3D Drawings: Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
3D Drawings: Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
3D Drawings: Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
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3D Drawings
In order to better support Global Product Development, and further speed time to market,
there is a shift in industry away from conventional, full 2D production drawings. The
alternative is a model-centric approach. To support this concept and the ASME Y14.41
standard, Annotation Features were introduced in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 and have been
significantly enhanced with each release. Downstream products like Pro/NC and ProductView
are also being enhanced to understand and leverage this rich information.
Return to this topic home page and use these links to quickly jump to specific enhancements.
PTC recognizes that 2D Drawings are still a very important deliverable, ingrained in the design
process and supply chain.
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3. Once assembly finishes loading, select indicated part in graphics area, or Model Tree
View > Display Style > Transparency is a new view state for easily seeing inside your
design, without having to modify Color & Appearances! Simplified Representation settings
are also now available on the RMB pop-up for objects selected, to streamline working in
Note the enhanced and more powerful options available for placement, and easy control of
text orientation.
o The active orientation is denoted by the green grid
o YELLOW arrow = viewing direction
o RED arrow = reading direction of the text
8. Select OK
Note that individual dimensions can be displayed using Edit, then selected for conversion.
These annotations can still be double-clicked to make modifications.
Annotation Elements are added as nodes under the feature they drive, not as separate Annotation
12. Verify Model Tree Settings > Tree Filters...
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There are now more options for controlling the position and appearance of Annotations.
Annotation Elements can also be selected in the Model Tree for RMB commands.
2. From the main toolbar, use View Manager > All to select Combined State Ex-
If the View Manager icon is greyed out, and the dialog is not visible, use Windows ALT+ESC
to pop forward. You can also use CTRL+A to re-activate Pro/ENGINEER window, but this will
cancel the current operation.
3. Select the dimension for slot width (100) from the screen.
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1. Toggle visibility with new icon on standard datum toolbar. Set display to visible before
By Item Visibility
New ability to save layer status with a Combined State provides powerful display control.
This replaces the approach of using part Simplified Reps or Family Tables to suppress/resume
Annotation Features.
1. Open the View Manager , select the All tab.
4. Select Cancel .
Layer status can be changed while this dialog box is open, and status will be captured upon
Accept . Use the config.pro option "floating_layer_tree yes" to detach the layer tree from
the Model Tree.
5. Open the layer tree with Show > Layer Tree button in the Model Tree panel, or on the
main toolbar.
Different icons are a visual cue about how the items are maintained on the layer.
indicates a rule-based layer.
11. Expand the layer ANNOT_MFG-STEP2 to see that the 3D Drawing items were automatically
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Additional Capabilities
Flat to Screen
Annotations Orientation can be specified as flat to screen, but the position can now be fixed
relative to the screen of model geometry.
2. Rotate, Pan, and Zoom the model, and notice that the title block remains fixed.
- this is a standard drawing symbol, with variable text associated with model parameters!
Ordinate Dimensions
A layer may be set to Active. Annotations created will automatically be added to that layer
until deactivated.
Select any ordinate dimension to move, and the entire set will be repositioned.