Final Project
Final Project
Final Project
Prepared By:
Name ID.No.
1. Abdu Wasye--------------------------------002/10
2. Foziya Ali-----------------------------------022/10
3. Birhan Asfaw------------------------------ 014/10
4. Gumataw Mekie----------------------------025/10
5. Mandefro Birhanu------------------------ 036/10
6. Foziya Mohammed-------------------------037/10
7. Rehima Mohammed------------------------052/10
8. Yitbarek G/Medhn------------------------- 067/10
August 2020
Dessie, Ethiopia
First of all, we would like to thank GOD, for his unlimited willingness and the
almightily and the most pass not to finalize and perform this study. Secondly,
deepest gratitude goes to Arega.E (MA) for his wonderful consultancy and
effective advisory role throughout this study. Finally, our acknowledgment goes
to different individuals including the manager of Ethiopian Telecommunication
Dessie Branch and the employees for giving information and providing different
support for the study.
Table of Contents
List of Tables.....................................................................................................i
List of Figures...................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO..............................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................7
2.2.1 Information........................................................................................7
2.1.2 System...............................................................................................8
2.4 Telecommunication................................................................................20
CHAPTER THREE...........................................................................................20
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................20
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................23
CHAPTER FIVE...............................................................................................34
5.1 Conclusions...........................................................................................34
5.2 Recommendations.................................................................................36
List of Tables
Table 4.5 MIS to make helps to make reliable and fast decision----------------27
Table 4.6 response on the corporation skilled manpower and equipment ----27
List of Figures
Fig.4.1 Respondent Current position-----------------------------------------------23
To analyze the collected data from various sources, the researchers used
descriptive types of data analysis tools. Among those tools, the researchers used
tables, piecharts, bar graph hand percentages. Management Information
Systems is a useful tool that provided organized and summarized information in
proper time to decision-makers and enable making an accurate decision for
managers in organizations.
The corporation should also create a strong network among departments to have
a fast flow of information between them and avoid factors which are hindering
the flow of information that is poor interrelation among departments, time
constraint, frequent interruption of the network, poor relationship between
management and employee, limited access of internet and so on. The corporation
should also improve the decision store system from a manual system to a
computerized system because such a system is easily exposed to deterioration
and time consuming to assess the previous activities.
MIS is important in such an atmosphere for decision making for public and
private, as well as government organizations. It assists or helps managers in
decision making and problem-solving (Academia/2014).
MIS examines obstacles that limit the role of MIS in decision making during a
crisis (Citesesrx/2014). MIS performs vital roles in any types of organization:
support business operation and it helps store management where better
decision and attempt to gain a strategic competitive advantage, for example,
the decision on what lines of merchandise need to be added or discontinued or
on what lines of merchandise need to be added or made after an analysis
provided by MIS. This is not only the way to gain an advantage over other
retailers in the completion of customers (O Brien, 1996).
The MIS department headed by a single manager that person often is called the
chief information officer (CIO). The CIO position might be advice president or
one level below that. A major portion of this job involves searching for many
ways in which the information system can help the company. In particular, the
CIO searcher for and advocates the strategic use of MIS.
The goal is to use the computer in some way that Affects customers to provide
an advantage over the competitors. CIO is although responsible for organizing
the MIS department to fit the need of the company. If no one in this advocacy
evaluates the existing system and comparing them to new products, an
organization is probably not often going to get new equipment. Even when
many users are dissatisfied with an existing system, they will have a better
chance of acquiring new technology if they can voice their complaints through
on highly place person. Along these lines, the CIO is responsible for long-run
planning in terms of information technology (Anderson, 1997).
This study has a pivotal role in the Ethiopian telecom Dessie branch as well as
different corporation owners. The finding of this study may help the
corporation to undertake appropriate measures in dealing with a problem
related to the use of MIS in organizational decision making. Moreover, this
study may contribute a piece of knowledge to the literature on the role of MIS
in organizational decision making. Furthermore, the finding of this study might
be helpful for policymakers and practitioners in their attempt to promote the
use of technology in organizational decision making. Finally, this study may
also serve as a reference for other researchers who were interested in related
topics. In general, this study will be used for the following bodies:
For society
Society needs to get valuable, timely, and accurate
For the different researchers as a reference
It is important for other researchers as a reference, guidance, and
base for conducting other related researches.
For the researcher
It is important for getting knowledge, experience, skill, and
ability…about research. Moreover, the researcher translates
theoretical knowledge into practice.
Like other studies, this study was also not done without limitations. One of the
limitations was its design. In a sense, the cross-sectional survey design in
which the data to be used for the study was gathered at one point in time from
employees of Ethio telecom Dessie Branch. Because of the time and financial
constraints, it was better to employ a longitudinal survey design to collect data
from employees of the Ethio telecom Dessie branch at different times during
their stay in the organization may vary.
This study is organized into five chapters. The first chapter discusses the
background of the study, the statement of the problem, research questions, the
objective of the study, the significance of the study, the scope of the study, and
limitations of the study. The second chapter deals with the literature review.
The third chapter contains methodology, research design, sample and sampling
technique, source of data, method of data collection, and instrument. The
fourth chapter deals with data analysis and interpretation and the fifth chapter
studies about conclusions and recommendations.
2.2.1 Information
Information is data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to
the recipient and is of real perceived value in the current perspective decision,
Information is more than raw data (Luicas, 1999:p.23) Information is data that
has been processed a great use. That purpose might be to affect the
information for values or causes be statutory requirements but in variability, it
is to aid save kind of decision (Zwass, 1998:p.5).
2.1.2 System
1. People resource: People are required for the operation of all information
systems. These people resource include end-users is specialists.
End users also called users or clients: are people who use the
information system of the information it produces. They can be
accountants, salespersons, engineers, or managers. Most of us are
information system end-users.
Is a specialist are people who develop and operate information system
they include system analysts, programmers, computer operators, and
other Managerial, technical and clerical IS personnel.
7. Network support: This includes all of the people, hardware, software, and
data resources that directly support the operation and use of communication
networks. The concept of network resource emphasizes that communication
technologies and network are the components of a fundamental resource of all
information system (A.O, Brien, 2003:p.11-14)
Process control system (PCS) Monitor and control physical process for an
Example petroleum refinery uses electronic sensors linked to computers to
continually monitors chemical processes and make instant or real-time
adjustments that control the refinery process.
Good information system does not simply materialize from thin air providing
timely, accurate
The database is critical to the operation of any company keeping the database
up to date the accurate does not happens by chance large organization employ
a database administrator (DBA) to be responsible for maintaining the corporate
database. The DBA is responsible for maintaining the database, monitoring the
performance of the database management system, and solving day to day
problems that arise with the database.
If no one in this advocate role evaluates the existing systems and comparing
them to new products, an organization Is probably not often going to get new
equipment. Even when many users are dissatisfied with an existing system,
they can voice their complaints through one highly place person. Along these
lines, the CIO is responsible for long-run planning in terms of information
technology (post-Anderson, 1997; p615-618).
It is described as the next evolutions that are stepped after the management
information system.MIS support decision making is both structured and
unstructured problem environments. It supports decision making to be
implemented at all levels of the organization ( Indienmba / 2014).
Decision support the DSS is not intended to replace the manager. As the figure
below shows the relationship between problem structure and the degree of
support that the computer can provide the computer can be applied to the
structured portion of the problem, but the manager is responsible for the
structured portion applying judgment or institution and conducting analyses.
Managers Manager
& Solution
Bulletin boards can be used to lets everyone express opinions and evaluations.
In the 1980s an additional tool known as a group decision support system
(GDSS) was defined A.GDSS is designed to help managers and reach a
consensus during the meeting (Post Anderson, 1997 p.335).
Tactical Decision
Narrow scope
Making a decision is not a simple activity that takes place all at once. It
consists of several different activities that take place at a different time once a
problem occurred have to be perceived and understood, once a perceive
solution must be designed, choices have to be made about a particular
solution, finally, the solution has to be carried out and implemented (centric
and Tone p.133).
Decisions are made to solve the problem. While solving a problem the problem
solver may make many decisions. Decisions are courses of action that are
taken to avoid or reduce effects or to take advantage of the opportunity.
Decision making is a process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt
about alternatives to allow reasonable choose to be made from among them
these definition stresses the information-gathering function of decision making.
It should be noted here that uncertainty is reduced rather than eliminated.
Very few decisions are made with absolute certainty because complete
knowledge about all the alternatives is seldom possible. Thus every decision
involves a certain amount of risk. If there is no uncertainty, you do not have a
decision. You have an algorithm asset of steps that are followed to bring about
a fixed result (Harries, 2009).
These decisions may involve the treatment of personnel (pre-exam, Hiring and
tiring, the control of inventory and production levels, pricing decision and
aspect of credit control over customer and other forms of accounting and cash
control. Information for operational planning and control is detailed and
immediately relevant (Ulritis and Cobham, 2002p5-9).
A tactical-level decision typically involves time frames of less than a year these
decisions usually results in making decision relatively major chances but stay
within the existing structured of the organization
Most of the information for making a decision which is tactical comes. From
that transaction records that existing structure of the organization and that
has been stored in the computer.
Information for decision at the tactical level refers to die medium-term between
now and the next few months or year. It will be mainly generated internally
within the organization, although some external information may be necessary
(Curtis and Con ham 2002:p8-9).
Strategic level:- top executives develop overall organizational goal strategies
policies and objectives through long-range strategic planning. They also
monitor the strategic performance of the organization and its overall direction
(A, O’ Berline, 1996:p359).
This was carried out by the most senior management and well deal with broad
issues concerning an organization's development over the long term. To make
strategic decisions senior management needs the information because strategic
planning has a long term time horizon. Much of this information will relate to
the future rather than the present. The characteristics of information are
strategic planning are external sources, highly uncertain, and summarized
rather than highly detailed (A, O’ Berline, 1996).
Design is the second phase of decision making during design the decision-
maker develops and analyzes the alternative course of action by either
researching for readymade alternatives or developing an accustom made
The third phase of decision making is choice during this phase the decision-
maker selects the best alternatives. For a decision situation to occur the
decision making must be aware of the gap between the existing and the desired
state must be monitored to solve the problem and must have the resources to
do so. The type of decision problem and attribute of the decision make both
influences the decision making strategy. (Schulte’s and summer, 1998:p.461) Attributes of decision making
Incrementally the decision-makers attempted to take small steps away from the
existing state toward the desired state. This approach may reflect important
outcomes because alternatives considered are generally familiar to the
decision-maker. (Schulte’s and summer 1998:p.46) Process of decision making
2.4 Telecommunication
Telecommunication is a highly technical, rapidly changing field of information
system technology. The communication network is an arrangement where the
sender transmits in a message to a receiver over a channel consisting of some
types of medium.
The study intended to use both quantitative and qualitative types of data which
were collected from primary & secondary sources. The primary data were
obtained using questioners. While the secondary source likes books, the
internet and published articles were used as a reference to substantiate the
primary data collected. And also secondary sources of information are required
more for addressing the objectives of the study since it is a basis for
constructing the conceptual framework of the study and questionnaire design.
3.3 Sample and sampling techniques
To draw sample respondents from the total population the study was intended
to utilize probability sampling techniques. From probability sampling
techniques the study used a stratified sampling technique towards selecting
respondents from employees of the Ethio telecom Dessie branch. The sample
size for the study was determined based on the following simplified formula
(statistics for management books) used because it is one of the best methods in
determining the sample size in probability sampling. Based on this formula
and assuming the sampling error 3% and 97% reliability a sample of 63 Ethio
telecom Dessie branch employees randomly selected out of 200 employees. It
was assumed that the standard value at 3% or 0.03.
Then the sample size for this study was computed as follows.
NZ + ( E )2 × ( 1−P )
NZ+22 × Z ( 1−P )
N = total no of proportion
Moreover, the study was utilized stratified sampling with proportion to select
sample respondents. The total population of the study was stratified based on
the department in the Ethio telecom Dessie branch. To end, the department
divided into three which were considered as three strata departments of MIS,
Department of Marketing, and Department of Finance. Then to ensure the
responsiveness of each stratum, the number allocated proportionally to the size
of the population in each stratum using formula.
Data and information in this research were gathered from two main sources
such as the primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data were
collected using self-administered questionnaires. The self-administered
questionnaire was selected because it has the advantages of low cost, saving in
time; respondents have adequate time to give well through answers, validity,
and accuracy. The self-administered questionnaire has both open and close-
ended questionnaires. Open-ended questions offer the advantage that the
respondents were given their own words. Close-ended questions are very
convenient for collecting factual data and easy to analysis; since the range of
potential answers is limited.
The secondary sources of data were acquired from the existing document and
publisher materials within the organization. The procedures for administering
the above tools of data collection were systematically managed by the
The analyzing parts were done based on the source of data. After gathering the
data, the researchers arranged the collected data in the form of a group and
summarized the data by using the descriptive technique. The collected data
were represented in the form of tabulation, figures, pie charts, bar graphs, and
a simple percentage. And also the study used both qualitative as well as a
quantitative method of data analysis.
NO Item Respondent
Number Percent
1 sex Male 41 65
Female 22 35
2 age 18 – 25 24 38
26 – 30 17 27
31 – 40 15 24
Above 40 7 11
Total 63 100
Diploma 7 11
First degree 32 51
Second degree 24 38
Total 63 100
As it can be shown from table 4.1, item 1 regarding the sex of the sample
respondent. Out of 63 respondents, 65 %( 41) of the respondents are males
and the rest 35 %( 22) are female employees. Therefore, this data indicates that
the Ethio telecom Dessie branch has more male employees than females. From
the same table item, No 2 concerning the age of respondent,24(38%) of the
respondents have an age from 18-25 years,17 (27%) of the respondent are
between26-30,15(24%) of them are between 31-40 years and 7(11%) of the
respondents have been within the range of above 40 years. This informs us
that the majority of the employees are young enough to produce and improve
the performance of the organizations to achieve their objectives. According to
(shelties and Sumner, 1998), if organizations give opportunity and empower
young people in the long term, the organization was beneficiary; because young
people are highly motivated than the old ones as we know.
Respondent status
Top Manager
Senior Managers
Middle Manager
Lower level
The above pie chart 4.1 shows as the respondent status 1(2%) of the
respondent is a top manager in Ethio telecom,4(6%) of the respondents are
senior manager 8(13%) of them are currently middle managers, the majority
means 28(44%) of the respondents are line or lower-level managers and the
remaining 22(35%) reply for the question their current position is out of the
alternatives. From this data, we can say that majority of the respondent are
line or lower-level managers.
4.2 analysis of questionnaires
No Item Respondent
1 How you measure the Number percent
Ethio Telecom Desse
branch in using MIS for
organizational decision
Very good 8 13
Good 19 30
Not Satisfactory 33 52
Total 63 100
Table 4.2 depicted above item No 1 concerning to what degree the corporation
uses MIS in its decision-making process. From all sample respondents 8(13%)
response, the corporation uses MIS very well in its decision process, 19(30%)
reply good, the majority 33(52%) of the respondents replies the usage of MIS in
the decision making process is not satisfactory and the remaining 3(5%) say
poor. According to this data that is possible to say that the application of MIS
in decision making is not satisfactory.
NO Item Respondent
Yes 37 59
No 26 41
Total 63 100
The above table 4.3 may simplify, the question of do you think that individual
participation has an impact on the flow of information? 37(59%) of the
respondent replied that individual participants have an impact on the flow of
MIS. Some of the respondents answered for the question, is the individual
participation influence the flow of information? 26(41%) respondents replied
The above pie chart 4.2 is concerning with the current capacity of the database
center in the corporation, most of the respondents 40(63%) response the
capacity and adequacy of the database center are good and the remaining
23(37%) answers the corporation’s database is capable and adequate.
No Item Respondent
Number percent
No 31 49
Total 63 100
No 21 32
Total 63 100
Table 4.4, No 1 regarding with current practice of MIS in the corporation, out of
63 respondents half of them 32(51%) replied for the question is the current MIS
practice is satisfactory, and the remaining half 31(49%) replied the current
practice of the corporation is not satisfied. This data indicated the current
practice of MIS must be improved to ensure effective operations. When do the
respondents reply to the open-ended question what factors are hinder
satisfactory MIS practice in the corporation? Currently, Ethio-telecom is on the
transition period; due to this the current MIS practice is not well defined. Also
Lack of well-organized way of gathering processing information
Lack of skilled manpower
Lack of information system (DSS)
Lack of sufficient budget etc
From the same table, No 2, 43(68%) replied that the participation of lower-level
managers in decision making has its impact, and the remaining 20(32%) said
no impact. Therefore, it is possible to say that lower-level management
participation has an impact on the process of decision making.
“The goal of MIS is to use the computer in some way that attracts the customer
to provide an advantage over the competitors.” As DuPont (Reality Bytes,13-3),
and also CIO (Chief Information Officer). It is responsible for organizing the MIS
department to fate the need of the company.
Making a decision is not a single activity that takes place at one. It consists of
several different activities that take place at different times.MIS helps to make
reliable and fast decisions by providing appropriate information.
Table 4.5 MIS to make helps to make a reliable and fast decision
No Item Respondent
Number percent
1 Dose MIS help the operation to Yes 63 100
make a reliable and fast
No 0 0
Total 63 100
Source: own computation, 2020
Regarding table 4.5, all respondent 63(100%) replied that MIS helps the
corporation better, reliable and fast decision. This implies MIS has a high
influence on the decision making process.
“MIS support decision making is both structured and unstructured problem
environment. It supports decision making to be implemented at all levels of the
organization. (.Indian Mba.Com | Facility Column /2014).
“Decision support system or DSS is one branch or part of MIS that is the way
or the ability to make better decisions (Schulthies and Sunner, 1998:p477).
“The objective of the decision support system (DSS) is not the decision-making
process as efficient as possible. The manager's time is valuable and should not
be wasted but the minimum benefit of using a DSS better decision (Mc Leod,
No Item Respondent
Number Percent
1 Would you say that corporation Yes 25 40
has enough skilled manpower
to operate the database center?
No 38 60
Total 63 100
2 Can you say that the Yes 24 38
corporation has enough
computers or other equipment
that are necessary to use MIS?
No 39 62
Total 63 100
Source: own computation, 2020
From Above table 4.6 No1, it is possible to see out of the respondents 38(60%)
replied corporation does not have enough skilled manpower to operate the
database center, whereas the remaining 25(40%) replied that there is enough
skilled manpower depend on the respondents answer what should do the
corporation to fill such gaps are:
How the corporation can know either the decisions are made effectively or not?
The respondent replied that the corporation knows through the following ways
of evaluation.
Observing the actual work
Looking at the result of decisions
Making clear and participatory meeting
Assessing the database management system frequently etc: are among
the ways to know either the decision made correctly or not.
The attitude of the employee plays a significant role to apply MIS effectively in
organizational decision making i.e. if Employee has a good attitude it is easy to
apply MIS in the organization.
Employees alttitude towards
MIS in %
Very good Good unsatsfactory low/poor
No Item Respondent
Number Percent
1 Which of the following Manual File System
system do corporations
use to store different
Database 20 32
Management system
Both 43 68
Other 0
Total 63 100
No Item Respondent
Number Percent
1 Do you think that are challenges and Yes 43 68
prospects of MIS practice in the branch?
NO 20 32
Total 63 100
Source: own computation, 2020
From the above table 4.8 No1, it is possible to see out of the respondent
43(68%) respondents that there are challenges and prospects in the branch
whereas the remaining 20(32%) answers there are no challenges and
prospects in the branch. This implies that there are different challenges and
prospects of MIS practice in the branch.
5.1 Conclusions
Efficient managers are those whose decisions are effective. To do this,
managers have to have insights and foresights on today’s global information
systems. Management Information System is an important weapon for the
global world business managers to see the success of their organizations on the
nearest day. MIS plays a vital role in the organization for taking the right
decision in a short time based on gathered information from the operation level
of the organizations. Not only that but also it helps the strategic manager to
take strategic decisions with the assistance of DSS and ESS. But, an important
fact is that they must maintain to make a balance between the objective of the
organization and the technological capabilities of the organization. So, MIS is a
vital component of the decision-making task of management in the
organization in the global business and information world.
The major emphasis of the study has been on assessing the role of
management information system organizational decision making in the Ethio-
telecom Dessie branch. Based on the analysis of data the following conclusions
are drawn. The application of MIS at the corporation is to draw short-term,
medium, and long-term planning, to make reliable and appropriate decisions
depend on the flow of information (maybe structured and unstructured
decisions), to craft strategies and the like. To do this the corporation advised
assessing its material and human capacity and capability.
Regarding the application of MIS, it is having an inefficient flow of information.
I.e. lack of properly organized information (reports and data), and lack of
skilled operators. In the corporation, misunderstanding of information
interpreted their point of view, updated technology is not available and
technical failures of the system are the main cause of the problem.
Finally, the lacks of skilled manpower create difficulties for better application of
the system. This problem can be solved based on the following bases. As
respondents replied that filling the gap of skilled professionals by hiring
(recruited) for better application of the system. Besides, gathering information
from internal sources can be an implication or indicators of internal weakness.
As a result of this, the organization dig out those problems and made possible
solution that hinders the over the performance of the organization.
5.2 Recommendations
Since the corporation’s employees are well educated and young enough, the
corporation should keep these young employees and train them to improve
their ability and skill because it will benefit in the future operations that are
will have good control and operating over the database center. Based on the
collected data, it shows one of the problems was the inefficient flow information
within the corporation. So it is advisable that information should flow and
disseminate of information should be adequate and properly organized.
Decentralized management and proper delegation of authorities for each
authority’s divisional worker should be applied or assigned responsible person.
On the other hand, for factors that affect the application of MIS in the prospect
corporation, the researcher suggests that: Modern or update technology
advisable to use. Then the technology may be improved the existing network
using a decision support system, executive information system, etc. Hiring
chief information officer, well-trained employees assign for each department.
There should be increased monitoring of MIS to avoid falling victims of
unobserved MIS which has dire ramifications.
Managers and business owners should find a way of tailoring
information in a way that it fits various decision-making processes in
various businesses.
The management should encourage the effectuation of a mutually
interdependent and balanced MIS where workers and automated
systems are handled with due respect.
Business entities should find a way to inculcate teachings about new
MIS to reduce the trend of businesses being left behind on new
The investigated data shows for the less skilled manpower problems. Due to
this, the researchers also advise the HR department that: properly recruit or
select more qualified employees as well as highly competent individuals using
an internal sources of information to a better understanding of internal
weakness, and train employees and also assess their day to day activities,
performance, etc.
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Alkan Health science Business and Technology College
9. Do you think that MIS helps the corporation to make a fast and reliable
decision on time?
A. yes B. No
17. Do you think that there are any challenges and prospects of MIS
practice in the branch?
A. Yes B. No
18. If you say ‘’yes’’ in question no. 17, what are those challenges and
prospects of MIS practice?