Earthworks, Excavation and Backfilling: 2.2.1 General

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Earthworks, Excavation and Backfilling

2.2.1 General

This specification covers the requirements for all necessary earthworks for tower foundations, grounding,
foundation protection work, and possible access roads. Excavation and backfilling and other related
earthworks including dewatering and shoring the excavation pit, removal, storage and stockpiling of the soil
are also specified herein.

The Contractor shall furnish all tools, equipment, machines, labour, and supervisory personnel to perform
the work as specified herein.

The Contractor shall carry out a check survey of the site before excavation and properly set all lines and
levels for foundations.

2.2.2 Excavation and Backfilling

The soil types encountered on this line route are specified in Foundation Application Schedule (will be
provided later). Soil is defined as material, which can be removed and excavated by shovels and pick axes.
Excavated material suitable for backfilling the foundations shall be stockpiled for later use. Unsuitable
material shall be disposed. The stockpiles should be sloped and protected from rainfall.

Rock excavation shall mean excavation made in "hard rock" as specified. Definition for "hard rock" shall
mean hard stratum, which in excavation requires to be loosened by blasting or pneumatic tools or if by
hand, by wedges and sledge hammers. Rock excavation shall also include loosening, stripping and
excavating large embedded boulders, which are larger than 500mm in any direction. Also loose or semi
detached rock boulders close to the excavation may need to be removed. The volume of this rock
excavation shall be measured or estimated from the drawings, and the payment shall be based on the
volume of the excavated rock and the unit price as given in the Schedule of Prices (will be provided later)
for "Rock Excavation".

Excavation for foundations shall conform to the dimensions and elevations as shown in the approved design
drawings. When foundations are built directly on the excavated soil, special care shall be taken not to
disturb the bottom of the excavation pit.

All excavation work, shoring of the excavation and stockpiling of the excavated soil shall be done in such a
manner to ensure the safety of site personnel or any other person.

The clearing of the tower site is specified elsewhere in this specification. However, when roots or stumps
of trees are met during the excavation they shall be removed, if necessary.

All gold, silver, oil, mineral, coins, and other precious objects or archaeological findings, which may be
found at tower sites or during excavation, shall be the property of the Employer.

For excavations where the base is unstable or very softand/or lies below the groundwater level, shall be
covered with a compacted layer of gravel, select borrow or crushed stones, if found necessary for carrying
out the work as specified and approved by the Employer. Blinding concrete C10 of 10-15 cm in thickness
may also be used. The payment of this soil strengthening shall be based on the volumes measured at site
or estimated from the design drawings. The unit price for this work shall be given in the Schedule of Prices
(will be provided later) for "Blinding concrete C10" or "Compacted gravel".

At the nominal excavation depth for the foundation as stated in the approved design drawings, the bottom
of the excavation shall be graded and examined by the Contractor and the final determination of the applied
foundation type shall be done. The Employer shall verify the final foundation type at site by signature.
Backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 300 mm in thickness before compaction. The compaction
shall be done by mechanical or pneumatic equipment or by other appropriate means approved by the
Employer. Large stones, trash, wood, roots or other organic materials may not be used in backfill. Rock
particles larger than 100 mm may be used in backfilling, if they are not in direct contact with the foundation.

No separate payment will be made to the Contractor for excavation and backfilling of the tower foundation.
All costs incurred in connection therewith shall be included in the unit price for the construction of the
various foundation types.

The following, however, shall be priced separately:

a. Soil strengthening by blinding concrete C10 and/or compacted gravel

b. Excavation and backfilling for foundation protection

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