B078 RevB3 AFM Raman - Brochure PDF
B078 RevB3 AFM Raman - Brochure PDF
B078 RevB3 AFM Raman - Brochure PDF
Atomic Force Microscopy
Innovation with Integrity
Leading AFM-RamanTechnology
Aided by Bruker technological advances, atomic force microscopy has progressed
beyond providing only nanoscale topographical data. Today, true quantitative
characterization of electrical, thermal, and mechanical information of sample surfaces
is readily accessible. Similarly, Raman spectroscopy has emerged as the new method
for direct, label-free nondestructive analysis of chemical matter—a method that
augments the infrared approach to vibrational spectroscopy, providing not only higher
resolution but also the ability to interrogate nonpolar bonds and in-situ systems in
aqueous solutions. And these advances in AFM and spectroscopy techniques have
proven to be complementary to each other, not only because different information can
be obtained from each technique, but also
because the data acquired are interrelated Renishaw inVia RAMAN Microscope
in terms of spatial resolution. Bruker now Flexible Arm
has combined the most advanced AFM
and Raman techniques into powerful,
seamlessly integrated research solutions.
Bruker’s wide range of optimized AFM-Raman solutions
includes IRIS (Integrated AFM-Raman Imaging System) models
that enable the emerging technique of tip-enhanced Raman
spectroscopy (TERS), as well as AFM-Raman-dedicated,
Innova-IRIS TERS AFM-Raman system for materials science.
co-localized systems that integrate the highest performance,
large-sample atomic force microscopy with uncompromised
confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy.
Catalyst-IRIS AFM-
The Bruker IRIS models are proven TERS systems, whereby
Raman system for
the AFM tip becomes the light source and delivers the Raman
biology and transparent
chemical information at a significantly smaller spatial scale. samples. (Image
The Innova-IRIS is best for opaque samples, and the courtesy of Aleksander
Catalyst-IRIS is designed specifically for transparent samples. Balter, Physics
The Dimension Icon® AFM-Raman system, on the other hand, Department, UMK,
is a new milestone in co-localized surface characterization. This Torun, Poland.)
system combines advanced confocal μ-Raman imaging with
Bruker’s proprietary ScanAsyst® ease of use and PeakForce
QNM® quantitative nanomechanical mapping capability.
The Dimension Icon AFM utilizes an open-access Typography PeakForce QNM PeakForce KPFM
platform, large- or multiple-sample holders,
and numerous ease-of-use features to deliver
uncompromised performance, robustness, and
flexibility at scales previously only possible with
extensively customized systems. With the introduction
of integrated Raman spectroscopy capability, the Icon
again sets a new standard in high-performance surface G 2D D
characterization, enabling co-localized measurements
with unsurpassed efficiency and ease.
Dimension Icon-Raman in
Raman measurement position.
PeakForce QNM modulus image of a polystyrene/polypropylene Here acquiring a correlated
structure (left), and Raman map of the same area Raman chemical map of the
(right, polystyrene in green, polypropylen in red). Variations same polymer blend.
in material properties are seen to correspond with different
chemical compositions, allowing the quantitative nanomechanical
information in the modulus image to serve effectively as a higher
resolution chemical map.
High-resolution X-Y stage permits fast and accurate Wide-open access to tip and sample accommodates a
positioning between the AFM and Raman instrument large variety of standard and customized experiments
Full range of AFM capabilities provides more features ScanAsyst enables dramatically more productive
than any other system imaging with fully automatic parameter
optimization, guaranteeing best results on the most
delicate samples
TERS System for Material Science
Innova-IRIS with IRIS TERS Probes
To combine AFM and Raman spectroscopy techniques
successfully for use on opaque samples, or to be able
to explore the full capabilities of TERS, an AFM platform
must fulfill a set of fundamental requirements. First,
optical access to the tip-sample junction is needed to
maximize light capture and far-field to near-field coupling
with full accounting for tip-shadowing and polarization
effects. Second, the optical “hot-spot” alignment must
be retained during scanning (i.e., it must be a stationary
tip system).
The Innova-IRIS provides exceptionally easy setup and use, even with the
full AFM-Raman integration in place. The system also exhibits the stringent
performance required for both advanced atomic force microscopy and
Raman spectroscopy, while preserving the tip to enable tip-scattering optical RAMAN
techniques. Modular integration software ideally coordinates the actions of
the Innova AFM and spectrometer to allow combined experiments without
technique interference.
At the same time, the hardware and software of the Innova-IRIS system
preserve the full power and flexibility of both AFM and spectrometer,
providing the most complete characterization possible. Combining Raman
spectroscopy with AFM-based nanoscale electrical, mechanical, thermal
Simultaneous optical views enabling
characterization on the same sample is fast, simple, and effective.
TERS alignment.
Reliable high performance probes are the central and non-trivial part of any
TERS solution. Commercially available, Bruker’s exclusive high-contrast
TERS probes uniquely provide full access to measurement on a wide range
of samples. Bruker’s reliable TERS-STM and TERS-AFM probes exhibit zero
spectral interference (no feedback laser) delivering superior sensitivity with
high confidence.
On the other hand, your application will benefit from the best tip
preservation and lowest drift, guaranteeing that alignment is preserved even
over the optical integration times necessary to interrogate weak Raman
scatterers. Bruker’s integrated TERS solution enables researchers to focus
Nanoscale strain in silicon and buried oxide is
on what is most important in their work: scientific discovery. detected by TERS using Innova-IRIS system. Data
courtesy of Dr. Daisuke Kosemura, Meiji University.
Co-localized high resolution topography (left), Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce QNM nanomechanical mapping (middle), and Raman
spectroscopy (right) can be used to identify cancerous cells unambiguously using Catalyst-IRIS.
Optimized for Life Sciences Tailored Systems
In addition to all these features, the Combine the Catalyst-IRIS with your choice of inverted optical
Catalyst-IRIS supports a number of microscope and leading Raman system to create the most
accessories to provide the complete integrated AFM-spectroscopy system optimized for your
solution for your biological samples: application. However you tailor your system, you will benefit from
the best tip and sample preservation pushing the frontier to more
Perfusing Stage Incubator enables fragile samples with smaller Raman scattering cross sections.
researchers to maintain ideal cell culture
conditions for long- duration live
cell studies
AFM topography image of the 2D In situ nanomechanical map of fixed Overlaid AFM ScanAsyst image
polymer film on glass (gray) overplayed MDCK cell in PBS buffer acquired (brown), Raman chemical map (green)
by a confocal Raman map (3s/pixel using Catalyst with ScanAsyst and and optical view (gray) of a polymer
acquisition time at 470 μW) using MIRO. PeakForce QNM. blend containing polystyrene and
Image courtesy of Prof. Renato Zenobi low-density polyethylene. (Raman data
from ETH University. courtesy of J. Schreiber, Horiba.)
BioScope Catalyst, Icon, Innova, PeakForce QNM, and ScanAsyst are trademarks of Bruker Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. B078, Rev. B3
AFM-Raman Configurations
© 2014 Bruker Corporation. All rights reserved. Bruker Nano Surfaces Division is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
System Key Features Applications
AFM-Raman system for TERS
and material science research
Innova-IRIS with Renishaw inVia Materials research, nanoparticles,
or Horiba LabRAM graphene
Bruker exclusive, high-contrast
IRIS TERS probes
High-performance, research-grade
Materials research and development,
Dimension Icon with Renishaw inVia instrument
polymers, composites,
or Horiba LabRAM Most advanced capabilities using
PeakForce QNM, and ScanAsyst
Bruker’s IRIS solutions integrate the highest atomic force microscopy performance seamlessly with
micro-Raman systems to address your specific nanoscale spectroscopy application needs. Bruker’s
Icon-Raman systems provide an enormous wealth of information, from mechanical to electrical properties
to chemical ID or structural information, taking the quality of material characterization to a new level.
Images above show multi-dimensional characterization of a polymer blend that contains polystyrene and polyisoprene and shows
uniform and chemically pure domains with nanoscale sharp boundaries. Bruker’s Raman solution uniquely combines several
characterization methods, including a complete solution for high contrast TERS chemical identification, co-localized highest resolution
AFM imaging and Raman mapping, and quantitative nanomechanical mapping with access to the full force curve at each pixel—all of
which creates a productive system that can be tailored to your specific research needs.
Bruker Nano Surfaces Division Cover images: Spectra overlaid on the illustration
show TERS of Malachite Green on gold acquired
Santa Barbara, CA • USA with Innova-IRIS.
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