m11 Multimedia Video Lesson Idea Template 2021
m11 Multimedia Video Lesson Idea Template 2021
m11 Multimedia Video Lesson Idea Template 2021
Set a goal that you want to achieve with this plan for learning with the use of multi-media tools? Will you
use your video as a sample of what students will design or will you use the video for meaningful learning
about a topic? Be sure to mention what tool you/your students will use
The video will be formed as a sample for the students. Students will use my sample as a guide to help them
understand what the video they are making could look like. The students and I will be creating videos from
☐ Infusion Level: Students may work at a higher Bloom’s Level, but they do not have any “Voice or Choice”
during the activity and most of the decisions are made by the teacher.
☒ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is student-
driven. Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and determining the
technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator.
☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.
TFrazier, 2021