Real-Time Traffic Conditions With SUMO For ITS Austria West: Conference Paper
Real-Time Traffic Conditions With SUMO For ITS Austria West: Conference Paper
Real-Time Traffic Conditions With SUMO For ITS Austria West: Conference Paper
10 438
4 authors, including:
Robert Keber
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Robert Keber on 04 December 2019.
RISC Software GmbH, Softwarepark 35,
4232 Hagenberg, Austria
{ karl-heinz.kastner, robert.keber, petru.pau, martin.samal }
Abstract. ITS Austria West is a long-term project, funded by the Austrian gov-
ernment, to create a platform for providing real-time traffic data and prognoses.
The calculation of the traffic situation is based on the open source package
SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility). One innovation in this project is the
scenario builder, a module which maintains the origin/destination matrix and
aggregates data from various sources, like traffic counters and floating car data.
The simulation model is continuously calibrated in order to provide an accurate
view of the traffic situation in the whole street network. The calculated level-of-
service information is visualized and exported to other intelligent transport sys-
tems. Due to the complexity of the model (streets, vehicles and real-time data),
the simulation’s performance is unsatisfactory. A possible improvement is the
parallelization of SUMO.
Keywords: traffic simulation, traffic condition, parallel computing.
1 Introduction
Predictably, the future Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) will make a significant
contribution to secure our long-term mobility. Challenges facing such systems include
intelligent handling of the increasing traffic by use of efficient multimodal transport,
as well as the need to a balanced use of existing transport infrastructure. In this re-
spect, the availability of reliable real-time traffic information to all stakeholders (insti-
tutions, companies and individuals) is necessary.
The project ITS Austria West aims at providing a traffic data platform which gen-
erates accurate information regarding the current traffic situation, based on a (limited)
number of traffic data sources and on historical information regarding vehicle trips on
Upper Austrian roads. For the computation of current status of each road, as well as
for short-term prognoses, the traffic simulation package SUMO is used.
In this paper we describe the concepts of ITS Austria West and focus on the inte-
gration of SUMO, and its results, into the real-time traffic data platform.
Section 2 contains an overview of the ITS Austria West project, its architecture and
short descriptions of the main components. In section 3 we describe the integration of
SUMO package within ITS Austria West and give some technical details about our
approach to a parallel SUMO. Section 4 contains some ideas about consuming the
results – using the traffic information provided by SUMO to define level-of-service
values that can be used to describe synthetically the current traffic status. We end with
some conclusions and future extensions.
The main goal of the project ITS Austria West is to continuously provide real-time
snapshots of the traffic situation in Upper Austria and Salzburg to the VAO service
(Verkehrsauskunft Österreich – Austrian Traffic Information System, [5]). Project
partners are the state Upper Austria, the state Salzburg, RISC Software GmbH, Salz-
burg Research and Logistikum Steyr. The project is funded by the Austrian KLIEN
fond (“Klima- und Energiefond”) and by the Upper Austrian government. It started in
June 2011 and ends in September 2014.
The underlying street network is based on data provided by GIP [2] (“Gra-
phenintegrationsplattform”), a database which comprises all Austrian highways, inter-
state and municipal roads, as well as local, low-ranked streets. The GIP database was
created in the frame of a previous project conducted by all nine states of Austria. This
database is intended as a starting point for many current and future applications.
In order to create a real-time snapshot for the state of Upper Austria, up-to-date
traffic data is crucial. Various data sources are utilized: stationary vehicle counters, as
well as floating car data (FCD).
Conceptually, the software realizing the tasks of ITS Austria West consists of:
- components handling the sensor data;
- components for visualizing or publishing results;
- a simulation environment;
- a module in charge with generating and running scenarios, and
- a management component.
Fig. 1 gives an overview of the system architecture, whose main components are ex-
plained in the following paragraphs.
The controlling part of the ITS West Austria Management System is the manage-
ment console, where all processes are created, parameterized and controlled.
The scenario builder, triggered by the console, is responsible for the periodic crea-
tion of new scenarios, which serve as basis for the simulation of the traffic for the
next time interval. This complex component works with a model of the Upper Austri-
Management Console
Demand Builder
an road network, and uses the real-time sensor data, together with the output of run-
ning simulations, to generate periodically snapshots of the traffic status.
Computed values of the traffic status (summarized as level of services – LoS, see
[3]) are made available in various ways. An important outlet is a set of WMS layers
(web map service, see [4]), published and made available via a website: The roads
with delays or traffic jams are marked with standardized colors, as well as the por-
tions with road works or roadblocks.
Since not all roads are covered by sensors, some way to extrapolate the known, re-
al-time traffic values to the uncovered streets has to be realized. We use traffic simu-
lation applications to estimate traffic values on all roads of the street network. The
simulation environment makes it possible to start simulations (SUMO, for the mo-
ment, but other systems are under consideration as well), to communicate with them,
and to extract their results.
The sensor data module receives information from different types of sensors:
1. Vehicle detection loops (VDL) are stationary detectors which count the number of
vehicles and their velocity. About 80 vehicle detection cells, owned by the Upper
Austrian government, are installed on the main streets. Road maintenance data, al-
so owned by the Upper Austrian government, are used to detect streets with road-
blocks. Last but not least, the Austrian highway agency ASFINAG streams up-to-
date information for the 2.178 km Austrian highways.
2. Floating car data is provided by the Austrian emergency rescue service “Samar-
iterbund” (only from vehicles that are not in action), some taxi fleets and a world-
wide GPS tracking company.
The VLSA configuration contains locations of the traffic lights and the logic behind
their functioning. Based on the VLSA, the crossroads with traffic lights are identified
and integrated in the internal street network.
The demand model, i.e. the origin / destination matrix, is provided by the Upper
Austrian authorities and adapted using historical traffic data on Upper Austrian roads.
From the raw data collected from stationary sensors, time-variation curves with the
traffic values are computed and, based on these curves, the routes from the original
demand model are temporally distributed during one day. These routes serve as input
for the simulation tools.
3 Traffic simulation
In order to fill up gaps in the network coverage with sensors, traffic simulation appli-
cations offer an attractive alternative. Such applications, developed since the 1950s,
can be classified in microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic.
In a microscopic model every vehicle is simulated. Such a model contains a de-
tailed street graph, with traffic lights and turn lanes, and a demand model – an origin /
destination matrix.
Mesoscopic models describe the traffic entities (roads and vehicles) at an equal
level of detail, but their behavior and interactions are described at a lower level of
In macroscopic models all parts are simulated in a lower detail. Traffic flow values
are computed and maintained, rather than individual vehicles.
1. Modelling the road network: Problems arise from inexactitudes in data, and from
the tradeoff between the efficiency requirements (i.e., keeping the number of
streets as small as possible) and accuracy requirements (i.e., how well the road
network model represents the real street network).
2. Modelling the routes: The demand model provided by authorities becomes quickly
obsolete, due to the highly dynamical social and economic conditions in the mod-
elled region.
3. Inherent complexity of the simulation: Microscopic traffic simulation applications
handle every action of every vehicle, which might lead to millions of operations
per second.
3.1 Using SUMO for ITS Austria West
SUMO is an open source, microscopic simulation package developed by the Ger-
man Aerospace Center (DLR) in 2001. It is not only a traffic simulation, but rather a
suite of applications which help prepare and perform the simulation of traffic [1].
In order to be able to employ SUMO in ITS Austria West, a model of the road
network and a model of the trips (with the full definition of the roads for each trip)
must be available.
The road network is generated periodically from the latest version of the GIP data-
base. Additional information comes from the Upper Austrian traffic light system and
from the stationary vehicle sensors. With this input, a SUMO network is generated, in
which the roads, intersections, turning relations, traffic lights and vehicle induction
loops are modeled.
The set of daily routes is computed in a complex process in which the trips con-
tained in the origin-destination matrix are distributed along the daily time variation
In order to offer a realistic and useful view of the traffic status, periodical snap-
shots are sufficient. Every few minutes traffic data collected from sensors or provided
by a simulation must be integrated into such a snapshot.
There are two ways in which a traffic simulation tool can be used:
Sensor data
Route generation
Network and
vehicle routes
Integration and
Route generation
Network and
vehicle routes normal step
Fig. 2 Running more instances of the simulation application, one in each time interval.
1. The simulation application is started at the beginning of a time interval; it runs for
a time (5 minutes simulation time), and then stops. The output is collected and in-
terpreted. Fig. 2 contains a graphical representation of this process.
2. The simulation application runs continuously. At the beginning of a time interval,
the next 5 minutes are simulated. When the simulation of this interval is complet-
ed, the results are collected and, if necessary, the model is adjusted (calibrated) on-
the-fly (A graphical depiction of this process can be seen in Fig. 3.)
Sensor data
Network and
vehicle routes calibration
Sensor data
Traffic values
Traffic values Austria
Sensor data
Traffic values
Fig. 3 Running one instance of the simulation application, with periodic calibration and output.
It turned out that simply loading the whole model in SUMO takes prohibitively
long (about one minute or more). In the first, start-and-stop model, considerable time
is used up by initialization; even if the simulation runs exceedingly fast, too little time
remains for the tasks that need to be executed after the simulation has finished (inter-
pretation of results, aggregation of real-time data, generation of data for WMS layers,
preparation of data for the next simulation interval).
We decided to implement the second, always-running model.
. Latest sensor data
simulation of current interval
Traffic values
- insertion
waiting - removal
- re-routing
of vehicles
Calibration orders
start “Simulate to” order
At the beginning of the interval, calibration orders are sent to SUMO via TraCI.
They are immediately followed by a “Simulate To” order, which commands SUMO
to perform a simulation up to the end of the current interval, in simulation time.
SUMO integrates the changes contained in the calibration orders (adding new ve-
hicles, removing or re-routing existing vehicle) and immediately starts to simulate the
traffic. When the end of the currently simulated interval is reached, SUMO puts the
traffic values on the dump socket and waits until next “SimulateTo” is received.
Ideally, SUMO finishes the simulation before the end of the current interval in real
time. If this is the case, the simulation management component is able to do its work;
the synchronisation of the simulation with the reality is possible.
The SUMO output is collected and interpreted by the simulation management
component of ITS Austria West. If it disagrees with the latest real-time data received
from sensors, new calibration orders are generated accordingly.
More importantly, however, the output of SUMO can be used in the computation
of the traffic snapshots issued by ITS Austria West: For streets not monitored by ve-
hicle counters, or not described by floating car data – streets where the traffic situa-
tion is otherwise unknown – we can use traffic values obtained from the simulation.
The integration of simulation data into the traffic snapshots is optional and can be
turned on or off in the management console.
3.3 Parallelism
We describe in the following our experiments for parallel SUMO and conclude
with a few results. It will become apparent that a profound reengineering is necessary
in order to obtain an efficient version of parallel SUMO.
All technical details refer to SUMO version 0.17. In newer versions, names of
some functions mentioned here may have been changed.
For the simulation of the traffic in a working day, routes were generated according
to statistical data received from official, governmental institutions. In Upper Austria
only, the total number of vehicles driving daily exceeds one million. As expected, the
highest density of vehicles occurs during the rush hours – 5 to 9, and 15 to 19 – when
more than 100 thousand vehicles are simultaneously on the roads.
When given as input to Sumo, these routes lead to an unsatisfactory simulation
speed of the traffic, starting from 6:00am simulated time. The efficiency of Sumo
decreases steadily, reaching levels where the simulated time runs slower than the real
This fact challenged us to look for ways to parallelize the heavy work load. A
quick profiling showed the functions in which Sumo spends most of the time, during
an internal simulation step (see Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden wer-
den.). Further investigations revealed that the function MSTL-
LogicControl::setTrafficLightSignals can be easily parallelized, but
for the other two relevant functions, MSEdgeControl::moveFirst and
MSEdgeControl::moveCritical , the parallelization is not trivial. Also, when
the number of routes starting in a small time interval is extremely high, the program
spends a significant amount of time in the function MSInsertionControl::
emitVehicles and therefore it also needs to be considered for parallelization.
Our first attempt at parallelization involved OpenMP and was a brute-force ap-
proach. Steps in highest-level ”for”-loops were executed in parallel; critical sections
were defined to forbid concurrent access to data structures, if these data structures
MSEdgeControl::detectCollisions() 0%
MSTLLogicControl::setTrafficLightSignals(SUMOTime t) 21.6%
MSEdgeControl::patchActiveLanes() 0.05%
MSEdgeControl::moveCritical(SUMOTime t) 14.4%
MSEdgeControl::moveFirst(SUMOTime t) 37.2%
MSEdgeControl::changeLanes(SUMOTime t) 0%
were being modified from at least one thread. This approach, its shortcomings and
some results will be described in the next section.
All subsequent discussions refer to adapting and compiling SUMO within Mi-
crosoft Visual Studio 10, on Windows 7 platforms.
4 Project Outcomes
Fig. 7 Preview of the web page with WMS layers offering the LoS for Upper Austrian roads.
The background is obtained from OpenStreetMaps.
5 Conclusions and future work
In this paper we described a system that employs SUMO as a core simulation sys-
tem for computing short-term traffic data starting from a given traffic situations and a
dynamically adjusted demand model. The traffic status at the end of the simulation is
adjusted with real-time data coming from networks of sensors and stands as basis for
the next short-term simulation.
For the street network of Upper Austria, and for real-life scenarios, the efficiency
of SUMO decreased below real-time. We described in section 3.3 our attempt at par-
allelizing SUMO. While imperfect and, in fact, not efficient enough, our parallel-
SUMO prototype showed that the multithreaded approach yields significant speed
We described how SUMO is currently used in ITS Austria West, synchronized
with the real time; we intend to use SUMO for a short-term prognosis, in which the
next 30 minutes, or more, are simulated. This prognosis will be used to study the ef-
fect of various changes in the street network, coming from e.g. accidents, road works,
or different speed limits.
To improve the quality of the prognosis, the existing sensor network will be further
expanded, which should lead to a faster recognition of traffic disruptions. The gener-
ated real-time traffic condition is considered as a basis for a dynamic traffic infor-
mation system and adaptive traffic control systems on a long-term.
6 References
1. M. Behrisch and L. Bieker and J. Erdmann and D. Krajzewicz, SUMO - Simulation of Urban
MObility: An Overview, Barcelona, Spain, SIMUL 2011, 2011, 63-68
2. (10. Jan. 2013)
3. Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council 3.
ed. 1985, 5. [updated], 1994.