Macarena Months - Movement Lesson Plan
Macarena Months - Movement Lesson Plan
Macarena Months - Movement Lesson Plan
M ic Le Pla
Materials needed:
● Phone/Comp ter
● Speaker
● Macarena Months Song- https:// . o t atch? =sI91YiCh9U4
Proced re:
1. Pla Macarena Months song first to allo st dents to familiari e themsel es ith
the song (S a 30 ec d )
2. Ask q estions abo t the months
a. What is the first month of the ear?
b. What is the last month of the ear?
3. Pla the song again and hen o think o kno the ans ers to o r t o
q estions clap o r hands (S de cla f Ja a a d Decembe ) (S a
30 ec d )
a. What is the first month of the ear?
b. What is the last month of the ear?
4. Ha e the st dents stand p and then begin to model the macarena dance i h
the m sic three times in a repeat after me demonstration
5. Pla the song and ha e the st dents appl the macarena dance mo es. (S a 30
ec d )
6. Ask st dents hat mo ement the ere doing hen the heard their birth month
(D hi 3 ime ) (S a 30 ec d )
a. Allo st dents to sho the class hat mo ement the ere doing for their
birth month
7. Allo st dents to clap hen the hear their birth month in the song. (If ime:
Pla he e i e g)
Clos re: What is the first month of the ear? Oka ho abo t the last month of the ear?
Were o able to clap on o r birthda month?
Anal e
7. E al ating
E al ate
8. I eg a i Connect #10
( ide a )
Connect #11
9. Histor /C lt re