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Content Standard Performance Standard: Date: April 2, 2019 Grade & Section: Time Allotment: 1 Hour, 1 Sessions/meeting

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Date: April 2, 2019 Grade & Section:

Time Allotment: 1 hour, 1 sessions/meeting

Lesson Plan in Physical Education

Unit 4: Other Dance Form (Cheerdance and Contemporary Dance)
The learner . . . The learner . . .
• Demonstrates understanding of • maintains an active lifestyle to
lifestyle and weight management to influence the physical activity
promote societal fitness. participation of the community and the
• practices healthy eating habits that
support an active lifestyle

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 70% of the students are expected to:
1. discuss the history of Cheerdance
2. identified the Cheerdance basic steps
3. make a routine of the cheerdance basic steps
4. appreciate the contribution of cheerdance in evolution of dancing

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Unit 4: Other Dance Form (Cheerdance and Contemporary Dance)
Sub Topic: Cheerdance
b. Materials: L.C.D Projector, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures
c. Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material Grade 10
Callo, Lualhati F., et.al,
Pages 159 – 162

Other reference: Internet Website

Encarnacion, Shaznie
Epic Sports: Cheer/Dance
Nolan, D.
III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
Class let us all stand and put ourselves in the presence of the Lord as we
2. Greetings
Good Afternoon class!!
3. Checking for attendance
Ms. Secretary, is someone absent for today’s class?
4. Check the cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom.
B. Review
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“What is our last topic we tackle?” “Street and Hip – hop dance”

“Very good!”

“What is the difference between Street and Hip – “Street dance refers to dance styles that have
hop dance?” evolved outside of dance studios. It is performed
in streets, dance parties, parks, school yards, or
in any available space. On the other hand, Hip –
hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily
performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved
“Very good!” as part of hip-hop culture.”

“Street dance is a collection of various similar

dance moves and styles puts together and hip-
hop music incorporates a number of iconic
elements, most notably DJing and rapping.”

“Enumerate the Styles of Hip – hop dance.” “Hip – hop dance styles are:
1. B – boying
2. Popping
3. Locking
4. Krumping
5. Tutting
6. Shuffling and;
“Very good!” 7. Wacking
C. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Class I want you to determine what is on the
picture that I will show you.”

(Pictures are shown to the students)

“So, class what are those pictures I’ve shown “Those pictures are accessory, outfits and props
you?” for Cheerdance.”

“Very good!”

“And what are those? “Those are Ribbon, Cheerleaders Uniform (both
gender), and Pom – poms.”
“Very good!”
D. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Our topic is all about Cheerdance.”

“What is Cheerdance?” “Cheerdancing rooted from cheerleading.

Cheerleading is the performance of a routine,
usually dominated by gymnastic skills such as
jumps, tumbling skills, lifts and tosses combined
with shouting of cheers and yells to lead the
crowd to cheer for a certain team during a game
“Very good!” or sport.”

“Cheerdance rooted from cheerleading.

Cheerleading is an organized sports activity
involving short routines that combine dance,
gymnastics, and stunt elements to cheer on
teams, most commonly football”
“Where does cheerleading was originated?”
“Very good!”

“Cheerleading dates to the 1860’s and entered “Cheerleading originated in Great Britain and
the United States in 1880’s.” spread to the United States.”

“Did you know that cheerleading was begun by


“In 1884, Princeton University get the idea that

crowd chanting at football games would boost
school spirit, so they came up with a catchy
Ray, Ray, Ray!
Tiger, Tiger, Tiger!
Sis, Sis, Sis!
Boom, Boom, Boom
Aaaaah! Princeton, Princeton, Princeton!”

“What happened in 1920’s?” “In 1920s, women became involved in

cheerleading “
“Very good!”

“In 1930s, cheers where aided by the use of pom

– poms”

“What happened in 1940’s? “In 1940’s, women are mainly leading the cheers,
and routines took on a voice of their own.”
“Very good!”

“And in 1997 cheerleading was recognized as an

independent sport.”

“Who is Lawrence Kerkimer?”

“Lawrence Herkimer is the ‘Grandfather of
“Very good!” Cheerleading.”

“Anything else?”
“He was:
1. A legend & innovator in the field of
2. Founder of the National Cheerleaders
3. Founder of Cheerleading Supply Company
4. Founder of National Cheerleading Magazine
“Very good!” called Megaphone

“Class I want you to group yourselves into 4 and
pick a leader. I want you to:
1. Read the description written on the paper
about the Cheerdance basic steps
2. Apply the descriptions
3. Make a basic routine out of the cheerdance
basic steps”
“Class your going to present it today.”

(After they all finished their task)

“Very good, class! All of you did a good work.”

“Class, I let you explore the Basic Steps of

Cheerdance because I want you to learn by your
own and also by the help of your groupmates.”
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write T if the statement is true, write F if the statement is false and underline the word/s
making the statement incorrect.
____T____1. Cheerleading was begun by men.
____F____2. Lawrence Herkimer was the “Father of Cheerleading”.
____T____3. Women are involved in cheerleading in 1920’s.
____F____4. Feet apart, hands down by the sides in blades is called Beginning Stance.
____T____5. Low ‘V’ is arms extended down forming a ‘V’.
____F____6. Hands in blades at the chin and the elbows are in is called Clasp.
____T____7. Punch is one arm extended straight up, one arm on hips and in a fist.
____T____8. Cheerleading is originated in the Great Britain.
____F____9. In 1998, cheerleading is recognized as an independent sport.
____F____10. Cheerleading was spread to Asia

Total Score:
Total No. of Students:
Standard Deviation:
Percentage Mastery:

In your notebook, Illustrate the Tumbling Skills

Submitted by:

Niña Ricca M. Rotoni

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