unit, the application uses the default operating unit.
• If you are creating a usage contract or a service agreement for levels other
than items in the customer's install base (Products), then you must select
Service Agreement.
6. Click Create.
The Service Contracts Authoring window appears. The category that you selected
appears in the Category field at the top of the window. The start date becomes
today's date.
The application supplies a contract number for you automatically after you first
save the contract, but you can instead enter a number of your own. The contract
number can be a combination of any characters, but it must be unique.
7. Optionally, enter another short identifier in the Known As field to help you identify
the contract later.
10. In the Party region, the operating unit entered in the Create a New Contract
window defaults as the Vendor Operating Unit (or the Merchant Operating Unit for
Subscription Agreements).
11. Save.
12. You are now ready to enter the rest of the contract information that is required for
your contract to become active:
• General contract information, including the vendor and customer, what quality
check the contract must pass to become active, and how the contract will be
13. You can create different versions of the contract for your customer and at different
price points and send them out for review. See Creating Different Contract Versions
for Your Customer, page 16-15.
14. Check to see whether you have entered all the required information in the contract
or whether some external reason exists why the contract cannot be implemented, by
running the QA check.
15. The QA check alerts you of any issues with your contract.
Your contract becomes active only after it passes the QA check list and obtains the
See About the Quality Assurance Check (QA Check), page 8-1 and Approving
Contracts, page 9-4.
You can copy from Contract Navigator as well as the results table in the Search
Templates and Contracts window. In this case, you select the Source Contract and then
search for a target contract to which you can copy the information.
You can also initiate copy from within the contract itself. In this case, the selected
contract is the target contract and you search for a source contract from which you
intend to copy components. You will typically use this method to copy service lines and
covered level into the contract you have open.
3. Use the right arrow button to copy information from the left-side of the window to
the right (the new contract).
Note: To copy the entire contract, select the Copy Entire Contract
check box. After you select this check box you can no longer use the
left and right panels to make selections.
5. To copy into a new contract, and make that contract a template, select the Template
check box.
When you create a new contract, you will see that template in the list of available
template contracts.
7. Click Create.
The application confirms the copy with a message.
Note: Your administrator can set the profile OKS: Copy Notes to
control whether notes are copied. If this profile is set to yes, the
notes within the existing contract are copied into the new contract.
Within the Notes window, the Entered By field indicates
ANONYMOUS if the note was copied from an existing contract.
3. Click Find to find a contract or template from which to copy. The Search Templates
and Contracts window appears.
You must search for a contract, highlight the contract in the results region, and
select OK.
5. Use the right arrow button to copy information from the left-side to the right (the
new contract).
6. Click Create.
The application confirms the copy with a message.
• Selecting either a contract number or template name from the Contract Number
3. Click OK.
The application responds with a note informing you that the template has been
Note: If you are using this procedure to modify the dates for a contract
with existing lines and your change makes any of the lines fall outside
You can change the dates that you specify here at the individual line or subline level
provided the changes do not fall outside this range.
3. Save.
Set up customers and third parties
Define profile MO: Security Profile
Define profile MO: Default Operating Unit (optional)
2. In the Party region, the operating unit entered in the Create a New Contract
window defaults as the Vendor Operating Unit (or Merchant Operating Unit for
Note: You can enter only third parties that do not have an
account-level relationship to the customer. Such relationships
between accounts can be set up in Oracle Receivables.
5. Save.
Note: You must enter the sales person as a contact for the vendor to run
the Service Contracts Bookings report.
2. Select the party for which you want to enter the contact.
4. Select the contact from the Name (LOV). If the contact does not exist in the database
or the contact information needs to be modified, you can create a new record or
modify the existing one by selecting Maintain Contact from the Actions menu. See
Creating or Modifying a Customer Contact Record, page 2-5 for details.
5. Enter an e-mail address in the Email field or you can modify the existing e-mail
6. To modify or verify phone contact information for the contact, select Maintain
Contact from the Actions menu. See Creating or Modifying a Customer Contact
Record, page 2-5 for details.
7. Save.
2. In the Party region, select the party for which you want to create the contact. You
can create a contact either for the customer or a third party.
• Do not use delimiters when entering phone, fax, and mobile numbers. Each
is composed of three fields: a country code (LOV), an area code, and the
number itself.
• Select only one of the existing party locations for the contact address. You
can add a mail stop or a mail box, however, by pressing the Tab key after
entering the address.
7. If you are modifying an existing contact and want to revert to the existing record,
click Reset.
9. Save.
• Filters the pricing information that you enter on the Pricing/Billing tab.
If you are billing a third party for the contract, then the price list and other required
• Populates the account number field for each new contract line.
The entry that you make here affects new contract lines only. To change existing
contract lines based on your entry, you must cascade the changes to them. See Applying
Default Values to Existing Contract Lines, page 3-60 for details.
Enter the parties to the contract.
2. Use the Account Party Name LOV or Account Number LOV in the Bill To region to
enter the billing account. The account that you select here becomes the bill to
account number for all lines in the contract.
Note: The LOV includes customer accounts, accounts for any third
party that you entered, as well as accounts that have an established
relationship to those accounts in Oracle Receivables.
3. Select the billing address where you want invoices to be sent using the Location
4. Save.
2. Use the Account Party Name LOV or Account Number LOV in the Ship To region
to enter the account for shipping physical items. The account that you select here
becomes the ship to account number for all new lines in the contract.
Note: The LOV includes customer accounts, accounts for any third
party that you entered, as well as accounts that have an established
relationship to those accounts in Oracle Receivables.
3. Select the shipping address using the Location LOV, if physical items need to be
shipped or location based tax should be estimated.
4. Save.
2. From the Billing region, use the LOVs that are provided to enter the:
• Accounting rule
• Invoicing rule. You can specify whether the customer is to be billed at the
start of the billing period (Advance Invoice) or at the end of the billing
period (Arrears Invoice).
2. You can enter a credit card or commitment using the Method list. See
Specifying Payment by Credit Card or Commitment Number, page 2-23.
4. Save.
Note: Unlike the other information that you enter in the Summary tab,
the application does not automatically pass billing schedules to new
lines and sublines. To pass a schedule you create at the header, you
must first enter the contract lines and then apply the schedule to them.
You can create billing schedules for passing to contract lines by one of the two
following methods. Which method you select depends on your implementation and the
complexity of the schedule that you are creating:
• Using billing profiles, page 2-18
Build a schedule by selecting a schedule template that is set up by your application
administrator. Use this method for setting up simple periodic billing schedules, for
example, when a customer orders a year of service and wants to be billed monthly
or quarterly.
2. Click Billing.
The Billing Schedule window appears.
• Equal Amount: To bill for equal amounts across sublines over the billing period
and have control over the amount.
4. Create the billing periods by entering one or more billing streams. See Entering a
Billing Stream, page 2-13.
6. Any contract lines that you enter in the future will not automatically have this
schedule. To apply this schedule to them, you must return to this window and click
The application passes the start date from the end date of the previous billing
3. To adjust the date that the customer sees as the invoice date, enter a positive or a
negative number of days in the Invoice field. For example, entering +2 shifts the
invoice date forward two days. Entering –2 shifts it back two days.
4. To adjust the date that the application sends billing amounts to Oracle Receivables
• Premium Service for May 15, 2005 through November 14, 2005
2. Because the customer wants to be billed at the start of each month, select Advance
Invoice as the invoicing rule for the contract. Do this on the Summary tab and
Pricing/Billing subtab.
3. Enter the service that the customer wants to purchase as a contract line on the Lines
1 12 01-JAN-2005 1 Month
7. Click Schedule to generate a billing schedule. The following table shows the
generated schedule which bills the customer at the beginning of each month. The
• Invoice Date: The date on the invoice. This is the first of the month because we
have selected an Advanced Invoice and not entered any invoice offset.
• Interface Date: The date the application sends the amount to be billed to Oracle
Receivables for billing. This is the same as the Invoice Date as we have not
entered any offset.
2 5 01-JUN-20 1 Month
3 1 01-NOV-2 14-NOV-2
005 005
• Enter –14 in the Offset Days Invoice field, to shift the invoicing date to
the beginning of the month. Otherwise, the customer receives two
invoices, one dated on the first of the month and a second dated May
• When you enter five periods of 1 month, the application supplies the
start and end dates automatically.
3. Enter a third billing stream to cover the partial month at the end of the
six-month period:
• The application supplies the start date automatically based on the
second billing stream.
• Enter the end date. The application supplies the duration and period
values automatically.
• Enter the contract lines for which you want to set up the default billing schedule
3. Use the LOV in the field to the right to enter the billing profile template.
4. Make sure that Header to Lines is selected for the Cascade list at the top of the
window and all the lines are selected on the right of the window.
5. Click Submit.
The Transaction Log appears.
6. Click Apply.
Note: The contract administrator must set the system profile OKS:
Summary Transactions to No. If this profile is set to Yes, then the
5. Save.
3. Save.
To resume billing, update Bill Services to Yes. The application then bills the
customer for all outstanding charges since the suspension started.
Note: To suspend billing for the remainder of the contract term and
resume normal billing upon renewal, set Bill Services to At
5. If you select Required, tax is required on the contract. You cannot apply a specific
exemption to the contract. The application also ignores any tax exemptions that are
defined in Oracle E-Business Tax that normally apply to the contract.
Note: The payment method values that you enter on the header are
used for the lines unless you manually enter a different value for a line.
The payment method information that you enter using the procedures described in this
section applies only to new contract lines. You must cascade the entries by selecting the
Payment method check box in the Cascade Attributes window to apply them to existing
lines as well. See Applying Default Values to Existing Contract , page 3-60 for details.
Note: If you do not find the card number that you need, you
can cancel out of the LOV and enter the card number,
expiration date, and security code manually. When you save,
Oracle Payments validates the credit card details. If the card
details are valid, Oracle Payments creates an account for the
new credit card and the application masks the number that you
entered on the Service Contracts Authoring form (first 12 digits
4. Save. After you save, the security code appears masked within the Security
4. Save.
3. Save.
3. Save.
Note: Transaction Type is a mandatory field when the tax method that
is associated with the contract is Latin.
4. Click OK.
2. To require entry of the purchase order number and prevent the contract from
becoming active until the entry is made, select the Purchase Order Required check
3. You can enter the purchase order number in the PO Number field.
4. Save.
• Required
• Manual:
• Not Required
• Required
• Online:
• Automatic
• Manual
• Not Required
4. To specify a billing schedule for the renewed contract, select a billing profile using
the Billing Profile LOV.
Billing profiles are templates that you can use to specify simple periodic billing
schedules and accounting and invoicing rules for the renewed contract. This
schedule overrides any billing schedule in the contract that is being renewed. See
Creating Billing Profiles, page 10-7.
5. Specify how the renewed contract is to be priced. For details, see Specifying How
the Renewed Contract will Be Priced, page 17-26.
6. Save.
Confirm the name of the approval process to select.
2. In the Approval region, use the Name LOV to select an approval process.
3. Click Submit.
The application automatically runs the Quality Assurance check on your contract.
You must correct any errors.
The application automatically starts the Workflow process after the contract passes
the check with no errors.
2. In the Contract Groups region, use the Group Name LOV to select each contract
3. Save.
2. In the Approvals region, select an alternate check list from the QA Checklist LOV.
3. Save.
2. In the Estimation region, enter the number representing the percentage of revenue
that you predict is going to be realized from this contract.
4. Save.
• Adding Sections
Note: You can only use this feature in Oracle Service Contracts
to change the contract template
• Comparing Clauses
Set up a responsibility with read-only access to contracts.
2. In the Security region use the Type list to select one of the following:
• User: to grant the right to modify this contract to a user.
• Group: to grant the right to modify the contract to a specific resource group.
5. Save.
2. Enter the text in the Text region either in the Long Description or the Comments
3. Save.
Note: You can use the Query by Example method to find the
contract with the text that you entered.
Note: The Global Contracts Default is also used for entering defaults
required by contracts that are generated automatically from Oracle
Order Management orders. These defaults are described in Setting Up
New Contract Defaults for Oracle Order Management , page 6-20.
2. Organization
Enables you to specify different renewal rules for different organizations in your
own company.
3. Global
Enables you to specify global default rules that apply to contracts that do not satisfy
any of the default rules that you specified for the previous levels.
The application looks for renewal rules in the order Party, Organization, and Global
and uses the first applicable set of rules it finds.
For example, suppose that you set up your renewal preferences for the customer
Business World and your organization Vision Enterprises.
If an agent creates a contract for Business World, the application automatically passes
the preferences that you have set up at the party level, regardless of the organization
that created the contract.
If an agent at Vision Enterprises creates a contract for ABC Corp., it is subject to the
renewal rules that you set up at the organization level. A contract for ABC Corp. that is
created by an agent at Vision Communications, another organization in your enterprise,
is subject to the global rules only.
An agent creating or editing a contract, can override the defaults you set at any level by
making an entry in the Summary tab and Renewals subtab.
You enter all of the different levels of default renewal rules in the same Global
Contracts Default window. Although the entries you that you make are almost identical
for each default rule level, the user interface layout is different for entering global
defaults (in the top half of the window) and for entering defaults at the party or
organization level (the tabs in the lower half).
To complete the setup of renewal defaults, you must also set the system profiles
described in Setting Up System Profiles for Renewal Defaults, page 2-43.
2. Parties
3. Organizations
4. Global
If renewal rules are not found at one level, the application moves to the next level.
To enter rules for:
• Organizations, confirm the operating unit, such as Vision, France.
• Pricing/Billing
• Thresholds
• Integration
The following steps provide guidelines for entering information into each of these
2. Select the renewal process from the Process LOV and the internal approval
method from the Approval LOV.
The renewal process that you select affects which internal approval
methods are available. Following is a description of the renewal processes
and corresponding internal renewal methods.
• Evergreen: Customer acceptance will not be needed for activation.
Internal Approval Methods
• Not Required
• Required
• Required
• Manual
• Not Required
3. Select the XML layout template set and language from the Layout Template
Set LOV and the Template Language LOV.
6. Estimate the probability of renewal as well as the time frame by which the
revenue is realized with the Estimated Percentage, Estimated Duration, and
Estimated Period fields.
• Price List: Charges the customer based on the price list that you enter
in the Price List field. The price charged is the current price listed in the
price list at the time the contract is renewed.
• Price UOM: Enables you to define a default period for pricing and
billing. Valid values are Day, Month, Quarter, Half-year and Year. If
Month is specified as the price unit of measure, then it is used as the
basis for calculating partial periods for all pricing, billing and
termination calculations.
For example, if a service spans 11 whole months, March 1 through January 31,
plus 10 days in February, the amount for the 10 days in February can be
calculated in one of two ways:
• 10/30 of the price/month if the calculation is based on a fixed 30 day month
3. Define how the processing of online acceptances from the Online Acceptance
Process region.
From this region, you can:
1. Define which payment methods can be used for online acceptances by
selecting the relevant check box. Payment method can be set up to process
or authorize payment with a purchase order, credit card, check, wire, or
2. Enable the use of thresholds for the online acceptance process by selecting
the Enable check box.
If this field is not selected, the online acceptance is processed.
Enable is a yes or no setting at global level. At operating unit and party
level, the options are yes, no, and null. If this field is set to:
• Yes: Thresholds determine whether a contract automatically qualifies
for renewal rule Online at time of renewal based on the value of the
For example, renewal rules for a party are set as follows:
• Renewal Process: Manual
• Enable: Yes
• Threshold: $2,500
2. Enter the limit for processing Evergreen renewals in the Evergreen Amount
3. Enter the limit for processing Online renewals in the Online Amount field.
4. Enter the limit for processing credit card payments by entering a value in
the Credit Card Amount field.
5. Change how the contract uses other functionality within Oracle Service
Contracts and how it integrates with other applications within the Oracle
E-Business Suite from the Integration region. A renewed contract inherits
defaults from the original. This region provides you with a way of changing
defaults upon renewal.
From this region, you can:
1. Specify a different contract group for the renewed contract, by choosing the
contract group from the New Contract Group LOV.
3. For contracts that are generated from Oracle Order Management, select
Third Party from the Party Role LOV.
4. Determine whether the contract is eligible for price breaks by selecting the
Interface Price Break check box.
6. Change how return credits are processed from the Return Credit LOV.
6. Save.
Related Topics
Setting Up New Contract Defaults for Oracle Order Management (Global Contracts
Default window), page 6-20
Specifying How the Template Sets Are to Be Used (Global Contracts Default window),
page 18-23
• Derive: Derives a sales person for the renewal agreement according to the
setting of the OKS: Use Territories to Default Sales Person and OKS: Sales
• Drop: The application does not carry forward and default any sales credit
information to the renewed contract.
• OKS: Use Territories to Default Sales Person: If this profile is set to Yes, the
application determines the default sales person assigned to the renewed contract
based on sales territories. If this profile is set to No, then the application determines
the sales person for the contract based on the value that is entered in OKS: Sales
• OKS: Sales Person: If OKS: Use Territories to Default Sales Person is set to No, this
profile determines the sales person to receive sales credit and to be listed as the
vendor contact. You must enter a sales agent in this profile or the contract fails to
renew. An agent can manually add additional sales people to the Sales Credits
window and assign them sales credits after the renewal agreement has been
• OKS: Revenue Type Distribution for Sales Credit: This system profile assigns the
• OKS: Revenue Type for Sales Credits: The setting of this system profile specifies
whether you want to assign the sales agent revenue credit or non-revenue credit.
• OKS: Vendor Contact Role: This system profile specifies the vendor contact role to
the renewal agreement. By default this profile option is set to Salesperson.
• OKC: Contract Approver: Set this system profile to the individual in your
organization who is to approve renewed contracts. The application notifies the
agent that you specify here to approve any contracts that are renewed under the
Submit for Approval renewal type.
• If your contract includes usage lines, or the service covers other levels including
parties, sites, accounts, and inventory items, then you must select Service
Agreement or Subscription Agreement.
• To include subscription lines in the same contract, you must select Subscription
2. Select one of the following from the Line Type list of values (LOV) depending on
the contract category:
• For a service contract of category Service Agreement or Subscription
Agreement, select Service.
3. Select the service from the Name LOV, which comprises all services that your
organization offers. You must select a service that is applicable to what you are
covering. Because you select the service first and what it covers later, the
application informs you of a wrong choice only after you enter the items that you
are covering.
Note: If the application displays a note that your entry is not a valid
service, then the application administrator excludes the customer
from ordering this service. See the Oracle Service Contracts
Implementation Guide for more information about defining service
availability rules.
4. Enter billing and shipping contacts that are specific to this contract line by
following the procedure described in Entering Billing and Shipping Contacts for a
Contract , page 3-10. If a contact does not exist in the database, then you can add
one following the procedure described in Creating or Modifying a Contract Line
Contact, page 3-10.
The contacts that you enter here are different from the ones that you entered in the
contract header.
8. If the contract can be renewed (you have not selected Do Not Renew on the
Summary tab and Renewals subtab), then specify how the line is to be renewed
using the Renewal Type LOV. For details, see Specifying How a Contract Line is to
Be Renewed, page 3-12.
• A party
• A party site
11. If you are covering an inventory item or a product (instance) that the customer
owns, then the application prices the service for you. You must, however, price the
other covered levels manually. See Pricing What a Service Covers, page 3-39.
12. Much of the remaining information for a service line comes from the defaults that
you enter in the Summary tab or by the application itself from the coverage
template that is associated with the service. You can make modifications by
following these procedures:
13. Save.
Enter the contract line.
3. Use the LOVs to select a Bill To and Ship To account and location.
Note: The list of contacts that you can select is limited to those at that
particular account location. While you can create new contacts
according to the procedure that is described in Creating or Modifying a
Contract Line Contact, page 3-10, make sure that you do not create any
unnecessary duplicates.
Select the shipping and billing accounts.
3. Place your cursor in an empty record in the Role field in the Customer Contacts
4. To enter a contact for the billing account, select Billing Contact from the Role LOV.
This entry limits the available names to contacts for the billing account.
5. To enter a contact for the shipping account, select Shipping Contact from the Role
LOV. This entry limits the available names to contacts for the shipping account.
7. You can specify a start date and end date for a contact using the date fields.
8. To view the phone and other contact information for a contact, select the contact
and select Maintain Contact from the Tools menu.
3. In the Customer Contacts region, place the cursor in the Role field.
2. Select the Bill To or the Ship To radio button depending on whether you want
to create a contact for the billing or shipping account in the contract line.
The role that you selected in the previous step restricts your choices: if you
selected the Billing Contact role, then you cannot select the Ship To radio button
and vice versa.
• Phone, fax, and mobile numbers are composed of three fields: a country
code (LOV), an area code, and the number itself. Do not use any delimiters
when entering your number.
• For the contact address, you can select only one of the existing customer
locations that is associated with the account. You can add a mail stop or a
mail box, however, by pressing the Tab key after entering the address.
7. If you are modifying an existing contact and want to revert to the existing record,
click Reset.
9. Save.
• You cannot renew a line if you have indicated that the contract is not to be renewed
at the header level. See Specifying How a Contract Will Be Renewed, page 2-28.
3. Select one of the renewal options from the Line Renewal Type list. The choices are:
• Do Not Renew: The line will not be renewed when the contract is renewed.
• Full Duration: The line will be renewed for the whole duration of the new
contract. For example, if a customer ordered six months worth of a yearly
service in the current contract, but the renewed contract is for a period of one
year, then the service line is extended to the full year as well.
• Keep Duration: The duration of this line will remain the same in a renewed
contract. Use this setting for intermittent or seasonal service lines. For example,
a mountain resort may order special service for peak periods in winter and
summer. Using this setting, you ensure that the renewed contract retains the
same structure. See Renewing Service Purchased for Seasonal or Peak Periods,
page 3-13.
Customer Problem
A mountain resort has installed power generators and wants to purchase two kinds of
• Regular service for the whole calendar year that entitles them to repair during
regular business hours.
Renewal Information
To keep the same contract structure when the contract is renewed in the future specify
the following renewal information for each line:
This group of topics explains the different levels of coverage that are available and
provides procedures for entering them.
• Levels of Coverage and Their Uses, page 3-15
• Business
processes that are
performed for
the party as
defined in
service coverage.
Requires manual
• Business
processes that are
performed for
the account as
defined in
service coverage.
Requires manual
• Business
processes that are
performed for
the site as
defined in
service coverage.
Requires manual
• Business
processes that are
performed for
the system as
defined in
service coverage.
Requires manual
• Business
processes that are
performed for
the item instance
as defined in
service coverage.
• Business
processes that are
performed on
that inventory
item as defined
in service
• System
• A computer
manufacturer provides
telephone support to
troubleshoot all of its
• A vendor of fire
protection equipment
offers periodic safety
inspections at a particular
site or building.
• Browsing the Oracle Installed Base to Identify Item Instances for Coverage, page 3-
24 explains how to use a built-in browsing window to identify the Oracle Installed
Base item instances that you want to cover if you do not know their serial numbers
or item instance numbers. Here you also learn how the browser speeds up your
entries of multiple sublines at the same time.
• Entering a Customer Product into the Installed Base, page 3-26 explains how to
create a record in Oracle Installed Base so that you can cover products that a
customer has purchased from third parties.
• If a product that you want to cover is not entered in Oracle Installed Base (for
example, if you are selling service for a product that the customer purchased from a
third party), then you must create an item instance as described in Entering a
Customer Product into the Installed Base, page 3-26.
2. In the Name field, enter the Oracle Inventory name or a partial name with
the percent sign to indicate any missing characters. If the product inventory
name is AS45888, for example, then you can enter AS45888 or AS45%.
4. You can search by complete serial number or the Oracle Installed Base item
instance number. Enter it after the % sign in the Find field. For example:
5. Click Find.
If the search identifies a unique customer instance, the application returns
you to the authoring window. Otherwise, you have to narrow your search
criteria or select an item on the list and click OK.
• To select multiple products for coverage at the same time, or if you do not
know the serial number or the item instance number of an individual product
to cover, you can make your selection from a graphical display of the contents
of the customer's installed base by clicking the LOV indicator in the Name field.
For details see Browsing the Oracle Installed Base to Identify Item Instances for
Note: Your administrator can set the profile OKS: Item Display
Preference to display an item by name or by description. If the
profile set to Name, then you can select and view products by
the item name, such as AS54888, and the description text
following the sublines table shows the item description, such as
Sentinel Standard Desktop. If the profile is set to Description,
then you can select and view products by description and view
the name in the Description field following the sublines table.
5. Save.
The application automatically updates the price of the service line.
6. You can review the status for the covered level. If an existing covered level has a
canceled status you, can scroll to find the cancellation date and reason.
7. To create an item instance in the installed base, select New Instance. The Create
Item Instance window appears.
2. Enter a quantity.
4. Select a location type from the Current Location Type list, such as Party Site.
7. Click OK.
Note: You can create multiple item instances at one time and
then select OK. The application adds the newly created item
instances as covered products to the selected service line.
The Service Contracts Authoring window appears, and the new item instance
appears within the Effectivity secondary tab.
8. Save.
6. Because the size of your installed base can be too large for browsing, you can
restrict the view in a number of ways. You can:
• Select different views.
By making a selection from the Level list, you can view the item instances by:
• Item: Selecting this level displays all of the instances for a particular
inventory item.
• Model: If you have configured items in your installed base, you can view
them by model.
• Site: Use this level to display all the item instances at a particular address.
• Party: Use this level to organize the display by customers in your database.
This view is most useful if you are selling to consumers.
9. Select any item instance that you want to add, holding down the CTRL and Shift
keys for multiple selections.
2. Select the service for the product that you are about to create.
2. Enter a quantity.
4. Select a location type from the Current Location Type list, such as Party Site.
7. Click OK.
The Service Contracts Authoring screen appears, and the new item instance
appears within the Effectivity secondary tab.
8. Save.
Covering Parties
You can cover one or more parties with a service. A party is a customer in your
database. This can be an individual consumer or an organization.
Create a contract of category Service Agreement.
4. If you are covering a small number of parties and you know the party names or a
partial party names, then make your entries on separate sublines. For each party:
1. In a new line, select Party as the Level.
2. Enter the name or partial name in the Name field. (Use the % sign to indicate
omitted characters.)
5. To enter multiple parties at the same time or if you do not know the name of the
party, then you can make a selection from a list of the parties in your database
displayed in a logical tree:
1. Click on the LOV indicator in the Name field.
The Party window appears.
3. Click Find.
The window displays a list of parties that are related to the customer on the
4. Select one or more parties (use the Shift and Ctrl keys for multiple selections).
5. Click OK.
6. Save.
4. If you know the party that owns the account, you can enter each account
individually as a subline. For each subline:
1. Select Customer for your Level.
2. In the Name field, enter the name or partial name of the party.
4. Select the account to cover or refine your search by adding the % sign and the
account number to the search term.
5. Click OK.
The Name field displays the name of the party. The Description field displays
the account number.
5. To enter multiple parties at the same time or if you do not know the party name or
account, then you can browse through a list of related parties and accounts:
1. In a new line, select Customer for your Level.
4. Click Find.
The window displays a list of parties that are related to the customer on the
You can view the accounts for the parties listed, by clicking the party node.
6. Click OK.
6. Save.
4. To enter individual sites for which you know the site numbers, enter each site on a
separate subline:
1. On a new line, select Site as the Level.
2. Enter the site number in the Name field. The site number is the unique
identifying number that is generated by the application for each party address.
5. To cover multiple sites at the same time or if you do not know the site number, then
you can find the site to cover by browsing through a list of customers and their
sites. See Browsing Through Party Sites, page 3-30.
Enter a service line.
7. To restrict the list that is displayed to a particular party name, enter a name or
partial name.
8. Click Find.
The window displays a list of parties that meet your criteria.
9. View the sites for any party, by clicking the party node.
10. Select the sites to cover (hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys for multiple selections).
To cover systems:
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Lines tab and
Pricing/Products subtab.
4. To enter systems individually when you know the system names, for each system:
1. On a new line, select System from the Level LOV.
2. Enter the name or partial name in the Name field. Use the % sign to represent
missing characters.
5. To enter multiple systems at the same time or if you do not know the system names,
you can browse through a list of systems by party, party account, or party site. See
Browsing Through Oracle Installed Base Systems, page 3-24.
6. To limit the number of customer systems to browse through at any one time, you
• Select different views
By making a selection from the Level list, you can view systems by:
• Customer account, by choosing Customer.
7. After you have entered the desired display criteria, click Find.
The window displays the systems in the desired view of the installed base systems
in the form of a logical tree.
9. Select the systems that you want to cover (use the Shift and Ctrl keys for multiple
6. Save.
8. Enter the quantity of item that is being covered in the Qty field.
10. Save.
4. Select the covered line to display. The Level must be of type Product.
4. Select the Pricing Context from the LOV. For each Pricing Context, you can enter
the pricing attributes in the corresponding descriptive flexfield.
2. To omit a line from the invoice, clear the Print Flag check box on the right.
2. Select the Effectivity secondary tab and modify the text in the Invoice Text
5. Save.
6. You can copy the description you have entered to the sublines by using the Cascade
Attributes option from the Actions menu. See Applying Changes from a Service
Line to the Covered Sublines, page 3-58.
3. Click Billing.
The Billing window appears.
5. Specify the billing schedule by entering one or more billing streams. This is the
same procedure as is used for creating schedules at the header level. See Entering a
Billing Stream, page 2-13 for details.
6. If you chose Covered Level you can modify the billing schedule for any of the
1. Select the service line on the Lines tab and Pricing/Products subtab.
5. Create a billing schedule for this subline using one or more billing streams.
6. Click OK.
• Price List has price defined as Month is $100 and Year is $900
Note: Unit Price is based on the price list UOM the application
uses to calculate the price.
2. If your Price List has more than one price defined for a UOM for which the Primary
check box is selected, then the price list UOM with the highest precedence is used.
• Asking UOM is Month
Note: Unit Price is based on the Price List UOM that the
application uses to calculate the price.
The preceding logic applies for both Covered Product pricing and Covered Item
You must price the other covered levels manually. For this reason, you must use
different procedures for entering and adjusting prices:
Adjusting the Price of a Service for a Covered Product or an Item, page 3-41, Pricing
Service for a Party, page 3-41.
Additional ways of adjusting prices for your customer are covered in Adjusting Prices,
page 7-1.
• Adjust the price manually directly in the Authoring window when you enter the
subline. See Manually Adjusting the Price, page 3-42.
• Change the price list on the Effectivities subtab. See Repricing a Service by
Changing the Price List, page 3-41 for details.
3. Save.
2. Select the subline that you want to reprice using the new price list.
8. Save.
Enter a service line.
Note: The application applies the discount that you enter here
provided that the application administrator has set the system
profile OKS: Use Advanced Pricing for Manual Adjustment to
Yes. You can verify whether the item has been discounted by
clicking the Price Calculation button. See Viewing Adjustments
for the Whole Contract, page 7-7.
2. Save.
See About Changing the Basis for Pricing a Service, page 3-43 for details on
when and how to use this repricing method.
6. If you are not satisfied with the changes you have made, you can restore the
original price by clicking Reprice.
• Ensure that a customer purchasing a contract for an irregular time period is charged
the correct price.
Note: If you specify a UOM that is not priced on the price list, the
application charges the customer based on the price of the UOM
that the administrator has specified as primary. If the UOM is not
priced and no UOM is designated as primary, then the application
returns a price of 0.
Note: The entries that you make here are optional. They are
designed to aid you in making the calculation only.
6. Save.
To specify the same payment method for all the lines in your contract, instead create a
default payment method on the Summary tab according to the procedure that is
described in Specifying a Payment Method, page 2-23.
If you have already set up the default payment method, then payment information
automatically appears.
4. Save.
2. In the Payment Method region, select the Purchase Order Required check box.
3. Save.
2. In the Payment Method region, enter the purchase order number in the PO Number
3. Save.
• Time zones covered, and the days and times that coverage is available
Your administrator defines the coverage terms that are included in a service offering,
using a coverage template at the time the service item is defined in Oracle Inventory.
You can modify any of the coverage provided for an individual service line in the
contract. For example, you can change the response time, or extend a service providing
weekday telephone support to cover weekends as well. However, the contract price is
not affected by any of the modifications that you make in an individual contract, so
your organization may prefer to make any coverage changes in the coverage template
Enter a service line.
3. Click Details.
The Service Contracts Coverage window appears.
6. Click Reapply Standard to reapply the standard coverage terms to the service line.
Note: You can customize the coverage terms for an approved and
activated contract; however, you cannot reapply the standard
coverage template to a service line once it appears on an approved
and activated contract.
• Enter a service line.
• Confirm the setup of the preventive maintenance program and associated activities
in Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul.
4. Click Schedule.
The Preventive Maintenance Schedule window appears showing the Program
Schedule tab. If the application administrator has set up a schedule for this
program, then the Schedule region is already populated with dates.
The maintenance activities that you must schedule are listed on the Activity
Schedule tab.
5. You can schedule the preventive maintenance activities in one of two ways. You
6. Click OK.
• Confirm the setup of the preventive maintenance program and associated activities
in Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul.
6. If the customer must approve scheduled tasks in the service request before they are
performed, then select the Confirmation Required check box.
7. Create a default schedule for the activities in the Stream Levels region. See
Scheduling Activities at Regular Intervals Using Schedule Streams, page 3-52.
2. Make sure that only the Select check boxes for the activities you want to set up
are selected.
3. Click OK.
The application asks you whether you want to copy the schedule to the
4. Click Yes.
3. Select the activity by placing your cursor in any field on the line.
• Confirm the setup of the preventive maintenance program and associated activities
in Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul.
6. Make sure that only the activities you want to set up are selected using the Select
check box to the right of the Activity region.
7. If you have created a default schedule that you want to use to schedule this activity,
then click Populate from Program.
The application passes the schedule that you have created on the Program Schedule
8. To create a separate schedule for this activity, create the schedule in the Stream
Levels region. See Scheduling Activities at Regular Intervals Using Schedule
Streams, page 3-52.
9. If the customer must approve the tasks in the service request before work starts,
then select the Confirmation Required check box that is located to the right of the
10. Save.
2. Enter the number of times that you want the activity to be performed in the
Periods field
3. Enter the length of each period in the UOM/Period and UOM fields. For
example, to schedule an inspection once a month, enter 1 in the UOM/Period
field and select Month from the UOM LOV.
The application supplies the end date.
2. Enter the length of each period in the UOM/Period and UOM fields. For
example, to schedule an inspection once a month, enter 1 in the UOM/Period
field and select Month from the UOM LOV.
The application supplies the end date.
4. To postpone the scheduled start of the first activity in the stream, enter an offset
period by either of these two methods:
• Enter a different date in the First Date field.
• Enter the number of periods in Offset Period and the length of the offset period
in Offset UOM.
5. To create a schedule based on individual suggested dates, select the Auto Schedule
check box.
6. To create a schedule based on a date range, clear the Auto Schedule check box.
8. If you left the Auto Schedule check box cleared, the application permits you to enter
a date or a date range to replace the automatically generated date.
Enter the date range for any of the scheduled dates in the From and To fields.
• To view the maintenance history of the product that the customer owns:
1. On the Program Schedule tab, click History.
The application displays the Search Unit Maintenance Plan page in a
separate browser window. Search for the maintenance history for the
product according to procedures described in Oracle Complex Maintenance,
Repair, and Overhaul User's Guide.
• A Service Request has not already been created for the scheduled maintenance.
• The new scheduled service date is greater than the latest scheduled service date
for any activity under the program for which a service request has already been
About Cotermination
To simplify renewals and accounting, customers sometimes request all contracts to
terminate on the same date, such as the end of the calendar or fiscal year. This date is
called the cotermination date.
Your application administrator can set up a cotermination date for a customer account.
The customer account for the service line is the bill to account that you enter on the
Lines tab, Accounts subtab.
You can tell that a cotermination date exists for the service line, when the Coterminate
and Coterminate All buttons are enabled.
Note: You cannot apply the cotermination date for contracts with a
status of Active.
If the cotermination date falls too close to the start of the service in your contract, the
3. Click Coterminate.
The new end date that you have entered does not automatically apply to the items
that are already covered by the service. If you have already specified what the
service covers, then you must copy the new end date using the Cascade Attributes
2. In the Tax Exemption region, select the customer's tax status from the Control LOV.
4. Select the code that is used to determine the tax rate from the Tax Classification
Code LOV.
Note: If you entered Exempt, you can still select Tax classification
5. Save.
• Renewal type
Identify a contract with sublines (what the service covers) and modify the dates for the
service later.
3. Select the check boxes for the line attributes that you want to apply.
4. Select the sublines that you want to copy to on the right side of the window. You
can use the check boxes to the right to select individual sublines, or the Select All
5. Click Submit.
3. Enter the sales agents and the revenue and non revenue credit that they are to
receive. Sales group entry is optional. Revenue credit must always add up to 100
4. Click OK.
Updating Service
You can use the Update Service window to review existing service information and
select one or more new replacement services for the covered products on the contract
line. You can assign a percentage of the price of the former service to the new service
To update service:
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Lines tab and
Pricing/Products tab.
4. Review the Contract Line region to make sure this line should be updated.
5. From Update Service region, select the new service item from the Name LOV. This
is the item replacing the item that is shown at the top of the form.
6. In the Prorate column, indicate the percentage of the price from the existing service
item that should apply to the new service item. For example, if the existing item is
$150 and the new item should cost $75, enter 50 to see a final price on the new line
that is equal to 50% of the old line.
7. Enter additional service lines as necessary. The prorate column does not need to
total 100%. You will receive a message indicating that the total is more or less. Select
OK to proceed or cancel to return to the form.
8. When all of the new lines have been entered, click Apply. The existing service item
disappears and the new service items appear. The new price is reflected for the line
item. The billing schedule reflects the new pricing as well.
3. Select the check boxes next to the attributes that you want to apply to the contract
lines. You can cascade the following values from the header to existing contract
• Effective dates: The dates entered in the Start Date and End Date fields.
• Bill To Account: Bill To account entered on the Summary tab and Parties
• Bill To Address: Bill to address entered on the Summary tab and Parties
• Bill To Contact: Bill to contact entered on the Summary tab and Parties subtab.
• Ship To Account: Ship To account entered on the Summary tab and Parties
• Invoicing Rule: Invoicing rule entered on the Summary tab and Pricing/Billing
• Exemption Control: Tax status entered on the Summary tab and Pricing/Billing
• Tax Classification Code: This LOV uses the tax classification lookup codes that
are created for Oracle E-Business Tax. By selecting a value from this LOV, you
can cascade the tax classification code to the Lines tab and Tax/Payment
Options subtab.
• Billing Profile: Billing profile entered on the Summary tab and Pricing/Billing
• Payment Method: Payment method and details entered in the Payment Details
region of the Summary tab and Pricing/Billing subtab, such as a credit card.
• Price List: Price list that you selected on the Summary tab and Pricing/Billing
subtab. (If you changed the header price list and, at the time you made the
change did not cascade the change to the lines, you can use the cascade
attributes form to select specific lines to which to cascade the new price list).
• Price UOM: Price UOM populated on the Summary tab and Pricing/Billing
subtab from the Global Contracts Defaults form. Price UOM can be cascaded
from header to all service lines. Although other lines will appear in the Lines
block, you cannot choose the select option for usage and subscription lines.
When Price UOM is cascaded from header to line, lines are not repriced. (If you
change the header Price UOM, you can use the cascade attributes form to
cascade the new Price UOM to selected service lines and covered levels)
4. In the Lines region, specify which lines to change by selecting the check boxes to the
right of those lines. You can use the Deselect Alland Select All buttons.
Note: By default, all of the check boxes are selected so all lines in
the contract will be changed.
5. Click Submit.
6. The Transaction Log displays the status of the changes that you are about to make.
7. Click Apply.
About Counters
The application records customer use within counters. These can represent real devices
that measure usage such as a counter in a copier, automobile odometers, and electric
meters. The counters can also be purely logical constructs that are used to record the
number of phone calls to a call center, for example.
The application creates counters automatically each time you order a service or enter a
customer product as an item instance in Oracle Installed Base.
For example, if a bank's application administrator sets up the Gold service to track
phone calls made to the call center, then each time you add the Gold service as a line in
your contract, the application automatically creates a counter where the number of calls
can be tracked. For physical objects, such as the copier, the application creates a counter
that is linked to the Oracle Installed Base instance.
Although the application creates counters automatically for you, for each usage line you
must enter the counters that you want to use to charge the customer as sublines. This
may be just one counter, to track phone calls to a call center or to charge for copies that
are made on one printer, for example, or many counters to charge for the copies that are
made in a building, for example.
You can enter actual usage into the counters manually. Service agents can enter counter
readings in Oracle Service Contracts (see Entering the Starting Counter Reading, page
4-22), Oracle TeleService (see Recording Counter Readings in the Oracle TeleService User
• You identify physical counters by the inventory name of the product where the
counter is located and by that product's serial number, the Oracle Installed Base
item instance number, or both.
Note: Because of the way counters are named, you can have
only one counter per service line in a contract and one counter
per item instance in Oracle Installed Base.
You can specify various options on how to charge and bill the customer.
You can charge the customer for the actual usage that is recorded in the counter each
month and have the application estimate any missing counter readings, for example, or
you can charge a flat rate regardless of what the counter readings are.
You can also specify minimum amounts charged and the details of how customers are
credited for any overcharges.
• If you are charging a customer for usage that is tied to a service that you are selling,
enter the service line first.
• Identify the prices and price breaks for the items that are set up within your
4. The party accounts that you selected on the Summary tab and Parties subtab appear
as the Bill to and Ship to accounts. (The Account fields display the account
numbers. The Location fields display the city. The account parties and addresses for
those accounts appear at the bottom of the window.) You can select different
accounts for this contract line using the LOVs that are provided.
5. Optionally, enter billing and shipping contacts that are specific to this contract line
by following the procedure that is described in Entering Billing and Shipping
Contact for a Contract Line, page 3-10. If a contact does not exist in the database,
then you can add one by following the procedure that is described in Creating or
Modifying a Contract , page 3-10.
The contacts that you enter are different from the ones that you entered in the
contract header.
Note: If the duration of the usage line starts earlier than the
start date or ends later than the end date of the contract, then
you must extend the start and end dates of the contract at the
header level before you can make the contract active.
9. If the contract can be renewed (you have not selected Do Not Renew on the
Summary tab and Renewals subtab), then specify how the line is to be renewed
using the Renewal Type LOV. The renewal options are the same for usage lines as
they are for service lines. See Specifying How a Contract Line is to Be Renewed,
page 3-12.
10. Specify how the customer is to be charged and any counters that are required to
capture the usage. Different ways of charging the customer require different
11. The remaining information for a line comes from the information that you entered
in the Summary tab. You can make modifications by following these procedures:
• Specifying a Billing Schedule for a Usage Line, page 4-31
• Changing the Billing and Shipping Accounts and Locations, page 3-9
• Entering Billing and Shipping Contacts for a Contract Line, page 3-10
12. Save.
The following table lists the different methods and the selection that you must make for
Follow the procedure corresponding to the method that you want to use:
• Charging Based on a Fixed Quantity of Usage Regardless of the Actual Usage , page
To charge a customer based on a fixed quantity of usage regardless of the actual usage:
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Lines tab and
Effectivities subtab.
3. From the Period LOV, select the period to use as the basis for the entries you will
4. Save.
6. Using the Name field LOV on the Effectivity secondary tab, enter the counter that is
used to record the usage. See Entering Counters, page 4-21 for details.
9. Save.
10. Repeat steps 6 through 9 for each additional counter that you want to use to
calculate usage.
11. Optionally, enter the counter reading to use to start calculating usage:
• If you have already captured previous readings with this counter, then select
the start reading from the Reading LOV. This LOV includes all historical
readings for this counter.
3. Save.
5. Using the Name field on the Effectivity secondary tab, enter the counter that is used
to record usage. See Entering a Counter, page 4-21 for details.
6. Optionally, enter any text that you want to display in the invoice regarding this
subline. Because invoice formats are specific to each implementation, contact your
application administrator to determine whether this text is used in the invoice.
9. Save.
10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 for all counters you are using to track usage for this usage
11. Optionally, enter the counter reading that you want to use to start calculating
• If you have already captured previous readings with this counter, then select
the start reading from the Reading LOV. This LOV includes all historical
readings for this counter.
3. From the Period LOV, select the period to use as the basis for the entries that you
will make on the Counter Details secondary tab.
Note: The entry that you make here is based on the period that you
selected on this tab rather than the period in the billing schedule.
Billing based on an average usage enables you to offer customers
with uneven usage a different set of price breaks from what they
would get if they were charged based on actual use.
To have usage averaged, the application administrator must
periodically run the Service Contracts Usage Averaging concurrent
program. See Running the Service Contracts Usage Averaging
Program , page 10-15.
6. From the Termination Method LOV, select one of the two methods for charging the
customer for usage when the line is terminated:
• Amount Based Termination
Charges the customer based on the amount of usage that is recorded when the
contract is terminated. The customer is charged based on the actual usage. This
is the default method for all usage types.
See About Crediting a Customer in Terminations, page 4-17 .
7. Save.
9. Using the Name field on the Effectivity secondary tab, enter the counter that is used
to record the usage. See Entering a Counter, page 4-21 for details.
Entry in the Line Ref field is for your information only. It is not used in by the
10. Optionally, enter any text to display in the invoice regarding this line. As invoice
formats are specific to each implementation, contact your application administrator
to determine whether this text is used in the invoice.
Note: The entries that you make in the Default and Minimum fields
are based on the period that you selected in the Effectivities tab.
The period acts as a unit of measure.
Suppose that you are billing the customer monthly.
If you chose year as the period, and enter 1200 as the minimum,
then the customer is billed for a minimum of 1200 in any month.
If you chose month as the period, then entering 1200 as the
minimum bills the customer for a minimum of 100 units in any
13. Optionally, enter a minimum counter value in the Minimum field. A customer is
charged this minimum if a counter reading or estimate falls below this number in
any billing period.
14. You can have the application estimate usage for a billing period when no reading is
entered or the reading does not cover the whole period. To do so:
1. Select an estimation method from the Estimation Method LOV:
• Average Monthly Counter Volume
Averages historical readings to calculate any missing values within a billing
2. If you chose Counter Estimation as your method, then enter a date that you
want to use as the start date for the estimation in the Start Date field. The
counter estimation bases the estimates on all readings since the start date.
• When this check box is selected it estimates usage for any remaining days
in a billing schedule period since the reading was entered.
For example, if you are billing the customer monthly, and a reading is
entered on 15 January, then selecting the Fill check box causes the
application to estimate usage for the remaining half of January.
15. If you are billing a customer based on the usage that is recorded in multiple counter
values, to average out all of the counter readings each period, select the Level check
For example, a copier manufacturer charging a customer by the number of copies
made may charge for all the copiers in a building at the same time and apply
minimums and discounts based on average volumes rather than per copier.
• If you have already captured previous readings with this counter, then select
the start reading from the Reading LOV. This LOV includes all historical
readings for this counter.
• Counter Estimation
Your application administrator can set up additional estimation methods using
the Counters module of Oracle Installed Base. The module enables you to set up
additional methods for estimating usage, including:
• Fixed value estimation
• If the reading covers only a part of the period and you have selected the Fill
check box, then the application estimates the rest of the period and adds this
estimate to the partial counter reading.
• If the reported and estimated amount is less than the amount that you entered
in the Minimum field, then the application bills for the minimum.
Because the
recorded usage
is less then the
minimum, the
customer is
charged the
minimum. If you
do not set a
value as the
minimum, then
the customer is
charged based
on the recorded
3. Save.
5. Using the Name field on the Effectivity secondary tab, enter the counter that is used
to record usage. See Entering a Counter, page 4-21 for details.
6. Optionally, enter any text to display in the invoice regarding this subline. Because
invoice formats are specific to each implementation, contact your application
administrator to determine whether this text is used in the invoice.
10. If you are billing a customer based on the usage recorded in multiple counter
values, to average out all of the counter readings each period, select the Level check
For example, a copier manufacturer charging a customer by the number of copies
made, can charge for all the copiers that the customer owns at the same time and
apply minimums and discounts based on average volumes rather than per copier.
11. Save.
12. Repeat steps 5 through 11 to enter any additional counters for this usage item.
• If you have already captured previous readings with this counter, then select
the start reading from the Reading LOV. This LOV includes all historical
readings for this counter.
Note: If you are entering multiple counters for a usage line, then each
counter must be associated with a different Oracle Installed Base item
instance number or a different service line. The application cannot
distinguish between two counters that are attached to the same item.
For example, if your organization sets up copiers with two different
counters to register the number of copies, one for color copies and the
other for black and white, you cannot distinguish between these two
You must be in the process of entering a usage line.
Identify the item to which the counter will be attached.
To enter a counter:
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Lines tab,
Pricing/Products subtab and Effectivities secondary tab, and click the LOV
indicator in the Name field in a new line.
The Counter window appears.
2. Enter a partial or complete inventory item name in the Find field. You can use the %
sign to represent missing characters.
3. Click Find.
The window displays the list of counters for the inventory item.
• For physical items, the References field includes a concatenation of the two
unique identifiers:
• Product serial number
• For service items, this field displays the concatenation of the contract number
and line number of the contract for which you are specifying the usage line.
4. Enter the identifying information for the counter after the % sign and click Find
3. Select the counter for the usage line in the Counters region.
6. Click OK.
7. Save.
3. To set up a price break for all of the items that are covered by the usage line, click
Price Break on the Pricing/Products subtab.
4. To set up a price break for a specific counter that is covered by a usage line:
1. Select the Pricing secondary tab.
Note: Although the application displays a full copy of the price list,
you can modify only the price-break related information. Entries
affect only the copy. They have no effect on the price list itself.
• Range
The following example explains the difference between the two methods for a customer
reporting that they made 3500 copies in the billing period.
The following table lists the price breaks:
Price Breaks
Break Price
0–1000 $.05
1000–3000 $.04
3000–5000 $.03
5000–10000 $.02
Point Method
The point method gives the customer the best price based on the total number of copies
Range Method
The range method charges based on all of the price break ranges up to the level
corresponding to the counter reading.
Range Method
3. To delete a special price break that was created for all of the items that are covered
by the usage line, click Price Break on the Pricing/Products subtab.
4. To revert the special price break that was created for a specific counter that is
covered by a usage line:
1. Select the Pricing secondary tab.
5. Click Delete.
• Confirm that the system profile QP: Break UOM Proration Allowed is set to Yes.
3. To turn on or off proration for all of the items that are covered by the usage line,
click Price Break on the Pricing/Products subtab.
Note: Turning price breaks on or off at the line level does not affect
any sublines where proration has been set.
5. To turn price break proration on, select All from the Prorate LOV.
6. To turn price break proration off, select None from the Prorate LOV.
7. Save.
8. To modify the price break ranges, click Lock or Update and follow the procedure
that is described in Creating Special Price Breaks for Your Customer, page 4-23.
Note: This section describes how proration works for continuous price
Suppose, for example, that the price breaks that are set up in the price list are based on
quarterly usage as shown in the following table:
Price Breaks
0–1000 $.05
1000–3000 $.04
3000–5000 $.03
5000–999999999 $.02
Now suppose, you extend the same price breaks to a customer billed based on monthly
usage by turning proration on.
Here is how the application calculates the monthly price breaks. It divides the range by
a third.
Calculated Ranges
Quarterly Ranges/3
0–333.33 $.05
333.33–1000 $.04
1000–1666.67 $.03
1666.67–33333333 $.02
Note: Price breaks set up prior to release 12, did not use continuous
price breaks. Non-continuous price breaks did not allow the use of
fractions during proration. The prorated price breaks for each tier were
set to the previous whole number, for example 0–333, rather than 0–
For information on how price breaks were prorated before release 12,
refer to prior releases of the Oracle Service Contacts documentation,
which is available on Oracle Metalink
3. Click Billing.
The Billing window appears.
4. Select the appropriate accounting rule for invoicing from the Invoicing Rule LOV.
You must select Arrears Invoice for the two usage types that charge customers
based on recorded counter values in a period: Actual Per Period and Actual by
5. Specify the billing schedule by entering one or more billing streams. This is the
same procedure that is used for creating schedules for service lines. See Entering a
Billing Stream, page 2-13 for details.
7. Click OK.
4. Follow the Capturing Counter Reading procedure that is described in the Oracle
Installed Base User Guide to enter your reading.
About Subscriptions
You can use Oracle Service Contracts to sell subscriptions for both tangible and
intangible items. Tangible items include magazines, collateral, or any other physical
item that can be shipped through Oracle Order Management. Intangible items can be
collateral that is sent through e-mail.
Subscription lines differ from service and usage lines in the way they are entered:
• Subscriptions for tangible items require that you set up a subscription schedule.
A subscription schedule specifies when the application creates booked orders in
Oracle Order Management.
• The billing schedule invoices customers equal amounts in each billing period.
Just as for other contract lines, you must set up a billing schedule for invoicing the
customer, but you are restricted to billing the customer in equal amounts in each
The application takes the total price and divides it equally among the invoices that
you specify. It does not matter how many billing periods you set up, however. You
can invoice customers at the beginning of the subscription for the total amount, for
example, or have them pay in equal installments over the entire length of the
2. Regardless of the period start value on the contract, the application uses the period
start as the service start when billing subscription lines. This is due to the strong tie
between fulfillment quantity, pricing and billing on subscription offerings.
• Subscription Pricing
The application charges the full amount for the period even if the subscription ends
in the middle of that period.
The same customer purchasing the subscription for one year and 16 days, is
charged $390 for 13 months ($360+$30).
If the customer cancels on January 3, 2006, the application issues a credit for one
4. Optionally, enter billing and shipping contacts that are specific to this contract line
by following the procedure that is described in Entering Billing and Shipping
Contacts for a Contract Line, page 3-10. If a contact does not exist in the database,
then you can add one following the procedure that is described in Creating or
Modifying a Contract, page 3-10.
The contacts that you enter are different from the ones you entered in the contract
7. Enter the number of subscriptions that you are ordering in the Qty field.
8. If the contract can be renewed (you have not selected Do Not Renew on the
Summary tab and Renewals subtab), then specify how the line is to be renewed
using the Renewal Type LOV. The renewal options are the same for subscription
lines as they are for service, and usage lines. See Specifying How a Contract Line is
to Be Renewed, page 3-12.
9. If the subscription is for a physical item, then specify the schedule of orders that are
placed through Oracle Order Management by clicking Edit Schedule. See
Specifying a Schedule of Product Shipments, page 5-7.
10. The price of the subscription is calculated automatically by the application based on
11. Optionally, modify the text that the customer sees on the invoice by editing the text
in the Invoice Text field.
12. Create a billing schedule. For details, see Specifying a Billing Schedule for
Subscriptions, page 5-12. Because the billing schedule for a subscription line is
based on the price of the line, you must re-create the billing schedule for a
subscription any time you modify the price.
13. The remaining information for the line comes from the information that you entered
in the Summary tab. You can make modifications by following these procedures:
• Changing the Billing and Shipping Accounts and Locations, page 3-9
• Entering Billing and Shipping Contacts for a Contract Line, page 3-10
14. Save.
4. By default, the application creates the order in Oracle Order Management on the
same date as the start date of each subscription period. This is called the interface
To move the interface date, enter a number in the Offset Days field. A negative
number creates the order before the start date. For example, entering -2 creates the
order two days before the start of each period.
• If the subscription schedule is not regular, then you can specify the schedule
you want by entering multiple sets of regular periods.
1. Enter each set of regular periods on a separate line. For examples, see How to
Use Schedule Sets to Enter Complex Subscriptions, page 5-9.
2. When you are done, click Refresh Schedule to generate the schedule. If you are
not satisfied with the result, you can reenter the schedule and refresh again.
6. Click OK.
How to Use Schedule Sets to Enter Complex Subscriptions
The following two examples illustrate how you can use multiple schedule pattern
lines to handle complex subscription schedules.
In both cases, the schedules are for a customer that purchases a one-year
subscription for a tangible item from February 1, 2005 through January 31, 2006.
Example 1: A periodical that publishes every week except December when it
* 1-11 *
* 12 1
* 1-10 1,3
* 11-12 3
2. Adjust the subscription price using any one of the three following methods:
5. Click Reprice.
The application recalculates the price based on the new price list.
3. Save.
4. If you are repricing a line with an existing billing schedule, then you must re-create
the billing schedule for the new price. See Specifying a Billing Schedule , page 5-12.
4. To view any price breaks that the application administrator may have set up for this
item, click Price Breaks.
• You bill customers only at the line level. (There are no covered products as for
service lines and individual usage counters as for usage lines.)
• You can only bill the customer in equal amounts per period over the length of a
single billing stream.
For example, if a market research company charges $1,200 for a one-year
subscription to a newsletter, it can bill the customer the whole amount in one
invoice, invoice them $100 per month every month, invoice them $200 every other
month, or even invoice them at different intervals over the length of the
You can use multiple billing streams to invoice the customer at different intervals
over the length of the subscription with the amounts billed proportional to the
length of the billing interval. For example, the same market research company can
invoice the customer $100 every month for the first three months, and then send
one invoice for $300 every quarter (three months) for the remainder of the
subscription period. You can set up this scenario using the following two billing
1 3 1 Month
2 3 1 Quarter
Enter a subscription line.
3. Click Billing.
The Billing window appears.
4. The invoicing and accounting rules come from those that were entered in the
Summary tab, Pricing/Billing subtab. If want, you can select different rules from the
Invoicing Rule and Accounting Rule LOVs.
6. Specify the billing schedule by entering one or more billing streams. This is the
same procedure that is used for creating schedules for service lines. See Entering a
Billing Stream, page 2-13 for details.
3. To view more details about the order, including the date that any shipment
occurred, click the drill-down indicator to the left of the schedule line.
The Fulfillment History window displays details about the order.
• Understanding warranties
In this case, the application creates a contract with a start date of January 1, 2005 and an
end date of January 31, 2007.
Alternatively, by using the Contract Details window, you can instead choose to merge
the service lines in your order into an existing contract. See Adding Service Lines to an
Existing Contract, page 6-9.
2. Reprocess any contracts that were generated with errors. See Reprocessing Orders
that did not Create Contracts, page 6-15.
You can view the generated contracts by sales order number from within Oracle Service
Contracts or Oracle Installed Base. See Viewing Created Contracts by Sales Order
Number, page 6-16.
Warranties, which are offered to customers free of charge, are created by the application
automatically when the item is shipped to a customer based on an entry that the
application administrator makes in the bill of materials (BOM).
Warranties go into effect on the shipment date. The administrator can add an automatic
delay to the warranty start date to account for the shipment or installation delay and
ensure that the customer receives the full benefit of the warranty. You can specify a
different date for the warranty to become effective by following the procedure
• Do not have to pass the usual quality assurance check list and approval process as
contracts created in Oracle Service Contracts.
• Are billed through Oracle Order Management. This means that the customer is
billed in one invoice and you cannot take advantage of the flexible billing schedules
that you set up in Oracle Service Contracts. (To add flexibility, you can instead set
up Payment Terms in Oracle Receivables to set up incremental billing over time.)
• Cannot have their coverage modified. Agents can modify the coverage for only
contracts that are created in Oracle Service Contracts.
• Do not contain usage lines, because no way is available to create a usage line in the
sales order itself.
For renewals, the contracts that are generated in Oracle Order Management become just
like any contract that is created in Oracle Service Contracts.
Header Level
Currency Currency
Tax Tax
Line Level
Currency Currency
Note: The application does not support non seeded contract types.
• If you are ordering service for an item in a separate order, then you must know:
• That order's number.
• The line number and shipment number for the item to cover.
• The date to start the service, taking into account any other existing service
agreements and warranties.
• If you are ordering service for an item that the customer already owns, then the
item must be already entered in your customer's installed base and you must know
the item instance number (referred to in Oracle Order Management as the Reference
Number) or its serial number.
The item instance number is automatically generated by the Oracle Installed Base
application when the item is added to a customer's installed base.
If the item does not exist in the customer's installed base, then you must create it
using procedures that are described in the Oracle Installed Base User Guide.
Note: Oracle Service Contracts carries sales credits from the order
header to the contract header and the order line to the contract line.
Because Oracle Order Management generates the invoice, the
information proceeds directly to Oracle Receivables. During credit
generation, information is sent by way of Oracle Service Contracts.
2. If you are ordering a service agreement for an item in the same order, then enter
that item first.
3. In the Sales Order window, select the Line Items tab and the Main subtab.
4. Use the Ordered Item LOV to enter the inventory item number of the service that
you are ordering.
5. Leave the Qty field blank. The application supplies the correct quantity
• If you are ordering service for a line in an order.
The application copies the quantity from that line. For example, if you are
ordering service for an order line with three widgets, then the service quantity
is 3.
• If you are ordering service for an item in the customer's installed base.
7. If the service is for an item either in this or another customer order, then:
1. Select Order from the Service Reference Type LOV.
2. Use the Service Order Type LOV to enter the order type of the sales order. If
you are ordering service for an item in this order, then enter the same type that
you entered in the Main tab of the Sales Order form.
3. In Service Ref Order Number, enter the number of the sales order. If you are
ordering service for an item in this order, then enter the sales order number that
appears in the title bar of the Sales Order window.
4. Use the Service Ref Line Number LOV to select the line number and shipment
number. (The shipment number appears in the Service Ref Shipment Number
8. If you are ordering service for an item the customer already owns, then:
1. Select Customer Product from the Service Reference Type LOV.
2. Scroll to the Service Ref Cust Product field and use the LOV to enter the
customer product instance to cover with the service. You can search either by
the Oracle Installed Base instance number (labeled Reference Number in this
LOV) or, if the item is serialized, by the item's serial number.
9. To simplify renewals, a customer can end all contracts on a single day each year
(called the cotermination day). Selecting the Service Coterminate Flag check box
sets the end date to that day. If the application administrator has set up the
cotermination day for the customer, that entry overrides any end date that you
enter for this agreement. See About Cotermination, page 3-56 for more information.
• If you are ordering service for an installed base item, then enter either:
• The service start and end date: The application calculates the duration.
• The start date and duration: The application calculates the end date.
11. Save.
12. To add the services in the order to an existing contract or specify renewal
information for a new contract, click Actions and select Service Contract Details
from the LOV. See Adding Service Lines to an Existing Contract, page 6-9 or
Specifying Renewal and Other Details for a New Contract Created for Your Order,
page 6-11 for details.
14. If you have created a mixed order, then you must also pick and fulfill the order for
a new contract to be created or an existing contract to be modified.
15. You can view any new contracts that were created for the customer by following
the procedure described in Viewing Created Contracts by Sales Order Number,
page 6-16.
• Create your order first and open it in the Oracle Order Management Sales Order
2. Click Actions.
4. To apply all the rules that are selected in the Contract Details form to all the service
lines, select the Apply All check box. Leaving this check box cleared adds only the
current line.
If it is selected for one service line, you cannot select it for other service lines.
5. Use the Line Renewal Type list to specify how to renew the contract line:
• Do Not Renew: The line will not be renewed when the contract is renewed.
• Full Duration: The line will be renewed for the duration of the whole contract.
If your order includes multiple service lines, the contract duration begins on the
earliest start date and ends on the latest end date from all the lines.
• Keep Duration: The duration of this line will remain the same in a renewed
contract. Use this setting for intermittent or seasonal service lines. For example,
a mountain resort may want to order special service for peak periods in winter
and summer. Using this setting, you ensure that the renewed contract retains
the same structure. See Seasonal or Peak Period Service.
7. To restrict the choice of available contracts to those that are already entered in this
order, select Order from the Type list.
8. Otherwise, select Contract. This displays all active (entered) contracts in the
Contract Number LOV.
10. To have all remaining service lines in the order added to the same contract, select
the Apply All check box. This setting does not affect any service lines that already
have a contract specified for them.
Specifying Renewal and Other Details for a New Contract Created for Your
You can choose to specify the information for a single service line or for all service lines
in the order. Your administrator can set up default renewal settings for different
customers or organizations within your enterprise. The entries that you make here
override those defaults.
To specify renewal and other details for a new contract created for your order:
1. In the Sales Order window, select the service line for which you to create a new
contract. To have the information apply to the whole order, select the first service
2. Click Actions.
4. If you plan to permit contract renewal, then use the Line Renewal Type list to
specify how to renew the current service line:
• Do Not Renew: The line will not be renewed when the contract is renewed.
• Full Duration: The line will be renewed for the whole duration of the contract.
If your order includes multiple service lines, the contract duration is as long as
the length of the longest service line.
• Keep Duration: The duration of this line will remain the same in a renewed
contract. Use this setting for intermittent or seasonal service lines. For example,
a mountain resort may order special service for peak periods in winter and
summer. Using this setting you ensure that the renewed contract retains the
same structure.
5. To add the information that you enter here to all lines in the order, select the Apply
All check box.
For information about renewals, see Understanding Contract Renewals, page 17-11
9. To specify a billing schedule for the renewed contract, then select a billing profile
using the Billing Profile LOV.
10. Specify how to price the renewed contract by making a selection from the Renewal
Pricing Type list in the Repricing Details region:
• Price List: Charges the customer based on the price list that you enter in the
Price List field. The price charged is the current price that is listed in the price
list at the time the contract is renewed.
• Manual: The application charges the customer the same price for the renewed
contract as they paid for the original contract.
1. Enter the percentage that you want the price to be adjusted. Entering a positive
number marks up the price. A negative number discounts the contract renewal.
2. If you are marking up the contract price and want to put a limit on the
maximum price that the customer will pay, then enter a price list in the Price
List field. The price of the renewed contract cannot go over the price that is
listed in the price list.
For example, if you enter 20% as your markup and the current list price of the
service is $100, then the renewed contract is priced at $120. If you enter a price
list that lists the service at $110, however, then this price list caps the maximum
price for the service at $110. The customer pays a maximum of $110 for the
Note: The price cap works only for markups and not for
12. If you have selected an electronic renewal, then in the Quote to region, enter the
contact to be notified by e-mail:
Note: The contact must have an existing e-mail address. You cannot
add new addresses here.
2. If the contact has multiple e-mail addresses, then select the address where you
want to send the notification.
13. Optionally, enter customer contacts for this contract in the Customer Contacts
14. Select the Apply All check box to have all of the remaining service lines in the order
added to the same contract. This setting does not affect any service lines that
already have a contract specified.
15. Save.
For more information about running and troubleshooting concurrent programs see the
Oracle Applications User's Guide.
4. Click OK.
The Submit Request window appears.
Prompt Entry
Process Stuck No
7. Click OK.
8. Click Submit.
10. Submit the Service Contracts Order Processing Program concurrent program.
Note: The Reprocess Order form displays order details and product
history in a Multi Org Access Control (MOAC) context. The MOAC
feature allows you to access secured data in one or more operating
units from a single responsibility.
2. Use the Query By Example in the View menu to query all errors:
1. From the View menu, select Query By Example then Enter.
4. Click Submit.
The application displays a note informing you of the process number.
3. From the Category LOV, select the contract category that is set in the profile OKS:
Category for Order Management Originated Contracts, for example Warranty and
Extended Warranty.
4. Click More.
The Service Module Search window appears.
7. Click Search.
2. Double-click the Oracle Installed Base Agent User to find the Install Base
Navigation Menu.
4. Under Item Instance main menu, double-click Item Instances to open a search
The Search Item Instances page appears in a separate browser window.
5. Select Sales Order Number from the Quick Find list. Sales Order Number is one of
many search attributes that are available.
7. Click Go.
The application displays all of the instances that are included in the sales order.
8. Using the Select radio button, select an Instance for which you want to see the
You can:
• Change the warranty start and end dates only, page 6-19
Use this procedure for products, such as toasters or cameras, that do not require
installation or for which the installed date is not important.
If a user changes the installed date in Oracle Installed Base, the warranty does not
get updated automatically.
• Change the installed date and have the application adjust the warranty accordingly,
page 6-19.
Use this method if your organization records and tracks installed dates. When you
change the installed date in Oracle Installed Base, Oracle Service Contracts
automatically adjusts the start date of the warranty for you. This method ensures
that installed date and warranty start date remain synchronized.
3. Enter the new dates for the warranty in the Effective Dates fields in the Header
Attributes region.
6. Click Submit.
The Transaction Log appears.
7. Click Apply.
2. Double-click the Oracle Installed Base Agent User to find the Install Base
Navigation Menu.
4. Under Item Instance main menu, double-click Item Instances to open a search
The Search Item Instances page appears in a separate browser window.
5. Select Sales Order Number from the Quick Find list. Sales Order Number is one of
many search attributes that are available.
7. Click Go.
The application displays all of the instances created from the sales order.
8. Using the select radio button, select an instance for which you want to change the
warranty dates or installed date.
11. Save.
• Select the Layout Template from the Layout Template Set LOV.
2. Pricing /Billing region: Select the Pricing Method from the Pricing Method LOV.
3. Thresholds region: Select the Ledger Currency from the Ledger Currency LOV.
4. Integration region:
• Select a QA checklist to test contract completeness before the contract can
become active from the QA Checklist LOV .
• Select the workflow for processing contract approvals from the Approval
Worklflow LOV.
• Select Third Party from the Role LOV. This entry defines the party role
when the sold-to party is not the same as the ship to party for contracts that
are created from Oracle Order Management.
• Select the Interface Price Break check box to send price break details to
Oracle Receivables during billing. This includes quantity, unit price, and
• Select the credit that a customer receives if service is terminated from the
Return Credit LOV. The options are:
• Full: The customer receives full credit.
3. Save.
• Usage lines
• Subscription lines
AR does not defer revenue without an order line ID. The application treats the service
as if no contingencies are defined for the goods that are covered by the service.
3. Use the Period field and the Number of Periods field within the
Accounting Rule form to define revenue recognition.
5. If you check the Deferred Revenue box and you want to manually
recognize revenue, navigate to Oracle Receivables, then select
Control, then select Accounting, and then select Revenue
The Revenue Accounting and Sales Credits form appears.
• The Number is the Invoice Number.
• Subscription lines.
If your contract includes a mix of lines that are priced on the price list and that are
priced manually, and you decide to adjust the price at the contract level, then the
adjustments that you enter apply only to those lines that are priced based on the price
Note: Lump Sum modifiers, which get applied to the final negotiated
price or subtotal, are not supported for service items.
• Price adjustments that you can select manually while authoring a contract. For
example, you can choose to offer a customer 10%, 15%, or 20% off the list price.
The administrator can set up either type of adjustment so that you can change the
amount of the discount manually. You can identify this type of modifier by the Y value
in the Update Allowed field. If you are applying an adjustment manually, this field
appears in the Modifier Number LOV.
If the administrator has set up such a modifier to apply to the line automatically, then
you can enter an entirely new price for the contract line. You can do so either in the line
itself or in the Price Adjustment window itself.
Different Levels of Discounts
The administrator can set up different price adjustments to apply at the contract, line,
and subline levels. For example, a copier manufacturer may offer a 10% discount on a
particular service and a 15% sale for all customers purchasing service contracts worth
$1,000 or more (contract-level discount).
Price adjustments that are applied at different levels are cumulative and are applied
against the price list price.
Suppose that a customer purchases a service contract with a list price of $1000 and
receives the following two levels of discounts:
• A 15% discount at the line level because of a promotion on the specific service they
are purchasing
Adjustment Methods
You can adjust prices in two ways:
• Change the price list and reprice the line or contract. (This method is discussed in
the chapters describing how you enter contract lines).
• Have the application suggest appropriate adjustments for contract lines by first
entering qualifying information. See Getting Help in Picking Adjustments, page 7-
• Line: Select the Lines tab, the Effectivities subtab, and the line that you want to
• Subline: Select the Lines tab, the Pricing/Products subtab, the line, and the
subline that you want to adjust.
3. Select any additional price adjustments using the Modifier Number LOV. A DLT in
the Modifier Type field indicates a discount; SLT indicates a surcharge.
4. If the modifier that you selected can be updated manually (Y appears in the Manual
Override field in the LOV), then you can enter either of the following:
• Percentage adjustment in the Rate field.
6. To apply the adjustments that you have chosen, click Save and Reprice. Save saves
your choice but does not reprice.
The billing schedule automatically reflects the new prices.
• Filter the price adjustments (modifiers) that are listed in the Modifier Number
You are now ready to select any manual price adjustments. See Entering Price
Adjustments, page 7-3 .
Viewing the totals does not tell you what specific adjustments were applied or at what
level. To view the sources of adjustments, you must open the Adjustment window at all
the different levels. See Entering Price Adjustments, page 7-3 for details.
• Quantity
• Extended Amount
In addition, you can review the details that are related to the Top Line level:
• List price
• Quantity
• Adjusted Price: Reflects the adjusted price if modifiers have been applied.
• Extended amount
2. Click Reprice.
The reprice Decision dialog box appears.
• To remove the adjustments for the entire contract and reprice the entire
contract based on the price list entered in the Price List field of the
Pricing/Billing subtab, click Cascade and Reprice.
The Repricing results window appears.
2. If all lines are repriced successfully, then click Apply to make the changes. If some
lines fail and show a severity of Error or Unexpected Error, the Apply button is
disabled. In this case, you must correct the error before attempting to reprice.
Current New
S1 $2000 $4000
L1 $1500 $3000
L2 $500 $1000
2. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Actions menu and then
select Cascade Service Price.
3. Review the Service, Start Date, End Date, and Current Price fields. These are
display-only fields.
5. Click Apply to save. The new price is cascaded in the appropriate proportions to
the final price of each covered level.
Refresh the billing schedule to reflect the new values.
• Actions menu: Submitting the contract for approval runs the QA check, shows the
results immediately in the Quality Assurance Results window, and enables you to
submit the contract to the Approval workflow. See Submitting the for Approval
from the Actions Menu, page 8-3.
Note: After the QA Results appear you must fix the errors. For a
listing of errors and the corrective actions, see Troubleshooting
Errors, page 8-7.
• Default QA Checklist
• Results
For information about fixing errors, see Troubleshooting Errors, page 8-7.
• Default QA Checklist
• Results
For information about fixing errors, see Troubleshooting Errors, page 8-7.
3. If all results indicate Success, select Continue Approval to submit the contract to
the approval workflow.
If warning messages appear, you can review the messages and determine whether
the issues should be fixed. If you determine that they do not need to be fixed, you
can ignore them.
To run the Quality Assurance Check from the (Summary) Administration subtab:
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Summary tab and
Administration subtab. Select Submit.
• Default QA Checklist
• Results
For information about fixing errors, see Troubleshooting Errors, page 8-7.
3. If all results indicate Success, select Continue Approval to submit the contract to
the approval workflow.
If warning messages appear, you can review the messages and determine if the
issues should be fixed. If you determine that they do not need to be fixed, you can
choose to ignore them.
4. From the Name LOV, select Contracts QA Report and click OK.
The parameters window appears.
• To Contract Number
Note: When you run the report, the From Start Date and To
Start Date will both default to the current date. If your contracts
start prior to this date, you will not see a report. Be sure to
check your start dates.
• To Start Date
• Contract Status
6. Click OK.
The Submit Request window appears with a concatenated listing of the parameters.
7. Select Submit.
A Decision window appears with the request ID. You should make a note of this ID.
8. Click No.
The Find Request window appears. You can use this window to track your request.
9. Verify that the View All My Request radio button is selected, and click Find.
The Request window appears.
10. After your request is completed, you can view the details by selecting View Output
Troubleshooting Errors
After you run the QA Check, you must review the Quality Assurance Results window.
The results show any errors or warnings that are associated with the contract.
Following is a list of errors and a list of warnings that may appear in the Quality
Assurance Results window.
Error Messages
You must correct all errors that are listed in the Quality Assurance Results. Error
messages will prevent you from passing the QA check and submitting the contract for
Error Messages Summary
Check Billing Schedule Top line Line 1 Stream Level This message validates the
should be entered. following: checks the Stream
Level Line of the top line
billing schedule.
Check Billing Schedule Line 1 billing schedule should This message validates the
be entered. following: checks the top line
level elements.
Check Billing Schedule Sub line SLL period not same This message validates the
as bill schedule period. following: reports an error if
for Equal Amount and
Covered level billing type the
top line period is not the same
as the sum of level elements.
Check Billing Schedule For Line 1 there is a mismatch This message validates the
between line amount and following: for Equal Amount
total billing schedule amount billing type a mismatch
(sum of level elements). should not exist between line
amount and billing schedule
Check Billing Schedule Line 1 Stream level This message validates the
effectivities should be within following: reports an error if
line effectivities billing cycle end date is prior
to the top line end date or the
billing cycle start date is not
the same as the top line start
Check Billing Schedule Line 1 Stream level This message validates the
effectivities should be within following: whether billing
line effectivities. type is Equal Amount or
Covered Level then billing
cycle end date should not be
later than top line end date.
Check Billing Schedule Subscription line 1 with final This message validates the
price can not be less than following: reports an error
billed amount. for subscription line if
negotiated price is less than
billed amount.
Check Billing Schedule Sub line billing flag should be This message validates the
same as top line billing flag. following: subline billing
type should be the same as
top line billing type.
Check Billing Schedule Start date and end date of sub This message validates the
line should be same as top following: start date and end
line in equal amount. date of sub line should be
same as top line in Equal
Check Billing Schedule Sub line 1 Stream Level Line This message validates the
should be entered. following: reports an error if
subline stream level line is not
Check Billing Schedule Line 1 billing schedule should This message validates the
be entered. following: reports an error if
level element (billing
schedule) is not found in the
sub line.
Check Billing Schedule Sub line 1 SLL period 1 not This message validates the
same as bill schedule period following: reports an error if
1. for Equal Amount and
Covered level billing type the
sub line billing period is not
the same as the sum of level
Check Billing Schedule Sub line 1 Product final price This message validates the
not same as total bill schedule following: subline level
amount. element total should be equal
to subline price negotiated.
Check Billing Schedule Sub line 1 Product final price This message validates the
cannot be less than billed following: subline final price
amount. cannot be less than billed
Check Billing Schedule Subline 1 SLL effectivities This message validates the
should be within sub line following: checks for Product
effectivities. billing cycle end date equal to
lines end date for Equal
Amount and Covered Level
billing type
Check Billing Schedule Subline 1 SLL effectivities This message validates the
should be within sub line following: For Top Level
effectivities. billing type the billing cycle
start date and subline start
date should be the same.
Check Covered Levels OKS At least one covered level line This message validates the
is required for contract line, 1, following: if a covered level
Service. is entered.
Check Covered Levels OKS Please enter a value for Final This message validates the
Price in contract line 1. following: negotiated amount
at covered levels is required.
Check Covered Levels OKS Quota Sales Credit at line This message validates the
must be assigned to 100% in following: sales credits must
contract line 1, Service. be defined for the line.
Check Covered Levels OKS Service item &Line_Name is This message validates the
not an active inventory item following: contract contains
an inactive inventory item
from Oracle Installed Base
Check Covered Levels OKS Covered item &Line_Name is This message validates the
not an active inventory item following: contract contains
an inactive covered item.
Check Covered Levels OKS Covered Party &Line_Name This message validates the
is not active following: contract contains
an inactive covered party.
Check Covered Levels OKS Covered Product This message validates the
&Line_Name is not active. following: contract contains
an inactive covered product.
Check Covered Levels OKS Covered System &Line_Name This message validates the
is not active. following: contract contains
an inactive covered system.
Check Covered Levels OKS Covered Site &Line_Name is This message validates the
not active following: contract contains
an inactive covered site.
Check Covered Product Item instance item 1 for line 1 This message validates the
Quantity is not found in installedbase. following: whether the item
instance is in installed base.
Check Covered Product Covered product quantity This message validates the
Quantity and unit of measure on line 1 following: checks the covered
does not match the quantity product quantity and unit of
and unit of measure in measure against the quantity
installedbase. and unit of measure in
installed base.
Check Covered Product Covered product quantity on This message validates the
Quantity line 1 does not match quantity following: checks the covered
in installedbase. product quantity against the
quantity in installed base.
Check Covered Product Covered product unit of This message validates the
Quantity measure on line 1 does not following: checks the covered
match the value stored in product unit of measure
installedbase. against the unit of measure in
the installed base.
Check Customer Availability Bill to customer account is This message validates the
inactive on line number 1. following: whether bill to
customer account is active.
Check Customer Availability There is no customer in the This message validates the
contract. Please define a party following: whether the
with the role of customer for contract header has a
the contract. customer or third party.
Check Customer Availability At least one bill to account on This message validates the
the contract lines belongs to following: whether the
Account 1. The customer account that is
Customer/Third party on the stored in the contract lines
contract header is not related belongs to the customer, third
to this account. party or related customer.
Check Email Address Check Email Address This message validates the
following: whether a valid
e-mail id is provided for a
contact at the header.
Check Item Instance Is Valid Service line 1 is covering an This message validates the
invalid subscription product. following: whether the
subscription item being
covered belongs to an
active/signed contract.
Check Product Availability Service 1 is not available for This message validates the
product 1. following: if line status is
Entered, then it checks
whether service is available
for the covered product or
Check Required Values Please assign at least 2 This message validates the
different parties to your following: the contract
contract. contains only one party role.
Check Required Values OKS The contract has no This message validates the
CUSTOMER attached to it. following: the contract
contains a customer.
Check Required Values OKS QA Check list is required for This message validates the
contract header 1. following: the contract has a
QA check list.
Check Required Values OKS Only one party role, may be This message validates the
attached to the contract. following: Only one
may be attached to a contract.
Check Required Values OKS Only one party role, may be This message validates the
attached to the contract. following: Only one
be attached to a contract.
Check Required Values OKS Short description is required This message validates the
for contract header 1. following: a short description
is in contract header.
Check Required Values OKS Either the price list is inactive This message validates the
or the price list is invalid for following: whether that price
the contract currency. Select a list is active or valid for the
valid price list for the contract contract currency.
It occurs when: the price list
is inactive, missing, or is
invalid for the contract
Check Required Values OKS Price list ID is required for This message validates the
contract header 1. following: a price list ID is in
contract header.
Check Required Values OKS Contract group must be This message validates the
entered for contract header 1 following: a contract group is
entered in the contract
Check Required Values OKS An approval workflow must This message validates the
be selected for the contract. following: an approval
workflow is selected for the
Check Required Values OKS Line 1 UOM code and values This message validates the
should be entered. following: if profile option
OKS: Use Advanced Pricing
for Manual Adjustment is set
to Yes, then a value should be
entered on the subline for unit
price or UOM.
Check Required Values OKS Line 1 UOM code and values This message validates the
should be entered. following: If profile option
OKS: Use Advanced Pricing
UOM is set, UOM becomes a
required field on the subline.
Check Required Values OKS Please enter the PO number This message validates the
for billing. following: the PO flag and
number under the billing
section. If Purchase Order
Required check box is
selected, then PO number is
Check Required Values OKS Service PO number is This message validates the
missing. following: the PO flag and
number under the Service
Charges section. If Purchase
Order Required check box is
selected, then PO number is
Check Required Values Price list currency, does not This message validates the
match header currency. following: compares price list
currency with contract header
Check Service Effectivity Please enter a value for This message validates the
Inventory item status not following: whether the
active in contract line 1. inventory item status is
Check Service Effectivity Item: line 1 Not a valid This message validates the
Service following: whether service or
extended warranty is a valid
item in the inventory table.
Check Service Effectivity Item: line 1 Not a valid Usage This message validates the
following: if the usage item is
Check Service Effectivity The Product Item is not a This message validates the
Serviceable Product. following: whether covered
product is serviceable.
Check Service Effectivity Please enter a value for This message validates the
Covered item status not active following: the covered item
in contract line 1. status is active.
Check Service Effectivity Please enter a value for This message validates the
Covered party status not following: if covered party
active in contract line 1. status is active.
Check Service Effectivity Please enter a value for This message validates the
Covered product status not following: reports an error if
active in contract line 1. covered product status is not
active and contract status is
not QA hold. Reports an error
if covered product status is
not active and the covered
product has a future
termination date and the
contract status is QA hold.
Check Service Effectivity Please enter a value for This message validates the
Covered system status not following: reports an error if
active in contract line 1. Covered System status is not
Check Service Effectivity Please enter a value for This message validates the
Covered site status not active following: Reports an error if
in contract line 1. Covered Site status is not
Check Subscription Element Subscription line 1 should This message validates the
Exist have at least one subscription following: for tangible items
element. a delivery schedule is
Check Sum of Credit Card Credit Card Number is This message validates the
Numbers invalid following: whether the credit
card numbers are valid based
on sum calculations.
Check Tax Exemption Tax Exemption 1 on Line 1 is This message validates the
not effective for all billing following: reports an error if
periods in the billing tax exemption is invalid.
schedule. The Tax Exemption
will not be applicable after It occurs when: tax
invoice date. exemption is invalid.
Check Tax Exemption Tax Exemption 1 on Line 1 is This message validates the
not effective for all billing following: whether the
periods in the billing exemption is valid on the line
schedule. The Tax Exemption end date.
will not be applicable after
invoice date It occurs when: the
exemption is not valid on the
line end date.
Check Tax Exemption Tax exemption number 1 is This message validates the
either unapproved or invalid following: whether the
on the start date of line exemption is valid on the line
number 1 Tax exemption will start date.
not be applied to this line.
It occurs when: the
exemption is not valid on the
line start date.
Check Tax Exemption Tax exemption certificate This message validates the
number 1 on line 1 is only following: whether the
partially valid for the billing exemption is valid on the line
period. Exemptions will not end date.
be applied after the
exemption certificate expires. It occurs when: the
exemption is not valid on the
line end date.
Check Tax Exemption Tax exemption certificate This message validates the
number 1 on the header is following: whether the
only partially valid for the exemption is valid on the
contract duration. Exemptions header end date.
will not be applied after the
exemption certificate expires. It occurs when: the
exemption is not valid on the
header end date.
Check Tax Exemption Invalid tax exemption 1 for This message validates the
customer account on line 1. following: whether the
assigned tax exemption
belongs to the customer on
the line.
Check Tax Exemption Tax exemption certificate This message validates the
number 1 on the contract following: whether the
header is invalid or assigned tax exemption is
unapproved. approved and valid.
Check Tax Exemption This contract has an This message validates the
unapproved exemption. following: whether the
Billing this contract will result assigned tax exemption is
in creation of an invoice with approved.
an unapproved tax
exemption. It occurs when: the tax
exemption is unapproved.
Warning Messages
You should review all warning messages before submitting the contract for approval.
However, warning messages will not prevent you from passing the QA check and
submitting the contract for approval.
Warning Messages Summary
Check Covered Level Overlap Line 1 is also in Contract 1 This message validates the
following: whether the
current contract has covered
lines for which dates overlap
the covered lines of an
existing contract that is not
canceled, terminated, or
Check Email Address This Contract is missing at This message validates the
least one party contact with following: party contact has
email address. an e-mail address.
Check Preventive Contract line 1; The definition This message validates the
Maintenance of Preventive Maintenance following: whether
Program or Activities is no preventive maintenance
longer valid. program or activities have
been terminated in AHL.
Check Preventive Contract line 1; The definition This message validates the
Maintenance of Preventive Maintenance following: new activities
Program has been modified. have been associated with the
preventive maintenance
program in AHL.
Check Price Lock Price locks are removed This message validates the
during contract renewal or following: whether price lock
copy. To re-lock the price list is present on the original
for contract line 1, refer to contract lines and not on the
contract 1 line 1 for the copied/renewed lines.
previous locked price.
It occurs when: price lock is
present on the original
contract lines and not on the
copied/renewed lines.
Check Required Values for Contract line 1; The effective This message validates the
Preventive Maintenance start date of the Preventive following: the effective start
Maintenance Program / date of the Preventive
Activities should be less than Maintenance Program or
or equal to the line start date. Activities should be after the
contract line start date.
Approving Contracts
This group of topics explains the contract approval process.
Oracle Service Contracts leverages Oracle Workflow to automate the contract approval
process. After you author a contract you must:
• Submit the contract for approval.
The Submit for Approval function starts the quality assurance (QA) check. If the QA
check is successful you can continue the approval process, which submits the contract
to the approval workflow. See About the Quality Assurance Check, page 8-1.
2. Click Submit.
The Quality Assurance Results window appears. You must confirm there are no
errors on the report. See About the Quality Assurance Check, page 8-1.
Alternatively, you can submit the contract by selecting Submit for Approval from
the Actions menu.
2. Select Monitor.
The Monitor Diagram page appears in a new browser window.
Beneath the Current Status heading, you can view the current status and a visual
diagram of the workflow approval process.
3. Follow the green arrow within the diagram to determine where the contract is in
the approval process.
For example, if the contract requires approval the green arrow leads to the Contract
Approval Required process.
Note: You can stop the approval process by selecting the Stop
button within the Administration subtab.
Approving Contracts
To approve a contract:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
7. Select Approve.
The Worklist summary appears. The message indicates, Contract requires your
signature. You can select the Contract requires your signature link and sign the
Signing Contracts
To sign a contract:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
Launchpad. The Launchpad appears.
3. From the Select Notification Type list, select Contract Requiring Signature.
7. Select Yes.
The Worklist summary appears. The message indicates, Contract has been Signed.
Overview of Billing
This group of topics explains how billing works.
A billing schedule determines when the customer is billed for the services they receive.
You must specify billing schedules for each contract that you author in Oracle Service
Billing 10-1
Billing schedules can be defined at the contract header, the contract line, or the subline
For information about setting up billing schedules at the contract header level, see
Entering Billing Schedules, page 2-11.
For information about setting up billing schedules at the line level, see:
• Specifying a Billing Schedule, page 3-38 (for a service line)
The application generates the first billing schedule period using a partial period with
1 15-JAN-2006 31-JAN-2006
Partial Period
2 01-FEB-2006 28-FEB-2006
3 01-MAR-2006 31-MAR-2006
4 01-APR-2006 30-APR-2006
5 01-MAY-2006 31-MAY-2006
6 01-JUN-2006 30-JUN-2006
7 01-JUL-2006 31-JUL-2006
8 01-AUG-2006 31-AUG-2006
9 01-SEP-2006 30-SEP-2006
10 01-OCT-2006 31-OCT-2006
11 01-NOV-2006 30-NOV-2006
12 01-DEC-2006 31-DEC-2006
13 01-JAN-2007 14-JAN-2007
Partial Period
Billing 10-3
• Billing Frequency: Month
The application creates 12 billing schedules, each with full billing period durations. For
example, the first billing schedule is 15-JAN-2006 to 14-FEB-2006, and the second billing
schedule is 15-FEB-2006 to 14-MAR-2006. The application follows this pattern until the
end date. The following table lists the billing schedules:
1 15-JAN-2006 14-JAN-2006
2 15-FEB-2006 14-FEB-2006
3 15-MAR-2006 14-MAR-2006
4 15-APR-2006 14-APR-2006
5 15-MAY-2006 14-MAY-2006
6 15-JUN-2006 14-JUN-2006
7 15-JUL-2006 14-JUL-2006
8 15-AUG-2006 14-AUG-2006
9 15-SEP-2006 14-SEP-2006
10 15-OCT-2006 14-OCT-2006
11 15-NOV-2006 14-NOV-2006
12 15-DEC-2006 14-DEC-2006
• Subscription lines, see Specifying a Billing Schedule for Subscriptions, page 5-12
• Top Level: enables you to define the billing periods. The billing engine calculates
the bill amounts, so the amount fields and Prorate button are disabled. With Top
Level, line level start and end dates can differ from the sublines. When you are
creating billing schedules at this level, the total stream level amounts from the
sublines roll up to the line levels. Also, once a line level billing schedule exists, all
new sublines that are added will automatically update the billing amount per
period without your needing to revisit the line level and click Schedule again.
Billing 10-5
Whenever the duration of the line is increased, an additional billing stream is
created. If the contract has a later end date, the unit of measure of the billing stream
is taken from the previous stream. If the duration is reduced, billing streams can be
automatically removed, as long as those streams are entirely outside of the new
contract duration. If these changes are cascaded to the sublines, billing schedules
will be updated when the cascade is initiated. If the changes are not cascaded, only
the line level billing schedule will be automatically updated.
Top Level can be set at the header, service line, or usage line level:
• Header, see Entering Billing Schedules, page 2-11
• Usage lines, see Specifying a Billing Schedule for a Usage Line, page 4-31
• Covered Level: when the covered level effective dates are not the same as the
service line effective dates and you want to have different billing frequency for each
subline, you can create a covered level-specific billing schedule. As a prerequisite,
the service line billing schedule-level must first be set to the Covered Level. By
default, all the covered level lines inherit the service line billing schedule. If
required, you can modify and update the billing schedule for a given covered level.
You can enter amounts for every period and use the Prorate button.
Covered Level can be set at the service line level:
• Service lines, see Specifying a Billing Schedule, page 3-38
Note: You can select a billing level default by setting the profile
OKS: Billing Schedule Level. If the level that you select is not
available to the header or the line, the defined value will not
For example, if the default is set to Top Level and you create a
subscription line, the defaulted value will not be Top Level,
despite the setting. This is because subscription lines must be
Equal Amounts, not Top Level.
Note: Although subline totals are the same for Covered Level
and Equal Amount, the calculations at the line level are
• For Equal Amount, the schedule amount is the sum of
subline level element amount. However, if you navigate to
the subline billing schedule, the subline level amount and
equal amount are the same. If you view the schedule from
A service line has two sublines, each with $100 for a year. The
amount in the billing stream for line is calculated as $200/12–
16.67 and is same for both Equal Amount and Covered Level.
For Equal Amount, each entry in the Billing Schedule at the line
level, equals the sum of the individual amounts for each
subline. The amount for periods 1 through 11 are $16.68 ($8.34
+ $8.34) and the amount for period 12 is $16.52 ($8.26 + $8.26).
For Covered Level, each entry in the Billing Schedule at the line
level is set to the calculated amount from the stream level
($16.67). Each of the twelve Level Amount entries is always the
same amount. The schedule amount is what is billed to AR and
not the amount in the billing stream.
Billing 10-7
• Invoicing Rules
• Billing Levels
• Recurring Intervals
9. In the Invoice Offset field, enter the number of days to move forward or push back
the invoice date.
10. In the Interface Offset field, enter the number of days to move forward or push back
the date on which the billing period passes to Oracle Receivables.
11. Save.
Billing 10-9
Billing Using Credit Cards or Commitments
Oracle Service Contracts integrates with Oracle Receivables to support multiple billing
When you enter billing terms for a contract, you can select a method of payment from a
LOV. These methods include Credit Card and Commitment (prepayment). You select a
method from the Pricing/Billing subtab of the Summary tab.
If you select the Credit Card method, then you must select a credit card from the LOV.
The application displays the credit card number and credit card expiration date.
If you select the Commitment method, then the Authoring process requires the entry of
a commitment number. Customer commitments must be set up in Oracle Receivables
prior to use as a method of payment in Oracle Service Contracts. See:
• (header) Specifying Payment by Credit Card or Commitment Number, page 2-23.
Billing 10-11
segment values, or by selecting from the list of combinations.
For more information, refer to the Oracle General Ledger User Guide.
9. Click OK.
Note: As part of the Multi Org Access Control (MOAC), all billing
programs process only those contracts that belong to the operating
units that are listed by the security profile associated with the
current responsibility
2. Select Single Request and click OK. The Submit Request window appears.
• Default Date: Enter the date that you want as the default. (The default is the
system date on your computer.)
• Operating Unit: Enter the operating unit for which all the contracts are to be
• Customer Name: Enter the name of the customer for which all the contracts are
to be billed.
• Category: Enter the category for which all the contracts are to be billed.
Billing 10-13
• Group: Enter the name of the group for which all the contracts are to be billed.
• Preview: Change this option to yes to send these transactions to special preview
tables to enable you to review the invoice details before you submit them to
Oracle Receivables. Leave it at no if you want the transactions passed to Oracle
5. Click OK.
Running the Service Contracts Fetch Receivables Info for Billing Program
This program is owned by Oracle Service Contracts. For a description, see About
Concurrent Programs, page 21-8.
To run the Service Contracts Fetch Receivables Info for Billing program
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Requests, and then select Run.
The Submit a New Request window appears.
3. In the Name field, select Service Contracts Fetch Receivables Info for Billing.
4. Click OK.
Billing 10-15
Settlement can also be done by billing program at the time of invoice generation.
The Service Contracts Usage Settlement program is owned by Oracle Service Contracts.
For a description, see About Concurrent Programs, page 21-8.
For information about usage lines, see Entering Usage Lines, page 4-3.
3. From the Invoice Details window, click the Line Details button.
The Line Details window appears with item names and descriptions, unit of
measure, unit price, billed amount, and tax rate for the lines.
Click OK when you are finished viewing the Line Details.
Billing 10-17
Run the necessary concurrent programs to generate billing transactions. See Executing
Billing Through Concurrent Programs, page 10-12.
2. Select a line.
You can view the billing history from this tab, including invoice information and
billing dates.
5. Click Find.
The Transactions Summary window appears with the invoice information.
Billing 10-19
6. Click Open to view the invoice transaction details.
• Period: Month
3. Middle period equals the number of days multiplied by the daily rate.
Billing 10-21
52.24 5.
2. First period equals the number of days multiplied by the daily rate.
3. Last period equals the number of days multiplied by the daily rate.
4. Middle periods equals (total amount less (the sum of the first period and last
period))/number of middle periods), which is (600 – (45.92+52.48))/5 = 100.32
Accounting rules are set up in Oracle Receivables. For more information, see the Oracle
Receivables User Guide
Billing 10-23
Managing Contract Negotiation
2. Notify Customer: Sales representative notifies customer that the contract is waiting
The sales representative can use the application e-mail or publish the contract
online or use another means to notify the customer.
4. Internal Approval: After the customer or sales representative accepts the contracts
the Internal Approval action is available from the Administrator Workbench .
2. Notify Customer: Customer receives notifications that a renewal contract has been
created and is awaiting approval.
• Manual Renewals: The renewal specialist who is managing contracts has three
options for notifying the customer. He can:
• Print a quote letter to fax or mail.
• Online Renewals: Contracts that qualify for online renewals are published to
the customer and do not require manual intervention. Every time a quote is
sent by e-mail or published online, the workflow process runs a quality
assurance (QA) check to validate the contract. If the contract fails this QA check,
the action is abandoned and the application stamps the negotiation status.
3. Customer Acceptance: Customer acceptance can be both implicit and explicit when
the quote is published online.
• If the customer accepts the contract from the online portal, workflow updates
the negotiation status and routes the contract back to the renewal specialist. If
the renewal specialist submits a contract in Quote Published status for
approval, this assumes implicit customer acceptance.
• For manual contracts, the renewal specialist submits contract for internal
approval after securing written or verbal customer acceptance.
Negotiation Phase
During this phase of the contract negotiation you will see the following negotiation
Activation Phase
During this phase of the contract renewal, you will see the following negotiation
Status Transitions
The following diagrams provide an overview of status transitions during contract
Note: For new contracts, the status transitions are the same as those of a
manual renewal process, except for the Determine Renewal Process
step, which does not apply to new contracts. Refer to Manual Renewal
Process Status Transition State Diagram.
The preceding diagram shows negotiation status transitions during a manual renewal.
The following describes the process:
• Determine Renewal Process: System changes negotiation status to Draft.
• Pending Approval: Salesperson submits the contract for approval and one the
following occurs.
• Quote Published: If the system updates the negotiation status to Quote Published,
one of the following occurs:
• Customer accepts the quote and the negotiation status changes to Quote
• Customer declines the quote and the negotiation status changes to Quote
• Quote Accepted: Either the system updates the negotiation status to Pending
Activation, or the salesperson or system updates the negotiation status to Pending
The preceding diagram shows negotiation status transitions during an online renewal.
The following describes the process:
• Determine Renewal Process: System changes negotiation status to Pending Publish.
• Quote Published: If the system updates the negotiation status to Quote Published,
one of the following occurs:
• Customer accepts the quote and the negotiation status changes to Quote
• Customer declines the quote and the negotiation status changes to Quote
• Salesperson accepts the quote and the negotiation status changes to Pending
• Salesperson cancels the quote and the negotiation status changes to Quote
• Quote Accepted: Either the system changes the negotiation status to Pending
Activation or the salesperson or system changes the negotiation status to Pending
• Pending Approval: Salesperson submits the contract for approval and one the
following occurs.
• System changes negotiation status to Approval QA Failed.
4. Select Find.
The application refreshes the Inbox with contracts that meet your criteria.
3. To sort the list, click the column heading by which you want the list sorted.
You can sort columns in ascending or descending order.
Note: You can also double-click the contract number to open the
Service Contracts Authoring window.
Bookmarking Contracts
To bookmark contracts:
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Actions menu and select
A note appears, indicating that the contract has been successfully bookmarked. This
adds the bookmark to the Bookmarked Documents region in the Launchpad. The
Bookmarked Documents region is a personal listing of contracts that you can access
Creating Groups
Groups help you to organize and find contracts more efficiently. A contract can be in
more than one group at a time. For example, a contract can be in your personal group
My Contracts and also be in the public group Business World Contracts. You can also
use groups to help you identify contracts that can be processed through actions such as
mass change, or reports.
To create a group:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Groups, and then select Contract Groups
The Contracts Groups window appears.
4. If you want this folder to be public, select the Public check box.
Note: If you do not select the Public check box, you will create a
private folder that only you will see.
For you to be able to create public folders, your administrator must
set the profile OKC: Public Group Creator to Yes.
5. Save.
Note: If you want to see a listing of all groups, you can use the
query function to display the groups in the Contracts Groups
1. From the View menu, select Query by Example and Enter. The
form changes to query mode.
3. Click Find.
The Search templates and Contracts window appears. You can use this window to
search for contracts that you want to add to the criteria.
6. To remove a contract from the group, highlight a contract in the Currently Assigned
Contracts region and select the right arrow.
The contract is moved to Available Contracts, which indicates that it is not a part of
the group.
The Currently Assigned Groups and Available Subgroups regions are populated
with a listing of subgroups.
You can change the view of the Available Subgroups region by selecting either
Unassigned or All Groups from the View list.
8. To add a subgroup to the group, highlight the subgroup in the Available Subgroups
region and select the left arrow.
10. Save.
3. Select a node to view the contracts that are in contract group node.
For example, you could select the Global node to view all contracts within that
The contracts that are included in this group appear in the right-hand panel.
4. To sort the results, click the column heading by which you would like the results
You can sort columns in ascending or descending order.
5. Click Yes.
The contract is removed from the group.
2. From the Search Option region, select whether to search all contracts or entitled
Entitled contracts are those that are within their start and end dates as of the time of
the search, and are in a status that has the operation Eligible for Entitlement set to
3. From the Contract Covered Levels region, specify the contract covered levels to use
in your search.
You can search by the following covered levels: product, item, site, system, account,
and party.
This region has specific attributes associated with each covered level, which are
separated by rows. For example, if you select a product, the row with the Product
Name field also contains a Serial Number field and Reference Number field. These
additional attributes are used to narrow your search.
6. Select Search.
The Results window appears, which shows contract line details that match the
search criteria. You can also determine the operating unit for the contract.
7. To view the coverage for a specific contract and line, select the line and click View
The Coverage Template appears in read-only form.
8. To open the contract, select the contract line and click Open.
The Service Contracts Authoring window appears. From this window, you can
manually adjust Warranty Start and End dates on installed products.
From this window, you can view details of the contract such as the parties, the line
level service items, the covered level products at the sublines, and the names of any
terms that are attached to the contract.
You can expand the hierarchy by selecting the + icon next to the node.
You can collapse the hierarchy by selecting the - icon next to the node.
2. Click Go.
For example, if you highlight the Lines node and click Go, the Service Contracts
Authoring window displays the Lines tab.
• Notifications: Provides a list of open notifications that require your attention. From
this region, you can view notification details and submit responses.
• My In Process Contracts: Provides a list of views for open service contracts that are
assigned to you. The following views for open service contracts are seeded in the
• All In Process Contracts: A list of all open contracts under negotiation or
pending approval and activation.
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-1
• Online Quotes : A list of all open contracts that are routed for automatic online
customer acceptance.
• Pending Quotes: A list of all open contracts for which quotes have been sent to
the customer. This view does not include contracts that have been accepted by
the customer and are pending approval.
• Reminder Sent: A list of open contracts for which reminder notices have been
sent to the customer.
When you select a view and click the Go button, the My In Process Contracts bin
refreshes. The following options are available:
• Personalize: In addition to the seeded views, you can define personalized
views to manage your contracts by using the OA Framework personalization
• Full List: This option shows your full list of tracked contracts.
Note: All actions that are available from the renewal tracking
bin are also available from the full list page.
• Shortcuts: Provides a list of links that provide shortcuts to other functions within
Oracle Service Contracts.
• Submitting a Contract for Approval from the Administrator Workbench, page 13-
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-3
Viewing Notifications
You can view a list of notifications from the Administrator Workbench. If the
notification does not require a response, the application provides a message within the
Notification Detail page.
The following table provides a list of notifications that you may see in Oracle Service
To view notifications:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
Administrator Workbench.
Your notifications appear at the top of the page.
4. Select an action:
• Approve: Opens the Notification Detail page.
To approve the contract:
1. Enter a response note.
2. Click Approve.
2. Click Reject.
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-5
1. Select an assignee.
2. Enter comments.
3. Click Submit.
• To request information:
1. Select the individual from whom you want to request more information.
3. Click Submit.
2. Choose the Select check box next to the contract that you want to publish to a
customer for approval.
4. Click Go.
A confirmation appears, which indicates the contracts that have been submitted for
online acceptance. If the contract is already published online, a message appears
indicating that the contract is already published.
2. Choose the Select check box next to the contract that you want to publish for
internal approval.
4. Click Go.
A confirmation appears indicating the contracts that have been submitted for
approval. If the contract is already submitted for approval, a message appears
indicating that the contract is already in the approval queue.
Suppressing Reminders
You can suppress reminders for contracts using the suppress reminders actions.
Customers do not get reminder notifications for contracts from the auto reminder
program for contracts that require customer acceptance. You can suppress reminders
for one or multiple contracts.
To suppress reminders:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
Administrator Workbench.
A list of contracts appears in the My In Process Contracts region.
2. Choose the Select check box next to the contract that you want to disable
4. Click Go.
A confirmation appears, which indicates that reminders have been disabled for the
selected contracts. All contracts for which reminders have been suppressed are
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-7
marked with an icon next to the contract number.
Enabling Reminders
You can enable reminders for those contracts for which reminders were suppressed.
You can enable reminders for one or multiple contracts.
To enable reminders:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
Administrator Workbench.
A list of contracts appears in the My In Process Contracts region.
2. Choose the Select check box next to the contract that you want to enable reminders.
4. Click Go.
A confirmation appears, which indicates that reminders have been enabled for the
selected contracts.
2. Choose the Select check box next to the contract that you want to publish to a
customer for approval.
4. Click Go.
A confirmation appears, which indicates the QA Check concurrent request has been
submitted and provides a concurrent request id.
Note: For more information about the QA check, see About the
Quality Assurance Check (QA Check), page 8-1.
• Advanced Search
2. Mark the Select check box next to the contracts that you want to update.
4. Click Go.
The Mass Update Contracts page appears.
A read-only table at the top of the page shows the following attributes for the
contracts that you selected:
• Contract Number
• Customer
• Description
• Status
• Start Date
• End Date
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-9
• Follow-Up Due Date
• Follow-Up Action
• Amount
You can also add the following columns using the personalization feature:
• Forecast Close Date
• Forecast Percent
• Negotiation Status
• Known As
• Category
5. To update the contract status information, scroll to the Contract Status region. You
can update the following:
• Status: Select a new status from the drop down list.
6. To create a follow up action, scroll to the Follow-Up region. You can create the
• Action: Select an action from the drop down list, such as Call Customer.
• Due Date: Select the date that you expect the action to be completed.
7. To update forecast details, scroll to the Forecast region. You can update the
• Close Date: Select a new close date for the forecast.
8. To enter notes, scroll to the Notes region and enter any notes relating to the contract
within the Notes Text field.
9. Click Apply.
A confirmation message appears indicating that the contracts were successfully
• Advanced Search
To update a contract:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
Administrator Workbench.
A list of contracts appears in the My In Process Contracts region.
2. Mark the Select check box next to the contract that you want to update.
4. Click Go.
The Update Contracts page appears.
A read-only table at the top of the page shows the following attributes for the
contract that you selected:
• Contract Number
• Customer
• Description
• Status
• Start Date
• End Date
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-11
• Follow-Up Due Date
• Follow-Up Action
• Amount
• Forecast Percent
• Negotiation Status
• Known As
• Category
You can change the display of the page by using the personalization feature.
5. To update the contract status information, scroll to the Contract Status region. You
can update the following:
• Status: Select a new status from the drop down list.
6. To create a follow up action, scroll to the Follow-Up region. You can create the
• Action: Select an action from the drop down list, such as Call Customer.
• Due Date: Select the date that you expect the action to be completed.
7. To update forecast details, scroll to the Forecast region. You can update the
• Close Date: Select a new close date for the forecast.
8. To enter notes, scroll to the Notes region and enter any notes relating to the contract
within the Notes Text field.
9. To add a note to the interaction history of the contract, scroll to the Interaction
History region.
1. Filter the interactions by selecting a value from the View list, such as In Person.
Opening a Contract
You can open the Service Contracts Authoring window from the Administrator
Workbench, where you can make updates to the contract, save those changes and
return to the workbench. You are limited to opening one contract at a time.
To open a contract:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
Administrator Workbench.
A list of contracts appears in the My In Process Contracts region.
2. Choose the Select check box next to the contract that you want to open.
4. Click Go.
The Service Contracts Authoring window appears. You can make updates to the
contract in this form.
For information about the Service Contracts Authoring window, see Creating a
Contract, page 1-4.
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-13
Printing Quotes and Contracts
You can select a contract and the Print Quote action to view the quote in the PDF
format. You are limited to creating a quote document for one contract at a time.
2. Choose the Select check box next to the contract for which you want to create a
Quote Document.
4. Click Go.
The File Download window appears.
5. Select Open to open the file, or Save to save to the file to your computer.
If you chose to open the file, the Quote Document opens in a new window.
• Short description
• Amount
• Line details
• Create Service Agreement: Opens the Service Contracts Authoring window with a
Status of Entered and a Category of Service Agreement.
• Create Extended Warranty: Opens the Service Contracts Authoring window with a
Status of Entered and a Category of Warranty and Extended Warranty.
• Create Subscription: Opens the Service Contracts Authoring window with a Status
of Entered and a Category of Subscription Agreement.
To use shortcuts:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select
Administrator Workbench.
2. Click the link for the function that you want to start, such as Create Service
Using the Administrator Workbench to Manage Contracts Under Negotiation 13-15
Viewing Contract Details in HTML
• Billing schedules
• Billing history
• Notes
• Attachments
• Interactions
• Contract terms
You can also use the following procedures to update one or more contracts:
• Updating a Contract (HTML), page 13-11
Note: You can personalize the view within the HTML pages. For
information about personalization of the HTML pages, refer to the
Oracle Applications Personalization Guide.
To find contracts:
1. From the Navigator, navigate to Contract Administration, and then select Contract
The Service Contracts Search page appears.
2. From the Display LOV, select the view to display for your search results.
For example, select All Contracts.
4. Select Go.
The search results appear at the bottom of the page.
5. To revise your search, select Clear and enter new criteria. Then repeat the previous
6. To view the contract details for a specific contract click the corresponding Contract
Number link.
• Disable Reminders
• Enable Reminders
• Run QA Check
• Open Contract
• Email Customer
• Print Quote
• Update Contract
For example, you can open the contract in the Service Contracts Authoring
window by selecting a single contract and choosing Open Contract.
Note: You can select only a single contract for the following
actions: Open Contract, Email Customer, and Print Quote
3. Click Go.
For most actions, a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.
See also Overview of Service Contracts in HTML, page 14-1.
3. Click Go.
The Email Customer: Service Contract page appears.
• To select a message layout template, select the flashlight icon to the right of the
Message Layout Template field.
This opens the Search and Select page. From here you can search for and select
a template.
Note: After you select a template, you can preview the template
by clicking the Preview button to the right of the Message
Layout Template field.
5. Click Send.
6. A confirmation message appears at the top of the page, which indicates that the
e-mail has been sent successfully to the customer contact.
• Contacts
• Billing
• Sales Credits
• Renewals
• Related Documents
You can also view additional detail pages by clicking the links within the
Additional Details block:
• Interaction History
• Billing History
• Contract Terms
• Contract Groups
2. Review customer and contract information in the contract header. For example, you
identify the customer, status, term, and contract amount.
4. To open the Service Contracts Authoring window click the Open button. This
opens the form where you can modify the contract.
Note: The Open button is not visible if you navigate from pages of
applications other than Oracle Service Contracts.
2. To open the details for the service contract line, select the link
corresponding line.
The Service Contract Line Covered Level page appears. View the Covered
Level details for the selected line.
To view billing transactions for the line, select the Billing Transactions link
from the Additional Covered Level Details block.
• Contacts
• Billing
• Sales Credits
• Related Documents
• History
You can also view additional pages by clicking the links within the Additional Line
Details block:
• Billing Transactions
• Coverage Details
• Notes
2. To return to the Contract, click the Service Contract link preceding the page title.
Related Topics
Viewing Usage Line Details (HTML), page 14-10
Viewing Subscription Line Details (HTML), page 14-11
• Select a business process, such as Customer Support. The following regions are
updated to correspond to the business process that you select.
• Coverage Times: You can change the view of the coverage times by
selecting one of the Display radio buttons, either By Interval or By Day.
• Response Times: You can change the response time view by selecting a
value from the View list, either Reaction Times or Resolution Times.
• Preferred Resources
• Billing Types
2. Review the Covered Level Details that are associated with the line:
• Covered Level Header
Note: You can drill down further into detail pages if a link
exists. For example, clicking the Item Instance link opens a
detail page for the item instance.
• Related Documents
3. Navigate to other pages with additional subline details, by clicking a link within the
Additional Covered Level details bin, for example, Billing Transactions.
• Contacts
• Billing
• Sales Credits
• Renewals
• Related Documents
• History
You can also view additional pages by clicking the links within the Additional Line
Details block:
• Billing Transactions
• Notes
2. To return to the Contract, click the Service Contract link preceding the page title.
2. Click the Line Number link, such as 1.1. The Usage Counter page appears.
You can view the counter read history within the Counter Readings region and
Billing History in the Billing Transactions region. You can use the Transaction
Number link in the Billing Transactions region to drill down to the Oracle Bill
Presentment view of the invoice or credit memo.
You can reconcile quantity billed for a particular billing transaction with the default
or minimum, actual, estimate, or actual and estimate that is shown in the Usage
Pricing Details region. This depends on the usage type. You can also reconcile
amount billed for a particular billing transaction with the applied price breaks that
are shown in the child Usage Pricing Details region.
Note: You can click the Order Number link to navigate to the
sales order view page and view the shipment dates and
delivery numbers.
• Billing
• Sales Credits
• Related Documents
• History
You can also view additional pages by clicking the links within the Additional Line
Details block:
• Billing Transactions
• Notes
2. To return to the contract, click the Service Contract link preceding the page title.
Related Topics
Viewing Service Line Details (HTML), page 14-10
Viewing Usage Counter Details (HTML), page 14-11
• Configuration
• Counters
• Notes
Note: For more information, see the Oracle Installed Base User Guide.
3. To return to the line, click the Service Contract: Line link preceding the page title.
2. From the Document Reference column, click the Order Number link.
The Sales Order page appears with the Lines tab selected. You can view the sales
order details by selecting the other subtabs.
• Contract Terms
• Contract Documents
• Invoices
• Deliveries
• Notes
Note: For more information, see the Oracle Order Management User's
3. To return to the line, click the Service Contract: Line link preceding the page title.
4. Optionally, click the View Contract button to open the terms and conditions that
are attached to the sales order in a PDF format.
2. From the Additional Details bin, click the Billing Transactions link. The Billing
Transactions Detail page appears. Use the following regions to view billing
transaction details:
• Billing Rules
• Billed (Amounts)
• Billed Amount equals rolled up invoice amounts.
• Terminated (Amounts)
• Billing History
• Displays all invoices and credit memos that are linked to this contract.
• Billing Schedule
Note: For more information about how billing works, see Overview
of Billing, page 10-1.
• Either log in directly to the Customer Acceptance Portal or access the page through
a link embedded within an e-mail notification.
The following table lists notifications that customers receive during the authoring and
Related Topics
Opening the Customer Acceptance Portal, page 15-3
Accepting a Contract, page 15-4
Declining a Contract, page 15-6
Requesting Assistance, page 15-7
2. Review the list of contracts and identify the contract that you will work with.
4. To view a contract quote, select the Quote icon for the contract. This opens a PDF
version of the quote in a separate window.
Related Topics
Accepting a Contract, page 15-4
Declining a Contract, page 15-6
Requesting Assistance, page 15-7
Accepting a Contract
Prerequisite: Access the Customer Acceptance Portal. You must have contracts that
require your action.
To accept a contract:
1. Choose the Select radio button for the contract that you want to accept.
2. Click Accept.
The Accept contract detail page appears with an html view with key information of
the contract, such as contract amount and bill to information. Additional details will
be available in the quote letter pdf file. You can cancel the acceptance process,
request assistance, or continue to acceptance process.
Note: You can open a PDF view of the Quote by selecting the Quote
4. Select a Payment Type in the Payment Details region. Depending on the type that
you select, you may need to enter additional information.
3. Enter a security code. This field may be required if the vendor requires a
security code for credit card transactions.
9. If you select Purchase Order, enter the PO number covering the contract.
10. If you select Wire Transfer, enter the account number from which the fund will be
12. Select Continue. The Accept Service Contract: Review and Confirm page appears.
14. In the Acceptance Clause region, select the check box indicating that you agree to
the contract terms and conditions.
15. Select Accept. A confirmation appears indicating that your acceptance has been
Related Topics
Opening the Customer Acceptance Portal, page 15-3
Declining a Contract, page 15-6
Requesting Assistance, page 15-7
Adding an Attachment
Prerequisite: Open the Customer Acceptance Portal and accept a contract. From the
Accept detail page select Add Attachment.
3. Select a File Type radio button. You can choose File, URL, or Test.
4. If you select File, select Browse to select a file from your computer to attach. This
starts the File Upload box for your computer and enables you to navigate and select
a file.
6. If you select Text, enter or paste the text that you want to reference within the Text
Note: After you apply your attachment, you can select Add
Another to add an additional attachment. If you select Add
Attachment, you will receive a message that the attachment has
been added successfully but not saved. You must select Apply to
After you add an attachment, you can update it by selecting the
Update icon. You can also delete it by selecting the Delete icon.
Declining a Contract
Prerequisite: Access the Customer Acceptance Portal. You must have contracts that
require your action.
To decline a contract:
1. Select the Select radio button for the contract that you want to decline.
2. Click Decline.
3. The Decline contract detail page appears with an html view with key information
about the contract. You can cancel the declination process, request assistance, or
decline the contract.
5. Select the check box that indicates that you agree to the terms of the Decline Clause.
Related Topics
Opening the Customer Acceptance Portal, page 15-3
Accepting a Contract, page 15-4
Requesting Assistance, page 15-7
Requesting Assistance
Prerequisite: Access the Customer Acceptance Portal. You must have contracts that
require your action.
To request assistance:
1. Choose the Select radio button for the contract for which you need help.
3. The Request Assistance page appears with an e-mail form for you to complete. The
sales representative for the contract appears in the To field. Your e-mail ID appears
in the CC field. The Subject field is populated with the contract number, such as
Salesrep Assistance for Contract : 23126. You can send an e-mail or
cancel your request.
5. Select Send.
6. A confirmation appears indicating that your request for assistance has been
forwarded to the sales representative who is responsible for your contract.
Related Topics
Opening the Customer Acceptance Portal, page 15-3
Accepting a Contract, page 15-4
Declining a Contract, page 15-6
Mass Change supports changes to a particular instance selected in the update level. For
example, if changes are to be made at the operating unit, it will update records
pertaining to that operating unit.
The Mass change window allows you to enter the scope of the mass change request and
selection criteria. It determines which contracts are to undergo a mass change. The
update level is seeded, but may also be restricted by use of the OKS: Mass Change
Security Level profile option. If the security of the profile option is turned on, the list
may contain only the Contract and Contract Group levels; otherwise, the following is
the list of update levels available:
• Category
• Contract Group
• Operating Unit
• Party
• Contract
• Agreement
• Contract Group
• Coverage Timezone
• Coverage Type
• Invoicing Rules
• Known As
• Payment Term
• Preferred Engineer
• Price List
• Reaction Time
• Resolution Time
• Revenue Account
• Salesperson
3. From Mass Change Details select the value Update Level from the LOV, such as
Note: You can deselect all contracts by clicking Deselect All or you
can select all contracts by clicking Select All.
10. To run the quality assurance (QA) check first, select the Check QA check box.
2. Click OK.
A note appears, indicating that the Mass Change request was successfully
You are returned to the Mass Change window. The Operation Status field
provides the status for the mass change.
The Request region is populated with details of the request.
13. To view the details for the request, select View Request.
4. Right-click the contract and select the Create Change Request option.
The Create Change Requests window appears.
16. Save.
A note message appears, indicating that the change request has been Submitted for
4. Click Find.
6. Click Approve.
The worklist window shows the change request has been approved.
Close the worklist.
• Click Find.
The approved change requests appear.
• Confirm other users do not have the change request lock on the contract.
3. Save.
2. Click OK.
3. Click OK.
In the Version field, the digit that is in front of the period, or the major version
number, increases by one. The minor version is reset to zero.
• Contract Versions
• Change Requests
5. To open a contract version or change request, highlight the version and select Open
Depending on what you select, the Service Contracts Authoring window or the
Create Change Request window appears.
See also:
• Extending a Contract Line (Contract Execution window), page 17-6
• None: Product line in Oracle Service Contracts is terminated as of return date and
no credit is issued.
If there is a null value and nothing is passed in the parameter raise_credit, then Oracle
Service Contracts uses the credit option rule set in the Credit Amount field of the Global
Contracts Defaults window. You can set the credit option to Full, Calculated, or None.
For more information on the Global Contracts Defaults window, see Entering Contract
Defaults, page 2-36.
If you define the credit option rule in Global Contracts Defaults, and your administrator
sets the OKS: Raise Credit Memo for IB Instance Termination option to Yes, the
application uses the values defined in the Global Contracts Defaults. If your
administrator sets the profile option to No, the application does not generate credits.
Note: The New Status LOV is dependent on the Current Status. For
example, the New Status LOV values for Terminated contract are
different from that of an Entered or Active Contract.
5. Click OK.
6. A Status window appears indicating that the status change was successful.
7. Click OK.
8. In the Contract Navigator tab, right-click the contract and select Refresh.
The contract shows the new status.
These programs are used when the status transitions are not
For example, a contract:
• expires when an end date is reached.
Contract Extensions
Oracle Service Contracts allows you to extend the duration of a contract or a contract
line without having to submit the contract to the approval workflow.
A contract must be in a status of Active, Signed, or Expired to be extended. Contracts in
a status of Entered, Canceled, or Terminated are examples of contracts that cannot be
When you extend the duration of a contract, the contract lines are automatically
extended, as long as the end date of the line is the same as the end date of the contract.
If the end date for the line is different from the end date for the contract, the line will
not change if the contract is extended. This functionality ensures that a service with a
duration that, is deliberately different from the contract duration, retains its intended
Either you can extend the contract without repricing it, or you can choose to reprice it.
For example, you may:
• Provide a customer with six months of additional coverage, because he is a good
customer and you want to show your appreciation. In this scenario, you choose not
to reprice the contract. See Extending a Contract without Repricing, page 17-4.
You can also extend the duration of a contract line manually. See Extending a Contract
Line, page 17-6.
After you have extended a contract, you should review any changes to the billing
schedules. See How Billing Schedules Are Updated for Extended Contracts, page 17-9
Note: You cannot extend the original contract if it has already been
renewed. However, you can extend the renewed contract, as long as
another contract does not follow it.
Contract Renewals
The process of renewing a contract involves making a copy of an existing, active
• Create global defaults. See Setting Up Defaults for Contract Renewal, page 2-34.
After a contract has been renewed, changes to the existing contract will not update the
renewal contract. For example, if a contract is renewed 90 days before expiration and
the customer requests changes to their existing contract 15 days after the renewal
process has begun, the changes made to the existing contract will not be reflected on the
renewed agreement. If changes have not been made on the renewal contracts and it is
still in an Entered state, you can:
• Delete the renewal contract.
• Renew the contract again, so that the latest changes are incorporated on the renewal
• A new instance is not created in Oracle Installed Base and the new
contract continues to reference the same parent item. However, if
you use the Copy function to create a new Subscription contract, a
new instance is created in Oracle Installed Base.
2. Select Extend.
The Extend Contracts window appears.
4. Select Extend.
5. A decision message indicating that the contract was successfully extended appears.
Click Yes to save changes.
6. To verify if that the contract was extended, highlight the contract and right click.
7. Select Open.
The contract authoring window appears.
8. Check the duration of the header to verify whether the contract was extended.
Note: For the procedure about extending a contract line, see Extending
a Contract Line, page 17-6.
Note: If you do not see the Open for Update button, your
administrator may not have set the status and operations to allow
online updates.
The status of the contract changes to QA hold.
2. To reprice the contract line by line, navigate to the Lines tab and Pricing/Products
3. Select Reprice.
The Repricing Results window appears.
4. Click Apply.
Verify that the pricing was updated. You may also want to review the billing
streams. The application adds an additional stream level sequence to cover the
extended duration.
6. Click Continue.
4. Highlight the line you want to extend, right-click and select Extend Line.
The Extend Contracts Line window appears.
7. A decision box appears, indicating that the line was successfully extended.
9. Close the Contract Execution window and return to the Contract Navigator.
10. To verify that the contract line was extended, return to the Contract Execution
2. The application checks if the renewal process is Evergreen. If so, the application
renews the contract as an Evergreen contract.
3. The application then determines if the contract qualifies as Evergreen based on the
Evergreen threshold amount. If so, the application renews the contract as an
Evergreen contract.
4. If the contract fails the previous two Evergreen checks, the application determines if
the contract qualifies as an Online contract based on the Online threshold amount.
If so, the application renews the contract as an Online contract.
5. If the amount does not meet the Online threshold but renewal process is set to
Online, the application renews the contract as an Online contract.
6. If the contract does not qualify as Evergreen or Online based the previous steps, the
application uses the default renewal rule during renewal.
How the Application Derives the Effective Renewal Rule for a Contract
Contract Null NA NA
Global Online -- --
In the previous example, if the contract amount is equal to 15,000, the application uses
the default renewal process at the party level, which is Evergreen. This level is used
irrespective of the contract amount.
How the Application Derives the Effective Renewal Rule for a Contract
Contract Online NA NA
Global Online -- --
In the previous example, if the amount is 5,000, the Evergreen process holds. If the
contract amount is 15,000, the Online process holds. If the amount is 25,000, the Online
process holds. After the application derives the renewal process, workflow logic
determines contract routing and the process flow.
• Online
• Evergreen
• Do Not Renew
The Manual, Online, and Evergreen renewal types have subprocesses that you define
by selecting an Internal Approval method either within the contract itself or within the
Global Contracts Defaults. Internal approval method is a required field that needs to be
defined when a renewal process is defined at the contract, party, organization, or global
level. When the renewal process determines the renewal process type for a contract, the
• The sales representative reviews the contract and makes any necessary changes.
The application sets the negotiation status to Pending Approval.
• After the contract is approved, the application changes the status to Active or
Signed and sets the negotiation status to Complete.
Understanding Manual Renewals with the Internal Approval Set to Not Required
By setting the renewal type of a contract to Manual with the Internal Approval set to
Not Required, you can author a contract and have it activate after customer acceptance.
The following describes how the process works:
• The Submit for Internal Approval action results in an automatic QA Check and then
• A QA Check failure results in a Failure notification, and routes the contract back to
Negotiation stage of process where it may be updated and then activated.
• The application activates the contract by the Signature notification directed to the
sales representative.
• If the QA Check fails, the application sends a notification. The hierarchy for the
notification is:
• Sales representative, if defined on contract
• After the contract has been corrected, the contracts administrator can resubmit it, so
it will be picked up by the Autorenew workflow.
• The application sends an e-mail notification to the customer. This is the Quote To
contact on the contract. The e-mail contains the following:
• A URL for customer to view Quote Letter, which is defined in OKC Print
Contracts setup.
• An account and password that are required to log into the web page and view
quote. Account and Password are stored in FND USERS and associated with
the Quote To contact.
• Upon receipt of the e-mail, the customer may log into the web page to review the
quote and accept, reject, or request changes to the contract renewal. See Overview
of the Customer Acceptance Portal, page 15-1.
If the customer accepts the contract renewal, the following occurs:
• The application updates renewal status to Quote Accepted.
• The application sends a notification to the contract approver. If the QA Check fails,
the application sends a notification to the help desk e-mail account.
• If the customer rejects the quote, the application sends a notification and places the
contract in the Rejection negotiation status. The hierarchy for the notification is as
• Sales representative, if defined on contract
• The sales representative must resubmit rejected quotes for approval after making
required modifications. After the approval, the application updates the status to
Active or Signed.
Understanding Online Renewals with the Internal Approval Set to Not Required
By setting the renewal type of a contract to Online with the Internal Approval Set to Not
Required, you are allowing the internal approval to be skipped during the Online
process. This allows the application to directly submit a contract for activation after
online customer acceptance.
The following describes how the process works:
• Online customer acceptance results in an automated QA check and automatic
submission for contract activation.
Note: If you do not see the Submit button, your administrator may not
have set the status and operations to allow online updates.
Understanding Evergreen Renewals with the Internal Approval Set to Not Required
By setting the renewal type of a contract to Evergreen Renewals with the Internal
Approval set to Not Required, the application renews the contract in a status of Active.
Following is a description of how the process works:
• The application renews contract in Active status.
This renewal type does not require approval or human intervention.
To specify the contract should be renewed manually with the internal approval set to
You can specify whether a contract should renewal manually on the contract. Upon
renewal, whether it is an event-driven or manual renewal, the application sends a
notification to the sales representative associated with the renewal. See Understanding
Sales Credits During Renewals, page 17-22.
Confirm the setup of sales territories, or set OKS: Use Territories to Default Sales Person
to No and specify the sales representative who handles renewal requests in the profile
option OKS: Default Sales Person for Renewal.
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Summary tab and the
Renewals subtab.
To specify the contract should be renewed manually with the internal approval set to not
You can allow a contract to automatically activate after customer acceptance.
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Summary tab and
Renewals subtab.
4. To require the contract author to enter a purchase order before the contract can be
renewed, select Yes from the PO Required list.
To specify the contract should be renewed online with the internal approval set to
Online renewal is available for Warranty and Extended Warranty, Service Agreement,
and Subscription categories of contracts.
The e-mail the application sends includes a hyperlink the customer can use to access
your organization's web site and renew the contract. See Overview of the Customer
Acceptance Portal, page 15-1.
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Summary tab and the
Renewals subtab.
4. In the Quote to region, use the LOV to enter the contact, e-mail address, and phone.
Note: The contact must have an existing e-mail address. You cannot
add new addresses here.
To specify the contract should be renewed online with the internal approval set to
You can allow a contract to be automatically submitted for internal approval without
intervention by the sales representative after it is accepted online by a customer.
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Summary tab and the
Renewals subtab.
4. In the Quote to region, use the LOV to enter the contact, e-mail address, and phone.
Note: The contact must have an existing e-mail address. You cannot
add new addresses here.
5. Save.
To specify the contract should be renewed online with the internal approval set to not
You can have online customer acceptance result in an automated QA check and
submission for contract activation.
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Summary tab and
Renewals subtab.
4. In the Quote to region, use the LOV to enter the contact, e-mail address, and phone.
Note: The contact must have an existing e-mail address. You cannot
add new addresses here.
5. Save.
4. To require the entry of a purchase order before the contract can be approved, select
Yes from the PO Required list.
To specify an evergreen renewal with the internal approval set to not required:
You can have the application renew a contract upon expiration.
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Summary tab and the
Renewals subtab.
4. Specify a date in the Renew Up To field. The contract keeps renewing automatically
until this date.
5. Save.
Derive for Revenue Type and Retain Other Drops and derives only the sales credit
specified under the OKS:Revenue Type profile
option; Retains the other sales credit.
Rules to Derive Sales Representative When the Profile Option OKS: Enable Sales
Credits is set to Derive:
The application uses the following profile options to derive a sales representative for
the renewal agreement:
• OKS: Use Territories to Default Sales Person
• If set to Yes, the sales representative uses Territory Setup.
• If set to No, then Service Contracts uses the value entered in OKS: Sales person
to derive the vendor contact and or sales representative.
• If OKS: Use Territories to Default Sales Person is set to No, and you do not set a
value for OKS: Sales Person, the contract fails to renew and produces an error
message. You may manually add additional sales representative to the Sales
Credits form after the application creates the renewal agreement
• OKS: Revenue Type for Sales Credits: Indicates whether the revenue is quota or
non-quota for the default sales representative.
• Manual: The application retains the price of the original contract for the renewed
3. If you have selected Price List, then enter the price list to be used for the renewal in
2. If you are marking up the contract price and wish to put a limit on the
maximum price the customer will pay, then enter a price list in the Price List
field. The price of the renewed contract cannot go over the price listed in the
price list.
For example, if you enter 20% as your markup and the current list price of the
service is $100, then the renewed contract is priced at $120. If you enter a price
list that lists the service at $110, however, then this price list caps the maximum
price for the service at $110. The customer pays a maximum of $110 for the
Note: The price cap works only for (positive) markups and not
for discounts.
4. Click Renew.
5. A decision message appears indicating that the contract successfully renewed. Click
Yes to save changes.
The Contract Navigator appears.
6. On the right hand side of the form, right mouse click to select Refresh.
You should be able to identify the contract with the new modifier.
7. On the right hand side of the form, highlight the contract with the New Modifier
and right mouse click to select Open.
If you add a 30 day grace period to this contract, services 2 and 3 are eligible for
entitlement until 30-JAN-2004. Service 1 is not.
The same logic applies to sublines and coverage terms. Only those items that end on the
same day as the contract end date are considered for coverage during the grace period.
As long as the business processes are eligible for entitlement, the original terms
associated with the business process (preferred engineer, coverage times, reaction times,
resolution times, and billing types) will continue through the extended period.
2. Select the unit of measure from the Grace Period LOV. (For example: Days)
4. To deny an existing grace period, delete the entry in the Grace Duration field.
5. Save.
3. To adjust the grace period, then make changes in these same fields.
4. To deny an existing grace period, then delete the entry in the Grace Duration field.
5. Save.
• Improves the customer relationship. All the customer's services may be included in
a single contract or several consolidated contracts based on how the contracts are to
be billed.
The renewal consolidation process is initiated after a contract has been renewed, which
may have been the result of the renewal event where contracts are renewed in mass or
manually renewed from the Contract Navigator using the right mouse click. In both
cases the contract is in the Entered status and is considered the Target contract.
If a contract is not valid for consolidation, you will see the error message Target contract
is invalid. If the target contract is eligible for renewal consolidation, the Renewal
Consolidation window is displayed and is used to facilitate the selection of all the
source contracts for consolidation. The upper half of the window displays all the details
of the target contract. The lower half displays all the eligible source contracts in a tree
The following lines are displayed:
• Service lines
• Sublines or covered levels, for example, Party, Customer, Site, Product, Item, and
• Source contract end date +1 is within the effectivity of the target contract.
When submitting the renewal consolidation, a concurrent request consolidates all of the
selected source lines into the target contract. If the services are the same on the source
and target contracts, the covered levels of those services can be merged into one
contract line on the target contract.
Merging occurs if the following conditions are met:
• Target and source lines have the same:
• Service Item
• Organization ID
• Renewal Type
• Bill-To site
In addition, setting the profile option OKS: Check Coverage Match to Yes, forces the
renewal consolidation process to preserve differences in coverage.
• Coverage Type
• Business Processes
• Preferred Resources
The start dates of the consolidated lines begin one day after the expiration of the
original source line and all the end dates coterminate with the target contract. When the
operation instance is reviewed at a later date, that is, after the concurrent request has
processed normally, all the consolidated source lines are identified with ##.
When the renewal consolidation or operation instance is created, a source line is eligible
for consolidation at that point in time. However, between the time it is created and the
time it is submitted, a given source line may have been renewed, whether it be by
consolidation in another operation instance or renewed manually. Therefore, at the time
of submission, the application verifies that the source is still eligible for consolidation. If
not eligible, Oracle Service Contracts excludes the source line from the consolidation.
After consolidation has taken place, the target may be opened to verify that all the
source contracts have been consolidated successfully. The new terms and conditions
may then be reviewed with the customer. Once the customer agrees with its terms and
conditions, the contract may be submitted for approval and billed at the intervals
designated in the contract.
6. To save and retrieve the consolidation at a later review, click Save. You can leave
this window and when your changes are reflected in the Renewal Consolidation
8. Save.
You can refresh the window by clicking Refresh Source to monitor the processing.
After the line has been consolidated the ## appears next to the line, which indicates
9. Open the target contract and verify all source contracts have been consolidated
3. In the message region, enter any text that you wish to appear in the body of the
5. Click Send.
A Note window indicating a concurrent request has been submitted appears.
See also Creating and Enabling Templates for E-Mails to Customers, page 18-4.
• Provide a cancellation reason at both service lines and covered products. If a service
line is canceled, all child sublines are canceled as well. Similarly, canceling a
contract should result in all lines and sublines being canceled.
You can terminate lines and sublines in contracts due to service transfer, product
return, product replacement, updates to instance quantity in installed base, instance
expiration/termination in installed base and manual service termination. When you
terminate lines and sublines, the termination reason and source appears in the
authoring form along with termination date and status.
You cancel both lines and sublines for contracts with the Entered status; whether these
contracts were created as new contracts through authoring, or as renewal contracts
through the renewal event or the manual renewal process. You can also cancel both
lines and sublines for Manual and Online renewal contracts, provided they pass QA
successfully at time of renewal, Evergreen contracts go straight to Active status and are
not typically eligible for line level cancellations.
If you cancel a line or subline, the cancellation date stamp is today's date. You must also
enter a cancellation reason.
If you attempt to delete an Entered contract with lines that are canceled due to Transfer,
all canceled status lines are deleted on the contract except for the lines that are canceled
with a cancellation source of Service Transfer.
You cannot delete service lines or covered levels that were canceled as a result of a
service transfer:
Canceled lines are excluded from quotes, QA checks, and are not eligible for billing or
termination. Amounts for canceled lines are not rolled up to contract line/header.
Canceled lines are included in reports.
After you activate a contract, the canceled lines and sublines remain on the active
contract as Canceled. In subsequent renewals, the canceled lines drop from the renewed
contract. If all lines in Signed, Active, Expired status are terminated during the life of
• Revert update.
• Update service.
• Revert update
• Update service
3. From the Tools menu, select Change Status. The Service Line Status window
7. Scroll right to view the Cancellation fields, Amount, Date, and Reason.
3. From the Tools menu, select Change Status. The Covered Level Status window
2. Administrator Workbench: Select the Email Quote action of the My In Process bin.
See Sending an E-Mail to a Customer from the Administrator Workbench, page 13-
• Acceptance Confirmation
• Cancellation Letter
For each e-mail communication, the application generates an HTML e-mail body from
the template and attaches the PDF attachment.
The subject line for each e-mail type is preset and cannot be modified. The following
table lists the subject lines for the three types of e-mail communications:
The application sends all communications to the e-mail address the agent enters into the
contract authoring window (the Quote To region of the Summary tab, Renewals
You can create multiple sets of templates for use on different dates, by different internal
organizations, or targeted to different customers.
Process Overview
You must complete the following two steps to create both e-mail attachments and
electronic renewal communications:
1. Create the template documents, using Microsoft Word (or another application
capable of saving files in the RTF format), following the procedures described in the
Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide.
In the document you can embed codes (XML data elements) which the application
uses to supply contract-specific information including:
• Details about the contract
• The URL the customer can use to log into an application-generated Web page.
There they can review the quote, indicate their acceptance, or request changes.
2. Upload the document and register it as a template in Oracle XML Publisher. See
Uploading and Registering a Template in Oracle XML Publisher, page 18-19 for
To create templates for e-mails sent automatically by the electronic renewals feature of
this application you must also complete these two additional steps:
1. Specify the set of templates that are going to be used for a specific renewal flow. See
Creating the Set of Templates Used for Customer Communications, page 18-21.
2. Specify how the template set is to be used. See Specifying How the Template Sets
Are to Be Used, page 18-23.
3. Upload and register the document as a template in Oracle XML Publisher. See
Uploading and Registering a Template in Oracle XML Publisher, page 18-19.
5. Group the templates into sets and specify when to send the notices. Creating the Set
of Templates Used for Customer Communications, page 18-21.
All templates defined in a template set are available for agents to send as a PDF
attachment when they send out an e-mail from the Oracle Service Contracts
Authoring window or Administrator Workbench. The application resolves the
correct template set for the selected contract based on party, organization, and
global hierarchy and displays all templates available for that contract.
3. Upload and register the document as a template in Oracle XML Publisher. See
Uploading and Registering a Template in Oracle XML Publisher, page 18-19.
5. Group the templates into sets and specify when to send these notices.Creating the
Set of Templates Used Customer Communications, page 18-21.
6. Specify how you wish to use the template sets. See Specifying How the Template
Sets Are to Be Used, page 18-23.
7. Optionally, you can preview the communications generated by the template set for
a specific contract, for a party, or for an entire internal organization by running the
Generate Quotes concurrent program. See Viewing PDF Attachments, page 18-24.
• Contract taxes
• Current date
Note: For this release, you are restricted to the data definition
provided by Oracle. You can view the structure of the data
definition by following the procedure described in Viewing the
Data Definition Structure, page 18-18.
Contract Header
The following table lists XML data elements you can use to insert information from the
contract header (basic information about the contract the agent enters at the top of the
Service Contract Authoring window).
You must preface any of the XML data elements with the following string:
For example, to insert the contract number into your document you must enter:
Status Status
Currency Currency
Note: Some of the XML data elements are derived from information
entered by agents in applications other than Oracle Service Contracts.
For example, address details are entered in Oracle TeleService, Oracle
Receivables, Oracle TeleSales and other applications.
You must preface the XML data elements with the following string:
For example, to insert the full name of the recipient into your document you must enter:
Email EmailAddress
Address1 Address1
Address2 Address2
Address3 Address3
Address4 Address4
City City
State State
• If you are using Oracle Order Management to create contracts, the sales agent in the
You must preface the XML data elements with the following string:
For example, to insert the full name of the sales agent into your document you must
Email EmailAddress
Address1 Address1
Address2 Address2
Address3 Address3
Address4 Address4
City City
State State
For example, to insert the customer name into your document you must enter:
For example, to insert the date of start date of the billing period in your document you
must enter:
If your billing schedule has multiple billing periods, follow the instructions described in
the Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide.
Amount Amount
For example, to insert the city in your document you must enter:
Address1 Address1
Address2 Address2
Address3 Address3
Address4 Address4
City City
State State
Province Province
County County
For example, to insert the last name of the contact in your document you must enter:
Phone BillToPhone
Fax BillToFax
Email BillToEmail
For example, to insert the city in your document you must enter:
Address1 Address1
Address2 Address2
Address3 Address3
Address4 Address4
City City
State State
Province Province
County County
Contract Taxes
To enter the amount of taxes for the contract as a whole into your document, then enter
the following string:
The contract tax amount is calculated by the application and appears in the Tax field on
For example, to insert the name of the service, usage, or subscription in your document
you must enter:
To insert information from multiple lines, follow the instructions described in the Oracle
XML Publisher User's Guide.
To insert information from multiple lines, follow the instructions described in the Oracle
XML Publisher User's Guide.
For example, to insert the date of the invoice in your document you must enter:
To insert information from multiple lines, follow the instructions described in the Oracle
XML Publisher User's Guide.
Amount Amount
For example, to insert the name of the contact in your document you must enter:
To insert information from multiple lines, follow the instructions described in the Oracle
XML Publisher User's Guide.
Email Email
Address1 Address1
Address2 Address2
Address3 Address3
Address4 Address4
City City
State State
Province Province
County County
The following table lists the XML data elements you can use to enter information about
sublines. For service lines, this is what the service covers (for example, a product, or a
customer site). For usage lines, this is the individual counter used to track usage.
If you have only one subline in your contract, then preface the XML data elements with
the following string:
For example, to insert the level of coverage for a service line in your document you
must enter:
To insert information from multiple sublines, follow the instructions described in the
Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide.
Name Name
Quantity Quantity
For example, to insert the user name into your document you must enter:
Password Password
Current Date
To insert the current date (sysdate) into your document, then enter the following string
as the XML tag name:
4. Click Go.
6. Click the OKSCONDATA.xml link in the Preview Data field to view or save the
5. In the Code field, enter a code (no longer than 10 characters) for the template. start
with this product's short code (OKS) and a descriptive ending. For example:
7. Select OKSCONDATA from the Data Definition LOV. This is the data definition
supplied by Oracle. In this release, you are restricted to using this data definition
9. In Start Date, enter the date from which the template will be active.
10. In the End Date, enter the date when this template becomes inactive. This is
14. Select the language of the template you have uploaded from the Language LOV.
15. Language territories are not supported in this release, so you can leave the Territory
field blank.
17. You can preview a PDF of your template to validate your work by navigating to the
View Template page and selecting the Preview icon. See the Viewing and Updating
section of the Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide for details.
3. Optionally, enter a start and end date to restrict the availability of this template set.
• Both online and manual: Identifies template for both manual and online
negotiation processes.
2. Select a Document Type from the LOV. The seeded document types are:
• Acceptance Confirmation
• Activation Confirmation
• Cancellation Confirmation
• Quote
• Reminder Notice
You can also created user defined documents types. See About E-mails
Generated by Electronic Renewals, page 18-2.
3. From the Applies to LOV select whether the template applies to new contracts,
renewals, or both.
7. To restrict the use of this reminder to a specific time period, then enter a start
date, an end date, or both.
8. Specify when you wish the reminder to be sent in relationship to the start date
of the renewed contract. This is done by entering a negative number in the
Duration field and choosing the time unit of measure from the Period LOV. For
example, to send the reminder two weeks before the start date of the renewed
9. You can have the application reset the status of the contract after the notice is
sent. To do so, select a status from the Status LOV.
6. Save.
• Specify different template sets for use by different organizations within your
The application looks for an appropriate template set from the most specific to the
global. If the application does not find a template set specified at the customer level, it
looks at the organization level, if none is found at the organization level either, it uses
the template specified at the global level.
For example, if you specify Set 1 of renewal e-mail communications to be used at the
global level, and specify Set 2 to be used for customers A and B. Then any contract for
customers A and B will use Set 2, and contracts for all other customers will use Set 1.
Create the template sets used to generate the negotiation communications.
2. Select a template for electronic renewals at the global level using the Template Set
LOV in the Global region at the top of the window.
3. Select a template set language. This attribute determines the language passed to the
XML publisher while looking up templates. XML Publisher returns the appropriate
template for the specified language.
5. To specify different template sets for organizations in your own company, then for
each organization:
1. Select the Organizations tab and Electronic Renewal subtab.
6. Save.
3. Click OK.
The Submit Request window appears.
5. Select the template set name from the Quote Template LOV.
Note: If you do not enter any values, the application generates the
• For a single contract, select the contract number from the Contract Number
8. Click Submit.
The Decision window appears with the identification number of the request you
have submitted. Use this number to monitor the progress of your request.
The Requests window appears showing the status of your concurrent requests.
The Generate Quotes process you have submitted automatically starts the Service
Contracts Quote request. Both have to complete successfully for the
communications to be generated successfully.
12. Place your cursor in the line displaying the Service Contracts Quote process status.
13. Click View Output to display the generated communications in a separate browser
5. Click OK.
7. To download a document:
1. Select a link in the Name column.
The View Template page opens.
2. Click Download.
Using Notes
This group of topics explains how you can use notes to add additional information to a
For detailed information about using notes, refer to the Oracle Common Application
Components User Guide.
You can use notes to communicate with other contract administrators, service agents,
and sales representatives regarding the details of a contract. For example, you can
include notes for contract administrators regarding the management of the contract, or
to service agents regarding the services provided under the contract.
A note can contain any free format text and can be attached to either a:
• Service contract, see Adding Service Contract Notes, page 19-3.
• Service coverage (which is the instantiated coverage of a particular service line), see
Adding Service Coverage Notes to a Service Coverage (Instantiated Coverage),
page 19-8.
Note: Although there are two seeded note types, note types are user
extensible. You can add your own note type to the contract note source.
For detailed information about using notes, refer to the Oracle Common
Application Components User Guide.
1. Contracts Admin: allows you to add further information to the contract at the
contract header level, to the coverage template, or at the service level.
Contracts Admin notes indicate how to manage the contract itself and are useful for
the sales representative or contract administrator.
You can view Contracts Admin notes at the header level and at the line level
2. Contract Coverage: allows you to add further information to the coverage template
or the service coverage.
Contract Coverage notes generally relate to a specific service and explain any
relevant details of how the service is to be carried out. These notes are most useful
to the users who review entitlements.
You can also add Contract Coverage notes to a coverage template, which will be
copied over to the actual instantiated coverage that is tied to the contract line. These
notes can be viewed from the service coverage on the contract.
You can see Contract Coverage notes only at the line level.
• Public: The creator and other users can read and write to it.
5. Save.
Note: You can view a summary listing of all notes by selecting the
Summary tab.
• Public: The creator and other users can read and write to it.
5. Save.
The note appears in the Notes tab.
The Related To field is automatically populated with the Coverage Template value
and the Value field indicates the coverage template.
8. Click OK.
• Public: The creator and other users can read and write to it.
5. Save.
The note appears in the Notes tab.
8. Click OK.
Viewing Notes
Notes for the contract and coverage notes for a service line are managed and viewed
separately. You access these notes from different points within the application.
• To view notes for a contract, select the Summary tab.
• To view notes for a service coverage, select the Lines tab, and then select a service
To view notes:
1. From the Service Contracts Authoring window, select the Tools menu, and then
select Notes.
The Notes window appears. On the Notes tab, you will see a listing of the available
To terminate a contract:
1. From the Contract Navigator, highlight the contract that you want to terminate.
5. Optionally, you can use the Override Amount field to override the calculated
The amount that is entered for override cannot be negative or more than the
original credit. Entering zero in the Override field will not prevent a credit memo
from being generated; it will generate a credit memo for zero dollars.
6. To issue a full credit during termination, select the Full Credit check box.
The Amount field displays the total amount that was billed for the contract at the
time of termination.
Note: The Full Credit check box gives you greater flexibility to
control the credit amount. You can also use this check box in
situations where you wish to credit more than the prorated amount
but not the full credit amount, by selecting the Full Credit check
box and then entering a value in the Override Amount field.
For example, if the prorated amount is $500 and the Full Amount is
$1,000 and you want to credit $800, you can select the Full Credit
check box and enter $800 in the Override Amount field.
7. If you do not want to generate a credit memo, select the Suppress Credit check box.
Note: If credits are suppressed in error, you can run the Service
Contracts Program to Process Suppress Credits. This program
enables users to generate credits for contract terminations for which
credits have been suppressed. See About Concurrent Programs,
page 21-8.
8. Click Terminate.
• Hold: You can perform a termination irrespective of the status and operation
setting, Eligible for Invoicing.
• All Other Statuses: You cannot perform a termination if the status and operation
setting, Eligible for Invoicing, is not enabled.
6. Optionally, you can use the Override Amount field to override the calculated
7. To issue a full credit during termination, select the Full Credit check box.
The Amount field displays the total amount that was billed for the line at the time
of termination.
8. If you do not want to generate a credit memo, select the Suppress Credit check box.
Note: If credits are suppressed in error, you can run the Service
Contracts Program to Process Suppress Credits. This program
enables users to generate credits for contract terminations for which
credits have been suppressed.
9. Click Terminate.
A Decision window appears, indicating that the contract line was successfully
terminated. Click Yes to save your changes.
The Status Meaning for the line shows as Terminated.
4. Select Review.
If the customer is due a credit for amounts that were paid prior to the termination
date, the credit amount appears in the Amount field.
5. Optionally, you can use the Override Amount field to override the calculated
The amount that is entered for override cannot be negative or more than the
original credit. Entering zero in the Override field will not prevent a credit memo
from being generated; it will generate a credit memo for zero dollars.
6. To issue a full credit during termination, select the Full Credit check box.
The Amount field displays the total amount that was billed for the covered level or
7. If you do not want to generate a credit memo, select the Suppress Credit check box.
8. Click Terminate.
5. Confirm whether the customer is due a credit for amounts that were paid prior to
the termination dates. The amount is indicated in the Amount field for each
associated contract number.
6. Optionally, you can use the Override Amount field to override the calculated
The amount that is entered for override cannot be negative or more than the
original credit. Entering zero in the Override field will not prevent a credit memo
from being generated; it will generate a credit memo for zero dollars.
• Reason
8. To issue a full credit during termination, select the Full Credit check box for the
associated contract number.
The Amount fields display the total amount that was billed for the associated
contract number at the time of termination.
9. If you do not want to generate a credit memo, select the Suppress Credit check box
for the associated contract number.
Note: If credits are suppressed in error, you can run the Service
Contracts Program to Process Suppress Credits. This program
enables users to generate credits for contract terminations for which
credits have been suppressed. See About Concurrent Programs,
page 21-8.
Note: After you terminate the contracts, you can run the Main
Billing program to generate the necessary billing transactions as a
result of the terminations.
• Total field in the terminated region: Reflects the amount that was credited
after the termination was submitted.
Service Lines
You can request service line termination at different levels, such as contract level, line
level, and subline level. Regardless of the termination level, the new extended price,
termination amount, credit, or unbilled amounts are calculated at sub line level and
then rolled up to the higher levels.
The following list describes how the application calculates terminations and generates
credits using partial periods for service lines:
• If termination action is requested at service line level or contract level, then repeats
the preceding for all sublines that are affected and rolls up amounts to higher levels.
The application processes partial periods differently for contracts that are generated
from Oracle Order Management. The following table describes some of the variations
within the termination logic.
Oracle Order Management originated contract Application bases termination on Daily Rates.
with dates and no Partial Periods attributes
defined. Application does not stamp contract with
Partial Period values.
For information about service lines, see About Service Lines, page 3-3.
Usage Lines
For usage lines, you must define the termination method that the application will use to
calculate the usage and to credit the customer upon termination. You can choose
between the Amount Based Termination and Counter Based Termination method.
Amount Based Termination
Charges the customer based on the amount of usage that is recorded when the contract
is terminated. The customer is charged based on the actual usage. This is the default
method for all usage types.
Counter Based Termination
The application credits the unused portion of the service based on the price that the
customer would pay if they continued consumption at the same rate for the rest of the
period. This means that the customer receives any price break based on the estimated
For information about usage lines, see About Crediting a Customer in Terminations,
page 4-17.
Subscription Lines
For subscription lines, how the terminated contract is prorated depends on whether it is
for a tangible or an intangible subscription.
Tangible Subscription Termination
Termination for tangible subscriptions can be done only for quantities (or fulfillment
periods), that have not been passed to Oracle Order Management. The termination
amount correlates to the quantity that is terminated. For example, if 12 fulfillment
periods exist for the subscription line, then the line can be terminated only in 1/12th
increments of the total line value. If the end date of the latest fulfilled period is greater
than the termination date, the termination date for the subscription line will be moved
forward to be equal to the end date of the latest fulfilled period.
Suppose that you have a 12-month subscription with a start date of January 1. The
billing amount for each month is $10. The months of January, February, and March
have passed to Oracle Order Management. If a termination date of February 15 is
• Regardless of Period Start value on the contract, the application always uses Period
Start as Service Start when billing subscription lines. This is due to the relationship
between fulfillment quantity, pricing, and billing on subscription offerings.
About Reports
This section provides a high-level description of various reports that are available in
Oracle Service Contracts and describes the parameters that are available for each. Some
parameters are required, while other parameters are optional and can be used to
narrow the scope of the information that is included in the report.
Reports also create output information, that can be used to analyze your contracts.
The following reports are listed in the order in which they appear in the Reports list of
values (LOV) for the Service Contracts Manager responsibility. The Reports LOV
includes reports and concurrent programs. For information on how to submit a report,
see Running Reports and Programs, page 21-14.
Contracts QA Report
This report enables you to run a quality assurance (QA) check on multiple contracts. A
QA check is particularly useful when run immediately before the billing process to help
identify contract issues on before the contracts are submitted to Accounts Receivable.
• To Contract Number
Note: When running this report, the defaults From Start Date and
To Start Date are the current date. If your contracts start before this
date, you will not see a report. Be sure to check your start dates.
• To Start Date
• Contract Status
• Submit for Approval: If this parameter is set to Yes, the contract is automatically
submitted for approval if it passes QA.
The report output includes details of the data checked including whether the checked
data had warnings and errors and if so, what results were found.
• Role (required)
• Category
• Start Date To
• Status
• Currency
The report output lists the contract number, modifier, short description, date signed
currency code, estimated amount and the status. The output is sorted by the contract
group and the role, such as customer.
Generate Quote
This report integrates with XML Publisher, to generate a PDF file using the quote
template that you specify in the parameters.
You can define the following parameters:
• Quote Template (required)
• Acceptance Confirmation - Sample
• Contract Number
The report output provides a PDF file based on the quote template that you select.
• Operating Unit
• Sales Rep
• Customer
• To End Date
The report output includes a listing the part number, product description and serial
number, along with details of the line amount and the installed base start and end
• Operating Unit
• Sales Rep
• Status Code
• Currency Code
The report output provides a listing of forecast information by sales representative. This
includes customer, contract number, modifier, status, start and end date, forecast
percentage, forecast date, last update date, contract value, contract forecast, revenue to
be recognized, and currency code.
• Operating Unit
• Sales Rep
• Approved Date To
• Value Exceeding
• Sort By
You can sort the report output by any of the preceding parameters or by contract
number, contract value, currency, customer name, date approved, invoice date,
invoice number, invoice value, modifier, sales representative, or start date.
• Contract #
• Customer
• Status Type
• Status Code
• Start Date To
• End Date To
• Operating Unit
• Service level details for each line, such as the line number, the service, start and end
dates, and total value.
• Product level details for each line, such as line number, product name, start and end
dates, installed base number, serial number, reference number, quantity, pricing
attributes, and final price.
• Operating Unit
• Currency Code
• Start Date
The report output provides a listing of the following information by status type and
status code; currency code, number of contracts, contract value, booking forecast,
revenue recognized value, and forecast value.
• Operating Unit
• Rep Name
• Customer Number
• Customer Name
• Form Date
• To Date
• Currency Code
The report output provides a summary listing of contracts for each customer, sorted by
sales representative. The report includes customer number, customer name, contract
number, modifier, status type, start and end dates, total value, currency code, and when
the contract was last updated.
• Operating Unit
• Customer Number
• Customer Name
• To End Date
• Status Code
• Status Type
• Currency Code
• Detail Report
The report output provides a listing of service contracts by status. It is sorted by sales
representative and provides status, customer, and start and end dates as well as the
contract value, selected status product value, and the annual rate.
• From Number
• To Number
• From modifier
• To modifier
• Transaction Type
• (Low) GL Date
• (High) GL Date
For more information about this program, refer to the Oracle Receivables User Guide.
Based on the preceding table, if you set the Service Contracts AutoReminder Program to
select all contracts where the contract status is to Quote Sent, then reminders are sent
for Contracts X and Z.
The following prerequisite steps must be performed before scheduling auto reminder
• Create templates for a quote letter and cover letter in the Template Set. Navigate to
Service Contracts, select Setup, select Service Contracts, and select Communication
Note: You can set up statuses from the Duration field of the Template
Set form. When you add reminder notices to a template set, you can
indicate how many days lead time the application uses for reminder
notices. For example, if you have a reminder notice set at -90, the
• Profile option OKS: Use Territories to Default Sales Person should be set to Yes to
use this process.
• Resource must be assigned to the contract on the Summary Parties tab in the
Contacts region for the vendor.
• Contract Status
• Operating Unit
• Sales Person
• Default Date
• Operating Unit
• Customer Name
• Category
• Group
• Preview
• Source
• Operating Unit
• Category
4. From the Name LOV, select the report you want to submit, for example (Contracts
QA Report) and click OK.
The parameters window appears.
7. Select Submit.
A Decision window appears with the request id. You should make a note of this id.
The application asks if you want to submit another request.
8. Click No.
The Find Request window appears. You can use this window to track your request.
9. Verify that the View All My Request option is selected, and click Find.
The Request window appears.
3. Enter an item.
4. Enter a description.
Note: You set up a service using a time UOM, such as Year, not
a quantity UOM, such as Each.
9. Save.
Cannot be authored, can only be created when Can be authored or created through the Order
products under warranty are sold from Oracle Management interface.
Order Management or are manually created in
the Install Base
Associated with serviceable items in Bill of Not included in a bills of material (BOM).
Materials (BOM)
Confirm that a Coverage Template is defined. See Defining a Service Coverage, page 23-
3. Enter an item.
4. Enter a description.
5. On the Main tab, select the User Item Type, Service Pgm/Warranty.
This makes the product serviceable. The Track in Installed Base check box is
automatically selected.
11. If defects for this item are to be tracked, then select the Enable Defect Tracking
check box.
15. Save.
This procedure highlights an example of how a subscription item can be set up, for
additional information on setting up product items in Oracle Inventory refer to the
Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
For information on entering subscription lines, see About Subscriptions, page 5-1.
Confirm that a Subscription Template is defined. See Setting Up a Subscription
Template, page 23-14.
3. Enter an Item.
4. Enter a Description.
5. Select the Subscription Template that should be associated with this item.
This defines the fulfillment schedule defaults.
2. Select the Enable Contract Coverage check box to identify this product as being
The Track in Installed Base check box is automatically selected.
4. Select the Subscription Template that should be associated with this item.
This value defines the fulfillment schedule defaults.
9. Save.
The subscription item is now an inventory part as well as a serviceable product.
3. Enter an Item.
4. Enter a Description.
9. Save.
2. Query an item.
1. From the View menu, select Query By Example and then Enter.
4. To enable the ability to file service requests against this item, select Enabled from
the Service Request list.
6. If defects for this item are to be tracked, then select the Enable Defect Tracking
check box.
8. Select the Billing Type field. For example, Material, Labor, or Expense.
Warranty No No No Yes
contract item
Standard Coverage
A Standard Coverage contains attributes that are associated to a Service Item in Oracle
Inventory. It provides key information on how service should be carried out on
products covered under the contract. For each business process covered, it defines the
The following topics and procedures define and describe how to set up standard
• Specifying Standard Coverage, page 23-3
Subscription Template
A subscription template contains attributes, that are associated to a subscription item in
Oracle Inventory. The attributes include Subscription type, Media and Property type,
Fulfillment Channel, and Frequency.
A subscription item can be a tangible item like a magazine, or an intangible item like a
Currently Oracle Order Management is supported as the fulfillment channel. If no
fulfillment channel is specified, it is considered an intangible item, and no delivery
schedule is created for that item. Subscription Frequency such as Yearly, Monthly,
Weekly, and Daily identifies how often an item should be delivered.
The following procedure describes setting up a subscription template, Setting Up a
Subscription Template, page 23-14.
The preceding diagram shows the steps necessary to complete standard coverage. A
description of the steps and an example follow:
• Define Coverage: Specify coverage name, type, importance level, effective dates,
warranty inheritance, transfer rules, or attach a preventative maintenance program.
• Define Business Process: Specify the business processes that the Standard
Coverage will use.
For example, select the Field Service business process. You will need to define
coverage times, reaction times, resources, and billing types for each business
process that you add.
• Define Coverage Times: Specify the days of the week and hours used to calculate
reaction and resolution times. A customer can request service anytime. If they call
up support, the service agent will not turn down the call if the call is beyond the
coverage times. The coverage times simply determine the starting point from where
you start counting reaction and resolution times. For example, if coverage ends at 5
p.m. on a Monday and starts again at 9 a.m. on a Tuesday, with a two-hour
response time, then a call received at 4 p.m. on Monday, will have a respond time of
10 a.m. Tuesday (assuming that work through is not selected). If the coverage is 24
hours per day, seven days a week, then the respond by time would be 6 p.m.
Coverage times are defined for each business process as part of coverage terms, and
they are applicable to one time zone.
• Define Resolution Times: Specify a fixed time per contract by which a normal
operation should be restored. The Resolution Times will be made available to other
functions, such as Service Request.
For example, you could set up resolution times of eight hours Monday through
Friday, which means if the customer calls Monday through Friday you must resolve
the issue within eight hours.
Resolution times are tied to severity.
• Customer time zone: The time zone derived from the Service
Request Customer's identifying address or phone number.
Other rules that help determine the best customer time zone,
• If the best customer time zone matches a coverage time zone,
the application converts the service request reported time to the
best customer time zone and uses the coverage times setup for
the best customer time zone. The application returns respond
by and resolve by times by adding the applicable response time
and resolution time to the passed service request reported time
• If the best customer time zone does not match any coverage
time zone but the default coverage is defined applicable to all
time zones, the application converts the service request
reported time to the best customer time zone and uses the
coverage times setup for the default coverage time zone. The
application returns respond by and resolve by times by adding
the applicable response time and resolution time to the passed
service request reported time in server time zone.
• If the best customer time zone does not match any coverage
time zone and default coverage is not applicable to all time
zones, the application converts the service request reported
time to the default coverage time zone and compares it with the
coverage time defined for the default coverage time zone. The
application returns respond by and resolve by times by adding
the applicable response time and resolution time to the passed
service request reported time in server time zone.
Scenario Result
• Define Billing Types: Specify for each Business Process, what type of work is
covered, to what limit, and at what rate. The billing types and rates are used when
calculating the amount to charge a customer when work has been performed.
For example, define a replacement transaction type where the customer is charged
for material and labor.
• Time Zone
Suitable as Exception check box: Select this check box if you want to use this
standard coverage as an exception coverage for other standard coverages.
Note: You can add a note the standard coverage by clicking the
Notes button. This opens the Notes window.
For information on notes, see Communicating Using Notes, page
Warranty check box: Select this check box to define warranty inheritance, which
allows the warranty to continue if the product is replaced. This check box controls
whether or not this coverage can be selected against a warranty item in the item
Inheritance: Select value if the warranty should continue when the product is
Remaining Duration: Replacement product's warranty is the remaining duration of
the original warranty.
Full New Duration: Replacement product's warranty is a new warranty duration.
Note: You can open the Preventive Maintenance Schedule form and
view or modify the information related to the selected Preventive
Maintenance program, by clicking the Schedule button.
For more information on setting up Preventive Maintenance
programs, see the Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul
User's Guide.
Note: You can click the Always Covered button, to set to set the
Start Time and End Time for all days to 00:00 and 23:59
Severity Name: Enter a name for the severity definition, for example, Level 1 or
Severity: Select the level of severity, for example High, from a LOV.
Workthrough check box: If selected, this check box overrides the normal coverage
times for that transaction.
For example, suppose you have support between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Monday
through Friday with a two-hour reaction time. If a customer calls at 4:45 p.m. in the
middle of the week and Work Through is selected, then the customer is entitled to
receive support by 6:45 p.m. that evening. If the Work Through option is not
selected, then the support representative has until 10:45 a.m. the next morning to
respond to the call.
Active check box: If selected, this check box indicates this severity level is active
and makes the reaction times available through an entitlements call.
Reaction Times for days of the week: Enter specific reaction times, in hours, for
each applicable day.
For example, if 2:00 is entered in the Monday field, then a service call must be made
within two hours if the call occurs on Monday.
Severity Name: Comes from the Severity Name on the Reaction Times tab.
Severity: Comes from the Severity on the Reaction Times tab.
Workthrough check box: If selected, this check box overrides the normal coverage
times for that transaction.
Active check box: If selected, this check box indicates this severity level is active
and makes the resolution times available through an entitlements call.
Resolution Times for days of the week: Enter specific resolution times, in hours,
for each applicable day.
For example, if 4:00 is entered in the Monday field, then the issue must be resolved
within four hours if a call occurs on Monday.
Type: Select a resource type from the LOV. For example, Engineer.
Name: Select the resource by name.
Classification: Select the proper classification for the resource from the LOV.
You can classify a resource as Preferred, Primary or Excluded.
If you classify a resource as Excluded, the Assignment Manager removes the
resource from the list of available resources.
9. Save.
4. In the Subscription Type field, select the type of subscription from the LOV.
Examples of subscription types include journals, magazines, and newsletters.
5. In the Media Type field, select the type of medium from the LOV.
Examples of medium include document, image, and audio.
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Yearly
9. Verify that the Active check box is selected to ensure that the subscription template
is active.
2. Click the flashlight icon in the toolbar. The Coverage Template window appears
with a list of the standard coverages. Select a standard coverage.
3. From the Tools menu, select Copy Coverage. The Copy Coverage window appears.
5. Click OK.
2. Save.
3. Assign the new coverage to the service item in the Item Master. See Creating
Service Items, page 22-1.
Moving forward, the application applies the new coverage when the service is
ordered in a contract or order.