Draft Final Report Ventika - Toyota (ADVISOR)
Draft Final Report Ventika - Toyota (ADVISOR)
Draft Final Report Ventika - Toyota (ADVISOR)
October, 2018
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
1.1 Background...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective...............................................................................................................2
1.4 Benefits.................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Benefits for Company....................................................................................2
1.4.2 Benefits for Student.......................................................................................3
CHAPTER II: COMPANY PROFILE...............................................................................4
2.1 History of PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia......................................4
2.2 Organizational Structure......................................................................................5
CHAPTER III: INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES AT PT. TMMIN.........................................7
3.1 Foreword..............................................................................................................7
3.2 Internship Activities.............................................................................................7
3.2.1 Induction for New Employee.........................................................................8
3.2.2 Product Knowledge of Making a Car (Press Shop).......................................8
3.2.3 Product Knowledge of Making a Car (Welding Shop).................................9
3.2.4 Product Knowledge of Making a Car (Painting Shop)................................10
3.2.5 Product Knowledge of Making a Car (Assembly Shop).............................11
CHAPTER IV: POINT LEARNED.................................................................................12
4.1 Personal Result....................................................................................................12
4.2 Point Learned......................................................................................................12
CHAPTER V.....................................................................................................................13
5.1 Recommendation................................................................................................13
I would like to express my gratitude and my grateful to Allah SWT for the grace
and his gift to guide me to this path. So I can finish my internship program at PT. Toyota
Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN).
There are so many parties who helped me with their guidance, assistance,
kindness and encouragement to complete this stage. I’m very grateful to say thank you to:
The author realizes this report might not be perfect, both in material or the
presentation. Suggestions and constructive criticisms are expected for the completion of
this report. Author hopes that this final internship report can provide a new knowledge
and experience, especially for the reader and the writer as well.
1.1 Background
Indonesia is one of the largest country that have a lot of industrial sectors in the
world. Industrial sector is the most common sector to facing the global era to achieve
our country’s goals. There are some steps to start and lead this stage. It may take our
understanding in technological and applied science by developing our human or non-
human resource. In consequence, academic take an important part to contribute in
industrial sector.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this internship program is to provide the students by gain their
personality to facing a real working environment. In this stage, the students will take
a responsibilities and understanding of the concentration of their study. Internship
program can help the university to improve the academic qualification by evaluate the
skills and knowledge of the students. It may takes the several advantages for the next
1.3 Objective
Gain a knowledge of an actual business, both of processes and the whole
system in manufacturing industrial.
Get a new knowledge by comparing the lecturing in campus with the actual
condition in industrial by analyzing the processes.
Have an understanding in the organizing system, planning and routing, and
the rules and regulations in Production Engineering Division.
Able to adapt with the new environment and the corporate culture to facing
the next stage as an employee after graduate from the university.
Able to identify and analyze the problem and abnormality that exist in the
industrial area and try to solve the problems by having a discussion and
communication with the other member of division.
1.4 Benefits
1.4.1 Benefits for Company
During the internship program the company will be get a benefits as shown below:
1.4.2 Benefits for Student
The student will be gain a lot of benefits during the internship program.
The student will gain more knowledge, skills, and experiences about the
manufacturing industries, especially in Production Engineering in PT. Toyota
Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.
The internship program will be one of the places to take an idea for the thesis
requirement for Bachelor Degree.
The connection between the student and the company itself during the
internship period will become an important chance to have a professional
relation in the future.
2.1 History of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) is a company that has
been doing business for more 40 years in Indonesia. TMMIN as a production and
export base in the Asia Pacific region, not only want to make Indonesia as the market
share, but also want to develop the potential of the nation especially in
manufacturing, so that Indonesia could be able to produce its own cars and also
exporting its products to foreign countries. TMMIN realize that important key of its
existence in Indonesia is grow to evolve along with the society.
3.1 Foreword
The Intern student was accepted in PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
located in Karawang Industrial International City, Karawang Barat. The intern student
was placed in Vehicle quality production engineering. This internship period was
supervised by Mr. M. Anhar Kadir. This is the main schedule of the internee during
internship program:
Internship period : July 4th, 2018 until November 5th, 2018
Working hours : 07:15 am to 16:00 pm (8 hours)
Department : Vehicle Quality Production Engineering
Job title : Intern Student
Supervisor : M. Anhar Kadir
Supporting department member visiting the supplier to do visual and document check
for the car’s part. By creating the flow process for making a part and tool for the car’s
part. Creating the comic or the format for process and dies, tabulation or the list part for
the part. Making a progress achievement for every week.
In the third week internship program, there are engineering sharing for an employee.
This training held on biweekly and support by production engineering division in
Karawang and Sunter plant. This material was presented by the employee of each
department of production engineering division.
The duration of this program are 4 days, start at July 4th until 7th 2018. There are
several before-test and after-test after joining this training. This test designed to prepare
the new employee before start to work at the company.
5.1 Recommendation
The internship has been doing at PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Indonesia on July 4th 2018 until November 5th 2018, has been conducted successfully
with no major problem in the company. The recommendation that student can give to
the company especially to the member of the department is considering the
improvement that related with Tooling and part standardization. While conducting
this project, the manpower is not enough to run this project. So it causing delay and
efficient to achieve the target in order to follow the schedule from the department.
Toyota Website, Heritage and History of PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia:
(Accessed on October 23, 2018).
Monthly Report July 2018
Monthly Report August 2018
Monthly Report September 2018
Monthly Report October 2018