5. The magnetic moment: is the measure of the strength of the magnet and is the
ability to produce (and be affected by) a magnetic field.
• M measures the materials response to the applied field H (of course we know from our
experience with permanent magnets that M can exist even if H is removed).M is the
magnetization induced by the applied external field H.
9. Magnetic anisotropy: Anisotropy means that various directions in the crystals are
non-equivalent with respect magnetization (M) and this implies that M may not be in the
same direction of the applied field.
10-Diamagnetic Materials
-It is a weak form of magnetism
-Diamagnetism is because of orbital magnetic moment.
-No permanent dipoles are present so net magnetic moment is zero.
- Persists only when external field is applied.
-The number of orientations of electronic orbits is such that the vector sum of the
magnetic moments is zero.
-Dipoles are induced by change in orbital motion of electrons due to applied magnetic
field. External field will cause a rotation action on the individual electronic orbits.
-The external magnetic field produces induced magnetic moment which is due to orbital
magnetic moment. Induced magnetic moment is always in opposite direction of the
applied magnetic field. So magnetic induction in the specimen decreases.
Magnetic susceptibility is small and negative.
The diamagnetism:
is a consequence of Lenz’s law stating that if the magnetic flux enclosed by
a current loop is changed by the application of a magnetic field, a current is
induced in such a
direction that the corresponding magnetic field opposes the applied field.
Lecture 4
Lecture FIVE
Curie law: the mass susceptibility𝜒𝑚 was independent of
temperature for diamagnetic materials, • but that it varied inversely
with the absolute temperature for paramagnetic materials.
Lecture SIX
1. The domain in ferromagnetic solid is understandable from the thermo
dynamical principle (i.e,) in equilibrium the total energy of the system is
Total Energy of the domains comprises the sum of: (i) Exchange Energy (or)
Magnetic Field Energy
(ii) Anisotropic Energy => Easy and Hard direction
(iii)Domain Wall Energy => Thick wall and Thin Wall
(iv) Magneto-strictive Energy
2. Exchange Energy (magnetic field energy):
• The interaction energy that makes the adjacent dipoles to align
• It establishes a single domain in the ferromagnetic material.
• It is the energy required in assembling the atomic magnets into a single
domain and this work done is stored as potential energy.
3. Crystalline Anisotropy Energy: The excess of energy required to
magnetize the specimen along hard direction over that required to
magnetize the specimen along easy direction.
4. Anisotropy Energy: It is the required energy to deflect the magnetic
moment in a single crystal from the easy to the hard direction of
magnetization. The magnetic moment in a single crystal is basically
aligned toward the easy direction.
5. Magnetic anisotropy: the dependency of magnetic properties on a preferred
crystallographic direction.
6. Bloch wall: a transition layer which separates the adjacent domains,
magnetized in different directions. Based on the spin alignments Thick
Wall & Thin Wall
7. Thick Wall: When the spins at the boundary are misaligned and if the
direction of the spins changes gradually. The misalignment of spins is
associated with exchange energy.
8. Thin Wall: When the spins at the boundaries changes abruptly, then the
anisotropic energy becomes very less.
Anisotropy energy is directly proportional to the thickness of the wall.
9. Bloch walls: The boundaries between magnetic domains. The entire
change in spin direction between domains does not occur in one sudden
jump across a single atomic plane rather takes place in a gradual way
extending over many atomic planes. The magnetic moments in adjoining
atoms change direction continuously across the boundary between
10. Magnetostriction: When the domains are magnetized in different
directions, they will either expand or shrink this leads to deformation of the
material, when magnetized. The deformation is different along different
crystal directions & the change in dimension depends on nature of the
11. Magnetostriction Energy: Energy produced in this effect.
12. Ferromagnetic materials: Materials that retain a magnetization in zero
field. Quantum mechanical exchange interactions favour parallel alignment
of moments. Examples: iron, cobalt.
13. Domain wall moment or Domain wall growth: Volume of favorably
oriented domains will increase. Occurs at low magnetic field. It is a
reversible process.
14. Rotation of Domains: Rotation of less favorably oriented domains takes
place. Occurs at large magnetic field. It is an irreversible process.
15. Hysteresis Curve: lagging or retarding of an effect behind the cause of
the effect. It is also called B H curve. Where, effect is B & cause of the effect
is H.
16. Hysteresis in magnetic materials: lagging of magnetic induction (B) or
magnetization (M) behind the magnetizing field (H).
17. Domain growth:
• Each domain is magnetized in a different direction.
• Applying a field changes domain structure. Domains with magnetization
in direction of field grow.
• Other domains shrink.
18. Hysteresis loop: The loop traced out by magnetization in a ferromagnetic
or ferrimagnetic material as the magnetic field is cycled. OR Removing the
field does not necessarily return domain structure to original state. Hence
results in magnetic hysteresis.
19. Characteristics of soft magnetic materials: High initial permeability, Low
coercivity, reaches to saturation magnetization with a relatively low applied
magnetic field, it can be easily magnetized and demagnetized and Low
Hysteresis loss.
20. Importance of Soft Magnetic Materials:
• Saturation magnetization can be changed by altering composition of the
materials. Ex: - substitution of Ni2+ in place of Fe2+ changes saturation
magnetization of ferrous-Ferrite.
• Susceptibility and coercivity which also influence the shape of the
Hysteresis curve are sensitive to the structural variables rather than
• Low value of coercivity corresponds to the easy movement of domain
walls as magnetic field changes magnitude and/ or direction.
21. Characteristics of Hard magnetic materials: Low initial permeability,
High coercivity and High remanence, High saturation flux density, Reaches
to saturation magnetization with a high applied magnetic field, It cannot be
easily magnetized and demagnetized, High Hysteresis loss, Used as
permanent magnets.
22. Importance of Hard magnetic materials: Coercivity and energy product
expressed as (BH) max with units in kJ/m3. This corresponds to the area of
largest B-H rectangle that can be constructed within the second quadrant of
the Hysteresis curve. Larger the value of energy product harder is the
material in terms of its magnetic characteristics.
23. Magnetic Storage Devices: Information is stored by magnetizing material
due to high retentivity.
24. Recording Head: Soft Magnetic Materials, Head can apply magnetic field
H & align domains (i.e., magnetize the medium) and detect a change in the
magnetization of the medium. Ex: Fe-Ni, Fe-Al-Si alloy, Mn-Zn ferrite, Ni-
Zn ferrite.
25. Magnetic storage media: Those are particulate and thin film. Particulate
media consist of very small needle like or acicular particles. Ex: γ-Fe2O3
ferrite, Co- γ- Fe2O3 ferrite and CrO2.
26. Thin film: a poly crystalline material. It provides higher storage
capacities at lower costs. Ex: Co-Pt-Cr alloy, Co-Cr-Ta alloy (thickness 10
to 50 nm).Domains are ~ 10-30nm (Hard drive). Each grain within the thin
film is a single magnetic domain. The grain shape and size must be uniform.
Lecture SEVEN
Exchange Energy or Magnetic Field Energy:
The interaction energy that makes the adjacent dipoles to align themselves.
The energy required in assembling the atomic magnets into a single domain and this
work done is stored as potential energy.
Crystalline anisotropy energy:
The excess of energy required to magnetize the specimen along hard direction over that
required to magnetize the specimen along easy direction.
Magnetic anisotropy:
The dependency of magnetic properties on a preferred crystallographic direction.
Bloch wall:
A transition layer which separates the adjacent domains, magnetized in different
The boundaries between magnetic domains.
Thick Wall:
When the spins at the boundary are misaligned and if the direction of the spins changes
gradually. The misalignment of spins is associated with exchange energy.
Thin Wall:
When the spins at the boundaries changes abruptly, then the anisotropic energy becomes
very less.
Magnetostriction Effect:
When the domains are magnetized in different directions, they will either expand or
shrink this leads to deformation of the material.
Magnetostriction Energy:
Soft Magnets :
Materials characterised by High initial permeability.Low coercivity.Reaches to
saturation magnetization with a relatively low applied magnetic field.It can be easily
magnetized and demagnetized and Low Hysteresis loss.
Hard Magnets:
Materials charachterised by low initial permeability,High coercivity, High
remanence,High saturation flux density and High Hysteresis loss
Reaches to saturation magnetization with a high applied magnetic field.It can not be
easily magnetized and Demagnetized.
Lecture EIGHT
What is the process of magnetization?
The process of magnetization is then one of converting
the specimen from a multi-domain state into one in which
it is a single domain magnetized in the same direction as
the applied field.
1-the magnetic moments of the A and B sublattices are not equal and result in a net
magnetic moment.
2- Ferrimagnetism is similar to ferromagnetism. It exhibits all the hallmarks of
ferromagnetic behavior- spontaneous magnetization, Curie temperatures, hysteresis,
and remanence. However, ferro- and ferrimagnets have very different magnetic
Two groups of ferrites depending on their structure :
1. Cubic (Spinel & Garnets):
1-General formula: MOFe2O3 where M is a divalent metal ion (Mn, Ni, Fe, Co, Mg, ...)
2-CoOFe2O3 is magnetically hard, but all the other cubic ferrites are magnetically soft.
3-magnetite: Fe3O4 = FeOFe2O3 : oldest ferrite (lodestone, iron ferrite)
2. Hexagonal:
Hexagonal Ferrites
MO·6Fe2O3 (= BaFe12O19) where M = Ba, Sr
Calculated saturation magnetization = 20μB /molecule (experimental)
Other oxides
BaO·2MO·8Fe2O3 W
2(BaO·2MO·3Fe2O3) Y 3BaO·2MO·12Fe2O3) Z where,M is a divalent ion
Other Ferrites:
γ-Fe2O3: tetragonal
(Calculated net moment/molecule = 2.5μB ↔ 2.39μB experimental)
Garnets: 3M2O3 ・5Fe2O3 (M = Y or RE)
Mn2 Sb, Mn3Ga, Mn3Ge2 , Mn3 In, FeGe2 , FeSe, Cr3As2 , CrPt3 , RECo5 (RE: Gd, Tb,
Dy, Ho, Eu, or Tm)
WHY Do We choose “Ferrimagnetic Materials “?
For their applications
• 1- Microwave circulators.
• 2- Magnetic computer memories.
• 3- Soft magnets as transformers cores.
• 4- Radio wave antennas.
• 5- Production of permanent magnets.
• 6- Production of magnetic fluids.
• 7- Magnetic amplifiers.
A ferrimagnetic material is one that has populations of atoms with opposing magnetic
moments, as in antiferromagnetic; in ferrimagnetic materials, the opposing moments
are unequal, and a spontaneous magnetization remains.
-If we have two positions in the crystal structure A and B that the atoms/ions can
occupy, the total molecular magnetic moment is
μT = μB - μA > 0
- Ferrimagnetic materials form domains and act like ferromagnetic materials; forming
hysteresis loops. Their saturation magnetization decreases with increasing
temperature and after a certain temperature, they behave like paramagnetic materials.
Types of Ferrimagnetic Materials
Depending upon the crystal structure. ferrites are of the following types:
The chemical formula for a ferrimagnetic garnet is M3Fe5O12
where M is a trivalent ion earth element (Gadolinium Gd, yttrium Y, Erbium Er)
Cubic crystal structure: Most complex, hardest to prepare - High resistivity, optically
active and transparent - Used in polarization.
the chemical formula MO. Fe2O3
where M stands for divalent metal ions usually transition elements (Fe, Zn, Mn, Ni, ...).
Note: The Combination of these ions is also possible. In this case we speak of a mixed
Cubic crystal structure FCC.
• Easiest to prepare.
• High resistivity, high saturation magnetization, high permeability, has both
semiconductor and dielectric properties.
• All its properties can be easily controlled.
The simplest of these compounds has the general formula MO.6Fe2O3
where M is a divalent ion of a large ionic radius, such as Ba2+, Sr2+, or Pb2+ .
• Hexagonal crystal structure.
• High coercivity, high magnetic anisotropy.
• Used in permanent magnets.
Origin of Magnetism:
From Super Exchange interaction
Pauli Exclusion Principle: No two electrons in an atom can have identical quantum
numbers Hund’s rule: states that the spins in a partly filled shell are arranged so as to
produce the maximum spin
Super exchange:
is a strong (usually) antiferromagnetic coupling between two nearest neighbor cations
through a non-magnetic anion.
because of the Pauli Exclusion Principle both spins on d and p hybridized orbitals must
be oriented antiparallel.
this results in antiparallel coupling with the neighboring metal cation as electrons on
orbital of oxygen are also antiparallel oriented.
mechanism Magnetic exchange that may arise between ions on different oxidation
Electron from oxygen orbital jumps to Mn 4+ cation, its vacant orbital can then be filled
by an electron from Mn 3+ .
Electron has moved between the neighboring metal ions, retaining its spin.
The electron movement from one cation to another is “easier” when spin direction has
not to be changed (Hund's rules).
types of spinel ferrite:
•Fe3+ : B site
•Ex: (Zn)2+ [Fe]3+O4 INVERSE:
• ½ Fe3+: A site
• Me2++ ½ Fe3+: B site
• Ex: (Fe) 3+[Co 2+ Fe3+ ]O4 ; (Fe)3+[Ni 2+ Fe 3+]O4
•Me2+ & Fe 3+: A, B sites
•Ex: (Me+2x Fe+31-x) [Me +21-x Fe +31+x] O4
Crystal structure: FeO·Fe2O3 (Iron ferrite)
Tetrahedral site: Fe ion is surrounded by four oxygens
Octahedral site: Fe ion is surrounded by six oxygens
Properties of Ferrites:
1. High Magnetic permeability Mn-Zn Ferrite
2. High Electrical resistivity Ni-Zn Ferrite
3. High Magnetic Anisotropy Co-Ferrite
4. Square Hysteresis Loop Li-Zn Ferrite
Lecture TEN
Magnetic anisotropy: is the directional dependence of a material's magnetic properties. In the
absence of an applied magnetic field, a magnetically isotropic material has no preferential direction
for its magnetic moment, while a magnetically anisotropic material will align its moment with one of
the easy axes.
An easy axis: is an energetically favorable direction of spontaneous magnetization that is
determined by the sources of magnetic anisotropy.
Magnetic anisotropy: is a prerequisite for hysteresis in ferromagnets: without it, a ferromagnet is
Sources of anisotropy:
1. Magneto crystalline
2. Surface disorder
3. Shape
4. Interparticle coupling between particles
Magnetism at nano scale:when the size of the ferromagnet or ferrimagnet decreases below a
critical size, the amount of energy required to produce domain walls becomes greater than the
reduction in the magnetostatic energy .
1) Sol gel: is a method for producing solid materials from small
• The method is used for the fabrication of metal oxides
especially the oxides of silicon and titanium.
• It is the process in which the solid nanoparticles are dispersed
in a liquid (a sol) and agglomerated together to form a
continuous 3-D network standing throughout the liquid (gel)