Coat of Arms

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COAT OF ARMS - A coat of arms is a heraldic visual - designed and produced in a wide variety of media
design on an escutcheon, surcoat, or tabard. The coat forms
of arms on an escutcheon forms the central element of Example: any book, magazine or other publication,
the full heraldic achievement which in its whole consists sound recording, video recording, software product,
of: shield, supporters, crest, and motto. A coat of arms computer game
is traditionally unique to an individual person, family,
state, organization or corporation. Rolls of arms are Media forms
collections of many coats of arms, and since the early - technological means and channels by which the media
Modern Age centuries they have been a source of is created, produced, distributed, consumed and read
information for public show videogame
Media forms include:
MY COAT OF ARMS •Moving image: film, television, video, animation
•“Personal Shield” in symbolic representation • Still image: photography
•What are the signs/symbols that represent you as a • Audio: radio, podcast
person? • Print: magazine, zine, comic, graphic novel,
•Reflects you as a person newspaper, poster
• Personality • Digital: online video and audio, streaming video and
• Behavior audio,
• Attitude podcast, magazine, comic, graphic novel, newspaper,
• Beliefs video game, blog, website, app
• Convergent or hybridised media: the combination or
CODES AND CONVENTIONS - They are like the building joining of two or more media forms, such as
blocks of all the media. photography and animation, print productions and a
SEMIOTICS- The study of signs digital game, augmented and virtual reality products.
CODES - systems of signs, which create meaning
•Three categories: SYMBOLIC CODES
1. Technical •Social in nature
2. Symbolic •Live outside the media product
3. Written •Would be similar ways in the ‘real life’ of the audience.
•If you saw somebody receive a red rose in a film, you
TYPES would assume there is a romantic relationship between
A. TECHNICAL CODES the two characters.
•ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a •If you gave somebody a red rose in real life, you might
media text be hoping the same.
•specific to a media form and do not live outside of •Symbolic codes in media include:
them • setting
•different camera shots and their connotations make • mise en scene
sense when we look at films and photographs • acting and
•Technical codes include: • color
i. Camerawork
ii. Editing SETTING
iii. Audio and •the time and place of the narrative
iv. Lighting •can be described in the whole story or
•Example: the camera work in a film •just a specific scene
•can be as big as the outback or space, or as small as a
B. SYMBOLIC CODES specific room
•show what is beneath the surface of what we see •can even be a created atmosphere or frame of mind.
•Example: a character's actions show you how the
character is feeling

•are the formal written language used in a media
MISE EN SCENE  CAMERA - GoPro and personal phone, Panasonic
•mise en scène GH5
/ˌmēz ˌän ˈsen/ - use camera that works and makes sense with the
-the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a situation
play  STICK/TRIPOD - to scope more picture in the
-the setting or surroundings of an event or action frame. And more convenient. ex. Jobi
•‘everything within the frame’ •the description of all  MICROPHONE - for better audio, RODE vidmicpro
the objects within a frame of the media product and
their arrangements EDITING- to enhance your vlog
•An analysis of mise en scene includes: - need to know your footage
•Set Design - just look out for a hook
•Props UPLOAD PROCESS - needs compelling title and
•Staging and Composition thumbnail to engage your viewers
- don’t be click baiting
ACTING - share to other social medias to inform more people
•Actors portray characters in media products and about your vlog
contribute to:
i. character development
ii. creating tension or
iii. advancing the narrative
The actor portrays a character through:
1. Facial expression
2. Body Language
3. Vocal qualities
4. Movement
5. Body contact

•has highly cultural and strong connotations
•the use of color in a media product the aspects to be
looked at are:
a) Dominant color
b) Contrasting foils
c) Color symbolism

VLOGGING - important part of YouTube culture
- to connect with audience
- important part of business and brand
- allows to step into your world or in your life
- active engaging with the creator and audience
- sharing your experience and journey
- don’t be afraid to vlog
- capture a bunch of b roll or cinematic footage to make
your vlog more exciting and entertaining
- to shoot an interesting vlog, it NEEDS A STORY:
 Beginning - setting everything up
 Middle- the journey to climax
 End- wrap it all up

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