Chapter 5 Chemicals For Consumers: 5.1 Soap and Detergent (A) Soap

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Name : ___________________________ ( ) Class: ______________ Date: ____________


(A) Soap

~ sodium or potassium salts of long-chain fatty acids

~ produced when alkali react with ___________________.
~ Table 1 shows the soap produced by different types of fatty acids and alkalis

Table 1 : Example of soap

soap Numbe Fatty acid alkalis
r of
CH3(CH2)10COO-Na+ 12 CH3(CH2)10COOH NaOH
Sodium laurate Lauric acid
CH3(CH2)14COO- Na+ 16 CH3(CH2)14COOH NaOH
Sodium palmitate Palmitic acid
CH3(CH2)16COO-K+ 18 CH3(CH2)16COOH KOH
Potassium stearate Stearic acid
Potassium oleate Oleic acid

~ soaps are prepared by hydrolyzing fats or oils under ( acid , alkaline ) condition <=>


~ Saponification involved two steps :

(a) Hydrolysis of fats or oils ~> __________________and _____________________

(b) Neutralisation of fatty acid and concentrated alkali ~> ______ and water

~ in the process, soap is precipitated out ( using filtration method ) by adding sodium
chloride => _________________________________ of soap in water

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Table 2 : Types of soap and their properties
Solid soap Liquid soap
Harder soap Softer soap
Made from sodium hydroxide and saturated Made from potassium hydroxide and
oil, i.e. coconut oil unsaturated oil, i.e. olive oil
Used for bathing Used as liquid soap and shaving cream

(B) Detergent

~ any cleaning agent that is not a soap

~ produced when alkalis react with sulphonic acid
~ made from _________________________
~ two common detergents are :

(a) sodium alkyl sulphate (b) sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate

~ preparation involved two processes :

(i) sulphonation : long-chained h/c compounds are converted into
sulphonic acid

(ii) neutralisation : sulphonic acid is then neutralized with sodium


(C) Cleansing action of soap and detergent

~ Soaps and detergents have the ability to

(a) lower the surface tension of water
(b) emulsify oil or grease
(c) hold the emulsion in suspension in water

~ Characteristics of soap and detergent in water :

When soap is added to water, the

hydrophilic part (anion) is dissolved in water
while the hydrophobic part (hydrocarbon
tail) is dissolved in grease, thus lowering the
surface tension of water and increasing
the wetting ability of water

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Mechanical agitation during scrubbing helps to pull
the grease free and break it into small droplets, thus
emulsifying the grease

Repulsion forces between

the negative charges on the surface
prevent the droplets from coagulating and
depositing on the cloth surface, hence
holding the droplets in suspension in water,
forming an emulsion.

Foam produced helps to float the emulsion.

Rinsing removes these droplets.

(D) The effectiveness of the cleansing action of soap and detergent

~ The effectiveness of soap as a cleansing agent reduces when it is used in

(a) hard water : contains _____________ ions and ___________ ions

2CH3(CH2)16COO-Na+(aq) + Ca2+(aq)  [CH3(CH2)16COO]2Ca(s) + 2Na+ (aq)

Sodium stearate calcium ion insoluble sodium ion
calcium stearate

2CH3(CH2)16COO-Na+(aq) + Mg2+(aq)  [CH3(CH2)16COO]2Mg(s) + 2Na+ (aq)

Sodium stearate magnesium ion insoluble sodium ion
magnesium stearate

~ formation of soap scum

(i) reduces the amount of soap used for cleansing => wastage of soap
(ii) soap scum produce visible deposits on clothing => the clothes become grey or
yellow in colour
(iii) make fabrics feel stiff, attaches to the inside of bathtubs, sinks
and washing machines

(b) acidic water : contains __________________________ ions.

CH3(CH2)16COO-Na+(aq) + H+(aq)  CH3(CH2)16COOH(aq) + 2Na+ (aq)

Sodium stearate insoluble sodium ion
stearic acid

~ formed insoluble long-chain fatty acids => reduces the amount of soap for cleaning

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Table 3 : comparison between soap and detergent
Soap Detergent
Effective cleaners in soft water Effective cleaners in hard water and soft
Form scum in hard water Do not form scum in hard water
Form precipitate in acidic water Do not form precipitate in acidic water
Biodegradable Non-biodegradable

Example 1
Which of the following is true about soap ?
I forms scum in acidic water
II does not form scum in soft water
III does not cause environmental pollution
IV it cleansing action is more effective than detergent in hard water

(E) Detergent additives

~ to _______________________________________________________________________

Table 4 : Detergent additives and their functions

Additive Function
Biological enzyme To break down and remove stains such as
(i.e. amylase,protease, cellulase, lipase) proteins, fats, carbohydrates, blood and oils
Builder To enhance the surfactant efficiency by
(i.e. sodium phosphate, sodium lowering the water hardness because
tripolyphosphate) magnesium and calcium ions will combine
with phosphate ions to form metal phosphate

Filler ( Drying agent ) To make the solid detergent dry and enable
(i.e. sodium sulphate, sodium silicate) the liquid detergent to be poured easily
Fragrance To give detergent and fabrics a better smell
Optical brightener To convert some ultraviolet radiation to blue
(i.e. fluorescent dye) light and cause the fabrics look brighter and
whiter rather than yellow

Stabilizing agent To lower the production of foam especially

(i.e. silicones, diethanolamide) during the usage in a washing machine

Suspension agent To increase the negative charge on cellulosic

(i.e. sodium carboxymethylcellulose) fabrics such as cotton and rayon. This will
prevent the dirt particles removed from
redepositing onto the clean fabrics.
Whitening agent To bleach the white fabrics but does not
(i.e. sodium hypochlorite, sodium bleach the dye on the coloured fabrics
percarbonate, sodium perborate)

Test 1

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1. The process of making soap is called
A neutralization B sulphonation
C alkaline hydrolysis D double decomposition

2. The diagram below shows the formula of a detergent.

CH3 ( CH2 ) n CH2 – O – S – O- Na+

Part W Part X

Which of the following is correct ?

A W and X are soluble in water
B W and X are soluble in grease
C W is soluble in water and X is soluble in grease
D W is soluble in grease and X is soluble in water

3. Which of the following pairs is correct ?

Cleaning agent Hydrophilic ion
A Sodium stearate - SO3-
B Sodium dodecyl sulphate - OSO3-
C Potassium ethanoate - COO-
D Potassium palmitate CH3(CH2)16 –

4. Which of the following is correct about the detergent additives and their functions ?
Detergent additives Function
A Sodium perborate To soften the water
B Sodium tripolyphosphate To whiten the fabrics
C Sodium sulphate To remove protein stain
D Diethanolamide To control the foaming


(A) Types of food additives, their examples and functions

~ can be natural or ______________substance which is added to food to

(a) improve the taste, texture or appearance of a food , i.e. beewax coated on apples
is used to improve their appearance
(b) preserve and extend food storage life, i.e. sulphur dioxide is added to some meat
products such as sausage meat to prevent microbial growth
(c) enrich the nutrient of food

~ commonly used food additives includes :

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(a) preservatives (b) antioxidants (c) flavouring
(d) stabilizers (e) thickeners (d) dyes or colouring

(a) Preservatives : substances added to food to ___________________or __________the

growth of bacteria or fungi ~> food can keep longer

Preservatives Functions
Salt and sugar To draw the water out of the cells of bacteria or fungi ~>
prevent their growth

vinegar To provide an acidic condition that inhibits the growth of

bacteria or fungi

Sodium nitrate, sodium To slow down the growth of microorganism

nitrite, benzoic acid,
sulphur dioxide

______________and __________________ ~> alternative ways to preserve meats

instead of using nitrite or nitrate

(b) Antioxidants
~ added to food to prevent ___________ causes rancid fats and brown fruits

Antioxidants Function
Vitamin E To prevent oils from going rancid

Sodium citrate To stop fats from turning rancid

Vitamin C ~ To preserve the colour of fruit juice and

cured meat
~ To prevent the formation of nitosamines
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) To retard rancidity in fats, oils and oil-
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) containing foods

(c) Flavourings : to improve the taste or smell of food and restore taste loss due to food

~ salt, sugar and vinegar => natural flavouring

Acesulfame-K, aspartame, MSG and synthetic essences => synthetic flavourings

(d) Stabilisers : substance which helps to mix two liquids that usually do not mix together =>
form an emulsion.

~ Lecithin, acacia gum or gelatin => to prevent oil and water from separating out

(e) Thickeners : substances that thicken food and give food a firm, smooth and uniform

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Thickeners Function
Pectin Indigested , as a dietary fibre

Acacia gum To thicken food, prevent sugar crystals from

forming in candy and form a gel in pudding

Gelatine To texturise the food and to stimulate the

mouth feel of fat in fat-reduced food

Starch, modified starch, xanthan gum To thicken the food and improve the food

(f) Dyes or colourings : to add or replace colour lost during food preparation, or to make
food look more attractive
~ Azo compounds (red, orange or yellow) ;
Triphenyl compounds (blue, green)

(B) Effect of food additives

Food additives Disadvantage

Preservative * too much salt cause high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke
* too much sugar cause obesity, toot decay and diabetes
* sulphur dioxide cause asthma and allergies
* sodium nitrite gives red colour in meat cause stomach cancer

Antioxidant BHA => cause carcinogenic in human

Flavouring * aspartame increase the risk of cancer, neurological problems and

* MSG may cause nausea, headache, burning sensation in the back
of neck and forearm, thirsty, chest pain, change in the heart rate and
diffcult in breathing

Thickener Modified starch cn promote diarrhea in infants

Colouring Artificial colourings increase hyperactivity in young children

Test 2

1. The information below is about the functions of food additives P, Q, R.

Substance P : to improve the texture of the food

Substance Q : to prevent the growth of bacteria
Substance R : to restore the color of the food

Which of the following pairs of food additives is correct ?

A Colouring Thickener Preservative
B Colouring Preservative Thickener

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C Preservative Thickener Colouring
D Thickener Preservative Colouring

2. Substance K can prevent the browning of cut apple. What is substance K ?

A aspartame B azo compound
C lemon juice D octyl ethanoate

3. Tumeric and pandan leaf are two types of plants commonly found in Malaysia. They can
be classified as
A antioxidant B colouring
C stabilizer D thickener

4. Diabetic patients are advised not to take too much sugar. Which of the following
additives can replace the function of sugar ?
A aspartame B xanthan gum
C sodium citrate D modified starch

5. Which of the following food additives can promote diarrhea in infants ?

C sodium citrate D modified starch

6. What is the function of sodium nitrate that is added to the sausage?

A To prevent oxidation C To improve the texture
B To enhance the colour D To slow down the growth of bacteria

7. Which of the following is not a function of food additives?

A Emulsifying the food
B Improving the food texture
C Ensuring nutritional balance
D Restoring the colour of the food

8. Which of the following is the side effect of modified starch?

A Promotes diarrhea in infants
B Increases hyperactivity
C Increases the risk of cancer
D Prolongs breathing difficulty

5.3 Medicines

~ chemicals that are used for medical purposes

~ Two types of medicines :
(a) traditional medicine
(b) modern medicine

(A) Traditional medicine

~ derived from plants and animals

~ not chemically process
~ Table below shows functions of some traditional medicine

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~ Traditional medicines => to aid the body in healing itself and not just suppressing
symptoms of disease <= work very slowly

~ TM can cause side effects ,i.e. nausea, thirst, diarrhea, worsening the disease or death.
Some herbs are highly toxic.

(B) Modern medicine

~ include analgesics, antibiotics and psychotherapeutic

~ commonly known as painkiller => relief pain without causing numbness or affecting
~ table below shows some common analgesics

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~ used to treat infections caused by bacteria but not to cure infections cause by viruses
such as flue and cold
~ obtained from bacteria and fungi
~ table below shows some example of antibiotics


~ used to alter abnormal thinking , feelings or behaviours

~ do not cure mental illness but just reduce the symptoms of mental illness

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(C) Side effect of modern medicine

~ especially when taken overdose

(D) Correct usage of modern medicine

~ should be taken under the doctor’s prescription and supervision

~ work together with the doctor to find a way to reduce the side effects

Test 3

1. Which of the following traditional medicines is used to increase male libido ?

A ant B aloe vera C tongkat ali D sea cucumber

2. Gonorrhoea and syphilis are sexual transmitted diseases. Which of the following
medicines is used to treat these diseases ?
A Chlorpromazine B paracetamol C penicillin D stimulant

3. Which of the following pairs is correct ?

Modern medicine Example
A Antibiotic Aspirin
B Analgesic Insulin
C Antibiotic Steptomycine
D Psychotherapeutic medicine Cortisone

4. Which of the following medicines can cause addiction ?

I tranquilliser
II barbiturate
III codeine
IV penicillin

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5. What is the side effect of amphetamine if it is abused ?
A gastric B arthritis pain
C gain in weight D mental disorder

6. Which medicine can relieve a menstrual pain ?

A insulin B cortisone C paracetamol D streptomycine

7. Barbiturates, tranquillisers and haloperidol are medicines that can be grouped as

A analgesics
B antibiotics
C hormones
D psychotherapeutic medicines

Chapter 5 Chemicals for Consumers

Soap and detergent

1 Which of the following carboxylic acid can be used to prepare soap?
A Methanoic acid C Hexadecanoic acid
B Oxalic acid D Propanoic acid

2 Which of the following is one of the products formed when palm oil is boiled in dilute
sodium hydroxide solution?
I Sodium chloride II Glycerol III Sodium palmitate IV Sodium acetate

3 What is observed when vegetable oil is heated with excess potassium hydroxide
A Two layers of clear liquids are formed C A fragrance odour is detected
B White solid floats on the liquid surface D The layer of oil disappeared

4 Which of the following is an active component of detergent?

A Sodium stearate C Sodium oleat
B Sodium alkyl sulphate D Sodium palmitate

5 Which of the following compounds is not required to prepare soap?

A Glycerol C Sodium hydroxide
B Sodium chloride D Palmitic acid

6 Which of the following is not a function of soap?

A Reducing surface tension of water
B Precipitating magnesium and calcium ions in water
C Emulsifying greasy dirt
D Wetting the fabrics

7 Which of the following cations form scum with soap?

A Mg2+ B Na+ C NH4+ D K+

8 Which of the following processes occur during the cleaning action of soap?
I The wetting ability of water increases
II The grease particles form emulsion

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III The hydrophobic part of the soap molecule dissolves in grease
IV The mechanical agitation during scrubbing helps free the grease from the clothes’

9 Which of the following pairs regarding additives in detergent and their functions in
incorrectly matched?
Additives in detergent Function
A Sodium silicate Enhance cleaning efficiency
B Sodium tripolyphosphate Prevent removed dirt particles from
redepositing onto fabrics
C Protease To convert stains into colourless substances
D Stibene To add brightness to white fabrics
10 Which of the following is not true about soap?
I It reduces surface tension of soap
II It is less effective than detergent in soft water
III Its anions form micelles when dissolves in water
IV Its cation dissolves in water but the anion dissolves in grease

11 One way of preparing soap by boiling palm oil with sodium hydroxide solution. What is
the name of the chemical reaction involved?
A Neutralisation B Esterification C Saponification D Sulphonation

12 Which of the following substances is not found in bathing soap?

A Sodium salt of fatty acid C Glycerol
B Potassium salt of fatty acid D Fragrance



The chemical equation shows the reaction involved in the preparation of soap. Which of
the following statements is true?
A A is an unsaturated oil
B B can be replaced by ammonia
C C is insoluble in water
D D is precipitated when excess sodium chloride is added to its solution

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14 Which of the following represent the structure of a detergent unit?

15 Which of the following is the chemical formula of soap?


16 Which of the cleaning agent is the most difficult to undergo biodegradation?

17 Which of the following correctly describes the order of the reactions involved in the
synthesis of detergent?
A Alkylation  Sulphonation  Neutralisation
B Neutralisation  Sulphonation  Alkylation
C Sulphonation  Alkylation  Neutralisation
D Alkylation  Neutralisation  Sulphonation

18 Detergent is more effective than soap in hard water because

A detergent produces more foam than soap in hard water
B detergent does not form insoluble salt with calcium ions present in hard water
C detergent contains C=C bond in the hydrocarbon
D detergent is more soluble than soap

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19 The following structure shows a part of the structural formula of a detergent

Which part of this?

A Carboxylate B Sulphonate C Alkyl sulphate D palmitate

20 How does foam help in the cleaning action of surfactant?

A By lowering the surface tension of water
B By preventing the dirt particles from coagulating and redepositing
C By preventing the formation of scum
D By increasing the wetting ability of surfactant

21 What is/are the reason(s) of adding food colouring?

I To preserve the food
II To replace vitamin lost during processing
III To improve the appearance of food
IV To improve food texture

22 Which of the following food additive can inhibit microbial growth?

A Sodium benzoate B Citric acid C Ascorbic acid D Agar

23 Sulphur dioxide is a common food additive. Which of the following are uses of
sulphur dioxide?
I To fumigate the fruit
II To extend the shelf life of vegetables
III To improve the appearance of food
IV To preserve the wine

24 Salt is used to preserve food. The preservative action of salt (NaCl) is due to
A the presence of chlorine C its dehydrating properties
B its saltiness D its toxicity

25 Which of the following is not the reason for using food additives?
A To make food stay fresh longer
B To increase food production
C To make seasonal crops available throughout the yeat
D To improve quality of food

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26 Dyes of colourings are added to food to replace colours lost during preparation, or
to make food look more attractive. Which of the following is an artificial colour?
A Tumeric B Pandan C Saffron D

27 Which of the following is not a class of food additivs?

A Stabilisers B Thickeners C Antioxidant D Bleaching agents

28 Browning occurs when cut apples or potatoes are exposed to air. Which of the
following food additives can be used to prevent browning?
A Flavouring B Stabilisers C Antioxidants D Dyes

29 Pentyl ethanoate, C2H5COOC4H9 is added when baking cakes. This is to

A added banana flavour to the cake C add colour to the cake
B preserve the cake D extend its shelf life

30 Which of the following food additives are not carcinogenic?

I Monosodium glutamate III Sodium nitrate
II Aspartame IV Sodium benzoate


31 Which substances when added to a mixture, increase its viscosity without
substantially modifying its other properties is best classified as
A stabilisers B thickerners C dyes D flavourings

32 Which of the following is not an example of stabilisers?

A Glutamic acid C Guar gum
B Methyl cellulose D Pectin

33 Which of the following pairs regarding traditional medicines and their uses is
correctly matched?

Traditional medicine Use

A Garlic To relieve asthmatic attack
B Aloe vera To treat cuts and burns
C Lime To lower high blood pressure
D Ginseng To relieve malaria

34 Which of the following statements about traditional medicine is true?

I Traditional medicines are not process chemically
II Traditional medicines are non-toxic
III Traditional medicines have no side effects
IV Traditional medicines are more effective in hard to cure diseases


35 Which of the following drugs is not addictive?

A Nicotine C Morphine
B Aspirin D Amphitamine

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36 Which of the following are psychotherapeutic medicines?
I Penicillin II Stimulant III Antidepresent IV Antipsychotic

37 Which of the following is the function of a stimulant?

A To elevate the mood in most people C To induce sleep
B To calm down a person D To remove pain

38 Which of the following is the function of analgesic?

A To reduce inflammation C To induce sleep
B To reduce pain D To control mood swing

39 Which of the following is not an analgesic?

A Acetaminophen C Aspirin
B Penicillin D Paracetamol

40 Which of the following medicine is classified in the same group as streptomycin?

A Barbiturate C Amphetamine
B Acetaminophen D Penicillin

41 Which of the following is/are true regarding aspirin?

I It is believed to cause brain and liver damage in children
II Its active component is acetylsalicyclic acid
III It can cause stomach irritation in some patients
IV It can reduce fever

42 Which of the following people should avoid taking aspirin?

A People suffering from fever C People with kidney disease
B people with high blood pressure D people with mental illness

43 What is the function of antibiotic?

A To treat virus infection C To treat mental disorder
B To treat inflammation of joints D To treat bacterial infection

44 Today, barbiturates are gradually phasing out as sedatives and are replaced by
mild tranquilisers such as benzodiazepines.
Which of the following could be the reason for phasing out barbiturates?
A To avoid physical and psychological dependency
B To reduce bacterial infection
C to avoid stomach discomfort
D to improve drug tolerance

45 A patient was diagnose as suffering from schizophrenia. Which class of

psychotherapeutic medicine is best prescribed to treat this patient?
A Stimulant C Antidepresent
B Antipsychotic D Hormones

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46 A patient must finish a full course of antibiotic prescribed by the doctor. Which
of the following statements best explains this?
A To prevent bacteria from becoming more resistant to the antibiotic.
B To improve the body immunity
C To minimize the side effect
D To prevent wastage

47 Codeine is synthesized from morphine and has analgesic property. Which of the
following is not the side effect of using codeine?
A Dry mouth B Drowsiness C Nausea D Diarrhoea

48 A patient claims that other people read his mind and controlling his thought.

Which of the following medicine is most appropriate in treating the above

symtoms or disorder.
A Chlorpromazine C Benzodiazepine
B Methylphenidate D Streptomycin

Question 1

Diagram below shows the apparatus to prepare soaps in the laboratory.

The equation below shows the reaction for the preparation of soaps.

Palm oil + concentrated sodium hydroxide boil sodium soap molecules +


(a)(i) What is the name of this process? [1m] ____________________________

(ii) For every one molecule of palm oil used, how many soap molecules are
produced?[1m] _____________________________________________

(iii) If a potassium soap is needed, what reagent must be used instead of sodium


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(b) What is the purpose of adding sodium chloride to the mixture solution?[1m]


(c) Name one disadvantage of soaps as cleansing agents.[1m]


(d) Detergents are synthetic cleansing agents. Diagram below is an example of a

detergent molecule.

(i) State one advantage of detergents over soaps as cleansing agents.[1m]



(ii) What are the chemicals used to produce detergents?[1m]



(e) What is the disadvantage of detergents over soaps?[1m]


(f) How can the detergents above be converted to biodegradable detergents?[1m]



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Question 2

Amanda carried out an investigation to determine the cleaning property of the

compounds P and Q as shown in diagram below.

(a) State the type of compound shown in diagram above.[2m]

P : _________________ Q : ____________________

(b) When compound P dissolves in water, it dissociates to form sodium ion and
anion. The anion is made up of two parts according to their behaviour towards
(i) Based on diagram above, write the structural formula of the anion formed
and identify the two parts by drawing a rectangle over each part.[2m]

(ii) Label the part which is hydrophilic in your answer in (b)(i).[1m]

(c) (i) P is found to be more effective than Q under certain conditions during
cleaning. What are the conditions?[2m]


(ii) State one disadvantage of P when compared to Q.[1m]


(iii) Write an equation to show why Q is less effective than P in hard water.


(d) P can be synthesised from an alcohol as shown in the following reaction


Name the reaction in step I and step II.[2m]

Step I : _____________________ Step II : _________________________

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Question 3

(a) Name the type of medicine in table below. [3m]

Type of medicine Example

A Streptomycin
Antidepresent B
C Amphetamine
D Paracetamol

A :_______________ C :_______________ D : _______________

(b) State the function of the types of medicine in (a).[3m]

A : _____________________________________________________________

C : _____________________________________________________________


D : _____________________________________________________________

(c) B belongs to a class of psychotherapeutic drugs known as antidepressant.

(i) Name B.[1m]


(ii) What is the function of B?[1m]


(d) Which of the medicine listed in the table above may lead to addition of
misused? [2m]


Question 4

Figure below shows the chemical structures of aspirin.

(a) What is the molecular formula of aspirin.[1m]


(b) Aspirin can be used to relieve pain.

(i) Name the class of drug that can alleviate or reduce
pain. [1m]

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(ii) Give one example of an analgesic.[1m]


(iii) Give one other used of aspiring besides relieving pain.[1m]


(iv) State one side effect of aspirin.[1m]


(c) (i) Name the reaction that occurs when aspirin is refluxed with dilute
hydrochloric acid. [1m]


(ii) Name the product formed in the reaction in (s)(i).[2m]


(iii) Circle the functional groups present in aspirin that are relatide to one
another chemically in diagram above.[2m]

Question 5

(a) Common salt (sodium chloride), sugar and spices are three natural compounds
used to preserve food apart from improving the taste of food.
(i) What is a food preservative?[1m]



(ii) How does sodium chloride function in preserving food?[2m]




(iii) Sodium nitrite is an artificial food preservative. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C),
a naturally occurring compound can also act as a food preservative. Explain
how the two act to preserve food.[2m]


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(iv) State one adverse side effect for the excessive intake of sodium nitrite.


(b) Sugar is used as food preservative as well as for sweetening. Patients with
medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus or obesity must be wary of their
intake of sugar.

(i) Name one artificial sweetener that can replace sugar. [1m] ____________

(ii) Name one natural sweetener that can replace sugar. [1m] ______________

(c) Artificial food colourings are used in some processed foods. Suggest two
reasons for using food colouring. [2m]




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