Magnetic Properties of Matter
Magnetic Properties of Matter
Magnetic Properties of Matter
Properties of Magnet
(i) A freely suspended magnet always aligns itself into north-south direction.
(ii) Like magnetic poles repel and unlike magnetic poles attract each other.
Magnetic Dipole
Magnetic dipole is an arrangement of two unlike magnetic poles of equal pole strength separated by a very small
distance, e.g., a small bar magnet, a magnetic needle, a current carrying loop etc.
The product of the distance (2l) between the two poles and the pole strength of either pole is called magnetic dipole
This law tells that the net magnetic flux through any surface is always zero.
Magnetic Flux
The number of magnetic lines of force passing through any surface is called magnetic flux linked with that surface.
Magnetic flux (phi;) φ = B.A = BA cos θ
where B is magnetic field intensity or magnetic induction, A is area of the surface.
Its unit is ‘weber’.
Magnetic Induction
The magnetic flux passing through per unit normal area, is called magnetic induction.
Magnetic induction (B) = φ / A
Its unit is ‘waber/metre2’ or ‘tesla’.
Magnetic of Material
To describe the magnetic properties of materials, following terms are required.
(i) Magnetic Permeability
It is the ability of a material to permit the passage of magnetic lines of force through it.
Magnetic permeability (μ) = B / H
where B is magnetic induction and H is magnetizing force or magnetic intensity.
(ii) Magnetizing Force or Magnetic Intensity
The degree up to which a magnetic field can magnetize a material is defined in terms of magnetic intensity.
Magnetic intensity (H) = B / μ
(iii) Intensity of Magnetization
The magnetic dipole moment developed per unit volume of the material is called intensity of magnetization.
Intensity of magnetization (I) = M / V = m / A
where V = volume and A = area of cross-section of the specimen.
Magnetic induction B = μo (H + I)
(iv) Magnetic Susceptibility(χm)
The ratio of the intensity of magnetization (1) induced in the material to the magnetizing force (H) applied, is called
magnetic susceptibility.
Magnetic Susceptibility(χm) = I / H
[Relation between Magnetic Permeability and Susceptibility is given by
μ = μo (1 + χm)
Classification of Magnetic Materials
On the basis of their magnetic properties magnetic materials are divided into three categories
(i) Diamagnetic substances
(ii) Paramagnetic substances
iii) Ferromagnetic substances
• Very weak; exists ONLY in presence of an external field, non-permanent.
• Applied external field acts on atoms of a material, slightly unbalancing their orbiting electrons, and creates small
magnetic dipoles within atoms which oppose the applied field. This action produces a negative magnetic effect known
as diamagnetism.
• The induced magnetic moment is small, and the magnetization (M) direction is opposite to the direction of applied
field (H).
• Thus the relative permeability is less than unity i.e. magnetic susceptibility is negative, and is in order of -10-5.
• Materials such as Cu, Ag, Si, Ag and alumina are diamagnetic at room temperature.
• Slightly stronger; when an external field is applied dipoles line-up with the field, resulting in a positive
magnetization. However, the dipoles do not interact.
• Materials which exhibit a small positive magnetic susceptibility in the presence of a magnetic field are called para-
magnetic, and the effect is termed as para-magnetism.
• In the absence of an external field, the orientations of atomic magnetic moments are random leading to no net
• When an external field is applied dipoles line-up with the field, resulting in a positive magnetization.
• However, because the dipoles do not interact, extremely large magnetic fields are required to align all of the dipoles.
• In addition, the effect is lost as soon as the magnetic field is removed.
• Since thermal agitation randomizes the directions of the magnetic dipoles, an increase in temperature decreases the
paramagnetic effect.
• Para-magnetism is produced in many materials like aluminum, calcium, titanium, alloys of copper.
• Magnetic susceptibility of these materials is slightly positive, and lies in the range +10 -5 to +10-2.
Both dia- and para- magnetic materials are considered as non-magnetic because they exhibit magnetization only
in presence of an external field.
• Certain materials possess permanent magnetic moments even in the absence of an external field.
• This is result of permanent unpaired dipoles formed from unfilled energy levels.
• These dipoles can easily line-up with the imposed magnetic field due to the exchange interaction or mutual
reinforcement of the dipoles. These are chrematistics of ferromagnetism.
• Materials with ferro-magnetism (Examples: Fe, Co, Ni, Gd) possess magnetic susceptibilities approaching 106.
• Above the Curie temperature, ferro-magnetic materials behave as para-magnetic materials and their susceptibility is
given by the Curie-Weiss law, defined as
Curie temperature
In ferromagnetic substances, at a particular temperature called curie temperature, thermal agitations overcome the
electronic exchange interaction energy between the atomic magnets. This produces a randomizing effect. Above curie
temperature the ferro-magnet is disordered. But below curie temperature, it is ordered. The curie temperature is an
intrinsic and characteristic property of the given substance. Curie temperature helps us in identifying the minerals
present in the given sample.
Magnetic hysteresis
1. Once magnetic saturation has been achieved, a decrease in the applied field back to zero results in a macroscopically
permanent or residual magnetization, known as remanance, Mr. The corresponding induction, Br, is called retentivity
or remanent induction of the magnetic material. This effect of retardation by material is called hysteresis.
2. The magnetic field strength needed to bring the induced magnetization to zero is termed as coercivity, Hc. This
must be applied anti-parallel to the original field.
3. A further increase in the field in the opposite direction results in a maximum induction in the opposite direction.
The field can once again be reversed, and the field-magnetization loop can be closed, this loop is known as hysteresis
loop or B-H plot or M- H plot.