Stereochemistry Week-4) : Optical Isomerism
Stereochemistry Week-4) : Optical Isomerism
Stereochemistry Week-4) : Optical Isomerism
Optical Isomerism
Dr. Ehsan Ullah Mughal
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Gujrat
Table of Content
Sr. No. Contents Slide No.
1. General Terms related to Optical Isomerism 3
2. Plane-Polarized Light 4
3. Rotation of Plane-Polarized Light 5
4. Optical Isomers 7
5. Polarimetry & Working of Polarimeter 8
6. Optical Rotation & Enantiomeric Excess 12
7. Specific Rotation 13
8. Optically active compounds 15
9. Symmetry & Chirality 18
10. How optical isomers can be formed? 24
11. Synthesis of 2-hydroxypropanoic acid (lactic acid) 25
12. Applications 26
General Terms Related to Optical Activity
Optical activity – the ability to rotate the plane of plane–polarized light.
Plane polarized light – light that has been passed through a nicol prism or
other polarizing medium so that all of the vibrations are in the same plane.
Polarimeter – an instrument used to measure optical activity.
Plane-polarized light that passes through solutions of achiral compounds
remains in that plane ([α] = 0, optically inactive)
Solutions of chiral compounds rotate plane-polarized light and the
molecules are said to be optically active.
Optical Isomerism
Ordinary light consists of waves that vibrate in all planes perpendicular to
its direction of travel.
Plane polarized light is composed of waves that vibrate in only one plane.
Plane-Polarized Light
Rotation of Plane-Polarized Light
optically active.
Plane-Polarized Light through chiral compound
Optical isomers
Some organic molecules has the ability to rotate the plane polarized light (PPL). These
compounds were termed optically active compounds.
When the compound rotate the PPL to right “clockwise”, it is termed (+) or
Dextrorotatory (d) but when the compound rotate the PPL to left “anti-clockwise”, it is
termed (-) or levorotatory (l)
The organic molecules that not able to rotate the plane polarized light (PPL) called
optically Inactive compounds.
Polarimeter is an instrument used to determine the optical activity of optically active
The simplest polaramiter is composed of:
1)light source (usually sodium lamp).
2)polarizer: it can convert a beam of light of mixed polarization into a beam with
well-defined polarization e.g.(Nickel prism).
3)tube for holding the sample.
5) Measuring scale to determine the number of degrees of rotation. 7
Polarimeter and its Working
A polarimeter measures the rotation of polarized light.
It has a tubular cell filled with a solution of the optically active material and a
system for passing polarized light through the solution and measuring the
rotation as the light emerges.
The light from a sodium lamp is filtered so that it consists of just one wavelength
(one color), because most compounds rotate different wavelengths of light by
different amounts.
The wavelength of light most commonly used for polarimetry is a yellow emission
line in the spectrum of sodium, called the sodium D line.
Pictorial Representation of Polarimeter
Working of Polarimeter
Monochromatic (one-color) light from the source passes through a polarizing filter,
then through the sample cell containing a solution of the optically active
On leaving the sample cell, the polarized light encounters another polarizing
filter. This filter is movable, with a scale allowing the operator to read the angle
between the axis of the second (analyzing) filter and the axis of the first
(polarizing) filter.
The operator rotates the analyzing filter until the maximum amount of light is
transmitted, then reads the observed rotation from the protractor. The observed
rotation is symbolized by the Greek letter alpha.
Dextrorotatory – Compounds that rotate the plane of polarized light
toward the right (clockwise) are called dextrorotatory, from the Greek
word dexios, meaning “toward the right.”
(+) or (d) do not confuse with D
Levorotatory– Compounds that rotate the plane toward the left
(counterclockwise) are called levorotatory, from the Latin word laevus,
meaning “toward the left.
(-) or (l) do not confuse with L
Optical Rotation and Polarimetry
randomly oriented
chiral r
monochromatic light
source optical
The amount (in degrees) that a chiral material will rotate light is called the
optical rotation. Different chiral molecules will have optical rotations that
vary in direction and size of the optical rotation. Enantiomers will always have
equal optical rotations but in opposite directions.
The optical purity of a substance can be measured by comparing the optical
rotation of the sample to the known optical rotation of a single entantiomer of
that compound. Optical purity is usually reported in percent entantiomeric
excess (%ee).
sample rotation
%ee = X 100
single enantiomer rotation
Enantiomeric excess is the % of the sample that is non-racemic. For example, 80%
ee means that there is 90% of one enantiomer and 10% of the other.
Specific rotation
The number of degrees that the plane of polarized light is rotated as the light passes
through a solution of enantiomers depends on the number of chiral molecules in sample.
This of course, depends also on the length of the tube and the concentration of the
Enantiomers are stereoisomers that are non super-imposable on its mirror image.
Enantiomers rotate the plane of polarized light by exactly the same number of degrees
but in opposite directions
Specific rotation *α+can be calculated by the following equation: [α] = α/cl
α = observed rotation
c = concentration in g/mL
l = length of tube in dm
Specific rotation is defined as the rotation produced by a solution of unit concentration
(1g/ml) and unit length (10 cm).
Specific rotation – the angle of rotation of plane polarized light by a 1.00 gram
per cm-3 sample in a 1 dm tube. [α ]D (D = sodium lamp, λ = 589 mμ).
The more molecules of a chiral sample are present the greater the rotation of
the light = concentration dependent.
(observed rotation in degrees)
[ ] D
(pathlength in dm)(concentration in g/ml) l C
where α = observed rotation
l = length (dm)
d = concentration (g/cc)
(+)-alanine [ α ]D = +8.5
(-)-lactic acid [α ]D = -3.8
Specific Rotation depends on the nature of substance, wavelength of light used,
concentration of the solution, thickness of the layer, nature of the solvent and
temperature at which experiment is conducted. 14
Symmetry and Chirality
Plane of symmetry- imaginary plane that bisects a molecule
into halves that are mirror images of each other
Centre of symmetry
Axis of symmetry
Alternating axis of
symmetry 19
Assymmetric molecule: does not have any element of symmetry.
Dissymmetric molecule: does not have plane of symmetry, centre
of symmetry and alternating axis of symmetry.
Dissymmetry is
Assymmetric the condition
molecules for optical
another form of stereoisomerism
occurs when compounds have non-superimposable mirror images
• If the light appears to have turned to the right turned to the left
d or + form l or - form
Racemate a 50-50 mixture of the two enantiomers (dl) or (±) is a racemic
mixture. The opposite optical effects of each isomer cancel each
other out
Examples Optical activity is common in biochemistry and pharmaceuticals
• Most amino acids exhibit optical activity
• many drugs must be made of one optical isomer to be effective
- need smaller doses (safer and cost effective)
- get reduced side effects 23
The reaction produces a mixture of the two optical isomers because both modes of
attack are possible
Synthesis of 2-hydroxypropanoic acid (lactic acid)
LACTIC ACID can be formed from ethanal in a two stage process.
1. Nucleophilic addition of hydrogen cyanide to ethanal
2 Hydrolysis of the nitrile group
HCN H+ / H2O
Quantitative application
If the specific rotation of sample is known its concentration in the
solution can be estimated.
Qualitative application
Optical activity is the only parameter available for distinguishing
between D and L isomeric forms.
Important practical application of polarimetry
Determination of high conc. of sugars
Visual saccharimeters called Polaroscopes