Earthwork and Drain Construction
Earthwork and Drain Construction
Earthwork and Drain Construction
and Drain Construction
2-1.1 Description
This work which consists of excavation, removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials
shall be necessary for the construction of
Þ roadway (carriageway and shoulders)
Þ side drains and
Þ other cross drainage structures
2-1.2.2 Classification
All materials involved in excavation are classified below. At the field, these materials shall
be identified and determined by the Engineer or his representative before or during the
earthwork operation.
(a) Ordinary soil shall comprise of organic soil, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, peat, black
cotton soil, soft shale, loose moorum, mixture of the above and similar material
which could be excavated by ordinary application of picks and shovel, kodalo or any
other ordinary digging tool.
Gravel or any other nodular material having maximum diameter not exceeding 75
mm in any direction shall also be covered in this category.
· material like stiff heavy clay, hard shale, compact moorum which could be
excavated by extensive application of grafting tool or pickaxe or both and shovel,
· gravel and cobble stones having maximum diameter between 75 mm and 300
mm in any direction,
· existing soling surfaces of roads, paths, etc. when these surfaces are to be
· lime stone,
· sand stone,
· laterite,
· soft conglomerate when the blocks could be detached from the matrix by simply
using the pickaxes,
· soft or fissured rock which can be split/quarried with crowbars,
· boulders having maximum diameter between 300 mm and 500 mm in any
direction which are lying loosely on the ground or embedded in the river bed,
· any rock which in dry state may be hard but in wet state becomes soft and
manageable without much effort.
· rocks which do not necessarily require blasting but do require some efforts in
breaking by chisels and hammers,
· hard conglomerate,
· boulders having maximum diameter above 500 mm in any direction which are
lying loosely on the ground or embedded in the river bed,
· any rock which in dry state may be hard but in wet state becomes comparatively
manageable with a focused effort.
· chiselling,
· wedging,
· tempering and any other standard method.
(f) Marshy soil shall include materials below ground level of marshes, swamps and other
areas where continuous dealing with water is required.
Limits of excavation shall be as per the construction drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The boundaries for excavation shall be set out as per the lines, curves, slopes, grades and
sections given in the construction drawings.
Responsibility of carrying out this task shall be in accordance with the Clause G-9.
Excavation shall be carried out in conformity with the contract (Contractors) or the agreement
(Users’ Groups) and as per the directions of the Engineer. Wherever possible, the excavated
material shall be stock piled if they are found suitable for future use. Adequate precautions
against soil erosion and water pollution shall be taken while planning or executing
The excavation shall be conformed with the lines, grades, side slopes and levels as given in
the construction drawings or as directed by the Engineer. No excavation shall be carried out
Þ outside the slopes and
Þ below the established grades by loosening any materials outside the limits of excavation.
Such excess excavation beyond the permissible limits shall be recovered from the
Contractor/Users’ Group or from their payment. Debris and loose materials on the slopes of
cutting surfaces shall be removed.
No back filling shall be allowed to obtain the required slopes except when boulders or soft
materials are encountered in cut slopes. The resulting cavities left over by the excavation of
unsuitable materials shall be filled with suitable fill material and compacted as directed by
the Engineer.
Rock in roadway excavation shall be removed up to the sub-grade level or as indicated in the
construction drawings. Where unstable shales or other similar materials appear at the sub-
grade level, they shall be excavated to the extent of 500 mm below the sub-grade level or
even more to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The rock excavation shall be carried out in such a manner that the rock protrudes shall not
exist above the specified levels at any point. However, a negative tolerance of 150 mm could
be allowed for the over-excavated portions.
Such over-excavated portions shall be recovered by hand packing of rubble and chips and by
compacting them to the designed level. Slopes in rock cutting shall be finished to an uniform
surface corresponding to the designed slope.
Where blasting is required, it shall be carried out in confirmation with clause 2 -2 and all
necessary precautions shall be observed as indicated therein.
Where pre-splitting blasting is prescribed, it shall be carried out in confirmation with clause 2
Excavation of marshes shall begin at one end and shall proceed towards a single direction
across the entire marsh. Back filling shall be carried out immediately after this operation.
· The shoulders shall be excavated to the required width and level as shown on the
drawings or as indicated by the Engineer.
Where the contract provides provisions for constructing surface/sub-surface drains (refer to
clause 2 -9) the excavation shall be carried out according to the sequence which complies
with the other works or is approved by the Engineer.
Slides, if occurred in cut slopes during construction, shall be removed at the cost of
Contractor/Users’ Group as per the instruction of Engineer.
If finished slopes slide into the roadway then such slides shall be removed by the
Contractor/Users’ Group at the contract rate/agreed rate for the class of excavation involved.
This could be done only if the slides occurred due to a factor other than the low quality
workmanship of the Contractor/Users’ Group.
The classification of the slipped material shall be determined as per its condition at the time
of removal. The payment shall be made accordingly regardless of its condition earlier.
2-1.3.9 Dewatering
If water is found during the excavation due to springs, sub-surface runoffs, rainfall or other
causes then it shall be removed by suitable diversions, pumping or bailing out. However, the
excavation shall be kept dry whenever required by the work or as directed by the Engineer.
Care shall be taken to discharge the drained water without causing damages to the completed
works, crops and any other private or public property.
Where the excavated material is identified for re-use for the construction of embankment then
it shall be safely stored/piled up at a location as per the requirements given in clause 2 -5.
Excavation and disposal operations shall be arranged in such a way that the moisture content
of soil should not be lost adversely during the process of cutting, hauling and compaction.
All hard materials such as hard moorum, rubble, etc. which are not intended for use in earth
filling shall be stacked neatly for other uses such as pitching.
Unsuitable and surplus materials which are not intended for re-use shall be disposed as
directed by the Engineer.
Construction traffic shall not use the cut formations without prior permission of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall undertake all reasonable precautions for the protection and preservation
of any or all existing roadside trees, drains, sub-surface drains, pipes, conduits and any other
structures under or above the ground which may be affected by construction operations and
which, in the opinion of the Engineer, shall be continuously used without any change.
Contractor/Users’ Group shall take adequate measures to safeguard the property and shall
obtain prior approval of Engineer in such events.
At sub-grade level, if the material is found with poor compaction then it shall be loosened to
a depth of 500 mm and compacted in two layers (each of 250 mm) in accordance with clause
2 -5.
In rocky formation, the irregularities in the surface shall be corrected up to the specified
elevation as shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
2-1.7 Finishing Operations
In no case, any portion of the side slopes shall encroach the roadway. The finished cut
formation shall satisfy the surface regularity tolerances described in clause 5 -1.
The top soil removed earlier and conserved for re-use (as per clauses 2-1.3.2 and 2-5.3.2)
shall be spread over cut slopes, filled slopes and other disturbed areas as directed by the
If required, such slopes shall be roughened and moistened prior to the application of top soil.
The top soil shall be spread as a layer of 75 mm to 150 mm thick.
The quantities of roadway and drain excavation shall be measured by comparing the cross
sections taken before the commencement and after the completion of works. These cross-
sections should represent the same locations established in suitable intervals as per the
ground profile.
Volumes are computed by the method of average end areas and are in cubic metres. At
inaccessible and erratic locations, the volumes shall be computed by using other accepted
methods. The Contractor/Users’ Group could leave depth indicators during the excavation in
order to indicate the original ground level as per the direction of the Engineer. The indicators
shall not be disturbed until the final measurements are taken.
To determine the quantities of rock excavation, the cross-sections shall be taken after
removing the overburden. Where the surface is irregular and when the material is admixed
with other classes, the volumes shall be computed on the basis of stacked volume of material.
In case of rock, 40% deduction of volume shall be made for the voids. In case of materials
other than rock, this deduction shall be only 16% .
Quantities of work in the preparation of cut formation shall be measured in units indicated
Þ loosening and re-compaction at sub-grade level : m3
Þ removal of unsuitable materials : m3
Þ replacement with suitable materials in place of removed unsuitable materials : m3
Þ preparing rocky sub-grade : m2
Þ stripping and storing of top soil : m3
Þ reapplication of top soil : m2.
2-1.9 Rates
The contract unit rate for roadway and drain excavation shall be paid in full for carrying out
the operations required for the individual items including full compensation for:
- setting out
- transporting and depositing/stacking the excavated materials on sites of embankments or
spoil banks (up to a lead of 50 m along the slope of lead route)
wherever necessary a separate provisional rate shall be defined for pre-splitting work in rock
excavation. It shall be worked out and paid as per clause 2-3.5.
2-1.9.2 Contract Unit Rate for Loosening and Re-Compacting at Sub-Grade Level
The unit rate for this work shall include full compensation for:
Þ loosening of sub-grade soil to specified depth
Þ breaking clods
Þ spreading in layers
Þ watering and
Þ compaction.
2-1.9.3 Contract Unit Rates for Removal of Unsuitable Materials and Replacement with Suitable
Unit rates for these items shall be the same as indicated in clauses 2-1.9.1 (for excavation)
and 2-5.7.1 (for filling).
The unit rate for this item includes full compensation for:
Þ providing, laying and compacting sub-base/base material as directed and
Þ labour, incidentals and lead up to 50 m along the slope of lead route.
2-1.9.5 Contract Unit Rate for Stripping, Storing and Re-Application of Top Soil
It shall include full compensation for all necessary operations including lead up to 100 m
along the slope of lead route.
2-1.9.6 Contract Unit Rate for Transporting Material from Excavation Sites
It shall include full compensation for all labour and incidentals on account of additional haul
beyond the initial lead of 50 m along the slope of lead route.
2-2.1 General
In this respect, all HMGN statutory laws, regulations, rules which are pertaining to
acquisition, transport, storage, haulage and use of explosive materials shall be followed.
Blasting shall be carried out:
Þ with the written approval of the Engineer.
Þ in the presence of police personnel.
Þ as per the prior arrangement made with the security authorities of the area.
2-2.1.2 Magazine
Magazine for the storage of explosives shall be built to the design Specifications and to the
satisfaction of the concerned authority. It shall be located at a nearer site or in the premises
Þ Royal Nepal Army or
Þ Nepal Police Department
Þ any other place which satisfies the requirements of the Government.
Methods of blasting need to be approved by the Engineer. These shall be in consistent with
the safety and job requirements.
All the materials, tools and equipment for blasting operations shall be approved in advance
by the concerned authority. Engineer shall specify the type of explosives to be used for
special blasting operations.
Fuse to be used in wet locations shall be fully water resistant for at least 30 minutes after
immersing into water. The burning rate of fuse wire shall be:
Þ uniform and
Þ definitely known
in order to decide the safe length of cut pieces.
2-2.3 Personnel
· People other than the one who lights the fuse shall be prohibited to enter the area.
· During blasting operations, red danger flags shall be displayed 200 m away from the
blasting site, in all directions.
· All persons including the workers shall be excluded from the flagged area at least 10
minutes before the firing. A warning siren shall be blown for this purpose.
· The charge holes shall be located in suitable places and drilled to the depth as per the
· The use of blasting should be as minimum as possible. However, it should break the
material up to an extent where loading and hauling of the broken pieces are made
· Bore holes shall be of adequate size to accommodate the cartridge. The holes shall be
cleared of all debris before inserting the explosives. A minimum space of 20 cm
shall be kept above the charge in order to be filled with dry clay. Clay shall be
pressed gently but firmly.
· Rest of the space above the clay layer could be filled with any available material. This
material shall also be tamped gently with a wooden hammer.
2-2.5 Misfire
In the case of misfire, the sequence and procedure adopted shall be as follows:
· Misfired charges shall be completely flooded in water.
· A new hole shall be drilled at about 45 cm away from the old hole and fired.
· If the old charge is still not fired then the prescribed procedure shall be repeated until the
old charge gets blasted.
· Blasting-in-charge shall gently remove the tamping material and the primer with the
detonator; Use a fresh detonator/primer and blast the charge.
· Alternately, the tamping material shall be cleared up to a depth of 30 cm (ascertain by
placing a stick in the hole); Another hole shall be drilled 15 cm away from the old
one; The new hole shall then be charged and fired.
It is assured that the misfired charge explodes with the new one at the same time.
Blasting-in-charge shall, at once, report all cases of misfires and the remedial measures taken
Þ to the Contractor’s office and
Þ to the Engineer.
· A careful day to day account of the explosives shall be maintained by the Contractor or
the In-charge of store at site. The records shall be kept in approved format.
2-3.1 General
The pre-split blasting technique shall be used to form exact slopes or shapes in rock as per
the engineering drawings. Generally, Users’ Groups may not be capable enough to perform
pre-split blasting since it requires special skills.
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with an operational plan outlining the
Þ position of all drill holes,
Þ depth of drilling,
Þ type of explosives to be used,
Þ loading pattern, and
Þ sequence of firing.
The drilling and blasting plan is basically necessary for record purposes. However,
submission of such plan shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibilities on proper
drilling and safe blasting practices.
Controlled blasting begins with a short test section of a length approved by the Engineer.
The proposed plan of Contractor is tested here. First, the test section shall be separated by
pre-split blasting. Then, the separated portion shall be removed by mass (production)
blasting. If the proposed plan (method) works to create an acceptable slope/shape according
to the drawings, then the Engineer shall determine whether the same plan could be
implemented or other alternative will be tested.
All the over burden soil and weathered rock along the top of the excavation for a distance of
5 to 15 m beyond the blasting limits shall be removed before the commencement of drilling
operation. In cases where such removal is not required, the Engineer shall provide the
necessary instructions.
Care and attention shall be given, particularly to the beginning and end of excavation
Slope holes for pre-splitting shall be drilled along the line of the planned slope within the
specified tolerances.
Diameter of the drill holes shall be within the range of 60-75 mm. Drilling operations shall
be carried out by using proper equipment and techniques.
· No hole shall deviate more than 300 mm from its position in the plan.
· No hole shall deviate from being parallel to an adjacent hole by more than 2/3 rd of the
horizontal spacing between them.
· The length of pre-split section for any individual lift shall not exceed 9 m.
· Auxiliary drill holes along the pre-split line, not loaded or stemmed, may be ordered by
the Engineer.
· Except spacing, the auxiliary drill holes shall satisfy all other requirements for pre-split
· The line of production holes shall be placed inside the pre-split lines in such a manner
that it avoids any damage to the pre-split face.
· The first line of production holes shall be drilled parallel to the slope line at the top of the
cut at each bench level.
· If the pre-split surface is damaged by the adopted production blasting technique, then
other alternative technique should be tested.
· Production holes shall be drilled within 2.5 m of a pre-split plane or as directed by the
· The bottom of the production holes shall not be lower than the bottom of the pre-split
· The maximum permissible width (offset) of a construction working bench for use in
drilling shall be 600 mm.
· Drilling operations shall be organised in such a way that any drift in previous level
should be compensated or corrected at the start of next level. Similarly, the working
space (offset) used for drilling of lower lift shall also be compensated or corrected.
However, the specified slope line shall be maintained while adjusting the drilling
· Stemming material should be dry and free running. It should pass through 10 mm sieve
and 90% of it should retain on 2.36 mm sieve.
2-3.3 Tolerances
· Deviation of the pre-split face from the finished adjacent plane shall not be more than
300 mm. However, excess deviation could be approved by the Engineer for the
occasions where such irregularities are unavoidable.
· After completion, the average plane of the slope should conform with the slope indicated
on the engineering drawings.
· No point on the completed slope shall vary from the designed slope by more than 300
· All tolerances shall be measured perpendicular to the plane of the slope line.
· No portion of the slope shall occupy the space needed for side drains.
· The pre-splitting line shall be extended either to the end of the excavation or to a distance
not less than 15 m beyond the limits of the production holes.
Measurements for pre-split blasting shall be in square metres whereas for production blasting
in cubic metres.
2-3.5 Rates
The quantity of rock excavated through the production blasting shall be paid on the basis of
2-4.1 Description
Excavation for structures shall include the removal of materials from the foundation of
bridges, culverts, retaining walls, head walls, cut off walls, pipe culverts and other similar
All materials involved in such excavation shall be classified as per clause 2-1.2.
The limits of excavation shall be set out as per the lines, curves, slopes, grades and sections
given in the construction drawings. This work shall be carried out as per clause 2-1.3.1.
2-4.3.2 Excavation
Excavation shall be carried out to the width of the lowest step of the footing by keeping the
sides vertical as far as possible. If the nature of soil does not permit it, then the
Contractor/Users’ Group at their own expenses shall put up necessary shoring, strutting,
planking; or shall make the cut slopes to a safer angle; or both in order to assure the safety of
workers and works. However, it should be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
· When water is found in excavation due to stream flow, seepage, springs, rainfall or other
reasons, then the Contractor/Users’ Group shall take adequate measures first, to protect
the excavation from in coming water (constructing diversion channels, bunds,
cofferdams) and secondly, to remove the collected water from the excavation (bailing and
· The Contractor/Users’ Group shall keep the foundation trenches as dry as possible.
When required, laid screed concrete and masonry should be protected against the
damages caused by erosion or sudden rise of water level.
· Measures to be adopted to address the problems mentioned above shall be left to the
choice of the Contractor/Users’ Group but subjected to the approval of the Engineer.
However, such approval shall not relieve the Contractor/Users’ Group from the
responsibilities for
· the extent of dewatering,
· the protective arrangements,
· the quality and
· the safety of the works.
· When required, cofferdams having adequate width and height/depth shall be constructed
as per a safe design. Such cofferdams should be watertight enough to carry out
construction work without any obstructions.
· The area enclosed by the cofferdam shall be spacious enough for the construction and
supervision as well as for the installation of pumps and other machinery.
· The rate of pumping shall be controlled to avoid any possibilities of water seeping
through the fresh concrete.
· No pumping shall be permitted during the placing of concrete and for at least 24 hours
there after, unless it is done from a suitable sump which is away from the concrete work.
· The Contractor/Users’ Group shall take all precautions in relation to diversion of water.
Diverted water should not damage the works, crops and any other property.
Foundation base shall be levelled both longitudinally and transversely or as directed by the
Engineer. The surface shall be slightly watered and rammed before the screed concrete or
footing is laid.
When the excavation is made deeper than the level shown on the drawings, the extra
excavated depth shall be filled with concrete or masonry having the same grade as of
foundation at the cost of the construction party (Contractor/Users’ Group). No ordinary
filling by soil shall be allowed in such cases.
When rock or hard strata is encountered in foundation excavation, then the base shall be cut
to a firm and level/stepped surface or as directed by the Engineer. The base shall be cleaned
All slips or blows in the excavated trench, if do exist, shall be removed by the
Contractor/Users’ Group at their own cost.
Particularly at public and unsafe, sporadic places, the trenches and foundation pits shall be
securely fenced with proper caution signs, fixed with red light at night to avoid accidents.
Similarly, adequate protective measures shall be taken to protect the adjoining structures and
public property.
Back filling shall be carried out with approved material after the concrete is fully set or the
masonry is hardened. It should be carried out in such a manner which does not cause any
thrust or pressure to any part of the structure.
Space between the sides of excavated trench and the erected structure shall be backfilled with
approved material in 250 mm layers; watered and compacted until the original ground level is
Excavation for structures shall be measured in cubic metres for each class of encountered
materials. However, the measurements are limited to the dimensions shown on the drawings
or directed by the Engineer.
Any over-excavation, trimming of slopes to avoid collapses and work such as shoring,
shuttering and planking which are considered as measures taken by the Contractor/Users’
Group for executing the work with ease shall not be measured and paid separately.
Works related to foundation sealing and dewatering (including pumping) shall be considered
as incidental to the item of work unless a separate provision is made in the contract. In such
case, the payment shall be made on lump sum basis. However, it shall be mentioned in the
Bill of Quantities.
2-4.5 Rates
The contract unit rate for the items of excavation for structures shall be paid in full for
carrying out the required operations including compensation for
· setting out,
The contract unit rate for preparation of rock foundation shall be paid in full for carrying out
the required operations such as cutting, trimming, clearing the foundation base and
filling/sealing of all seams with cement mortar or grout. This includes the full compensation
for labour, materials, protective measures and other incidentals.
2-5.1 Description
These Specifications shall apply to the construction of embankments, shoulders and other
miscellaneous filling and backfillng with approved materials obtained either from excavation
of road construction or borrow pits or other sources.
2-5.2 Materials
The materials used in embankments shall be earth, moorum, gravel, a mixture of these
materials or any other material approved by the Engineer. The filling materials shall be free
from logs, stumps, roots, debris and any other organic materials which affect the stability of
the embankment.
Maximum particle size of the coarse material in the mixture of earth shall not exceed 75 mm.
The Engineer may permit coarse material of larger sizes if he/she finds no difficulty as
regards to the compaction of such material according to the Specifications.
In ordinary case, the filling materials shall satisfy the following requirements:
· For the construction of embankment having a height of up to 3 m, the dry density shall
not be less than 1.44 g/cm3.
· For the construction of embankment having a height of over 3 m and if a part of its
height is subjected to inundation for longer periods, the dry density shall not be less
than 1.52 g/cm3.
· For the construction of top 0.5 m of the embankment (or the road formation), the dry
density shall not be less than 1.65 g/cm3.
Clay materials which exhibit the properties like swell and shrinkage shall be filled at the
bottom of the embankment so that it prevents any seepage through the embankment. No
such material shall be placed or permitted at the top 0.5 m range which forms the sub-grade
of road.
The materials for embankment filling shall be obtained from the approved sources. Such
sources could be nearby road excavation sites or any other excavation sites under the
All borrow pits shall be approved by the Engineer. When obtaining the approval, the
Contractor/Users’ Group shall submit all required information such as location, expected
quantity, quality of material, hauling distance and means of transportation to the Engineer.
No borrow pit shall be opened without the permission of the Engineer.
Borrow pits shall not be opened continuously. At least every 300 m interval, there shall be a
ridge of not less than 8 m width unopened. Small drains shall be excavated to facilitate
drainage through the ridges.
The depth of the pits shall be regulated so that the maximum depth shall be limited to 1.5 m.
No excavation shall be made below the imaginary slope line of 1:4 which connects the
bottom of the borrow pit to toe of the embankment under construction.
The minimum distance between the borrow pit and the toe of the final section of the road
embankment shall be 5 m.
The site shall be cleared as per clause 1 -1. The work shall be set out as per clause 2-1.3.1.
Borders of the embankment shall be set out and pegged before the commencement of the
earth filling. Batter pegs shall be fixed on both sides at regular intervals. The border pegs,
desirably, shall be fixed about 0.5 m outside the actual limits of the fill and painted in a
distinctive colour.
All top soil materials existing over the embankment foundation which are suitable for plant
growth shall be stripped to specified depths not exceeding 150 mm and shall be stored for
later use such as covering of embankment slopes, cut slopes and other disturbed areas where
re-vegetation is desired.
The original ground shall be consolidated by rolling or effective ramming to the satisfaction
of Engineer.
Any unsuitable materials existing in the embankment foundation shall be removed and
replaced by an approved material prior to compaction. Further filling work shall not be
commenced until the foundation for embankment has been inspected by the Engineer.
2-5.3.4 Spreading the Materials in Layers and Maintaining the Optimum Moisture Content
The filling material shall be spread uniformly over the entire width of the embankment or the
stretch under construction in layers not exceeding the loose thickness of 250 mm. Successive
layers shall not be placed until the layer under construction has been well compacted to the
requirements spelled out in these Specifications or contract document.
Moisture content of the filling material shall be checked at the source of supply. If it is found
less than the Optimum Moisture Content (OMC), then the material shall be watered up to the
required level at the source or after spreading as a loose layer at the construction site. The
latter shall be recommended to follow since it spreads the water better than the former.
When sprinkling water over the loose soil layers, care should be taken to avoid any isolated
flooding which makes the compaction operation difficult.
If the filling material is over-saturated than the OMC then it shall be dried by aeration or by
exposing it to the heat of sun. However, the optimum moisture content shall be reached in
order to achieve the desired compaction with lesser effort.
Owing to wet weather if the moisture content cannot be reduced to the required amount by
the above procedures then all compaction operations shall be suspended.
Moisture content of each layer shall be checked and adjusted by compensating for
evaporation losses. Generally, at the time of compaction the moisture content shall be kept
within the range of 98% - 101% of the optimum moisture content.
In case of highly expansive soil, the moisture content shall be maintained at a value 2%-4%
higher than the optimum moisture content.
After sprinkling the required amount of water, the soil shall be mixed by using harrows,
rotary mixers or any other appropriate tools until the layer becomes equally wet.
Clods or hard lumps of earth shall be broken into pieces having maximum size of
Þ 150 mm, when being placed in the lower layers of the embankment.
Þ 60 mm, when being placed in the top 0.5 m range of the embankment.
Hauling vehicles and construction equipment shall be moved uniformly over the entire
surface of the previously compacted layer in order to minimise rutting or uneven compaction.
When the embankment is required to be constructed across a low swampy area, the base of
the fill shall be constructed by dumping successive loads of fill material consisting of larger
2-5.3.5 Compaction
The compaction equipment shall be approved by the Engineer after a demonstration exercise
or trial compaction test which has been carried out by the Contractor in order to indicate the
efficiency of the plants.
Each layer of the fill material shall be thoroughly compacted to the following degree of
compaction (field dry density as a percentage of laboratory dry density at OMC) values:
Þ not less than 98% for the top 0.5 m range of embankment.
Þ not less than 95% for other portion of embankment.
Þ 85%-90% for highly expansive clay materials.
Subsequent filling shall be carried out only after the finished layer has been tested and
accepted by the Engineer. When dry density measurements reveal any less compacted areas,
further compaction shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer.
When no roller is available for compaction, manual ramming could also be used as another
2-5.3.6 Drainage
During construction time, the surface of the embankment shall be kept free from stagnated
water by providing adequate cross-falls and other drainage facilities.
The finishing operations shall include the work of shaping and dressing of shoulders, road
base, side slopes in accordance with the levels, cross-sections and dimensions given in the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer. However, the surface tolerances shall be observed
as per clause 5 -1.
To improve the appearance and to merge the embankment with the adjacent terrain both the
upper and lower ends of the side slopes shall be rounded off.
The top soil, removed and conserved earlier (refer to clause 2-1.3.2 and 2-5.3.2) shall be
spread over the fill slopes in order to facilitate the growth of vegetation. Prior to the
application of top soil, the side slopes shall be roughened and slightly moistened in order to
have a satisfactory bond between the layers. The depth of the top soil shall be sufficient
enough to sustain the plant growth. The usual thickness of top soil spread is 75 - 150 mm.
When earthwork operations have been substantially completed, the roadway area shall be
cleared of all debris and ugly scars.
If the slopes of the existing embankment are steeper than 4:1 then, horizontal benches of 0.3
m width shall be cut across slope line starting from toe of the embankment. Filling shall be
carried out in 250 mm thick layers progressing from the toe level up to the top level of the
embankment. All layers shall be watered and compacted to achieve the required degree of
compaction. The material obtained from cutting of benches could also be utilised for this
When the existing slopes of the embankment are flatter than 4:1 then the slope surface may
only require ploughing or scarifying and no bench cutting is necessary. However, filling
shall be carried out in 250 mm thick horizontal layers as described above.
Where the width of the widened portion is insufficient for the use of roller, mechanical or
manual tampers shall be used for compaction. Wherever possible, end dumping of material
from hauling vehicles shall be avoided.
Where an embankment needs to be constructed on sloping ground, the ground surface shall
be appropriately benched or ploughed and scarified as indicated in clause 2-5.4.1 before the
commencement of filling. If required, the construction of lateral sub-surface drains shall be
carried out at the cut-fill interface as per clause 2 -9.
If the existing road surface is granular or bituminous and a new road surface is supposed to
be constructed within 1 m range of height above the old one, then the existing road surface
shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 50 mm for proper bondage between fill and the old
If the existing road surface is of cement concrete and a new road surface is supposed to be
constructed within 1 m range of height above the old one, then the existing pavement shall be
removed completely prior to filling operation.
If the level difference between the existing and the new road surface is more than 1 m, then
the existing surface may not be required to be scarified or removed.
The embankment shall be raised simultaneously in equal layers placed on either side of the
structural component. The sequence of such work shall be approved by the Engineer in
The material used for back filling shall not be organic or high plastic clay having plasticity
index of more than 20 and liquid limit of more than 40. The fill material shall be deposited
in horizontal layers not exceeding a loose thickness of 150 mm. These layers shall be
compacted as per clause 2-5.3.5.
If specified in the contract, a filter medium material could be used behind the structural
component in order to reduce the pore water pressures on it. Such filter material shall be laid
in layers simultaneously, in line with the other layers of fill material.
The compaction can be carried out by mechanical or manual tampers or by other methods
approved by the Engineer. Care shall be taken to avoid any damages to the built structural
Construction traffic shall not use the prepared surface of the embankment without prior
permission of the Engineer. Any damage caused as a result of such use shall be rectified by
the Contractor/Users’ Group at their own cost.
Earth embankment construction shall be measured by taking cross sections in the original
position before the work starts and in the final position after its completion.
Volumes of earthwork shall be computed by the method of average end areas and be given in
cubic metres.
The measurement of fill material from borrow areas shall be the difference between the net
quantities of compacted fill and the net quantities of suitable material brought from road way
and drainage excavation. It shall be assumed that one cubic metre of suitable material
brought to site from roadway and drainage excavation forms one cubic metre of compacted
fill if the measurement has already been done under the item of excavation. Since the
measurement was taken for undisturbed earth prior to excavation, no allowance for any
shrinkage/bulging shall be made.
Stripping of top soil including its storing and reapplication shall be measured in cubic metres.
Work which involves loosening and re-compacting of original ground surface shall be
measured in square metres.
2-5.7 Rates
The contract unit rate for the items of construction of embankment and filling of sub-grade
shall be paid in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for:
Þ setting out,
Þ compacting original ground,
Þ scarifying or cutting continuous horizontal benches of 0.3 m width on side slopes of
existing embankments where required,
Þ compaction to specific requirements,
Þ shaping and dressing the top and slopes of embankment including rounding off the
Þ back filling at structures,
Þ widening works of embankments,
Þ excavation of all materials from designated borrow areas and transporting them to site up
to a lead of 50 m along the slope of lead route, and
Þ all labour, materials and incidentals necessary to complete the work as per the
2-5.7.2 Contract Unit Rate for Transporting Materials Required for Embankment Construction
This unit rate shall be paid in full to compensate for labour and incidentals necessary on
account of the additional haul or transportation involved beyond the initial lead of 50 m.
2-5.7.3 Contract Unit Rate for Stripping and Storing or Reapplication of Top Soil
This contract unit rate covers either storing or reapplication. Refer to clause 2-1.9.5 in this
2-5.7.4 Contract Unit Rate for Loosening and Re-Compacting the Embankment Foundations
2-5.7.5 Contract Unit Rates for Removal of Unsuitable Materials and Replacement with Suitable
Clauses 2-1.9.1 and 2-5.7.1 shall apply for removal and replacement, respectively.
2-5.7.6 Contract Unit Rate for Scarifying Existing Granular/Bituminous Road Surfaces
This rate shall cover the carrying out of required operations including full compensation for
all labour, materials, safety precautions and incidentals necessary to complete the work as per
the Specifications. It shall also cover handling, salvaging, stacking and disposing of the
dismantled materials up to a lead of 100 m along the slope of lead route.
2-5.7.8 Contract Unit Rate for Preparing Filter Media adjacent to Structural Components
This rate shall cover the carrying out of required operations including full compensation for
materials, labour and incidentals required to complete the work as per the Specifications.
2-6.1 Description
This work shall include temporary or permanent control measures shown in the engineering
drawings or/and directed by the Engineer during the construction period in relation to soil
erosion and water pollution. Such works shall be carried out in the form of berms, dykes,
sediment basins, fibre mats, mulches, grasses, slope drains and other erosion control devices.
The temporary erosion control measures shall be made in conjunction with the permanent
erosion control features which are specified on the drawings or directed by the Engineer.
Such works shall ensure economical, effective and continuous control of erosion throughout
the construction and post construction periods.
2-6.2 Materials
All materials shall comply with the quality standards spelled out in the contract or otherwise
shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of work.
Prior to the start of relevant construction, the schedule of work shall be approved by the
Engineer. This schedule shall detail,
Þ all temporary and permanent erosion control works which are applicable to construction
items such as
Þ clearing and grubbing,
Þ roadway and drainage excavation,
Þ embankment construction,
Þ bridges and other structures,
Þ structure related water courses,
Þ road pavement and
Þ shoulders;
Þ proposed methods of erosion control on service roads and borrow pits; and
Þ plan for disposal of waste materials.
The surface area of earth material which is liable to erosion shall be minimised. The
Contractor/Users’ Group shall be directed to provide immediate temporary or permanent
control measures to prevent soil erosion and its effects on construction operations and
adjacent properties as well as subsequent contamination and damage to nearby streams, lakes,
reservoirs, etc.
The Contractor/Users’ Group shall be required to incorporate all permanent erosion control
features into the project at their earliest as outlined in the approved schedule in order to
minimise the need for temporary control measures.
Temporary erosion and pollution control measures shall be used to deal with the conditions
developed during construction but which were not foreseen during the design stage.
However, some of these measures may not necessarily be associated with permanent control
features of the project.
Where erosion is likely to be a problem, the permanent erosion control measures shall be
carried out soon after the completion of clearing, grubbing and stripping of top soil
operations. Otherwise, temporary erosion control measures shall be carried out after each
relevant construction activity. In such cases, entire construction area shall not be exposed at
once by any earthwork operation without the prior approval of Engineer.
The Engineer may, further, limit the operations in progress for the areas of excavation,
borrow and embankment filling. Such limits shall be fixed by the Engineer by considering
the Contractor’s/Users’ Group’s capability in adhering to the approved schedule and their
progress made in finishing, mulching, seeding and constructing the permanent measures of
erosion and pollution control.
If the above mentioned schedule becomes unrealistic due to climatic reasons, then temporary
control measures shall be taken immediately to the extent of their feasibility.
When the temporary erosion and pollution control measures become necessary due to the
Contractor’s/Users’ Group’s negligence at work or as a result of failure in timely installation
of permanent controls according to the contract, such activities shall be carried out at their
own cost.
Temporary erosion and pollution control works which are required due to reasons other than
the above shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer. The cost of such works shall be
covered by the provisions made in the contract.
Temporary erosion and pollution control measures may be required even outside the right-of-
way where supplementary operations such as borrow pit excavation, service road
construction, tipping of excavation spoils, parking of equipment, storing of tools/materials
and camping are continuing as a result of roadway construction.
The temporary erosion control measures made by the Contractor/Users’ Group shall be
adequately maintained by them until such measures are found no longer required.
The soil erosion and pollution control works shall be measured by the units specified for
respective items in the contract. When the items are difficult to quantify, payments shall be
made on lump sum basis as per the provisions made in the contract.
2-6.5 Rates
2-7.1 Description
This work shall include furnishing and laying of live sod of perennial turf which forms grass
on the slopes of embankment, shoulders and other locations shown on the drawings or
directed by the Engineer.
Unless otherwise specified, such works shall be carried out immediately after the completion
of relevant construction items provided that the season is favourable or facilities are available
for turfing.
2-7.2 Materials
The sod shall be dense and have well-rooted growth of permanent and desirable grasses
which are indigenous to the locality where it is supposed to be used. It shall be practically
free from weeds or other undesirable matters.
When the sod is cut for re-use, the thickness of the grass layer on sod should be
approximately 50 mm and free from debris. The overall thickness of the sod should be as
uniform as possible with 5-8 cm thick cover of soil containing grass roots. Practically, the
entire root system of the grasses shall remain intact in the sod strip.
The sods shall be cut in rectangular strips having dimensions of not less than 25 cm x 30 cm.
However, the sods shall not be in excessively large size which may cause inconvenience in
handling and transportation.
During wet weather, the sod shall be allowed to dry sufficiently in order to avoid any tearing
during handling. During dry weather, the sod shall be watered in order to prevent the
separation of soil during handling. Furthermore, watering keeps the grass alive.
The area to be turfed shall be constructed in advance to the required slope and cross-section.
Soil on the area shall be loosened and made free from all stones larger than 50 mm diameter,
sticks, stumps and undesirable hostile matters. Soil on the area shall be prepared to a
reasonably fine granular texture up to a depth of not less than 25 mm.
Where required, top soil shall be spread over the locations to be turfed. Prior to spreading of
top soil, the slopes shall be scarified to the depths shown in the drawings. While spreading
top soil, required allowances shall be provided for the settlement. The depth after settlement
shall comply with the required nominal depth shown in the drawings.
Where top soil is not available for spreading, fertiliser and ground limestone shall be spread
uniformly at the rate indicated in the drawings.
On side slopes steeper than 2:1, the laying of sods shall be carried out from the bottom to the
top. At places where water may flow over the turfed area, the top edge of the lower strip
shall always be inserted into the down edge of the higher strip and a layer of soil shall be
placed over the joint followed by its compaction.
Where the slope is 2:1 or steeper and the distance along the slope is more than 2 m, the sods
shall be staked with pegs or nails spaced approximately 50 to 100 cm along the longitudinal
axis of the sod strips. The stakes shall be driven approximately perpendicular to the sod
After the sods have been laid in position, the surface shall be cleared of loose sods, excess
soil and other hostile materials. A thin layer of top soil shall be spread over the turf and the
turfed area shall be moistened by sprinkling water.
The turf shall be watered regularly by the Contractor/Users’ Group for a period of at least
four weeks after its laying. Watering shall be carried out without damaging the turf by
erosion or flooding. The turfed areas shall be, further, protected from any damage caused by
wheels of water bowsers or by people walking over it. To this effect, the Contractor/Users’
Group shall erect necessary warning signs and barriers.
The Contractor/Users’ Group shall repair or replace turfed areas by new sods if any area fails
to show uniform growth of grass. If such situation occurs as a result of the
Contractor’s/Users’ Group’s negligence then it shall be rectified at their cost.
2-7.5 Rate
The contract unit rate for turfing with sods shall be paid in full for carrying out all relevant
operations detailed in clause 2 -7 including full compensation for all labour, materials,
precautionary measures and incidentals required to complete the work as per the
2-8.1 Description
2-8.2 Materials
The seeds shall be of approved quality and type and be suitable for the soil on which they are
to be applied. The seeds shall be pure enough to ascertain the germination process. If
provided, seeds shall comply with the requirements indicated in the contract.
The chemical fertiliser shall be of standard quality having acceptable commercial identity.
The organic manure shall be fully putrefied organic matter such as cow dung. The mulching
material shall be preferably straw, hay, wood shaving or saw dust. It shall be reasonably free
from weed seeds and other hostile matters which may lower the effectiveness of mulch or be
harmful to the plant growth. To this effect, mulching material shall be delivered in dry state.
The area to be seeded shall be brought to the required shape by refilling of eroded areas and
refinishing of slopes, berms, etc. The preparation of seed bed shall include
Þ removal of all live plants by using appropriate agricultural tools;
Þ loosening of soil up to a depth of 10 cm;
Þ breaking and spreading of clods which are larger than 25 mm in diameter; and
Þ application of water as per the requirement.
All seeds shall be sowed uniformly according to the approved rate. Immediately after
sowing, the area shall be raked and dragged or otherwise covered by a layer of top soil of 6
mm thickness.
The sowing of seed shall not be carried out when the ground is muddy or the weather
condition is not favourable for such operation.
Soil moisture shall exist throughout the zone at a depth from 2.5 cm to 12.5 cm below the
surface at the time of planting. Watering of the seeded area shall be carried out as directed by
the Engineer.
Within 24 hours of seeding, mulching material mixed with organic manure shall be placed as
a continuous, uniform cover having an approximate thickness of 25 mm. Mulching material
shall be protected from being blown away by wind as directed by the Engineer.
If required, chemical fertiliser could be applied later as described in the contract or as directed
by the Engineer.
Each seeded and mulched area shall be maintained by the Contractor/Users’ Group until its
final acceptance. Maintenance shall include
Þ protection of seeded areas from traffic by installing approved warning signs and
barricades; and
Þ repeating the seeding and mulching operations in failed areas.
Seeding and mulching operations shall be measured as finished work in square metres.
2-8.7 Rate
Contract unit rate for seeding and mulching shall be paid in full for carrying out all relevant
operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, precautionary measures and
incidentals required to complete the works as per the Specifications.
2-9.1 Introduction
This work shall include construction of surface drains and sub-surface drains in accordance
with the requirements of these Specifications and as per the lines, grades, dimensions and
other particulars shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Schedule of works shall be approved by the Engineer in order to ensure the completion of
such drains as per the operational sequence of other activities such as roadway and pavement
works. While preparing the schedule, it should be ensured that no excavation of other
completed works becomes necessary and no damage to other completed works is caused as a
result of scheduled time lag of this work.
Surface drains shall be excavated as per the requirements of clause 2 -1. If found suitable,
the excavated materials shall be utilised in the adjoining embankment construction.
2-9.3.1 General
2-9.3.2 Materials
Pipe : Perforated pipes for the drains are usually made out of metal, asbestos cement, cement
concrete or PVC. Non-perforated pipes are generally made out of vitrified clay, cement
Filter Material : Filter material shall consist of particles which are sound, tough, hard and
durable. It shall be either sound-gravel or broken stone which is free from organic matters
and other undesirable materials. When the contract does not specify any particular grading
for filter material, the filter material shall be provided according to the following guidelines.
I. when the soil in the trench is fine grained (e.g. fine silt, clay or a mixture of both), the
filter material shall be of Class I grading as given in Table 2 -9.
II. when the soil in the trench is a type ranging from coarse silt to medium sand, the filter
material shall correspond to Class II grading of Table 2 -9.
III. when the soil in the trench is gravel mixed sand, the filter material shall correspond to
Class III grading of Table 2 -9.
The thickness of filter layer around the pipe shall be maintained as shown on the drawings
but it shall always be at least 150 mm.
Trench for sub-surface drain shall be excavated as per the specified lines, grades, dimensions
on the construction drawings and in accordance with the requirements of clause 15 -3,
provided that the width of trench at pipe level shall not be less than 450 mm.
Laying of pipes in the trench shall be carried out according to the specified lines, grades
shown in the drawings. The laying works shall start from the outlet end and proceed towards
the upper end. Longitudinal gradient of the pipe shall not be less than 0.01 (1:100).
Before laying the pipe, filter material of the required grading shall be placed on full width of
the trench bed in a layer not more than 150 mm thickness (or as shown on the drawings) and
compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The pipe shall then be firmly embedded on the
Perforated pipes, unless otherwise specified, shall be placed with perforated holes facing
downwards in order to minimise clogging at the mouth. Pipes shall be joined securely with
appropriate couplings, fittings or collars.
Non-perforated pipes shall be laid with not less than 150 mm spacing between the adjoining
ends. Such open joints shall be wrapped with suitable pervious material like double layer of
hessian or similar material in order to permit entry of water but not the finer particles. In this
case, the number of pipe segments shall be increased so that there are more open joints
available to receive seepage water.
In case of non-perforated pipes with bell end, the pipes shall be laid with the bell facing
upgrade direction. Upper end of the pipe shall be closed either by concrete plugs or plugs
fabricated from the same material as of the pipe in order to prevent entry of any soil particles.
When the pipe laying is completed, an approved filter material of the required grading (refer
to clause 2-9.3.2) shall be placed over the pipe to the required level in layers having
maximum thickness of 150 mm. Each layer shall be compacted to the satisfaction of the
Unless otherwise specified, the segments of sub-surface drains which are not directly below
the road pavement shall be sealed at the top by a sealing material (clay) having a minimum
thickness of 150 mm in order to prevent percolation of surface water. However, the
minimum thickness of overburden layer (filter material + sealing material) above the pipe
shall be 300 mm.
Outlets of pipes shall be carefully positioned to avoid any possible blockage. The projected
portion of the outlet pipes shall be protected with a cover of approved gratings or screens
which are securely fastened to the place.
For a length of 0.5 m from the outlet end, the trench shall not be filled with filter material.
Instead, such section shall be backfilled with excavated soil. Further, the pipe in this section
shall not have any perforations.
The base of the trench shall be kept free from loose particles and sloped enough to drain the
seepage water. Face of the trench at the edge of road pavement shall be made in such a
manner that all granular pavement courses to be drained shall be exposed clearly.
Aggregate used in such drains shall be durable and free from organic matter and other
undesirable substances. In general, gravel stones or any other hard stones shall be filled in
aggregate drains. The filter materials recommended for aggregate drains shall have the
following grading:
The remaining depth of the trench shall be filled with suitable fill material in accordance with
clause 2 -5.
Excavation of surface drain shall be measured and paid as per clause 2 -1.
· Dressing the sides and bed of the surface drain shall be measured in square metres.
· Lining of surface drain shall be measured in square metres.
Excavation of trench for sub-surface drain shall be measured and paid as per clause 2 -4.
· Removal of unsuitable material and its replacement with suitable material in the trench
bed shall be measured as a single item in terms of filled volume in cubic metres.
· Laying of pipes for sub-surface drains shall be measured as completed length in linear
· Joining of pipes shall be considered incidental to the work and covers
· the provision of hessian wrappings at open joints;
· plugging the upgrade end of pipe;
· providing grating/screen at the outlet end; and
· providing impervious clay cover wherever required.
· Backfill material and aggregates for aggregate drains shall be measured as laid in position
in cubic metres.
2-9.5 Rates
The contract unit rate for the removal of unsuitable materials and its replacement with
suitable material shall be paid in full for carrying out the required operations including full
compensation for all labour, materials, precautionary measures and incidentals required to
complete the work as per the Specifications. It includes a lead up to 50 m along the slope of
the lead route.
The contract unit rate for the laying of pipes for sub-surface drains shall be paid in full for
providing, laying and joining the pipes to the requirements of these Specifications including
full compensation for all labour, materials, loading, unloading, handling and other incidentals
required to complete the work.
The contract unit rate for the placing of backfill material and aggregates in aggregate drains
shall be paid in full for providing, laying and compacting the material to the requirements of
these Specifications including full compensation for all labour, materials and other
incidentals required to complete the work.