Swimming Pool Design

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The document discusses the design of a swimming pool structure to Eurocodes standards including load analysis, structural design, geotechnical design, construction statement, and health and safety considerations.

A swimming pool structure including walls and foundation slab.

Load analysis was conducted using STAAD software. Structural analysis of the walls and foundation was conducted using SIGMA/W software to check for stresses and deflections.


Civil Engineering Design Project (CIEN 6005)

Individual Design Project

Submitted by: Neil Beeraspat (ID#: 816021840)

Date: 19th May, 2020

Lecturer: Dr. Richard Clarke

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
2019-2020 Academic Year

LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................2
LIST OF TABLES...........................................................................................................................2
1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................3
1.1 Brief.......................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Description of Structure.........................................................................................................3
1.3 Concept..................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Data Sheet..............................................................................................................................4
1.5 List of Reference....................................................................................................................4
2.0 LOAD ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................5
3.0 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS...................................................................................................6
4.0 COMPONENT DESIGN.........................................................................................................8
5.0 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN................................................................................................30
6.0 CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT...................................................................36
7.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY......................................................................................................37
8.0 DRAWINGS...........................................................................................................................38

Figure 1: Isometric view of the space frame model for the swimming pool...................................6
Figure 2: Rendered view for the swimming pool............................................................................7
Figure 3: Sectional view of Short Wall...........................................................................................9
Figure 4: Sectional view of Long Wall..........................................................................................16
Figure 5: Sectional View of Foundation Slab................................................................................23
Figure 6: Bearing Capacity Factors...............................................................................................30
Figure 7: Cross sectional view of swimming pool........................................................................31
Figure 8: Model created in SIGMA/W..........................................................................................33
Figure 9: Output results from SIGMA/W showing deformed mesh.............................................34

Table 1: STAAD Output for the various load combinations...........................................................7
Table 2: Pool Wall Design Input.....................................................................................................8
Table 3: Foundation Slab Design Input...........................................................................................8
Table 4: Settlement Analysis Input Parameters.............................................................................34
Table 5: Y- Displacement at nodes with highest settlement after 25 years...................................35

1.1 Brief
For the Individual Design, the swimming pools for the proposed development is designed. The
dimensions mentioned in the feasibility stage have been modified in this stage of the project. The
swimming pool is designed according to Eurocodes standard and the various codes used as listed
in a later chapter of this design report.

For the design, three load cases are considered and designed for. These load cases are explained
in further detail in a later chapter. The design moments are shear forces are obtained from a
model of the proposed swimming pool that was created in STAAD Pro V8i and the output results
from the model are displayed.

1.2 Description of Structure

The proposed swimming pool has dimensions of 5.6m wide and 10.6m long. The pool has a wall
height of 1.8m with a freeboard value of 0.2m below the ground surface. The pool walls have a
uniform thickness of 0.3m supported on a foundation slab having a thickness of 0.335m.

1.3 Concept
Having finalized the feasibility stage of the project, with respect to the swimming pool designs it
has been decided that the Eurocodes will be used for the final designs. This decision was made in
light of the design team’s experience and knowledge of designs using the Eurocodes. The
swimming pool shall be designed to cater for three different load cases with no earthquake
loadings being factored into the design. In this way the design team will produce member and
steel sizing that would resist the max loading from the respect load cases. Constructability shall
also be factored into the design process in an effort to produce a structure that meets the quality
standards set forth by the client and the consultant team.

1.4 Data Sheet
 Characteristic Compressive Strength of concrete, f ck =30 N / mm
 Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement, f yk=500 N /mm
 Modulus of Elasticity of reinforcement, E=200GPa
 OPC content¿ 325 kg /m3
 Unit weight of concrete, γ conc =24 kN /m
 Unit weight of soil, γ soil =17.5 kN /m
 Unit weight of water, γ water =10 kN /m
 Friction angle of soil, ϕ=33 °
 Coefficient of active earth pressure, k a=0.333

1.5 List of Reference

The following are chapters of the Eurocodes, British standards, textbooks and reading materials
that were used to complete the design:

 EN 1990:2002 (Basis of Structural Design)

 EN 1992-1-1:2004 (Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1 : General rules and rules for
 EN 1992-2-2:2005 (Design of concrete structures - Concrete bridges - Design and
detailing rules)
 BS 8007 (Design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids)
 EN 1997-1:2004 (Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules)
 Mosley, William Henry, Ray Hulse, and John Henry Bungey. 2012. Reinforced concrete
design: to Eurocode 2. Macmillan International Higher Education.
 Das, Braja M. 2015. Principles of foundation engineering. Cengage learning.
 Bowles, JE. 1996. Foundation Analysis & Design 5th Edition McGraw-Hill Companies.
 USACE. 1990. "Settlement Analysis, Engineer Manual EM 1110‐1‐1904."

Three types of loads were considered in the structural analysis of the swimming pool. Those
being Dead Load, Earth Load and Water Load. The load analysis is as follows:

 Dead Load- The dead load was obtained by calculating the self-weight of the four walls
in addition to the foundation slab. These calculations are shown below:

W 1 ( long wall ) =( 0.3∗2∗10∗24 )∗2=288 kN

W 2 ( short wall ) =( 0.3∗2∗5∗24 )∗2=144 kN

W 3 ( foundation slab )=0.225∗5∗10∗24=270 kN

Dead Load=W 1 +W 2+W 3=702 kN

 Earth Load- The earth load was calculated as the active lateral earth pressure acting
against the pool walls and is shown below:

Earth Load=k a γh=0.333∗17.5∗2=11.7 kN /m 2

 Water Load- The water load was calculated as the hydrostatic pressure of the water acting
against the pool walls and is shown below:

Water Load=γ w z=10∗2=20 kN /m2

Note: It should be noted that both the earth load and the water load was applied to each wall
individually in the STAAD Pro model and the following load combinations were considered in
the analysis. The load combinations were taken from EN 1990:2002.

Load Combination 1 ( Filled Pool plus backfill soil ) :1.4 D+ 1.2 E . P+1.4 W . P

Load Combimation 2 ( Empty Pool plus backfill soil ) :1.4 D+1..2 E . P

Load Combination 3 ( Filled Pool without backfill ) :1.4 D+1.4 W . P

For the structural analysis output information please refer to the attached ‘Structural Analysis
Information for swimming pool’ file.

Figure 1: Isometric view of the space frame model for the swimming pool

Figure 2: Rendered view for the swimming pool

Based on the output results from the STAAD model for the various load cases mentioned earlier,
the table below shows a summary of all the maximum bending moments and shear forces in the
respective elements of the pool.

Table 1: STAAD Output for the various load combinations

Pool Wall
Load Combination 1
Design Parameter Longitudinal Direction Transverse Direction
Max Bending Moment
(kNm)   M x =25.455 (node 171)   M y =29.499 (node 105)

Max Shear Force (kN)   S x =35.086 (node 2)   S y =54.59 (node 28)

Load Combination 2
Max Bending Moment
(kNm)   M x =38.9 (node 171)   M y =45.308 (node 117)

Max Shear Force (kN)   S x =26.182 (node 171)   S y =56.238 (node 116)

Load Combination 3
Max Bending Moment
(kNm)   M x =41.771 (node 171)   M y =33.131 (node 94)

Max Shear Force (kN)   S x =63.242 (node 2)   S y =55.62 (node 94)

Pool Base
Load Combination 1
Max Bending Moment
(kNm)   M x =40.88 (node 170)   M y =21.319 (node 482)

Max Shear Force (kN)   S x =26.5 (node 387)   S y =75.88 (node 582)

Load Combination 2
Max Bending Moment
(kNm)   M x =38.9 (node 171)   M y =22.006 (node 470)

Max Shear Force (kN)   S x =132.65 (node 476)   S y =108.63 (node 138)

Load Combination 3
Max Bending Moment
(kNm)   M x =28.773 (node 72)   M y =21.252 (node 482)

Max Shear Force (kN)   S x =132.11 (node 494)   S y =78.61 (node 312)


Swimming Pool Design Calculations

Pool Dimension:



Thickness of walls-0.3m

Thickness of foundation slab-0.335m

Note: The values shown below are the maximum output for the respective load combinations.

Pool Wall Design Input

Table 2: Pool Wall Design Input

STAAD Analysis Output Longitudinal Direction Transverse Direction

Max Bending Moment (kNm) M x =41.771 M y =45.308
Max Shear Force (kN) S x =63.242 S y =56.238

Foundation Slab Design Input

Table 3: Foundation Slab Design Input

STAAD Analysis Output Longitudinal Direction Transverse Direction

Max Bending Moment (kNm) M x =40.88 M y =22.006
Max Shear Force (kN) S x =132.65 S y =108.63

Short Wall Design Calculations (5.6m)

Input Parameters

 Wall Thickness=300mm
 Density of water=10 kN/m3
 Characteristic Compressive Strength of concrete, fck=30N/mm2
 Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement, fyk=500 N/mm2
 Assumed concrete cover=30mm
 Modulus of Elasticity of reinforcement, E=200GPa
 OPC content=325kg/m3

Figure 3: Sectional view of Short Wall

ULS Checks-Transverse

Calculation Output Reference
Max Applied Bending Moment, My ¿ 45.308 kNm STAAD Model
Max Applied Shear Force, VED ¿ 56.238 kN STAAD Model
Assuming T12 bars Φ=12 mm
Assumed cover, c (for exposure ¿ 30 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
class XC3) (Table 4.4N)
Effective Depth, d1 ¿ 252 mm

Lever arm, z=0.95d ¿ 239.4 mm EN1992-1-1:2004

(Fig. 6.5)
Width of section, b ¿ 1000 mm
#of curtain check; k bal=0.167
k ≤ k bal
M ¿ 0.024< 0.167 ; PROVIDE 1 CURTAIN
k= 2
b d f ck
M A sreq=435.07 mm2 EN 1992-2-2:2005
A s=
0.87∗f yk ∗z
Provide 5T12-200c/c A s provided=566 mm Reinforced Concrete
Design to Eurocode
2 (Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)

Shear Checks
200 ¿ 1.891<2.0(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
k =1+

√ d (6.2.a)
¿ 0.0017< 0.02(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ 1=
bd (6.2.a)
Allowable Shear resistance, V Rd ,c =98.88 kN EN1992-1-1:2004
V Rd ,c =¿ (6.2.a)
Since VED<VRd,c 55.238<98.88; no shear reinforcement

ULS Checks-Longitudinal
Max Applied Bending Moment, My ¿ 41.771 kNm STAAD Model
Max Applied Shear Force, VED ¿ 63.242 kN STAAD Model

Assuming T12 bars Φ=12 mm
Assumed cover, c (for exposure ¿ 30 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
class XC3) (Table 4.4N)
Effective Depth, d2 ¿ 264 mm
Lever arm, z=0.95d ¿ 250.8 mm
Width of section, b ¿ 1000 mm

#of curtain check; k bal=0.167

k ≤ k bal
M ¿ 0.02<0.167 ; PROVIDE 1 CURTAIN
k= 2
b d f ck
M A s=382.88 mm2 EN 1992-2-2:2005
A s=
0.87∗f yk ∗z
Provide 5T12-200c/c A s provided=566 mm Reinforced Concrete
Design to Eurocode
2 (Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)

Shear Checks
200 ¿ 1.870<2.0(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
k =1+

√ d (6.2.a)
¿ 0.0015<0.02(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ 1=
bd (6.2.a)
Allowable Shear resistance, V Rd ,c =96.69 kN EN1992-1-1:2004
V Rd ,c =¿ (6.2.a)
Since VED<VRd,c 63.242<96.69; no shear reinforcement

SLS Checks
1. Flexural Cracking
Assumed cover, c (for exposure ¿ 30 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
class XC3) (Table 4.4N)
Depth of section, h ¿ 300 mm
Max Applied Bending Moment, My ¿ 45.308 kNm STAAD Model
As provided ¿ 1132 mm2 (Provide 2 curtains of

5T12@200c/c each)
Width of section, b ¿ 1000 mm
Effective Depth, d1 ¿ 252 mm
Modulus of Elasticity of ¿ 200 kN /mm 2
reinforcement, Es
f ck +8 0.3 Ecm =32.84 EN1992-1-1:2004
Ecm =22
10 ( ) (7.10)
Es α e =6.09 EN1992-1-1:2004
α e=
E cm (7.10)
As ρ=0.0045 EN1992-1-1:2004
bd (7.10)
Depth of stress block, x x=66.25 mm
x=d∗α e∗ρ+(α e 2∗ρ2 +2 α e ρ)0.5
Lever arm, z=d-x/3 z=229.92 mm
Stress in tension steel, σs σ s=174.08 N /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
M (7.10)
σ s=
A s∗z
kt (long term loading) ¿ 0.4 EN1992-1-1:2004
fct,eff ¿ 3.5 N /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
hc,eff=(h-x)/3 h c, eff =77.92 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
A ρ p , eff =0.029 EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ p , eff = s
Ac , eff (7.10)
ε sm−ε cm=0.0006 EN1992-1-1:2004

σs 0.6∗174.08 EN1992-1-1:2004
0.6 =0.0006 ≤0.0006 (OK )
Es 200∗103 (7.10)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max
k1 (ribbed bars) ¿ 0.8 EN1992-1-1:2004
k2 (for flexure) ¿ 0.5 EN1992-1-1:2004
Bar diameter, Φ ¿ 12 mm

Maximum Crack Spacing; sr ,max =172.21mm EN1992-1-1:2004
sr ,max =3.4 c +0.425 k 1 k 2 ϕ/ ρ p , eff (7.11)
Check: (5*(c- Φ/2)) ¿ 120 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Since172.21>120 ; sr ,max =303.88 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Therefore sr ,max =1.3(h−x) (7.14)
Max Crack Width, wk
w k =0.178 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Allowable Crack width, 0.178< 0.3(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
wk allowable=0.3 (Table 7.1)

2. Thermal and Shrinkage

Coefficient of thermal expansion α T , c =12 microstrain/° C BS8110-2-1985
(for mature concrete) (Table 7.3)
Creep coefficient, Φ ¿ 2.74 EN1992-1-1:2004
(Fig. 3.1)
Three day tensile strength of ¿ 1.6 N /mm EN1992-1-1:2004
concrete, fct,eff (7.2)
f +8 0.3 Ecm =32.84 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
Ecm =22 ck (
10 ) (7.10)
Effective Modulus of Elasticity, Ec , eff =8.78 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
E cm
Ec , eff =
k (h ≤ 300) ¿1 EN1992-1-1:2004
kc (pure tension) ¿1 EN1992-1-1:2004
Act =hb Act =300000 mm 2

A s ,min =k c k Act f ct , eff /f yk A s ,min =960 mm2 /m EN1992-1-1:2004

As provided (Provide 2 curtains of A s provided=1132 mm Reinforced Concrete
5T12@200c/c) Design to Eurocode
2 (Appendix Table

A.1, A.3)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max
As ρ p , eff =0.0038 EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ p , eff =
Ac , eff (7.10)
sr ,max =3.4 c +0.425 k 1 k 2 ϕ/ ρ p , eff sr ,max =1183.27 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Drying Shrinkage Strain, εcs ¿ 50 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
Fall in temperature between the ¿ 23 ° C BS 8007 Table A.2
hydration peak and ambient, T1
Ultimate Imposed Strain for the ε imp=188 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
concrete, ε imp=(ε cs +T 1 α T , c ) A
Ultimate Tensile Strain for the ε ult =188.26 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
f ct , eff
concrete, ε ult =
E c, eff
Restraint Factor, R ¿ 0.5 BS 8007 Appendix
Max Crack Width, wmax
w max =0.111mm BS 8007 Appendix
Allowable Crack Width, wallowable w allowable=0.2> 0.111(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
(Table 7.1)

Long Wall Design Calculations (10.6m)

Input Parameters

 Wall Thickness=300mm
 Density of water=10 kN/m3
 Characteristic Concrete strength, fck=30 N/mm2
 Characteristic steel strength, fyk=500 N/mm2
 Assumed concrete cover=30mm
 Modulus of Elasticity of reinforcement, E=200kN/mm2
 OPC content=325kg/m3

Figure 4: Sectional view of Long Wall

ULS Checks-Transverse

Calculation Output Reference
Max Applied Bending Moment, ¿ 45.308 kNm STAAD Model
Max Applied Shear Force, VED ¿ 56.238 kN STAAD Model
Assuming T12 bars Φ=12 mm
Assume cover, c (for exposure ¿ 30 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
class XC3) (Table 4.4N)
Effective Depth, d1 ¿ 252 mm

Lever arm, z=0.95d ¿ 239.4 mm EN1992-1-1:2004

(Fig. 6.5)
Width of section, b ¿ 1000 mm
#of curtain check; k bal=0.167
k ≤ k bal
M ¿ 0.024< 0.167 ; PROVIDE 1 CURTAIN
k= 2
b d f ck
M A s=435.07 mm 2 EN 1992-2-2:2005
A s=
0.87∗f yk ∗z
Provide 5T12-200c/c A s provided=566 mm Reinforced Concrete
Design to Eurocode
2 (Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)

Shear Checks
200 ¿ 1.891<2.0(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
k =1+

√ d (6.2.a)
¿ 0.0017< 0.02(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ 1=
bd (6.2.a)
Allowable Shear resistance, V Rd ,c =98.88 kN EN1992-1-1:2004
V Rd ,c =¿ (6.2.a)
Since VED<VRd,c 56.238<98.88; no shear
reinforcement required
ULS Checks-Longitudinal

Max Applied Bending Moment, ¿ 41.771 kNm STAAD Model


Max Applied Shear Force, VED ¿ 63.242 kN STAAD Model
Assuming T12 bars Φ=12 mm

Effective Depth, d2 ¿ 264 mm

Assume cover, c (for exposure ¿ 30 mm EN1992-1-1:2004

class XC3) (Table 4.4N)
Lever arm, z=0.95d ¿ 250.8 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
(Fig. 6.5)
Width of section, b ¿ 1000 mm

#of curtain check; k bal=0.167

k ≤ k bal
M ¿ 0.02<0.167 ; PROVIDE 1 CURTAIN
b d 2 f ck
M A s=382.88 mm2 EN 1992-2-2:2005
A s=
0.87∗f yk ∗z
Provide 5T12-200c/c A s provided=566 mm2 Reinforced Concrete
Design to Eurocode
2 (Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)

Shear Checks

200 ¿ 1.87<2.0 (OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004

k =1+

√ d (6.2.a)
¿ 0.0015<0.02(OK )
ρ 1=
bd (6.2.a)
Allowable Shear resistance, V Rd ,c =96.69 kN EN1992-1-1:2004
V Rd ,c =¿ (6.2.a)
Since VED<VRd,c 63.242<96.69; no shear
reinforcement required

SLS Checks
1. Flexural Cracking

Assumed cover, c ¿ 30 mm
Depth of section, h ¿ 300 mm
Max Applied Bending Moment, ¿ 45.308 kNm STAAD Model
As provided (Provide 2 curtains of ¿ 1132 mm2
5T12@200c/c reinforcement)
Width of section, b ¿ 1000 mm
Effective Depth, d1 ¿ 252 mm

Modulus of Elasticity of ¿ 200 kN /mm 2

reinforcement, Es
f ck +8 0.3 Ecm =342.84 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
Ecm =22 (
10 ) (7.10)
E α e =6.09 EN1992-1-1:2004
α e= s
E cm (7.10)
As ρ=0.0045 EN1992-1-1:2004
bd (7.10)
Depth of stress block, x x=66.25 mm
x=d∗α e∗ρ+(α e 2∗ρ2 +2 α e ρ)0.5
Lever arm, z=d-x/3 z=229.92 mm
Stress in tension steel, σs σ s=172.08 N /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
M (7.10)
σ s=
A s∗z
kt (long term loading) ¿ 0.4 EN1992-1-1:2004
fct,eff ¿ 3.5 N /mm EN1992-1-1:2004
hc,eff=(h-x)/3 h c, eff =77.92 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
As ρ p , eff =0.029 EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ p , eff =
Ac , eff (7.10)

ε sm−ε cm=0.0006 EN1992-1-1:2004

σs 0.6∗172.08 EN1992-1-1:2004
0.6 3
=0.0006 ≤0.0006 (OK )
Es 200∗10 (7.10)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max
k1 (ribbed bars) ¿ 0.8 EN1992-1-1:2004
k2 (for flexure) ¿ 0.5 EN1992-1-1:2004
Bar diameter, Φ ¿ 12 mm
Max Crack spacing sr ,max =172.21mm EN1992-1-1:2004
sr ,max =3.4 c +0.425 k 1 k 2 ϕ/ ρ p , eff (7.11)
Check: (5*(c- Φ/2)) ¿ 120 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Since172.21>120 ; sr ,max =303.88 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Therefore sr ,max =1.3(h−x) (7.14)
Max Crack Width, wk
w k =0.178 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Allowable Crack width, 0.178< 0.3(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
wk allowable=0.3 (Table 7.1)

Thermal and Shrinkage

Coefficient of thermal expansion α T , c =12 microstrain/° C BS8110-2-1985
(for mature concrete) (Table 7.3)
Creep coefficient, Φ ¿ 2.74 EN1992-1-1:2004
(Fig. 3.1)
Three day tensile strength of ¿ 1.6 N /mm EN1992-1-1:2004
concrete, fct,eff (7.2)
f ck +8 0.3 Ecm =32.84 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
Ecm =22 (10 ) (7.10)
Effective Modulus of Elasticity, Ec , eff =8.78 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004

E cm
Ec , eff =
k (h ≤ 300) ¿1 EN1992-1-1:2004
kc (pure tension) ¿1 EN1992-1-1:2004
Act =hb Act =300000 mm 2

A s ,min =k c k Act f ct , eff /f yk A s ,min =960 mm2 /m EN1992-1-1:2004

As provided (Provide 2 curtains of A s provided =1132 mm Reinforced Concrete
5T12@200c/c reinforcement) Design to Eurocode
2 (Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max
As ρ p , eff =0.0037 EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ p , eff =
Ac , eff (7.10)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max sr ,max =1183.27 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
sr ,max =3.4 c +0.425 k 1 k 2 ϕ/ ρ p , eff (7.11)
Drying Shrinkage Strain, εcs ¿ 50 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
Fall in temperature between the ¿ 23 ° C Table A.2 BS 8007
hydration peak and ambient, T1
Ultimate Imposed Strain for the ε imp=188 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
concrete, ε imp=(ε cs +T 1 α T , c ) A
Ultimate Tensile Strain for the ε ult =182.24 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
f ct , eff
concrete, ε ult =
E c, eff
Restraint Factor, R ¿ 0.5 BS 8007 Appendix
Max Crack Width, wmax
w max =0.111mm BS 8007 Appendix
Allowable Crack Width, wallowable w allowable=0.2> 0.111(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
(Table 7.1)

Foundation Base Slab Design

Figure 5: Sectional View of Foundation Slab

Characteristic Compressive f ck =30 N / mm 2

Strength of concrete, fck
Characteristic yield strength of f yk =500 N /mm 2
reinforcement, fyk
Assumed cover, c (for exposure ¿ 30 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
class XC3) (Table 4.4N)
Thickness of slab, h ¿ 335 mm

Transverse Reinforcement
Assuming T12 rebar;
Effective depth, d1 d=287 mm
Width of section, b b=1000 mm
Max Applied Bending Moment, My ¿ 22.006 kNm STAAD Model
Lever arm, z=0.95d z=272.65 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
(Fig. 6.5)
#of curtain check; k bal=0.167
k ≤ k bal
M ¿ 0.009<0.167 ; PROVIDE 1CURTAIN
k= 2
b d f ck

Area of steel required, A s req =185.54 mm2 EN 1992-2-2:2005
M (6.101a)
A s req =
0.87∗f yk ∗z
Area of steel provided, (Provide A s provided=566 mm2 Reinforced
5T12@200c/c) Concrete Design to
Eurocode 2
(Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)

Shear Check
Maximum Shear force applied, Vy V x =108.63 kN STAAD Model
Span-effective ratio ¿ 0.064 (which corresponds ¿36)
100 A s
Actual ratio ¿ 19.52<36(OK )
Shear resistance, vrd,c v rd, c =0.47 N /mm2 Reinforced
Concrete Design to
Eurocode 2 (Table
Allowable Shear Stress, V rd ,c =134.89 kN >101.63 kN
V rd ,c =v rd ,c bd (OK)

Longitudinal Reinforcement
Assuming T12 rebar;
Effective depth, d2 d=299 mm
Width of section, b b=1000 mm
Max Applied Bending Moment, Mx ¿ 40.88 kNm STAAD Model
Lever arm, z=0.95d z=284.05 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
(Fig. 6.5)
#of curtain check; k bal=0.167
k ≤ k bal
M ¿ 0.015<0.167 ; PROVIDE 1CURTAIN
k= 2
b d f ck
Area of steel required, A s req =330.85 mm2 EN 1992-2-2:2005
M (6.101a)
A s req =
0.87∗f yk ∗z

Area of steel provided, (Provide A s provided=566 mm2 Reinforced
5T12@200c/c) Concrete Design to
Eurocode 2
(Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)

Shear Check
Maximum Shear force applied, Vx V x =132.65 kN STAAD Model
Span-effective ratio ¿ 0.12( which corresponds¿36)
100 A s
Actual ratio ¿ 18.73<36(OK )
Shear resistance, vrd,c v rd, c =0.47 N /mm2 Reinforced
Concrete Design to
Eurocode 2 (Table
Allowable Shear Stress, V rd ,c =134.89 kN >132.65 kN
V rd ,c =v rd ,c bd (OK)

SLS Checks
1. Flexural Cracking
Assumed cover, c ¿ 30 mm
Depth of section, h ¿ 325 mm
Max Applied Bending Moment, My ¿ 40.88 kNm STAAD Model
As provided (Provide 2 curtains of ¿ 1132 mm2
5T12@200c/c reinforcement)
Width of section, b ¿ 1000 mm
Effective Depth, d1 ¿ 299 mm

Modulus of Elasticity of ¿ 200 kN /mm 2

reinforcement, Es
f ck +8 0.3 Ecm =32.84 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
Ecm =22 (10 ) (7.10)
Es α e =6.09 EN1992-1-1:2004
α e=
E cm (7.10)

As ρ=0.0039 EN1992-1-1:2004
bd (7.10)
Depth of stress block, x x=71.47 mm
x=d∗α e∗ρ+(α e 2∗ρ2 +2 α e ρ)0.5
Lever arm, z=d-x/3 z=275.16 mm
Stress in tension steel, σs σ s=131.24 N /mm 2 EN1992-1-1:2004
M (7.10)
σ s=
A s∗z
kt (long term loading) ¿ 0.4 EN1992-1-1:2004
fct,eff ¿ 3.5 N /mm EN1992-1-1:2004
hc,eff=(h-x)/3 h c, eff =87.84 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
A ρ p , eff =0.026 EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ p , eff = s
Ac , eff (7.10)
ε sm−ε cm=0.0003 EN1992-1-1:2004

σs 0.6∗131.24 EN1992-1-1:2004
0.6 3
=0.0003 ≤ 0.0004(OK )
Es 200∗10 (7.10)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max
k1 (ribbed bars) ¿ 0.8 EN1992-1-1:2004
k2 (for flexure) ¿ 0.5 EN1992-1-1:2004
Bar diameter, Φ ¿ 12 mm
Max Crack spacing sr ,max =181.15 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
sr ,max =3.4 c +0.425 k 1 k 2 ϕ/ ρ p , eff (7.11)
Check: (5*(c- Φ/2)) ¿ 120 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Since181.15>120 ; sr ,max =342.58 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Therefore sr ,max =1.3(h−x) (7.14)
Max Crack Width, wk
w k =0.117 mm EN1992-1-1:2004
Allowable Crack width, 0.117 <0.3(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004

wk allowable=0.3 (Table 7.1)

Thermal and Shrinkage Cracking

Coefficient of thermal expansion α T , c =12 microstrain/° C BS8110-2-1985
(for mature concrete) (Table 7.3)
Creep coefficient, Φ ¿ 2.74 EN1992-1-1:2004
(Fig. 3.1)
Three day tensile strength of ¿ 1.6 N /mm EN1992-1-1:2004
concrete, fct,eff (7.2)
f ck +8 0.3 Ecm =32.84 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
Ecm =22 (
10 ) (7.10)
Effective Modulus of Elasticity, Ec , eff =8.78 kN /mm2 EN1992-1-1:2004
E cm
Ec , eff =
k (h ≤ 300) ¿1 EN1992-1-1:2004
kc (pure tension) ¿1 EN1992-1-1:2004
Act =hb Act =335000 mm 2

A s ,min =k c k Act f ct , eff /f yk A s ,min =1072 mm2 /m EN1992-1-1:2004

As provided (Provide 2 curtains of A s provided=1132 mm Reinforced
5T12@200c/c reinforcement) Concrete Design to
Eurocode 2
(Appendix Table
A.1, A.3)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max
As ρ p , eff =0.0034 EN1992-1-1:2004
ρ p , eff =
Ac , eff (7.10)
Max Crack spacing, sr,max sr ,max =1309.42mm EN1992-1-1:2004
sr ,max =3.4 c +0.425 k 1 k 2 ϕ/ ρ p , eff (7.11)
Drying Shrinkage Strain, εcs ¿ 50 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
Fall in temperature between the ¿ 24.2 ° C Table A.2 BS 8007
hydration peak and ambient, T1
Ultimate Imposed Strain for the ε imp=195.2 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix

concrete, ε imp=(ε cs +T 1 α T , c ) A
Ultimate Tensile Strain for the ε ult =182.24 microstrain BS 8007 Appendix
f ct , eff
concrete, ε ult =
E c, eff
Restraint Factor, R ¿ 0.5 BS 8007 Appendix
Max Crack Width, wmax
w max =0.127 mm BS 8007 Appendix
Allowable Crack Width, wallowable w allowable=0.2> 0.127(OK ) EN1992-1-1:2004
(Table 7.1)

Bearing and Settlement Analysis of the Soil

Note: For both the Bearing and settlement analysis calculations, Borehole 4 was selected as this
produced the lowest blow counts at the depth of the proposed foundation.

Bearing Capacity Checks

The bearing capacity checks that are performed for the swimming pool are Bearing Resistance
and Sliding Resistance. They are both done to EN1997-1:2004 standard.

Bearing Resistance

Section6.5 .2 ; V d ≤ Rd

Rd =σ q N q+ 0.4 γB N γ

N=7 (loose soil ) ; Assume ϕ=28 °

γ soil =17.5 kN /m 3 , γ conc =24 kN /m 3

N q =19 , N γ=17 ( obtained¿ chart below )

B=5.6 m

Figure 6: Bearing Capacity Factors

Figure 7: Cross sectional view of swimming pool

Qult =( 17.5∗2∗19 )+ ( 0.4∗17.5∗5.6∗17 )=1331.4 kN /m2

Q ult 1331.4 2
Q all = = =443.80 kN /m
FS 3
Q all∗A f 443.80∗5.6∗1
Rd = = =2485.28 kN per meter length of wall
γR 1
V d =W 1 +W 2 +W 3+W 4

W 1=0.3∗1.675∗1∗24=12.06 kN per meter length of wall

W 2 =0.325∗5.6∗1∗24=43.68 kN per meter length of wall

W 3 =0.3∗1.675∗1∗24=12.06 kN per meter length of wall

W 4=1.675∗5∗1∗10=83.75 kN per meter length of wall

V d =12.78+27+12.78+ 78.1=151.55 kN per meter length of wall

SinceV d < Rd ; 151.55<2485.28 ; Bearing Resistance is OK

Sliding Resistance
Clause 9.5 Section 7 ; δ=kϕ ; k =1 ; δ=28°

Section6.5 .3 ; H d ≤ R d

H d =Pa=0.5 k a γ h 2

1−sinϕ 1−sin 28
k a= = =0.36
1+sinϕ 1+sin 28

Pa=0.5∗0.36∗17.5∗22=12.6 kN /m

V d tanδ 151.55∗tan 28
Rd = = =80.58 kN /m> 12.6 ; Sliding Resistance is OK
γ R ;h 1

Settlement Analysis

Table 4: Settlement Analysis Input Parameters

Parameters Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

(Sandy Clay (Clayey Silt) (Sandy Silt)
with Phyllite)
Saturated Water Content (assumed) 0.33 0.34 0.33
Residual Water Content (assumed) 0.1 0.11 0.1
Poisson Ratio (Table 2-7 Foundation Analysis and 0.25 0.32 0.32
Design, Joseph E. Bowles, 5th Edition)
Average blow count (N average) 6 35 32
Unit weight of soil; γ (kg/m3) (assumed) 19.5 19.5 18.5
Modulus of Elasticity (kPa) (USACE EM1110-1- 25000 48000 24000

Using SIGMA/W load/deformation analysis in the Geostudio 2018 R2 software package to

compute the settlement of the structure over a twenty-five (25) year period:

Figure 8: Model created in SIGMA/W

Figure 9: Output results from SIGMA/W showing deformed mesh

Table 5: Y- Displacement at nodes with highest settlement after 25 years

Node X-Displacement (m) Y-Displacement (m) XY-Displacement (m)
869 1.22E-03 -0.02018671 0.020223462
870 0.001070899 -0.020751101 0.020778716
871 0.000911657 -0.021203081 0.021222671
872 0.000741625 -0.02155558 0.021568334
873 5.61E-04 -0.021822395 0.021829618
874 0.000377138 -0.022010306 0.022013536
875 0.000189367 -0.022121908 0.022122719
876 1.09E-13 -0.022158736 0.022158736
877 -0.000189367 -0.022121908 0.022122719
878 -0.000377138 -0.022010306 0.022013536
879 -0.000561496 -0.021822395 0.021829618
880 -0.000741625 -0.02155558 0.021568334
881 -0.000911657 -0.021203081 0.021222671
882 -1.07E-03 -0.020751101 0.020778716
883 -0.001218674 -0.02018671 0.020223462

Maximum Allowable Settlement=50 mm (BS EN 1997−1 :2004 Annex H )

Maximum Settlememt achieved after 25 year analysis period=22.16 mm

Since22.16< 50; Therefore Settlement OK

The construction process for both the adult and kids swimming pool shall adhere to the following
steps outlined below:

1. Excavation of the specified location for the swimming pool which would be a larger area
than that of the pool to provide working space.
2. Sand filling will then be done to a compacted layer thickness of 15cm, after which the
field density test shall be carried out to ensure the compaction meets the specified level.
3. The sand fill shall be prepared for a 5mm layer of blinding concrete as specified in the
specification document.
4. The transverse steel shall then be bended and placed in readiness for concrete pour. The
specified size of steel shall be bent into U- bars and placed.
5. The longitudinal steel shall then be tied onto the transverse U-bars while maintaining all
the specified centre to centre spacing.
6. The formwork for the base slab shall be fitted ensuring that the specified cover is
maintained throughout.
7. Concrete shall then be batched to provide the specified strength required for the base
slabs after which the concrete shall be poured for the base slab.

8. After 24 hours have passed the formwork used for the base slab shall then be removed
and the formwork for the pool walls shall now be fitted. The cover shall also be
maintained throughout.
9. Concrete shall then be batched to provide the specified strength required for the pool
walls after which the concrete shall be poured for the walls.
10. After 24 hours have passed the formwork used for the walls shall be removed. Concrete
curing for both the slab and the walls shall be continuous for seven (7) days after concrete
has been poured. This will be done by constant wetting of both components.
11. The non-slip ceramic tiles shall be placed on the interior of the walls and the base slab.
The non-shrink grout that is specified shall be used in placing of the tiles.


Health and Safety is of paramount importance when executing any construction projects. As of
such all workers involved need to adhere to proper health and safety guidelines set forth by the

The local construction industry is guided by the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act 2004
which was amended in 2006. Under the OSH Act, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
Authority) was established within the Ministry of Labour and was authorized to regulate Health
and Safety conditions for all employers. Under the Act the employer has specific duties listed
below that will be followed during the construction process:

1. Ensuring all materials that are used on the job site are stored and used safely.
2. Providing adequate and suitable protective clothing or devices.
3. Giving the instruction, training and supervision necessary for employee health and safety
before any major task is started.
4. Providing adequate welfare facilities.

The contractor shall adhere to these measures and also have strict HSE policies before start of
construction to ensure workers follow these guidelines to ensure minimal hazards occur during
the construction phase of the project.


Please refer to the ‘Drawings’ folder to view to specified drawings for the swimming pool.


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